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Saturday 5 June 2021

Is giving nicknames flirting?


“How can I tell if he’s flirting with me?!”

Boys are confusing. All girls deal with this issue, and it almost always comes to this…”How can I tell if he’s flirting with me?!” Here’s a few things boys do to flirt, also tips on how you could flirt with a guy, things guys do that girls mistake as flirting, and then finally, things girls can do where THEY’RE accidently flirting!

When a Guy is Flirting

1. Nicknames: If you ever have a boy give you a cute kind of nickname and use it over and over, rather than just calling you by your name, it’s a key sign he’s trying to flirt with you.

2. Constant eye contact: If a boy is always trying to hold your gaze when talking to you, or looking at you a lot from a distance (not in a creepy way! A sweet, enduring kind of way) then this is also something a guy might do to get your attention.

3. “Goodnight” or “Good morning” texts: If a boy not only texts first, but makes a point to send you good morning or goodnight texts, he probably likes you.

4. Gifts: If you have a birthday or a holiday pass and a guy goes out of his way to get you something, this could also mean something. (BTW, never reject a gift just because of who the guy is. Even if it’s from a guy you don’t like, be kind and except it.)

Flirting Tips for Girls

1. Gaze ‘n Blush, then Rush!: If you have a crush on a guy and you want to get his attention but be cute about it, try this…sit somewhere across from him, and act as though you’re doing something else with your head down. Gaze up at him every now and then, and wait until you catch his eye. When that happens, quickly look away acting as if you’re really embarrassed. Maybe try a giggle too if you want. Then soon gather your things and walk off. As you leave, pause and look back one more time, then leave it at that.

2. Group Giggle: Get a couple friends together that know who your crush is and convince them to help you drop some hints. If they don’t do it already, talk to your friends about poking you and giggling as you pass by your crush and other things like that.

3. Group outings: Get some friends together and invite your crush to go with you. Hang out and talk, and make a point to kind of stay close to him. But don’t get too clingy or anything! Guys will see that as desperate, and almost immediantely lose interest.

4. Nicknames: Yes, again. One of the main ways to flirt is to give him a nickname. Some good flirty nicknames can also be the kinds where it’s as if you’re calling HIM out on flirting with YOU. Like, “Flirty-Pants” or whatever you want.

Things Guys Do That’s NOT Flirting, but could be Mistaken as Such (but Under Certain Circumstances Could be Flirting)

1. Jokes: Guys like making us gals laugh! It’s not bad at all, but it’s usually just being friendly. Not flirting. (Unless they do this and are also flirting in different ways!)

2. Being Protective: If you’ve got a friend that’s a guy and you think he’s flirting with you just because he’s started to get protective, you could be wrong. Boys are pretty good friends to keep, and one of those reasons is because over time they get to be more protective of you than your friends that are girls. But if it’s a guy you’re not really close to and he’s suddenly become protective of you, he could be interested.

3. Asking for Girl Advice: Some girls think that when a guy asks them for advice about other girls, he’s trying to make them jealous and the guy actually likes them. This can also go two ways…most of the time it’s just because a guy feels confident enough to ask for advice and help from a girl. When other guys that are more “player-ish” do this though, it could be flirting. But beware of guys that use jealousy to win you, because they probably won’t be the ones that treat you as well.

4. Picking on Their Best Friend: Something else girls seem to think would be flirting, is when a guy seems to ignore the girl and push the flirting excuses out on his friend, like he’s acting like his friend is the one who likes you. When in truth, it probably is the friend that likes you. Although I have come across cases where the guy did like the girl, and he pushed her to believe his friend liked her, because he didn’t want to admit it. But this happens so few times, its best not to even count it as flirting or showing an interest.

Things Girls do to Accidently Flirt

1. Being too Nice: Yes, it’s true. You can be too nice to a guy, and he will think it’s flirting and that you have an interest in him. It’s not with all guys, but it is with the guys that are head over heels for you! If a guy has a huge crush on you and you’re really nice to him, he could think you like him. So stay nice, but don’t be overly sweet if you think a guy might like you and you don’t like him. You don’t want to send mixed signals.

2. Texting First: Its fine to text him first sometimes, but you don’t want to text him first too much, especially if you talk to him or see him almost every day.

3. Too Close During Outings: If you go out with friends and find there’s someone there you can’t stand, girls will almost always subconciously stay closer to one of the guys that she knows. So if you find yourself walking right next to a guy a lot and you don’t like him, bounce around to other friends too and make sure not to linger.

4. Just Guy Friends: Now, I have this issue a lot. I don’t have as much in common with the girls around me, so I tend to hang around and chill with the guys a lot. But when you’re around just guys and there’s a lot of people, it can make you look like a big flirt. Just be careful with not really having too many friends that are guys, but too few friends that are girls.

I hope that these tips have helped you. I’ve shared tips like these with my friends that have boy problems, and they have seemed to help them in the past, so I hope it does the same for you. Boys are confusing, but what’s more confusing than just the guys in general, is flirting. 🙂

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