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Tuesday 10 May 2022

can passion fruits help me lose weight?

I can pretty much guarantee you that Allison Stokkes is not consuming 1,200 calories per day.”

You are seriously under fueling your body. At a height of 5′8″, I imagine that you are trying to achieve a weight in the area between 135 to 145 pound depending on your bone structure.

Your caloric requirements to achieve that weight is dependent on body mass and activity levels. At a very minimum your Basal Metabolism Rate would require an intake of 1,350 to 1,450 calories, based on an average of 10 calories per body pound. This is the minimum needed to sustain that body mass at rest. Training 5 days per week including cardio would add somewhere between 5 to 8 additional calories per pound depending on your intensity level.

Using 140 pounds as an example would mean that your daily caloric requirements would be between 2,100 to 2,520 calories.

If you were in fact eating 1,200 calories over the last 3 months as you state, added to 5 days of cardio and weight training, it would be physiologically impossible for you not to lose weight, unless you have a serious health problem. If not then you have to be consuming on average 2,400 calories to sustain a weight of 160 pounds. It would go against the 1st law of thermodynamics if you were not close to that number. It just is not possible to go 3 months under the conditions you state and remain at the same weight. It is very likely that you would have reached several plateaus but you would have nevertheless dropped weight. So, I really question how accurately you are tracking calorie consumption (not questioning your honesty just your accuracy). .

Exercising more and eating less to achieve and sustain a health weight is a formula for disaster. It goes against the fundamental design of the human body and the complexity of the human metabolism.

The human body is designed to control against dramatic adjustments to it’s energy balance and weight set point and it will fight back when confronted with such a situation. This is a survival mechanism that had helped to keep our species in existence throughout history and it is part of our DNA and genetic profile.

The body is designed to pull calories “up” to fuel an activity level. This has been demonstrated in clinical studies where it shows that sedentary people will gradually gain weight over time even when maintaining an energy balance.

If your are going to train at 5 days per week including cardio and weight resistance then you need to properly fuel your body to provide it with the necessary materials to improve your body composition, added lean muscle and reduced fat. What you are doing now is forcing your body to work under duress and it is fighting back.

So, change your approach so that you are eating “up”, to meet your energy demands, not down. Be sure to eat an adequate amount of healthy fat near 25% to 30% of your caloric intake with carbs and proteins near 40% to 50%, and 25% to 30% respectively.

Remember that you are training like an athlete, and no serious athlete would ever approach their training under these conditions. If you are going to train like an athlete then you need to eat like one.

Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet and may aid weight loss. Most fruits are low in calories while high in nutrients and fiber, which can boost your fullness. Keep in mind that it’s best to eat fruits whole rather than juiced.

However, it contains more natural sugars than other whole foods like vegetables. For this reason, many people question whether it’s good for your waistline.

Snacking on whole fruits instead of high-calorie candies, cookies and chips can significantly reduce calorie intake and promote weight loss.

Okay, good question, and one I am going to answer from personal experience as I managed to lose 65 lbs (30+ kg) in just 14 weeks …. and yes, I am keeping it off.

Bread is a good start, but it is certainly not the complete answer. It’s a great start because the high percentage of carbohydrates you consume through eating it. Also because increasing amounts of sugar being added to bread.

But if you are serious about losing weight and improving your health through weight loss, you need to learn and understand how carbohydrate intake - and excessive sugar in your blood, actually effects your body and the process of weight gain and weight loss.

It was learning about how my body actually worked and what the food I was eating was actually doing to me, that helped me make the breakthrough after 20+ years of struggling with obesity.

I stopped eating bread, cakes and biscuits 2 years ago but did not see the weight loss that I initially expected …. and I became really frustrated. But I see now that the first 6 kgs I lost through making that start, was a beginning.

The next stage was developing an understanding of just how much the ‘processed foods’ (and fast foods) we all eat, contain so much junk that is really hurting us - mainly sugar, salt, fat and of course other chemicals. All these are added to improve the flavour of the food, but in reality it’s pretty much all bad news.

To cut a long story short, where the massive weight loss started was when I discovered what rice, pasta and potatoes was doing to me. I had been under the impression that these were ‘healthy foods’, but then I discovered just how many carbohydrates I was consuming by eating these 3 foods. And the weight started falling off.

BUT I must also explain another vitally important piece of the jigsaw puzzle …. EXERCISE.

Over the last 15 years I had been leading an increasingly sedate lifestyle, tied to my desk through my work with computers. And so I started walking each morning … just starting with a 10 minute walk ….. and I have increased from there.

For weight loss - and a happier healthier life to begin, what you eat is only part of the picture. The other part is encouraging your body to start physically functioning again. In other words, we need to eat what our bodies were intended to eat, and our bodies need to have the opportunity to function and exercise in the way they were designed and intended to. When that happens you start to discover all the other benefits …. including how much better you feel and think.

I can categorically tell you that the single thing of which I am most proud is that I have now dropped over 70 lbs with ……

No fad diets
No expensive gym fees
No personal trainer
No exercise equipment
No fitness fashion gear
No pills or medication
No surgical procedures
No calorie counting
and no sacrifices …..

It was simply about changing my lifestyle…..

It has made such a difference to my life. In fact the change has been so dramatic that I am now in the process of building a website that will share all aspects and secrets of my weight-loss voyage with others …..

….. Anyway I had better get back to work. I just hope that some of what I have shared helps you.

Hi, there are many ways to look at your situation. Let me first say that it can be "where you are losing the weight." As you may know, we cannot specifically confide weight loss to one specific area, but research has proven that we first lose weight around our organs. Is that the case? "Rhetorically" Another thing to look at is the diet that you are on. The truth is that some things work for some people, but not for everyone. That diet, I think, is supposed to be considered a high-protein diet. Protein is important in weight loss. However, the source of your protein supply can be a factor. The processed, powdered kind (which can be used in various things you eat) can lead to unpleasant consequences. Protein isolate plus additives can make you feel bloated. Protein builds body mass and grows muscles. Another key thing about too much protein is that it can cause a buildup of toxic ketones, which makes the kidney go into overdrive in order to get rid of them. In doing so, you can lose a significant amount of water, which often shows up on the scale as weight loss. My suggestion: in your spare time, take a look at my bio page (MAUCUS). Click the second link. It’s a product. See if it would interest you, as I believe it’s the perfect product for weight loss. Research has proved that the underlying factor in being overweight is a low level of brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT is the fat shrinker in humans. This product targets that along with the numerous other health benefits it comes with, which makes it 100% effective and safe. Have a nice day.

Shocking, right?

Even the gym asked for his pictures for their publicity. (This is so cool)

Lets see the pictures

from this

to this

You be like : “ I can’t believe he is the same guy!! “. LOL!

Now you must be eager to know what was his diet plan and gym routine. So lets check this out

DIET PLAN : (Drink more and more water)

  • Breakfast : Oats with milk, You may add egg white / fruits/ salad / tofu paneer.
  • Lunch : Proper heavy meal with roti and sabji. (Chapati and vegetable)
  • Dinner : ( Many people say skip dinner. but DON’T !! do it early, like by 7pm) make it light, have fruits and salad.
  • Parantha and fried food just once a week.

GYM : (5 days a week)

To loose the first 20 kg’s he did :

  • Normal cardio,
  • HIIT ( High-Intensity-Interval-Training) and
  • Weight training

For the rest 36 kg’s he mainly focused on weight training.

Now I weigh more than him and he call’s me Mota” Hahahaha (karma is a bit*ch)

He is my dear friend Madhav Oberoi, A student and CR of PEC, Chandigarh. He is my personal favorite motivation to lose weight. :)

Eat healthy to lose stress and weight simultaneously ;)

Have a nice day!💖

Losing weight is not a big task. I have lost weight of 14 kgs just by following these steps.

  1. Avoid Tea and drink Green Tea.
  2. Avoid sugar, sweets and any sweetened drinks.
  3. Eat lot of Salads with food. Dont eat lot of fruits in a day as it contains sugar. Instead eat one fruit in a day.
  4. Avoid wheat. Instead eat rice or brown rice. Weight gain due to rice is a myth.
  5. Do exercise regularly. You can buy pair of 5kgs Dumbbells. No need to join gym if you don't like. Do Planks and all simple exercises with dumbbells.
  6. Use stairs instead of Lifts. I used to take stairs for 11 floors.
  7. You need to be consistent and passionate for losing weight.

One fruit that really makes a difference.

Just inside this little box, you’re looking into right now.

Just open the box, to see this miraculous fruit you’d never have guessed, makes a big difference.

So, when I break my fast, I’m reaching for… hold on, someones at the door.

Ok. I’m back.

Anyways. What was I saying?

Oh yeah, apples!


I mean…

When I break my fast on an off day, if I’m not a specific strategic low carb day, I’m reaching for the apples.

Apples are high in pectin, which binds with water and literally reduces the amount of fat our cells can absorb. Also, apples are rich in fiber, which makes us feel fuller.

I like to have an apple post workout and add a banana to my shake. This is to replenish both muscle AND liver glycogen, the forgotten hero.

Fructose is absorbed via a different route in the stomach than most of the other carbohydrates.

This means carb absorption would be higher with a glucose/fructose mix, compared to a glucose solution alone. And this higher rate of absorption would provide more carbs to the muscle to be used for glycogen resynthesis.

The best ratio for carbs I’ve found is 2:1 (glucose/fructose mix).

This Will:

Maximize muscle glycogen resynthesis!

Maximize liver glycogen resynthesis!

Leading to faster recovery and maximum fat loss!

The liver needs fructose when it’s glycogen has been depleted, which can happen quickly with fasting. So we must keep the liver in top shape to see top results.

When to eat fruit:

After workouts.

Breaking fast on rest days.

In the morning on Shock Day.

When NOT to eat fruits:

Before workouts.

In the morning. (Unless it’s a Cheat Day)

At night.

If you want to dive even deeper on apples, and fruits in generally when it comes to weight loss, here’s an answer I recommend you read.

I’m not sure what you mean. It is a fairly low calorie fruit. Good fiber. It has carbs, it has natural sugar. It’s about 100 calories for 100g, which is a nice ratio. But, like anything else, you’re not going to miraculously lose a ridiculous amount of weight quickly by eating a couple of passion fruit each day. 100 calories is 100 calories. If you eat 10 passion fruits per day, it’s still a thousand calories, then add in everything else you eat. Yes, 1000 calories worth of passion fruit is better for you nutritionally than eating 1000 calories worth of candy. Passion fruit does not contain any specific magical fairy-like properties.

Passionfruit leaves are edible

Calories in, calories out.

How can I lose 10 kg weight?

Yes, it's doable! And you don't have to starve yourself or take to a Herculean fitness regime. Payal Puri brings you an expertbacked guide to get gorgeous this summer. Follow it, and see the difference in only three months...


There's no accurate research to show how many women in the world are unhappy with their weight - but instinct seems to suggest it's close to 100 percent! Weight loss seems to be one of life's biggest challenges for most of us, caught as we are in a hectic and sedentary lifestyle, too many stressors and little time to look after ourselves. Losing weight, though, has stupendous feel-good benefits; above all, it gets your mind and body in shape to deal with the demands of everyday life. And then, vain as it sounds, there is the benefit of "looking" good. We all admire healthy, fit, productive people - and that person can be you! That's what inspired us to consult a pantheon of experts to come up with a foolproof plan for you to lose 10kg in 90 days. We're not saying it's effortless, but it's not half as tortured as you may imagine for something that gives such great results. What it needs is commitment, some planning, and the list that follows!


Before you start consult your doctor

Let your GP know you're starting a weight-loss programme and ask him to check vitals such as blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension or anything that a change in diet can play havoc with. Also, get a comprehensive blood test done that includes all vitamin and mineral counts, so your doctor can assess any deficiencies and guide you about foods that are absolutely essential for you nutritionally to make up for the deficiencies. 'Ideally, consult a nutrition expert at this stage,' says Dr Kavita Khiara, a Mumbai-based nutritionist. 'While you can choose to have him to guide you through the diet, you can also slot a session to understand your body's needs, basis your blood test results. He'll be able to give you a list of essential foods and supplements needed, keeping your body's nutritional balance in mind, to offset restricted food intake.'


The practices you start in this month continue across all 90 days. In months 2 and 3, add the suggestions given under those respective headers in the plan.

1 Set your goals

Break up your 10kg weight-loss agenda across a three-month time period and monitor twice a week. We suggest 4kg in month 1, 3.5kg in month 2 and 2.5kg in month 3 - the more weight you lose, the harder it is to lose the rest, so higher targets at the beginning are more effective.

What to do On an accurate weighing scale (buy a digital one, if needed - it's worth the investment), weigh yourself about an hour after breakfast the day you're starting this plan. Note the date, time and weight in a diary/on a chart and stick it somewhere handy - maybe on a bathroom wall. Weigh yourself at the same time twice a week and update the chart.



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2 Eat small meals

This might sound counterintuitive but it has been proven repeatedly true. Rujuta Diwekar, nutritionist to actor Kareena Kapoor, busted the starvation myth in her book Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight. Eating less, she argued, is a sure-fire way to send your body's metabolism into panic mode - unless your metabolism (your body's fatburning mechanism) is kept working at constant, fixed intervals, it gets sluggish, so what makes it work consistently? Food! The trick is to eat "limited quantities" at a single meal, but give your body more frequent meals, so that your metabolism is never allowed to drop too low. Rujuta insists clients eat "six meals" a day instead of the customary three - a strategy she had adopted with Kareena, that the actor publicly talked about. 'I have never eaten as much as I did when I was following Rujuta's diet plan,' says Kareena in Rujuta's book.


How it works

Add a mid-morning snack at 11.00-11.30am, another at 4.30-5.00pm and a lighter one - a glass of milk, maybe - post-dinner to your normal meal schedule. Reduce portions from your main meals - one roti instead of two; one bowl of rice instead of a large mound. Don't force this for the first couple of days - chances are as your body gets used to the higher frequency of food, your appetite will adjust such that you will naturally eat smaller meals. Recommended "in-between" meals? A cube of cheese with some crackers; a handful of peanuts, almonds or walnuts; a fresh fruit; yoghurt dip or hummus and vegetable crudites are some good ideas.

3 Eat your meals the "western" way

Western meals are typically eaten in different "courses" - smaller portion sizes, eaten one after the other rather than as a single spread. Their advantage? You don't overcrowd your plate with food, or consume larger portions - because you're not helping yourself from heaped dishes on a table. Channeling this advantage with Indian food is challenging but not impossible - you just need to get a little ingenious.


What to do About 10 minutes before lunch or dinner, have a glass of salted nimbu paani, with artificial sweetener if you like. (Alternative: a cup of green tea or jasmine tea*). When you begin your meal, eat salad by itself as a standalone "dish". Don't put anything else on your plate till you have eaten the salad. Follow this with a bowl of raita or plain curd (dahi). Then come to the "main course" itself. You'll find your appetite has been controlled without starving yourself.

4 Reduce the grain in your diet

Chances are, like most people, you confuse carbohydrates with grains and cereals. A no-carb diet is not only unhealthy, it is virtually impossible - carbohydrates are found in everything from dal to green veggies and a host of everyday essentials.

What to do Make one day a week cereal-free - ditch the rice, wheat, bread, poha or dalia. Make it a "Continental" food day for your family - grilled chicken/fish/paneer with stir-fried or roasted vegetables makes a wholesome and delicious grain-free meal, while Indian curries demand rice or roti.

5 Understand what you're eating

Guessing at the calories consumed has been repeatedly proven to be a huge reason why people don't lose weight. In a landmark study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine by Professors Brian Wansink, PhD, and Pierre Chandon, PhD, it was found that people wrongly estimated the calorie count in fast-food meals by anything between 22 and 38 percent. That means that if you typically estimate that you eat about 2,000 calories every day, the real figure is likely to be 2,500 or even higher! This also explains the reason why many of us put on weight without being able to understand the reason for it.

What to do Make a list of the foods you eat most in any given week. Check their calorie counts so you have an accurate picture of your consumption (www. has a detailed list of foods and their calorie content, while offers a basic list of counts in Indian food).

6 Add more "raw" food to your diet

Raw food, whether fruit or veggies, have higher fibre, more water content and less fat than cooked food, so upping its intake naturally helps lose weight. If you have access to a more "fancy" veggie store, stock up on rocket leaves, baby spinach, mustard greens, snow peas and celery to add variety and boost your green intake, apart from the more typical salad ingredients such as carrots, cucumber, radish, zucchini, olives and tomatoes. Make sure you wash raw fruits and veggies thoroughly to keep off bugs. (Try Vegn-Fru Wash from any upmarket departmental store).

Can Passion Help You Lose Weight? - Fruits That'll Help You Lose Weight

What to do Ensure a large portion of salad is part of every meal - it could range from simple sliced cucumbers and carrots to more fancy recipes. Keep salad dressing light - olive oil/lemon juice/hung curd based; no store-bought dressings. Add variations by using fruit - small portions of nuts such as almonds or peanuts, orange segments, apple chunks, grapes or strawberries in your salad.

7 Make 30 minutes of exercise nonnegotiable

Let's face it, more will always be welcome but you're not necessarily going to do it. Fancy exercise or equipment aren't needed - it's enough to walk. Aim for at least 30 minutes daily but if you have less time, a minimum of 20 minutes 5 days a week will still produce results. But keep the pace brisk, as brisk as you can. Don't cheat!

