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Tuesday 30 November 2021

How do I know who is a real man to marry?

If A Man Has These 15 Qualities, Never Let Him Go

What are the signs that he is the one?

They say love is a risk you should always be willing to take. But even if it is, we should be cautious in choosing who to take risks for, because love is a precious thing and we deserve only the best.

You may have been dating a guy for a while and you know your feelings for him are strong, but how do you know if he's "the one"?

Is he the one?

When you’re truly in love with someone, sometimes you just know. But other times, it may take a little while to realize that this is the person you’re meant to be with.

Well, you’ll know for sure if you can be your true, authentic self around him, feel comfortable even when you feel your worst, don’t have expectations to change each other, and see a future together.

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So, use this list of 18 simple but undeniable signs he's the one to find out for yourself if you’ve finally found the right guy.

18 Signs He's The One

1. You’re completely comfortable with him.

You can be the real you when you’re with him. You’re not ashamed of showing your just-woke-up face and he’s also comfortable with it.

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He tells you you’re beautiful even when you feel ugly. He still finds you attractive even when you’re in pajamas. And, most importantly, you don't feel like you need to pretend to be someone else when you’re with him.

2. He supports your dreams.

He doesn’t stop you from reaching your dreams, even if it means he'll have to make some sacrifices.

Whether you have to be physically apart from him for while because of work or you can't watch his favorite series with him for a few weeks or months because you have to study, he finds ways to make sure you feel like he’s still there. He motivates you to reach your dreams and supports you in any way he can.

3. He talks about you often.

You may not always know when he’s talking about you, but if your mutual friends tell you he tends to do so whenever you’re not around, then you’re one lucky girl, and he may be an especially good match for you.

Not all guys have the guts to talk to their friends about a girl, and if he does, it's usually because he’s completely into her.

4. He loves spending time with you, even if you only have a few minutes.

Does he surprise you with a cup of coffee in the morning before work? Does he bring you flowers at unexpected times of the day? Does he send off a short text message reminding you to eat lunch because he knows you sometimes forget?

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If so, it's a sign he may be the one, because, for him, taking time out of his own busy day to see you, spend time together, or let you know he cares is obviously a priority for him.

5. He sees you as his best friend.

He tells you everything! He can laugh with you, dance with you, sing out of tune in front of you, and even cry in front of you. He shares whatever is going on in his life with you, both the good news and the bad.

He cheers you up when you’re sad and celebrates with you when you’re happy. If you treat each other like a team, do not ever let go of that person. Losing him wouldn't just be losing true love, it would mean losing your best friend.

6. He loves your family and your family loves him.

He genuinely wants to get to know your family. He respects your parents and tries to blend in whenever he’s at their house. He values family, so he won’t ever make you choose between him and them.

Your family also likes him. If they tell you he’s a good match for you, that's a telling sign he's probably the one.

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7. He’s honest and doesn’t feel a need to pretend around you.

Sometimes guys can be disingenuous and claim they like what you said or what you did just to get you into bed. But while they seem enthusiastic about your hobbies and pursuits at first, over time you may realize their interest was feigned because they were just pretending to be what they thought you wanted.

The right guy will be honest and authentic with you from the start. He won’t pretend to be interested in things he isn't. He'll do his best to try to some of the things you love — not because you’re forcing him to, but because he wants to be connected with you.

8. He’s endlessly curious about you.

You may have told him everything about you, but he still asks a lot of questions to keep getting to know you better.

He’s interested in the tiniest details about you, from your favorite grade school teacher to your most embarrassing memory to anything under the sun!

9. He’s not jealous of your exes.

He’s not just a good match for you, he’s an emotionally mature and available adult. He’s comfortable talking about your exes. Knowing about your past relationships doesn’t bother him because he trusts you.

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10. He takes note of the things you like.

He makes an effort to find out what you like, whether it's your favortie kind of chocolate, flowers, or perfume, and he tries his best to surprise you with things he knows you'll like.

