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Friday 21 May 2021

How do I praise my man in bed?

 5 Things Every Man Wants In Bed (But Won't Ask For)

The Kind of Compliments Men Crave

Every man craves a sincere, well-timed compliment, and it can produce incredible effects.

Your guy will still be thinking about that really nice thing you told him long after you’ve said it. He’ll feel like you know and understand him better than anyone else, and he never want to let you go.

Here are 12 kinds of compliments men absolutely can’t resist…

1. Tell him how you love his voice

Whether he’s a high tenor with a swoon-worthy singing voice, a rumbling bass, or anything in between, tell him how much you enjoy the sound of his voice.

Whether or not he can hold his own with Bono, tell him what it does to you when you hear his voice as he holds you to his chest… When you pick up the phone and it’s him… Tell him how your skin comes alive when he says your name…

Voice-related compliments men love:

  • Your voice is so masculine. It gives me sexy chills.
  • I love picking up the phone and hearing that it’s you. Your voice is so comforting.
  • There’s something about your voice that gets me every time…

2. Invite him to tell you about his passion

I know a guy who has an absolute passion for wooden boats. He subscribes to a special magazine, has built a wooden boat in his garage, and avidly studies wooden boat restoration, repairs, and maintenance.


All this has absolutely nothing to do with his paying work – he’s a ranch hand and takes care of horses – but when he talks about wooden boats he can light the biggest, darkest old barn with his intensity and pleasure.

What’s your man’s passion? Ask him to tell you about it. Watch him give off sparks.

Passion-related compliments men can really get into:

  • So how complicated is it to brew your own beer? I would love to hear all about it.
  • How did you get into ham radio (chess, gardening, guitar, classic motorcycles)?
  • You are an amazing cook! How did you learn all this?

3. Compliment his physique or physical appearance

This is a bit of a no-brainer, but ladies, it works like magic.

His hair – the way he distractedly rumples it and makes your heart do burpees… His perfect jawline, or gorgeous lips. The line of his shoulders, and the way they fill out that blue chambray shirt he wears on the weekends… The fine curve of his backside, the place where that dark vee of hair leads to his belt buckle. Mmm, honey.

We could be here all day naming our favorite man bits. So share some of the goods you see and make him grin with pleasure.

This also works great when OTHER women check him out, by the way.

Yep, that’s what I said. When you see other ladies eyeballing your man, let him know how good it makes YOU feel to be with such a sexy guy.

Appearance and body-related compliments for him:

  • You look so handsome in that tie. Every woman loves a sharp-dressed man. And I have the sexiest one.
  • I have a hard time not staring at your a** in those jeans, baby…
  • You weren’t kidding when you said you’ve been working out!
  • You are six kinds of hot…

4. Compare him to a famous male celebrity

Does his courage remind you of Jeremy Renner in that Bourne Legacy film you loved?

Maybe he’s cuter than Jimmy Fallon, smarter than Colin Firth, or sexier than Bruno Mars.

Next time you’re browsing movie titles, your Netflix queue, or the latest People magazine, think how your fave celebs remind you of your fave man.

Celebrity comparison compliments men are gonna love:

  • Your shoulders in that shirt! You could have beat out Chris Hemsworth for the Thor role with those shoulders.
  • Justin Timberlake should borrow some of your moves, baby. You make a woman’s head spin.
  • Baby, you’re hotter than Joe Manganiello.

Thoughtful, sincere compliments are only the beginning! Want the POWER to become your man’s deepest NEED? Stop what you’re doing and watch this video from start to finish…! 

5. Ask for his help or advice

A man loves to feel needed by the woman he adores. So let him feel it. Ask him for his help or advice.

advice listening

And please don’t misunderstand. You’re incredibly smart. You’re a lifelong learner. You can carry your own damn luggage, and walk yourself safely to your car at night. You are unbelievably strong and fully capable of taking (excellent) care of yourself, whether you’re facing down a drunk at the bar or dealing with the car salesman who’s trying to make a buck off you.

You are an amazing woman, and when you invite him to showcase his own amazingness, you BOTH win.

Requests for help that are actually the kinds of compliments men adore:

  • I’m not sure. What do you think I should do?
  • This cable is insanely tangled up and knotted. Could you help me untangle it?
  • The crowd in front of the bar must be four people deep. Do you think you could make your way through to get us some drinks?

6. Stare at him with that dreamy smile on your face

Stare at him like he’s the most luxurious slice ever of Italian cream cake with cream cheese coconut frosting and chopped hazelnuts. Drizzled with apricot sauce. All for you.

Stare at him like he’s Ewan McGregor in a kilt.

And let him catch you doing it.

Then tell him why you can’t keep your eyes (hands, lips) off of him.

