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Wednesday 1 December 2021

What are the smallest things that hurt?

 Comparison: Human Pain

Because of low self-esteem. Let me give you an example. And before you might erroneously conclude that my point is all about money, I want to assure that it’s not.

Let’s imagine a dollar millionaire who is also, just for the sake of the example, having a rich cool car for $300,000. He had been told something unpalatable towards himself from someone looking broke and lower than himself in his eyes. Will he get offended?

He probably won’t. What he actually would’ve think in this situation is something like: “Lol, serious? Who is even him to me to waste my time on him by taking the offense? I’ll get in my car 300 times more expensive than all of his money right in five minutes, and forget about him forever”. And that is exactly what will happen to him five minutes later.

Why does it happen? Because he - the millionaire from this example - has something that others do not have. But not just a rare coin or an unique bottle cover from 80’s. Something that others value the most as well. Something that allows him to think: “whatever he thinks about me, I have a thousand times more than he will ever have; why should I bother?”.

Now, let me elaborate my point even more: it can be really anything, not just money. Something that you realize that that person doesn’t have, and you do have it. Something that makes you truly feel being in a better position than the offender. Something, that in the worst case causes pity for him, and in the best you just forget about that small incident in few minutes.

For some people it’s popularity, number of followers. For others it’s potency, power, influence. As for me, it’s God’s love to me, as well as my inner world and knowledge (I love developing rare skills and have to admit that I’m a bit proud of this, yeah; but in good meaning).

It can be really anything that fits you the most - I’m not to tell you that there is only one the most righteous way, no - just find it inside yourself. It can occur that you haven’t nothing to feel yourself valuable enough - no worries, it’s time to just put some effort in your life, and everything will get as it should be.

What’s the smallest thing in the universe? - Jonathan Butterworth

#1. Just speak your mind honestly. That's the best thing. It may hurt a little sometimes, and someone may get upset, but in the long run, it's for the best. - Author: Haruki Murakami

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #272307

#2. My sister just had a baby, a little newborn. The kid is adorable, so cute. She wouldn't let me hold him, she refuses. She says, 'No way, Anthony, I'm afraid you're gonna drop him.' I'm 32 years old. Like I'm some kind of idiot. Like I don't have a million other ways to hurt that baby. - Author: Anthony Jeselnik

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #176894


#3. A little playful banter never hurt - or did it? - Emma - Author: Martha Sweeney

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #177290

#4. I think we've all been kind of ... everyone's been hurt, everyone's felt loss, everyone has exultation, everyone has a need to be loved, or to have lost love, so when you play a character, you're pulling out those little threads and turning them up a bit. - Author: Mark Ruffalo

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #199000


#5. All seeing, I think, is painful. Every photograph is a little sting, a hurt inflicted in its subject, but even more: every glance hurts in some way, freezing and condensing what's seen into something that it is not. - Author: James Elkins

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #204615

#6. If we use our lives for other purposes than those given by God, not only do we miss happiness, but we actually hurt ourselves and beget in us queer little "kinks". - Author: Fulton J. Sheen

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #205929


#7. Sometimes the things that are good for you, in the long run, hurt for a little while when you first get to them. - Author: Jim Butcher

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #209294

#8. I feel a little like the moon who took possession of you for a moment and then returned your soul to you. You should not love me. One ought not to love the moon. If you come too near me, I will hurt you. - Author: Anais Nin

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #217508

 8 Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

#9. I don't hurt other people intentionally. I'm not a bad person. I have a decent job. So I like to put on high heels and a little dress. Does that make me a monster? -Edgar Saturnino, 24 (Lamentations 5:23) - Author: Jessica Zafra

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #240323

#10. It's my hurt, my pain, and who are you to take it from me? I don't need rescuing, I don't need pity, I don't need opinions, I need fucking

and maybe a little spanking for indulging my anger. - Author: Toni Bentley

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #249718


#11. It's not love's going hurts my days

But that it went in little ways. - Author: Edna St. Vincent Millay

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #270866

#12. The first time we went out on a date, a little voice in my head said: This man will never hurt you, and nothing he had done in the seven years since had led me to doubt it. And then he turned into Marathon Man. - Author: Jojo Moyes