11. He accepts you for who you are.

He doesn’t bring up the past or judge you for your previous mistakes. He accepts you just the way you are. He doesn’t try to change you. Although change is important if you’re changing for the better, he’s doesn't manipulate you to change habits he doesn't like.

If he stays calm and is willing to talk things out when you do mess up, it's a good sign he's the one.

12. He makes you laugh, and he can also be serious with you.

There's a balance between humor and seriousness in your relationship. He can make you feel silly and happy, and can also make you feel secure.

There are no boring times when you’re with him, and he always does his best to be there to comfort you when you need him.

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13. He’s a positive force in your life.

It can be toxic to be with someone who always sees the negative in things. If he’s someone who constantly rolls his eyes and complains about how everything sucks even when things are going pretty well, you may better off without him.

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If he’s someone who can help you see the positive in even the toughest situations, he may be the perfect guy for you.

14. You’re compatible in bed.

You have this unexplainable chemistry. From how the types of kisses you share to what happens when the lights go down, if the two of you are on the same page in the bedroom, it's definitely a good sign.

15. He’s not jealous of your guy friends.

Let’s be real, most women have some good male friends, and most guys have some good female friends. If he gets that instead of getting jealous, it's a sign he may be a good match for you.

16. He doesn't go to sleep mad.

Misunderstandings happen. If believes issues should be addressed and resolved as soon as possible, and therefore tries his best to make things right before you call it a night, that's a good thing.

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How To Choose A Man To Marry | Qualities of a GODLY Man!

If the guy in your life doesn’t want either of you to going to sleep feeling disappointed or ending the day without making amends, he just might be the one.

17. He talks to you often — about everything and anything.

He loves listening to your stories and sharing his own stories as well. If he enjoys talking to you and tries his best not to let a day will pass without hearing your voice, it's a sign he might be the one.

18. He has a vision of your future together.

If he’s the one for you, he won’t play games. He can share his vision with you very clearly. He’s open and honest with you about what he does and doesn't want with you in the future.

He will tell you whether he’s imagined marrying you and having kids with you, or if he's not there yet. He will never leave you guessing.

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If you can spot all of the signs listed above in your relationship with someone, there's a good chance this guy could be the one.

Your perfect match is someone who loves and nourishes you inside and out, and someone for whom you do the same.

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Is it too early to know if he's the one?

Of course, if you’ve only been dating a short while, it’s probably too soon to assume that he’s the one.

In the first year, at least, you’re still getting to know each other, your quirks and habits, and any deal-breakers that haven’t yet revealed themselves.

If you’ve only been dating for three-to-six months, It’s too early to tell if this person is “the one.”

Give your relationship time to grow before jumping the gun. After all, falling in love with someone doesn't necessarily mean they are the one for you.

How do you know if he isn't the one for you?

He isn’t the one for you if he exhibits any abusive behavior; this shouldn’t be accepted as normal, nor should it be tolerated.

If you experience abuse, he’s not the right person for you.

In addition, he isn’t the one for you if he judges who you are, tries to change you, doesn’t enjoy being around you, or if you fight constantly, don’t trust one another, and don’t want the same things in life.

How do you know if someone is the one you should marry?

Do men have biological clocks? Yes, they do! A man can feel the need to grow up and have a family, especially when he finds a woman who inspires those feelings in him. The problem is, how can you be sure the match is a good one?

How long does it take a man to know if he wants to marry you?


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You'd think the positive signs in a date would be obvious, but with all the excitement, the most important clues can be overlooked. What makes for a great date may not be all you need for a great relationship. This checklist of positive signs will help you evaluate your date in a realistic manner. If you get a lot of these positives, this date might be a good choice for marriage.

1. He has a sense of humor.

Of all the characteristics that are essential for getting through life successfully, a sense of humor has to be in the top ten. But what kind of a sense of humor? Joking at someone else's expense or at inappropriate times can be counter-productive. Using jokes to avoid taking responsibility for one's behavior can prevent you from solving problems. The sense of humor you're looking for is the generous, positive kind that makes life more fun and the tough times easier. If your date can make your laugh and lift your spirits, that talent may help you through some future difficulties.

