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Monday 18 October 2021

How can I turn my life falling apart into a positive?

 Manifesting - Why it's a GOOD Sign Your Life's Falling Apart

Expectations are tough to live up to. The world, the media, the internet, facebook, the news, tv shows to movies.. it's endless.

Think about it....

Is your life really that terrible? I mean, I'm sure it can be, but can you think of someone else that's in a worse position?

I don't know you and I don't know your situation, but a though provoking question for you: How much worse does your life have to get before you turn it around?

Everything and everybody is in a constant pattern of building up and tearing down.. sounds to me that you're tearing down.

But as you free fall into the abyss of "falling apart,"

Think about what you can learn as things fall apart.

More often than not, the reason why you're life is falling apart is because things are not living up to your expectation.

Change your expectations or have no expectations.

Easier said than done, but consider it..

What if you had no expectations?

God Is Still With You - Even When Everything Is Falling Apart! ᴴᴰ


It starts with you: We are in charge of our own happiness and joy. If this situation is to be turned around it has to begin with self. Everything is falling part what will you do? Brave it out or crumble to pieces is in your hands. I learned this the hard way but I am surely glad I did.


Strength and Conditioning: What does not kill makes you stronger. Be of the belief that you will make it through. Even when times are hard don’t give in the darkest hour comes before a dawn.


Reality: Hard times always reveal the truth. It is usually hard to accept. Make peace with it thus beginning the process of healing.


Support: Find a shoulder to lean on and to offer guidance necessarily a support group . Seek to build a relationship with God and pray. It is usually at the weakest hour I came to meet Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior ,( how I pray that you meet him at your own time and discover his love) it made the difference.


Patience: Don’t be anxious, change happens over time. The longest journey begins with a single step while you are at it view it as an opportunity to become the best version of yourself today. Better yet live day by day.


Control: The process will provide insight that the only person you can influence is you. Never compare yourself to others nor try to control the situation. Keep an open mind ; be focused ; change your attitude and all will be okay.


Passion: The transformation you will acquaint you with your purpose and what makes happy and fulfilled.


Help others: Assist where you can and the best of your ability for you will reap more than what you sow in kindness.


Keep record: Keep a detailed account of your milestones and achievements. Be thankful for the progress made and be motivated to do your utmost best.


Travel light: Life is a marathon not a sprint. Get rid of all that hinders you to that purpose. A simple life is a purposeful life.

Stop Doubting and Keep Praying Until It Happens

What do you do when your life is completely falling apart?

You know that feeling? Your jaw just metaphorically drops, the days seem to run together like one long, surreal dream. Making decisions or taking action can feel like walking through mud. There is understandable shock and disbelief. It rocks your foundation, leaving you with questions like, “When will this end?” and “HOW will this end?,” which can be really scary. 

Understandably, the COVID-19 outbreak has left many of us feeling shell-shocked in this way. 

Whether a pandemic, natural disaster, or something smaller in scale but no less devastating (like a death, divorce, or job loss), these major life curveballs have something in common: 

The impact is felt throughout every area of your life. 

The coronavirus concern has created instability in our homeswork, financially, at our schools and hospitals, even in our simplest of daily routines. 

While there is a lot of information available about how to be responsible, stop the spread, and take care of physical health, we also desperately need resources and support around how to take care emotionally for our mental health. 

Not only as an online therapist and life coach, but also as a New Orleans native and “survivor” of hurricane Katrina, I have an intimate understanding of what it's like to have your life fall apart.

When Life Falls Apart, Does it Actually Fall Into Place? | A Buddhist Story

The good news is: it doesn't last forever. 

The other good news is: there are very real things you can do to make it feel less catastrophic while reducing stress.

Here are eight steps to emotional self care when your life is falling apart.

Know This Pain Is Temporary

I put this one first because it is so important. Every day, several times a day if needed, it's good to remind yourself that what is NOW is NOT FOREVER. This will be over. And that means you can ride it out. You can make it through. Knowing it will end helps ease the anxiety of not knowing exactly when. It helps with the unknowns. 

