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Wednesday 12 May 2021

How can you tell if someone thinks you're attractive?

 15 Signs You're More Attractive Than You Think

It can be one thing to think you’re a good-looking person, it can be another to know if someone else thinks so. This is how to know if you are attractive.

People have completely different opinions on what they find attractive. Some people have a certain type, while others are attractive to all different kinds of people. How can you tell if they find you irresistible when someone else doesn’t? Understanding how to know if you are attractive to someone is easier than you think.

It’s a hard pill to swallow, I know. But the truth is that no matter how good looking you are, some people will never find you attractive. It’s not your fault. It’s not their fault. It’s just a fact of life. But that makes it even more confusing to determine who actually does think you’re attractive.

How does attraction even work?

Technically, you can’t just look at someone and determine if they’re going to think you’re attractive. You could be really drawn to them, but they may not feel the same way about you at all. To be honest, it has more to do with science and psychology than it does appearance.

When you see someone, your mind is subconsciously reading them and their features to determine if you would produce healthy offspring. When you get close enough to smell their pheromones, your brain is chemically deducing if they would be a good fit to mesh DNA with. Basically, you find people attractive when your body determines that you would produce healthy offspring.

[Read: 12 rules of attraction explained by science]

How to know if you’re attractive to someone else

I know you’ve all looked at a couple before and couldn’t believe that one person was with the other. You just didn’t see how the better-looking person was even attracted to the lesser appealing one. It may be confusing, but it definitely happens.

This can also make it really difficult to determine who would be attracted to you. Luckily, you don’t have to go up and ask someone in order to find this out. There are many different ways you can figure out if you’re attractive to someone.

#1 Eye contact. This is a huge sign someone is attracted to you. When someone is maintaining eye contact with you, it means they want your attention. This is usually because you’re attractive to them and they want to try to work their magic on you. [Read: 10 body language signs that mean someone likes you]

#2 Smiling at you. Smiling is basically an international sign of intrigue. If someone smiles at you, they’re acknowledging that they not only see you, but are happy to be seeing you. If someone is making a lot of eye contact and smiling your way, they’re probably attracted to you.

#3 Eying you up and down. This is the classic sign of someone checking you out. Sometimes we actually can’t help but size someone up. We look at them from head to toe before we even realize we’re staring. Why?

Because our brains are already hard at work trying to figure out if they would be a good match for us long before we consciously realize how hot someone is. If you see someone looking you up and down, there’s a good chance they find your body enticing and attractive. [Read: Does he like me? 18 signs to decode a guy’s body language]

#4 Raising of eyebrows. This is one of those subconscious things we do when we see someone we’re attracted to. Unless you’re aware of doing this, you won’t be able to stop it.

This is done subconsciously as a means to open our eyes wider and let in more light so we can see someone clearer. Therefore, if you walk into a room and someone’s eyebrows raise and fall as you do, it’s a sign they find you attractive.

#5 Parted lips. Another thing we do subconsciously when we see someone we’re attracted to is part our lips. It’s as if our bodies are getting ready to move ahead and “taste” you. You are attractive to someone if you lock eyes and then see them part their lips – even if it’s only for a second.

#6 Attracting your attention. You know how peacocks fluff their feathers and other animals have crazy mating calls? Well, we humans really aren’t much different. When we see someone we’re attracted to, we try our best to get their attention.

This can be by conversation, putting on an entertaining display, or even just sending a drink their way. If someone does something to get you to look at them, they find you attractive. [Read: How to get a girl’s attention wherever you are]

#7 Fixing their appearance. When someone frantically pats down their hair or adjusts their tie when you two lock eyes, it’s because they think you’re attractive. This is done as a means to straighten up in order to look more attractive to you. It’s not something we always realize we’re doing, but it definitely shows when someone is attracted to you.

#8 They’ll stand facing you. This type of body language is very important to pay attention to. If you’re talking with someone and they turn their body toward you, it means they think you’re attractive. When they have their entire body paying attention to you, it’s their way of being open and inviting.

#9 Leaning in closer. If there’s one way to know if you are attractive to someone else, it’s if they’re leaning in really close to you when you’re talking. This is especially true when there isn’t a need for being that close. If the music is really loud, that’s understandable. But if you’re just in a group with people and they’re getting super close, it’s because they find you attractive. [Read: 20 signs of attraction in the first conversation]

#10 They’ll touch you. This is not only a person’s way of flirting, but it’s also something we do so our bodies can determine how well we are matched. Meaning, when someone is close enough to touch you, they’re allowing their bodies to inhale your pheromones in order to deduce if you’re a healthy match. We also just really like touching people we’re interested in.

#11 Teasing. Playful teasing is not only really fun and classic flirty behavior, but it also tells you that someone is attracted to you. This is their way of getting your attention and making sure you’re engaged with them.

#12 Asking you questions. If someone thinks you’re attractive, they automatically want to know more about you so they can determine if you’re someone worth pursuing. Someone won’t try to get to know you if they don’t find you attractive first. [Read: 40 questions that prove they’re flirting with you]

#13 They’ll get nervous twitches. A great way to know if you are attractive to someone is by paying attention to how nervous they are. If someone is completely at ease, they most likely don’t think you’re all that attractive because they’re not monitoring their behavior and making themselves appear better.

But if someone is super nervous and acting goofy and odd, then they probably do think you’re attractive. Our nerves have a tendency to go wild around those who get our heart racing. [Read: 15 cues girls give away if she’s into you]

#14 They’ll try to make you laugh. Laughter is one of the universal ways to bond people. When you make someone laugh, you feel more comfortable around them. If someone thinks you’re attractive, they’re going to do their best to make you laugh and feel at ease around them.

#15 They’ll tell you! This is an obvious one, but it doesn’t actually happen a lot. Many people don’t just go up to someone and say, “I find you really attractive.” Most just don’t have the nerve for it. But if they do, then it’s clear as day that they think you’re attractive and they obviously want something with you.

[Read: 15 ways to tell if someone likes you without asking them]

You can be completely alluring and enticing to some people and others may not think you’re attractive at all. These tips for how to know if you are attractive to someone will help you weed out those you should be making an effort for.

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