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Friday, 1 November 2019

Stumblers Are Also Great Free Content Consumers (Internet Warriors)

If you are new on the internet trying to promote your natural beauty tips, cooking tips, personal human psychology, and mentality tips, spiritual insights on the internet then maybe you want to stop and read this piece of ree content before you get lost in the internet ocean.............................................

Donnie Yen vs Bruce Lee - Official: A Warrior's Dream

Your first thought of the internet is to create a free blog on or, create a free youtube channel, create a free social media profile on facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Instagram get a job on freelancer sites and you can start making money on the internet  is an understatement of what the internet is all about..............................................................................................................................

The internet is ruled and owned by countries, large enterprises, great stars known by the Americans as celebrities. There are some people promoting their free content on the internet with the proof of an educational certificate. Yes, there is something these days known as online church................................

So what do you do when you are coming into the internet ocean where presidents have social media profiles, large multi-billion-dollar enterprises own a blog, stars are the talk of the day on social media. I heard Jennifer Aniston went recently into the Guinness book of records for the fastest person to get 1.000.000 Instagram followers........................................................................................................

Jennifer Aniston and Ellen's Picture-Perfect Kiss

In this post, you will learn to feed with sharks as a little fish in the same ocean. When sharks are sharing free content on the internet they go after their laser targeted audience. When professionals are sharing free content on the internet they are too professional, when presidents are sharing free content on the internet, they are too political, when mega enterprises are sharing free content on the internet, they are too just for business.....................................................................................................................

This is where you come in as a private free content creator on the internet. When sharing free content on the internet, you want to go after the stumblers. These are mostly new people on the internet clicking every link they find on social media, they will even go to the second page of search engines to get all the information they are after.....................................................................................................

So for those of you sharing free content in writing format, don't be afraid to stop every now and then and add some video, audio, short quotes, and pictures to your blog post. Sometimes it doesn't even have to relate to your target topic. It could be the photo that Jennifer Aniston shared on Instagram that got her 1.000.000 followers, a youtube video that went viral in a day or even a loved quote..................

Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Funny Will Smith Scene in the gym

For those of you creating videos on youtube known as YouTubers then you don't have to stay there sharing videos on a boring topic like human mentality and psychology, religion. Feel free to check every now and then hot topics on youtube and also share some free content covering these topics.......

Hot topics on youtube most of the time include videos and audios from celebrities, latest news, video game release, personal talent, and even self-creation videos like personal beauty tips, cooking tips, home gardening tips, human mentality, and psychology tips. You can choose you some celebrities you love and follow up with any updates about these celebrities and create free videos or audios sharing your thoughts. You definitely play some video games or even some country games. Show your love by creating free videos on these favorite games of yours and share them on your youtube channel......................................................................................................................................................

I know you are releasing encouraging and inspirational quotes and pictures on social media every day. You want the world to be able to read the Bible in 1 or 2 years by posting short Bible passages on social media every day. Your social media profiles are filled with your personal beauty tips, cooking tips, human psychology and mentality tips, home gardening tips.............................................

PS1 Games You Probably Don't Know About it or You Never Play!!

What you want to do is browse through social media and check pics of the day and even short messages of the day and also join in the fun by sharing these pics and short messages. You can even keep an eye on the update on a piece of news that went viral on social media and share any new updates......................................................................................................................................................

You have just completed a course on how to breach into the worlds of large enterprises on the internet, mega government and educational facilities and even large online markets like eBay, Amazon, by also giving stumblers some time to shop around and check your piece of free content.....

So when sharing free content on the internet in a professional field like human health how do you get insight without a certificate? You are not a Pastor but you have found your spiritual insights greater than most Pastors? So how do you get people to listen to you on these topics made just for professionals????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

An army of John Cenas make their WrestleMania entrance: WrestleMania 25

You have to understand professionals are too busy creating free content based on school work. This is most of the time filled with highly technical terms that can get too complicated and even boring for the regular internet free content consumer...............................................................................................

Say you have found out some human psychology and mentality tips on how to motivate yourself and make sport and keep in shape. Try and present a piece of free content about this aspect of human life sparing people of the technical terms and give people some time for a cup of coffee............................

