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Friday 8 October 2021

How do I overcome trials in life?

 The Purpose For Your Trials – Dr. Charles Stanley

How can I endure hard times?

Experiencing hardship and adversity

Lately, the world seems to be lurching from one crisis to another. We’ve experienced a global pandemic, dramatic changes to how we conduct our daily lives, economic uncertainty, and political and social turmoil, as well as an array of natural disasters. Then there are personal traumas that people are also dealing with, such as the loss of a loved one, declining health, unemployment, divorce, violent crime, or tragic accidents. For many us, this is a time of unprecedented struggle and upheaval.

Whether the source of disruption in your life is a global emergency or a personal tragedy—or both—living through difficult times can take a heavy toll on your mood, health, and outlook. It can leave you feeling helpless and overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. You may be painfully grieving all that you’ve lost, flooded by a slew of difficult, conflicting emotions, or uncertain about how to move on with your life. You may even feel that your life is totally out of control and you’re powerless to affect whatever may happen next.

While there’s no way to avoid sorrow, adversity, or distress in life, there are ways to help smooth the rough waters and regain a sense of control. Resilience is the ability to cope with the loss, change, and trauma that have been inevitable parts of life even before these extraordinary times. Building resilience can help you better adapt to life-changing events, cope with turbulent times, and bounce back from hardship and tragedy.

Wisdom in the Midst of Trials – Dr. Charles Stanley

The role of resilience in times of crisis

Why do some people seem to be better able to cope in these troubling times than others? While everyone’s situation is different, it is true that people with resilience tend to have a higher tolerance for the emotional distress generated by hard times. The more resilient you are, the better you’re able to tolerate the feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness that accompany trauma and adversity—and find a way to rebound from setbacks.

[Read: How to Cope with Traumatic Events]

We all go through bad times, we all experience disappointment, loss, and change, and we all feel sad, anxious, and stressed at various times in our lives. But building resilience can help you to maintain a positive outlook, face an uncertain future with less fear, and get through even the darkest days.

Building resilience

If you’re more sensitive to emotional distress and are finding it difficult to cope with hardship or adversity, it’s important not to think of it as some kind of character flaw. Resilience isn’t a macho quality and it isn’t fixed; it’s an ongoing process that requires effort to build and maintain over time.

Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer?

Unless you’ve faced adversity in your life before, it’s unlikely you’ve had the need or opportunity to develop resilience. Drawing on past experiences can help you cope with the challenges you’re facing today. Even if you’ve struggled to cope with adversity in the past, you may at least be able to recognize some of the ways of coping that DON’T help, such as trying to numb your feelings with drugs or alcohol.

While it’s often difficult to imagine anything good coming out of traumatic experiences, building resilience can help you find any positives in the difficulties you’ve faced. Surviving hardships can teach you important things about yourself and the world around you, strengthen your resolve, deepen your empathy, and in time enable you to evolve and grow as a human being.

Building resilience can also help you to:

  • Stay focused, flexible, and productive, in both good and bad times.
  • Feel less afraid of new experiences or an uncertain future.
  • Manage and tolerate strong emotions outside your comfort zone, even those you’d rather avoid like anger or despair.
  • Strengthen your relationships and improve your communication skills, especially under pressure.
  • Bolster your self-esteem.
  • Be confident you’ll eventually find a solution to a problem, even when one isn’t immediately apparent.
  • 4 Things You Can Do When Going Through A Difficult Trial | Joseph Prince

You can develop and improve these qualities of resilience at any time, regardless of your age, background, or circumstances. The following tips can help you face hardships with more confidence, better cope with these tumultuous times, and make it through to the brighter, more hopeful days ahead.

Building resilience tip 1: Practice acceptance

While we all react to stressful events in different ways, many of us try to protect ourselves by refusing to accept the truth of what’s happening. After all, by denying that you’re even experiencing a crisis, you can kid yourself that you still have some sense of control over what are usually uncontrollable events.

