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Saturday 5 June 2021

Is Bub an insult?

 Funny GERMAN INSULTS (with translations)

Yeah, “bub” is just an old-fashioned say of addressing a man. It’s not particuarly respectful, but it’s probably along the lines of “guy” “man” “dude” or “mate” for you Brits, Aussies, etc.

Without more, it probably means nothing more than a “Hi there - I’d like to acknowledge your presence and see how you react.” You know, if it’s late at night and you run across a man you don’t know, a “Hey there” is a good way to gauge the man’s intention - a nod, “hey,” or similar response means he probably doesn’t want trouble - if he gives you a look you don’t like or uses a tone you don’t like, you might want to get ready to run or fight. But I digress.

Usually “bub,” something I don’t hear much outside of old Warner Brothers or Looney Tunes cartoons, is a substitute for an offensive word. Think “buddy.” If someone says “Hey, watch where you’re going, buddy!” that person doesn’t really think you’re his or her buddy/friend, right? It’s a substitute for a swear word or “you idiot.” That’s how I see “bub” being used, mostly.

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