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Friday 8 January 2021

Can a 13 year old wear crop top?

 Woman Told to Cover Up for Wearing a Crop Top on Flight | This Morning

Yes, of course a 13 yr old can wear crop tops, unless they live in a country that legally prohibits such displays of skin and which requires the 13 yr old to wear a burqa outdoors, or modest outdoor clothing like long sleeve shirt with long skirt/long pants, plus hair covering... or something with similar coverage. Several countries do have such laws.

If you really mean to ask "should" a 13 yr old wear crop tops...then, this depends on what their parents say, as well as what setting the teen will be wearing it in. Wearing a crop top at home is fine, and so is wearing one out at the home improvement supply store, the feed store, the greenhouse or plant nursery store, the beach, the zoo, the archaeological dig or rock hounding trip, the habitat for humanity build, the park, the coin operated DIY car wash, the local food pantry or thrift shop, and most other warm places, especially during warm to hot weather.

Wearing a crop top to an air conditioned indoor place like the mall, aquarium, veterinary office or doctor's office, library, grocery store, drugstore, "big box" discount store, art gallery, indoor area of a cruise ship, or museum is not the end of the world, but does indicate a lack of understanding of how to be classy, and might be a bit chilly too as these places usually have air conditioning on full blast.

Most schools disallow crop tops in their dress code, so the 13 yr old cannot wear crop tops to school or to school events- so, no crop top at the school activity fundraising car wash, even if it's blisteringly hot that day. It would have to be a tank top or Tshirt at the school related car wash, probably. Wearing a crop top to church, Sunday school, the opera, the courthouse, the local live theatre, symphony or fine arts event, the old folks home, the funeral home, the hospital, or to a temple is something they "can" do, but honestly should not do, as it's inappropriate & tasteless.

Just for amusement - History about when my 13 yr old Mom discovered she "could not" wear a crop top due to local law, this happened on a family vacation trip to Mexico:

When my Mom was 13, Mexico had a law prohibiting "overly clingy, provocative, or revealing female clothing." So, she was not able to wear a crop top in Mexico at that age. But she could wear a crop top in Texas. To legally wear a crop top as a teen, my Mom would actually have had to get a prostitution license first... which required a medical checkup to screen for VD, and a $15 processing fee (paid in pesos), before it would be issued. Funnily, the Mexican "provocative clothing" law at that time also applied to skinny jeans, bright unnatural haircolor, or wig that is bright and unnatural in color, tight leggings, miniskirts, spaghetti strap tops, low-backed or backless dresses and tops, cleavage-baring dresses and tops, short shorts, & hotpants, huge "statement" hats like the Carmen Miranda hat, high heels over 3", and quite a lot of other things too!

Wearing provocative clothing in Mexico without a prostitution license would likely result in police issuing a ticket, which could be settled by paying a $10 fine. As a result of this law, many women's libbers, hippies, as well as entertainers like singers, dancers, movie stars, etc. who visited Mexico during this time frame would get the prostitution license so they could wear whatever they pleased without getting a bunch of tickets. My Grandma, on the other hand, who was very glamorous but also very dignified and proper (raised Southern Belle) chose to pay the $10 fine for each cleavage-baring outfit, backless gown, spaghetti strap top, 4" heeled shoes, or miniskirt offense. Grandma was not into crop tops, jeans or shorts. It cost her about $150 per vacation, Grandma said.

I see a ton of answers like “she can, but shouldn’t” and honestly I feel like that’s bs. Right now in our society kids are maturing at a much faster rate, and that’s something we need to accept. Plus, showing some skin isn’t the end of the world. Your daughter (I assumed this was a question by a parent) can wear a coat or sweater to school because, especially with public transportation it’s better to be safe than sorry, but in a school environment she really won’t stand out or look “slutty” or whatever the hell youre worried about. A lot of 12 year olds wear crop tops now, it’s really not unusual. Plus, don’t sexualize your 12 year olds body! Let her wear what she wants if she’s comfortable in it! Teaching young boys not to harrass girls is a much better step in my opinion

There are tons of cropped looks that are totally appropriate, especially considering high waisted jeans/everything is super in right now— her bellybutton doesn’t even need to be exposed. I’ve attached some cute ideas :)

these are all from Brandy Melville which I think would be a great store for a 12 year old girl— it also carries cute uncropped styles

These are so cute and really simple— they also don’t even show belly button

These girls look so great and it’s a really basic (not as in Starbucks basic) outfit— not remotely pRoVoCatIvE if that’s a worry

This is so trendy right now and I love how the car matches the jeans. the models arm is up but lowered the shirt would fall around the top of the jeans. this style is super flattering and I love it

This is cute and basic, and as you can see from the pic, hardly any skin is shown

this is really cute and simple, the off the shoulder is a cute touch imo

I love this so much honestly I think it’s adorable especially how the red goes with the plaid and the long sleeves with the skirt

This is a more eDgY look with the black top and belt but it’s still super cute

a bunch of high waisted styles that don’t show too much skin

cropped tank tops/spaghetti straps are so cute!

this button down top is super in right now! it doesn’t look the best on girls with larger breasts though, just a warning— but if you like it go for it!

a crop top under overalls is cute and slightly more modest

and honestly if you don’t allow her your daughter will probably end up with a “thot knot” after she leaves the house (see above) which honestly I think are p cute, but my point is you can’t REALLY restrict your daughter all too much and helping her have self confidence and fit in will improve your relationship with her

good luck

River <3

Floating Button