While denial can have some positive functions—it can give you an opportunity to come to terms with the shock of a traumatic event, for example—over time, it will just prolong your pain. Staying in denial will prevent you from adapting to your new circumstances, stop you from seeking solutions or taking action, and stifle the healing process.

Accept the situation

Change is an inevitable part of life and many aspects of the changing world are outside your individual control. You can’t control the spread of a virus, for example, the pace of social change, or how the economy behaves. While it can be tough to acknowledge, railing against events or circumstances outside your control will only drain you of energy and leave you feeling anxious and hopeless. Accepting your situation, on the other hand, can free you up to devote your energy to the things that you do have control over.

How To Overcome The Trials Of Life

Focus on things within your control. Make a list of all the things you can’t control and give yourself permission to stop worrying about them. Instead, focus on the action that you can take. If you’re unemployed, you can’t control whether the ideal job appears in the wants ads or whether an employer will grant you an interview. But you can control how much time and effort you put into searching for work or brushing up on your skills. Similarly, if a loved one is facing a life-threatening illness, you may have to relinquish control to the medical experts, but you can still focus on providing your loved one with as much emotional support as possible.

Accept change by looking to your past. Looking back at examples where you’ve coped with uncertainty and change before can help you accept your current situation. Perhaps you suffered a painful breakup in the past and were eventually able to move on with your life, or you lost a job and ended up finding a better one? Examining your past successes can also help you see past the current crisis and derive some confidence that you’ll be able to pull through again.

The MINDSET TRICK to Overcome ANY Obstacle (Simple but Works!) | Jordan B. Peterson | #Entspresso

Accept your feelings

It’s tempting to believe that the best way to get through hard times is by ignoring painful emotions and “putting on a brave face”. But unpleasant emotions exist whether you choose to acknowledge them or not. Trying to prevent your emotions from surfacing will only fuel your stress, delay acceptance of your new situation, and prevent you from moving on.

By allowing yourself to feel your emotions, you’ll find that even the most intense, upsetting feelings will pass, the trauma of these tough times will start to fade, and you’ll be able to find a path forward. Talk to someone you trust about what you’re experiencing or use HelpGuide’s Emotional Intelligence Toolkit to reconnect with your emotions.

Grieve your losses

Undergoing tough times usually involves some kind of loss. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the loss of your old life, it’s important you allow yourself the opportunity to grieve. Only by facing your grief—acknowledging and mourning your losses—will you be able to heal and eventually move on with your life.

To overcome challenges, stop comparing yourself to others | Dean Furness

Tip 2: Reach out to others

Connecting with friends and family when you’re going through tough times can help ease stress, boost your mood, and make sense of all the change and disruption. Instead of feeling like you’re facing your problems alone, you can draw strength and build resilience from having others to lean on.

The people you reach out to don’t need to have answers to the problems you’re facing; they just need to be willing to listen to you without judging. In fact, what you talk about or the words used are often unimportant. It’s the human connection—eye contact, a smile, or a hug—that can make all the difference to how you’re feeling.

Prioritize relationships. Nothing carries the same health benefits as connecting face-to-face with someone who is caring and empathetic. These days, however, it’s not always possible to see friends and loved ones in person. If you’re kept apart by geography, lockdown, or travel restrictions, for example, reach out to others via phone, video chat, or social media.


Don’t withdraw in tough times. You may be inclined to retreat into your shell when you’re facing challenges in your life. You may fear being a burden to friends and loved ones or feel too exhausted to reach out. But try to keep up with social activities even when you don’t feel like it. Good friends won’t consider you a burden—they’re more likely to feel flattered that you trust them enough to confide in them.

Try to avoid negative people. Some friends are good listeners, kind and empathetic. Others seem to only fuel negative emotions, leaving you feeling even more stressed, anxious, or panicky. Try to avoid anyone who magnifies your problems, criticizes, or makes you feel judged.

Expand your social network. Even though relationships are vital for good mental health, building resilience, and getting through tough times, many of us feel that we don’t have anyone to turn to in times of need. But there are plenty of ways to build new friendships and improve your support network. If you know others who are lonely or isolated, be the one to take the initiative and reach out.