What to do Can't find even 20 minutes to walk? Consciously increase activity in other parts of your life - in the office, don't call your friend on the intercom - get up and go to their desk; don't ask an office boy for coffee, walk to get it. At home, don't ask the local shop to deliver groceries, go to pick them up yourself. Another handy trick - if you have a driver, have him drop you 10 minutes away from home and walk the rest of the way.

8 Use a small plate

The challenge of portion control lies in measuring what we consume "visually" - but as already proved by studies, we typically underestimate the calories we consume every day by approximately 25 percent. One aspect of that: Not knowing what is in your food. But another equally serious aspect: Not actually realising how "much" we are eating. What is more amazing? Even many trained nutritionists fall prey to this trap! In an extension of the same study above, the researchers conducted a study called "Icecream Illusions: Bowls, Spoons and Self-Served Portions". In this study, the staff and students of the nutrition department at the Cornell University in the US were invited to an "icecream social" and given different-sized bowls and serving spoons and big bowls of icecream to serve themselves from. They were later asked to fill a survey asking how much they had portioned out for themselves. The results were staggering. Those using the larger bowl served themselves an average of 30 percent more icecream than those using smaller ones! Equally shocking, those who used small bowls - but big serving spoons - also served up 15 percent more icecream than those using smaller spoons. The participants who ate the least were those using small bowls and small spoons. When even trained nutritionists can fall prey to visual traps when serving meals, it's almost impossible for lay consumers to get it right. What that means? Guesstimates won't do!

What to do Retire your family's large dinner plates, bowls and spoons; and buy a set of mid-size ones for everyday meals - a variety of sizes are now available in stores. Downsize serving spoons as well. At restaurants, don't eat off a shared platter - serve yourself on small snack plates. If ordering one-dish meals, try this handy trick recommended by Good Housekeeping reader and contributor Vandana Malhotra, 39, a freelance writer based in Delhi: 'I was out at a Chinese restaurant with friends recently, and each of us ordered a one-dish meal. The portions, when they arrived, were huge, so I asked for mine to be halved - one to eat, the other to take away - "before" I started eating. When I did actually eat, the half-portion was more than enough for me, I was completely satiated. But if the entire bowl had stayed in front of me I wouldn't have stopped eating till I was stuffed to a point I could eat no further.' The problem, she says, is compounded when you are paying fancy restaurant prices - you feel guilty about wasting your food, and therefore overcompensate. 'Bagging the food in advance makes me feel like I've got more value-for-money, instead. Two meals for that price!'

9 Eat dinner by 8pm every night

This will probably be among the hardest changes to enforce but it's the one most worth the effort. Dieticians have found that with no other changes in diet but merely changing dinner timings, dieters often lose up to 1kg each week for the first few weeks! The metabolism is at its most sluggish by night and even light food consumed then takes the body much more effort to digest. Plus you tend to move about after an early dinner, helping to digest the food.

What to do Alter family meal times to eat early. If changing meal times for all is absolutely impossible, try and eat earlier by yourself, leaving your salad/curd to be eaten with the family, so that you can still be a part of dinnertime. If you sleep late, you're likely to be hungry later - a liquid "meal" at this time, from a glass of milk to nimbu paani or green tea, will satiate late-night pangs.

10 Relax! Sleep deprivation

is linked to stress and therefore, directly to weight-gain. Research shows that large amounts of cortisol, a natural stress-related hormone, are released into the blood stream when you are stressed - receptors for cortisol are located in the abdomen, which triggers the fat storage there. Various studies have also found a connection between higher cortisol levels and slower metabolism, triggering weight gain. But probably the simplest connection between stress and weight gain is the fact that most of us reach for comfort foods when anxious, upset, angry or worried. While changing our reaction to stress isn't easy, combating it is entirely possible. And then there's sleep. Two hormones, ghrelin and leptin, directly link sleep and weight gain. 'Ghrelin is the "go" hormone that tells you when to eat, and when you are sleep-deprived, you have more ghrelin,' says Michael Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleep, on the respected online medical resource WebMD. 'Leptin is the hormone that tells you to stop eating, and when you are sleep-deprived, you have less leptin.'

What to do Meditation has been found effective as a stress-relieving technique - aim to devote just 5 minutes a day to calm, private meditation at a time when you will be undisturbed. And then there's the big one: get more sleep! Whether it's at the cost of your social commitments or requires outsourcing of a few domestic tasks, ensure you get a minimum of seven hours sound sleep each night. Caution: If you already sleep enough, you won't lose more weight by sleeping more! If you sleep only 5-6 hours a night, though, and up that to about 7.5 hours, you will spot benefits soon. Consult a doctor for help if need be.


You've already made significant changes to your routine. Now it's time to shake it up so your body doesn't settle into a "pattern". Add these moves to the Month 1 routine.

1 Make one meal a day grain-free You're already doing a grain-free day each week. This month, shake it up by making one meal a day grain-free too, for the rest of the week.

What to do Ideally you should do this at dinner time, since that should be your lightest meal but if you can't manage that, lunch will do too.

2 Drink less An important reality of having alcohol - drinking three glasses of wine in one evening is not the same as drinking one glass of wine daily for three evenings. It's the same portion-control factor at play; the body can only process so much at one time, storing the excess as fat. If you're an infrequent drinker, limit it to a maximum of two drinks at a time (one is best, if you can manage it). If you drink three times a week or more, you have to stop at one drink.

How it works Hard to beat social pressures to have a drink in hand? Soda with a slice of lemon, diet cola or a mocktail can always create the illusion of alcohol - for others. For yourself, this is a sacrifice that you must make.

3 Walk longer As your body adjusts to the pace and routine of your first month's exercise, it develops a comfort/pattern that you need to break. This month on, take your daily walk up to an hour - certainly, do not settle for less than 45 minutes, five days a week. A light jog is even better.

What to do Eat your "heaviest" meal of the day closest to the time you exercise to maximise fat burning potential.

4 Go meat-less one day a week The more avid a nonvegetarian you are, the more difficult this will seem to you - but also, all the more necessary for you to follow. While casual meat-eaters may not gain much from this, studies have reported a co-relation between the people who eat extensive quantities of meat and weight gain. Processed meat, especially, is a big offender, possibly due to the nitrites and other chemicals in them that seem to affect overall weight.

What to do Earmark a vegetarian day in your household weekly, but plan menus ahead for this one, ensuring you don't compensate for removing meat by adding other high-fat or calorie-dense foods. Keep starchy foods such as potatoes and rice to a minimum and focus on introducing more veggies, fresh juices, smoothies and fruit into the mix. Tofu is a great pick, and can be used in creative ways to add heft to a meal; and eggs too, especially egg whites, are a good bet. Add hard-boiled eggs, yolk removed, to salads.


You have made the necessary changes, shaken up your diet pattern and made physical exercise a part of your daily routine! This is the last phase of your plan.

1 Write down every bite you eat Keeping a meticulous food diary this month will help eliminate the things you don't realise you are eating - the handful of namkeen you picked up while watching TV, the popcorn you dipped into at a movie, the biscuits with your morning tea, the creamy dip you dunked your crudits into.

What to do After three days of keeping this diary, review it and identify what/when you tend to eat without realising it. Focus on removing these "pointless" calories from your diet. Keep a small packet of mixed nuts and seeds in your handbag, along with an extra fruit with your lunch, so you aren't caught unawares when hungry.

2 Go liquid This isn't advisable to follow as a long-term programme, but if you find your weight has plateaued at a particular number - as often happens when your body adjusts to a new weight - you may need to give it the "shock" treatment. Going with an easier-digested meal option can give your system the kickstart it needs!

What to do For one week, replace one meal a day with a "liquid" substitute - this could be a hearty bowl of soup and a bowl of curd (dahi) for dinner or a dahi smoothie for breakfast, or salted lassi and a filling salad (no grains, though) for lunch. Raw salads or fresh fruit are fine as accompaniments, but stay away from sugar-dense options such as mangoes or musk melon. Yes, we know, all the indulgences of the season!

How can I lose 5kg in 5 days?

Looking for options to lose weight quickly? Here is a diet plan that can help you lose 5kgs in 5 days. Find out how it works, along with expert tips that will help you follow the diet with ease. Further, you can adapt these strategies into your daily routine and lead a sustainably healthier life.

In This Article


Weight Loss Diet Plan To Lose 5Kgs in 5 Days     

How it Works?

Weight Loss Diet Chart To Lose 5Kgs In 5 Days

Expert Tips To Follow While On The Weight Loss Diet Plan


NOTE: It is advisable to follow this diet under expert supervision.   

Weight Loss Diet Plan To Lose 5Kgs in 5 Days     

A fast weight loss plan, like losing 5kgs in 5 days, is not impossible, but you must proceed with caution, ideally under the supervision of an experienced nutritionist. Quick diets help reset your system and chances are you will feel refreshed; however, they are not sustainable. Diets that promise quick weight loss can also lead to harmful side effects.

Consulting an expert will help you determine whether the diet suits your specific health and lifestyle requirements.

Keep reading to make an informed choice.

How it Works?

On a rapid weight loss plan, your body will detoxify and first lose a lot of water weight. You can further lose up to five kgs in a week by following a calorie deficit diet, though experts suggest that it is best to target losing 1-2kgs per week. The key is to keep the body in fat-burning mode with the combination of restrictive eating and increased physical activity. Losing around 1kg of fat may be unattainable but losing 1kg of water weight is practical and possible. The body quickly releases water retention, especially at the start of a new weight loss regimen.

Must Read: High Protein Diet For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Diet Chart To Lose 5Kgs In 5 Days

Here is a sample diet plan to lose 5kgs in 5 days. You can consult an expert and adapt it to your body’s needs and your lifestyle requirements.

Day 1

Breakfast: Make sure that your total breakfast calorie count is 250. Start with lemon detox water and then have two boiled or poached eggs or a bowl of chickpea salad.

Lunch: Your lunch should have approximately 300 calories or less. You can have lentils (without tadka) along with brown rice and some green salad.

Snacks: One medium apple or orange or any other fruit of your choice.

Dinner: Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Include one cup of brown rice with 3/4 cup of boiled chicken along with a green salad. Finish it with one cup of chamomile tea.

Day 2

Breakfast: Begin your day with chia seed detox water and then have steel-cut oats with skimmed milk.

Lunch: Have a bowl of mixed fruits such as berries and oranges with one cup of green tea.

Snack: One cup of green tea with one boiled egg without yolk or two multi-grain crackers.

Dinner: One cup of spinach and broccoli soup with one slice of multi-grain toasted bread.

Day 3

Breakfast: Have cinnamon detox water. For breakfast, include one cup of poha with herbs and one cup of green tea.

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Passion Fruit

Lunch: Include one bowl of chicken soup with shredded chicken. If you want a vegetarian option, you can eat baked mushrooms with a little bit of cheddar cheese on a bed of half a cup of rice.

Snacks: A veg sandwich with cucumbers and tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil.

Dinner: Half small-sized baked fish or half a cup of grilled tofu with one cup of brown rice.

Day 4

Breakfast: Start with lemon detox water and then for breakfast, have a bowl of porridge made from around 75g oats without milk.

Lunch: A bowl of soup made with chicken or tofu, cabbage, spinach and broccoli.

Snack: A bowl of pineapple and one cup of green tea.

Dinner: Yellow lentil dal without tadka or boiled chicken with baby spinach that you can eat with two multi-grain rotis or one cup of brown rice and green salad.

Day 5

Breakfast: Start your morning with lemon and honey in hot water. For breakfast, have a bowl of oatmeal without milk.

Lunch: Take one cup of Greek yoghurt with mixed berries and chopped nuts.

Snacks: One bowl of papaya and one cup of green tea.

Dinner: Take one cup of egg curry made with one tablespoon of oil and two boiled eggs with one cup of brown rice. Your vegetarian option can be khichdi made with black lentils and brown rice.

Must Read: How to Burn Calories Fast?

Expert Tips To Follow While On The Weight Loss Diet Plan

Here are 9 expert tips to make the most of your weight loss diet plan and lose 5kgs in 5 days:

Watch What You Eat:

Avoid refined carbohydrates, unhealthy fats and foods high in proteins, such as baked goods, snacks like potato chips, starchy vegetables, red meat, and fatty fish. Stay away from hydrogenated oils and opt for healthy oils such as olive oil. Choose sources of lean proteins and explore grass-fed poultry options. Avoid foods high in sugar and salt such as sodas, sparkling drinks, alcoholic beverages, processed or packaged meat, and candies.

Include More Fibre In Your Diet:

Including more soluble fibre keeps you full and satisfied for long. You can consume fruits and vegetables high in fibre and antioxidant content, which will help speed up weight loss by reducing frequent cravings.

Track Your Calories:

Create a calorie-deficit diet by reducing your calorie consumption to 500-800 calories per day as it helps you lose weight faster. One tip to help you achieve this is by keeping track of the foods you eat in an app or a diary.

Snack Mindfully:

It is best to avoid indulging in unhealthy, packaged and processed snacks that contain extra calories defeating the purpose of the weight loss plan. Instead, try to eat healthy snacks such as chickpea salad, kale chips, or sprouts loaded with fibre and healthy proteins.

Chew Your Food Slowly:

By chewing your food thoroughly and slowly, you will reduce your calorie intake further. Slow eaters feel more satiated and experience reduced appetite compared to fast eaters.

Drink More Water:

Hydrate yourself thoroughly and make sure to drink up to 10 glasses of water to help the body with the detoxification process. You can infuse water with fruits or squeeze a lemon to make it delicious. Also, drinking water makes you feel full. Avoid packaged fruit juices as they contain a lot of sugar.

Exercise Portion Control:

One of the best ways to eat fewer calories is by exercising portion control. Take small-sized portions of your meals or serve them on smaller plates. Also, make sure to drink some water right before eating a meal as it helps in restricting excess calorie intake.

Move Your Body:

Along with dietary changes, make sure that you are physically active. Walking is the best form of exercise and helps you burn calories faster. Aim to complete around 10,000 steps each day. You could take stairs instead of an elevator and try to walk to the parking lot or go for a grocery run.

Add Cardio To Your Routine:

Adding around 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to your routine will help boost your metabolism and burn calories faster. You can try cardio exercises such as squat jumps or burpees that are great for overall health and calorie burn.

Must Read: How To Lose Weight Without Exercising?


We now know that quick weight loss, where you can reduce 5kgs in 5 days is achievable through a diet plan. However, do bear in mind that this cannot be a sustainable or long-term weight loss solution. For a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, including physical activity in your daily routine helps.

If you are struggling to lose weight and overwhelmed with the plethora of information available on the internet, visit Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic. Top industry experts will curate customised dietary and fitness plans that are suitable for your unique health needs.

How can I lose 5kg in 7 days?

Want to lose about five kg with an effective diet plan in just two weeks? Are you wondering if it’s possible to lose weight fast with a simple Indian diet? Yes, you can lose five kg in two weeks with our effortless and effective Indian diet plan without compromising taste or health.

In This Article


Indian Diet Plan to Lose 5KG Weight in Two Weeks

Indian Diet Plan Week 1

Indian Diet Plan Week 2

Tips While Following The Indian Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Indian Diet Plan to Lose 5KG Weight in Two Weeks

On a tight deadline? We recommend switching to a customised Indian vegetarian diet plan that accelerates weight loss. However, experts recommend slow and steady weight loss for long-term benefits. Losing around one kg per week is within a safe and healthy rate. But, if you’re starting a diet plan, losing around two kg or more in the first week is expected as most of it is water weight.

Must Read: Exercise & Weight Loss: Surprising Myths & Facts!

Indian Diet Plan Week 1



Here’s an Indian diet plan with approximately 1,200 to 1,400 calories for the first week of weight loss in two weeks plan

Day 1

Breakfast: Start your day with a glass of warm water, lemon juice and honey. After an hour or so, have a bowl of oatmeal with non-dairy milk such as almond milk garnished with chia seeds.

Lunch: 1 cup mix vegetable + 1 cup dal + 2 multigrain rotis + 1 cup green salad

Dinner: 1 cup lauki sabzi + 1 cup dal+ 1 cup brown rice + 1 rotis + buttermilk

Snack: 1 cup green tea with a handful of almonds

Day 2

Breakfast: Start your day with cucumber detox water. For breakfast, you can have two vegetable stuffed rotis + 1 cup curd + 1 small apple.

Lunch: Skimmed milk paneer curry + 1 cup dal + 1 cup spinach rice + 2 rotis

Dinner: 1 cup vegetable soup + 1 cup lentil curry + gazar matar sabzi + 2 rotis + 1 cup salad

Snack: 1 small banana + 1 cup buttermilk

Day 3

Breakfast: Cucumber detox water(1 glass) + fruits and nuts yoghurt smoothie + 1 egg omelette + 1 multigrain toast

Lunch: 1 cup green gram whole dal + 1 cup methi rice + 1 roti + 1 cup green salad

Dinner: 1 cup sautéed vegetables with paneer + 1 roti + green chutney + salad

Snack: 1 cup green tea with multigrain biscuits

Day 4

Breakfast: 1 cup peas poha + green chutney + 1 cup coffee with less sugar

Lunch: 1 cup mixed vegetable + 1 cup lentil curry + 1 cup brown rice or 2 rotis

Dinner: 1 cup palak chole + 1 cup steamed rice + tomato and beetroot salad

Snack: 1 cup papaya + 1 glass buttermilk

Day 5

Breakfast: Lemon detox water + 1 cup daliya upma + 1 cup curd

Lunch: Low fat paneer curry + 2 missi rotis + salad

Dinner: Vegetable khichdi + 1 cup curd + palak tomato soup

Snack: Moong dal chila + green chutney + green tea

Day 6

Breakfast: 1 cup sambar + 3 small multigrain idlis + coconut chutney

Lunch: 1 cup moong dal sprouts + 1 stuffed vegetable parantha + 1 cup curd + salad

Dinner: 1 cup green vegetable (any) + 2 bajra rotis + 1 cup dal + 1 cup green salad

Snack: masala chaas + 6-7 soaked almonds

Day 7

Breakfast: 1 cup daliya with milk (no sugar) + 1 banana

Lunch: low fat paneer curry + 1 dal + 2 bajra rotis + 1 cup rice + salad

Dinner: 1 cup egg curry + 1 cup brown rice + salad

Snack: 2 besan chillas with green chutney

Approximate Weight Loss in First Week

After one week’s diet, you can expect to lose two kg or more weight depending on your age, genetics, initial weight and physical activity.

