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Thursday 7 January 2021

I finally watched Tenet and I expected much worse based on all the reviews and WOM

I'm a big Nolan fan but despite that I've been pushing and dreading this film because of all the noise around it and the reports of bad sound mixing.Well, turns out I quite enjoyed it. It's a more complicated-than-necessary Prestige. It's not his best but it's good. I only watched it with my home setup but the sound didn't feel odd at all, I never had to adjust the volume.I'm not some professional critic or anything but I'm pleased with the movie and so glad that I've finally watched it.I loved both Pattinson and Washington in it. I was a little disappointed by Debicki which I love. She's usually a better actress imo.I will most likely rewatch this quite a bit over the years. 8.1/10 via /r/movies

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