“Overcoming Trials” by Evangelist Vincent Vicencio

Tip 3: Invest in self-care

Living through tough times can be both mentally and physically draining. Constantly being in a heightened state of stress can lead to serious health problems, impact your immune and digestive systems, increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, and lead to burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion.

Since the body and mind are so closely linked, investing in self-care is an important part of building resilience and getting through times of great stress. When your body feels strong and healthy so, too, will your mind.

Get enough exercise. When you’re dealing with chronic stress, you likely carry it somewhere in your body. Maybe your muscles are tense, you have back or neck pain, frequent headaches, insomnia, heartburn, or an upset stomach? Getting regular exercise not only releases powerful endorphins in the brain to improve your mood, but it can also help to ease tension in the body and counteract the physical symptoms of stress.

Practice a “mind and body” relaxation technique. Practices such as yoga, tai chi, and meditation blend deep breathing and body awareness to help you relieve stress and bring your nervous system back into balance. Try one of HelpGuide’s audio meditations to boost your physical and emotional well-being.

7 Tips to Overcome Any Trial in Your Life

[Listen: Inner Strength Meditation]

Improve your sleep. When you’re facing adversity, nothing wears down your resilience like missing out on a good night’s sleep. Often, improving your daytime habits and taking the time to relax and unwind before bed can help you sleep better at night.

Eat well. There are no specific foods that can help build resilience and weather tough times. Rather, it’s your overall dietary pattern that’s important. Eating lots of processed and takeout food can take a toll on your brain and mood, sapping your energy, and weakening your immune system. A healthy diet, on the other hand—one that’s low in sugar and rich in healthy fats—can give you the energy and focus to tackle the challenges you’re facing.

Manage your overall stress levels

Taking steps to manage your overall stress can break the hold it has over your life, improve your mood, and help you build the resilience you need to hold up under pressure at this time.

Tip 4: Look for meaning and purpose

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by frightening headlines or consumed by the crisis you’re facing. But whatever your circumstances, it doesn’t have to define you as a person. You are not your crisis. By pursuing activities that bring purpose and meaning to your life, you can keep your problems in perspective, prevent them from overwhelming you, and maintain your identity.

How to overcome trials in life

Everyone is different so we all have different ways of experiencing purpose and meaning. Don’t limit yourself by others’ expectations; pursue activities that are important to you and add satisfaction to your life.

Give help to others. When you’re in the midst of a crisis, it’s common to feel powerless and helpless. By proactively helping others, you can regain a sense of control as well as find purpose in your life. In fact, giving support can be just as beneficial as receiving support. Try volunteering, helping others in your neighborhood, giving blood, donating to a charity, or marching for a cause that’s important to you.

Pursue your hobbies and interests. In turbulent times, it’s important not to cast aside interests that nourish your spirit. For many of us, it’s these things that define us as individuals and bring meaning to our lives. Whether it’s playing a sport, caring for a pet, an artistic or musical endeavor, home improvement projects, or spending time in nature, continuing to draw pleasure from your pastimes adds to your ability to cope with the stress of difficult times.

Tip 5: Stay motivated

An important part of coping with adversity and making it through tough times is to foster qualities of persistence and endurance. Tough times don’t last forever, but by their very nature they’re rarely over quickly. As you plot a road through the darkness, you need to find ways to stay motivated and persevere.

How to get through Hard Times | Jason Redman | TEDxBeaconStreet

Deal with your problems one step at a time. If a problem is too big to deal with all at once, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. If your problem seems to have no possible solution, you can still take action by drawing up a list, researching more about the subject, or seeking the advice of a trusted friend or loved one.

Celebrate small wins. To stay motivated and positive as you navigate stormy seas in life, take a moment to savor your small successes. If you’re looking for work, for example, getting an interview isn’t as meaningful as landing a job, but it’s a sign of progress, a step in the right direction. Noting these small wins can give you a welcome break from all the stress and negativity you’re facing and encourage you to keep going.