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #151138


#13. Garlic Chicken A little garlic never hurt anyone. - Author: Ruth Ferguson

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #273110

#14. A date once leaned in to kiss me, and he ended up kissing my cheek. He was a little offended, but I didn't want to kiss him just to not hurt his feelings. - Author: Denise Richards

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #275899


#15. Tell me." Edward had to raise his voice a little. "Do you live by the principle that what people don't know can't hurt them?" "No," Harper replied. "What people don't know can't hurt me. - Author: Ginn Hale

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #279348

#16. She glanced at Jem expecting to see him blinking in surprise or hurt, but he was only smiling a little as if Will were a kitten that had tried to bite him. - Author: Cassandra Clare

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #287420

 Understanding The Highly Sensitive Person | Alane Freund | Talks at Google

#17. The little I am exposed to hurts my feelings. The only things I can really control are my songs and my behavior. The rest? If I focused on it, that would lead to insanity. - Author: Taylor Swift

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #968313

#18. We have to tell each other the little things, the bad things. Maybe they'll hurt for a while, but at least they won't become big things. If we don't, we're just going to keep hurting each other. And I don't want to do that anymore. - Author: Veronica Rossi

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #1056287


#19. I've got a lot of little compulsive problems, and I've thought about it a lot. And one of the things I ask myself is, 'What are the things I can do that won't hurt me and will help me?' The first answer is work. - Author: Marianne Faithfull

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #1092716

#20. Time has that funny way of smoothing out the rough edges of things, even ones that hurt a little bit. Or a lot. - Author: Megan Hart

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #1217424


#21. I can see now that it's the little things, the small efforts, that keep a relationship going. And I know now too that in some small measure I have the power to hurt him and also the power to make it better. - Author: Jenny Han

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #1831853

#22. When you act obnoxious towards people, like on a movie set, they say "we're ready for you" and I say "oh, go to hell, my feet hurt and my head aches." You want to have a margarita for lunch, and people like these little ADs and production assistants are like, "well, he's drinking again." - Author: Bill Murray

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #82594

#23. You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little. - Author: Napoleon Hill

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #7290

#24. Sally was on the first floor reading a book, one that she normally wouldn't read, and she felt quite guilty. Twilight. She knew the series was ridiculous but everyone was going crazy over the books and the movies. She'd finally given in and decided that it wouldn't hurt to just read a little bit. - Author: Anjela Renee

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #12098

#25. We tend to forget at times that it is the little ones, the children, who do suffer the greatest hurt. If we cannot comprehend why certain sorrows are visited upon us, how on earth can they? - Author: Sharon Kay Penman

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #13627

#26. What I would do with angel intel, I don't know. But it can't hurt to gain a little knowledge.

Tell that to Adam and Eve. - Author: Susan Ee

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #28922

#27. Words can hurt you. In the larger world, it frames how people think about you, and it can hurt you in lots of little, subtle ways. - Author: Nathan Myhrvold

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #35324

#28. Because that's what you do when something terrible happens. You go over and over every little thing, looking for clues, trying to find a pattern and a way to make sense out of the muddle and hurt. - Author: Julia Green

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #37963

#29. You may in time of trouble think that you are not worth saving because you have made mistakes, big or little, and you think you are now lost. That is never true! Only repentance can heal what hurts. But repentancecan heal what hurts, no matter what it is. - Author: Boyd K. Packer

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #45336

#30. Jane saw the little note and ignored it, for she was very angry and hurt and mortified, but - she was a woman, and so eventually she picked it up and read it. MY - Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #54235

#31. I open a paperclip and scratch it across the inside of my left wrist. Pitiful. If a suicide attempt is a cry for help, then what is this. A whimper, a peep? I draw little window cracks of blood, etching line after line until it stops hurting. - Author: Laurie Halse Anderson

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #54839

#32. Education tends to be diagrammatic and categorical, opening up no sluices in the human imagination on the wonder of the beauty of our unique estate in the cosmos. Little wonder that it becomes so easy for our young to regard human hurt casually or to be uninspired by the magic of sensitivity. - Author: Norman Cousins

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #73347

#33. All you need is love,

But a little bit of chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. - Author: Charles M. Schulz

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #192

#34. One taste wouldn't hurt anything.

