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Monday 24 May 2021

What are the main causes of poor discipline?

 10 Causes of Poor Discipline with Andrea Lambert – Stop Chasing Skinny #55

Importance of discipline

Discipline is paramount for every learning . It is very essential for any teaching. It is also very important for peace and harmony in any learning environment: peace between students, teachers and administration. That’s why it is always necessary for discipline to be instilled in the classroom to get the best out of your students.

In this article I will present a definition of discipline and the causes of indiscipline. In the next article I will suggest ways to instill discipline and how disciplinary action should be undertaken to ensure a smooth classroom management.

What is discipline?

Discipline can be defined as follows:

In its most general sense, discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a disciple. To discipline thus means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct “order.”


In the classroom discipline is regarded as a code of conduct that both teachers and students agree upon and cooperate in its enforcement. I insist on cooperation and agreement in classroom management. Once the rules are set by all learning and teaching participants, it will be hard for them to deny or refuse disciplinary action in case of any transgression of the rules.

Causes of indiscipline

There are many causes of indiscipline. Here are a few:

  • Favoritism:
    Indiscipline may be caused by teachers who  favor some students in their teaching and classroom management.  The other students may see this as a sign that everything is allowed in spite of the rules. Other students may also see this favoritism as an offense against them which leads to rebellion.
  • The rules are not enforced:
    When a student is not punished for an offense , s/he goes on to commit more offense.
  • Lack of Communication:
    The rules are not clearly communicated
  • Teacher-student relationship:
    The teacher and students relationship is essential for any learning process. If there is a breakdown in this relationship, indiscipline emerges.
  • Lack of leadership:
    When the teacher doesn’t fulfill his role as a leader, there will certainly be  students or students who will be glad to take this role. Thus indiscipline appears.
  • Lack of motivation:
    When students are not motivated, they tend to work in an undisciplined manner.
  • Bad habits:
    Some students may have acquired bad habits  from previous teaching experiences. Once a student, for instance,  has formed the habit of coming to school late, it will be hard for him or her to change this behavior.

In the next article I will suggest some ways to instill discipline and enforce disciplinary action in the classroom.

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