Envision Life In The Future

Since you know that what is now is not forever, you can imagine what you want your life to look like after it's all over. It gives you something to look forward to and to focus on. 

A lot of helpful people will tell you to stay in the present when coping with your life falling apart (and they're not wrong – I'll get back to that later). This is because future thinking can create a lot of anxiety over things you can't even control

But if you are thinking of the future from an empowered, hopeful place planning ahead and looking at what you may be able to do now to work toward it, or even just to get excited about what it could be – will feel better. 

When Life Hurts, Stop Clinging to It | The Philosophy of Epictetus

Envisioning your future when you can rebuild your life creates motivation, hope, optimism, and a sense of productivity and purpose.

Remember What You Do Have (Practice Gratitude)

Okay, here's where we get back to present versus future thinking. If you find yourself obsessing over the what-if's of an unclear future, bring your mind back to the now. 

In fact, focus on what is GOOD about what IS, right NOW. You can make a gratitude list. You can take a few minutes each day to appreciate your blessings. But you can also gratefully embrace any present moment by mindfully tuning in to the right now with your five senses [also see: Living in a Beautiful State for more on mindfulness]. Let's give it a try…

What to do when your life falls apart

Take a minute after reading this paragraph to close your eyes.

Take a deep breath. Listen to your breath. Feel it fill your lungs.

Notice what you hear around you.

What do you smell? 

What emotions come up as you notice?

What can you feel right now with your body? 

What are you grateful for in this moment?

Focus On What Is In Your Control

Part of making through what is out of your control is focusing on what is in your control. The meaning and the why you choose to make out of what is happening to you can dramatically shift its impact on you emotionally and mentally. 

Maybe you would never choose to lose a job you love, to struggle financially, or have your life turned upside down. But why are you going through this?

It's an odd question to ask about something forced upon you, I know. But bare with me. If you could choose a why, what would it be? Because you can. You can create the “why” you want. What you are going to take away from this experience is yours to decide.

Be Nice To Yourself (Practice Self-Compassion)

Someone recently said to me, “You are your own best friend for life. Be nice to yourself.”

Would you kick a friend when he's down? Of course not. So be nice to yourself when going through a tough time. Remember you aren't the only one struggling when life falls apart. You are not alone.

Give yourself grace and space to make mistakes, to struggle, and to hurt. You're human. We all are.

Ride Those Emotional Waves (Until They Pass)

When we fight our feelings with criticism or denial, they tend to grow stronger (or we just add more negative emotions on top of what we're already experiencing). 

It's okay to feel all the feelings right now; they aren't YOU and they pass. Observe them without self-judgement (“Wow, I'm really sad right now”). Ground yourself by practicing that mindfulness exercise above; close your eyes and tune into your five senses. Breathe. It will pass on its own. Repeat as needed.

Self-Care, Keep It Simple

It's tempting to let everything go when you are overwhelmed, routine is out the window, and resources are limited. So keep it simple. What are your top three self-care needs? 

Sleep, nutrition, physical exertion, creativity, social connection…these are just some examples. 

Don't worry too much about what you get done or don't when it comes to self-care; just focus on the top three things that help you most. And, when working on those, stay simple. 

When I've Wanted To Die

Not motivated? Start with one small step (as small as needed). For example, if you know you need exercise to stay mentally and emotionally well but aren't motivated to run five miles on your treadmill, you could start with 10 jumping jacks, 15 minutes of yoga, or vigorous house cleaning. 

Check in with yourself at the end of this step and ask yourself if you want more.

Reach Out

Even the most introverted of us need someone to talk to, even just to chat. Check in with your friends, family, and loved ones. If texting with them still leaves you feeling isolated, go old-school and make a phone call! Or take advantage of modern technology and video chat. 

And remember it's okay to ask for exactly what you need most, and not for what you don't need. So if you're yearning for normalcy and want small talk with a friend, it's okay to say “Hey, can we skip the coronavirus conversations right now? I miss our girl talk.”  

