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Tuesday 5 October 2021

I really miss IMDb message boards.

I don't wanna just read reviews, I wanna ask questions, learn facts about a movie/tv show, play those corny games we used to do (most forms i was on did like polls and 'currently listening to/watching' other shit, for the regulars), make friends based on what we like, etc. etc.Reddit is sort of like that, but not really. Reddit is more....formal? idk, it doesn't feel like a community. We don't recognize users and form bonds with them (at least i don't), I never really talk to users on here. I just post and then go about my day.IMDb felt like a legit community, it wasn't perfect but I met my (former? we're rocky lately) best friend on there. She met many other friends on there, too.I mostly miss being able to know what was going on in a movie/show because I have a poor attention span and often can't keep up with things happening while watching lol.Are there any similar sites? via /r/movies

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