2. He cares about what you think.

A date who asks for and listens to your opinions and feelings, and better yet, who remembers what you say and builds on it later, and who responds with empathy, sincerity and caring, is someone you can communicate with and therefore, more likely to be able to form a partnership with you. If you pay attention, you can quickly notice the difference between the appearance of caring and real caring. If your relationship is successful, you'll have years of talking to each other, so find someone who is interesting to talk to and also interested in talking with you. Your date should be able to carry on an interesting discussion on a variety of topics and at least show interest, even if the topic is not something he or she is familiar with.


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3. He has an opinion, too.

A truly good conversationalist not only listens to your words and responds, but also has ideas and opinions. Your date should not hesitate to disagree with you or to bring up new topics.

4. He can work things out with you.

Recent research shows that the single most important quality that determines whether a relationship can succeed is how well the couple solves problems. If you have a disagreement while dating, welcome it as an opportunity to see how well the two of work it out together. If you can discuss your differences without becoming defensive or sarcastic, and you can listen to each other and work together toward a solution, your relationship has an excellent chance.

5. He accepts who you are.

A popular book asserts that "Men Are From Mars, And Women Are From Venus," but I think it's more that we're all from different planets. You and your date are unique, special and individual and need to be able to understand each other and accept that you'll perceive things very differently. Even when you and your date see things differently, you should be able to agree to disagree. Remember, the security and comfort in your relationship will come from where you and your partner are similar, and the excitement and growth in the relationship are generated from your differences. Different interests, opinions, attitudes and ideas will keep things fresh and alive between you. If your date does not become defensive or threatened by your differences, you can be interesting to each other for a long time.

6. He is open.

The whole point of dating, as we said before, is to get to know each other. While you both may want to take a little time before disclosing too much, your date should be comfortable talking about him or herself, and it should not be like pulling teeth to find out what you need to know.


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7. He has a life with a job, friends, family relationships and interests.

A date who has a full, interesting life you would want to be a part of is more likely to be a healthy, balanced person. While it's important to have some relaxation time and time to meditate or think, a life that includes a good career, hobbies or sports, community service and friends and/or family is reassurance that your date is motivated, focused and able to relate.

8. He seeks out knowledge.

Your date doesn't need to be a member of Mensa or a mathematical genius, but look for enough intelligence that you can respect and admire each other. There are several kinds of intelligence, from school learning to independent education by reading, working, traveling and life experiences. An airhead who looks good and may be fun to play with will not keep you interested for long. A date who is not interested in learning and growing intellectually may not be able to keep up over the long haul.

9. His modesty, humility and ego are balanced.

As you learn about this new person you're dating, observe his or her character and personality for signs of a balanced sense of self. If your date can keep success and failure in perspective, admit personal shortcomings, and rise above disappointments and losses, he or she does have a balanced personality and the kind of resilience that can travel through life's highs and lows and keep it all in perspective.

10. He is emotionally mature.

While it's fun and charming to be able to be childlike when in a playful mood, it's essential to be an adult whenever necessary. A date who is responsible, self-regulating, emotionally responsive, motivated, and in control of his or her impulses is capable of being a supportive, fully participating partner -- no matter what joys and sorrows, successes and failures you may face in the course of a lifetime.

11. He has a healthy history of relationships.

Of course, if both of you are dating again, your relationship history will probably not be perfect. What counts is whether your date has learned from the problems, confronted his or her own weaknesses and shortcomings and grown as a result of the setbacks. If your date is willing to talk openly about his or her past relationships and can explain what went wrong and how he or she is learning to correct the problems, the difficulties in past relationships can be an asset rather than a liability. If your date expresses a willingness to seek counseling in the event that problems should occur, score that in his or her favor.

"Evidence of a Godly Man" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

Remember, a smart date will be watching for the same characteristics in you. To do well in a relationship, learn to be the partner you would like to be.

 How do you know the right man to marry?