The Signs - Depression Short Film

Give yourself permission to be vulnerable, ask for help, and just generally share how you're feeling with a fellow human!

Online Emotional Support

Sometimes friends and family can't support us in the way we need (which is okay, too), especially when they are going through something themselves. If you are unsure of where to turn for help and stuck in self-quarantine, know that there are many online resources available, such as online therapy, virtual couple's counseling, and online support groups. [And for more on building community while social distancing read “CommUNITY during social distancing and self-quarantine“]

When your life is falling apart around you, know you can get through it and it will pass. Even if the old normal isn't quite the same again, take comfort in the knowledge that a new, positive normal will eventually fall into place.

In the meantime, keep emotional self-care simple and be gentle with and kind to yourself.

Michael Schulte - Falling Apart (Official Video)

We're in this together! 

  1. Take failure as a challenge: Shovan, You are fired.I accepted it.I didn't frustrate. Took it as a challenge.
  2. Keep trying : My job application was rejected from 1000+ employers. I wasn't disappointed. I kept on trying to get a job.
  3. Find inner peace: I was depressed, frustrated, broke and unemployed. I did not get out my home for long time. I did not cry. I started doing Meditation.
  4. Stop wasting time : I am an average person. I have been rejected from girls. I took it very casually and focused on my studies and passion.
  5. Keep silent and prove yourself : My father shouted to me “You are the biggest loser in the whole world.” I did not argue. I just keep silent and started to work hard to prove him wrong.
  6. Be positive despite your limitations: I have directional dyslexia. Sometimes I am puzzled to identify the left-right direction and make mistakes to find out common street.People mock at me.I don't blame anyone and don't cry. I just try to be calm and positive.
  7. Take No as Next Opportunity : A Lot of People say “NO” to me. I did not cry for that.Not at all. I take the No as my next opportunity to try my best.
  8. Compete with yourself : My friends are doing job in world's high profile company. I do a simple job. They laugh at my career. I don't mind. I don't compare my life with other people. I compete with myself.
  9. Never complain : I didn't have money in my pocket to go by local transport. So, I walked 5–6 miles regularly to reach the university. I didn't mind and never complained. I started to take tuition to earn money.
  10. Find alternative solution : I love to read fiction, non fiction novel and self help books. I was just hanker after to see the books in the library but didn't have money to buy those books. I started to save money to buy books.
  11. Be persistent and do hard work : I got poor grades in my first semester in MBA. My friends mocked at my extremely poor grade. I started to feel really helpless. But I didn't give any excuse. I started to study regularly and completed MBA with tremendous hardwork and good results .
  12. Find your passion: I have failed 3 times in BCS(Bangladesh Civil Service) exam which is just like IAS(Indian Administrative Service) exam. BCS is the most tough exam to be a govt officer in Bangladesh and it is a dream job for most Bangladeshi students. Now I am not disheartened.I realize that my destination is somewhere else and I started working on my passion.
  13. Gratitude to God what you have: I am neither super talented nor handsome or tall person.I am average guy. But I am not dissatisfied about that. I am grateful to God whatever he has given me.
  14. Work hard to cover up your limitations : My English is terrible. I have been insulted several times for my poor English Grammar.But I did not feel inferior. I started to practice regularly.
  15. Inspire people to motivate yourself: I was desperately looking for someone to listen to my pain and take care of me when I was in severe depression. But I did not find anyone. So, I started to do meditation and run every morning. Moreover, I started to inspire depressed and lonely people by writing motivational online articles.

FIX YOUR LIFE! | Joe Rogan

Thus, I turn my life falling apart into a positive. Overall, Life has given me 100 reasons to negative but I have shown life 100O reasons why I should not negative and I am happy whatever I am.

Let's not sugarcoat this. Life can be a royal pain in the ass. One day you're on top of the world and the next you're scrambling to find your next dollar.

At some point we all experience this roller coaster ride known as life.

