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Sunday 6 June 2021

Can I give myself a nickname?

 I think you’ve hit upon a key component of nicknaming here: nicknames aren’t actually about you. They’re supposed to be about the people around you, their familiarity with you, the thrill it gives them when you complain about that weird thing they’ve been calling you for the last three years. Hopefully, if they’re a true friend and you honest to god hated it, then they’d call you something else. With family, no such luck.

So personally, I think your best bet for rebranding yourself is to use a little reverse psychology. Casually mention that somebody called you a new nickname the other day and pretend to find it annoying. I’ve found that people tend to latch onto it from there, especially if it’s a catchy one.

it is usually someone else that gives you a nickname! For example I had beautiful legs still do but in a wheelchair now! But they use to call me Marilyn or Monroe! My great Uncle wanted to insure my legs I was only 5 ft 4 3/4 inches but looked as if I was 5 ft 8 because I had long legs! Then I got MS damn he should of insured them! heee heee Now they call me Lady Di I have blond hair like her we had our 2 boys together and I always admired her! Too funny! My sister was a red head we called her Charlie and Red! So there is something about you that people see that you get your nickname!

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