"You're not Little Red anymore," Drake said, his voice scratchy and deep, sounding strange to his own ears. "I'll only eat you if you ask me to. - Author: Kristin Miller

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #108330

#35. How will you live if every little thing from your memories always hurt you so easily? - Author: Mika Yamamori

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #111863

#36. Perfect little dream, The kind that hurts the most. - Author: Trent Reznor

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #122708

#37. I'd been hurt, and in response I had acted violently, destroying a little of myself each time I did so. - Author: John Connolly

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #124043

#38. Slowly I came to know that the depth of our heartbreaks determines the depth of our faith. God gives us everything to conquer the big and the little hurts of life. - Author: Gertrude Ederle

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #126433

#39. How was I supposed to know that you let two little bears hurt you, Goldilocks?"

"Ah, yes, that mouth. I missed it. All mine now. - Author: Ilona Andrews

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #133718

#40. I give the ball some sweet talk. I tell it that this isn't going to hurt a bit. I'm a friend and all I'm going to do is give it a nice little ride. - Author: Sam Snead

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #144515

#41. What's the worst thing I've stolen? Probably little pieces of other people's lives. Where I've either wasted their time or hurt them in some way. That's the worst thing you can steal, the time of other people. You just can't get that back. - Author: Chester Bennington

Quotes About The Little Things That Hurt #149017

#42. I think it does, a little, hurt to be photographed. - Author: Diane Arbus

The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Spot These Personality Traits

Have you ever had a moment when things are going relatively smoothly, then something small happens and your whole world is turned upside down?

Often we think that big problems come from big incidents: your spouse divorces you and you become depressed, your house burns down and you have nightmares for weeks, you fight in a war and have PTSD.

But trauma doesn’t fit so neatly into a box.

Some people experience severe trauma with very few lasting side-effects; others go through what many would consider a minor trauma and it has a significant, life-changing impact. So what’s going on?

Imagine each person’s life as a house of cards. For some people, their house may be sturdy – their cards are thick and glued together. Other houses are more precarious – the cards are thin, bent, and unstable. The latter house is more quick to collapse when a new card is added to the top; the former can handle many more cards and remain standing; it takes a lot more effort to knock down this house.

Small things can cause great harm.


Seeing the Smallest Thing in the Universe

Many people have a tendency to be very critical of themselves when they are hurt emotionally, especially if they deem the incident that caused them pain to be insignificant. “It wasn’t really that bad,” people say. “Julie/Joe/Bob/Rachel had it worse, and they are doing fine.” The problem is, Julie/Joe/Bob/Rachel may not be doing as well as they appear. And each person’s history – their house of cards – is different.

There is always someone who had it worse. Although people often say things like “it wasn’t that bad,” to comfort themselves or others, what ends up happening is that they deny their own experience, sometimes burying the pain down deep inside.

Denial doesn’t make the pain any less; it simply pushes it aside until it erupts in a different way. Denying one’s own pain is destructive and can have lasting effects on a person’s ability to weather further difficulties in life.


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So, while you may compare your difficulty with another person’s and think you shouldn’t feel as strongly as you do, there is a reason you’re reacting in that way. Strong feelings don’t come out of nowhere.

How To Stop Letting Small Things Get To You

Hurt, depression, anxiety, and suffering are not a contest. There are many reasons why one person may experience trauma and be adversely affected, and another person experience a similar trauma and come out relatively unscathed. Some of this has to do with genetics; some of it’s because a person has been emotionally hurt previously and one more added trauma can bring up a flood of symptoms.

Previous trauma, especially if it hasn’t been dealt with, can accrue over a lifetime.Seemingly small incidents can have a significant impact.