Yummy man compliments:

  • Sorry, I totally lost my train of thought, staring at your, um, abs.
  • I have trouble thinking straight when you look like that. You give me very naughty thoughts.
  • I hope you’re not gonna put your shirt on. Not just yet, anyway.

finding the man you dream of

7. Compliment his driving

Why is driving such a man thing? Something about tons of metal hurtling through space, I guess. Is your man great at parallel parking? Does he graciously allow cars to merge in front of him without going mental? Does he make you feel safe in the car?

Then let him know! Tell him how much you appreciate the way he drives, whether he drives a beat-up junker or a luxury sedan.

Driving compliments men like:

  • You make me feel incredibly safe and taken care of.
  • I can’t believe how easy you make it look to parallel park on a busy downtown street. Impressive.
  • I just love your smooth driving style. I never worry with you driving us.

8. Compliment his taste

I know two men who are brilliant with clothes; they just have an innate sense of what fits and looks amazing. Neither one has the money to dress like a superstar, and yet they always seem to look incredibly well put together.

compliments for men

Does your man have great taste in movies, a well-developed design esthetic, or just a way with making the space he lives in warm and comforting?


What about the friends he surrounds himself with?

Compliment his taste and let him know you know how special he is.

Compliments related to his awesome taste:

  • The house looks phenomenal. And you did all the renovations and design work yourself! You’re amazing.
  • This was an great film you brought me to. How did you know I would like it so much?
  • Your friends are fantastic. They made me feel welcome and included.
  • What are you wearing? You smell so good.

9. Compliment his manliness

Catch him being your “knight in shining armor” and tell him how cared for and cherished that makes you feel.

I know you don’t NEED someone to walk you to your car, climb out on the roof to clean the gutters, or open that jar for you, but isn’t it nice to have it anyway?

Compliment his protective instincts, his fearlessness, his repair skills, or his gallantry and make him feel like a superhero. YOUR superhero. The two of you make a great super team!

Manly compliments men love:

  • You are fearless, aren’t you? I’m so glad I’m trying this for this first time with a man like you.
  • You are the strongest (bravest, toughest) man I’ve ever met.
  • Wow, women can’t keep their eyes off you! I’m the luckiest lady in the world to have a guy like you.

10. Tell him how you admire the work he does

Some of the men in my extended family are masterful carpenters and stonemasons. They have built one-room log cabins that feel almost magically cozy and comforting, as well as celebrity mansions where they had million-dollar budgets and could let their creativity run unrestrained.

Tell him how much you admire the way he does his work, whether he’s a x-ray technician who helps calm his patients’ fears and nervousness, a teacher who believes art should be supported in elementary schools, or a scientist who is working to figure out how to save an endangered species.

Work-related compliments for your man:

  • You can pretty much fix anything, huh? It’s impressive how you make a complicated job look so easy.
  • I have so much respect for you. Not just anybody could do the kind of work you do.
  • You really know how to put people at ease.

11. Tell him how amazing he is in bed

Every man wants to be able to help a woman lose herself in pleasure with him.

tell him he is good in bedTell him how electric he makes your skin feel, how big he feels inside you, how spent you are after the two of you climax.

Let him know when he does something you especially like, and even send him texts or messages that let him know you’re still thinking of that time last night when he…

Lovemaking compliments men crave:

  • Mmm, you are so big.
  • I can’t stop thinking about last night…
  • You really know how to turn me on.
  • I’ve never met a man like you. That was incredible.

12. Compliment his smarts

It doesn’t matter whether he graduated summa cum laude, there are ways your man uses his brain that you can admire.

Compliment an important decision he made, his resourcefulness in solving a particular problem, or how he surrounds himself with other smart people (hey, one of those is YOU!).

He may not always be successful. After all, everyone makes mistakes. But not everyone learns from their mistakes and move on to bigger and better things.

Tell him how much you admire that in him.

Intelligence-related compliments men love:

  • Of course you got the job! You’re great at what you do, and people trust you because of it. I’m really impressed and proud.
  • Thank you so much for listening and letting me vent.
  • You made me feel understood and cherished. And your thoughtful comments helped me figure out what I need to do next.
  • I had NO idea how that would work. But you seemed to figure it out right away. I love how smart you are.

How to get EVEN CLOSER to a man

You may be doing a LOT of things right.

But did you know there are 3 things every single woman is doing right now that are sabotaging their chances of getting TRULY close to a man?

unlock his heartFind out what they are right here. They will shock you.

–> This video should be mandatory

Is it any wonder this world is filled with unsatisfied women…if we’re doing things every single day that just make the relationship worse?

Pretty scary, no?

But I have good news. In this video, relationship expert Nadine Piat has pinpointed exactly what these 3 things are….and why it’s destroying any chance of having a true connection with a man.

And then…

Well and then…the video gets good. 🙂

Because she has a very unique solution that completely turns the situation on its head.

This solution almost instantly ‘unlocks a man’s heart’ for you.. and fills him with a deep need for your intimacy…that he can’t explain and can’t shake.

Would you like to have that kind of power with a man?

–> The power to become his deepest need

Well then you need to stop what you’re doing and watch this from start to finish!

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