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Thursday 7 January 2021

How can I make my 4c hair grow faster?


Growing curly hair can be a long and frustrating process. However, by taking care of your hair and your body, you can promote hair growth and improve the health of your hair. To help you curly hair grow faster, condition your hair often, avoid overwashing and overstyling, use essential oils, and eat the right foods.

Choosing Helpful Products

  1. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 1
    Use a deep conditioner 2-3 times per week. Keeping your hair moist and conditioned is crucial to help it grow faster.[1] Dry, limp, unhealthy hair will not grow as fast. Additionally, it will break and fall out. Use a deep conditioner on your hair at least two to three times each week.[2]
    • Once each month, do a protein deep conditioning treatment. You can find these at beauty stores.
  2. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 2
    Avoid certain chemical products. The growth of curly hair can be slowed down if you use products with lots of chemicals. Products that contain sulfates, polymers, and parabens can slow down your growth because they leave residue and buildup on your scalp that can block the follicle. They may also make your hair frizzy.[3]
    • These chemicals can also strip your hair's natural oils, which can lead to dry, damaged hair that won't grow.
  3. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 3
    Choose products with essential hair nutrients. When choosing hair products like shampoo, conditioner, and masks, you should make sure your products have ingredients that will nourish your hair. Choose products that have biotin, also called vitamin B7, and proteins. You may also want to use products that contain healthy oils, like coconut, jojoba, and argon oils.
  4. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 4
    Use essential oils on your scalp. Essential oils can help remove buildup on your scalp and help stimulate the hair follicle. By improving the health of your scalp, the hair will grow better. Make sure you never place undiluted essential oils on your scalp. Always mix them with a carrier oil, like coconut, grapeseed, jojoba, or sweet almond.
    • Mix 30 mL of jojoba oil and grapeseed oil with 7 drops of rosemary and lavender oil, and five drops of thyme and cedarwood oil. Massage the mixture onto your scalp with your fingers for a few minutes.
    • You may also use peppermint, sage, lemon, or chamomile oil.
    • Perform a patch test on your scalp before you put the essential oils on your entire head. This ensures you won't have an allergic reaction.

Maintaining Your Hair

  1. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 5
    Refrain from overwashing. Washing your hair everyday can negatively impact your hair's health and slow down the hair grow. Try to only shampoo when your hair needs it. This might be every two to three days or even just once a week.[4] This allows your scalp's natural oils to get into the follicles and stimulate growth.[5]
  2. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 6
    Trim your split ends. Many people believe that trimming your hair slows the rate of your hair growth. Others think you should trim it every six weeks. You should trim your hair when you have unhealthy split ends. Trimming the dead, damaged split ends can help promote better hair growth.[6]
    • You can trim your hair every three to four months, as long as you don't have split ends. If you notice split ends, get your hair trimmed as soon as possible to prevent the split from moving up the shaft and causing more damage.
  3. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 7
    Massage your scalp. Massaging your scalp may help promote faster hair growth. Massaging your scalp helps promote follicle health by increasing the blood flow to your scalp, which can help the hair grow. Once a day, massage your scalp for three minutes before you wash it.[7]
    • Try using peppermint or eucalyptus oil diluted with coconut oil to massage your scalp.
  4. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 8
    Avoid overstyling. Styling your hair too much or with harsh products and instruments can slow the growth of your hair and cause your hair to become unhealthy. Be gentle with your hair, especially when you are trying to grow it out.[8]
    • For example, try not to blow dry, use heating tools, perm, or color too often.[9]
  5. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 9
    Care for your hair at night. When trying to make your curly hair grow faster, you should protect it at night. Seal the ends of your hair with oil before going to bed. Try coconut, olive, or jojoba oil. Try sleeping on a satin pillowcase to help prevent damage during the night.[10]
    • You may consider pulling your hair back into a loose ponytail, braid, or bun while you sleep.

Getting the Right Nutrients

  1. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 10
    Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating a fresh, healthy diet can help promote healthy hair and hair growth. Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can help your hair grow.[11]
    • Include dark leafy green vegetables, like spinach and kale, sweet potatoes, broccoli, peppers, avocados, berries, citrus fruit, and melon.
  2. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 11
    Add in dairy. Dairy foods can help your hair stay healthy and promote growth. Dairy foods contain protein, B-vitamins, and calcium. Try Greek yogurt, low fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese, and low-fat cheese.[12]
    • Consider tossing some fruit into Greek yogurt, or eating vegetables with cottage cheese as a snack.
  3. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 12
    Eat lots of protein. Protein is essential for having healthy hair. Healthy hair grows faster. To help with this, include more protein into your diet. Make sure you eat lean sources, like chicken breast and fish. Eggs are also a good source of protein that help make your hair healthy.[13]
    • Salmon is one of the best foods for your hair. It's a source of protein, but also contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, both of which help your hair grow faster.
  4. 4
    Drink plenty of water. Water can help make your hair stronger and thicker, which means that it will grow longer without becoming damaged. Aim to drink between 2–3 liters (0.53–0.79 US gal) a day. If you don't drink much water already, slowly increase your water intake by a little bit each day.
  5. Image titled Make Curly Hair Grow Faster Step 13
    Consider supplements. If you don't think you are getting the right nutrients for your hair through your diet, try taking a nutritional supplement. You can try a multi-vitamin or supplement specifically made for hair growth, or you can take individual supplements that promote healthy hair.[14] Always talk to your doctor before taking nutritional supplements.
    • Certain minerals help with hair growth, like zinc, selenium, and silicon.
    • Increasing your intake of vitamin A, C, and E can help give you healthier hair. All the B vitamins also promote hair growth.
    • Supplements for omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids can help give you healthier hair and promote growth. Taking fish oil supplements can provide these fatty acids.

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