If you feel snubbed at work and begin crying uncontrollably, chances are that the emotional outburst is not just about what is happening in the moment. Most likely the incident triggered an old hurt or trauma from years ago, and tapped into some very powerful feelings. You may feel like you’re overreacting, but in reality, your response is about much more then snubbing.

Most people are their own harshest critics, and the judgement they place on themselves is much more scathing than what others express. Judging yourself because of how you respond emotionally is like rubbing salt in a wound – it hurts a great deal, and does nothing to promote healing.

Because you hope too much from them,

because you think they will say more comforting words than what you already heard.

Because in your mind, everyone does pay a really good attention to you and make you their genuine first priority,

How To Handle Emotional Pain #UnplugWithSadhguru

When in a hard disbelivingly thing for a facts is,

They don’t. Never did and never will.

And It is not a necessarily bad thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pathetic and childish.

it’s just how people actually are. It’s okay to to get hurt, as long as you remind yourself that it will be okay with time and a better perspective.

If you learned to rely on yourself more than what you do to them, you’ll be more okay and less hurt by whatever they said.

Hi Ankita, well first of all I really hope you recover from your bad patch.

I have utter and complete empathy.I am exactly the same and trust me I have struggled with this and to be very honest it’s a curse as well as a gift. Just keep what you are feeling aside and think you are observant enough to Notice these little things ,doesn’t matter if they are negative for you start using this gift for looking at the Positives.

OR You can start avoiding these things that stop or put you into a negative thought processes. I know it’s a cliche but it’s the best.

That being said being emotional is wired into individuals like you and me and many others. And there is nothing you can do about it but to embrace it (at least that’s what I did) and it absolutely works. Now I practice some affirmation kinda things you know ,which keeps me away from all the small negative emotional petty stuff. I also keep the next thing,ambition,task at hand mind which keeps me in my lane filtering everything unnecessary. Try it out and please let me know. Good luck

There may be two things whether the other person actually hurt us or we were the ones to take things the other way. Now if you know that those were petty things you should not have felt hurt, which means that small things also matter to you in a big way. We usually feel disappointed when things don’t happen the way we want to. Expectations lead to disappointments. You might be expecting things your way and it may not happen , that’s the reason why most of the time we feel hurt.

How small is the smallest thing

Also , we should adopt a practice of accepting criticism, of course nobody likes them but they do help us to become a better person. Its ok to feel hurt. Whenever I feel hurt I just say to my self whatever happens happens for best , and it works for me. You may not feel any difference at that time but trust me at some point in your life you will really appreciate and thank God that it happened. I say this by experience.

I really had a bad time during my internship, I felt suffocated to work with my seniors , I started hating him cause he kept finding faults but today when I work independently I realize only because of him I cultivated a habit of achieving perfection at everything. I feel we should welcome everything in life and sometimes its ok not to be ok..:)

Keep smiling and spread LOVE…

How do you make small things not hurt?

Are you wondering how to not let things bother you? I’ve asked myself the same question many times over the years. This is what I’ve learned about letting go of small things, so you can get on with enjoying your life.

Have you ever found that you’re going about your business and feeling pretty good, when suddenly … a teeny, tiny, non-important stumbling block comes across your path and stomps on your day?

Not sure what I mean?

I’m talking about the moment when there’s no milk for your coffee, someone cuts you off on the freeway, or there’s a fifteen-minute wait at the post office.

It’s when someone forgets to say “thank you”, or leaves the laundry out in the rain, or disagrees with your taste in films.

It’s how you feel when you burn your eggs at breakfast or find out that someone ate the last of the ice cream. Or the frustration of getting yet another annoying email from a co-worker asking where to find a file AGAIN.

I used to let these little things bother me so much, but do you know what? Getting mad and frustrated only make my life harder than it needed to be. I’ve since learned there’s a better way. If you’ve ever wondered how not to let things get to you, here are my top tips.

"How To Stop Letting The Little Things Bother You" in a white box with a close up image of a woman holding a bundle of eucalyptus leaves in the background

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How to Not Let Things Bother You

If you’ve ever wondered “why do I let things bother me so much?“, then here’s the most important thing you need to know.