So you've been dating your guy for a while now, and the question you're often fielding is: "So when are you two getting married?" Naturally, you hate this question because it creates so much stress. You know you love your partner, and you're pretty certain they love you. But marriage is a huge commitment to undertake. It means the rest of your life ... till death do you part.

If you and your partner have the following 10 qualities in your relationship, you'll make a great match for marriage—when the time is right for YOU.

1. Your Communication Is on Point


You can talk to your partner comfortably about anything. You feel free to express your fears, concerns and opinions without feeling judged or afraid to lose them.

2. You Want to Share Everything With Your Partner First

Whether you get that well deserved promotion at work or your co-worker just took credit for your huge project, your partner is the first person you call to share your joy or sorrow. You know they're always there for you.


3. You LOVE Spending Time Together

You would rather hang out with your partner than anyone else. You enjoy each other's company, whether you're out with a group of friends partying or home together cuddled up on the couch watching TV. You both just enjoy the companionship of each other.

4. You Respect and Support Each Other

You back each other in your careers, hobbies and friendships outside of your relationship. When you're with others, you only refer to them with respect and kindness, and your pride is evident. When you're away from each other you're not tempted to stray and loyalty and honesty are upheld.

5. You Both Talk About Being Together in The Future

Both of you talk about having a future commitment without fear. You feel excitement about possibly being together for the rest of your lives. You see the ability to grow together as a couple.

6. Your Partner Accepts You As You Are

Your partner loves you for the person you are and makes you feel good about yourself. Self-improvement is a great goal to strive for, but it's SELF-improvement — you do it for yourself. People should want to grow and become better, but you need to find a partner who loves YOU and isn't trying to change you to fit their needs.

7. Your Partner Is Baggage-Free

Your partner has released all of the emotional baggage from their past relationship. They have a clean slate, so there's no ramification of the past to haunt you two. They're open with a loving and healthy heart.


8. You're (Still) Sexually Attracted To Each Other

You and your partner are best friends, but you also have that exciting tingle in the pit of your stomach when they kiss you or when your eyes meet from across a crowded room. If there isn't sexual attraction and chemistry, the relationship won't last.


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9. You Want To Resolve Conflicts In A Healthy Way

You and your partner can work through any problems in a constructive manner. All relationships will endure conflict, but having the desire to resolve conflict and then continue loving each other is essential to a healthy and lasting bond. All relationships take work. You must want to put in the effort.

10. Your Partner Listens To You (and Hears You)

Your partner really listens to you with interest and remembers what you say because they love you. The greatest gift you can give a person is to actually listen to them, most people listen to answer or just tune someone out.

If you have these 10 qualities in your relationship, you have a healthy relationship with every opportunity to stand the test of time!

Sorry to say, but there’s no definitive formula out there that’s like This (X) + That (Y) = You’ve found The One. (If only our love lives were as simple as a math equation.)

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The good news, though: There are some signs out there that could indicate you’re with the person you’re supposed to be with forever. And if marriage is something you want, these signs could mean that you’ve officially found your husband or wife too.

But, again, remember that there’s no easy “test” that could determine this since relationships are based on a myriad of factors and circumstances. What works for you and your S.O. won’t necessarily work for another couple.

So take a look at these signs experts say could mean you’re with the man or woman you’re going to marry—or at least be with for the long-haul. These will 100 percent help you gauge long-term compatibility. Just remember that your partner doesn’t necessarily need to check off all of these boxes, but they should just check off what’s most important to you.

Your values align.

“Having a conversation about values, such as family, spirituality, personal growth and health is crucial to make sure you and your significant other are on the same page for the long-term,” says Kara Lissy, LCSW and psychotherapist. You don’t have to agree on everything down to your favorite popcorn topper, but if any deep values are out of line, you may need to reconsider whether the relationship has the potential to last into the future, adds Lissy.

This could mean:

You both want the same things. You know you both want kids and expect to split the child care equally. Or maybe you know you both want kids and he wants to take extended paternity leave. Maybe you've also agreed that you should each get 45 minutes to yourself to go to the gym every day, or you plan to buy a home and move to the suburbs in five years. You know you're on the same page with things that matter most to you because you've discussed them.