I've had a couple setbacks in life. The first was when I suffered an accident while working construction. I was told I'd never walk again. The second was when I lost several million dollars (my life savings) in a six-week period and had to lay off my entire team of 70+ people.

That is in no way saying that I've had it worse than some others. I'm just saying that sometimes everything around us falls apart. And when that happens, the last thing on your mind is getting motivated enough to meet that challenge head-on.

Article continues after video.


Compass Founder Robert Reffkin on How to Bounce Back From Failure

I will say, though, that all is not lost. You can still find ways to motivate yourself even during these most trying of times.

GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER! you can be so much more than you are - Jordan Peterson Motivation

1. Take a break.

This may sound outrageous. Wouldn't it just make more sense to just keep plugging away at finding a solution? Not necessarily.


The reality is that sometimes you need to back away from the world that's crumbling around you so that you can refocus and get a clearer picture of what's going on. Once you do, you can assess the situation and figure out the best course of action.

That's exactly what I did when my business failure. My wife and I took a break by skipping out of town and going to Disneyland. While there we made the decision to pack-up, sell everything, and relocate to the Bay Area.

Without getting out of town, I wouldn't have made one of the best decisions of my life; start fresh somewhere. It was therapeutic and gave me something to look forward to.

2. Get support.

Put your ego aside and don't hesitate in asking for help. Whether if it's borrowing some money, asking for advice, having someone to vent to, or just being around someone who's upbeat. Having a strong and positive support system is one of the best ways to get your mojo back.

CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR GOOD | POWERFUL Motivational Video Speech Compilation

In fact, one studies have found that positivity is 100% contagious. So, make sure that your support system is optimistic and are capable of lifting your spirits.

At the same time, your support system needs to also include people who are honest - even if they can be harsh sometime. For example, my dad has been my harshest critic. But, his feedback was so honest and genuine that it's kept me grounded, focused, and motivated

3. Try something new.

Have you been working on the same thing, but keep experiencing the same results? There could be a reason for that. You may have to try something new.

That's not to say that you should abandon your dreams. It means that it's time for you to have to change your strategy or change things up. For me, moving to a new town sparked my motivation since it forced me out of my comfort zone appreciate my new surroundings.

THESE Lessons Can Change Your Life FOREVER! | Mel Robbins | Top 50 Rules

Science has actually proven that when we try something new it triggers specific parts of your brain and releases the motivation chemical dopamine.

While you don't have to do something as big as moving, you could start with something smaller like working in a different location or eating at a restaurant you've never tried.

4. Make your goals visible.

A study conducted by Gail Matthews at Dominican University researched the value of writing down your goals and sharing them with a trusted source. Matthews found that over 70 percent of the participants who sent weekly updates to a friend reported successful goal achievement.

This meant they completely accomplished their goal or were more than halfway there. Only 35 percent of those who kept their goals to themselves and didn't write them reported successful goal achievement.

On top of sharing and displaying your aspirations, you also need to make sure that your goals have an achievable time frame and contain measurable details.

This way you can can visually see what you're working toward and figure out how you'll achieve it. Writing down your goals also help you focus, train your brain to be more proactive, and it gives you peace of mind.

10 Pieces of Life-Changing ADVICE From Usher

5. Focus on tiny fixes.

I think Marc and Angel Chernoff said this best. "Don't build mountains in your mind. Don't try to conquer the world all at once. When you seek instant gratification (big, quick fixes) you make life unnecessarily painful and frustrating."

Instead, you should "treat each moment as an opportunity to make a tiny, positive investment in yourself, the rewards come naturally."

That's because when your world is falling apart it can be easy "to find plenty of little things you can fix." For example, if you're not happy with your weight, you could make small changes in your lifestyle like taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

However, when "everything is going well, it's easy to get lulled into a routine of complacency. It's easy to forget how incredibly capable and resourceful you can be."

Marc and Angel remind us that, "Small steps, little leaps, and tiny fixes (very small repetitive changes) every day will get you there, through thick and thin."

