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Wednesday 12 May 2021

Do girls like introverts?

 Do girls like introverts or extroverts?

Yes but depends on the girls and when opportunity arises.

They are like Ninja’s.

Guys who are there but not there. They move in the day like shadows, you know they are there but you can see them only when they want you to see them.

Deadly with the skill of silence because they know, if you haven’t got shit to say, then don’t say anything; and if you have something to say, you must say it with calculated precision.

Because…you’re a Ninja.

Yes, they seem reserved but they are, and that’s their skill. They act what they are. Reserved. Ever so cautious.

If they see a girl, imagine a snail, that’s how fast they move if ever they wanted to say hi because they are smart.

They have took the time to calculate - if they they move like the mighty wise snail, the sun shall cast it’s majestic light, creating a shadow for them to move with steps no one can hear and where no one can see them.

By the time they make 5 steps move, the girl is gone.

But hey, this is their black secret art ;)

It is a decoy in which they know the girl won’t be there anymore and so, they don’t need to create any conversation, learn how to do it, say anything, go through the sweat, anxiety, and panic like most guys do when asking a girl out.

They are Ninjas!

It is better to fantasize about it all than really do it.

Known by another name, famous in Hollywood and many romance novels, and comic strips. Legendary in their name.

They are…the..INTROVERTS!

In one calculated, analyzed, over thinking. very cautious. critical thinking move, they penetrate society with their magic.

It’s power is called…conformity or compliance.

With their Ninja ancient skills, people see them and wonder..


But that is their disguise for behold they are the mighty incredible awesome introverts who can shift into any group, under radar and without the girl knowing, they have a crush on the girl.

They are so good at what they do that the girl never knows he is interested in her. which doesn’t make sense, but hey…you cannot know the wisdom of the amazing awesome incredible mighty Ninja.

It is too far too deep and can take years to figure it all out.

Believe me, they’ve been figuring a lot out within their whispering muttering glazed eye stare as they hide within the shadows of life.

The Ninja’s don’t need to be popular.

No, they don’t need to be the leader of any group.

They follow instructions to the letter and they know most of the guys won’t do the same because they are not Ninja’s who have perfected the art of compliance to avoid conflict and rocking the boat.

Oh yes, in the darkness they dream of warrior state, of times of bravery, of moments of glory, listening to the battle cries, kissing, moaning, groaning, whimpering of the sound of cute girls voice.

They hear their mighty romantic stories shimmering in the night but rarely do they ever act on such lustful desire and bravery.

That too is their amazing secret skill perfected into an art form.

They love details and they must know everything, and must know it in detail before making a move.

None are as detailed and as cautious as the Introvert who is highly cautious and detailed.

But watch it!

You must curve your words because the Ninja is very sensitive too.

They are seldom wrong.

The world is wrong, the world is bad, terrible, ugly but they also know they are not perfect and yet

If you say a wrong word then they will disappear into the night for another decade and so much so, you forget they existed.

Ninja’s are perfectionist and hell will freeze over before they go and ask a girl out. Oh they dream a big dream and a glorious fight.

They weave stories of grandeur, of fantastic sexual feats but it is all in the mind. It is all but whisper and nothing more than that.

Not so like the Warrior who is Dominant and clear, direct and go getter. The lion of all Ninja’s and can be mistaken as an Asshole, Player but that too is the disguise of a warrior to filter attention seeking girls and insecure sexual hangup girls.

He is not passive-aggressive.

But…the Introvert?

He’s a Ninja’s who is very passive-aggressive and he battles with his ‘self’ everyday and even in his dreams.

His motto is..

“Get ready….ready….ready….ready…ready…ready..”

But beware….

One day, he will strike.

He will find the courage.

They are not Ninja’s of the highest order and clan for nothing.

They have grown to know themselves, become aware of all their weaknesses, flaws, patterns and soon, when they awaken from fighting with the self in the shadows…they will amaze themselves and others.

All shall be at awe because to understand others…you must first…understand yourself.

They have had plenty of time to learn and understand themselves, which is the most deadliest weapon of all that can win hearts if they learn to just get on with it and socialize.

Some girls like Ninja’s and date them but only when the Ninja steps out of the shadows to be seen, to reveal himself with such majestic calculated, over thinking and analyzed ways to hear a tiny voice say…

“Erm…(cough) erm….Hi..”

They are Ninja’s of the fourth Clan.

Known as….the Introverts.

A2A you asked if girls like introverted boys. The answer is not going to be clear because each person has individual likes and dislikes. I might like somebody really well that's an introvert if we like the same things and can sit in silence each doing what they want. Some women might like men that are extroverted because if they go to a party the person there with can do all the talking and she can be more comfortable because she has somebody there that will talk for her so to speak. That lessons the amount of small talk the woman will have to go through if she is introverted. The answer is attraction to an introverted male depends on the womans likes and dislikes. To make this even more confusing a woman might like and introverted male and then later on find somebody interesting that is extroverted. The only thing that I can suggest if you are introverted is to start a conversation with the woman that you would like to see you in a positive light and maybe you will be surprised and find out she does like you then again maybe she won't but at least you will have an answer and she will know that you like her and that will be in the back of her mind and if you happen to run into somebody like me that's an intj that will stay in that woman's mind and she will spend more time evaluating you as a potential partner even though she might not have noticed you before. If you really like a certain person and you are not being annoying you might find out that through time you might get what you want if in fact you really do like that woman. I wouldn't put your life on hold I would ask other women out and enjoy being young remembering of course that intimacy should never be entered into at too young an age and you and you alone are responsible for birth control no matter what the woman tells you and even if she is telling you the truth that she takes care of birth control night taking the birth control pills or some other option. It doesn't hurt to have protection both against accidental pregnancies and STDs. You can never be too careful against unwanted pregnancies or STDs. People are so afraid of HIV/AIDS they forget about hepatitis and it's easier to catch due to hepatitis being a smaller molecule, Furthermore it's fatal because it causes liver cancer. There is also an innoculation against genital warts parents will not give their daughters the inoculation because they're afraid that is giving permission to their daughter to have sex but if a woman has genital warts and knows it and I pray she does know it if she has genital warts she always has to have a cesarean section when she has children so that the child will not be exposed going down the birth canal. If I have a hundred needles and every one of them has HIV on them and I only have a hundred needles with hepatitis on them you might have one chance out of a hundred of getting HIV and the number that get Hepatitis is way larger and I am almost afraid to give a number but it is huge number that will have hepatitis and the reason is hepatitis has a smaller molecule and can enter the body easier. I just want every person to understand that it's not enough to believe another person who says they're taking care of birth control and protection against disease each person is responsible for their own health and also protection against pregnancy. I happen to think that both males and females should be inoculated against genital warts. Please always be careful, you can never be too careful when it involves the exchange of bodily fluids. Women can get STDs easier because when vaginal sex occurs with a male, the woman's vagina can have micro tears and of course that allows diseases to enter the body more easily.

You might be thinking why is this woman talking about protection. I'm just asking if girls might like me because I'm introverted well the answer to that is if you're lucky enough for that woman to like you you might end up having sex with that woman and you can never be too prepared and it's something that should be thought about before any intimacy occurs. Always be prepared. That's not just for the Boy Scouts. I can tell you that I have two grown sons and even before they had sex for the first time we had a conversation that involved everything that I say in this answer plus even more information.

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