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Monday 29 November 2021

How do I stop or overcome syntribating addiction?

"(Christian) Women Struggle Too: How + Why I Quit Porn + Masturbation" - Real Talk With Rach - 101



You're not alone.

There's a powerful movement sweeping the globe: people are quitting "fapping," also known as masturbation, and/or pornography as it relates to fapping. As with any habit or addiction, stopping fapping takes time, patience, and sometimes trial and error.


Here's a guide on how to resist urges, stop fapping, and take your power back. 

Step 1: Identify the purpose of the mission

What's your reason for stopping fapping? Is it for your emotional or sexual health? A relationship? Or are you doing it for religious or ethical reasons? Maybe you're just curious to try it and see what happens. No matter what your reason is, spend a bit of time being clear about your underlying motivation to pursue this challenge. Think about what your habit is costing you in time, energy, or relationships. How would quitting porn or masturbation improve aspects of your life? Having a strong reason "why" will support you through difficult times. Remind yourself of this purpose regularly to stay motivated and on track.

Step 2: Investigate your triggers

Habits are ingrained in us because of triggers that our brains associate with a given behavior. To break a habit, you need to rewire your brain to break the trigger-behavior relationship. If you can eliminate these triggers, or begin to associate them with a replacement behavior, you disrupt the cycle and take back your power. Keep track of every time you feel an urge. What triggered you right before the urge? This will help you uncover the triggers leading to your addiction.

Why I Stopped Masturbating !✨

Step 3: Master your environment

Devise a plan for how you'll attack when triggers arise. And, as much as possible, avoid triggers that can compromise your mission. Set yourself up for success by having alternative coping mechanisms in place for when temptation hits. Consider taking up a new skill that interests and excites you, and turn to that skill whenever you feel the urge to seek out porn or masturbation. Get ideas for ways to distract yourself when temptation hits. You can also reward yourself with something you enjoy, like a favorite show or song, that you only allow yourself when that trigger strikes. Try to understand the root cause of this trigger and whether it's a symptom of something deeper, like low self-esteem. Seek out resources that can help you process these feelings. Finally, remind yourself of your reasons from Step 1 every day and every time you're triggered.

Step 4: Monitor your progress

Seeing your progress can be tremendously motivating, especially when you're facing resistance. Be sure to track how you're doing. Every time you ward off a trigger, tally it. Soon you'll have a running count of all the fapping you didn't do. Seeing those tally marks can be incredibly rewarding. If you slip up, don't beat yourself up. Failure is part of the process. Learn from failure by reflecting on what the circumstances were. Use this new intel to your advantage by trying out new strategies. Think about whether your goal was realistic to begin with, or if you need to modify your goal so that it's more incremental.

Step 5: Call for backup

There's no need for you to go it alone. Having a strong support system can get you through temptations and setbacks. Asking for help is not weakness. It's smart. It's strategic. Almost every superhero has a sidekick, and you should seek out yours to help you through, watch your back, and hold you accountable. Find a community of people online, such as the NoFap community and subreddit forum,  that understand what you're going through and who can make recommendations for ways to stay motivated. Create external accountability by getting an accountability partner to check in with regularly so that you stay on track.

how can a woman stop syntribating

A Reddit forum dedicated to abstaining from masturbation has over 450,000 members – and about 5% of them are female

Is it OK to Masturbate? – Sadhguru Answers

front view detail closeup of old woman stone sculpture statue with hand covering naked body with cloth<br>M3MR38 front view detail closeup of old woman stone sculpture statue with hand covering naked body with cloth vagina

The NoFap Reddit forum has more than 450,000 members. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo

Katie Bishop

Mon 9 Sep 2019 06.00 BST

From a sunny sitting room, 26-year-old Kristel beams at the camera she has set up to broadcast her life to her 49,000 YouTube subscribers. “I struggled with acne and I had body issues,” she explains. “I think I [now] look better and I think more positively … I’ve been told how much more attractive I’ve got.” Later, she will intercut the video with photographs of herself taken over the previous eight months, her skin growing noticeably more radiant, her hair changing from lackluster to glossy.

