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Tuesday 30 November 2021

How can I get started leading a better life starting now?

 How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)

How can I make my life better for myself?

It’s normal to feel like you could be doing more when it comes to self-improvement. But being a better person doesn’t involve being overly hard on yourself. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

The more self-kindness and self-compassion you can foster, the more equipped you’ll be to treat those around you the same way. Plus, doing good for others can give your life a deeper sense of meaning. It may even help to improve your physical and mental health.

Here’s a look at some ways to build self-improvement into your daily routine and let go of negative thoughts about yourself.

1. Cultivate gratitude

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but keeping a gratitude journal of what you’re thankful for can have a big effect on your mindset. Research has shown that incorporating gratitude into your daily life can help ward off stress, improve sleep, and cultivate more positive social relationships.

Anna Hennings, MA, a mental performance coach in sport psychology, recommends using the acronym GIFT to help you identify what you’re grateful for.


When thinking about things you’re grateful for, look for instances of:

Growth: personal growth, like learning a new skill

Inspiration: moments or things that inspired you

Friends/family: people who enrich your life

Tranquility: the small, in-between moments, such as enjoying a cup of coffee or a good book

Surprise: the unexpected or a nice favor

When listing things you’re grateful for, notes Hennings, make sure to also note why that thing makes you grateful.

My Life Plan: How To Create A Vision, Purpose & Goals For Your Life

2. Greet everyone you meet

Whether you nod or smile to strangers passing by or say “good morning” to everyone who enters the office, make an effort to acknowledge those around you when you see them, says psychologist Madeleine Mason Roantree.

In doing so, you’ll notice might find yourself feeling more present and connected to those around you, even if you don’t have a close relationship with them.

3. Try a digital detox

Unplugging for even a small amount of time can be beneficial to your well-being. The next time you find yourself with nothing to do, step away from your phone for a few hours.

Instead, try going for a walk and connecting with your thoughts.

Step away from your phone either for a few hours or even take the entire day off of devices. Instead, try getting outside and connecting with nature, or meeting up with friends IRL. Remember: Even a short break from your phone can help you unwind and focus on what brings you joy.

4. Use positive self-talk

It’s easy to get caught up in being overly harsh and critical of your perceived failings. This negative, unproductive self-talk can lower our overall motivation, explains Hennings.

If you’re constantly telling yourself you aren’t a good person, for example, it’s hard to find motivation to take steps toward self-improvement.

Practice positive self-talk by stating a fact and following up with some optimism.

How to Start Over When You Don’t Know What to Do | Allison Maslan on Impact Theory


The next time you find yourself feeling incompetent or overwhelmed, try telling yourself:

“I know this change is going to be challenging, but I’ve put a lot of meaningful thought into it and have considered all the options open to me [fact], so I feel confident I am doing the best I can in this moment [optimism].”

The hard part is catching yourself in the act of negative thinking and intentionally deciding to think differently. But with a bit of practice, this will get easier.

5. Practice random acts of kindness

Being kind to others can help give you a sense of purpose and make you feel less isolated.

Try doing something nice for someone at random:

Pay a compliment to a stranger.

Buy lunch for your colleague.

Send a card to a friend.

Make a donation to someone in need.

“You’ll notice your mood lift a little when you do good for the sheer joy of it,” says Roantree. StudiesTrusted Source show that simply counting acts of kindness for one week can boost happiness and gratitude.

6. Eat at least one meal mindfully

When you’re caught up in the middle of a hectic day, it’s tempting to rush through your meal without listening to your body.

Mindful eating gives you a chance to check in with both your physical feelings and your emotions.

Why Meditation is the New Caffeine | Emily Fletcher | Talks at Google

Pick a meal, even if it’s just a sandwich, and take your time eating it. Notice the different tastes and textures. “It’s a type of mini meditation that can act as a simple ‘de-stressor,’” says Roantree.

Not sure where to start? Our guide to mindful eating can help.

7. Get enough sleep

Not feeling fully rested can make you feel grumpy and unproductive throughout the day. Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Find ways to improve the quality of your sleep by reducing your caffeine consumption late in the day, taking a melatonin supplement, or relaxing in a warm bath or shower before bedtime.

