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Sunday 20 June 2021

Is Self Help the same as personal development?

 Self-Help: What Went Wrong?

Transcribed from the podcast “Self Improvement Daily”. Written and presented by Brian Ford.

Recently I asked myself a question I should have asked myself a long time ago. What is the difference between personal development and self improvement? Aren’t they interchangeable? I don’t think it’s that simple, and I wanted to take a moment to explore that.

First, the way I like to think of personal development is to focus narrowly on what development means. In all areas of life — biology, business, relationships, development usually speaks to something being in progress. And personal development is no different, it speaks more to the daily process we undergo that contributes to growth.

Self improvement on the other hand is more outcome based. For something to improve, that means it needed to be in a certain state, and then become better into a new state. So in that way, self improvement is more the deliverable of the process and the evidence of growth.

So to tie those two things together in a nice bow, personal development is the process that leads to achieving self improvement. That’s not to say it takes a long time to experience self improvement, things can change for the better in a matter of minutes. The difference isn’t related to time, it’s about the lens by which you are evaluating the progress. Personal development is the how, self improvement is the what.

With this in mind, do I regret calling the podcast Self Improvement Daily? No actually, because by investing the time in your personal development to listen to the podcast, you can experience self improvement every day. So I think it’s quite fitting actually!

Thanks for taking the time to read, and follow to never miss a tip again! Or if you prefer to listen, the latest tips are available by audio here. They can also be found on every major podcasting site by searching “Self Improvement Daily”.

Host of the podcast Self Improvement Daily — Sharing a new personal development thought every day in two minutes or less!

Host of the podcast Self Improvement Daily — Sharing a new personal development thought every day in two minutes or less!

Transcribed from the podcast “Self Improvement Daily”. Written and presented by Brian Ford.

It’s positivity Thursday and we’re back with a quote from the instagram account @positivethinkingonly. The quote is “Stop doubting yourself. Work hard and make it happen.”

As I usually like doing, I am going to break the quote up into pieces. First “Stop doubting yourself”. The most influential limitations we experience are the limitations we impose on ourselves. For whatever reason, we believe that we are not capable or not worthy of whatever we want to achieve. If I had to guess I think it comes from…

Transcribed from the podcast “Self Improvement Daily”. Written and presented by Brian Ford.

Okay, I don’t usually emphasize tips, but really take this to heart because it’s at the core of something I am very passionate about. It would mean the world if you share this message with other people in your network because I think it needs to be heard. It’s not my idea — In the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, he talks about our genetic predispositions that we inherit. Someone who is 6’4 with a long torso is much more likely to be an olympic swimmer…

Transcribed from the podcast “Self Improvement Daily”. Written and presented by Brian Ford.

As I’ve been going through a few introspective exercises and thinking longer about some things I’m reading, I came to an interesting conclusion that I want to share. And bare with me, because it’s raw.

When it comes down to it, everything that we are working on comes down to outcomes. It could be an outcome like getting a raise, which is very externally facing, or it could be to gain more self awareness, which is entirely intrinsic. …

Transcribed from the podcast “Self Improvement Daily”. Written and presented by Brian Ford.

The title of today’s tip is strong — You are more capable than you know. I’ll get to the full extent of that in a bit, but first, let me start small.

Something I’ve been doing recently when I get home from work is throwing darts. My roommate has a dartboard, and he’s really good at it, and I figured I’d give it a try. Through consistent practice I have gotten better, but I’m still not great. At the least I go until I get one bullseye…

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