He works hard at his job, but you're his priority. If you ask him to go to an event that's important to you, he's not afraid to step out of the office to accompany you. He'll figure out a way to get his work done, just as you would do for him.

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You can have healthy conflicts.

Disagreements and conflicts are not only to be expected in any long-term relationship, they can be proof that you’re in the right healthy relationship if you both handle things maturely.

“It’s a healthy sign that communication is intact and both counterparts are expressing their feelings appropriately,” explains Lissy. Red flags would be repeated arguments about the same thing, resentment, or contempt — although Lissy adds that you shouldn’t worry too much if any of these sound familiar. “Couples therapy is a great tool for resolving these issues.”

This could mean:

He respects your boundaries. He understands that you have other commitments like, say, a weekly Thirsty Thursday with your girls or dinner at your parents every Sunday. But most importantly, "he doesn't try to put these boundaries down, talk you out of them, or interrupt them," says therapist and behavior coach Mari Verano.

You trust him to run your errands for you. This may seem small, but a guy who can pick up that thing you forgot at the grocery store (without complaining) or grab the dry cleaning you keep neglecting is true marriage material.

He's receptive to feedback. There's not much you'd change about him, but when you tell him something he did bothered you, he listens and makes an effort to be better. And you do the same for him.

You can do things like travel together without fighting all the time. We've all seen (or been) that tragic couple fighting over where to get lunch at the airport so badly that one of them devolves into tears and puts her shades on indoors and lies across three seats in the terminal. You can do tedious things with your S.O. without all this fighting. It's not that you won't get annoyed with each other when your 18 hour flight is delayed overnight at the airport, but you both know it's not the end of the world and will try to resolve it as a team.

You both have a healthy level of independence.

You don’t want to be codependent on each other to a degree where you lose your autonomy. If you or your partner need to rely or expect each other to take care of all their needs, this isn’t good. “In any partnership, there should be mutual support and care-taking,” says Lissy, but if that mutual support starts becoming unbalanced towards one partner and someone is constantly relying on their partner for all their self-esteem needs or to keep them calm, that could mean trouble down the line. What happens on the day that you can’t be there for them? “A self-assured partner is confident with themselves and can take of their own emotional needs,” Lissy explains.

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This could mean:

He is dedicated to his personal growth—while also supporting yours. "Any long-term healthy relationship requires the ability to grow and change together. Anyone who is worth marrying will not be threatened by your dedication to your personal goals—they will see this as a strength," says Verano.

He feels totally comfortable as your plus-one in all situations. Work drinks that you already know will be stiff and awkward? No problem. Best friend's birthday dinner where he knows you'll probably be too busy to actually hang out with just him? Sounds great! He's supportive and happy to be around you, and would never badger you to leave an event you brought him to, just because he'd rather be at home on the couch.

You survived a long-distance relationship. It was hard and scary, but you love each other so much that you were able to make the necessary sacrifices to make it through with a singular goal in mind: living in the same place and being together when it was all over.

You feel comfortable planning things six months—or a year—into the future. You're not worried you'll have to cancel plane tickets or say you won't be needing a plus-one after all. You feel that confident in your relationship.

He cares about your friends. If one of them is having a bad day, he suggests you go spend time with her or invite her to join the two of you for dinner. If he hasn't heard someone's name in a while, he asks how she's doing. He doesn't try to isolate you from your friends and instead makes sure that you get to spend enough time with them, even when it means you guys won't see each other for a bit to do so.

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You have good sexual chemistry.

If your partner is great on paper, but you lack a sexual spark or chemistry, this can be important down the line. You don’t want to feel guilty for the lack of sexual chemistry, and you don’t want your partner to feel guilty about the lack of chemistry either — especially if you’re spending the rest of your lives together! “Sexual chemistry and good sex are essential if you are with the one,” says David Bennet, certified counselor and relationship expert.