[Read: Finding Joy During Difficult Times]

Try to maintain a hopeful outlook. While it’s difficult to stay positive and hopeful in the midst of a crisis, many of us tend to blow our problems out of proportion and make them seem even more negative than they really are. Try taking a step back and examining your situation as an outsider. Are their rays of hope that you can focus on? Instead of worrying about what you fear may happen, try visualizing what you’d like to happen instead.

Express gratitude. It may sound trite, but even when you’re experience terrible times, it’s usually possible to find one thing you can be grateful about—the love of a pet, for example, a beautiful sunset, or a caring friend. Taking a moment to acknowledge your gratitude for such small things can provide respite from the stress and really boost your mood.

Be kind to yourself. Everyone adjusts to change and upheaval differently. Don’t criticize your coping skills or beat yourself up for every mistake you make. Self-compassion is an important part of building resilience, so go easy on yourself.

When Life Gets Hard ALWAYS Remember this - Swami Mukundananda on Facing Difficulties

hello go to this site type kriya yoga Self Realization Fellowship Lesson Yogananda Paramahansa go to the books in the search by typing in Paramahansa Yogananda find the lessons and download them are a great gift of a high soul to find the ever new joy of God read the Autobiography of a Yogi , the Divine Novel Towards the Realization of the Self The eternal search for man to be victorius in life the law of success living fearlessly why god permits evil and how to rise above it

in the SRF lessons there are healing recharging exercises I always do them serve sermpre the SRF monks say they are virus prevention therefore useful and meditation techniques knowledge of Paramahansa Yogananda brings joy you do not get tired of joy and I seek to bring to others what God has given me the SRF lessons that bring the knowledge of Paramahansa Yogananda and where there is knowledge comes the joy of the soul and this joy of the soul must be in everyone

It is all temporary. I am just a visitor on the way to graduation to a new existence. My faith will be rewarded or nothingness. I am good with that. Everything has a solution or resolution. I can chose to focus upon the negatives or the blessings. So I chose the blessings. You are what you think about most, what you focus upon, how you see yourself a year out or more.

If you get too focused on a now problem it is harder to think your way out of it. I like Tony Robbin’s idea. “What is great about this or could be great about this?” It changes the focus from this is bad to this has potential to be great. It is just reframing to get a better perspective.

How to overcome trial in life? That is a good question.

I have been distant here for several years. After losing our daughter two years ago and nearly losing my 9-5 it’s accurate to say I lost some of my inspiration to write and connect as fully as I would have liked BUT I am back. I am back full of (some) wisdom to share, success stories and learned lessons and hope restored. Overcoming trials in life is essential to surpass the status quo and survival. To overcome is to THRIVE.

How To Tackle Problems in Life ? Developing Positive Attitude in Life | Swami Mukundananda

Two years ago we lost our daughter Tyia to a grave genetic disorder with no chance for survival. You never realize how deeply seeded your love is for your children until they are (what feels like) ripped from your womb, then a seed of hope lost again the very date Tyia was to be born. At that point, I couldn’t even share the miscarriage we experienced after the tragedy of losing our sweet baby girl. In the meantime, I was experiencing lost wages in time lost from my 9-5 as my place of employment went bankrupt and when it seemed like nothing was left and I was in a corner…..

I made a decision. I took a leap of faith.

At that time of taking a leap of faith I was newly pregnant with what was to be our sweet rainbow baby we cherish today. My leap was a partial career shift toward content creation and social media management for business owners.

A year later I had a sweet HEALTHY (praise God) baby and a business thriving more than I could have imagined in such a short time.

So that is the short story. I needed to just start connecting here again and felt the need to catch up in a sense before jumping back full steam ahead with yummy recipes, fun art projects and stories on the farm.

Do I feel like everything in my life and business is figured out and perfect? Far from it and NO….BUT…

Four Purposes for Trials | Joyce Meyer

I have experienced hoping for something and going through something that required a lot of faith and making it to the end with an answered prayer (sweet baby).