Check out these other tips for getting a better night’s rest.

8. Breathe consciously

Take a moment at the bus stop, in line at the grocery store, or before nodding off to sleep to focus on your breathing. Practicing even a few minutes a day of deep breathing has been shown to jumpstart our body’s relaxation response and regulate stress.


Roantree suggests trying the following technique:

Inhale as you normally would.

Exhale, making sure you take longer than you did to inhale.

Repeat this process until you start to feel relaxed. If you prefer to count, try breathing in for the count of 4, holding for the count of 7, and exhaling for the count of 8.

9. Clean for 30 minutes

The way you feel about your home can influence whether your time there is restorative or stressful.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

The next time you have a spare 30 minutes, set a timer and tackle some quick household chores that’ll add a little brightness to your day, such as:

cleaning your bathroom mirror

hanging that picture you love but haven’t gotten around to displaying

clearing off your desk

Reward yourself by taking some time to enjoy your refreshed space — do a face mask in your newly clean bathroom, for example.

10. Forgive yourself and others

Holding on to regret, pain, and resentment hurts others. But it also hurts you. When you feel any of these emotions, it affects your mood and how you treat everyone, including yourself.

“Harboring unforgiveness breads negative thoughts,” says Catherine Jackson, a licensed clinical psychologist and neurotherapist. “Decide to let it go and make a plan to never go to bed angry.”

Check out our tips for letting go of the past.

11. Engage in self-care

We often think of self-care as manicures and spa treatments (which are all great ways to destress). But according to Jackson, daily self-care goes way beyond pampering. “It’s also about eating well and getting enough nutrition to support your brain and body,” she explains.

Similarly, make sure you’re exercising or mindfully moving your body, taking time to connect with others, and having some relaxation or down time for yourself.

These don’t need to be time-consuming endeavors. Look for quick 10- or 20-minute pockets of time in your day where you can head outside for a walk or prepare yourself a bowl of fresh fruit.

How to Stop Worrying About the Future

12. Be kind to yourself

Many of us have the habit of lingering on something that was said to us, replaying it often in our minds. Instead of taking things personally and being self-critical, Jackson recommends offering empathy and understanding to the other person, as well as ourselves.

Think of all the ways you make a positive impact to those around you and try writing them down each day. Again, these don’t have to be grand gestures.

Maybe you held the door open for someone carrying some heavy bags. Or started brewing a fresh pot of coffee at work when you noticed it was getting low.

If you find you’re still struggling to change your frame of mind, Jackson advises to think of it this way: “Tomorrow is a new day, so if you beat yourself up today about something, let yourself off the hook and start fresh tomorrow.”


Try to treat yourself the same way you would a loved one. Would you constantly talk down to your best friend if they had an “off” day and dropped the ball on something?

Hopefully not. And you shouldn’t talk to yourself that way, either.

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The bottom line

It’s normal to get caught up in trying to become the best version of yourself. But being a better person starts with treating yourself with the same loving kindness as you do others.

This means not judging yourself harshly when your fall short of your goals and showing yourself patience and compassion on your bad days.

Keep in mind that there are many ways to become a better person, and those offered here are just a few. Find what feels most joyous and nurturing and try to build them into your daily life.

How can I change my life and be happy?

There's an old joke where a man says, "I really want to go to medical school, but it takes at least seven years--and I'll be 50 in seven years!" A wise friend replies, "And how old will you be in seven years if you don't go?"

If you're not where you want to be in your career--or, for that matter, in your life--never let yourself believe change is impossible. Don't allow your future to be limited by your age or your situation; stop being afraid of what might go wrong and start getting excited about what could go right.

Here are 10 ways you can begin right now to steer yourself toward a more fulfilled and happy life:

1. Address the choices you've made in the past and change the choices you'll make in the future.

Life is made up of choices--some we regret, some we're proud of, some that will hurt us. Everything in your career and your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want different results, start making different choices.

