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Sunday 6 June 2021

How do you create a nickname?

 Nicknames come from close friends, family, or teammates.[1] People throughout history used nicknames for different reasons. These include: to describe someone,[2] bring good luck,[3] as a sign of friendship, or a person's hometown.[4] Whatever the origin of a nickname, coming up with one that is cool can be challenging. Be careful when creating a nickname for yourself or a friend – you might be stuck with it for the rest of your life.[5]

Thinking of a Cool Nickname

  1. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 1
    Shorten your name. The most basic and common type of nickname is a shortened version of someone’s real name. For example, Alexander is shortened to Alex or Al, Katherine to Kate or Katie, Richard to Rick or Dick, and so on.[6]
  2. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 2
    Create a cool nickname using your initials. Take and combine the first letter of your first and last names, or first letter of your first and middle names. Going by your initials can help differentiate you from others if you have a common name, or make a difficult or long name easier to pronounce. This works well if your middle or last name begins with “J”, “D”, or “T” – for example Daniel Joseph can be shortened to “D.J.”, Andrew Johnson to “A.J.”, Jonathon Jameson to “J.J.”, or James Taylor to “J.T.”.
  3. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 3
    Describe a unique physical attribute or personality trait. Think of a good feature about yourself or a friend and use that as inspiration for a nickname. For example, the 16th president Abraham Lincoln is often called “Honest Abe” for his integrity.[7] [8] Be careful not to offend anyone and focus on positive, not negative attributes.
    • If someone is really smart, call them “Prof” or “Doc”, or a creative person could be called “Muse” or “Da Vinci”.
    • In China, many American and British celebrities have nicknames based on their appearance or reputation. For example, Katy Perry is known as “Fruit Sister” for her colorful costumes, Benedict Cumberbatch is “Curly Blessing” for his curly hair, and Adam Levine is “Flirty Adam”.[9]
  4. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 4
    Call someone by their last name. This works well in sports or at work, especially if you have a common first name. Also, most athletes go by their last name, since it’s on the back of their jerseys. You can also abbreviate or shorten your last name.
  5. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 5
    Make sure the name is short and easy to remember. You can abbreviate someone’s first or last name to 3 syllables or less. You want something that is catchy and easy to say.
  6. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 6
    Test out the name before using it in public. If you are trying to come up with a cool nickname for a friend, try it out on them first when no one else is around. See how they respond – you want a nickname to be flattering, not offensive.[10]
    • Stop calling the person by that name if they find in annoying. Inappropriate nicknames include those that reference bad habits, negatively portray someone’s physical appearance or weight, or are sexually explicit.

Thinking of a Creative Nickname

  1. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 7
    Use a retro or vintage nickname. Make something old new again by reviving a nickname that used to be popular, but has since fallen out of use. For example, “Slick”, “Skippy”, or “Biff” for boys and “Dottie”, or “Kittie” for girls were popular in the 1940s and 1950s. During the Victorian Era, examples of popular nicknames for girls include “Josie”, “Millie”, and “Maisie”, and for boys “Fritz”, “Augie”, and “Zeb”.[11] [12]
    • Look for inspiration from old TV shows or movies. For example, character nicknames on the “The Little Rascals”(1922-1944) include Alfalfa, Junior, Froggy, Pineapple, and Buckwheat.[13] The popular musical and movie “Grease” (1978) includes members of the “Pink Ladies” (Rizzo, Frenchy, and Marty) and the “T-Birds” (Doody and Kenickie).[14]
  2. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 8
    Create a nickname based on your hometown or interests. Find inspiration from where you’re from or what you do.[15] For example, people from Indiana are often called “Hoosiers” and “Yinzer” is a nickname for people from Pittsburgh, PA.[16] If you like to cook, you can go by “Chef”, “Mustang” if you like cars (you can use any type of car, this is just an example), or “Owl” if they like to read (or really like owls).
    • Use sports references. Think of a nickname associated with your favorite player. If you play a sport, think of cool nicknames for everyone on the team based on their strengths. See if any of the names stick.
  3. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 9
    Create a unique nickname from your own name. You can also think of a unique or uncommon way of creating a nickname from someone’s name, such as “Resa” from Theresa, “Elle” from Michelle, or “Ober” from Robert. Also, consider pronouncing someone’s name backwards, such as calling Katie “Eitak” or Brian “Nairb”. Finally, you can call someone by their middle name.
    • Famous celebrities, such as Katy Perry, Demi Moore, and Reese Witherspoon go by their middle name or mother’s maiden name.
  4. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 10
    Create a stage name. If you are, or want to become a musician, it is important to have a memorable nickname.[17] Having a stage name is important if you want to protect your identity, or your name is difficult to pronounce.[18] Unlike other types of nicknames, a stage name is your specific brand.
    • A good stage name is short, easy to pronounce, and represents who your are.[19] [20]
    • Find inspiration from famous stage names. Look up your favorite musician and see how they chose their stage name.

Thinking of a Nickname for a Significant Other

  1. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 11
    Use a pet name. Pet names are a way to show your affection.[21] Popular pet names for women include: gorgeous, beautiful, honey, angel, and princess.[22] The top pet names for men include: babe, baby, honey, bear, and boo.
  2. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 12
    Use a childhood nickname. While nicknames from your childhood can be embarrassing, especially ones your parents gave you, they can be cute and endearing if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Ask your significant other’s parents if they had a nickname when they were little. Use it the next time you see your boyfriend or girlfriend and see how they react.
  3. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 13
    Create a secret nickname. Create a nickname that you and your significant other use when you’re alone. You can use a standard nickname such as “Boo”, “Honey”, or “Babe”, or come up with your own.
    • Create a name based on what do you find most attractive in your significant other. For example, if your boyfriend is a good kisser, call him “Sweet Lips”, or if your girlfriend is pretty and kind, call her “Angel”.
  4. Image titled Come up With a Cool Nickname Step 14
    Combine your names. Many celebrity couples are known to their fans by their nicknames, such as “Brangelina” (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt), “Kimye” (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West), or the original “Bennifer” (Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck).[23] Experiment writing down different combinations of your first and last names. Start using it when you are around friends so it sticks.

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