I do have a business now that is serving others and helping to support our family.

So as I write this I ponder inwardly, “How did I come from a place of fear, doubt and in some instances despair to a place of hope and more confidence? How did I overcome the trials of basically losing a part of myself in a lost child I hoped for and a career I studied years for?”

The answer can be complex in detail but simply put it’s a few very simple things:

How to Overcome Trials in Life

NEVER give up. Sure, there may be days where you need to allow a retreat, a pity party but ultimately you only allow it short term. If you refuse to give up you CANNOT be overcome by your circumstances.

Move forward. Look toward your future and what you want and believe in and live today in a way that leads to the future life, you, family, career you want.

One step at a time. It is overwhelming and impossible to change everything and do everything at once. Start small, even a few minutes a day of something you need to feel better, reach a goal or develop a better habit.

Be present.Slow down and try to absorb the moment by unplugging from the noise of life and plugging into yourself, your loved ones, nature and what nurtures YOU.

How to overcome trials in life mp4

Give yourself permission to have hard days.I still cry at the loss of my daughter. Nothing replaces her. I still want her so badly. I have days that although I love my new career direction I miss the comfort of a familiar job and I question everything. I have learned this is ALL OK. Let yourself process and feel.

Don’t ride the roller coaster. Life has and will always have it’s ups and downs but you don’t have to be thrown by it. As time goes by, as you experience more in life you begin to be more sturdy in your  beliefs and your confidence in your ability to survive AND thrive. You ultimately become less moved in life by hardship-which is a good thing in my opinion.

Never lose hope. I personally can not imagine if I thought there was no higher power or greater good beyond our full understanding. For me taking the promises from a greater power and holding them in my heart gives me strength and a hope that can outweigh any doubt. Find that source of hope in YOUR life and cling to it when times get tough.

So there it is friends, a jumble of two years of some of the most challenging and stressful times in my life yet also the most beautiful, powerful and successful years thus far. When we can look at our trials after the fact as an opportunity to learn we can then take it and possibly help others. It takes time though. Everyone is ready in their own time. I couldn’t have written this before because I wasn’t through it. I had to be amidst the storm and do the things I listed above with all my might BUT now I am here to encourage YOU.

Overcoming obstacles - Steven Claunch

If you are in a storm of life now please know you aren’t alone. Reach out. Don’t give up. Practice self care the best you can. You will overcome! Dovidenia. XO

How do Christians overcome trials?

What does a Christian life look like in the face of adversity? Have you ever faced an impossible situation? Not knowing what to do or how to handle what’s been put before you? As a common misconception, most people perceive the life of Christianity to be composed of just rainbows and butterflies, with no storms nor darkness.

I’m here to tell you, the christian life will be so very hard at times and will require leaning in to God for His peace, grace and mercy like never before.


In reality, Christians are just like waterproof watches, who can experience drowning and being submerged but are able to overcome it. When we go through heartbreaking times we have God to walk with us and help us through.

Being a Christian means totally losing yourself so you can surrender to God wholeheartedly with a mindset that you are not your own. It is acknowledging your role in this world as both the children and servant of God. Even on the horrible, not so good days.


The Christian life is supposed to be a life lived by faith. It is by faith that we enter into the Christian life, and it is by faith that we live it out. When we begin the Christian life by coming to Christ for forgiveness of sin, we understand that what we seek cannot be obtained by any other means than by faith. We cannot work our way to heaven, because nothing we could ever do would be sufficient. Those who believe they can attain eternal life by keeping rules and regulations—a list of do’s and don’ts—deny what the Bible clearly teaches. “But that no one is justified by the Law in the sight of God is clear, for, ‘The just shall live by faith’” (Galatians 3:11). The Pharisees of Jesus’ day rejected Christ because He told them this very truth, that all their righteous deeds were worthless and that only faith in their Messiah would save them.


