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Saturday 5 June 2021

What does it mean if my crush calls me babe?


People use pet names for all kinds of reasons, and it’s hard to tell exactly what they mean. What does babe mean when it’s coming from your crush?

what does babe mean

When people give you a nickname it can be adorable and special to you. But that’s not always the case if you’re unsure what they mean by the name. I’ve had grandparents call me names like sweetie, babe, honey, and the like. I understand what they mean, but what does babe mean from my crush?

But I’ve also heard those same names come from guys that I’ve liked before. It took me a long time to decipher what they meant by each particular word. But it didn’t have as much to do with the actual word as it did the way they said it, and how their body reacted to it.

What are pet names?

I always believed a pet name to be something a person called you if they feel affection toward you. However, that’s not always the case and some people use it as a means to get what they want. The trick is figuring out which is which.

Pet names are SUPPOSED to be an affectionate way of addressing the people you care for. They range from honey, sweetie, sugar bear, love, dear, and pretty much anything sounding adorable. The one word up for the most interpretation is “babe.”

What does babe mean when it comes from someone you like?

I say this one is up for a lot of interpretation because it’s probably the most widely used pet name out there. Anybody can use it for any particular reason. It’s hard to determine what they mean by it, especially when it comes from someone you like.

Thankfully, I’ve had a lot of practice when it comes to deciphering the true meaning of the word when it comes from someone I’m crushing on. I intend to share my findings with all of you. Here is what babe might mean when it comes from someone you really like.

#1 Nothing. Some people use pet names all the time just to address people because they think it makes them sound cool. Someone you like could possibly be calling you babe for absolutely no reason other than it makes them sound charming.

If their body language doesn’t suggest they like you in any way, shape, or form, then they’re probably only saying it because it’s a fun word to say, and it means nothing else. [Read: Decoding compliments: 50 cute words and their true meaning]

#2 They find you attractive. This is probably the most obvious reason someone calls you babe. Because they actually think you’re a babe! Whether they directly call you it or just refer to you as babe, they could mean they find you attractive.

In order to tell if this is true, pay attention to what they’re paying attention to. If they’re checking you out and calling you babe, then it’s almost certain they’re saying it because they think you’re good looking.

#3 They’re flirting with you. Babe is a term used when someone tries to flirt with you. Most people call you babe if they’re trying to get a fun banter going and need to get you engaged in the conversation.

You can tell if they’re using it in a flirty way by the tone of voice they’re using. And if they’re standing close and looking you in the eye. These actions represent very flirty behavior. [Read: What is flirting? The science behind this common act]

#4 They feel affectionate. Affectionate people use the term babe just to clarify they care about you. This could be in a sexual or romantic way, but it could also be completely platonic. I call my girlfriends babe all the time, and it’s just a term of endearment.

If they tend to call all of their friends babe, then it’s safe to assume they’re only using this word as a means to announce their friendly affection for someone and nothing more.

#5 They’re using it in place of your name—because they can’t remember it. I’ve seen this done so many times that it’s actually sad. Some poor girl wanders into a bar and runs into a one night stand she had a few weeks back and all he calls her is “babe.”

She thinks it’s adorable, but really, he just can’t remember her name! If you never hear them call you anything other than babe, then it’s a safe bet they just can’t remember your name and opt for something that flatters you so you don’t notice.

#6 They’re trying to tell if you’re interested. Babe can be a word used to gauge a person’s interest because it’s a safer pet name since it can have so many different meanings.

If they’re calling you babe, and it’s accompanied by them divulging their life story, they’re probably just trying to tell if you’re interested in them. They’re gauging your reaction when the word is said. [Read: Is he in love with you? Read his subtle signs]

#7 They just want your attention. Hearing your crush call you babe sends shock waves through your body because it’s usually a term associated with them liking you. However, this isn’t always the case, as you probably know by now.

When you hear someone call you babe when you’re distracted and talking to someone else, it might just be a means to make sure your attention is on them and not wandering elsewhere. If they say it in an urgent matter this is almost definitely the case.

#8 They’re trying to pick you up. I’ve also seen this more times than I care to admit. When I’m in a bar and just hanging out and have the misfortune of witnessing a guy try to pick a girl up, they almost always call them babe.
If you’re in a setting that fosters the kind of hook-up life, then you might hear them call you babe for the purpose of picking you up so they can take you home. [Read: 17 sordid signs they think you’re a hookup and nothing else]

#9 They’re interested in you. Babe can also be used to show their interest in you. I specifically use this word to show someone I’m interested in them because I don’t use a lot of pet names.

If they’re calling you babe and you haven’t heard them use the term before, and they’re even kind of shy about it, it’s probably because they actually like you but don’t know how else to show it. [Read: 10 motivational tips-n-tricks for shy people and introverts]

#10 They’re trying to sound cool. People have been using the word babe for a really long time in order to sound really cool in front of other people—specifically guys using it for girls.

When a guy says babe a lot when he’s in a group setting and keeps calling you—and every other girl in the vicinity—by this pet name then he’s probably only doing so to look cool and gain the attention of a lot of different ladies. [Read: 10 ingenious ways to beat a player who’s playing you]

#11 They’re just saying it out of habit. I have a male friend that says babe all the time. He calls his mom babe, his grandma babe, his guy friends babe, and all the girls he knows babe. He calls complete strangers babe!

It’s just how he was raised, and it’s a habit of his that he just can’t kick. If you notice they call pretty much everyone babe, including you, then it might just be because it’s a habit and not a form of affection or attraction.

[Read: Get off the emotional see-saw: 10 signs your crush definitely likes you]

Simple pet names can be so confusing, especially if they’re coming from someone you like. This cheat sheet helps you decode what they really mean when they call you babe.

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Bella Pope LovePanky
Annabel is a lifestyle writer, cheese enthusiast (Wisconsin native over here) and fantasy adventure author-in-progress who enjoys all things love, dog,...
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