Must Read: Healthy Meal Plan For Weight Loss: Selection Tips

Indian Diet Plan Week 2



After the first week, you’ll be in a routine and motivated to follow the second week’s diet plan that achieves a flat stomach in 2 weeks.

Day 1

Breakfast: Detox barley water + 1 brow bread toast + 2 egg whites omelette + handful of nuts or seeds

Lunch: 1 cup mixed veg curry + 1 cup brown rice+ 1 multigrain roti + salad + 1 cup curd

Dinner: 1 cup sautéed vegetables with mushroom + 1 cup spinach rice + 1 buttermilk

Snack: 1 cup green tea

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal without sugar topped with chia seeds + 1 banana

Lunch: ½ cup dal without tadka, 1 cup paneer curry + 2 bajra rotis + salad

Dinner: 1 bowl vegetable tomato curry with broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, bell peppers and mushrooms + 1 cup steamed rice

Snack: ½ plate fruit salad with nuts and seeds

Day 3

Breakfast: 1 cup rava and vegetables + 1 fruit of your choice

Lunch: 1 cup dal+ 1 cup sabzi + 2 multigrain rotis + 1 cup salad

Dinner: 1 cup low fat paneer curry with 2 missi rotis + salad

Snack: 1 cup buttermilk with 5-6 soaked almonds

Day 4

Breakfast: 1 cup daliya with fruits

Lunch: 1 cup bhindi sabzi + 1 cup lentil curry + 2 bajra rotis + salad

Dinner: 1 cup palak chole + 1 cup steamed brown rice

Snack: coffee with milk and less sugar

Day 5

Breakfast: 1 ½ cup peas poha + 1 glass buttermilk + 5-6 almonds

Lunch: 1 cup kadhi + 1 cup sabzi + 2 jowar roti + 1 cup brown rice + salad

Dinner: 1 cup sprouted salad + 1 lentil curry + 1 cup green vegetable + rotis + 1 cup curd

Snack: poha with tea (no sugar)

Day 6

Breakfast: Cucumber detox water + grilled paneer with green chutney + sugar-free muesli with non-dairy milk

Lunch: 1 cup vegetable curry + 1 cup dal + 1 cup brown rice + 1 cup buttermilk

Dinner: Dal khichdi with 1 cup curd + salad

Snack: 2 besan chilla with green chutney

Day 7

Breakfast: Jeera detox water + 1 cup oatmeal with blueberries, banana and apple

Lunch: 1 aloo baingan tomato sabzi+ 2 jowar rotis + 1 cup salad + 1 masala chaas

Dinner: Boiled chickpea salad + 1 cup vegetable curry + 1 cup brown rice

Snack: 1 medium apple

Approximate Weight Loss In Second Week

Growing Passion Fruit In Containers

By following the second week’s diet plan, you can lose two kgs or more, after which your body will sustain that weight for as long as you continue with the diet plan.

How can I lose my arm fat?

Shedding stubborn body fat can be tricky, especially when it’s concentrated in a specific area of your body.

The arms are often considered a problem area, leaving many people seeking out ways to lose extra arm fat.

Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to slim down and tone your arms.

Here are 9 ways to decrease arm fat and promote overall weight loss.

1. Focus on Overall Weight Loss

Spot reduction is a technique that focuses on burning fat in a specific part of your body, such as the arms.

Though spot reduction is popular in the fitness industry, most studies have found it to be ineffective.

One study in 104 people showed that completing a 12-week resistance training program using only the non-dominant arm increased overall fat loss but had little impact on the specific area being exercised (1Trusted Source).

Another small 12-week study found that resistance training focussing on one leg was effective at decreasing overall body fat but did not reduce body fat in the leg being trained (2Trusted Source).

Therefore, it’s best to focus on overall weight loss and use exercise for muscle toning rather than fat loss.


Multiple studies show that spot reduction is ineffective. Instead, try using specific exercises for muscle toning and focus on overall weight loss.

2. Start Lifting Weights

Resistance training is a type of exercise that involves working against a force to build muscle mass and increase strength.

Lifting weights is a common example. While it may not cause fat loss in your arms specifically, it can help increase overall fat loss and tone your arms to help them look slimmer.

For example, one 12-week study in 28 women with type 2 diabetes showed that performing low-intensity resistance training promoted total fat loss while increasing muscle mass and strength (3Trusted Source).

Another study in 109 people observed that resistance training alone or combined with aerobic exercise was more effective at increasing lean body mass than aerobic exercise alone (4Trusted Source).

Building lean body mass can help boost metabolism and increase the number of calories burned at rest throughout the day (5Trusted Source).

Bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, overhead presses, and upright rows are a few examples of exercises that can help tone your arms and boost muscle mass.


Lifting weights can help decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, and tone your arms to help them appear slimmer.

3. Increase Your Fiber Intake

Adding a few additional servings of fiber to your diet can jumpstart weight loss and help you lose excess body fat.

Fiber moves slowly through your digestive system, which increases the amount of time it takes to empty your stomach and helps you feel fuller for longer (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).

According to one study in 252 women, each gram of dietary fiber consumed was associated with 0.25% less body fat and 0.5 pounds (0.25 kg) less body weight over 20 months (8Trusted Source).

In another review, increasing daily fiber intake by 14 grams for 4 months was linked to a 10% reduction in total calorie intake and 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) of weight loss — without making any other changes (9Trusted Source).

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are some examples of nutritious, high-fiber foods that you can enjoy as part of a healthy diet.


Eating more fiber can enhance feelings of fullness to reduce hunger and increase overall weight loss.


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4. Add Protein to Your Diet

Increasing your intake of protein is another simple way to curb cravings and keep your appetite under control. This, in turn, may support weight management and help you reduce excess body fat.

A study in 20 young women found that eating a high-protein breakfast reduced hunger, increased fullness, and decreased levels of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger (10Trusted Source).

Another small study showed that consuming more quality protein at meals was associated with less belly fat. This suggests that a high-protein diet could help improve body composition and increase fat loss (11Trusted Source).

Meat, poultry, seafood, legumes, eggs, and dairy products are all high-protein ingredients that can help you lose arm fat fast.


Protein can help decrease hunger and increase fullness. Higher protein intake may aid both weight and fat loss.

5. Do More Cardio

Cardio is a type of exercise that focuses on elevating your heart rate to burn calories.

When trying to lose arm fat, including cardio in your daily routine is essential.

Studies show that cardio can be an effective strategy for weight loss and can increase lean body mass (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

For example, one study in 141 people showed that pairing 40 minutes of cardio 3 times per week with a weight management program resulted in a 9% decrease in body weight in just 6 months (15Trusted Source).

It’s typically recommended to do at least 20–40 minutes of cardio per day, or between 150–300 minutes each week (16Trusted Source).

Jogging, biking, rowing, swimming, jumping rope, and dancing are all activities that can help you meet your daily cardio goals.


Cardio can help increase weight loss and fat burning to help you lose arm fat over time.

6. Cut Down on Refined Carbs

Refined carbs are carbohydrates that have undergone processing, resulting in a final product that is lower in several key vitamins and minerals.

Typically, refined carbs are high in calories but low in fiber, which can cause blood sugar levels to increase more rapidly and result in hunger (17Trusted Source).

While whole grain intake is associated with decreased weight gain and body fat, eating more refined grains has been linked to increased body fat (18Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).

Examples of refined carbs that are often lacking in nutrients include pasta, white bread, breakfast cereals, and other pre-packaged ingredients.

Instead, select whole-grain foods like quinoa, buckwheat, barley, oats, sorghum, and spelt and enjoy in moderation.


Refined carbs are low in nutrients and may be linked to weight gain and increased body fat. Focus on whole-grain foods instead and enjoy them in moderation.

7. Set a Sleep Schedule

Aside from making modifications to your diet and exercise regimen, getting enough sleep each night is another important factor to consider for losing arm fat.

Several studies have found that sleep plays a role in regulating appetite and may also enhance weight loss.

For instance, one study in nine men found that just one night of sleep deprivation caused increased feelings of hunger and higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite (21Trusted Source).

Another small study showed that participants who slept 5.5 hours each night lost 55% less weight. Moreover, they lost 60% more lean body mass than those who slept 8.5 hours per night (22Trusted Source).

Try setting a regular sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time throughout the week, avoiding distractions before bed, and minimizing your exposure to stimulants like nicotine and caffeine.


Not getting enough sleep can increase hunger and slow down weight loss, which could prevent fat loss in the arms.

8. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water each day is very important when it comes to losing arm fat.

Some research suggests that drinking water with meals could promote feelings of fullness and decrease the total amount of food and the number of calories consumed (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).

Water may also help temporarily increase metabolism, with one study showing that drinking 16.9 ounces (500 ml) of water increased the metabolic rate by 30% for 30–40 minutes (25Trusted Source).

However, be sure to select water, tea, or other unsweetened beverages instead of sugar-sweetened drinks like soda or juice.

Regular consumption of these high-calorie drinks can quickly cause extra calories to add up and may contribute to weight gain over time (26Trusted Source).


Drinking water can support weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness, decreasing food intake, and temporarily enhancing metabolism.

9. Do Bodyweight Exercises

If you don’t have access to a gym or are running short on time, doing bodyweight exercises is a great way to enhance muscle tone in your arms and keep them looking slim.

Bodyweight exercises involve using your body as a form of resistance to build up muscle mass and strength.

It’s not only convenient and budget-friendly but can also produce some pretty impressive results.

For example, one study in 23 men found that calisthenics — a type of exercise that involves minimal use of gym equipment — was effective at increasing upper body strength (27Trusted Source).

Next time you work out, try doing upper-body exercises like tricep dips, planks, and push-ups to build muscle strength and tone your arms.


Bodyweight exercises can help increase muscle mass and strength to keep your arms toned.

The Bottom Line

Although research shows that spot reduction may be ineffective, there are plenty of strategies that you can use to lose arm fat.

In addition to hitting the gym, switching up your diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also play a role in regulating body composition.

Implementing just a few of these changes in your daily routine can support weight loss and help you shed your unwanted arm fat.

How can I reduce my hanging belly?

Life brings changes, whether that means pregnancy, weight loss, weight gain, or any of the other surprises along the way. After some of these changes, you may notice that your body doesn’t look or feel the way it used to.

It can be jarring to peek in the mirror one day and notice that you have what appears to be an excessive amount of fat, tissue, and skin hanging down like an apron from your abdomen.

Initially, you might feel a strong urge to order some baggy sweat pants and sweatshirts to hide it, but you might also worry that it’ll never go away or wonder whether it’s a sign of a more serious health complication.

Especially if you’ve just had a baby, you may wonder whether this is a normal postpartum event. Whatever questions come to your mind about apron bellies, we have the info to start helping you answer them below.

What is an apron belly?

Also known as a pannus stomach or mother’s apron, apron belly occurs when the belly and fat surrounding the internal organs expands due to weight gain or pregnancy, resulting in additional fat deposits in the omentum (an apron-like flap under your abdominal muscles and in front of your intestines.)

The size of an apron belly can vary, ranging from hanging to the top of the pubic area to the upper thighs or even a person’s knees. Two potential causes of apron belly are giving birth and gaining weight.

That said, apron belly does not only occur in women or people who have overweight. Men, those who have lost weight, and others may also develop an apron belly.

An apron belly can increase the risk of certain cancers, including ovarian cancer. It has also been associated with heart disease and type 2 diabetesTrusted Source. As such, it can be beneficial to address your apron belly. Of course, it may also cause you emotional or physical discomfort, which can also be addressed.

How can you ease discomfort caused by an apron belly?

Often, the pain and discomfort of an apron belly come in the form of the emotions it may make you feel. For many people, their apron belly can be a source of shame or stress. It’s important to realize that you are not alone!

Many people of all shapes and sizes may develop an apron belly. While it’s important to care for underlying causes that affect your overall health, try to let go of any guilt or shame you feel about your belly.

If your apron belly is causing you physical discomfort, there are many things that you can try to help feel your best:

Apply anti-chafing creams. The skin on the underside of an apron belly can rub or chafe. Using an anti-chafing cream can help prevent skin irritation and the discomfort that can follow.

Use support bands or clothing. Using a support band or clothing designed to support the abdominal area can help conceal an apron belly. It can also help prevent additional skin sagging and alleviate back problems from carrying extra weight in the front of the body.

Keep the area clean and dry. Maintaining good hygiene helps prevent rashes and other skin issues. Given that the skin under an apron belly is particularly apt to rub and trap moisture and heat, it can be especially susceptible to rashes and irritations.

Finding the right treatments to alleviate discomfort and build your confidence is an important step. While you may want to look for ways to reduce or remove your apron belly, you should also take steps to feel comfortable and awesome right now.

Can you reduce or remove an apron belly?

If you’d like to reduce or remove your apron belly, you have several options.

Keep in mind that your overall health is the priority, and any exercise or eating plans should focus on your general wellness. It’s impossible to spot treat an apron belly. The only ways to reduce one are through overall weight reduction and surgical/non-surgical options.

Losing weight by exercising and eating healthy

Sometimes overall weight loss will reduce fat deposits. Trying this approach has the added benefit of supporting your overall health.

If you’re planning to attack your apron belly with diet and exercise, you may be hearing that the answer is to focus on stomach crunches and sit-ups. However, while these might help strengthen the abdominal muscles underneath, they won’t make your apron belly disappear.

That’s because there are two layers of fat in the stomach region (unlike the arms and legs which have one type). While having body fat stored near your vital organs is a great survival tool, it means the abdominal muscles are the hardest ones to tone for many people!

When you perform a sit-up, you’re working specific abdominal muscles. While the muscles themselves may develop, they’ll still be surrounded by a layer of fat.

Instead of focusing on stomach crunches, the best type of exercise plan to reduce an apron belly is a varied one involving exercises in which you move in all kinds of ways.

Eating healthy foods that are low in calories while getting in lots of varied movement is a great way to improve the appearance of your apron belly and overall health.

Surgical and nonsurgical treatments

It’s important to be prepared that once you’ve lost weight and fat, you might still have some extra skin left behind. Exercise and diet can’t remove this. While some individuals will have a lot of excess skin, others won’t.

There are surgical and non-surgical options available to help with this, but they’re often costly.

Laser/CoolSculpting procedures

Nonsurgical procedures involving lasers can certainly be appealing if you’re looking for a little help getting rid of some belly fat.

They can also be used to remove fat in other trouble areas at the same time and don’t need to only focus on the abdominal area. However, note that these procedures are not appropriate if you’re breastfeeding or have obesity or certain medical conditions.


This surgical procedureTrusted Source removes the pannus.

Unlike a tummy tuck, a panniculectomy does not tighten the abdominal muscles by removing extra skin and fat, which can result in a flatter abdominal area. However, a panniculectomy can be combined with a tummy tuck or other abdominal procedure if desired.

A panniculectomy may be covered by your health insurance if you meet certain criteria, as it’s not generally considered a cosmetic surgery. Given that a panniculectomy involves surgery, you must meet certain health standards before it can be performed.


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If you’ve looked down and noticed that there seems to be an extra flap of skin hanging out like an apron from your abdomen, you may be embarrassed, scared, or even frustrated. You’re certainly not alone though!

If your apron belly has become uncomfortable (chafing, leaving a rash, etc.), there are ways to ease the discomfort. There may also be options to diminish your apron belly with exercise and diet, laser procedures, and/or surgery.

If you have an apron belly, it may be beneficial to consult your healthcare provider to ensure there are no potential underlying health issues. They’ll also be able to give you specific advice about what next steps might make the most sense for you.

How can I get skinny legs without exercise?

To shed fat in your legs, you should decrease your calorie intake, eat a healthy diet and lead a more active lifestyle. You don't necessarily need to go to a gym or specifically designate a time every day to exercise if you have an active lifestyle. The American Heart Association suggest at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, such as biking and walking. There are simple things you can do to seamlessly incorporate activity into your day that will help you lose weight, tone up and improve your overall health.


Step 1

They both look kinda tasty....

Think holistically about how to live a healthy life.

Image Credit: Jacob Wackerhausen/iStock/Getty Images

Think holistically about how to live a healthy life. Instead of focusing just on your legs, focus on feeling healthy, content and balanced, and when you achieve that, you will be more likely to lose weight in your legs.

Step 2

Women chatting over coffee and cakes

Reduce your calorie intake.

Image Credit: monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images

Reduce your calorie intake. You should not consume more calories than you can burn. WebMD recommends a daily calorie intake of 1,600 to 2,400 calories, depending on gender, age and activity level.

11 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Passion Fruit

Step 3

African American Woman Eating Salad

Eat a well-rounded balanced diet.