The Smallest People In The World

There are things you can do at the moment when you’re struggling with anger or frustration, and you need to calm down. These are practical tips and I’ll share a few of mine in a moment.

But ultimately, these tips are a bandaid solution. If you want to stop feeling angry, frustrated and bothered all the time, then you need to figure out what’s going on inside that has you feeling this way so often. You don’t need to learn how to calm down if you’re not letting things get to you in the first place.

I’ll be sharing some things that have helped me to feel less bothered in the first place, but let’s start with the practical tips.

4 Practical Ways To Stop Letting The Little Things Bother You

1. Resist the urge to complain

Believe me, I know this is easier said than done, but I’ve learned that the quickest way to keep something from bothering you is to not complain about it.

I know this goes against the popular belief that you should “get things off your chest” but in my experience, when you complain about something, it magnifies the situation. You draw attention to the issue and make it bigger than it needs to be.

In full disclosure, I really struggle with this, but experience has taught me that complaining is a mindless habit.

It’s almost like a reflex and I do it without thinking—or, when I do it on purpose, it’s usually a case of making lazy conversation. It’s a tough habit to change but the more I call myself out, the better I’m getting stopping.

It’s hard but it’s worth it. When I make the effort to stop complaining, I almost always feel better and hopefully, I even have a positive effect on the people around me.

If you’re struggling, a healthy alternative to complaining is journaling. I’ve found that writing about my feelings helps me process them, so I can move forward with grace. If you’re new to journaling, here are some tips on how to get started. Alternatively, you might enjoy these self-care journal prompts for tough times.

When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness. - Eckhart Tolle

“When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness.” by Eckhart Tolle

100 People Tell Us Their Most Painful Experience | Keep it 100 | Cut

2. Look at the little picture

Sometimes I read too much into things, particularly when I’m feeling run down or tired (or worse—hungry!). When I’m not feeling 100%, it’s easy to misinterpret the intent behind other people’s little comments or actions.

For example, “I’m upset because someone ate the last cookie without offering me one” morphs into “I’m upset because no one here thinks about my feelings.”

The truth is probably somewhere more along the lines of “Everyone is just really, really hungry and likes cookies” but sometimes reality is hard to see—and to be honest, it doesn’t always matter.

Regardless of the real reason you missed out on a cookie, the truth is you can’t control the things that happen to you, but you can control how you react. It’s not always fair but the less you let things bother you, the happier you will be.

This isn’t to say you should never stick up for yourself, but you should choose your battles—or at a minimum make sure there’s actually a battle there to fight!

One quick and easy way to be less bothered is to focus on the little picture. When you feel yourself getting upset, pause for a moment; turn your attention to what’s bothering you and try to frame it in its simplest form. For example:

… Instead of “The service in this restaurant is horrible!” (Outrage!)

->> Try “I’m upset because my waitress forgot to refill my coffee.” (No big deal)

… Instead of “No one here respects my time.” (Sobs quietly at your desk)

->> Try “I’m upset because I asked a question in my email and he didn’t answer it.” (Poor attention to detail, forgivable at 8 am on a Monday morning.)

When you choose to focus on the little picture, you choose not to let little things upset your day.

The Real Reason You Get Irritated About the Small Things | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. - Maya Angelou

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” — Maya Angelou

3. Choose compassion and focus on humanity

If you find yourself getting upset with someone else—anyone from a loved one to a co-worker you hardly know—you can fight feelings of annoyance by choosing compassion and focusing on their humanity.

Let’s face it—it’s very easy to get annoyed with people, but it’s never a nice feeling. Sometimes you have a good reason and other times less so … but either way, letting go is often the best option and one easy way to do this is to think humanising thoughts about the person who has upset you.

If you’re not sure what I mean, then I encourage you to check out one of my favourite places on the Internet: the Humans of New York Facebook page.

With over 15 million fans and counting, you’re probably already familiar with it, but for those who don’t know the page shares photographs and stories of random New Yorkers. It’s become wildly popular because the creator shares the humanity (the history, the pain, the inner thoughts) of the people he photographs.

What the page has taught me is that we think of people with more kindness when we know their stories.

