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Friday 14 May 2021

What are the 5 stages of a breakup?


Breaking up is not easy. Whether it's a breakup from a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, life partner or even a best friend, it takes time for wounds to heal. Even ifyou were the one who initiated the split, there are five stages ofgrief that you will go through. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, according to Mental-Health-Matters. These are the natural ways for your heart to heal. Denial Denial is your brain's automatic response to unwanted news, according to "How to Survive the Five Steps ofGrief after a Breakup. " Denial gives your heart time to adjust to the new situation. In the denial phase you may think that your significant other is coming back to you. Everybody spends different amounts of time in the denial phase. It is wise to turn to your friends and family for support. Anger It is normal to be angry at your former partner, claims the website Mental-Health-Matters. You may resent her for causing you pain or for breaking up your family. It is important in this phase not to make any rash decisions that you may later regret. Wait until you are less emotional suggests the website, Healt~ Guide. Allow yourself to work through your anger, perhaps by exercising or drawing. Expressing your feelings in a journal is a way to release your emotions. Bargaining In the bargaining phase you will try to restore your relationship or perhaps rebuild it as a friendship. This can be disastrous advises the life guide website, Relationship Life Tips. The site reminds those in pain that romantic relationships involve qualities that don't disappear immediately. Trying to befriend an ex, especially soon after the breakup, will only keep the pain ofheartbreak fresh. You can salvage your pride by starting anew without your ex. Depression It's normal to be sad. At this point in your grieving, you come to terms with the fact that the situation is not going to change, claims Mental-Health-Matters. This is a time for reflection. You may want to be alone. Realize the kindness ofothers is not intended to upset you. Instead, rely on your support system to keep you distracted from your grief, recommends Articles Base. Help Guide reminds those in pain to resist the temptation to turn to drugs, alcohol or food. Those habits can be destructive. Rather, eat well, sleep well and exercise advises Help Guide. Acceptance It's natural to harbor a place in your heart for loved ones. Special relationships make you who you are. However, in the final stage ofgrief after a breakup, you will begin to piece together what happened, accept the breakup and acknowledge the part you played in it, advises Help Guide. The site suggests using this as an opportunity to learn from mistakes from the past and carry those lessons into the future. This is the healthiest way to fully accept a breakup and grow as an individual. The pain may not be gone completely yet, but time will heal those wounds.

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