2. Speak up with honesty and stop holding back what you think.

People may believe that honesty won't win you many friends--but even if that were true, the friends you make with honesty will be the right ones. Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and the ability to perform cannot exist.

3. Forgo being a perfectionist. Perfect doesn't exist.

Once you realize perfect doesn't exist, you can ease up on yourself. There's no harm in being wrong or making mistakes, as long as you're willing to make corrections. Just be yourself, flaws and all, and let people see the real you. Each of us is an imperfect human being, aware that we can't push away our failures and our flaws.


How to be More Confident | 5 Ways to Increase Self-Confidence

4. Acknowledge your losses and move on to your success.

Remember, winners aren't people who never fail but people who never quit. It's important to never let success get to your head or failure to your heart. The secret to getting ahead is to acknowledge your failures and have the wisdom to apply them to new opportunities.

5. Remember that it's not how many mistakes you've made but what you learn from them that defines you.

Accept that you won't always make the right decisions. You'll screw up, sometimes badly. But your mistakes doesn't mean you've failed, only that you're trying and learning in life. If you are not making mistakes it means you are not trying hard enough. When you learn from them, mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.

6. Forgive those who have hurt you but change who you surround yourself with.

You can improve your life just by changing the people you surround yourself with. If there are some who have brought negativity or hurt into your life, accept that those actions cannot be changed or undone or forgotten--only forgiven. Take it as a lesson learned and surround yourself with people who support you, guide you and make you better than you already are.  

7. Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go higher than you think.

What you think is what you become. And the sad truth is that that most of us are our own worst enemy, allowing our negative thoughts to hold us back. If you load up on positivity and great thoughts, you can create positive and great things for yourself. If you want to change and change fast, start by changing how you think.

8. Find success at the edge of your comfort zone.

Regardless of our hesitation or fear, humans need change to be happy. Try to do something you've never done every single day. Don't be afraid to try new things and stand in your discomfort zone. If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done.

Removing Negative Self Talk | Abria Joseph | TEDxYouth@NIST

9. Don't compare your own life with anyone else's.

A big source of unhappiness is the idea that other people's lives are better or easier than yours. But when you compare your situation to that of others, you're comparing your complete reality to their surface. No matter how fantastic, how happy, how brilliant everything may seem on the outside, you never know what's going on the inside If you find yourself being jealous of someone, remember that person has struggled with hardships and insecurities just as you have

10. Eliminate the unnecessary and cultivate the essentials.

Think of all the things in your life that are important to you--the essentials--then eliminate everything else. This system helps you simplify your life and see what you should focus on. It can work for anything you have in your life, professional or personal. And just the act of letting things go will help you to simplify, to focus on what's important, and to build the life you want.

How can I lead a better life?

As we get to the end of another year we begin to start taking stock. What went well in 2015? What didn't go so well? Even if you had the best year of your life, we ultimately always want to get better. Humans are wired for growth and we have an insatiable need to believe that we are improving our lives with each turning of the calendar.

Regardless of how great the past year has been, here are 6 ways that you can be better in 2016:

1. Rid yourself of one bad habit at a time.

Article continues after video.


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Make a serious commitment to change one bad habit. Re-wiring habits requires discipline, planning and commitment, so give yourself at least three dedicated months to do it. Focus on one bad habit at a time for success, and get a plan in action. There are plenty of apps that can help you stay on track, and you can enlist accountability and support from your friends or family. Once you have made it past three months, that new habit should be solid, and you can go into maintenance mode.

What one skill = an awesome life? | Dr. Shimi Kang | TEDxKelowna


2. Get control of your negative mental chatter. Follow these steps.

First, notice the negative message that seems the loudest. Pause and listen to your mind and what it is saying to you; identifying the loudest negative message will happen over time, as you listen more and more closely.

Next, track how often you are telling this to yourself. Is it happening every day? Every week? What are you doing that triggers these negative messages?

Then, reverse that message. Write down a new message to tell yourself that is a more positive version of the negative message. This new positive message should be realistic--you can believe it just as much as the negative one. Repeat the positive message whenever doubts come up.

