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Friday 2 July 2021

Does Xcode use C ++ 11?

 I am considering the use of some C++11 features (like auto for instance) in some cross-platform projects (Windows+Mac). On Windows, Visual Studio supports parts of the upcoming C++11 standard that would allow me to simplify parts of the code base so naturally I would be interested in starting to use these features.

But as far as I am aware, the current XCode version (3.2.4 + GCC 4.2) does not support any C++11 features at all. Can I upgrade the GCC version or the CLang version somehow? Or should I just bite my tongue and wait for Apple to package a new version sometime in the future?


Xcode 4.2 had finally added support for C++0X:

  1. In the project build settings screen, switch on "All" options.

  2. In the "Build Options" section, set compiler to "Apple LLVM compiler 3.0".

  3. Scroll down to "Apple LLVM Compiler 3.0 - Language" section and set "C++ Language Dialect" to "C++0X" and "C++ Standard Library" to "libc++".

The std::move(), move constructor and R-Value reference are known to work as expected, and I'm testing on the std::thread and std::atomic.

  • 2
    @ RichardLiu, what about the GNU++0X option for the C++ Language Dialect and the libstdc++ option for C++ Standard Library? When do they shall be used? – Tin Jan 22 '12 at 0:30
  • I have had a look in /Developer/About\ Xcode.pdf and yes, it says that C++11 is supported, but when I use -std=gnu++0x it spits out cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=0x++"! Should I use clang++ instead? – errordeveloper Mar 4 '12 at 22:50
  • @errordeveloper, so far I had only successfully compiled C++11 WITHIN Xcode IDE. I don't know how to enable C++11 in command line or makefile. Sorry. – RichardLiu Mar 26 '12 at 7:41
  • 1
    @RichardLiu: XCode normally uses clang++ when compiling, not g++, which is why C++11 support fails when trying to use g++ from the command line (because the ancient g++ XCode gives you doesn't support it). Just FYI. – Cornstalks Jan 9 '13 at 5:51

======= Update 2012: =======

Start with Clang - Many C++11 features are now available in Clang. It's included with Xcode.

======= Original answer from Jan 2011: =======

intel's compiler may be the cleanest way to go at this time.

clang's promising, but not particularly stable or featured wrt c++0x features. c++ is still very new for clang.

gcc: relatively mature, but you'll have to write and maintain your compiler plugins for xcode.

you can also specify custom scripts, but that is a pain to maintain... unless you go all out and create an adaptor tool.


Xcode uses the GCC or the Clang C++ compilers. Any features supported by those compilers are fair game. GCC's C++ compatibility page is here and the Clang C++ compatibility page is here.

  • 2
    True but GCC support stops at 4.2 which is starting to get a little long in the tooth – Mattia Nov 1 '11 at 1:15 

I've found auto, decltype(), range based "for (:)" work in a cross platform project (LLVM for MacOSX,iOS, gcc/linux, MSVC 10/windows).

lambdas & variadic macros don't appear to work under LLVM yet sadly.

  • 1
    MSVC 10 and 11 don't support range-based for. Clang, on the other hand, does support variadic templates just fine. – Alex B Dec 27 '11 at 11:16

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