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Wednesday 30 June 2021

Does Mac come with Xcode?


Installing Xcode

  • Xcode is included free with Mac OS X 10.3 or later and will not work with older systems.
  • Xcode is not pre-installed but it does come on the CDs or DVD included with any Mac.

Download Xcode

  • You can download the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore, earlier versions are also available at [ Apple's website] (click the link Additional Tools, requires free ADC membership).
NB: Download the latest Xcode which will work on your Mac OS X version.

Install Xcode on 10.6 or earlier

  • When Installing Xcode, keep the 'UNIX Development Support' checked - it will enable you to use command-line tools.
  • Xcode is typically installed into the /Developer directory.

Xcode Install.gif

Installing Xcode on MaxOSX Lion and Mountain Lion (10.7 and 10.8)

  • install Xcode from the MaxOSX AppStore
  • Launch Xcode,
  • Go to the Preferences dialog

Xcode preferences.png

  • Switch to the Downloads pane
  • Look for the 'Command Line Tools' line click the associated 'Install' button, wait for the install to perform, then you're done.

Xcode tools installed.png

Installing Xcode on MaxOSX Mavericks (10.9)

If you want to install Xcode and the Command Line Tools you can just install Xcode from the AppStore. This now includes the command line tools.

But if you only want the Command Line Tools without Xcode then you can either (as on earlier systems) download the tools from the download page (Additional Tools) or (new) just execute one of the commands installed by this (similar to what happens when you execute java for the first time - it downloads and installs it)

   xcode-select --install

Xcode select install.png

Floating Button
