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Friday 25 June 2021

How do I see the size of an app in Xcode?

 I used to do it but I haven't done it in a while and i've added to my game. Don't remember where on Xcode I can check the approximate app store size of my app.

I plugged in the iPhone into my mac. I clicked on Windows, Devices expecting it to be there but it wasn't. I don't remember.

Where on Xcode can I check the approximate app store size of my app?


The Organizer has this functionality for Archives. So, you'll need to create an archive:

  1. Product > Archive (you need the iOS device scheme selected here, which means you need a valid signing identity set up)
  2. Window > Organizer
  3. Select the "Archives" tab.
  4. Select your archive, and in the header detail view, click "Estimate Size"
  • You mean Product > Archive. Not Build >Archive. But thanks I got it now. – Jet Mar 19 '15 at 19:01
  • You're totally right. Thanks for the fact-check. Fixed in the original answer! – josefdlange Mar 23 '15 at 19:05 
  • Like the answer below says, newer versions of Xcode 6 don't have this functionality baked in. Instead, you can right-click (control-click) on your archive in the Organizer, and click "Show in Finder..." -- from there you can "Get Info..." on the file and see its size. This may not be exact -- I am not sure if there is compression that takes place between the archive and IPA stages. – josefdlange Aug 14 '15 at 4:44 
  • 2
    Update 2017: Checking the file size of the archive in the Finder doesn't tell you what's the size of the file that user will download from the App Store. Here is how to find that out: – Srđan Stanić Feb 18 '17 at 15:57
  • 13
    This answer should no longer be the accepted answer since it is no longer valid for a long time. – Saren Inden Sep 18 '17 at 8:09

To find out what's the size of the file that user will download from the App Store, you need to do the following.

  1. Archive your app
  2. Export your archive for testing outside the store. enter image description here enter image description here

  3. Select “Export for specific devices” and choose “All compatible device variants” from the pop-up menu. enter image description here

  4. Select "Rebuild from bitcode." EDIT: this step doesn't exist since as late as Xcode 9.4.1.

  5. In the output folder, you will find App Thinning Size Report.txt, which breaks down the compressed and uncompressed file sizes, plus the size of any On Demand Resources, for each device type.

For more information take a look at apple docs.


The organizer in xcode no longer shows this info for some reason. However if you archive your project and in the organizer right click on the file you archived and click "show in finder" and you will be able to see the size when you right click and choose "get info".

  • 1
    The file you find here has nothing to do with the app size on the app store. It contains lots of things like dsym files and unoptimized and non stripped assets – Saren Inden Sep 18 '17 at 8:08

I can't see the "Estimate Size" in Xcode (Version 7.0.1).

Following with josefdlange , I can find the "Show in Finder..." when I Click the header detail view(small icon) .

enter image description here

  • 1
    The file you find here has nothing to do with the app size on the app store. It contains lots of things like dsym files and unoptimized and non stripped assets. – Saren Inden Sep 18 '17 at 8:08

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