5 Things to Remember When Your Life is Falling Apart

6. Speak positive affirmations.

There may be no more of a powerful external creative force than self-talk. Think about it. If you keep reminding yourself how terrible everything thing is around do, do you really believe that you'll be motivated to do something about it?

Regardless of the negativity going on around you, say out loud what you want to happen. Jot down a daily affirmation and place it somewhere that you're going to see it, such as your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or computer monitor.

7. Take action and don't mope.

As I explained in a post for, There's something called the Zeigarnik Effect, which is based on research from Soviet psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik and later confirmed by two psychologists. This states that we want to finish a goal once started.

When I was at lowest, I found that setting goals was an effective motivator. For example, I would say, "Today, I'm booking my trip to Disney and tomorrow I'm going to look for houses around San Francisco."

Once I completed those goals, I would spend a couple of hours a day to pick-ups like building a new company Adogy. I would also devote an hour a day to exercise and 30 minutes to reading an inspirational book.

Your life isn't falling apart, God is trying to get your attention!

This may not seem like much, but my mood started to improve once I began crossing off items on my to-do-list. Eventually, this motivated me to create more challenging goals. And, most importantly, it kept occupied so that I wouldn't just mope around the house.

Stop trying to turn it into positive.

(For now.)

Stop trying to turn the feeling of having your life fall apart into positive. It's not. Maybe someday you'll see this time as a useful part of what you were eventually able to become, but not now. You can't rush it. You are where you are. Be HERE now.

Feel the feelings that you are having now, in this moment -- allow yourself to experience the pain of having your life as you know it fall apart -- without trying to change, suppress, hide, stuff, repress, alter, gloss-over, or deny the emotions.

The feelings will eventually pass on their own, and you'll start to get glimpses of a brighter outlook, but only if you let yourself fully experience your current reality first.

For more on this approach see the books:

  • Letting Go by David Hawkins
  • How Quantum Physicists Change Beliefs by Greg Kuhn
  • Loving What Is by Byron Katie
  • Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins
  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
First 3 Things You Should Do When Your Life is Falling Apart

How do you be positive when your life is falling apart?

If 2017 is proving to be anything, it’s an interesting and unpredictable ride. With a policy-shifting new administration in the White House, Brexit aftershocks, key elections in Europe, multiple global crises, and technology-disrupted industries – there’s a serious amount of uncertainty in the air. Many people are feeling it. Take the election alone. A quick Google search confirms that “Post Election Stress” is a very real phenomenon.

While recent events may have sped up the uncertainty, we’ve been living in a tumultuous time. Business has adopted the military acronym VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – to describe the current state of normal. It can be hard for leaders to manage an uncertain environment for themselves, let alone keep others focused and calm. But that’s exactly what leaders of all levels must do to remain effective and forward-looking.

A company can’t innovate if its workers are anxious, pessimistic and even afraid. People must be able to cope with uncertainty in a way that’s not paralyzing.

So, what are some proactive techniques to move forward when we’re unsure of the outcome? How can we avoid cycling through what might happen and stay engaged in the here and now?

Here are some thoughts on how to, as the Brits say, keep calm and carry on, when there’s tumult just outside the door.

Get in control of your irrational thoughts.


When Everything Falls Apart - Motivational Video

Your limbic system is responsible for the fear you experience during times of uncertainty. And according to Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, fear inhibits sound decision-making.

The best way to combat these irrational thoughts? Turn on your self-awareness. Bradberry argues, “People who are good at dealing with uncertainty are wary of this fear and spot it as soon as it begins to surface. In this way, they can contain it before it gets out of control. Once they are aware of the fear, they label all the irrational thoughts that try to intensify it as irrational fears – not reality – and the fear subsides. Then they can focus more accurately and rationally on the information they have to go on.”

Ride the waves you can’t stop.

There’s no use in fighting against the choppy current, especially around issues that you can’t affect anyway. Even if it goes against your basic instincts, try to ride the wave of uncertainty rather than using precious mental energy to create an imaginary sense of control. When you feel yourself fixating, stop and ascertain if your efforts can bear fruit. If not, try to let it go.