3. Focus on loving yourself more every day.

There are two great methods for developing more self-love. First, tell yourself out loud that you love yourself. Just as powerful as hearing these words from someone else, saying it yourself can make you feel the same way. And you can do it as often as you like.

Second, commit to a new activity that is something that you absolutely love and feel wonderful doing. Do it alone, and think of it as a gift to yourself for being you.

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4. Expand your intelligence. Pick one of these three mind expanding exercises.

#1: Listen to Baroque and Classical music--especially Mozart. This type of music typically has a tempo of 60 beats a minute. When someone hears one beat per second, their heart rate and pulse relax to the beat, blood pressure decreases and the entire body unwinds. In this relaxed state, the brain is able to concentrate more easily.

#2: Drink more water, especially non-fluoride water. Magnetic water helps your body more easily take in vitamins and other nutrients.

#3: Use your peripheral vision: When you are looking at the world with peripheral vision, you immediately access alpha brainwaves and the right hemisphere of the brain. This is much more relaxing and allows the subconscious to come into the equation for super learning.

5. Get moving

Commit yourself to being more active. Find something that is fun and a great workout, like dance, yoga, DVD videos you can do at home, walking, running, or skiing. There are so many options and opportunities to get out and move your body.

6. Meditate

More and more research is pointing to the benefits of meditation. In the future, meditation will be so prevalent and accepted, it will be as natural as showering or brushing our teeth. If you don't meditate, start now. It will change your life and your health.

Pick one or do them all. With these strategies in place, there is no way you can't make 2016 the best year yet!

Do you wake up feeling sluggish most mornings? Have caffeinated beverages become a necessity to help power you through the day? If this sounds familiar, it's time to ditch the quick fixes you rely on, and develop an energy management plan. Getting started may seem daunting, but soon you'll be energized to keep going once you reap the benefits of a happier, healthier and more productive lifestyle.

The Simplest Way to a Healthy Life | Sadhguru

What is energy management?

Think of your energy as a limited resource, like money in an account. You begin the day with a certain amount to spend, which varies from person to person based on factors, such as age, sleep, stress levels, medical conditions and lifestyle. Throughout your day, multiple transactions (activities) occur as you withdraw energy from and deposit energy into your account. While you may not always have control over activities that deplete your energy, you can take steps to deposit more energy into your account.

Follow these 7 tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life:

1. Eat nourishing food.

We all know that wholesome food is the crux for well-being, but it's common to regard healthy eating primarily as a tool for weight loss. However, according to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables, lean protein, low-fat dairy and whole grains is what you need for optimal energy. After all, you really are what you eat to some extent. Consume a variety of foods from all the food groups to get a range of nutrients to energize you throughout the day. Opt for fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, especially nutrient-dense dark, leafy greens and broccoli, as well as orange vegetables, including carrots and sweet potatoes. There are many types of fish and legumes to choose from for healthy protein options. Aim to eat 3 ounces of whole-grain cereals, breads, rice or pasta daily.

2. Sleep seven to eight hours a night.

Getting more sleep seems to be a healthy habit many people need to improve on. We already know that we need at least seven hours of shut-eye each night, so what prevents us from getting it? Think about how you can improve your biggest sleep disruptors and know this: Sleep deprivation can perpetuate serious health conditions, as well as negatively affect your mood, motivation and energy levels. Prioritizing sleep is one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for a successful, energized day.

3. Keep company with good people.

Maximize the amount of time that you spend with people you enjoy being around. Connecting with others who radiate positivity and have similar interests will excite and energize you. On the flip side, people you don't relate to or who have negative outlooks, complain often or make poor choices will only drain your energy account. Be selective in the company you keep.

4 Tips on How to Eat Right – Sadhguru

4. Avoid news overdose.

The news is an important way to stay connected to what's happening in the world. It can be educational, entertaining and even uplifting. Unfortunately, the news too frequently is bombarded with stories of suffering. These stories can skew your view of the world and cause you to focus on your worst fears instead of recognizing the good that surrounds you. You can't avoid these stories altogether, but try to minimize your exposure when you can, especially during trying times.

