How to make a girl laugh is often the key to getting her to like youLaughter is one of the best tools available to convince someone you’re interesting and worth talking to.

If you want to know how to get a girlfriend, first, figure out how to make a girl laugh.

But, how do you make a girl laugh? If it were always obvious, everyone would do it, and it wouldn’t make you stand out.

So, the good news is that once you can pull it offyou will be a step above everyone else who’s interested in her.

The other good news is that figuring out how to make a girl laugh isn’t as difficult as it might seem at first. All you need to do is follow a few steps. And thankfully, we’ve got all of those steps below.



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Why Is Making A Girl Laugh So Important?

Everyone likes to laugh. It’s a pleasant feeling. It also encourages people to let their guard down, loosen up, and become more trusting.

Think of all your close friends. Don’t they make you laugh? Well, that same principle applies when you are talking to a girl.

If she is laughing, she’s getting more comfortable with you, and she’s going to want to keep talking to you because you make her feel good.

Getting her laughing can make up for some other deficits in your game. Is she way too good-looking for you? Are you way too poor for her?

No problem, just find out how to make a girl laugh and that girl can still be yours.

How To Make A Girl Laugh: 9 Steps

All the tricks to learning how to make a girl laugh are here in this section. Just follow these 8 steps, and you will have her chuckling, chortling, giggling, and more in minutes.

Here are 8 powerful steps on how to make a girl laugh:

1. Make Her Smile First

Humour, in my experience, is the best way to someone’s heart. But knowing how to make a girl smile can seem really difficult. All you need is a bit of confidence, a splash of silliness and a few funny compliments are you will have her smiling in no time.

Another great way to get someone smiling to have a jokes up your sleeve. When you go into a conversation armed with hilarious jokes and stories, you will never run out of things to say to a girl you like.

2. Relax And Be Ready To Laugh Yourself

Getting someone to laugh is about what you say, but it is also about how you present yourself. If you want her to laugh, approach her in a relaxed fashion.

Then, you want to communicate to her through your body language that she should feel relaxed too and be ready to be amused.

Do that by preparing yourself to laugh as well. Smile, make eye contact, and loosen up.

3. Be Confident

This is almost a repeat of step 1, but it is worth the repetition. Nothing ruins humor like flubbing your lines and getting too nervous.

Be confident that you can get her to laugh, and that confidence will help sell your humor.

If you struggle with confidence, try to use that as part of the joke. Another trick is to start out with a simple question that gets a chuckle (see Step 7).

That can boost your confidence early so you can caring on better.

4. Use What You See

There are two real methods to make her laugh. One is covered in Steps 3-6 and one is covered in Step 7.

To begin getting her to laugh by the first method, use what is called observation comedy.

Use what is around you: the guy in the silly tie across the room, the awful, ridiculous essay question on the test you just took, the awful drinks the bartender is mixing.

A little observation about these things while using Steps 1 and 2 can get her chuckling in agreement and give you an in to a long conversation full of laughs.

5. Learn How To Be Self-Deprecating

Self-deprecation is being able to laugh at yourself. If you want to know how to make a girl laugh, try to gently mock yourself to show her you have a sense of humor about your faults.

Good examples of this are using the above observations to mock yourself a little.

Talk about your own poor clothing choices, the terrible answer you gave to that ridiculous essay question, or your poor drinking ability.

This style of humor avoids any potential offense (see Step 6) and gives her the opportunity to compliment you.

6. Use Some Gentle Teasing

From self-deprecation to some gentle teasing of her: you can move on to some sweet but slightly chiding comments about her.

This can easily be used to secretly compliment her. Using the above examples:

Tell her that she’s too stylish to be able to pull off ugly clothes, it takes a special talent that she just doesn’t have.

Or, tell her that her essay answers are too good and she’s making the class look bad.

Finally, in the last case, you can tell her she’s either got great tastes in cocktails or she’s bribing the bartender if her drink isn’t awful.

The one thing you want to avoid: Don’t be too hard on her. Instead, use this as a way to show you are interested in her by how much you notice her.

7. Avoid Meanness And Anything That Can Offend

This is key to this method. You want to answer how to make a girl laugh, not how to make a girl walk away.

Some girls like raunchy and more controversial comedy, but unless you know her well already, don’t assume she’s one of those girls, or that she’ll take it well from you.

The teasing in Steps 3, 4, and 5 is meant to be done with some sweetness, to laugh at minor flaws or to purposefully exaggerate problems. Don’t slip into mean-spiritedness.

That’s a major turn-off and is more likely to get her angry than laughing.

8. Make A Girl Laugh By Asking Funny Questions To Ask A Girl

If you aren’t confident you can unlock the key to how to make a girl to laugh by using Steps 3-6, there is another way to make a girl laugh. You can find some funny questions to ask.

With a set of funny questions to ask a girl, you get her laughing and get her talking about herself and her opinions.

The real benefit of this method is that you already have questions to ask when you approach her. You don’t have to come up with anything new to get her laughing.

Mantelligence has hundreds of funny questions to ask a girl, so you can pick out the best ones and make them your own.

There’s also a lot of flexibility in this method. You can use unexpected and absurd questions like, “Who’s sexier? Pirates or ninjas?”

Or, you can try to get her to tell her funny stories with questions like, “What’s the most ridiculous excuse you’ve ever used to get out of work?”

A final option is to get her to give an honest opinion on a silly subject, such as, “If I had something in my teeth, would you tell me?”

Make sure to have a number of questions ready to use throughout the conversation.

9. Combine Both Methods

If you really want to get her laughing, the best way is to mix and match the two methods described above.

For instance, start with a good funny question, then switch up to some amusing observations, and then switch back to another question to get her to talk about herself.

Playing this switch up game keeps the conversation lively, unexpected, and funny.

How To Make A Girl Laugh Over Text

A lot of flirting and laughing is done over text nowadays, and you need to be prepared for this as well.

However, figuring out how to make a girl laugh when you aren’t in front of her is a little different than what is described above.

Really, though, the system is actually simpler. It’s much easier to communicate confidence through messages than face-to-face, for instance.

Text also opens up new avenues to get her laughing easily. Send her .gifs, videos, and memes that are sure to at least get a smile.

Then, you can use Step 7 to throw out a few amusing questions in text form. That will keep her typing and laughing all evening.

More Tips On How To Get The Girl

When it comes to getting the girl, there’s more to it than just solving how to make a girl laugh.

Not to worry, though. Mantelligence has the whole process mapped out with all the steps you need to get the girl of your dreams.

  1. Find out how to talk to girls so you can move on to getting them to laugh afterward.
  2. Expand on what you’ve learned here so you know how to flirt with a girl from beginning to end.
  3. Alternatively, get to the real heart of the issue by finding out how to get a girl to like you.

In Conclusion

Although there’s a lot to the process of how to get a girlfriend, there aren’t any steps more crucial than finding out how to make a girl laugh.

Laughter is the best route to encouraging the development of a relationship and deeper interest. You can use laughter to sell yourself as someone she wants to get to know.

Basically, once you have her laughing, there’s the opening to make her much more.