Image Credit: Ridofranz/iStock/Getty Images

Eat a well-rounded balanced diet composed of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein and healthy oils. Non-processed foods are easier for your body to metabolize, and having a balanced diet ensures that you get all of the nutrients your body needs to function properly.

Step 4

Young woman taking her dog for a walk on the beach

Increase your physical activity.

Image Credit: Purestock/Purestock/Getty Images

Increase your physical activity. You don't have to join a gym if you make an effort to get enough physical activity throughout your day. Attempt to walk 10,000 steps per day, which is approximately five miles.

Step 5

modern office building and elevators

Make simple changes.

Image Credit: cenkarman/iStock/Getty Images

Take the stairs instead of the elevator to burn calories, to tone your glutes and hamstrings and to shed fat in your legs. Create a goal for yourself. You can start with a few flights of stairs the first week and increase the number of flights you climb each week.

Step 6

Young businesswoman holding a bicycle, sidewalk, Beijing

Walk or ride your bike to work.

Image Credit: XiXinXing/iStock/Getty Images

Walk or ride your bike to work, to the grocery store and everywhere else when possible. Both walking and biking works your leg muscles and will help you create muscle tone.

Things You'll Need




By consciously trying to live your life actively, you'll burn a lot more calories, improve your health and start to shed fat in your legs. Eventually, active living will become a routine and you won't have to think about it.


If you don't eat a healthy, balanced diet or incorporate activity into your lifestyle, you could gain weight, feel physically and emotionally sick and lose energy. This will exacerbate your problem of trying to lose weight in your legs and add a host of other health problems. Instead of focusing just on your legs, take a holistic view of how to improve your health and happiness.

What causes thigh fat in females?

There’s a reason women tend to gain fat around their thighs and buttocks and why they struggle to lose it. Here’s the skinny on why your stubborn thigh fat just won’t seem to go away and what you can do about it.

Why Do Women Gain Weight on Their Thighs?

The main culprit behind weight gain in your thighs is estrogen. This hormone drives the increase in fat cells in females, causing deposits to form most commonly around the buttocks and thighs. In fact, the size of body fat cells tends to increase at a greater rate in females than males starting at the age of eight, due to the onset of puberty and an increase in female hormone levels.

Unfortunately, even though your estrogen levels may decline once you hit menopause, your metabolism slows with age, meaning weight gain in all areas becomes a common concern. Add to this the fact that lower estrogen levels lead to a slowdown in collagen production and a loss of skin elasticity, and you have the perfect storm for cellulite.

What Is Cellulite and How Can You Target Your Thigh Area?

Cellulite forms as the body’s connective tissues weaken with age. Ninety percent of all women, including those who are thin, will develop cellulite at some point in their lifetime.

While there is no permanent treatment, there are a couple of ways you can help minimize the appearance of cellulite while shaping your thighs:

Engage in targeted exercise: Create workouts designed to target your thighs. While aerobic activity may be great for overall weight loss, the fat around the thighs responds less effectively to cardio, so you’ll want to focus on strength training.

Form healthy eating habits: Stay away from foods that may alter your hormone levels. Instead, try incorporating hormone-free meats and dairy products, as well as preservative- and chemical-free foods.

Seek alternative treatments: Massages and spa treatments may help treat some types of cellulite, but for more effective results for all skin tones, consider non-invasive body shaping treatments  such as Venus Legacy, that use radio frequency and magnetic therapies. These therapies cause a thermal reaction that helps to shrink the volume of fat cells in the thighs. With no downtime, you can smoothen the look of your thigh area and minimize the appearance of cellulite, also contouring stubborn fat pockets to reduce upper arm bulge. Contouring and tighten your abdomen for a flatter and more defined waistline.

How can I lose 5 kg in 15 days?

Starving yourself to lose weight is a bad idea. Try to apply these simple tricks in your lifestyle to lose those extra kilos in just 15 days flat.

5 Tricks to lose weight in just 15 days5 Tricks to lose weight in just 15 days  |  Photo Credit: Thinkstock

One of the hardest things is to control your temptation for chocolates or late night snacks when you are already struggling to lose weight.  To shed those extra pounds, you need not to starve yourself but instead incorporate your diet with better nutrients and carbohydrates. So, here we are to help you lose those extra kilos in just 15 days:

1)    Drink Water-  Start your day with lukewarm or lime water. Water not only keeps your body hydrated but also helps you lose a few grams. It will help you keep your stomach filled and thus will help you in resisting from indulging in fatty snacks.

2)    Walk – Walk after every meal to keep your body away from accumulating fat. If you are not a morning person then try to change your daily lifestyle habits to keep your weight under control. Take stairs instead of elevators. Walk as much as you can through the day.

3)    Eat small – Losing weight is not synonymous with not eating at all. Eat all the necessary nutrients, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins that your body needs. Try to fill your plate with smaller meals to avoid over-eating. Your brain takes 20 minutes to realize if you are still hungry. So, trick your brain in believing that your stomach is full after eating small but also healthy portions.

4)    Cook yourself – The more beautiful the presentation of food, the tastier it feels. Whenever you crave for those donuts or pizzas, try cooking for yourself by making the meal look good and rich in nutrients. This way you will avoid eating junk and adding extra kilos to your belly. 

5)    Replace your unhealthy fats – Replace paneer to Tofu, sugar to honey and refined flour to whole-wheat flour. Try to replace junk snacks to dry fruits or rich fruits. This will help you refrain from indulging in unhealthy fats and will keep your fat intake under control.

These simple tricks may help you fit into your tight dress or build your self-confidence. As it is rightly said, if you look good, you feel good and if you feel good, you do good.

Where do u lose fat first?

We all gain and lose weight a little differently, with some places putting on weight or slimming down before others. So where do you lose weight first, and why does weight loss occurs faster from some parts of the body and slower from others?

Which Areas Are More Prone to Gaining Weight?

Research shows that regional fat loss depends on your sex (not your workout routine!). In women the first place the fat is stored, tends to be the last place the fat comes off (unlike men).

Women store fat in their lower bodies, this includes the upper thighs, hips and butt and also on the back of their upper arms. However, after the menopause this changes when estrogen levels decrease and women start to accumulate more fat in the abdomen (like men).

Men tend to store fat around their waist and thus struggle with abdominal fat, which includes their lower abs, lower back, the sides of their waist and visceral fat (harmful fat).

If your weight keeps rising, you simply continue to deposit fat all over your body, including your face and even hands.

Which Areas Lose Weight First?

Generally weight loss is most noticeable early on in areas where there is little fat, such as the clavicles.

Women tend to lose weight all over, and experience fat loss first in their belly, breasts, and arms. Generally the last area they lose weight is from their lower body (hips and thighs).

Depending on body shape, men generally tend to lose fat first from their trunk, followed by their arms and then their legs. This means that although men tend to store abdominal fat, it is also one of the first place they lose it. Therefore, men tend not to struggle with “stubborn” fat as much as women.

Stubborn fat area

Illustrating areas where women (front and back) and men (front only) tend to hold on to fat.

Why do Women Hold on to Weight on their Lower Body?

Fat cells have two types of receptor: Alpha-receptor (inhibits the breakdown of fat) & Beta-receptor (stimulates the breakdown of fat). Women have more of the receptors that inhibit the breakdown of fat (alpha-receptors) in their hip and thigh region than in their abdominal region.

Women have 3 to 5 times more of an enzyme (lipoprotein lipase) that stimulates fat storage in their lower body than their upper body.

An enzyme (hormone-sensitive lipase) that stimulates fat breakdown is very slow in releasing fat from the lower abdomen in women.

It is thought that the predisposition of women to storing fat in the lower body is for protection of their reproductive organs.

However, you cannot spot reduce. You cannot, do an exercise and lose fat only from one place. In order for you to lose weight from a particular area you have to lose fat everywhere.

What’s the best way to lose weight?


Combine four groups of exercise into your weekly workout program:

Moderate-intensity cardio

HIIT. By mixing intense bursts with slower periods, intervals torch calories faster than exercising at a steady  pace. A study found that after only two routine of interval training, women burned 36% more fat!

Strength training

You need to get strict with your diet, which doesn’t simply mean reducing your caloric intake further.


Calculate your calorie requirements. Remember if you’ve already lost some weight, recalculate your calorie needs as you may require fewer calories.

Small frequent meals.

Choose complex carbohydrates, and reduce refined carbs.

High-quality protein and carbohydrates.

Macronutrient Ratio

Total calories determine how much weight a person gains or loses. Macronutrient ratios can influence what a person gains or loses, and how easy it is to lose weight.

Macronutrient ratios can help you to lose fat and retain (or gain) muscle tissue, preventing the loss of muscle that often occurs during weight loss. This macronutrient calculator can help with determining macros.

Protein plays an important role in maintaining muscle mass, especially during weight loss, when some muscle is inevitably lost. Include protein with all your meals.

Watch your fat intake, but don’t restrict it too much, as the body requires some fat for you to feel satiated and thus to avoid cravings.

Carbs are a much discussed and vilified macronutrient, but mostly because of the overabundance of refined and processed carbohydrates (e.g. foods high in sugar). Complex carbohydrates are healthy and make up part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Complex carbs such as vegetables in combination with healthy fats and lean protein makes the ideal meal or snack.

How do you lose stress weight?

Stress can significantly impact your ability to maintain a healthy weight. It can also prevent you from losing weight. Whether it's the result of high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, unhealthy stress-induced behaviors, or a combination of the two, the link between stress and weight gain is glaring.1

How Stress Can Cause Weight Gain

Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin

The Link Between Stress and Cortisol

Researchers have long known that rises in the stress hormone cortisol can lead to weight gain. Every time you're stressed, your adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol, and as a result, glucose (your primary source of energy) is released into your bloodstream. All of this is done to give you the energy you need to escape from a risky situation (also known as the fight or flight response).2

Once the threat has subsided, your adrenaline high wears off and your blood sugar spike drops. This is when cortisol kicks into high gear to replenish your energy supply quickly.


Watch Now: 5 Ways Stress Can Cause Weight Gain

Cortisol and Sugar Cravings

Cue the sugar cravings. Because sugar supplies your body with the quick energy it thinks it needs, it's often the first thing you reach for when you're stressed.3

The downside to consuming so much sugar is that your body tends to store sugar, especially after stressful situations. This energy is stored mainly in the form of abdominal fat, which can be particularly hard to shed. And so the vicious cycle starts: get stressed, release cortisol, gain weight, crave more sugar, eat more sugar, gain more weight.

Cortisol and Metabolism

Even if you aren't eating foods high in fat and sugar, cortisol also slows down your metabolism, making it difficult to lose weight.

In 2015, researchers from Ohio State University interviewed women about the stress they had experienced the previous day before feeding them a high-fat, high-calorie meal. After finishing the meal, scientists measured the women's metabolic rates (the rate at which they burned calories and fat) and examined their blood sugar, cholesterol, insulin, and cortisol levels.

The researchers found that, on average, women who reported one or more stressors during the prior 24 hours burned 104 fewer calories than non-stressed women.4 This could result in an 11-pound weight gain in one year. Stressed women also had higher insulin levels, a hormone that contributes to fat storage.

Stress-Induced Unhealthy Habits

In addition to the hormonal changes related to stress, stress can also drive you to engage in the following unhealthy behaviors, all of which can cause weight gain:

Emotional eating: Increased levels of cortisol can not only make you crave unhealthy food, but excess nervous energy can often cause you to eat more than you normally would.5 You might find that snacking or reaching for a second helping provides you with some temporary relief from your stress but makes healthy weight management more difficult.

Eating "accessible" or fast food: When we are stressed, and not planning, we tend to eat the first thing we see and/or what is readily available and accessible, which is not always the healthiest options. You may also be more likely to drive through a fast-food place, rather than taking the time and mental energy to cook a balanced, healthy meal.

Exercising less: With all the demands on your schedule, exercising may be one of the last things on your to-do list. If so, you're not alone. A long commute and hours spent sitting behind a desk can leave little opportunity for physical activity.

Skipping meals: When you are juggling a dozen things at once, eating a healthy meal can drop down in the list of priorities. You might find yourself skipping breakfast because you're running late or not eating lunch because there's just too much on your to-do list.

Sleeping less: Many people report trouble sleeping when they're stressed. And research has linked sleep deprivation to a slower metabolism. Feeling overtired can also reduce willpower and contribute to unhealthy eating habits.

How to Break the Cycle of Stress and Weight Gain

When you're stressed out, healthy behaviors likely eating properly and exercising regularly can easily fall by the wayside. Maintaining a schedule and/or routine can help make these healthy behaviors a habit and combat stress-related weight changes. Here are a few strategies that can help you break the cycle of stress and weight gain:

Make exercise a priority. Exercising is a critical component of stress reduction and weight management. It can help you address both issues simultaneously, so it's essential for warding off stress-related weight gain. Whether you go for a walk during your lunch break or hit the gym after work, incorporate regular exercise into your routine.

Eat healthier comfort foods. You don't need carbs or fats to make you feel better. One of the few studies testing the effectiveness of comfort foods in improving mood found that eating relatively healthier comfort foods, such as air-popped popcorn, is just as likely to boost a negative mood as "unhealthy" foods.6 Making sure your pantry is stocked with these types of foods will make it easier to grab a healthier option during times of high stress.

Practice mindful eating. Focusing on what you're eating—without distractions—may help lower stress, promote weight loss, and prevent weight gain. One study found that overweight women who had mindfulness-based stress and nutrition training were better able to avoid emotional eating, and had lower stress levels, which led to less belly fat over time.7 Next time you eat a meal, try enjoying it without the distraction of your phone or the TV.

Keep a food journal. Paying attention to your eating habits can help you gain control over your food consumption. A 2011 review of studies that examined the link between self-monitoring and weight loss found that those who kept a food journal were more likely to manage their weight than those who didn't.8 So whether you use an app to track your food intake or you write everything in a food diary, being more mindful of what you put in your mouth could improve your eating habits.

Drink more water. It's easy to confuse thirst for hunger. But confusing these two cravings can lead you to eat more calories than your body needs, prompting weight gain. It's much easier to identify hunger after you've eliminated any mild dehydration. If it's only been a couple of hours since you've eaten and you feel hungry, try drinking some water first. If you still feel hungry, then grab a snack.

Incorporate stress-relief strategies into your daily life. Whether you enjoy yoga or you find solace in reading a good book, try adding simple stress relievers like taking a deep breath, listening to music, or going on a walk into your daily routine. Doing so can reduce your cortisol levels, helping you manage your weight.

A Word From Verywell

If your stress and/or stress-related weight gain is causing you distress or making it unmanageable to fulfill daily responsibilities, it may be time to seek professional health. Psychotherapy, and in particular cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can be very helpful in teaching coping skills to better manage stress and weight.

What drink burns the most fat?

If you want to burn fat and lose weight—once and for all!—then it may be time to kick start your metabolism, flush out your system and clean out those toxins that are causing you to put on the pounds. A cleansing drink can do just that, and more. Read on to find out three of the best, results driven drinks that will kick start your body to fat burning and serious weight loss!

Lime and Honey

If you want a morning cleansing drink to perk you up (with the caffeine that your triple latte brings on), you’ll want to make the lime and honey drink your morning drink of choice. Unlike other, more complex cleansers, this drink only requires to have three ingredients on hand: fresh limes, raw honey, and water.

Start off with a hot cup of water. Then, add one tablespoon of raw honey and stir until it’s mixed completely into the water. Slice up a lime (if it’s small, use the whole thing) and squeeze the juice and pulp of ½ a lime into the cup. Get out all the pulp you can—the pulp is where the nutrients are—you don’t want to miss out.

Green Tea, Straight Up (The Ultimate Metabolism Booster!)

green tea

When it comes to weight loss, there’s one thing you need to remember: some foods store more fat in your fat cells, and other foods unlock it. Green tea—which is known as one of the best, and most powerful drinks you can consume for rapid weight loss—has shown proven scientific evidence that it unlocks fat cells, by releasing the fat and converting that into energy.

How To Burn Belly Fat With Passion Fruit | Weight Loss | Healthy Drinking Water

The magic fat burning ingredient is a compound in green tea called catechins. Go to your local grocery store and try different types of green tea. Whether you pick lavender green tea, macha, or spearmint green tea, the effects will be the same. Consider green tea your magic ingredient for a slim and trim body.

Your Everyday Metabolism Booster

If you aren’t taking your coffee black, you may want to start. Studies show that caffeine you’ll find in your average ‘cup of joe’ activates something in the nervous system, which essentially tells your fat cells to break down. Studies have also shown that caffeine can raise your metabolic rate by as much as 7 percent! That means, you get to eat more without gaining weight—and keep right on track with all of your weight loss goals.

Who knew burning fat and losing weight could taste so good? When it comes to weight loss, you don’t have to struggle. In fact, you can feel the burn (of a solid exercise program) while tasting all the deliciousness these cleaning drinks bring on. The end result? A diet and fitness regime that will bring you faster-than-expected results!

Does drinking hot water at night help lose weight?

For eons, health experts have advocated drinking warm water first thing in the morning. Warm water plays a vital part in the smooth running of all bodily functions as cold water is devoid of many important nutrients. We have all heard and read about how drinking a glass of warm water right out of bed promotes health and beauty. But, did you know adapting the same habit right before going to bed is also good for us?

Many people avoid drinking water at bedtime lest they feel the need to urinate during the night and ruin their sleep pattern. What they don't know is drinking warm water before hitting the bed will actually lead to better sleep in addition to providing other health benefits. Can't believe it? Read on.

(Also Read: Why Do South Indians Drink Warm Water With And After Meals?)