Pastors love teaching people Bible theology And the doctrines of the Bible. But have you found out some people don't even know how to read the Bible or how to pray? Don't love the doctrines of the Bible? Take them down to the fundamentals of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by teachíng them how to read the Bible and how to pray. And even how to go on living their regular lives while attending church........................................................................................................................................

Sex is a good thing. | Pastor Steven Furtick

Though you want to stop every now and then and share things you find interesting on your blog post, youtube video and audio, social media posts. But you want to have a laser targeted content in mind. You know the American saying ''keeping it real'' In Cameroon, we say one spirit...................................

Don't go about sharing unrelated content, keep people laughing all day or stay there telling them how your boyfriend left you for the cute girl next door. Yes, people want to stop every now and then and laugh, find something somewhere they least expected, pity your little country girl story how your boyfriend left you and started dating your best friend.............................................................................

The reason they are on your piece of free content is to learn something they are suffering from frustrations and confusion about. Do you think a fat person looking for motivation on how to make sport and keep in shape wants to stay there all day laughing or pitying you about your girly story? Hell no they want to get rid of that extra pounds asap..............................................................................

Fill in the BLANK.... You CHEAT on me... I BLANK you! | Family Feud

When sharing free content on the internet like a private individual you want to keep it simple. The average internet users might not have a Ph.D. degree in the English language so try and spay them from the use of highly grammatical phrases. But they know how to spell and will see you as a kid if there are too many grammatical errors.....................................................................................................

Most people using youtube, social media are going in for entertainment. So use the principle of sex sells here. Don't forget to do your girly things on your youtube video and post some selfies every now and then on social media. Keep it safe though. Just a little bit of it will do the job.................................

When creating free content you want to go after the family guy thing. You know the principle of I am going to tell mommy or what did dad say? You need people to engage and share your content. One bikini photo will not make a son run away from your free content and a cute guy with six apps might get a girl to create a secret social-media account......................................................................................

SFIV vs SFV - SUPER / ULTRA Moves Comparison!

But since you want all the animals in the house you will need a lot of head. Yes, we have all seen fathers and mothers in swimsuits on the beach with their children. They will not kill you when you share a few beach party photos.................................................................................................................

Another hack to make it in the internet ocean is to go local. Yes, create free content on something no one even has the time to share free content about on the internet. I ranked for one of my posts on how to do snail farming in Cameroon in just 6 days. That is a piece of information with very little search volume but it gave me a page authority of 40...........................................................................................

When creating free content for the internet audience choose topics that you have natural talent about or subjects you are very interested in. That will reduce the stress of creating new free content and give you the patience to keep creating free content to share on the internet. Turn the process of creating free content as a hobby rather than make it feel like there is a high school teacher behind your back with a wipe to make you do your homework...........................................................................


Sharing free content on the internet lies in your ability to gather fans. Whether they are people after your laser targeted content, people enjoying your content after they find a piece of youtube video, audio, picture, quotes on a topic that is hot on the internet, people that like your sense of humor, people that have the time to stop and say how truly sorry they are that your boyfriend left you and is dating your best friend is all about gathering fans....................................................................................

Take some time to monitor the fans of any piece of content on the internet every day and add some juice to your free content to what they best enjoyed on the internet that day any time you are sharing free content on the internet. Try and also communicate with your fans when they start commenting and sending you emails. They will love you for that and will help you spread the news to the ends of the world....................................................................................................................................................


The internet ocean is filled with too many sharks. From stars that get a million followers on the internet just by sharing a photo on Instagram, stars that even made twitter crashed just by sharing photos, government officials promoting their country with all the aggressivity, large online markets selling all kinds of products, large multi-billion-dollar industries with the budget to spend even on advertisement to private individuals that have already learn how to feed among the sharks on the internet.......................................................................................................................................................

Chuck Norris: I Know How Bruce Lee Really Died

Don't get discouraged to start creating free content on the internet today, get inspired that you have what it takes to also share free content on the internet. After reading this post, don't say I will start tomorrow, in 1 year or after I finish high school, university, or after I can produce great free content, or after I retire from my job. Start today and now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are someone that needs free content ideas or you need to know how to better structure your free content for the average internet user then hit me up in the comment section. Or maybe you have further content ideas or even have content ideas for my blog then equally hit me up in the comment section below this post.............................................................................................................................

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