We can use this knowledge to be more compassionate in our daily lives; next time you get annoyed with someone, try to shift your focus away from whatever did to upset you and instead, think of their stories.

If you don’t know someone well, look for small details; think about how John from accounting always holds the door for you, or the way the lady ahead of you in the supermarket queue is speaking gently with her daughter.

These little moments act as reminders that the person you’re annoyed with is an actual person, with feelings and struggles just like you.

Add to Your Reading List: Humans of New York: Stories by Brandon Stanton

There is a nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness. - John Connolly

If you want to stop letting things bother you, start with compassion — for yourself and others.

10 Signs You're Dealing With Emotional Pain

4. Let go of expectations

Oftentimes, I have a picture of how I hope my day will play out in my mind. I imagine walking into my office early, making a nice hot cup of coffee, and having a fantastically productive morning. (Sounds great, doesn’t it?!)

But in reality, sometimes life happens: I can’t find my keys and I’m late out the door. Then, when I go to make my coffee … there’s no milk. When I finally get to my desk and open my inbox, I’m flooded with emails and when I next look up it’s 10 am.

My morning is half over, I’ve had NO coffee and I’ve done nothing on my to-do list.

At this point, it’s really easy to write the day off as a “bad day” because when you have high hopes for how things will turn out, it’s disappointing when things don’t go as planned. But the truth is your expectations are often clouding the reality of the situation.

If you can let go of your expectations and open your mind, you’ll notice that yes, the day is off to a slow start, but it’s far from over. There is still plenty of time to change course and turn things around.

If you find yourself getting frustrated or annoyed over something small, try pausing for a moment and asking if you’re letting your expectations affect the experience.

How To Not Let Things Get To You In the First Place

The above tips are what help me calm down when I’m feeling angry or bothered about little things. But now I want to share some things that me feel less bothered or upset in the first place.

Because here’s the thing: if the little things are always getting to you, then it’s probably a sign of something bigger. What’s going on with YOU that’s causing you to get so upset easily?

This isn’t always easy to answer, but if you spend some time getting to the roots of your feelings, the payoff is worth it. Not only are you less bothered by things, you also feel better about life in general.

How To Stop Getting Angry Over Little Things

Here are a few of the things that I’ve had to work on in my personal life. This is not an exhaustive list, but it might give you an idea of where to start.

A lack of self-care

This is so important. I’ve noticed that when I don’t take care of myself, then every little thing bothers me. I’m tired, cranky, and irritable—and I take it out on the people around me.

If you can relate, then the solution is prevention. Practice self-care before you’re completely worn out and you can avoid getting to the stage where everything gets under your skin.

Here are a few self-care resources if you’re not sure where to begin:

Check out these practical self-care tips, especially if the idea of self-care overwhelms you and you’re not sure how you’ll make time to get it done.

Here are 5 ways to use your journal for self-care. Journaling has had a massive impact on my life, and I highly recommend it to everyone.

This is my FAVOURITE self-care journal. It’s perfect for helping you let go of the past so that you can move forward with grace.


A few years ago, I started wondering why I get angry so easily. Something was always bothering me, and I didn’t know why. It was frustrating, so I started paying closer attention … and I noticed something.

When I’m angry or upset with myself, it often manifests as anger or frustration with others. Every little thing was bothering me because I was already feeling triggered.

ANGRY about EVERYTHING | Why am I so angry all the time?

If this resonates with you, then self-compassion is the answer. Here are a few things you can do to get started:

Stop comparing yourself with others.

Check out these tips on how to be kind to yourself.

Here are a few gentle reminders for when life gets hard.

Add to Your Reading List: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Dr Kristin Neff

Create space

When your life is busy and cluttered, it can feel like the world is closing in around you. You’re already stressed and overwhelmed—so when the littlest thing goes wrong, it can feel like a mountain in your path.

If this hits a little too close to home, then I encourage you to simplify your life. As a reformed shopaholic turned minimalist, I know the power of letting go.

Clear your heart, your home and your mind—and watch what happens. I can almost guarantee that with more space in life, you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s little annoyances.

