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Monday 24 May 2021

What's the difference between self control and self discipline?

 Self Discipline vs. Self Control

As The Boss, you’ve probably discovered that the job isn’t easy.  There is pressure to please your direct reports, your peers, your customers, and of course your boss as well.  When you get stressed, you’ve probably told yourself you need to be more disciplined and maybe even more controlled.  Good for you.

But, do you know the difference between the two?

Discipline means adding routines to make you better.  Control means taking charge of what you already have to make you better.

And, since it’s a lonely job, being The Boss, you have to rely on yourself to get better at both.  Hence the idea of SELF-discipline and SELF-control.  It means it’s up to YOU to get it done.

Self-Discipline – Adding things to get better.

Self-discipline means taking active steps to get better.  As The Boss, you’ll need to constantly replenish mind, body, and spirit to be successful.  This means creating new routines and holding to them religiously.  Here are some suggestions:


  • Focused reading.  Business and management books.
  • Podcast-listening.  Business, management, strategy, etc.
  • Workshops and webinars.  My Boss Builder Academy is a good place to start!


  • Exercise.  Cardio, weightlifting, boxing, and yoga.
  • Nutrition.  Watch what you put in your body.  Consider intermittent fasting.  I’m doing it and believe it or not your mind operates much clearer.


  • Meditation, reflection, journaling.

Self-Control – Removing or managing things that make you ineffective.

  • Have someone do a 360 assessment on you to reveal your blind spots.
  • Get a coach to help you set goals.
  • Practice deep breathing.
  • Take time to identify your emotional triggers.
  • Practice gratefulness and forgiveness.

Yeah I know this sounds like a lot of fluff.  Trust me though, if you’re The Boss of your Self, your direct reports, your organization, or your company, it’s important to practice both self-discipline and self-control.  Why not set up some time this week to plan your strategy?

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