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Sunday 8 August 2021

Why am I so sensitive and cry a lot?

 Emotions are normal, but sometimes after an outburst or a crying session, you may be wondering why you’re feeling so emotional.

Feeling heightened emotions or like you’re unable to control your emotions can come down to diet choices, genetics, or stress. It can also be due to an underlying health condition, such as depression or hormones.

1. You’re human

You may be feeling emotional today. But guess what? You’re allowed to be.

We all feel happy, sad, low, or exhilarated. Emotions are a normal part of who we are as humans. Everyone processes events and emotions differently.

Unless your emotions are interfering with your day-to-day life, you may just feel things a bit more than others. Or, you might just be feeling extra sensitive today.

If someone tells you to be less emotional, they’re probably basing it off of societal standards. Don’t let them put you down. Emotions aren’t weak. They’re human.

2. Genetics

While emotions are normal, being naturally more emotional may actually have a genetic component. Several older studies suggest that emotion is influenced by genetics.

Though there are other factors involved, such as environmental and social influences, human emotions are somewhat inherited.

If a family member has an affective disorder, such as major depression, you may have a higher risk of experiencing one as well.

3. Lack of sleep

Everyone knows what it’s like to wake up on the wrong side of the bed, so it’s not hard to imagine that a lack of sleep can affect your emotional well-being.

Sleep deprivation has several effects on your body, including:

  • trouble thinking and concentrating
  • higher risk for anxiety or depression
  • weakened immune system
  • poor balance and higher risk of accidents

It can affect your mood, too, especially the longer sleep deprivation occurs.

Studies have shown that sleep may be linked to emotional regulation, so getting less sleep may cause your emotions to seem out of whack.

Feeling more irritable or easier to anger are common when chronically sleep-deprived.

4. You need exercise

We’ve all heard the physical health benefits of exercise, but exercise can also have a big effect on mood and emotions.

While exercise, in general, can promote emotional well-being, a lack of exercise can lower it, according to research.

One 2017 study showed that aerobic exercise had a therapeutic effect on regulating emotions. This finding suggests that if you’re feeling extra emotional, jumping on a treadmill or going for a jog could help alleviate it.

5. Diet

Everything you eat affects your body, and a healthy diet can improve your overall well-being, including your mental health.

If you’re feeling emotional, it may come down to the foods you’re eating.

Research has found that eating a healthy diet means better emotional health, while an unhealthy diet increases levels of distress.

To keep your emotions in check:

  • Make sure you’re consuming a nutrient-dense diet.
  • Avoid processed, fatty, and fast foods.
  • Avoid skipping meals.
  • Make sure you’re not lacking vital vitamins and minerals.

Not getting enough varied, nutrient-dense foods can mean you’re relying too heavily on one area of the food pyramid. This will likely lead to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies that can affect your mood and health.

6. You’re highly sensitive

Some people truly are more sensitive than others.

A personality trait called sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is a quality where someone processes the world more deeply. This includes the moods and feelings of others, as well as pain and loud noises.

Studies suggest that it occurs in almost 20 percent of humans — and even other species! — so it’s certainly not a rare thing.

The next time someone says you’re always so sensitive, remember that it’s totally normal. And it’s not a bad thing either. You may feel positive emotions more deeply than others, too. Think joy, excitement, and happiness.

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7. Stress

Stress can take a toll on our bodies. If you’re feeling stressed or burnt out, you’re likely going to feel a little emotional.

While stress is normal, and everyone experiences it, chronic stress can have a lasting effect on your mental and physical health.

If you’re feeling especially stressed, your emotions may be running high. You may be likely to cry more easily, or be unsure why you’re crying in the first place.

8. Big life changes

When major life events or big changes occur, you’re inevitably going to feel the stress — no matter how well you plan for it.

Some of the most stressful changes involve:

  • divorce or marriage
  • moving
  • getting a new job or being fired
  • having a baby

It doesn’t have to be a huge, life-altering change, necessarily, to make you feel emotional. Any shake-up is going to have an effect on your emotional well-being, even if it’s only stressing you out under the surface.

It’s important to talk through your concerns and have a support system when you’re experiencing big changes in your life. This will also help those close to you understand that if you snap at them or are more emotional than usual, it’s nothing personal.

Don’t worry, once the big change is over, your emotions should return to baseline.

9. Grief

Grief is a varied, complicated, and messy thing. Grieving the loss of someone is one of the hardest things that we all universally go through. So if you’re not feeling yourself, or your emotions don’t feel the same, that’s normal.

Grief doesn’t have to just be about losing a loved one. You can grieve for your past selfa child you never had, or even a breakup.

We all handle loss differently and go through the stages of grief at different times, and we may not come out on the other side the same.

10. Trauma

Trauma is a response to experiencing a terrible event that causes physical, emotional, or psychological harm.

It brings about strong, negative emotions including fear, shame, guilt, anger, and sadness, both during and after the experience.

In one 2008 studyTrusted Source, researchers found that the type of traumatic event, such as a car accident, sexual violence, injury, or physical assault, could change which emotions were especially heightened.

You may experience:

  • flashbacks or intrusive memories that bring out unpredictable emotions
  • inability to express your feelings
  • apathy or indifference
  • irritability
  • outbursts of anger

If the trauma begins to severely affect your day-to-day life, you may be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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