If you’re not sure where to begin, here are my top tips on getting started with minimalism. (And by the way—it’s NOT about getting rid of all your stuff. Instead, it’s about curating your life so that your stuff is SERVING you.) I’ve also put together this round-up of my top decluttering tips for your home and life.

5 Quick Ways To Stop Being Irritated So Easily

Add to Your Reading List: Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism by Fumio Sasaki. This is a beautiful, non-judgemental book about simplifying your life!

Related Post: 7 Inspiring Books on Minimalism + Simple Living

Let go of the past

If you’re always asking “why do I let things bother me so much?”, the answer is probably in your past. There’s something that needs to be healed: maybe someone hurt you or you haven’t forgiven yourself about something.

You try to hide this old wound under the carpet, but it keeps coming to the surface—every time you get triggered by a long wait for coffee or an offhand remark.

The little things are bothering you because something from your past is still bothering you, and until you deal with it, you won’t find peace in the present moment. For more on how to deal with this, check out this compassionate guide to letting go of the past.

Create space for freedom + joy

Are you slowly drowning in a sea of too much stuff and too many responsibilities? I've been there too—and decluttering changed my life.

 Download my free Mindful Decluttering guide, and learn the secrets that helped me clear my clutter and create space for joy. 

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Live life to the fullest

And finally, I encourage you to focus on living your life to the fullest. I know that’s a cliche that gets thrown around a lot, but I truly believe in it.

Dolly Parton - The Little Things

Stop living for the weekends and instead, look forward to all the beauty in your life. When you do, you’ll be less distracted by all the little things that don’t matter.

Here are some ways to get started:

Discover your core values and write your own definition of success

Embrace intentional living—stop drifting through life and start living on purpose

Start to be intentional with your thoughts and remember, the more clarity you have about the things that matter to you, the less bothered you’ll be about the things that don’t.

Develop your self-worth … because when you’re confident in who you are, you won’t let other people’s opinions (or your perception of their opinions) get to you.

Add to Your Reading List: Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life by Dr Susan David. This book has been LIFE CHANGING and I cannot recommend it enough.

It takes time but slowly, I’m learning to let go of the things that don’t matter and I know with time, you can too. Be kind to yourself and take one day at a time—we’ve got this!

How do you deal when the little things start to get to you? I’d love to hear any of your ideas or it would be great to know if any of these methods help you. Let me know in the comments! x

Let's look at this :

what's that it is REQUIRED biologically to be alive :

Air, food, water (necessary conditions)

Now comes DESIRES which adds up COMFORT and CONVENIENCE to our life.

Can be things, people or their services towards us. (good to have conditions not necessarily required to be alive)

Desires can be attaind by TRANSACTIONS , as simple as going to shop and getting things by providing money isn't IT? OR in most cases EXPECTATIONS, still a transaction right? Mind, I am not talking about OUTCOMES here.

Now if you DESIRE/EXPECT a rose in your garden, what should you be thinking of?

Rose itself or seed, soil, manure, water, sunlight? Offcourse the later.

so rose is a consequence right?

Same way when you desire something, you need to look at honestly with full attention "what is it that's required to get it?"

So there is only 1 way to not get hurt :

Make necessary changes in your mindset that you would create a competence within to attain certain things/environment around you.

Not mere Expectations.

10 Little Habits That Reveal Your True Personality

Our brain is the only thing which would help us achieve any desire, and it has following faculties :

Memory : consists impressions from past, use these only for not committing the same mistakes again, never as wounds.

and impressions from your genes. Constantly identify and alter these to make urself relevant to the time.

Intellect : its a processor, chops data fed by memory and create meaningful information.

Imagination : what a wonderful thing, gives wings to your meaningful information produced by intellect.

And the master!!

Intelligence : this decides everything, whether you are feeding past data as learning or wounds.

Humans are suffering all of the above, they feed misery from past to intellect and make it worse by using imagination.

Rich are not happy poor anyway don't get required conditions,

Singles suffer, mingle them, they suffer,

Only thing they are missing is how to use their own faculties.