Leadership and management writer for Inc., Peter Economy, suggests that you should focus on “upping communication throughout your organization, creating fluid hierarchies, being fully transparent and improvising whenever necessary. Invest more in your knowledge workers and encourage your employees to be entrepreneurial.”

Adaptability is key at all levels. Create a cultural value around it and reward supportive behaviors in others.

Focus on what matters.

When All Hope Is Lost Motivational Video !

While you try to ignore what you can’t change, pick strategic battles you want to fight. This may mean that instead of being overwhelmed by large trends, you focus on a core mission. If you had to pick the top priorities for your time and energy, what rises to the top?

Inc. columnist Eric Holtzclaw argues that now is the time to hone in on your one true mission: “The goal of your organization – the reason you exist and what you bring to the world – should serve as the litmus test for everything that you do as you work through uncertainty. Staying true to your organization's goal helps you prioritize as you sort through the chaos surrounding you. Make sure your company knows what its mission is, remind your team of that goal and drive toward it.”

Collaborate, don’t hunker.

Now is not the time to go it alone. Writing in Harvard Business Review, career expert Patti Johnson suggests that effective leaders consider multiple perspectives when navigating uncharted waters “by encouraging collaboration, input, and new ideas.” She writes: “Be inclusive, and rely less on hierarchy and more on relevant experience. Above all, avoid the ‘I have all the answers’ trap. It’s important to know when your expertise helps and when it’s creating a blind spot.”

When we’re under stress, we can go inward and tighten down external inputs. Resist the urge. You need the full capacity of your team – and the exponential impact of multiple ideas – to navigate uncertain times.

Make incremental steps.

Uncertainty can cause us to take drastic steps to alleviate our anxiety, and to create a new normal. Many organizations, and people, have followed big changes with equally big mistakes.

If you're feeling depressed, anxious, sad, or angry WATCH THIS!!!

Instead, put together a plan composed of incremental, achievable steps. Johnson argues that this approach helps you to avoid the risks that come with making a big, sweeping decisions. She writes, “Create a series of short-term plans that can evolve as the situation becomes clearer...Regularly ask your team, ‘What have we learned that must change our plans in the next three months?’”

Change is iterative, as is our feeling about the change. Our first reaction is often steeped in emotion, and with time a more sure-footed approach appears. Part of navigating any VUCA environment is realizing that every step opens up new doors, and it’s only when we walk through them that we realize what’s next.

  • figure out why your life is falling apart
  • identify the mistakes you made
  • make restitutions where necessary
  • give apologies where needed
  • DECIDE to stop the negative cycle that cause your life to crumble
  • DECIDE to start a positive cycle to restore your life back
  • give it all you've got
  • don;t make the same mistakes of the past
  • humble yourself
  • work diligently to live a good, positive life DAILY



This will be the best experience you ever have if you do three things.
1. Sit and breathe deeply, and keep track in your mind of where you feel the stress and fear regarding your failure. Hold the tension, then, after holding as long as you can, blow it out of your body forever. Never think twice on it. If it comes back, dig deeper into the memory. After a while you'll start to feel much clearer about what fears you had, where they came from, and how they affected your life at that age.

2. Take notes on what you think you failed at, what it means, and why it means that.

3. You will not make the same mistakes twice, so rejoice that you're done with that chapter of your evolution.

Good luck.

How to Find Yourself Again - Best Motivational Video 

There's no such thing as positive life .. there're positive situations but not life

It's very hard for life to be positive, it will keep knocking us down and we have nothing to do with that ,you can't protect yourself from ongoing life, but what we have in our hands is how we act based on the negativity of our life

your question may be the result of a bad experience in life or a series of bad events, you can't change what happened but you can change how you view it

everything that happens to us will make us learn something.. it maybe such a small thing but you needed to get hit that hard to see it

Making positive life is kinda a myth! Life will always have its ways to mess with our heads
be smart .. learn to adjust to everything .. that's how you be positive

Best of luck ^^

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