Drinking warm water before going to bed will lead to better sleep in addition to providing other health benefits.Warm Water Benefits: How Is Drinking Warm Water At Night Useful To Us? 1. Fights Anxiety and DepressionMany studies indicate that lack of water in the body give a rise to stress levels and lead to depression. This is bound to negatively impact the sleep cycle. Sipping on some warm water at the end of the day will maintain the water level of the body and keep mood spoilers under check.

2. Gets Rid Of ToxinsHot water increases the internal body temperature and produces sweat, which leads to better blood circulation and gets rid of toxins in the body. Get a better beauty sleep by imbibing the great habit of consuming warm water before bed.

(Also Read: Weight Loss: Best Healthy Detox Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner)


3. Replenishes Lost FluidsOur body is continually using and losing fluids by the process of sweating, urinating and bowel movement. Water replaces the lost water from our body to keep the essential systems of our body working, even during the night.4. Aids In DigestionHot water dissolves unwanted food in the digestive tract and leads to better digestion. As our digestive system in the weakest during the night, drinking warm water helps in faster and smoother digestion.Helps With Weight LossFor the same reason that our digestion system is not at its best during the night, drinking warm water will break down food faster and help digest it faster, resulting in quicker weight loss!

(Also Read: Why You Should Start Your Day With a Glass of Warm Water)


Hot water dissolves unwanted food in the digestive tract and leads to better digestion.There is enough evidence proffered by nutritionists to support the fact that warm water is good for your health. Guzzle your glass first thing in the morning and the last thing in the night and you'll see a significant change in yourself.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

How do you melt body fat overnight?

Getting a poor night’s sleep doesn’t just make you cranky—it can also make you gain weight. Research shows logging less than eight hours a night increases your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which negatively affects the microbes in your gut, slowing your metabolism.

Previously reported by Men's Health, just one night of bad sleep can slow down your metabolism the next morning, reducing the energy you expend by up to 20 percent. according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Not sleeping well can also disturb your your hunger hormones, making you more likely to eat junk food. A 2017 UK review and meta-analysis found that people who slept 5.5 hours or less per night ate an extra 385 calories throughout the day after compared to those who slept for at least seven to 12 hours.

With less sleep, you're also more likely to indulge in late night snacking, that could sabotage your weight loss goals. Previously reported by Men's Health, "Eating carbs in the evening leads to metabolic problems, because the body is more resistant to insulin at night," explained Aaron Cypess, MD, PhD, in a previous interview.

This can result in a higher blood sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and other complications. Protein doesn't cut it here either—it only takes a few extra steps for protein to be converted to carbs and fat. Any extra calories at night will be stored as fat, so eat dinner early and keep snacking light.

Fortunately, you can reverse course and keep your metabolism cranking overnight with a good night's rest using these simple steps.

1. Lift weights at night

After work, head straight from your desk to the dumbbell rack and you can boost your metabolic rate for up to 16 hours, according to a recent study in Diabetologia.

2. Drink a casein protein shake

Feed your hungry muscles by trading whey for casein in your post-workout shake. This slow-release protein is gradually digested over 8 hours and keeps your metabolic fires burning through the night.

Dutch researchers also say that casein enhances protein synthesis, which helps you cut an extra 35 calories a day for every pound of new muscle gained.


30 Sleep Essentials for Your Best Night's Sleep


3. Take a cold shower

An icy shower does more than flush out lactic acid after the gym. Research in PLoS ONE finds that a 30-second freeze is all it takes to activate your body’s brown adipose tissue, or "brown fat"—which, when fired up, melts as much as an extra 400 calories in bed.

Make sure you stick your head under the faucet: More brown fat is stored in the back of your neck and shoulders.

4. Drink green tea

The flavonoids found in green tea boost your metabolism—and if it’s your third cup of the day, you’ll burn 3.5 percent more calories overnight, according to a 2016 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Don’t worry about caffeine content. Green tea will help keep you up for the news at 10, but not all night.

5. Sleep in a colder room

Cranking the radiator at night burns through little more than your gas bill.

Research from the National Institutes of Health says that turning down your thermostat to a cool 66 degrees Fahrenheit cuts 7 percent more calories, as your body burns fat to maintain its core temperature.

6. Explore intermittent fasting

You may have hard of Intermittent Fasting (IF) — the practice of consciously having calorie-free blocks of time throughout your day or week, sometimes up to 16 hours a day without food. This could mean that you may stop eating at 7pm in the evening, and then not eat anything at all until 11am the next morning.

“When we eat, insulin — the main storage hormone for fat — goes up and we store fat, or glycogen, in the liver. When insulin goes down, we start to break down glycogen and burn fat. Low levels of insulin tell the body to start burning its stored fat,” explains Samantha McKinney, Registered Dietitian at Life Time, RD, a registered dietician at Life Time, a national fitness company with over 150 locations. “Second, fasting prompts cells to make new mitochondria — and the more mitochondria you have, the more fuel you burn. There is a direct line between mitochondria and metabolism. Your mitochondria take carbs and other nutrients and burn them for energy.”

Studies focused on the effects of IF on humans have been limited; some studies have found that following an IF plan is no more effective than standard calorie restriction. But the clear, concrete rules—a daily structured block of not eating—can be easier to follow than other weight loss plans.

How many calories is 1 kg?

Did you know 1kg of fat is equal to 7,700 calories?

That means in order to lose 1kg of fat, you’d need to burn 7,700 calories. 

And if you’re setting out to ‘burn off’ your calories?

​Or using exercise as the ONLY way to drop fat without focusing on your calorie intake?

In this article I'll share with you how to lose 1 kg of fat.


You’re fighting a losing battle. 

Here’s what losing 1kg of fat looks like through exercise…

We’ll use the ‘average’ person here to keep it simple. 

60 mins of running on the treadmill set at 10km an hour = 500 calories (again, this is an estimate of the average person).

That means you’d need to run approximately 15.2 hours to burn 7,700 calories. 

And that’s assuming you didn’t eat anything.  

(Because you’d need to add back those calories).

Which is stupid right?

That’s to lose just 1 KILO of FAT.


Here’s another example. 

45 minute spin class = 440 calories (estimate of average person).

That means you’d need to do around 17.5 x 45 minute spin classes per WEEK if you want to lose 1kg of fat. 

Again, ridiculous. 

Especially if you don’t focus on your food intake. 

Trying to lose 1kg of fat through exercise alone is pretty much a lose/lose battle. 

It needs to be a combination of exercise and controlled calorie intake for overall health and well-being. 

Exercise is only one ingredient of a large recipe.

You can't make cupcakes (fat loss) with flour (exercise) alone can you?


Now here’s how you can make losing 1kg a little easier.

If you want to lose 1kg per week?

You’d need to be in a calorie deficit of 1,100 calories per DAY for 7 x days. 

(7,700 calorie weekly deficit)

That’s pretty hardcore. 

It means if you’re currently consuming 2,000 calories per day, and you’re currently burning 2,000 calories per day (in other words, maintaining your weight), you’d need to consume 900 calories per day, for the next 7 days.  

Whilst keeping your ‘expenditure’ the same. 

Just to lose 1kg of fat.

Yeah, good luck with that. 

(Please don’t try it, because that’s just silly and unsustainable).

Here’s how to lose 1kg of fat SUSTAINABLY without using a calorie calculator or formula…

Step on the scales (optional) and take your measurements (chest/waist/hips).

Keep a food diary for a week (MyFitnessPal or on a piece of paper).

Take your measurements a week later on the SAME day and time.

Was there a change?

If YES - keep doing what you’re doing.

If NO - drop your calories by 200-500 per DAY (depending on speed of results).

Rinse and repeat.

It really is that simple. 

And you haven’t even flogged yourself on a treadmill. 

Or a spin class. 

Why does this approach work? 

Because you simply become AWARE of your overall calorie intake. 

When you focus on measuring calories coming IN.

The rest will take care of itself. 


Because you consume calories longer than you exercise. 

Think about it. 

You eat for a period of say 13 hours?

(Assuming you have your first meal at 7am and your last at 8pm).

And you exercise for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour a day.

Big difference. 


Want to know the BEST form of exercise to burn the MOST amount of calories in the LEAST amount of time?

——> Weight training.

You’ll burn a shyte load of calories during AND afterwards too. 

I’m not even kidding when I say this,

If you weight train, you can literally sit on the couch, watch Netflix AND burn extra calories. 

There's your win/win right there ;).

Take away points:

1kg of fat is 7,700 calories.

To lose 1kg of fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit of 7,700 calories. 

^ Don’t try and achieve this through exercise. 

Focus on the calories you eat and drink by keeping a food diary.

What gets measured, gets managed. 

Lift weights.

If all this sounds too confusing - don’t know how to lift weights, don't know how to track food, don’t know what you should eat, just down right frustrated and you want a coach to take care of it all for you so you don’t have to waste time trying to figure it all out but get the results you want?

Which passion fruit is the best?

There are several passion fruit varieties for commercial purposes in the market. The most common of them are the purple and the yellow type. If you want something exclusive and unique, orange passion fruits exist as well.

Without wasting time, let’s take a look at these varieties one at a time.


Popular passion fruit varieties

The yellow passion fruit varieties

passion fruit varieties

The yellow form has a more vigorous vine and generally larger fruit than the purple, but the pulp of the purple is less acid, richer in aroma and flavor, and has a higher proportion of juice-35-38%.

The yellow passion fruit is suitable for low altitudes such as coastal lowlands. It’s more hardy and vigorous as compared to the purple passion. The fruit is bigger with a diameter of 5-7 cm, relatively acidic and used for juice extraction.

- Produces higher yields at lower elevations due to relatively warm temperatures.

This Is What Jennifer Lopez Eats In A Day

- The fruit is bigger than the purple variety, with a weight of 60 – 65 grams per fruit. The fruits are round in shape with yellow spots and turns from green to golden yellow when ripe.

- This variety is less susceptible to pests and diseases (High tolerance) and sometimes it’s used as a rootstalk for other varieties.

There are also other varieties within the yellow type specific to different regions across the globe.

Download the FREE Passion Fruit Farming Course Sample

I’ve listed them below:

'Yee Selection'–yellow, round, very attractive, highly disease-resistant, but fruit has thick rind and low yield of juice which is of very good flavor.

'University Round Selection'–Hawaiian crosses of 'Waimanalo' and 'Yee'–fruit smaller than 'Yee'; not as attractive but yields 10% more juice of very good flavor.

'Sevcik Selection'–a golden form of the yellow selected in Hawaii; a heavy bearer, but subject to brown rot and the juice has a peculiar woody flavor.

'Kapoho Selection'–a cross of 'Sevcik' and other yellow strains in Hawaii. A heavy bearer of large fruits but subject to brown rot; many fruits contain little or no pulp and the juice has the off-flavor of 'Sevcik.'

'University Selection No. B-74'–a Hawaiian hybrid between 'Pratt' and 'C-77', usually yellow, occasionally with red tinges; resembles 'Waimanalo'; has good juice yield and very good flavor.

Related: ​8 Common Problems with Growing Passion Fruits

The purple passion fruit varieties

purple passion fruit varieties

- Produces better at higher elevations (cool temperatures). The variety is suitable for areas with an altitude of 1100 to 2500m above sea level. The fruit has an aromatic flavor with a diameter of 4-5 cm.

- The purple fruit weighs approximately 35-50 grams with a diameter of 5 cm and it has a round shape.

- They turn from green to deep purple colour when ripe.

- Average juice content of between 30-35%.

- It’s acidic but has a strong aromatic scent. It also varies in taste and juice contents.

-The variety has the best ever known nutrient and flavour content.

Get live purple passion plant

Other Variants of the purple passion fruit

Misty Gems - Known to be the tastiest of all the Passionfruit varieties, the pulp varies in colour from bright yellow to pumpkin colour and has many small, hard, black, seeds. The inside wall of the Misty Gem is white. The flavour is refreshing, guava-like and tangy.

Sweethearts – blackish in colour and very sweet.

Panamas - A hybrid passionfruit that is vigorous and more tropical than the black.

'Australian Purple', or 'Nelly Kelly'–a purple selection of mild, sweet flavo​r, grown in Australia and Hawaii.

'Common Purple'–the form growing naturalized in Hawaii; thick-skinned, with small seed cavity, but of fine flavor and low acidity.

'Pratt Hybrid'–apparently a natural cross between the 'Common Purple' and a yellow strain; subject to rot, but juice is of fine color and flavor, low in acid.

'Waimanalo Selection'–consists of 4 strains: 'C-54', 'C-77', 'C-80', of similar size, shape, color and very good flavor, and 'C-39' as pollinator.

KARI Passion Fruit Varieties

Over the recent past, a few more passion varieties have been developed and are set to be released into the market. These varieties possess superior qualities than their conventional counterparts. They are bigger, sweeter, juicier, and more tolerant to pest and diseases. The commercial breeds have been developed by Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO). The varieties are;

1. KPF4 which is the sweetest among the three.

2. KPF11 – Yields much higher than KPF4

3. KPF12 – Also yield higher than KPF4.

Sweet passion fruit

passion fruit varieties

Sweet passion variety is one of the best tasting passion fruit in the world. The hard-shelled orange-yellow fruit is of excellent quality and has a white aromatic pulp.

Production begins in 2 to 3 years. You can easily recognize the vine by their heart shaped leaves. Prefers sheltered conditions. Frost tender when young.

It prefers cooler conditions for optimum and elevations of above 1500m.

The fruit is of excellent flavor and turns from blue to orange-brown at the time of ripening.

The whitish, aromatic pulp is enclosed in a hard shell, which can stand transportation without damage.

Giant passion fruit

passion fruit varieties

Giant green to yellow passion fruit reaching over one foot in diameter. Pulp is not as flavorful as the common passion fruit, but still tasty and often eaten or used in drinks.

It requires tropical climate and grows best from 1700m above sea level.

It grows to a length of 30m and fruits turn from green to yellow when mature. Fruits are eaten fresh and appearance resembles a vegetable marrow.

Almost always grown from seeds, but can be propagated by cuttings.

Bottom heating the seeds at 70-80F can result in germination at 1-2 weeks, at lower temperatures seeds can take up to 10 weeks to germinate.

It is recommended to pretreat Passiflora seeds before planting. They contain a hard seed coat and are very slow to sprout.

There are various pretreatment methods, but the simplest is to soak the seeds for 24-48 hours in warm to the touch water, just prior to planting.

Optionally, seeds can be lightly scarified with sand paper to provide some permeation on the seed coat.

Once pretreated, plant seeds 1/2-1" deep in moist, sterile soil. Keep soil temperature consistent at 70-85F, with some day/variation in this range.

Cool soils will significantly delay seed germination time if not inhibit germination altogether. Standard room temperature can be too cool for proper germination.

Banana passion fruit

passion fruit varieties

Banana passionfruit is the fruit of several plants in the genus Passiflora, and is therefore related to the passion fruit.

They look somewhat like a straight, small banana with rounded ends.

Grows at higher elevations, colder conditions above 1500mm above sea level. It also has an edible pulp.

Banana passionfruit is used as rootstock for grafting the passionfruit varieties more commonly grown for food, especially in climates too cool for productive passionfruit growing.

Regrowth from beneath the graft is one means of its outbreak as a weed, so growers should be vigilant for sprouting low on the main stem or from around the base of the plant, and should pull up and discard the plant when (typically after 6–9 years) the grafted passionfruit is no longer productive.


You’ve just read about the most popular passion fruit varieties grown across the world. It’s now upon you to determine which of the many varieties will better meet your needs.

However, always remember that your choice should always be guided by your market. It beats logic to engage in a variety that nobody is willing to pay for.

Have I left any passion fruit variety out? Please let us know in the comments.

Should you chew passion fruit seeds?

Are Passion Fruit Seeds Poisonous?

Two of the questions I’ve been asked over the years are if passion fruit seed poisonous and if you chew them or swallow them whole?

The answer is no, passion fruit seed are not poisonous.

When you cut a fruit open you will see lots of little black seeds, they are a bit smaller than watermelon seeds. Each seed is surrounded by a small yellow pocket of fruit that has the amazingly aromatic juice inside.

Scoop out the seeds, juice and pulp and eat it; you can chew them up or swallow the seeds whole. It will be a little tart, a little sweet, smell amazing and a lot of crunchy.

Passion fruit seeds are high in magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and they add a nice little crunch to whatever you put them on. Passion fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamins and they are low on the glycemic index. They also are high in fiber and we all know what that does for you😊.

My favorite way to eat the seeds is in a popsicle. I open up the fruit, scoop it into a popsicle mold and freeze it. Sometimes I add apple bananas to sweeten up the fruit a bit.

Overall, I would say they are quite the opposite of poisonous, they are good for you!

Let us know how you like the seeds.

Category: Passion Fruit Info & FAQ

Tags: lilikoi, passion fruit, Seeds, tropical fruit, Tropical Fruit Questions

Is passion fruit high in sugar?

Fruit is an excellent source of nutrients, providing water, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Fruit contains natural sugars, however, these 'intrinsic' sugars naturally occurring in fruits, vegetables, and milk are not the ones we need to be concerned about.

Although we don’t need to reduce our consumption of sugars occurring naturally in fruits, they do still count toward our daily total sugar intakes. People needing to control their blood sugar intakes (such as diabetics) may also find it useful to know which fruits are higher in sugar.

Fruits high in natural sugar include litchis, passion-fruit, pomegranates, mangoes, cherries, oranges, kiwifruit, grapes, guavas, and bananas. In the listing, both the grams of sugar and teaspoons of sugar per serving of each fruit is given. A packed teaspoon of granulated sugar is equal to 4 grams.