5. Get regular exercise.

Do you find yourself feeling lethargic halfway through the day? Have you ever gotten winded by simple everyday duties, such as grocery shopping or household chores? Contrary to what you might believe, getting the 150 minutes of weekly activity recommended by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans can add to your energy account and not subtract from it. How? Exercise relieves stress and tension, strengthens muscles and boosts endurance, which helps your body to work more efficiently during other physical tasks or activities.

6. Do something meaningful each day.

What do you feel passionate about? Do you have a special talent that you'd like to practice more often or share with others? Do something you enjoy every day, even if it's something as simple as cooking a healthy meal or listening to your favorite song. Putting effort into the things that matter most to you will help you utilize and reserve your energy in ways that will bring out the best in you.

7. Think good thoughts for others.

Maintaining a compassionate mindset is another way to conserve energy. One example of practicing this way of thinking is called kind attention. For example, try to make eye contact with a stranger and smile, while thinking "I wish you well." This positive act can, instead, keep you from judging that person. Judging others can cause us to place judgment on ourselves, and that type of negative internal dialogue can be exhausting.

You'll feel better with each step you take toward this important self-care investment.

Here are a few simple activities that will help you become more mindful of caring for yourself:

Monitor your energy.

Take your energy "temperature" at various points throughout the day, assigning it a number from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest energy level. Pay attention to the details of your day so you can identify the people or events that impact you the most.

The 4 Stages of Life Everyone Should Know | Sadhguru

Make incremental changes.

Once you are aware of some of the people or events that sabotage your energy, consider your next steps. Rather than tackling everything at once, choose an area that is important to you, and be realistic with the goals you set. For instance, if disorganization in your home is a big source of daily stress, pick one cabinet, closet or drawer to clear out each week instead of overwhelming yourself with doing it all at once. Then move on to your next goal when you feel ready.

Plan and prioritize.

Take note of the times during the day when your energy levels tend to be the highest. Decide how you can take advantage of those moments by prioritizing important tasks when you are feeling fresh and productive.

How do I live a better life 40 Easy Tips?

Recently this information came across my desk. This is a good one!

  1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
  2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day – preferably in the morning and feel your feelings.
  3. Tape your late night TV shows and get more sleep.
  4. When you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement, “My purpose today is to _________.”
  5. Live with the 3 E’s – Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
  6. Play more games and read more books than you did last year.
  7. Make time to practice meditation and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
  8. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
  9. Dream more while you are awake.
  10. Eat more foods that grow on plants and eat less food manufactured in plants.
  11. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds and walnuts.
  12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
  13. Clear clutter from your house, your car, your desk and let new positive energy and resources come into your life.
  14. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip or issues of the past, negative thought, or things you cannot control. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment.
  15. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
  16. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
  17. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the NEGATIVE BLUES away.
  18. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
  19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  20. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  21. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
  22. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
  23. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years, will this matter?’
  26. Forgive everyone for everything.
  27. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  28. REMEMBER GOD heals everything.
  29. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  30. You job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
  31. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
  32. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  33. The best is yet to come.
  34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  35. Do the right thing!
  36. Call your family often.
  37. Each night before you go to bed, complete the following statements: I am thankful for __________. Today I accomplished _____________.
  38. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
  39. Enjoy the ride. Remember this is not Disney World and you certainly don’t want a fast pass! You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.
  40. Send this to everyone you care about. I just did.

And, here are a couple of bonus tips:


  • The only reason to be alive is to enjoy it. Happiness is a journey, not a destination!
  • If you need help, ask God. If you don’t, thank God!

Isn’t that a great list? As I read through it, I couldn’t help but think that I would love to write an expanded Tip on each one of those forty points. Who knows? Maybe I will!

For now, begin to apply as many as possible on a daily basis. I have already been doing this and have found it to be a great help. I am sure that it will be beneficial to you as well.

Tip: 40 Tips for a better life.

Have a great week! God bless you!

Dr. Robert A. Rohm

How can I live a stress free life?

