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Saturday 21 November 2020

Dirt Bike Reliability: Is a 2 stroke more reliable than a 4 stroke?


Dirt Bike Reliability: Is a 2 stroke more reliable than a 4 stroke?

If you have been riding dirt bikes for decades, you could ride a two-stroke and four-stroke and know that there is a drastic difference in ride and reliability. I’m here to inform you that this difference is important to know, as it affects the cost and overall longevity of the bike.

With differences in speed, maintenance, and consistency of the two-stroke, it is a more reliable dirt bike than a four-stroke. Overall, each bike has its pros and cons, but two-strokes are quicker, easier to repair parts, and is also incredibly light.

There are so many reasons as to why a two-stroke is much more reliable, read on to find out more!

Two-Stroke Reliability

In regards to a two-stroke, this particular dirt bike has a much quicker start than a four-stroke, giving it more power and ability to race across a dirt track at incredible speeds. This power is all due to the fact that it is a two-stroke, which means a quicker output of energy than a four-stroke. The amount of times the piston has to revolve is considerably lower, giving it a better kick than its larger brother. Because of this overall kick, it is better suited to more experienced riders, as it can be a little harder to handle than the four-stroke.


When considering the maintenance of this bike, it is certainly not expensive and much easier to repair by one’s self when things go awry. Though this bike may wear down and parts get beaten a little quicker, they aren’t expensive, and due to the size of the engine, and the overall composition of the bike, it is easier to find where the problem is and fix it simply, with little cost to the rider.

With a two-stroke, they take a mixture of oil and gas, which is beneficial for the maintaining of the engine. Some may assume that this doesn’t mean its more cost effective, but it is all based on where you ride and how you ride. If you ride often and fast, then you will burn through oil and gas more quickly.

This bike is consistent, even with the fact of the parts wearing down a little quicker than the four-stroke. It will continuously give the greatest amount of power and provide enthusiasts with a ride that is unlike any other. There is no difference in how long this bike lasts in comparison to the four-stroke, it still rides and races up to par, and is a great dirt bike in general.

Four-Stroke Reliability

Though the two-stroke may be more reliable in the long-term sense, this dirt bike is still great, especially for beginners. Four-strokes aren’t necessarily known for their speed, as they are considerably larger and heavier than two-stroke dirt bikes, but they still have great power. The reason behind the slower start is because of the release of energy only every other time, hence the name four-stroke.


If parts start to go bad, this bike is considerably more expensive to up-keep. The engine is harder to fix because there are a large number of parts, most not even visible, and is especially to fix by yourself, which means prices go up even higher when having to hire someone else to do it.

On the contrary, it does not mean that these bikes are self-destructive, in any sense, and they do not break down often or anything, so the cost of ensuring the bike’s maintenance isn’t horrible because they do have a long shelf life.


These dirt bikes are not as consistent in regards to reliability. Though they are much easier to ride and are great for someone’s first dirt bike, their maintenance is far more expensive. Parts have to be handled by and replaced by a professional, which can double the price.

They are also known for being considerably heavier than their brothers, which dampens the power and overall use of the bike. Four-strokes are great beginner’s dirt bikes and do great for a ride that is smooth and enjoyable.

Does One or the Other Maintain Better and Longer?

Though the two-stroke dirt bike is great for speed, it does come with more maintenance, but it is simple and easy to fix maintenance. Whereas, the four-stroke dirt bike doesn’t have as many difficulties or wear and tear, but, if something becomes problematic or the bike breaks, this is more costly and cannot be fixed by one’s self.

Two-Stroke Maintenance

Two-stroke dirt bikes do have a few more problems, but they are quick and easy fixes. With this particular bike, the parts can be purchased simply and are very inexpensive. It is much easier to work on this bike, and can be done by the rider themselves, which also lowers cost greatly. With the mixture of oil and fuel, this helps to lubricate the engine, which can give it a longer life, adding to the lower expense of not having to purchase a new bike for minor problems.

Four-Stroke Maintenance

Four-strokes do not have as many maintenance issues, and are more friendly for the environment due to their lack of oil and fuel mixture burn-off, but if parts become mangled or anything of that nature, it is a problem best suited for professionals, and are incredibly costly.

It is that simple, fix the bike yourself when things break after every few rides, or allow for the bike to break down periodically and pay outrageous prices for things that can’t be fixed in the garage. It is as simple and yet as difficult as that, but it truly is all about how cost-effective everything is and whether the bike is a good investment or not.

Is There a Difference in Power?

There is an enormous difference in power between a two-stroke dirt bike and a four-stroke, so let’s start with the basics of why that is. With a two-stroke, it got its name from the way the pistons fire. Every time a stroke comes in, a reaction happens, so that when the piston goes down, it fires. Therefore, with every two strokes, or one outburst, the engine is pumping faster and using more power to push the bike farther. Combustion and exhaustion.

On the other hand, we have a four-stroke dirt bike, in which case, there are four steps. Intake, compression, combustion, and then the exhaust. On every other push of the piston, there is an outburst of energy. This slower process doesn’t push the dirt bike to be quicker.

