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Friday 14 May 2021

Do girls like being called pretty?

 Women React to Being Called Beautiful | Glamour

Honestly, a lot of women and girls are tired of men’s and boy’s endless focus on how we look. Sure, we want to look cute but it’s annoying how often men act like this is the only thing that matters about us. Women aren’t impressed when you simply call them pretty or beautiful unless this woman is your actual partner. It often feels empty and hallow.

But you know what you could do? Yo could be different than 99% of the guys out there that act like the only thing that matters about women is how they look by looking to compliment her for SINCERE things that have nothing to do with their looks. Actually look at these women and see what you like about them as a PERSON. Not just an object of your desire. Women want to be treated like people. Not just a pretty object that you believe exists to satisfy you visually.

Don’t say “you’re pretty” directly, which is creepy at best. Say, your hair looks pretty today, the bracelet you’re wearing is looking gorgeous. The makeup you are wearing looks very good on you. The comment focused specifically on one item sounds genuine, and would be welcomed. She should feel better hearing this.

But a general comment like “you are beautiful” carries no value other than ulterior motives, and would set off alarm bells for her. It doesn’t have any purpose to say it. Of course it depends on the context, she might be waiting to hear such a comment from you for a long time, and you are maybe finally exposing your feelings for her; but more than likely, such a comment would backfire.

You might try to say this in a casual way, like “you are a beautiful girl, that’s why the bartender couldn’t stop talking to you” kind of way. But the best way to go is to say “I like the way your (eyes/makeup/shirt whatever) look” than “you are pretty”.

Don’t generalize, be specific.

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