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Wednesday 12 May 2021

Is Cute an insult?

 Yes and no. IMO, using the word “cute” depends on who is saying it & how the word is used in context. Some adversarial or opposing person that does not like or downright hates you may use the “cute” in a sarcastic way to insult you with the purpose to mean that you are ugly. For example, “You think you’re so CUTE” with an overstress on the kyo͞ot sound. In this instance, it does not sound “ kind of condescending “ but IS condescending.

However, in most instances, cute means something like “adorable.” It might be insulting to call anyone over the age of 15 "cute", but if you're on the small side, then people may tend to use the “cute” word. It may not be the word you'd like to hear or be used, but most folks normally mean it as a compliment.

Now, if by chance you are actually butt-ugly, most people would steer clear of calling you “cute” with the exception of the mean ones who don’t like/hate or don’t get along with you who would as in the aforementioned context.

The word “cute” can be condescending if used in a snarky, sarcastic way - specifically as a put down. This usually occurs when a person puts forth an idea, an item of interest, something of importance or makes a joke.. “Cute” becomes a put down if another person responds flat faced and flat voiced and says “your cute.”

I agree, that is a nasty, passive aggressive and ugly way to use the word..

On the other hand, “cute’ is not condescending when it is used as for the appearance or high-jinks of children, baby animals, or adults (especially woman adults of any age) and said with a voice and body language that indicates admiration. For instance Meg Ryan was very cute in Sleepless in Seattle or Shirley Temple was a cute child-actress or that baby elephant was sooooo darn cute.

I’m an adult male now but when I was a teenager, girls used to sometimes say I was cute. Maybe I was,. I always took it as a compliment but now I feel insulted because they dont say it anymore.

Meg Ryan = Cute

Shirley Temple = Cute

Baby Elephant = Cute

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