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Friday 21 May 2021

What is a Spanish woman called?

 Being a woman in Spain. 10 questions answered.

Señorita vs. Señora: Learn the Difference and Mind Your Manners

Are you thinking of visiting a Spanish-speaking country?

Did you just get a job in a workplace with Spanish-speaking coworkers?

Maybe you’re just wondering how to say hello to the Spanish-speaking woman who moved in next door?

In any of those cases, you’ll need to make sure your Spanish manners are on point.

Specifically, you’ll want to know how to use señorita and señora!

Let’s face it: Politeness matters, regardless of where you are or what language you’re speaking.

When you speak Spanish, using courtesy titles like señorita and señora properly can help you make a good first impression.

If you think that señora and señorita are interchangeable, you’re in for a surprise. They’re different titles with separate applications—although the line between them can be a bit fuzzy. More about that in a bit.

First, let’s learn the difference between the two. And then we’ll see some examples so you’ll get more familiar with señorita and señora. Soon, you’ll be able to use both with confidence!

How to Use Courtesy Titles

Courtesy titles are part of every language. They serve to identify the person being addressed. Also, they’re terms of politeness that make social interactions pleasant and refined.

In English, these words precede a woman’s surname.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Smith.”

“Mrs. Jones, may I get you something to eat?”

See? You’re already familiar with courtesy titles. Female courtesy titles work similarly in Spanish.

The Grammar of Spanish Courtesy Titles

In Spanish, just like in English, female courtesy titles are placed directly before the woman’s name.

Sometimes when they’re written, they’re spelled out completely and appear as señorita and señora. When used in a sentence, they aren’t capitalized.

There are instances when the titles will be abbreviated. If they’re not spelled out, señorita becomes Srta. and señora is shortened to Sra. When they’re used as abbreviations, both words are capitalized.

If the señorita or señora who’s the object of the discussion isn’t being addressed directly, Spanish grammar rules direct us to use the definite article la (the) before both señorita and señora.

Directly addressing a woman using a courtesy title looks like this:

Sra. Brown, ¿está comprando víveres para la fiesta? (Mrs. Brown, are you buying groceries for the party?)

Señorita López, ese vestido es muy bonito. (Miss Lopez, that dress is very pretty.)

Sra. Cook, ¡es un placer verla en el parque! (Mrs. Cook, it is nice to see you at the park!)

Indirectly referencing a woman using a courtesy title takes on the la (the) and looks like this:

La Sra. Brown está comprando víveres para la fiesta. (Mrs. Brown is buying groceries for the party.)

El vestido de la señorita López es muy bonito. (Miss Lopez’s dress is very pretty.)

Es agradable ver a la señora Cook en el parque. (It is nice to see Mrs. Cook at the park.)

Notice that when you either address or reference a woman, it’s acceptable to either abbreviate or write out the appropriate courtesy title.

Señorita vs. Señora: Learn the Difference and Mind Your Manners

English titles for females include Miss, Ma’am, Mrs. and sometimes Ms.

It’s good to note that Spanish doesn’t have anything quite like the Ms. title.

Courtesy titles for women in Spanish are señorita and señora.

Now we’re at the nitty gritty of the situation, aren’t we?

Let’s see just what makes these two similar words different—and when to use them.

What Is “Señorita”?

Señorita is the courtesy title commonly used for younger women. Most would agree that it’s similar to the English “Miss” or even “Ms.”

It’s used to address unmarried women. So, if you know the new neighbor or your coworker is single, using señorita when you speak with her is completely on point!

What Is “Señora”?

Señora is the courtesy title that references and addresses older womenmarried women and unmarried older women.

It’s impolite to address these categories of women by their first names unless you’re given permission to do so.

senora vs senoritaSeñora is often used during employment interviews, as seen in this comical video from FluentU.

However, señora also has a more unique social implication. Sometimes it’s used to ask whether or not a woman is a virgin, regardless of her age or marital standing.

It’s a point to keep in mind, especially if you’re traveling and someone asks the questions, “¿Señorita? ¿Señora?” This has happened to me in social situations and rather than make an issue, I simply provided my preferred form of address without explanation—and moved on with the conversation.

A Special Bonus Term: Doña (Ma’am)

While we’re discussing señora, it’s a good time to mention one more female courtesy title: doña.

Doña isn’t used as frequently as señora, but there’s a good chance you’ll hear it if you’re traveling in a Spanish-speaking country. This honorific title is comparable to ma’am and is another form of showing respect. It’s even a step beyond señora.

Doña is followed by a woman’s first name, rather than her surname. Close friends called my grandmother Doña María and she was always pleased to hear them do so.

Choosing Between Señorita and Señora

You’d imagine that this is a pretty cut-and-dry issue, wouldn’t you? It might seem as if it’s just a case where young, unmarried women get one title and older, married women hear the other. Hey, that’s what the Real Academia Española says.

That would be too simple.

There’s a gray area where this topic is concerned.

Actually, the conventional methods of address apply to most situations but not all. And there really is no definitive answer about when the “rules” should be followed.

As I said, there’s a bit of a muddy point on this topic.

Some Spanish-speaking people consider it polite to call every woman señorita. Regardless of age or marital status, some apply this title to every female they meet.

This practice has the potential to either flatter or offend women who might be accustomed to hearing señora rather than señorita when they’re referenced or addressed.

Others feel exactly the opposite, using señora as a form of respect regardless of the age or marital status of the woman they’re speaking with. The difference comes down to the different cultures around the Spanish-speaking world, as well as individual preference.

The best way to navigate this issue is to take cues from others if you’re unsure. Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • It’s often easiest to gauge the correct usage by the introduction cues you receive when meeting someone. If the person conducting the introduction chooses one title over the other, follow that lead! And if everyone is using the formal usted form to address each other, stay consistent and use the formal señora.
  • Also, remember that regional and cultural differences can influence which title you use. If you’re in a country, region or social group where everyone’s pretty casual, don’t overthink the issue too much.
  • As a last resort, pay attention to how the woman reacts to the title you use. If you use the wrong one, you’ll probably know pretty quickly! Don’t worry if you don’t get it right every time.

If you’re looking for a way to practice, check out the Spanish videos on FluentU.

Each video comes equipped with interactive subtitles in English and Spanish, so you can watch even if you’re a beginning learner.

Because FluentU videos all feature native speakers, you can be sure you’re learning Spanish as it’s really spoken. Listen up for when the Spanish speakers in these videos use señora or señorita. After a while, you’ll start to identify which situations call for which title—and then, you’ll find it easier to choose for yourself in a conversation.

Sign up for FluentU’s free trial and check it out!


We’re all global citizens, and regardless of location, culture or what language we’re speaking, courtesy matters.

This holds true for business associations, casual events and daily conversations. So it’s a very wise move to be aware of the logistics of using courtesy titles—and wiser still to use them well!

So, which one is the best to use—señora or señorita? The rules are pretty fluid, as we’ve seen.

The best way to ensure your social interactions will be successful is to smile when you speak. Friendliness counts—as much as politeness—so smile and have fun!

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