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Sunday 20 June 2021

Should you tell a woman she's beautiful?

 7 Thing I Learned From Dating Extremely Attractive Women

I’ve told girls they were attractive before, and I’m 99% sure that was a bad move. Though, I don’t know how to flirt otherwise. I end up failing in charming the girls I want.

Edit: Holy shit, this exploded. Thanks for the karma and advice you guys lol.

So from this I've learned it's bad to tell a girl she's hot as she already knows it, and since guys are always telling her so I'm not standing out. Instead, I need to compliment her on her actions/things she creates, like her outfit, hairstyle or talents (And things she doesn't usually get compliments on, like her personality and sense of humor).

Other advice I got is to make her laugh and use Kino, though I don't know how to do either proficiently. I have an odd sense of humor, so I laugh at things and make jokes that are not considered funny at all. I've read up on Kino and do think it's a good way to flirt (Which is a tool I really need, as I can't flirt at all), but I don't know how I could do it without being incredibly awkward. I myself can't imagine how I could 'lightly' touch (Which I imagine to be a tap or pat) a girl's shoulder without it looking awkward.

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