Despite the fact that stress has adverse effects on our life, we still deny admitting that this could be a mental disorder. Leading a stressful life hinders our efficiency and lessens our ability to live a healthy and happy life. Being stressed, you may fall sick more often, can feel grumpy and even irritated too.
Our hectic schedules and a number of responsibilities have greatly contributed to this condition and it is important to know the ways that could alleviate stressful conditions. Where meditation could decrease the level of stress, indulging in physical activities is another way to get rid of it. So, here are a few ways that should be followed for a stress-free life...

Follow a routine
Always make a point to follow a regime. A routine provides a structured and organised way of living. When our daily routine is well structured, we can utilize our day in a better way. You will also realize that you are able to complete all your work on time and still can indulge in some entertainment activities, hobbies and sports. And you will automatically feel stress-free!

Wake up early

Wake up early in the morning. As the saying goes, "early to bed and early to rise, makes a man, healthy wealthy and wise". So, follow a daily routine and set a time to sleep at night and when to wake up. Waking up early is not just healthy for your body but is also beneficial in improving mental health.

Make a list for yourself

Sadhguru | Developing an Inclusive Consciousness | Talks at Google

Make a list of things that make you happy and optimistic. This technique will help to ease your stress in a positive manner. Also, make a list of work that you need to do or could accomplish in a day. The best suggestion would be to make a to-do list wherein you list all the activities, assignments or any other tasks that you need to complete. This is a good way of staying focused and organized and also completing all the tasks without thinking too much about them.

Accept and face your challenges

If you find yourself in a bad situation or if some of your decisions have landed you in trouble, accept and find a solution for it instead of cribbing. When you accept your challenges, it has a positive impact on your mind and consciousness. This makes you stronger to face tougher situations in future as well.

Look after yourself

Jordan Peterson | Cambridge Union

Never forget to take good care of you. When we are in a stressful situation, we end up getting tensed and worried without giving a thought about ourselves. We ignore our own selves either by eating unhealthy meals or by not giving our body and mind enough rest. This ignorance can more harm us greatly and could weaken our power to deal with stress.


Relax your mind and body. When felling stresses, take a nap or breathe deep. Being continuously involved in work can be stressful. So, remember to take a break and connect with ‘yourself'. In this way, you will stay calm and make yourself feel better.


Meditation is an excellent method of cleansing your mind from all negative and stressing thoughts. Refresh and think positive. Whenever you feel heavy or burdened, or even when you feel tired of doing work, or feel irritated by something or someone, take a deep breath to relax. Focus on your breathing, while you exhale and inhale. Focus on how your body acts when you breathe. Visualize that your mind is going blank and focus on emptying your mind. A simple, 20-minute meditation will make you refreshed and relaxed. Besides this, it also helps to reduce your anxiety, tension and stress.

Avoid distractions

To fully relax your lifestyle and live stress-free life, remove all the distractions. These distractions are generally the types of equipment such as mobile phones, laptops and television. While virtual presence is equally important as is the physical one, it becomes a little difficult to completely remove these distractions from our lives. But we can avoid using them when focusing or working on a particular job.


'Concentrate and stay focused' should be the motto of your life. When you are focused on your work, you are able to accomplish more and in an efficient manner. Concentrate on the work that you perform and give it your best. This helps to finish your task faster and in an efficient manner. Therefore, always remain focused on the goals you want to achieve.

Don't procrastinate

As is said by the elders, tomorrow never comes. Do not leave your work for the next day. Complete your job as soon as possible. Procrastination is bad and stressful and the thought to complete the work tomorrow, never gets accomplished.

The last but not the least, always be happy! Staying happy would also mean making your body happy as well and that you can achieve by exercising. Regular exercise is a great booster for the body as it helps in decreasing the production of stress hormones, such as cortisol, and neurotransmitters that are secreted during the stress response. While one should follow certain other steps as well like following correct breathing pattern, not pressuring yourself with strenuous work goals, eating a balanced diet etc., but it is the health and contentment of your mind that would lead to happier living.

So live a happy, healthy life and always be free of stress!

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