But with her before-and-after shots, Kristel isn’t documenting a weight-loss journey or a new skincare regime. Instead, she credits her new glow to a movement that has lurked in corners of the internet for several years.


Kristel is a follower of NoFap, a platform that encourages its users to refrain from masturbation. She claims her new lifestyle has led to a complete physical and mental reformation.


“After starting NoFap I felt more motivation, more willpower and more discipline,” Kristel tells me. “I decided to take part in the movement because I like challenging myself and I wanted to prove that I could accomplish this.”

The flippantly named NoFap community has gained a strange prominence since it was founded in 2011 by Pittsburgh web developer Alexander Rhodes. Inspired by a small study that suggested that male testosterone levels rose after seven days of abstinence from ejaculation, followers avoid masturbation in order to “reboot” their brains.

Having first gained momentum among men in Reddit forums and backwaters of the internet, the community regards NoFap as a sexual health program to combat porn addiction. But there is also a consensus among many NoFappers (who often brand themselves “Fapstronauts”) that refraining from masturbation can lead to “superpowers”, ranging from increased energy and confidence to commanding respect from peers or curing social anxiety. NoFap’s Reddit forum now has more than 450,000 members primarily in North America and the UK, and Kristel is part of a smaller subset of female subscribers.

Rhodes estimates that about 5% of the NoFap followers are female and although the cohort may be small, it is seemingly mighty. Kristel’s transformation video alone has racked up almost 1.5m views to date. She says the vast majority of her viewers are based in the US, with a smaller but significant following in India.

In an attempt to engage its rising female cohort, NoFap has recently introduced new measures including hiring female moderators and creating women in reboot forums.

Let's Talk: I struggled with masturbation

Kristel explains: “Even though most of the responses I get are encouraging and positive, there is also a side of people not taking it seriously. They think girls don’t even masturbate to begin with.”

Kristel has become something of a poster-girl for the Femstronaut movement, but there is a darker side to NoFap. Among the reams of Reddit discussions and YouTube videos, a fundamentally misogynistic rhetoric regularly emerges. The movement’s focus on testosterone inherently idealizes masculine traits, and the oft-cited claim that NoFap makes men more attractive to the opposite sex objectifies women and frames them as the “prize” in the game of who can hold out for longest. Some have even linked the movement to incel (involuntarily celibate) communities, who extend contempt towards masturbation and pornography to a more insidious hatred of women.

So what drives women to participate in this male-dominated trend? Like Kristel, Chicago-based YouTuber Alana, 29, joined the NoFap movement as a lifestyle improvement in 2017.

“I think the biggest issue is porn,” she says. “Porn is where people go to learn how to have sex, and most of the time the approach to sex in porn is built around the man’s pleasure. Even as a heterosexual woman, porn made me sexualize and objectify women … I also began to think of myself as a sex object, and that my value came from my sex appeal.”

How Did You Learn About Masturbation? | Let's Talk About Masturbation | Refinery29

Kristel also cites the influence of pornography as a key driver of the trend. She says the unrelenting theme of male dominance, unrealistic body standards and the overly performative scenes made watching adult content a discomfiting experience for her. She claims that without pornography to masturbate to or compare her own experiences with, she is able to enjoy sex in a way that she wasn’t able to before.

Sex addiction therapist Staci Sprout says the phenomenon really is “a new grassroots movement where people are seeking to reclaim their bodies separately from pornography’s input. If a woman has only learned how to self-pleasure through high-stimulation pornography and later just re-enacts this with others, she probably won’t know herself very well sexually.”

It seems no coincidence that both Alana and Kristel, seemingly some of the most prominent and outspoken women in the NoFap movement, are part of a generation that has grown up with extreme sexual content only ever a few clicks away. Despite the almost non-existent science behind its claims, the NoFap movement seems to represent a solution to very real concerns. Yet it is not clear whether NoFap offers any relief. Although the thousands of women who post on NoFap might be benefiting from access to a community of like-minded people, it fails to provide the expert support that may realistically be needed for women struggling with sex or porn addiction.