Below is a list of fresh fruits high in sugar. For more see the extended lists of less common fruits high in sugar, dried fruits high in sugar, and the unfiltered list of over 100 fruits high in sugar.

Does passion fruit help you sleep?

By Funke Oshifuye

I MUST confess with passion fruit, it is easy to become passionate for this highly aromatic fruit, these are the words of Mr. Johnson, who has been taking Passion Fruit juice in the past two years now.  Passion fruit also known as “purple granadilla” is a tropical fruit with an orange pulpy inside and edible seeds. It is a highly aromatic fruit to tantalise the senses and promote an overall calming effect.

Passion Fruit can be eaten raw directly out of the rind, or squeezed into a fresh cup of juice. It is a wise snacking option, one cup of raw passion fruit is low in fat (1.6g), a healthy combination of protein (5.2g) and carbohydrates (55g)and is a high source of Vitamin C, A, Potassium, Iron and dietary fiber.

In addition to being an excellent source of your daily dietary needs Passion Fruit has been known to help relieve anxiety, muscle tension, headaches, and insomnia. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps protect your body from heart disease and cancer.  Vitamin A is important in helping fight infection, improve vision, protection for your body

Potassium is an electrolyte that helps maintain your body fluid levels. Getting your daily requirement of potassium can help lower your blood pressure, help to maintain muscle energy, aid with arthritic symptoms, control seizures, relieve headaches and promote faster healing.  Iron helps to boost your energy level, aids in restful sleep, improves immunity, and most importantly helps transport oxygen through your blood.


Fibre is essential to help prevent constipation, lower cholesterol and excess blood fats.

However, there have been countless testimonials to the mood enhancing properties of the Passion Fruit vine. The easiest way to get the effect is through taking some extract.  Studies have also found that a Passion Fruit a day, keeps the insomnia away.


Passion Fruit is also a cancer killer.  The juice but mainly the leaves of passion fruit contain the alkaloids, including Harman, which has blood pressure lowering, sedative and antispasmodic action. The passion fruit leaves are used in many countries as medicines.

The flower of passion fruit has a mild sedative and can help to induce sleep. Passion flower has been used in the treatment of nervous and easily excited children, bronchial asthma, insomnia, nervous gastrointestinal disorders and menopausal problems. Passion flower is sometimes used as a mild hallucinogen.


Researchers have found that yellow passion fruit extracts can kill cancer cells in vitro. The phytochemicals which are responsible for this anti-cancer effect are carotenoids and polyphenols. A study has also shown that the consumption of purple passion fruit peel extract can reduce asthma symptoms.

Can we eat passion fruit at night?

Benefits of passion fruit include good for expecting moms, immunity booster, good source of fiber, maintain a healthy blood pressure, improves the heart’s health, decrease the risk of cognitive decline, improves digestive health, promotes restful sleep, offers relief to Asthma patients, improves insulin sensitivity, promotes skin and eye health, prevents Osteoporosis and more.

The seedy Passion fruit comes from Passiflora edulis, a flowering tropical vine species, that grows in South America, Australia, South Africa, and India. A type of berry, it is one of the richest, safest, and healthiest fruits on the planet. But as wellness enthusiasts, we’re also happy to tell that Passion fruits are nutrient powerhouses.

These yellow or dark purple fruits are packed with immune-boosting vitamins, disease-fighting phytonutrients, and nearly 20+ vitamins and minerals. And, there are also more health benefits to share. To start with here are the top 15 health benefits of Passion fruit.


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15 Amazing Benefits of Passion Fruit

1. Good for expecting moms

Are you an expectant mother? You should definitely incorporate passion fruit into your pregnancy diet. Loaded with antioxidants, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and many other essential nutrients, it is considered one of the healthiest fruits to promote fetal growth and development.

What Jennifer Aniston Typically Eats In A Day

Vitamin C boosts your immunity, fiber prevents constipation, high calories keep you energized. Best of all, there are no side effects of consuming passion fruit in pregnancy.

2. Immunity Booster

Passion fruit is a storehouse immunity boosting antioxidants, says the study by Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Florida. It also contains plenty of Vitamin C (30mg per 100g serving), alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, which can remarkably step up your immunity. These dietary antioxidants neutralize the free-radicals, prevent cell damage, and reduce oxidative stress.

Furthermore, vitamin C enhances the activity of white blood cells and the rest of the immune cells, and build resistance against cold, flu and other infections, too.

3. Good source of fiber

The passion fruit pulp is rich in dietary fiber. Fiber is crucial in the diet as it helps regulate the digestive system and keeps the gut healthy. According to the American Heart Association, fiber also offers cardiovascular benefits.

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The recommended fiber intake is 33.6 g for men (ages 19–30) and 28 g for women (ages 19–30) though most of us get only around 15-16 g, say the studies. The soluble fiber in passion fruit cleanses toxins and waste materials from colon and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

4. Passion fruit has a lower glycemic index value

This tropical fruit has a low glycemic index (GI) value of 30. The sugar from Passion fruit will be absorbed slowly into the bloodstream. That means there will not be any steep increase in blood sugar after eating it, making it a great fruit to maintain insulin levels in diabetic patients. It cuts sugar craving and mood swings as well.

Though most fruits have a low GI, melon and pineapple aren’t good for diabetic patients as they have a high GI, says the American Diabetes Association.

5. Maintains a healthy blood pressure

If your blood pressure is too high, it puts excessive strain on arteries and may lead to heart attacks and strokes. Passion fruit has alkaloids which maintain the blood pressure low and offer sedative and antispasmodic benefits. The fruit with its high potassium and low sodium profile relaxes the blood vessels and improves blood flow. A cup of Passion fruit contains 821 mg potassium, compared to 66 mg sodium.

So, eat the fruit to keep your blood pressure in check.

6. Improve the heart’s health

Fiber, vitamins C and B6, and potassium are heart protective in nature – Passion fruit contains plenty of these nutrients. Passion fruit is also a low-fat fruit with almost no cholesterol. As we already know, cholesterol is probably the number one enemy of your heart. It blocks blood flow and deprives the heart of oxygen by blocking arteries. The fiber content of Passion fruit increases HDL cholesterol and reduces LDL cholesterol to safeguard your heart.

The antioxidants in Passion fruit further reduce and clean out the fat deposits along the inner lining of arteries.

7. Decrease the risk of cognitive decline

Several nutrients present in Passion fruit, such as potassium, folate, and a variety of antioxidants provide neurological benefits. Folate is linked to reducing the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline. Potassium has been linked to promoting blood flow to the brain and enhancing cognition, concentration, and neural activity.

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Also, Passion fruit contains a fair amount of vitamin B6, the deficiency of which is shown to cause depression and nausea. Remember not to consume vitamin B6 above 100 milligrams.

8. Improves digestive health

Being loaded with dietary fibers – about 25 g per cup, Passion fruit eases out the bowel movements, besides supporting digestion. The fruit is not only rich in fiber but also plenty of water content that is a must for improving digestion. When consumed, it promotes digestion with the help of its enzymes that increase the digestive juices in the stomach. Plus, it can provide great relief from many other gastric ailments as a result.

Dietary fiber also scrapes cholesterol out of your arteries and blood vessels.

9. Passion fruit promotes restful sleep

Trouble sleeping? Eat Passion fruit. It contains medicinal alkaloids and several phytonutrients that serve as powerful sedatives. Regular consumption of Passion fruit is recommended for insomniacs because the alkaloids reduce sleeplessness, restlessness and relieve anxiety.

It was also found that the magnesium content of Passion fruit also helps with quality, duration, and tranquility of sleep. Passion fruit also regulates your metabolism to reduce the occurrence of sleep disorders.

10. Offers relief to Asthma patients

Oral administration of the purple passion fruit peel extract will reduce wheeze and cough besides improving shortness of breath in asthmatic patients, says Dr. Ronald Watson et al. The results showed a significant increase in forced vital capacity in subjects treated with purple passion fruit peel (PFP) extract, the mixture of bioflavonoids.

It was also deduced that the bioflavonoids have antiallergic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Next time someone in the family coughs or wheezes, give them Passion fruit.

11. Improves insulin sensitivity

Research suggests that a bioactive compound present in Passion fruit seeds could improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of many diseases, including diabetes. In a 2017 study, 39 human subjects (10 overweight men and 9 overweight women with BMI ≥ 25 and 10 non-overweight men and 10 non-overweight women with BMI < 25) were given piceatannol (20 mg/day) or placebo capsules for eight weeks.

The analytical results showed a significant reduction in serum insulin levels, heart rate and blood pressure in overweight men. No beneficial effects were observed in the other three groups.

12. Promotes skin and eye health

Another great reason to include Passion fruit in your diet is that it is a great source of Vitamin A. Hence, it takes care of vision problems that arise due to vitamin A deficiency. The vitamin A in the fruit prevents the risk of cataract, night blindness, and macular degeneration.

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Furthermore, it is good for boosting skin health by reducing wrinkles. Studies say that Vitamin A is directly involved in the proper functioning of cell membranes. Eat more Passion fruit to win compliments for glowing skin.

13. Good to keep anemia at bay

Iron makes the major part of hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporting metalloprotein in the red blood cells. When your blood level is low, it usually indicates hemoglobin deficiency called anemia. Anemic symptoms include persistent tiredness, breathlessness, blackouts, and dizziness. Though it is not a serious condition, if it remains unchecked and unattended for long, it can lead to serious health issues.

Passion fruit is rich in iron (about 20% of the daily recommended value) to increase hemoglobin in the blood. Vitamin C in passion fruit assist with iron absorption.

14. Prevents Osteoporosis

Consuming Passion fruit can increase bone mineral density and bone strength thanks to its magnesium, calcium, iron phosphorous, potassium and sodium. These minerals are also important for speeding up the recovery of bones. Moreover, they alleviate the symptoms of osteoporosis including pain and inflammation.

15. Passion fruit is cancer protective

Besides genetic factors, free radicals are one of the prominent causes of cancer. Passion fruit contains a high amount of Vitamins A and C, the antioxidant vitamins. They neutralize free radicals and protect from cell damage and cancer.

The flavonoids in Passion fruit further enhance its potency against various types of cancer. Recent studies have also shown that flavonoids are effective in anticancer therapy.

Passion Fruit Side Effects

Though it is one of the safest and healthiest fruits out there, you should consider these points.

The sedative alkaloids in Passion fruit may interfere with drug action. If you are on anti-anxiety or anti-depression pills, consult your therapist about the allowable dosage of Passion fruit.

For similar reasons, you should avoid overeating Passion fruit. It may temporarily make your brain sluggish.

If you are on aspirin or blood thinners, limit Passion fruit intake because it has a pro-anti-coagulant property and may interfere with aspirin’s action.

Wrapping It Up

The sweet and tart, seedy Passion fruit is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and offers a range of health benefits.

That said, we would want you to remember fruits or natural dietary sources aren’t a replacement for medicines and treatment.

Do not consume in large quantities. Add them as small servings. Monitor blood sugar levels if you eat Passion fruit on a regular basis.

The answer to how to lose weight lies in planning your meals right. Losing weight need not be synonymous with giving up everything you love. It is, really, just a matter of following a good diet plan that doesn't just provide nutrition to your body but also helps to stay away from those hunger pangs that drive you to the refrigerator. These weight-loss tips are backed by science and, really, quite easy to follow. This is how you can lose weight in 15 days:

How to lose weight the healthy way

Any weight-loss plan that demands a crash diet won't work for you in the long run. While you may lose weight initially, the crash diet will not only deplete your energy levels but also make it difficult for you to sustain the diet plan. A crash diet also negatively impacts your metabolism so to get the most of your diet, you need to:


Reduce your appetite slowly but in a healthy way

Cut down your current weight without starving

Improve your overall metabolism

How to lose weight in 15 days in five easy steps:

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can lose a significant amount of weight in 15 days.

1. A glass of warm water in the morning will work wonders for your metabolism

This is the easiest way to kick off your body's metabolism. Start your day with a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. What this concoction does is this: The warm water increases the temperature of your body, which in turn improves your metabolism rate. Higher the metabolism, easier it is for your body to burn calories. The honey will help you cut down the fat and gives you that much-needed energy boost soon after you've woken up. If you'd paid attention to your biology class in school you'd probably remember that lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which can help to break down your body fat when you exercise. If lemon doesn't excite you, stir in a pinch each of dry ginger powder, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, black pepper powder and fennel seeds powder in a glass of warm water. Cinnamon will help reduce the fat that gets stored in your body, dry ginger helps reduces the urge to overeat and improves pancreatic activity and production of bile salts and thereby helping your body store less fat. Black pepper is known to aid metabolism and digestion and this in turn will speed up the breakdown of fat cells. Turmeric is known for its healing powers but did you know it also contains curcumin which is known to metabolize the fat in your body. And finally, fennel seeds act as a diuretic and produce more urine, thereby helping to flush out toxins and decreasing the amount of fluid in your body.

2. Get rid of the junk food in your home

How often has your diet plan gone down the drain when, in a moment of weakness, you reached out to the tub of ice-cream in the refrigerator? The best way to stay on course is to simply get rid of all the junk food in your house. If you want to make the most of your 15-day weight loss plan, you need to clear out your fridge and throw out all the packaged and processed foods in your house. Love aerated drinks? Great! Throw them out too. Processed foods almost always contain some form of refined fructose, which makes your body absorb and store more calories and fat. This makes it difficult for your body to lose weight. Drinking aerated drinks over a period of time, even the diet variety, can stop you from losing weight, as they contain high amounts of calories, sugar and artificial sweeteners that deplete your body's reserves of calcium, magnesium and vitamin A, all of which are important for a healthy and safe weight loss.

3. Include unsaturated fats in your diet

As you probably know, not all fats are bad. Healthy fats, or unsaturated fats, will not just help you lower your cholesterol levels but also control your hunger pangs and reduce the total amount of calories you consume. These fats -- found in fatty fish, chia seeds, nuts, olive oil, avocados, almonds, coconut and whole eggs -- will also help improve your rate of metabolism.

4. Avoid eating after sunset

There are several researches that have pointed to the wisdom of having your final meal of the day before 7 pm. People who don't dine or eat any kind of snack after sunset tend not to gain weight as easily as people who do. When you eat your last meal of the day before 7 pm, it will help your body burn more calories and thus help you lose weight faster. This is also, by the way, the precondition for going to bed early. Having dinner at 7 pm won't help if you're going to be up till midnight. That will trigger midnight hunger pangs.

5. Start with some light workouts

To get the best results from your weight-loss plan, some very basic and light workouts will always help accelerate your weight loss. It is important to eat the right type of foods when you are on a quick and healthy weight loss mission, as it will give your body the energy it requires and also keep you hydrated, all of which will enable you to perform better and help you lose weight faster.

Some more tips that will help you lose weight fast

Cut down on all forms of sugar, especially from your coffee and tea. Avoid snacking.

Consume more high protein foods in your breakfast.

Drink a glass of water at least half an hour before your meal and another glass between your meals to control your hunger and avoid overeating.

Chew your food properly to help your body digest them easily and improve metabolism.

Does Passion Fruit Help You Lose Weight? - Passion Fruit for Weight Loss

Reducing weight does not mean you can never have a cheat day. As this is a weight loss plan that is intended to help you lose weight in a very short amount of time, follow the tips as much as you can. Once you reach your desired weight and are able to maintain it for about a month or so, go for a cheat meal once a week, but make sure you continue with your exercise and other tips that we shared.

How can I lose 2kg in a week?

How to lose weight is a quest several brave men and women venture onto. But few end up finding the holy grail that is a fit(ter) body. Traditionally, this quest begins on the first day of every year. But in a month or two, weight loss plans tend to lose steam. So if your New Year resolution of losing weight hasn't gone the way you thought it would and you're on the verge of giving up completely, don't lose hope just yet. We might have a solution to help you get things back on track and make up for lost time. If you're worried that you would need to follow a long-term weight loss plan, don't sweat. This is as quick and easy as it gets. The key to shedding flab is to take things one step at a time and set smaller targets instead of higher, unrealistic goals which will only lead to disappointment if they are not achieved. So, if you've read about these teeny tiny lifestyle changes to help you lose weight in the long-run, we have something else along the same lines to that can give you effective results within a week. So, if you're willing to give it a shot, here are 8 simple ways how to drop 2 kg or more in just one week.

How to lose weight fast: 8 ways to drop 2 kg in one week

Although small lifestyle changes may not get you effective results immediately, they will definitely benefit your health in the long run. But if you want to know how to achieve your fitness goals fast and shed 2 kg or more within a week, you don't need to follow fad diets or kill yourself at the gym. Here are 8 tricks and tips that will boost your weight loss. (Hint: the more methods you incorporate into your daily life from this list, the faster you will see results within a week).

1. 30 minutes cardio every day

You know that the key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume, ie, you need to ensure your body is going through a calorie deficit. Any workout that gets your heartbeat racing is sure to burn calories in your body. Cardio is the best way to help you burn maximum calories to get fit. One of the best forms of cardio is done in the open environment through running. If you like dancing, you can always incorporate it into your routine cardio workout. Other forms of cardio are spinning, kickboxing and boot-camp workouts. Thirty minutes of each of these exercises will help you burn 200 to 300 calories while simultaneously toning your arms, legs, and core. Additionally, if you include interval training in your workout, you can burn more calories. HIIT or high-intensity interval training alternates between short bursts of intense cardio immediately followed by a slower physical activity.

