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Friday 8 January 2021

What age should you get a crop top?

 15 Ways To Style A Crop Top | At Any Age or Size!!!

In my honest opinion the appropriate age for to wear crop tops is 18 i feel the same way about makeup because these days a 16 year old with the right foundation,blush,eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick can make herself look 21 with the right makeup tutorial, so truth be told I think that things like makeup and provacative underwear like thongs and sexy outfits and even provacative seasonal outfits like slutty holloween costumes should be something all girls wait until their 18 or older to wear.

I'm not against skimpy outfits and makeup being worn by women, I'm all for women and young girls being empowered and allowed to express themselves in how they dress but I also want them to be safe from sexual predators of both genders,

Quite Frankly it's just that there's too many creepy R.kelly types out there that lust after underage girls and unfortunately get off on committing statutory rape and act like there's nothing wrong with it even though their mindset is totally fucked up and so is their fucked up fetishfor underage girls.

I hate to think about it and cringe to think about the fact that those sickos sexualize prepubescent & pubescent girls, honestly its gross, those bastards get a Woody from the thought of trying to violate a girl that just got her period for crying out loud😠😡.

frankly I feel the more underage girls are covered up the less likely creepy rapey pedos will be thinking of violating people's underage daughters.

But this is just my opinion and honestly for all I know those disgusting bastards would probably still chase after underage girls even if underage girls dressed like nuns those freaking weirdos piss me off so much. Why do those bastards exist.😠😡

I think any age is fine. Most of the girls at my Jr. High wear the. I think they are hot. And girls like to show them off like this pic.

When she is 18 and on her own. When we allow our daughters to parade themselves wearing nothing but ‘two bandaids and a cork" (my husband's expression) we are setting them and up for unwanted attention from any and all types of man. This is not good. Young girls are so vulnerable and can be incredibly naive. This is why they need parents, willing to be the ‘bad guy'. I once overheard my daughter on the phone and this is what she said, “I can't go because the warden says I can't”. And I thought, “Well, at least she has my rank right". When she married, in her mid-twenties, she didn't have any children accompanying her down the aisle. She had also been gainfully employed since she was 18 (she had a part time job since she was 16). I led by example.

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