The women drawn to NoFap seem trapped in a conundrum of the digital age. They see themselves as victims of a world where access to online pornography is unlimited, but also end up seeking solutions within a similarly opaque and murky world. Although they may feel isolated from the male-centric world of pornography, their association with an ideology that idolizes the strange pseudo-science of semen retention and stereotypically masculine powers could only further isolate them from the nuances of female sexuality.


And yet, Kristel has no plans to stop. “After years of abstaining, there is no restriction involved, it feels natural to me now,” she says. “I don’t feel any urge to go back.”

How do I as a woman overcome the temptation to masturbate?

I have been struggling with masturbation for years, and I have tried many ways to overcome it. I don't know what to do.


I am in a deeply committed Christian relationship, and we are now discussing engagement. We are physically intimate, but nothing goes “below the belt.” However, I have been struggling with masturbation for years, and I have tried many ways to overcome it. I don’t know what to do. I am at my wits end. I want to defeat my problem before we get any further in our relationship. I have tried praying and asking God for help, but I am not sure I am doing it right (if that makes any sense). I know you probably cannot give me any easy advice, but I need to go somewhere, and I am too ashamed to talk to anyone in person.


We’ve attempted to discuss this difficult and embarrassing issue before on Boundless — you’d be amazed how many female readers send in questions like yours. The best response to date comes from J. Budziszewski who has written (You can read his full response here.):

Masturbation is wrong because it goes against what the sexual powers were designed for, because it is inseparable from illicit fantasies, because these fantasies take on a life of their own, and because it draws the erotic longing backward into Self instead of outward. It doesn’t “release” lust, but reinforces it, so that next time the temptation is stronger yet. The hard thing, most people find, isn’t figuring out that they ought to stop, but stopping. (It’s also hard to ask for help — that takes courage).

I agree with you and with Dr. Budziszewski that this habit is worth conquering. However, I don’t think struggling with masturbation is a reason to delay engagement. After all, legitimate sexual expression is one of the reasons Christians marry! That said, if your masturbating is linked to deeper struggles with, or addictions to, fantasy or porn, then I do think you should get help for those problems before proceeding in marriage. Marriage provides the context for healthy, life-affirming, God-honoring sex. But that is only possible when both husband and wife give themselves to one another without the hindrances that sexual addiction creates.


Assuming yours is the more typical, habitual struggle that afflicts many singles, I would suggest continuing to pray, continue to make every effort to stop, and though this may sound goofy, get more exercise. Exercise releases the same feel-good endorphins that sex does while leaving you more tired when it’s time to go to bed. If sleep comes easily, other things may be avoided.

You wrote that you’re “too ashamed to talk to anyone in person.” We shouldn’t be surprised that this sin wants to hide in the shadows. But it’s precisely by confessing your struggle with a trusted Christian mentor, asking her to hold you accountable, that you can overcome this sin. Taking it from the dark alleys to the light of day is key to victory in this area. It is through the confession of your sins and prayer that you are healed (see James 5:16Romans 13:12-14 and 1 Thessalonians 5:5-8).

Finally, I think it’s important to address your comment that you and your boyfriend are “physically intimate, but nothing goes ‘below the belt.'” Whether below the belt or above, physical intimacy that arouses is wrong before marriage. God gave us foreplay to prepare for intercourse. It’s part of the married package. Everything you do with your boyfriend that gets your sexual motor running makes it harder, not easier, to remain chaste with one another and to resist the temptation to masturbate alone.

I suspect if you are more intentional about your time together — stop arousing one another and start making plans toward marriage — that will go a long way toward helping you remain pure in action and thought.

May God strengthen you to do what will benefit your relationship with Him and your future husband (whether this young man or another), now and in the future.