Suffering In The Christian Life

As Christians, we are different from this world because once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are also accepting holiness. Holy in greek is hagios which means “to be set apart” or “to be different.”

So do not be surprised when you face adversity or struggles in your Christian life.

What Does the Bible Say about Struggles In A Christian Life

In hard times, it is being deeply rooted in Christ. Daily choosing to read the Bible, study it, and worshipping God. Even when you have to force yourself because the pain is telling you to give up.

In hard times, it’s reciting over and over bible verses of hope and God’s love and purpose for this battle. It’s knowing who God is and who you are because of Christ.

In hard times, it’s keeping our close circle of friends people who are also deeply rooted in Christ. So they know how and what to pray. They speak words we need to hear even tho we may not want to hear them. They make the phone calls, checking on us, when we’d rather slip out the back door.

It’s internationally being that friend that prays a hurting friend thru the mess.

How to Overcome the Trials & Tests in this Life - Sh. Abdul Malik Qassiem [HD]

In hard times, we must choose to have a better understanding of God; using the pain for good. Yes, it is completely is horrifying. I do not ever want to walk this road again. Yet it was necessary. Walking deeply rooted in Christ is a must! No way around it.

Understanding and reminding ourselves that there is a purpose for disaster. And if it’s for nothing more but to keep me clinging to God and out of Hell then this temporary pain was completely worth it.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.

2 Corinthians 5:17 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

In order to know the necessary values that a Christian should have, you should be aware of the fruit of the spirit and the fruit of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-25).

For being with God is being with the spirit and being the spirit is crucifying the flesh with its passion and desires. The flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit, and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh (verse 16). 

[Importance of Basics] Who is able to overcome trials of life?

Fruits of the Holy Spirit Fruits of the Flesh

Love Sexual Immorality

Joy Impurity

Peace Debauchery

Forbearance Idolatry

Kindness Witchcraft

Goodness Hatred

Gentleness Discord

Self-Control Jealousy

Fits of Rage

Selfish Ambition





Orgies and the like…

Would you like to dive deeper into the Fruits Of The Holy Spirit?

The Fruit of the Spirit Bible Study Kit

With this 90 day journey through Scripture, you’ll explore the Fruit of the Spirit and learn how to apply these principles and experience victory in everyday life. Click HERE or on the image below to access this Fruits of the Holy Spirit study.

fruit of the spirit study, help for the christian life

God’s Grace For The Christian Life

Through experience, Paul reminded us that God knows our human nature, and one of our human nature is being imperfect.

We will make mistakes, we will be tempted from time to time and there will be moments when we would not be as inspired as we used to be.

How To Overcome Trials | #TakeYourAuthority

It will be challenging considering our own fluctuations and rigid decisions, but remember that we are not to run from the difficulties of Chrisitan life.

They are not random mistakes but hand-tailored blessings from God that will help us be more dependent and surrendered to Him.

We should view these occurrences as an opportunity for us to be prayerful and for us to receive growth. 

Philippians 3:12-14 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 

Hope for the Christian Life 

It might not be as clear for everyone when it comes to the “hows” of overcoming obstacles in a Christian life.

To help and guide you in this journey, here are a few steps that you can follow to become fully surrendered to God and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

OVERCOMING TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS IN LIFE- Motivational Video By Eric Thomas, Jocko Willink

The 3 steps to a Christian Life that is Overcoming Obstacles.

According to Wikipedia, the phrase stop, look and listen came from a railroad crossing safety phrase and has been used in different tv shows and songs.

Stop – Look – Listen for the Christian Life

Stop. Stop in the moment of pain, overwhelm, trauma, heartbreak or sin. Pause and take a moment to take a deep breath and recognize what is happening in this very moment. Pause and evaluate the situation. What is triggering you?

Look. Look to God for guidance and help. Pray for the healing and forgiveness you may need in this very moment. Pray and ask God for the strength and peace you need to get through this.

