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Saturday 22 May 2021

Do girls like compliments?

 do girls like compliments?

That depends, some women love getting any kind of compliment, while others hate getting compliments about their body, … This is something you should figure out whilst talking to her. Give her a small compliment, like if she tells you she works out, you can say ‘I can tell, you look amazing’. This is something all women like to hear, trust me, but the way she’ll react will give you an indication of whether or not she really likes it, or whether she’s mostly being polite.

Personally, I hardly ever give compliments unless I truly feel like she deserves it. A compliment needs to be completely genuine; don’t compliment her because you think she’ll like you more for it. She won’t. Psychological studies have actually shown that we like people more if WE compliment them, not if they compliment us. That’s basically why there’s some truth in playing hard to get; if we can get someone to give us something (gifts, attention, compliments, …), they’ll like us more than when we give them something. If you have to work for something, that thing becomes more valuable to us.

Now, to come back to the compliments, women like them all, unless they’re:

  • clearly not genuine
  • overly sexual (unless you’ve already had sex/there’s incredible sexual tension between you two and you’re clearly going to have sex later)
  • incredibly cliché pick up lines, unless she can tell you’re joking, in which case she’ll sometimes like it (I wouldn’t use these because it makes you look cheesy)

Personally, I believe you can tell her whatever you like. If you think she has beautiful eyes, tell her. If you think she has a nice ass, tell her. When and how you give a compliment is however a lot more important. You can’t expect her to like you more if you only bombard her with compliments; she’ll feel like you’re putting her on a pedestal, which is an incredible turn off for her. Remember, if they have to work for it, you’ll become more valuable. So, instead of complimenting her a lot, tease her a lot. This works so much better.

A few examples of teasing her:

  • if she’s eating ‘wow you sure can fit a lot in your mouth’
  • ‘you’re such a brat’
  • ‘It’s such a shame that you’re so short, I’d like you more if you came up to here *hold your hand a few inches above her head*’
  • ‘it’s a shame you wouldn’t be able to handle me, I would’ve loved to take you out sometime’

As you can tell, these teasings are very situational; you can’t just whip ’em out whenever you want. That’s the most important thing about teasing and complimenting a woman, it needs to be genuine, and the timing must be right. If you have a couple of compliments in your head and you’re just looking for a good time to use them, chances are it’ll come across as kinda weird, and not genuine at all. That’s why it’s so important to listen to what she’s saying, to observe what she’s doing. This way, when you notice something to tease her with/compliment on, it’ll be really genuine, and she’ll love you for that.

I know all this because I spent the last 6 years of my life getting better at dating and seduction. I got rejected hundreds of times trying to approach girls, spent thousands of dollars on getting myself drunk enough to talk to them, and thousands of dollars on getting girls drunk enough so they’d want to talk to me. I’ve been on dates where girls left after half an hour because they were simply bored out of their minds. Now, after all those years, I got a whole lot better, so I decided I’d write a book called Two Week Casanova, based on my own experiences, the experiences of my friends and students, and tonnes and tonnes of online research. I teach you how to walk, talk, behave and interact with a woman in a way that turns her on and makes her incredibly attracted to you. There’s just so much more to learn than what I talked about above. How to appraoch new girls, how to date, how to prevent the friendzone, how to use a wingman, …

Now, you can definitely walk the same road I walked. Get rejected dozens of times, lose a couple of girls you thought were perfect for you because you got friendzoned, spend hours upon hours online trying to find the up to date, practical 5% of info, and ignoring the 95% of outdated crap out there, … OR you can spend just 6 bucks now and skip right to the good part!

Whatever you choose, becoming better at complimenting and teasing is definitely a major step into the right direction, my friend, and I wish you the best of luck!

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