Every blessing,


Sex ed might end in high school, but maybe it shouldn't. After all, just because you've had sex for years—decades!—and perhaps even given birth to children doesn't mean you have all the answers, especially when it comes to taboo topics like masturbation. We're here to help. Whether you're an old pro or simply curious, here are five things you should know about masturbating in midlife and beyond. 

HOW TO GET RID OF MASTURBATION ADDICTION ? - Dr. Dhrupti B. Dedhia - May I Help You ?

1. It's good for your health.

masturbation is good for blood flow


"The body operates on a 'use-it-or-lose-it' model," explains Madeleine Castellanos, MD, an AASECT-certified sex therapist in New York City and author of Wanting to Want: What Kills Your Sex Life and How to Keep It Alive. "Masturbating increases blood flow, which helps support all the tissues in that area of the body."

Castellanos explains that it's especially important if you don't have sex regularly with a partner. If that's your situation, her "prescription" is to get a small, plastic vibrator, put lube on it, and place it into your vagina on a low setting for about 10 minutes. You can contract the pelvic floor muscles (kegels) to exercise them while you’re doing this. And remember, you don't need anything crazy—no huge vibrator with the fastest setting. "Hard, plastic bullets are a great option for this," says Castellanos. (This simple bullet vibrator from Rodale's will do nicely.)

2. You’re not too old to try it for the first time.

not too old to masturbate


Whether you're new to the game by choice or circumstance (like divorce or death of a partner), it's never too late to start. In addition to feeling good and keeping you healthy, masturbation can help relieve stress, make you feel sexy, and teach you what areas of your body give you the most pleasure, which can enhance your overall sex life, says Pari Ghodsi, MD, an ob-gyn at the San Fernando Valley at Northridge Hospital in Los Angeles. You'll learn what you don't like as well.

That said, both Ghodsi and Castellanos advise starting slowly, noting that newbies should explore pleasure instead of just focusing on getting off. "Lots of women buy a vibrator and mash it against the clitoris so they orgasm quickly, but they don't learn to appreciate and feel the sensitivity of touch," says Castellanos. "By having a slower, more intense orgasm that you let build and build and build, you learn to maintain sensitivity and figure out how your body can reach intense amounts of pleasure with average stimulation." (This best-selling 4 in 1 pressure sensitive massager from Rodale's allows you to control the intensity through pressure sensitive technology. We'd say "enjoy," but that's a given.)


t's okay to masturbate -- sex lessons to unlearn | Uma Subramanian | Uma Subramanian | TEDxMACE

3. You may be less sensitive than you once were.

less sensitive


Menopause affects sensitivity both from a hormonal and mental standpoint. Physically, there's a decrease in hormones, including testosterone, which can translate to less sensation in the clitoris, explains Castellanos.

The way you think about yourself also plays a role in arousal. "After menopause, there are a bunch of women who think 'I don’t have to worry about my period or getting pregnant ever again… This is great!' But others think that their womanhood is gone, and that no one will ever find them sexy again,” says Castellanos. "That feeds into their self-image, which can decrease sensitivity over time." (Follow these 4 tips to make sex great again after menopause.)

Prevention Premium: Sex Shouldn't Be Painful. Here's What Can Help.

4. Consider switching from a water-based lubricant to a silicone-based one.

organic personal balm


Unlike a water-based lube, silicone-based lube has oil in it, which creates a slick layer that coats the inside of the vagina and can make masturbation feel better as you get older. (Here are 8 times you definitely need to use lube.) Estrogen levels drop a lot at menopause, and "once a woman hasn't had a good level of estrogen for a while, she won't experience as much moisture from sexual arousal and the inside of the vagina can be dry," says Castellanos. "The tissues down there get a little thinner, and she might even experience burning or irritation from friction." (This organic feminine moisturizing balm from Rodale's helps moisturize, rejuvenate, heal, and protect sensitive vulva tissue with a blend of coconut oil, shea butter, and collagen-repairing avocado oil.)