Keep your expectations low, because when you expect something you presume things to be according to how you wish and there’s always a fine line between how you want things to turn out and how things actually turn out. So when things don’t turn out the way you expected, you eventually end up thinking about it as a result hurting yourself.

Always keep one thing in mind, everyone has their share to worry about and you won’t always get what you expect. You need to act in a more mature way. Sometimes it is better to just let things go. Don’t hold on to small things because the more you think, the more you get hurt. Trust me, you are the only one who can help yourself.

Life is too short to worry about petty things and getting hurt. Live your life. Forgive, Forget and move forward.

Some people are upset constantly without even the littlest things. They have “conditions” such as generalized anxiety disorder, depression, etc. The causes are usually largely biological, not purely environmental, proven by the efficacy of psychiatric drugs.

All people are on the continuum to different mental conditions, just some distance away from the threshold of diagnosis. The closer to the threshold, the smaller are the things you get upset over.

“Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm trying not to lose my head”
-Grandmaster Flash, The Message

THE LITTLE THINGS Ending Explained & 17 Clues Who the Real Killer Is

“All the things that they're saying & doing
When they pass me by just fills me up with noise
It overloads me
I wanna disconnect myself
Pull my brain stem out and unplug myself
I want nothing right now, I want to pull it out”
-Rollins Band, Disconnect

It could be a number of reasons. However, the primary ones are:

  1. They really have no better communication skills.
  2. They are emotionally immature.
  3. They believe behaving in such a way makes them look smarter than they are.
  4. Since they are intellectually disabled regarding the task at hand, they believe such behavior makes them appear more powerful and capable (of what I ask? having a fit?).
  5. While their ignorance actually disables them leaving them feel like it’s the end of the world when a slight problem arises.

Then aside from the common reasons, there are personal issues as well. Often very deep seeded issues which a therapist could help them overcome.

We are conditioned from an early age in ways to look at the world and that includes what things are worth getting upset over. It is all completely unnecessary, but once we’re taught, we rarely question the conditioning. What to do about it? When you find yourself getting upset, instead of doing what you do, you can just watch the anxiety of letting whatever it is be and it will soon pass. The conditioning will undo itself over time. The Buddha observed and taught that the nature of the human mind is to feel dissatisfaction. If you watch your mind at work in an unbiased way, you’ll see this to be true. He also taught that mind states are impermanent. You will notice the upset, but if you continue watching, you’ll notice it fades. He also taught that it is not-self. That means the conditioning is not you but a way you were taught to be. I hope this helps.

5 Reason Why Deacon is Main Killer In The Little Things

There are may possible reasons that it may happen, the largest one I can think of now is that some people just have everything going wrong in their lives, everything seems to be going terribly for them and all the large things crumble beneath them, so all they have is the small little things to rely upon to feel safe, comfortable and like their entire worlds aren’t collapsing, so when they cant even get a starbicks without someone cutting in front of them to place their order first, it just breaks them. nothing large will hold together and now the little things break also, nothing is good for them, all they have is the comfort of their friendly morning coffee run and now even that won’t work.

I don’t. Some people don’t know where to put their anger. Or maybe it’s little to u but big to them. U don’t know what someone has been through. Like if u spill something by accident and get a spot in someone’s clothes I’m sure u don’t mean it and u are thinking he’ll they can wash it tomorrow what’s the big deal? Well for example for the 1st time in my life I rent a room. I don’t have a washer dryer. I do laundry 1x a month. I save my stuff put it in a large suitcase and cab it to the laundromat and do 3 loads of wash. 3 sets of sheets, all my towels, thank god I have enough clothes to last a month. So yea that would be a big deal to me compared to when I was able t9 just go home and toss something in the I’m gracious enough I’d probably not go off on you but inside I’d be thinking will I be able to wash this in the shower and hand dry it?

Or let’s swy you bump into someone on the subway. You don’t mean to. But thatnperson migut have been raped befor. It may set off ptsd for them. I’m just saying. You have to give people some slack.

There are people with issues where everything bothers them. Everyone has a different nervous system. Be glad it’s not you.

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