This could mean:

He tells you, out of the blue, that you look hot. And it's on the day you didn't dry your hair or put on makeup or even change out of your T-shirt and sweatpants.

Even though it's been years, you still can't wait to jump his bones after a long absence. Sure you already live together and you know sex is def on the table once you return from your work trip or girls' vacay, but if you find yourself raring to go and getting antsy in the baggage claim because you can't wait to reunite with your boo, you know it's for real.

He's always complimenting you and telling you you look stunning when you try to get dressed up, and you do the same for him.

You feel safe experimenting sexually with him or bringing up potentially awkward sex convos like discussing your kinks. You know he won't judge you and you won't judge him either.

They treat you with kindness and generosity.

John Gottman, a v. famous relationship expert, found in his research that kindness and generosity were the two major traits that determined if a relationship would last. “If your partner has these traits and treats you accordingly, this person may be the one,” says Bennet.

This could mean:

• He always brags about you. If you get a promotion at work or even just win concert tickets, he can't resist telling everyone you hang out with before you even think to mention it. Because he's your biggest fan (arguably next to your mom).

• He makes sacrifices for you—and you're happy to do the same for him. He'll move cities to live with you if you get a new job or finish grad school. You're happy to make the next move for one of his opportunities.

• Even after years together he still does little chivalrous things for you. Like open doors for you, or carry you to your doorstep when your feet hurt after wearing high heels all day and you just can't bear to walk one more block.

• He plans activities that he knows you'll enjoy. He doesn't depend on you to be in charge of everything, and he remembers that you said you wanted to go to that new restaurant or museum exhibit.

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You're open with each other and honest.

“One way I can tell a person is ultimately unhappy in their relationship is if they feel the need to hide a lot from their partners, including little things.” says Bennet. If you find yourself needing to hide or justify silly things like the fact that you bought a splurge item to treat yourself after a particularly rough week, that’s not great. If you guys can be totally open and honest about things and you don’t feel the need to hide anything from your boo, that’s a good sign.

This could mean:

You can cry in front of him without feeling embarrassed. He knows when to worry and when you're just caught up in a scene of a movie.

He's close with your family, and he's made sure you've gotten to know his. He'll call your dad or your grandma without any hesitation. It just makes sense that you'd go to his nephew's birthday party, even if he's not there. You trust him with your family and he trusts you with his.

Your other relationships with family and friends become even better and more stable. "Healthy partners support our other connections and often encourage us to reach out to friends, prioritize them, and make time for the aspects of our life outside of the relationship that bring us joy," says clinical psychologist Rebekah Montgomery, PhD.


He lets you vent. Sometimes when something frustrates you, you just need to go over it again and again. He doesn't get annoyed at this, and he dismisses your apologies. The only thing that bothers him about the situation is that you're upset and he wishes you weren't. You don't feel like you have to edit down just how much your friend's passive aggressive comment really got to you when talking to him. You know he's not going to think you're petty or judge you if you're upset.

They feel like home.

If you can be completely yourself and not have to worry about butterflies of anxiety, take note of that. It’s not a feeling of butterflies, but a feeling of comfort, as you grow in the relationship, explains Ingrid Sthare, founder of Relationship Coaching and Coupling. “Butterflies are for the first initial dates and that’s great, but it should grow to a feeling of ease. Like swimming downstream. If it feels like an upstream swim, you’re not on the right track.”

This could mean:

This person sparks light in times of darkness for you. "Regardless of what is going on in the world for you, you feel secure emotionally, physically and mentally with a sense of 'all is well with the world,'" says licensed psychotherapist Markesha Miller.

You feel no shame talking about how happy you are around friends. This isn't a relationship you're constantly troubleshooting with the group text or over brunch. When you talk about this guy, you're talking about some great thing he did recently, or how nice your weekend away was. You're in love, and you're so damn happy about it!

He's your go-to person whenever you have a story to share, about work, about friends, about anything. You used to tell your parents and friends about all these things, but now you don't call them quite as much as you used to. They don't mind because they see how happy you are.