Important side note: While having sex with a partner and using condoms, stick with a water-based lube; silicone can break down latex and cause condoms to tear. Our pick: water-based (flavored!) NaturalLove Organic Personal Lubricant ($16,


How To Masturbate (Female Masturbation)

5. Don't be surprised if you want it more than you used to.

just enjoy masturbation


As women get older, some of them become more comfortable with masturbation because they're more comfortable with their bodies than they were when they were younger, says Ghodsi. Many also find that they have more alone time, since they're less likely to be caring for young children who are notorious privacy invaders. Everyone is different, but if you find that you have more time and/or a stronger desire to masturbate compared to when you were younger, it's totally normal.

"Have fun," says Castellanos. "That's the whole point. Masturbation is very healthy, so go slow and enjoy the pleasure of exploring all areas of your body."

By Sandy Baker

Many men and women learn, through treatment, that addiction doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

That said, it takes constant management and a keen sense of awareness to maintain sobriety. Now that you’re leaving your addiction treatment center, you’re about to embrace life again to the fullest. As all of these good things begin to happen, it’s important to recognize the risks you will face each day.

These risks include addiction triggers or situations that can spur a relapse. Taking yourself out of these high-risk scenarios isn’t hard to do, once you learn to anticipate them.

Take a look at some of the most common addiction triggers and consider how to avoid them. There’s no doubt you will encounter situations that heighten your cravings. Being able to recognize these and take action to prevent them from becoming a relapse is essential.

#1: Identify Your Personal Triggers First

Each person’s triggers are unique. For some people, getting high or drunk is the direct result of stress. For others, it is the result of just being in the vicinity of a club. Ask yourself:

  • When do I think about drugs or alcohol the most?
  • Which situations make me more likely to abuse a substance?
  • What does using substances give me? Stress release? The ability to forget about responsibilities?

Sex, Masturbation & Libido in Pregnancy

Once you identify what the triggers are, you can then begin to plan a way around them. In other words, you can learn to identify a trigger situation when it occurs and take steps right at that moment to move yourself from the risk.

#2: Avoid Stress

Many people face stress on a daily basis. At work, school, and at home, you may feel stress begin to creep up throughout the day. There’s no way to eliminate all stress from your life on a regular basis. However, you can learn to recognize when stress is building. Your shoulders tense up. Your head is pounding. All you can think about is getting out of the situation.
When the stress trigger builds, take action at that moment to minimize it.

  • Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and count to 10. Center yourself.
  • Do something you enjoy. Go for a walk or a swim, or just listen to music.
  • Work it out. When stress becomes too much, head to the gym to use exercise as a tool for getting rid of the tension.

#3: Pull in Others for Help

For some people, addiction triggers relate specifically to people. Being around the actions of one person can cause you to lose track. When a person or a person’s action is causing you to feel the trigger building, recognize the need to turn to someone for help. Whether you need to reach out for support from your addiction treatment center, a sponsor, or a close friend, don’t wait to get guidance and help.

#4: Stay Busy and Motivated

One common trigger that’s hard to avoid is boredom. You have nothing to do. You don’t want to watch TV, and there’s no one to spend time with. This scenario is common for those working towards reintroducing themselves to daily life after treatment. Staying busy helps keep your mind focused on the tasks at hand.
What do you do when you’re bored and thinking about getting high or taking a drink?

  • Create a list of things you could do. Plan this list in advance. For example, make a to-do list for the week. When you have down time, choose something from the list to do.
  • Make a point of getting outdoors when you’re bored. Spend some time exploring a local park with a friend. Play some catch. Weed the garden.
  • Join a new group. Whenever you have downtime, you have an opportunity to meet new people. You can do this through your place of worship, local recreation centers, and charities. Volunteer your time to help others.

6 Ways to Break a Masturbation Addiction

#5: Keep Learning

The more you know about your addiction, the recovery process, and the triggers present throughout your day, the more powerful you are at taking steps to avoid them.