2. 36 push-ups and lunges on every alternate day

While complex exercises help you pack on muscle and look buff, basic exercises at the gym are the ones that will help you lose weight and sculpt muscle for a more streamlined physical appearance. If you perform push-ups and lunges every alternate day with 3 sets of 12 reps of each, you will see the difference on your weighing scale in no time. Push-ups are performed to work your upper body and lunges work your lower body parts as your thighs, butt, and hips. It is essential to ensure that your back and legs remain straight forming a line during your push-ups which will also help improve muscle tone.

3. Switch to complex carbs

Most people go on low-carb diets to try and reduce weight. But somehow it doesn't always help. This is perhaps because the right way to go about it is not cutting carbs but knowing how to balance them and when to consume them. It is a myth that carbs make you gain weight. It is essential to include carbohydrates in your diet. This will help you shed fat and provide you with energy to exercise. Some popular sources of carbs are foods such as rice, oats and even fruits and vegetables. It is best to consume more carbs in the first half of your day or before 2 PM. Complex carbs can be added to your diet for good energy and to help you lose weight. For example, you can switch from regular pasta to whole-grain pasta and include oats in your breakfast.

4. Drink water (and lots of it)

Drinking ample water throughout your day is crucial if you want to lose weight. Keeping yourself hydrated helps boost metabolism, keeps you feeling full longer and also helps with intestinal transit. Space out your water consumption throughout the day by drinking a minimum of 2 liters on an average. Another liquid that could potentially aid weight loss is green tea as it helps you burn belly fat. Additionally, consuming water in the form of green tea does not add any calories to your body. It is a great substitute for your morning coffee because milk and sugar are the two ingredients that will hinder your weight loss goals. If you want to drink juices, make sure they're natural and made fresh (preferably at home) without any added sugar. Consume juices only until noon as they will not only fill you up but will also give you the extra vitamin boost your body requires to remain energized and healthy. Drinking water on an empty stomach since it has many benefits of flushing out toxins from your body, boosting metabolism and accelerating burning of fat.

5. Eat 5 meals a day

Leave shorter gaps between your meals and decrease your meal portion size. Do not leave large gaps between your meals, such as four or five hours. This will help speed up your metabolism level and encourage weight-loss. Consume a heavy protein-packed breakfast, and eat your fruits in the first half of the day and not in the afternoon since they are high on sugar. Ensure to eat a light dinner at least two hours before bedtime to give your body time to metabolize it.

6. Maintain a rigid posture at all times

Straighten your spine, push your shoulders back and tuck your tummy inward for a confident and streamlined body posture. Do not hunch while sitting or walking. This will get you used to flexing your muscles and keeping them strong and fit instead of droopy and loose.

7. Cut out one sinful food indulgence completely

Whether it is sweets or fried snacks, these foods can cut hundreds of calories if avoided. So, begin by cutting out any one item that you're used to eating and stick to the routine without having cheat days to witness effective results.

8. Eat salmon

Fish is a good source of protein. So you need to incorporate this seafood in your routine diet to help you with how lose weight fast. Salmon is packed with nutrients. Not only does this fish help build muscles, it also helps tone them. Some nutritionists are even of the opinion that however salmon is cooked, it could automatically give a certain contour to your face.

While you are guaranteed to lose at least 2 kg in a week if you follow most (or better still, all) of the tips above, you need to know how to maintain the weight you've lost. So, here are some tips to keep weight gain at bay:

Avoid adding sauces to your meals. Prepare your meals with one spoon of olive oil and put in condiments and herbs of your choice for added flavour.

Avoid the consumption of alcohol or limit yourself to one drink per week.

Avoid sweets and fried foods.

Exercise at least twice a week.

Will fruit make you fat?

Using more fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains, lean meats, nuts, and beans, is a safe and healthy way to lose or maintain weight. In addition, diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health.

To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body uses

Photo: Basket of fruits and vegetables

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to eat less food. You can create lower-calorie versions of some of your favorite dishes by substituting low-calorie fruits and vegetables in place of higher-calorie ingredients. The water and fiber in fruits and vegetables will add volume to your dishes, so you can eat the same amount of food with fewer calories. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling.

Simple ways to cut calories and eat more fruits and vegetables throughout the day

Breakfast: Start the Day Right

Substitute spinach, onions, or mushrooms for one egg or half the cheese in your morning omelet. The vegetables will add volume and flavor to the dish with fewer calories than the egg or cheese.

Cut back on the amount of cereal in your bowl to make room for some cut-up bananas, peaches, or strawberries. You can still eat a full bowl, but with fewer calories.

Lighten Up Your Lunch

photo of peas

Substitute vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, or onions for 2 ounces of the cheese and 2 ounces of the meat in your sandwich, wrap, or burrito. The new version will fill you up with fewer calories than the original.

Replace 2 ounces of meat or 1 cup of noodles in broth-based soup with 1 cup of chopped vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, beans, or red peppers. The vegetables will help fill you up, so you won’t miss those extra calories.


Photo: Two soups

Add in 1 cup of chopped vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, squash, onions, or peppers, while removing 1 cup of the rice or pasta in your favorite dish. The dish with the vegetables will be just as satisfying but have fewer calories than the same amount of the original version.

Take a good look at your dinner plate. Vegetables, fruit, and whole grains should take up the largest portion of your plate. If they do not, replace some of the meat, cheese, white pasta, or rice with legumes, steamed broccoli, asparagus, greens, or another favorite vegetable. This will reduce the total calories in your meal without reducing the amount of food you eat. BUT remember to use a normal- or small-size plate — not a platter. The total number of calories that you eat counts, even if a good proportion of them come from fruits and vegetables.

Smart Snacks

Most healthy eating plans allow for one or two small snacks a day. Choosing most fruits and vegetables will allow you to eat a snack with only 100 calories.

About 100 Calories or Less

a medium-size apple (72 calories)

a medium-size banana (105 calories)

1 cup steamed green beans (44 calories)

1 cup blueberries (83 calories)

1 cup grapes (100 calories)

1 cup carrots (45 calories), broccoli (30 calories), or bell peppers (30 calories) with 2 tbsp. hummus (46 calories)

Learn more about What Counts as a Cup.

What counts as a cup of vegetables?external icon

What counts as a cup of fruit?external icon

Instead of a high-calorie snack from a vending machine, bring some cut-up vegetables or fruit from home. A 1-ounce bag of corn chips has as many calories as a small apple, 1 cup of whole strawberries, AND 1 cup of carrots with 1/4 cup of low-calorie dip. Substitute one or two of these options for the chips, and you will have a satisfying snack with fewer calories.

Remember: Substitution is the key.

photo of fruits and vegetables

It’s true that fruits and vegetables are lower in calories than many other foods, but they do contain some calories. If you start eating fruits and vegetables in addition to what you usually eat, you are adding calories and may gain weight. The key is substitution. Eat fruits and vegetables instead of some other higher-calorie food.

More Tips for Making Fruits and Vegetables Part of Your Weight Management Plan

Eat fruits and vegetables the way nature provided—or with fat-free or low-fat cooking techniques.

Try steaming your vegetables, using low-calorie or low-fat dressings, and using herbs and spices to add flavor. Some cooking techniques, such as breading and frying, or using high-fat dressings or sauces will greatly increase the calories and fat in the dish. And eat your fruit raw to enjoy its natural sweetness.

Canned or frozen fruits and vegetables are also good options.

Frozen or canned fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as the fresh varieties. However, be careful to choose those without added sugar, syrup, cream sauces, or other ingredients that will add calories.

Choose whole fruit over fruit drinks and juices. Fruit juices have lost fiber from the fruit.

It is better to eat the whole fruit because it contains the added fiber that helps you feel full. One 6-ounce serving of orange juice has 85 calories, compared to just 65 calories in a medium orange.

Whole fruit gives you a bigger size snack than the same fruit dried—for the same number of calories.

A small box of raisins (1/4 cup) is about 100 calories. For the same number of calories, you can eat 1 cup of grapes.

How can a woman lose lower belly fat?

Many people struggle with lower stomach fat. Getting rid of stubborn lower belly fat is a common weight loss goal for men and women alike. Lower belly pooch also commonly referred to as tummy pooch is hard to shed. In fact, the difficulty to lose lower stomach fat can vary with body types. Certain body fats hold onto fat around the lower stomach longer than any other part of the body. 

Lower abs fat is truly a challenge to face, and the worst part about it is that no matter how many exercises you perform, you cannot spot any reduction. This can be extremely annoying for people who have lost weight in other body parts but still struggle with exercises to get rid of lower belly fat. Nonetheless, losing lower belly fat is neither impossible nor hopeless.

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Table of Contents:

How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

Diet Tips: What to Eat to Get Rid of Belly Fat and What to Avoid

Avoid Sugar

Eat the Right Type of Fats

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Increase Your Proteins

Consume Fibre-Rich Foods

Stay Hydrated

Eat Fewer Carbohydrates

Track Your Calories

Exercises: How to Get Lower Abs and How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Crunches Are of No Use

Cardiovascular Exercise

Strength Training

High-Intensity Intervals (HIIT)

How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of Belly Fat?

Slimming Tips for Tummy Fat

Get Enough Sleep

Do Not Overstress Yourself

Try Working Out in the Morning

A Final Word

How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

Eating healthy and adopting a good fitness schedule helps you get rid of lower stomach fat and keep it that way. You can also wear a slimming belt to speed up the process of fat burn. We have rounded up the best tricks to lose belly fat for you. Whether you are a woman searching for how to get rid of lower belly fat female or a man looking for how to lose lower belly fat male, we have got you covered with the best ways for shifting belly fat. Stick with us till the end if you want to know how to get rid of a lower belly fat.

Diet Tips: What to Eat to Get Rid of Belly Fat and What to Avoid

Some people want to lose the sagging lower belly without exercise and just diet alone. And to some extent, you can control lower belly fat by controlling your diet alone. Female or male, here is how to get rid of belly fat fast without exercise. So, if you cannot get rid of belly fat, then these tips for losing belly fat will definitely help you reach your goals:

Avoid Sugar

Avoiding sugar is one of the hardest ways to lose weight because sugar addiction is a real thing, and it can be very difficult for people to cut down on sugar consumption. But, at the same time, saying no to sugar is also the quickest way to get rid of belly fat.

It is important to keep a record of the types of sugars that you are ingesting. Ingredients like high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contribute to an increasing waistline. Fructose is something you should be looking out for if you want to lose weight.

Moreover, if you consume energy drinks like Gatorade for bodybuilding belly fat, you are also consuming HFCS. These hidden sugars not just increase your waistline but also contribute in causing type 2 diabetes.

Sugar and refined carbs spike insulin levels in the body, which signals the body to store fat. According to Loma Linda University Health, you can read more about it on their website here

Eat the Right Type of Fats

Contrary to popular belief, fats do not make you overweight or fat. What makes you fat is consuming junk food and not working out regularly.

If you want to know how to get rid of a hanging belly, then you need to avoid any kind of trans fats which include fried foods, margarine, cookies, and baked foods. Also, limit your consumption of saturated fats such as lard, palm oil, shortening, and full-fat dairy.

The kind of fats that you need to consume is unsaturated fats such as nuts, fish, oils, nut oil, seed oil, and avocado. Especially for men who do lower belly fat workouts, fish oil is extremely helpful, because enough fish oil increases testosterone levels. This ultimately helps you lose weight and build more muscles.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Consuming alcohol once in a while is okay but, if you want to shed some lower belly fat, then you have to forget about consuming sweet alcohols and beer daily.

Drinking beer every day can alter the shape of your body and make it look like a pear and alcohol on the other hand, stresses the liver which, in turn, has to overwork to detoxify the body by getting rid of the toxins. This can get in the way of your goal to lose lower belly fat.

If you want to know how to lose lower belly fat fast, then you have to say goodbye to beer and alcohol.consumption bump

Instead of drinking alcohol, drink green tea or water with squeezed lemon. Either that, or you can say goodbye to your dream of having a flat belly.

Increase Your Proteins

If you are working out but you are only losing weight but not belly fat, then you need to incorporate proteins into your diet. Proteins can boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day and reduce cravings by 60 per cent. If your goal is to get a flat stomach then adding proteins to your diet might be one of the most effective changes that you can make to your diet.

Especially, in the case of women who want to try out belly fat exercises for women, protein consumption can prove to be very fruitful as it can significantly reduce their chances of gaining abdominal fat.

Foods rich in protein include legumes, meat, whole eggs, fish, nuts, and dairy products. If you struggle with how to get rid of sagging lower belly even with consuming proteins, then you can try adding protein supplements to your diet as well.

Proteins can boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day and reduce cravings by 60 per cent.

Consume Fibre-Rich Foods

Fibre is important for weight loss depending, on the type of fibre you consume. The kind of fibre you need to lose weight should be soluble and viscous. Soluble and viscous fibre form a thick gel by binding water that sits in the gut.

The gel ultimately slows the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients in the gut by slowing the movement of food through the digestive system. This leaves you feeling fuller for a longer time and reduces your cravings and appetite.

For best results, pair your lower belly fat workout with vegetables, fruits, whole oats, and legumes. You can also take fibre supplements but, it is important to consult your healthcare provider beforehand.

Stay Hydrated

If you want your lower abdomen exercise to work, then you need to drink plenty of water. If you drink water before your meals, you can speed up your weight loss faster than a diet alone.

So, one of the first steps of how to get rid of a flabby stomach is to drink plenty of water. Even if you increase your consumption of water to one litre per day, you will see marked improvement without having to change your diet.

500 ml of water before three meals (1.5 litres) every day causes a surge in energy expenditure by 30%.

Eat Fewer Carbohydrates

If you're struggling to lose weight to just get rid of lower stomach fat, you should eat minimal carbs as well. This shouldn't be too much of a concern for you if you're following the other dietary adjustment suggestions.

Do not eliminate carbohydrates from your diet all together as a lot of vegetables and fruits that we consume have carbs in them. If you want to know how to get rid of belly fat rapidly, then you can also try the Keto diet. Keto is not a sustainable diet, but it can help jumpstart your lower belly fat loss journey.

Pair a low-carb diet with all the foods that you need to consume and lower that stubborn lower belly fat within weeks.

Track Your Calories

If you are serious about losing your lower belly fat, then one thing that you need to do along with taking care of your diet is to track your intake of food. If you do not keep track, you might end up overeating or under eating, both of which are not ideal situations.

You do not need to track your intake of food every day. If you track it regularly for a few days, you can get a rough estimate about the areas that you need to pay attention to the most.

Besides, you can use a calorie calculator and otter tracking apps and online tools to track your daily intake of calories.

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Exercises: How to Get Lower Abs and How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Helping to minimise belly fat is one of the incredible health benefits of exercising. weight lifting and cardiovascular activities decrease fat throughout the body. 

Exercise also decreases inflammation, lowers blood sugar levels and enhances other metabolic complications related to excessive abdominal fat.

Aerobic exercises — like running, swimming, and walking — can lead to significant reductions in abdominal fat. 

Crunches Are of No Use

If you are doing crunches as a way to burn belly fat men or women, you need to stop. Crunches work on the muscles in the stomach, but they do not act on the lower belly muscles that are present in the stomach. So, by doing crunches, you're just wasting your time. 

Furthermore, doing crunches can cause pain in your forward head posture, lower back pain, and can cause slouching of shoulders. Therefore, crunches are just a myth when it comes to how to get rid of a flabby belly.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardio is the best way to burn belly fat for men and women alike because regular cardio targets heart rate zone. 

If you are a beginner at lower tummy exercise, then it is recommended that you start with two to three days of cardio. But if you already have some experience in cardiovascular exercise, then you should go for cardio for most days of the week, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes. 

Add one HIIT workout to your cardio routine to target lower belly fat effectively. Remember that consistency is the key, so if you really want to know how to get rid of belly fat, you have to be consistent and stick to your routine. 

Strength Training

Another way to burn belly fat men and women is to strength train. Strength training one to three non-consecutive days a week can help you boost your metabolism and get rid of lower belly weight. 

If you are just starting in strength training, try out slow and slowly amp up the intensity of your workouts over time. Besides, lifting weights can also help you build lean muscle tissue. Do not forget to wear wrist wraps before you put pressure on your wrist. 

If you are lifting heavier weights, try using weight lifting belts to make sure that you do not end up inflicting a serious injury on your lower back muscles. 

High-Intensity Intervals (HIIT)

Another option for you if you want to know how to get rid of sagging lower belly is high-intensity intervals. High-intensity intervals are particularly potent when it comes to getting rid of lower belly fat. 

The reason why HIIT training is effective is that alternating between easier and harder workouts keeps the insulin levels in your body lower. This encourages the body to use the fat instead of storing it away in cells for future use. 

And the best part is that you can turn almost any kind of workout into a high-intensity interval (HIIT) routine and keep burning calories even after you have finished your exercise.

Also read: Jumping Rope and Weight Loss: What Does Jump Roping Do to Your Body?

How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of Belly Fat?

The time required to lose lower belly fat depends on your actual weight. If you want to lose one pound, you have to burn around 3,500 calories because one pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories.

Therefore, to shed one pound of weight every week, you have to get rid of 500 calories from your meals every day. If you eliminate calories from your diet at this pace, you can easily shed 4 pounds in one month. Also, if you want to lose weight even quicker, you can increase your physical activity to burn more calories.

Slimming Tips for Tummy Fat

Get Enough Sleep

This one is pretty obvious. Sleep deprivation can increase your cravings for calorie-dense foods, increase your hunger hormones, and decrease your energy to exercise.