Prayer is our way of communicating to God and this is what we can use to seek His guidance, hope, forgiveness, and love. When we pray, we are accepting the fact that we are not able to overcome our struggles and challenges in life without God’s help. 

Overcoming Your Trials in Life! Doing it the Way Jesus Did it!!!

Listen. What is God telling you? Listen for the next step you need to take that will honor God. What’s the next best thing you should do in this moment? What do you need to get rid of? What boundary needs to be set or adjusted?

Reading the bible is one of the many ways God speaks to us. Through this, we get to see the life Jesus lived that serves as the basis of Christianity. For we are meant to be like Jesus. Always ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”

Grab this two page printable that helps guide you through overcoming struggles in the Christian life.

printable mockup of the christian life - 3 steps for Godly priorites


Now only $2.99

How can you use these 3 steps for a Christian life right now in your situation? Let me know in the comments below.

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Suffering Well In Hard Times – Sometimes bad stuff happens. Even to the innocent. As I tried to make sense of all the pain, I was left with one question for God: Why?!

SOAP Bible Study Method – The SOAP Bible Study Method is to a christian as a diving suit and oxygen tank is to a scuba diver. Sure, the scuba diver can go underwater without the suit and tank, but she won’t get very far. Bible study is vital for christians. We can’t know Christ without reading the Bible for ourselves.

How can I be happy in hard times?

“People are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”– Abraham Lincoln

What is Character?

How To Overcome The Trials of Life - James 

Character is defined in the midst of adversity and setbacks. It takes no special skill or discipline to enjoy life when things are going well. When you consciously make an effort to pay attention on what makes you happy and use the power of focus as a platform to meet and overcome your challenges; you will be successful in doing just that – being happy and peaceful.

You can easily empower yourself and others to be happy in the midst of life’s tough stuff – from unemployment and relationship issues to life threatening diagnoses and tragedies. I have asked thousands of people what they do to be happy and to find peace in the wake of chaos and calamity. Below are 8 of the most popular tips people have shared with me.

be_happy_career 1. Focus on what you have; not what you lack

Most people tend to focus on what is wrong with their lives; not what is going right. Be grateful for all you have in pursuit of all that you wish to accomplish or overcome.

be_happy_career 2. Hang out with upbeat and fun-loving people

How to Overcome Life's Trials

Your environment determines who you are and who you become. If you spend time with negative people, you’ll become a negative person so when you spend time with positive and optimistic people, you’ll be positive and optimistic, no matter what you have to face.

be_happy_career 3. Slow down and just “be”

Most people are NOT human beings; they are human doings. A Zen expression says:

“If you don’t go within; you’ll go without.”  Slow down, meditate, or just find time to relax; especially in the midst of adversity. Stop doing… and just “be.”

be_happy_career 4. Join a group of like-minded people… and play!

Do you play cards, swim, do yoga, pilates, bike rides, read, play chess, garden, cook, play golf or shuffle board, walk, or ceramics? Go out and play!

be_happy_career 5. Do something nice for a stranger

5 Lessons from Nelson Mandela on How to Overcome Any Trials in Life

When you tell a stranger she looks nice or he does a good job cleaning tables in the food court, not only will they feel great, you’ll feel greater. When you pay compliments to others on a regular basis, you will get more joy and peace in your life. Remember, what goes around comes around.

be_happy_career 6. Set one exciting goal every day

Whether your goal is to enjoy some ice cream, take a brisk walk, catch-up with someone you haven’t spoken to recently, or just read a good book – set one simple goal a day that is exclusively for you and your well-being.

be_happy_career 7. Learn something new everyday

Children are the happiest beings in the world. Ever wonder why? Simply because they are always learning and creating. When you stop learning, you stop growing and when you stop growing, happiness is nearly  unattainable.

be_happy_career 8. Don’t judge

Evaluate and observe – yes. Judge – no, never. Set expectations and goals for yourself, and live up to them. When you judge others (and yourself) negatively, resentment, anger, and destructive emotions run rampant – and happiness and peace-of-mind are impossible.

Be happy… and pay it forward !

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