  • Learn to improve communication with those you love. Work continuously on building strong relationships.
  • Continue to learn why you are facing addiction and what put you on this path. Do you have co-occurring conditions worsening your risks?
  • Explore new opportunities in every facet of your life. How can you be a better version of you? Learn a new hobby, explore a new career, take a step towards a meaningful relationship, or learn more about your community.

Triggers are present in everyone’s life. The way you react to them defines your future. At the Ranch at Dove Tree, we’re a phone call away if you are facing the onset of an addiction trigger right now. Don’t wait to seek out help that can keep you on the right path.

Masturbating is normal for every man, instead, it is considered healthy. It is absolutely humane to do it because it boosts sexual pleasure and maintains a healthy sex life. However, this must not become an addiction. A fun activity that boosts sex drive should not turn out to be an uncontrollable affair to deal with. So, how to stop masturbating and why do you have to is what this article will look at.

Is Masturbation Wrong? | Christian Girl Advice

Are You Masturbating a Lot?

How do you know that you’re overdoing it? It can affect the way you think, act and feel in society. You will witness behavioural changes that can affect your surroundings. You wouldn’t want to get into such a situation, would you? The first step is to stop it by accepting the fact that you have this problem and then move ahead to finding solutions to curtail it. Here are some pointers that could indicate the very fact that you are excessively masturbating.

  • Skipping work, school and social gatherings to masturbate.
  • An uncontrollable urge to do it.
  • Plan to do it wherever needed.

NOTE: Everyone masturbates and it is a healthy phenomenon to do so. People who have a satisfied as well as unsatisfied sex life masturbate. All you need to keep in mind is that you do not overdo it.

Interesting Facts About Masturbation

Here are some interesting facts that will give you an insight into this topic and its other facets.

  • Men who ejaculate five times each week have fewer risks of developing prostate cancer.
  • Masturbation does not cause shrinking of the penis, decreased sex drives, infertility or blindness.
  • Women in their late 20’s masturbate a lot.
  • Masturbation improves your sex life.
  • Men masturbate more than women.

Why Do People Masturbate?

It is absolutely normal to masturbate and there are a lot of reasons why people do it. Here is why most individuals do it.

what happens if you quit masturbating? | Tamil | thamizhism

  • Release stress
  • Lack of sex
  • Understanding their body better
  • Relationship issues

How to Stop Masturbating?

If masturbation becomes difficult to handle it means that you have a problem and here are simple tricks that will help you control it.

1. Say ‘NO’ to Pornography

Pornography is a mental driving agent for people who masturbate a lot. This affects a person mentally such that it shapes the way they think and act in society as a whole. Avoid pornographic images, videos and searching for websites that can get you back in that thinking.

2. Do Something New

Diverting your mind and doing something else is one way that will help you. Consider picking up a new hobby and this can replace the time spent on masturbating. Begin working on your personal goals and write them down in a personal diary. Tell yourself that you will achieve it and it does keep you strong. This will help you place your energy on other things and never leave you thinking of masturbating.

3. Consult a Doctor

You need to talk your problem out. You also need to understand that you cannot fight it alone. A healthcare specialist will provide you with a set of guidelines that will help you go about the problem. This can affect you mentally and leave you suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that can make things worse for you. Make it a point to talk to a psychologist or a therapist.

Stop Masturbating | How to, Why, Effects | Quarantine Chronicles

4. Socialise a Lot

Did you know that few people socialise because they feel lonely? Yes, an ideal mind can do a lot more harm than you can ever think of. Socialising keeps your mind focused and diverted. So make it a point to socialise with family, friends or hit the gym to keep your body more productive.

5. Regular Exercise

Regular exercising can keep you mentally strong. Simple exercises such as running, swimming, walking and jogging can increase positivity and keep your focus straight. It beats stress levels and keeps your head calm. Simple exercises for 30 minutes every day will do you good.