With this information in mind, we can now understand what the difference in power is in regards to both of these bikes. Because the two-stroke has a turnout of power with every push of the piston, the overall engine is smaller, thus making it more lightweight with a higher acceleration rate. The four-stroke engine of a dirt bike is considerably larger, however, which weighs down the bike greatly, causing it to most slower and not have much of a kickback.

And there you have it, the difference in power is a vast chasm between the two-stroke and the four-stroke. The two-stroke comes with a great deal of cosmic power and can be a fun ride, race, or whatever the occasion calls for. The four-stroke is different in how it handles its power but is larger, so it can be difficult for younger riders to be able to use. Nonetheless, with a difference, it truly comes down to personal preference.

Differences in Engine Size and Capability

The two-stroke and four-stroke have their differences, and this is most certainly the greatest one of them all. The engine size greatly influences the functionality of the bike and how it handles.

We have gone over the fact that one is larger and considerably heavier than the other, but let us go more in depth how this affects the general reliability of each dirt bike.

Stroke breakdown

In a two-stroke, when the piston of the cylinder comes up, there’s an intake phase, or compression, and when the piston revolves back down, there is combustion, with the resulting exhaust being pushed out with the final stroke. The cylinder of this bike is a little larger, but the engine isn’t greatly affected, though it does affect the speed. These engines run more simplistically than the four-stroke.

Four strokes do all of this, but just in four strokes, of course. The piston moves down, with the intake, then the piston moves back up, compressing the mixture of air and fuel, so when the spark plug releases its spark, there is an explosion that pushes the piston back down, combustion. At the bottom of the stroke, the exhaust valve opens, and then pushed out when the piston moves. This power is more steady, with a smoother ride and more predictability.


A two-stroke engine may be a little larger, though a little lighter, it has a greater outburst of power, and the power may be more consistent than a four-stroke; there are twice as many power strokes. On the other hand, there is more power-per-power stroke in a four-stroke engine. However, two-strokes are more capable of working in any orientation, giving it a better power-to-weight ration than a four-stroke.

Is One Easier to Ride Than the Other?

I will continue to say so, and it may even be clearly stated, but there is a difference in riding style for each of these dirt bikes. With a two-stroke, because of its fast outburst of energy, it has a higher speed, with also factoring in the smaller frame, which allows for great aerodynamics, giving the bike even more room to accelerate. The four-stroke has less power, which means its chances of being a racing bike are slim to none.

With this in mind, the two-stroke dirt bike, in whichever brand and color you prefer, is much faster. It is quick to start and push faster when so desired, which is great, but makes it a little harder to handle, especially if it is your first time riding a dirt bike. Four-strokes are slower to accelerate, especially carrying a heavier frame, giving them a reputation of being a slower bike, but easy to manage.

Most Reliable Two-Stroke Dirt Bike

Though there are many dirt bikes out in the industry, and each one comes with its fair share of perks and quirks, there can only be one top dog. Out of all of the two-strokes, the  KTM 300 EXC is considered one of the most reliable two-strokes.

This is considered the most powerful two-stroke, with some of the newer models having a stronger engine, creating the ultimate ergonomic dirt bike. It’s a little pricier than most dirt bikes, especially purchasing newer models, but because of its title as a two-stroke, it is easier to fix and maintain.

Most Reliable Four-Stroke Dirt Bike

Every year there is a newer and better model/version of dirt bikes. When considering purchasing a four-stroke dirt bike, one of the most reliable ones is the Yamaha YZF 250. This engine, out of all of the other in its class, has the most power and continues to expand in that power.

This engine, out of all of the other in its class, has the most power and continues to expand in that power.

There is great praise with the suspension on this particular bike, making it a great contender for other trail riding bikes. The torque on this bike is unique, which makes it great not only for beginners but also for pros alike. There is a lot to say for a four-stroke dirt bike, especially for maneuverability and speed, which this bike miraculously has both!

Parents Guide

If you are a parent, trying to purchase a bike for your teenage rider, you obviously want to buy a bike that has more bang for your buck. You want something that won’t have a lot of problems and something that the rider themselves can’t fix.

If you are considering something that doesn’t break as often, go for a four-stroke dirt bike; but, when problems arise, these bikes are more expensive to fix, as they require a professional who knows what is broken to fix. Something that is cheaper, but does have a few more problems along the road, especially when used often, the two-stroke dirt will cost less in the long run. Its parts are practically dirt cheap and can be fixed by one’s self.

Reliability and Responsibility

With this information stated simply, we all may know what the better choice is, but it also comes down to personal preference. Two-strokes come with their fair share of advantages, including low-cost and budget-friendly. This makes them more far more reliable because they are easier to maintain. However, they are much faster and can be harder to manage, in which case it is best to pick a bike that is your speed and style, mostly for safety reasons. Two-stroke, you win this round. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site.

Jim Harmer

I'm the co-owner of DBP. I live in Star, Idaho and enjoy dirt biking with my wife and two boys throughout the Idaho mountains.

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