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Wednesday 6 January 2021

How do you train your dog to tell you it has to go outside?

 How To Teach Your Dog To Ask To Go Outside - Puppy Potty Training - Professional Dog Training Tips

In this video, I'm going to show you how to teach your dog to ask to go outside, without using a bell! McCann Dogs has trained over 80,000 dogs to be well-behaved family members, and we know that it's nice to give your dog some responsibility when they're ready for it! Having your dog seek you out when they need to go outside helps to avoid any situation where you may not know that they're waiting by the door trying to go out! This method doesn't require any bells or other devices to alert you to your dog's needs. You are going to be surprised how quickly your dog puts this all together! BRAND NEW! We Now Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEsse... Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: (Jan 2020 Update) We Currently Have Some Of Our Signature Training Equipment Available Online! (Limited Quantities) To Get Yours, Visit: Don't Forget To Subscribe: Watch our latest video HERE: Let's train together! Train with us online: Check Out Our Podcast! Happy Training! ~Ken #dogtraining #puppytraining

It’s not always easy to live with humans if you’re a dog. First, you have to learn that humans don’t like it when you urinate or defecate indoors. Then you have to figure out how to get outside when you need to go! Since you don’t have opposable thumbs for opening doors, you’re in a bit of a predicament.

Sometimes it’s difficult for pet parents to tell when their dogs need to go outside to eliminate. Some dogs show obvious signs, but others aren’t as adept at telling people when they need to go out. If your dog falls into the latter category, don’t worry. There’s a way to help her let you know when she needs a bathroom break.

Does Your Dog Ask Already?

It’s possible that your dog already asks you to let her out-in dog language. Maybe you just don’t understand what she’s telling you yet. Hints that your dog might drop when she needs to eliminate include:

  • Circling
  • Sniffing
  • Whining
  • Pacing
  • Moving to a distant part of the room, into a corner or behind furniture
  • Standing by the door
  • Scratching at the door
  • Approaching vertical objects, like walls or the legs of furniture, and sniffing and/or standing close to them, as if to left a leg (usually male dogs)
  • Approaching you and staring, whining or wagging

If you see any of the signs above, quickly take your dog outside so that she can eliminate. If she does, calmly but enthusiastically praise her and give her a tasty treat right as she finishes up. Taking note of the specific behaviors your dog does just before eliminating might give you all the information you need to know when to let her out.

If Not, What Can You Do?

If your dog doesn’t give you any clear signs before eliminating indoors, or if her signs seem too subtle, you can teach her to do something obvious to tell you when she needs to go. For example, you might need to train your dog to ask to go out if her current method is to stand silently by a door. If you’re in another room of the house and can’t see her, you won’t have any idea that she’s “asking!”

One of the simplest methods is to train her to ring a bell that’s hung on a door. That way, you can hear her request even if you’re in another room. Once you’ve taught your dog how to ring a bell by touching it with her nose, you’ll ask her to ring the bell right before you open the door to let her outside-every time. That way, she’ll associate the behavior of ringing the bell with your letting her out. In other words, she’ll learn that ringing the bell makes you open the door.

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