Psychology Behind Excessive Masturbation

Excessive masturbating is a sign of a prevailing mental condition that can cause behavioural disorders. An intense feeling of guilt after masturbation is one sign of masturbation being an addiction. This can lead to increased levels of alcohol consumption. Thus masturbation becomes a problem if it is compulsive or you tend to force yourself to do it. It is fine to do it but don’t let it consume you.

Does Masturbation Have Side Effects?

Yes, excessive masturbation does come with a lot of side effects both physical and mental.

Your Female Masturbation Questions Answered

  • Physical side effects: Physically speaking, excessive masturbation can result in Oedema, guilt feeling and skin irritation. Oedema refers to body parts swelling due to infection or inflammation. Gripping the penis tightly can cause swelling that can be dangerous. It can cause skin tears and skin irritation. It can also lead to extreme feelings of guilt that can make the person feel sad or feel negative about themselves. This could lead to depression, phobia and also affects the way he/she behaves in society.
  • Mental side effects: Psychologically speaking, excessive masturbation is the fight on the inside. Your perception of certain phenomena begin to change and you would witness behavioural changes such as religious views being deferred, poor sexual communication, unnecessary sexual conflicts with your partner and relationship issues.

NOTE: Consult a doctor before this sickness consumes you. Remember that doing it is healthy and good for every human, but excessively doing it can cause further complications.


Masturbation side effects can affect you both mentally and physically. You wouldn’t want to get consumed with it. Masturbating twice every day is good and healthy, but anything more than 15 to 20 times a week has to be addressed. Here are some frequently asked questions that will give you an insight into this topic.

1. Do women masturbate?

Yes, women masturbate using their fingers. Also known as an orgasm, this process involves inserting 2 fingers inside the vagina that stimulates sexual pleasure. Just as men use their hands, women use their fingers and it’s always good to discover you and your wildest fantasies.

2. Does masturbation cause pimples?

No, it is a myth that masturbation causes pimples. It is hormonal changes that actually make your skin produce more oil thereby leading to acne. This phenomenon can be observed when a person attains puberty.

Are You Addicted to Masturbation - 8 ways to control the urge to Masturbate

3. How is masturbation good for your health?

Masturbation helps you both mentally and physically. It relieves you from stress and physically speaking it prevents your risks of erectile dysfunction. It is the safest way to have sex such that you are away from the risks of getting pregnant and prevents you from sexually transmitted infections (STDs). It’s good doing it.

4. What are the myths surrounding masturbation?

Well, there would be many who told you that masturbation is bad and leads to many sexual health complications. Here are some myths that you need to know.

  • Blindness
  • Penis curving
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Shrinking penis
  • Hairy body
  • Infertility
  • Low sperm count

You need to understand that excessive masturbation can cause skin tears, depression and change in behaviour and not any of the above-listed myths.

5. Can a woman get pregnant after drinking sperm?

No, a woman cannot get pregnant by simply swallowing semen. The only way for pregnancy to take place is when sperm gets in direct contact with the vagina. But, swallowing semen can get you caught with a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

6. What is the colour of a woman’s sperm?

A woman’s sperm colour appears to be slightly grey, white and yellow. If there is blood in the semen it could appear to be pink or red in colour. A healthy sperm colour could appear greyish white. Sometimes if you feel that your semen colour is yellow, it is absolutely normal but sometimes it could be a sign of a medical condition.

For Any Woman Struggling with Pornography and Masturbation

7. What are the health benefits of male sperm for women?

Male sperm is good for women’s health because of its mood-altering capabilities. It provides women with good skin, healthy sleep, increases affection and keeps women happy. So if your lady love is stressed, the solution is good sex. Sperm contains loads of vitamins and is a natural antidepressant.

Masturbation is absolutely normal for everyone and it plays an important role in boosting sex drive. Need a healthy sex life? Masturbation before sexual intercourse is the key. It helps bring out your wildest fantasies and yes your lady love would want you to give her an orgasm. So, live healthily and stay safe.

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