He doesn't try to change you. He knows you're messier than him, that you always need a pet cat, and can't cook to save your life, and all of that is all right by him.

"I miss you" isn't just a sweet thing you say. It's a reality. Even if it hasn't been that long (like, two hours) since you saw each other.

You don't like having a roommate and love having your own space, but you'd still prefer to live with him. You look forward to the end of the day, not because you'll be done with work but because you'll get to see him again.

When your friends complain about their significant others or the guys they've gone out with, you get kind of quiet because you don't have much to contribute. You don't want to brag, but you just don't have to deal with any of that nonsense because your significant other is great to you.

When you think about marrying him, the best part isn't the wedding, it's the idea of spending your lives together. The wedding is fun, but you really can't wait for the two weeks right after when you'll get uninterrupted honeymoon time.

What should I look for in a man before marriage?

1. He’s eager to commit, and he lets you know it. You never doubt the way he feels because he lets you know regularly without any prompting. Your friendship is natural so it’s easy to be together. He already feels like family to you.

2. He makes the idea of coming home after a long day more exciting. Especially on the particularly bad days, you genuinely look forward to returning to your shared home. He’s your oasis in the sea of insanity. The party when it’s been non-stop at work. The big hug you’ve been dreaming about when you walk through the door and the reward for all the obstacles you’ve faced.

3. He listens. He provides honest feedback without judgment and can be a neutral sounding board in helping you make decisions. He’s the person you turn to for advice about a failing friendship, the idiosyncrasies of your family, or just to bounce ideas off of in handling certain situations.

4. He fights fair. He knows how to push your buttons because he knows you inside out. But he’s also strong enough to say, “I’m sorry,” after he’s messed up. You tackle problems together—as partners. There may be bickering along the way, but you’re a team that supports each other, even if you don’t always agree on everything.

5. He makes you laugh. Not all day, every day, but enough to make you realize just how very special he is. Sometimes, your face is sore from laughing so hard after spending an afternoon together.

6. You don’t get sick of him. Even after spending several consecutive days and nights together, you don’t manage to bore each other. When you do finally resume your normal daily activities, you crave reuniting. You’ve probably started spending a little less time with your family and friends—understandably so—and they’re (mostly) happy for you.

7. Your families approve of him. Your relatives like him because he’s right for you. They see that he treats you well and that you’re able to be your true self around him. His family sees the same thing, so they’re supportive, too.

8. You find his deep laugh, crooked smile, loud clap and dirty jokes all cute and charming. Even when he wears the same t-shirt for two days in a row, it doesn’t bother you. The smitten phase of your relationship has lasting power. You completely dig the uniqueness of how this guy makes you feel, and his quirkiness is just part of the package.

9. He seems more and more attractive the more you get to know him. His personality explodes into his looks and he’s got that boyish cuteness that excites you when he walks through a doorway.

10. He makes you want to have kids. Not immediately, but some day. And you wouldn’t even mind if they look mostly like him. You’re suddenly ready to think about the serious life stuff, just by way of being with him.

When Does A Man Know, Your The One.

11. The thought of growing old with him doesn’t scare you at all. In fact, you find it quite comforting to know that he’ll be there, having the same conversations with you and holding your hand as you figure out if you should eat dinner at 4 pm or 5 pm.

12. His career and future ambitions are compatible with yours. You’ve had conversations about what your goals are professionally and where you want to end up geographically. He’s right there with you and amenable to helping you achieve all your goals.

13. He knows you backwards and forwards. He knows how to deal with you when you’re in a bad mood, whether that means giving you space to breathe, buying you gummy worms, or forcing you to go for a walk. He also senses when something’s bothering you and presses you vent.

14. He sincerely thinks you’re the greatest person he’s ever met. He regularly makes you feel as if you deserve to be worshipped just for being the woman you are. You know that being over-the-moon in love isn’t a magical force, but a steady climb—and you’re happy to climb right alongside the gorgeous, funny, supportive beacon of love who is your best friend and partner.

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