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Wednesday 30 June 2021

Does Xcode have C++?

 Yes you read the title right! We all know Mac and Xcode are made for each other, They are just like Romeo and Juliet 😜 and Xcode works magically for iOS/MacOS development with Objective C or Swift(❤️) but what we dont know is Xcode works great for c,c++ as well.

gcc -o helloWorld.cpp helloWorld

I wrote about File Handling here :

I am A”Viral” - WWDC17 Student Scholar, a Tech Enthusiast,A beginner in entrepreneurship, innovator and a prototyper.

I am A”Viral” - WWDC17 Student Scholar, a Tech Enthusiast,A beginner in entrepreneurship, innovator and a prototyper.

First day at WWDC

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$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
$ brew install python3

Floating Button