So if you really want to know how to get rid of lower belly fat with eating and exercising, then start sleeping properly. You need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep to support your efforts to lose weight. 

Do Not Overstress Yourself

Sleep deprivation can cause stress, which can, as a result, mess with your weight and your weight loss journey. Unchecked anxiety or tension can cause you to eat more than usual. And usually, stress causes a person to consume more high-calorie comfort foods.

Plus, higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body may encourage it to store fat around the middle of the body i.e. the lower belly. If you are unable to deal with stress, try seeking out stress management techniques to improve your lifestyle. 

Try Working Out in the Morning

It is easier and faster to get rid of lower belly fat if you do your exercises in the morning. If you work out in the morning before you eat your first meal of the day, you can increase the calories burned by fat. 

Moreover, this way you can increase your glucose tolerance, alertness, glycaemic control, insulin sensitivity, and metabolism. And another perk of starting your day early with a workout can also help you get more tasks accomplished throughout your day.

A Final Word

Lower belly pooch is linked to a lot of dangerous health conditions. But, fortunately, all the risks can be reduced by reducing the lower belly fat by making some key lifestyle changes. 

Apart from eating healthier, you will also have to exercise regularly. Bear in mind that you can not lose lower tummy fat by just doing crunches. But what you can do is cut your calorie consumption, bump up lower tummy targeted exercises and choose nutrient-dense foods, and you are good to go.

How can I reduce my thigh fat?

Make a change

Shaping, toning, and strengthening your thigh muscles is good for you. Stronger thighs mean you’ll you faster, jump higher, and improve your overall stability. That’s why strengthening the legs is a much better goal than simply attaining smaller thighs.

And, it’s important to remember that overall cardiovascular and muscle health is what’s important — not the size of your jeans.

While you can’t do one exercise to target just one specific body part, there are certain exercises that focus more on leg strength and endurance than other areas of the body. So if you’re looking to strengthen and tone your thighs, consider a few of these exercises.

These 10 activities will help you on your fitness journey towards stronger thighs and healthier life!

1. Go to an indoor cycling class

If you’re familiar with indoor cycling classes, you know how much this type of workout uses your thighs. That’s why indoor cycling is an excellent choice not only for toning the legs, but also for cardiovascular health and weight loss.

In fact, results of one 2010 studyTrusted Source showed a decrease in body weight and fat mass in sedentary, overweight women after 24 sessions of indoor cycling.

2. Find a set of stairs

On average, running burns 295 calories per 30 minutes and 590 calories per hourTrusted Source in a person who weighs 154 pounds. When you include stairs in your running workout, you amp up the use of your thigh muscles. Since every step requires you to lift your body upward, it forces your leg muscles to fire.

3. Take it to the sand

If you’re lucky enough to live near a beach, certified trainer Armen Ghazarians recommends beach walking as a way to strengthen your thighs. “The extra tension of walking on the sand will help tone and firm your thigh muscles,” he explains.

To get familiar with exercising on the sand, start with walking in the sand for 20 minutes each day. As your body gets used to exercising in the sand, you can add time to your daily workouts.

4. Do ballet-style workouts

It’s no secret that dancers have strong and powerful legs. “Dancing combines a cardio element with specific toning moves that are sure to make your legs look amazing,” says certified trainer Lyuda Bouzinova.

This YouTube workout with a Pilates sequence is great for lengthening and toning your thigh muscles. Bouzinova says the specific sequence is designed to lean the thighs and create long, toned lines by working all of the important thigh muscles in a specific order.

5. Pick up a sport

The quick change of direction required in many sports will help shape your legs from all angles, according to Ghazarians. Consider sports that require you to work your thigh muscles aerobically, such as:








6. Increase resistance training

Participating in total-body, muscle-strengthening activities at least two days a week may help you burn calories, reduce fat massTrusted Source, and strengthen your thighs. Include lower-body exercises such as lunges, wall sits, inner/outer thigh lifts, and step-ups with just your body weight.

The key to strengthening the legs without bulking up is to keep the reps high (at least 15 reps per set). Perform three rounds of each exercise with minimal rest between each movement.

You can also add upper-body movements to your lower-body exercises for a great two-in-one move for overall fitness. For example, grab some dumbbells and do lunges with a bicep curl, or squats with an overhead shoulder press.

If You Want to Lose Weight FAST, Stop Eating These 9 Fruits Now!

7. Do bodyweight squats

Bodyweight squats, which is squatting using your own bodyweight as resistance, burn calories, strengthen your leg muscles, and tone your thighs. Plus, you can do them anywhere, anytime.

Ghazarians recommends starting with 25 bodyweight squats, two times per day (50 total). You can squat while watching TV at home or after climbing a flight of stairs at work. If you’re ready for even more of a challenge, try this 30-day weighted squat challenge.

8. Work your inner thighs

Bouzinova says the inner thighs are notoriously difficult to target, and the exercises that do tone them are a little awkward. So, many people skip them altogether. But if you feel funny doing the workouts at a gym, do them in the comfort of your own home.

One great move is the “platypus walk” that you can see in this Mission Lean YouTube workout. It works your inner and outer thighs as well as glutes for a completely toned look.

9. Try some balance work

You can do balance work at home or at the gym. “The balance work tones all of the smaller muscles in your legs and thighs, tightens them up quickly, and makes for beautiful, lean legs,” explains Bouzinova.

She says a good move to try is single leg dead lifts on the Bosu ball or doing your whole workout on a sandy beach to really test your balance.

10. HIIT the cardio

Cardiovascular exercise burns calories and strengthens your heart. It also helps reduce body fat. Including both high-intensity-interval-training (HIIT) and steady-state cardio in your overall exercise plan will help you reduce your total body fat and tone your thighs.

For a more advanced workout and calorie burn, consider adding one session of metabolic conditioning to your fitness plan. The CDC recommendsTrusted Source that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, each week.

Combine both moderate and vigorous aerobic activity to get a total body workout.

A note about weight loss

It’s important to note that improving your fitness does not necessarily mean losing weight. But, if getting leaner and changing your body composition is also a goal, you’ll need to burn more calories than you consume.

Many of the above workouts will burn calories and strengthen your muscles simultaneously. Remember, losing weight slow and steady is the best way to maintain loss over time.

The Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTrusted Source (CDC) recommends losing about one to two pounds per week. People who do so are more likely to keep the weight off.

It’s also important to avoid going on an extreme diet that cuts out one food group entirely, like carbs, or is extremely low calorie, notes Bouzinova.

And, the benefits of weight loss go way beyond aesthetics. According to a 2018 studyTrusted Source, losing inches in the thighs, hips, and buttocks may lower other risk factors for heart disease.

Here are a few science-backed tips to lose weight in a healthy way:

Drink lots of water, especially before meals.

Eat eggs for breakfast rather than grains.

Read food labels to cut back on added sugar.

Looking for more? This article has lots of practical tips on how to lose weight.

The bottom line

In order to strengthen and tone the thighs, you’ll need to do exercises that involve the legs. If weight loss is also a goal, dietary changes combined with strength and aerobic exercise will help you lose fat, gain muscle, and improve your overall fitness.

How do I know if I'm not eating enough to lose weight?

You’ve heard the advice time and time again: If you're trying to lose weight, you should take in fewer calories. But what some people may not realize is there's such a thing as eating too little for weight loss. It’s true, says Lisa Young, Ph.D., R.D., a nutritionist and adjunct professor of nutrition at New York University—cutting too many calories can actually slow down the weight loss process.

"Restricting calories too much almost always backfires," Young says. There’s a reason for that: The body actually needs calories to burn calories. She points out that it's a lot like when you want to light a fire. You need to throw kindling in the fireplace to ignite it.

It’s important to think of food as a delicious, well-deserved pleasure, but it’s also your body’s kindling; it sparks your metabolism, making it possible to slim down. When you're eating enough, the body first uses food for fuel, then turns to the fat it's been holding onto for energy, Young says. But when you restrict calories too severely, your body goes into "starvation mode," and then it starts to break down lean muscle tissue to hang onto its energy stores. Ultimately, this can slow metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. According to the National Institutes of Health, eating too few calories also increases the stress hormone cortisol in the body, which not only can make it harder to shed pounds—it's unhealthy in a number of ways. Plus, overall, it's tough to stick to a super low-calorie diet, because that's not what keeps a body running well. All of that explains why it's possible to not eat enough for weight loss. Eating this way also saps so much of the pleasure out of your meals as well!

Each person's calorie needs are different, based on their activity level, goals, and gender, but overall guidance for women is to consume 2000 calories daily to maintain their weight, according to the NIH, and eat 1500 calories to lose up to a pound a week. Once you dip too low in the amount of calories you take in, it becomes difficult for your body to perform the basic biological functions that keep you healthy and energized. If you’re not certain that you're hitting the number that's right for you, here are a few signs that you may not be eating enough to lose weight.

You think about food constantly.

you think about food all the time, not eating enough


When you find that you can't get through your afternoon to-do list because you're getting distracted dreaming about dinner, that's a sign that you may not be eating enough. To increase your caloric intake and let you think about things other than food, reach for healthy snacks between meals. Young suggests pairing a protein-packed food with something rich in fiber. Cottage cheese or a small handful of nuts with a piece of fruit fits that nutritional bill (or try one of these healthy protein-packed snacks).

You’re eliminating meals.

you’re cutting out meals or all your snacks


Skipping breakfast (or surviving on a breakfast of black coffee) and starving yourself until lunch is not the route to slimming down. And overall, if you cut out too much, psychologically you'll constantly feel deprived, Young says. She suggests having three meals, sticking with healthy sources of calories, like fresh produce, lean meats, healthy fats, and whole grains.

You’ve stopped getting your period.

not eating enough, you're not getting your period


You shouldn't notice major changes in your cycle if you're losing weight at a healthy pace, Young says. However, when you don't eat a sufficient number of calories, it can cause your period to become irregular. It may even stop menstruation altogether—likely because the body doesn't have enough fat to produce the sex hormones that trigger the menstrual cycle, research suggests. So keep an eye on your cycle if you're restricting calories.


You get awful headaches.

horrible headaches, not eating enough


Your brain runs on the glucose found in your blood, and that glucose comes from the carbohydrates you eat. When you restrict your calories and carbs too much, your brain will become energy-starved. Take notice if you're feeling shaky, dizzy, or light-headed—or getting otherwise unexplainable headaches—because these are signs you're not eating enough and your blood sugar has dropped too low. You may be able to stop those head-bangers by just adding more calories and carbs to your diet —and this can help the pounds come off more rapidly, too.

RELATED: 7 Signs Your Headache Isn't Normal

You keep hitting a “I’m so sleepy” wall during the day.

young woman having nap on sofa in living room


When you take in too few calories over the course of a day, you may find that you just don't have the juice to keep going without getting sleepy or even just foggy. Having a couple of healthy snacks during the day, as well as three solid meals, is a great way to keep your blood sugar stable, as well as to keep yourself from feeling tired, deprived, and cranky.

You’re super irritable.

not eating enough, irritable


If you've ever waited too long before eating lunch, you know what "hangry" means—that un-fun combo where hungry meets angry. The same thing can happen when you're restricting calories too severely, Young says.

In fact, some research suggests acts of self-control (like keeping to a strict diet) are connected with angrier behavior. If you're trying to shed pounds, you don't want to limit calories so much that it sends your mood into a downspin.

Meals leave you completely unsatisfied.

unsatisfying meals, not eating enough


That tiny salad for dinner? Guaranteed, it will leave you feeling empty and wanting more. But if you fill the rest of your plate with whole grains, healthy fats, and a lean protein, you'll feel satisfied—and that's something you deserve to feel! Plus—and this is key— you'll load up on the nutrients your body needs, Young says. Portion control is not about tiny portions. It's about eating larger portions of healthy foods (like these 20 low-calories salads that won't leave you hungry), and smaller portions of the less healthy stuff.

What is the 7 Day Challenge diet?

The GM diet aims to help people lose weight by focusing on a specific food or food group each day for a week.

According to one GM diet plan website, this diet helps users lose at least 10–17 pounds in 1 week. It claims to promote weight loss by burning calories without affecting mood or energy levels.

However, this plan may exclude essential nutrients, and it might not be a sustainable long-term weight-loss strategy.

In this article, we look at the GM diet in more detail, including how it works and its benefits and risks.

What is the GM diet?

The GM diet consists of a 7-day meal plan. Each day focuses on a specific food or food group.

GM stands for General Motors. Some sources claim that the General Motors corporation developed and endorsed this diet plan to help its employees lose weight.

Does it work?

A smoothie containing banana and skim milk is a snack option on day 4 of the 7-day meal plan.

The GM diet promotes weight loss in several ways, including:

encourages people to eat more fruit and vegetables, which are healthful, low-calorie foods

does not allow added sugars or processed foods

does not permit refined carbohydrates

lowers people’s daily calorie intake

People following the GM diet are likely to lose weight because it involves taking in fewer calories than a person uses up. However, it is unlikely to be the most healthful way to lose weight.

Each person’s body is different so people may experience different results.


The GM diet plan has several associated benefits and risks.

More fruits and vegetables

One health benefit of the GM diet is that fruits and vegetables are the primary foods. Fruits and vegetables suppress fat accumulation in the bodyTrusted Source because they are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes people feel fuller for longer.

Fewer added sugars

The GM diet does not allow added sugars in either foods or beverages, including alcohol.

People in the United States generallyTrusted Source eat and drink more sugar than is healthful. ResearchTrusted Source has identified links between diets high in added sugars and a range of health conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that people limit their daily intake of added sugars to less than 10 percentTrusted Source of their total daily calories.

Other reported benefits

Some sources also claim that those who follow the GM diet will experience a variety of other impressive results, such as:

improved quality and appearance of the skin

enhanced mood

better digestion and metabolism


curing irritable bowel syndrome and constipation

However, it is important to note that there is a lack of research to support these claims.



Although the idea of substantial weight loss within a short period may seem attractive, the GM diet does come with risks.

Lacks important nutrients

People following the GM diet may not get enough of certain important food groups, such as healthful fats and protein. Their diet may also lack essential vitamins and minerals that come with eating a wide variety of healthful foods.

While the trans fats that are present in many fried and baked foods can raise cholesterol and cause health problems, a person’s body needs healthful unsaturated fats to function.

Unsaturated fats, such as those in salmon, avocados, and walnuts, help improve cholesterol and also offer other health benefits.

ResearchTrusted Source suggests that high-protein diets promote weight loss and lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Such diets may alsoTrusted Source reduce feelings of hunger and have beneficial effects on the body’s metabolism. People following the GM diet may not get enough protein.

Short-term weight loss

The GM diet is not suitable as a long-term diet strategy, meaning that a person may regain weight once they stop following the diet.

One reason for this is that the diet does not necessarily teach techniques for healthful cooking or eating, and these techniques are essential for long-term weight maintenance.

Short-term diet plans are less effective for weight-loss maintenance than adopting long-term lifestyle changes, such as increasing exercise levels and cooking with a range of healthful ingredients.

Other risks

Other risks that one GM diet website lists include:


muscle weakness



poor physical performance during exercise

How to do the GM diet

A bowl of brown rice is a breakfast, lunch, and dinner option on day 7.

People following the GM diet eat a different food group or combination of food groups each day. The main foods that the GM diet allows include fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk.

Passion fruit for weight loss / health benefits of passion fruit /popy color/ V25

The plan instructs people to eat a big breakfast, a moderately sized lunch, and a light dinner. It also allows several snacks throughout the day.

In addition, the diet involves a broth called “wonder soup,” which is a tangy, low-calorie vegetable soup containing cabbage, tomatoes, celery, pepper, and carrots. People can eat wonder soup as a snack to curb hunger pangs until their next meal.

The plan recommends that people drink a lot of water to promote proper digestion and prevent them from feeling tired. The plan recommends 2–3 glasses of water with each meal. There is no absolute recommendation for the total amount of water to drink per day, which depends on a person’s age, body weight, and overall health.

People following the GM diet can take part in light forms of exercise, such as yoga, while dieting. After day 3, they can add walking or other low-intensity cardio to their workouts. On days 5 to 7, people can start adding strength training to their exercise regimen.

Below, we explain the basic outline of the GM diet and provide possible meal plans:

Day 1 — Fruit

People can eat a range of fruits, especially melons and citrus fruits, but should avoid bananas.

breakfast: 1 medium apple or 1 bowl of mixed berries

snack: 1 bowl of cantaloupe or an orange

unch: 1 bowl of watermelon

snack: 1 orange

dinner: 1 pear or 1 bowl of kiwi

snack: 1 bowl of mixed berries

Day 2 — Vegetables

Start the day with a sweet potato or baked potato, but limit potato intake to breakfast only. People can eat vegetables raw or cooked.

breakfast: 1 sweet potato or 1 baked potato

snack: 1 bowl of cabbage

lunch: a mixed salad containing lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and cucumber

snack: 1 bowl of steamed or raw broccoli

dinner: 1 bowl of kale or arugula with asparagus

snack: 1 bowl of sliced cucumbers

Day 3 — Fruit and vegetables

People can eat the same foods as days 1 and 2, avoiding bananas and potatoes.

breakfast: 1 apple or 1 bowl of watermelon

snack: 1 bowl of cherry tomatoes

lunch: a mixed salad

snack: 1 bowl of sliced cucumbers

dinner: 1 kale salad with carrots and cucumbers and 1 bowl of strawberries on the side

snack: 1 apple

Day 4 — Bananas and milk

Eat bananas either whole or in a smoothie with milk and ice. No other fruits or vegetables are allowed, but people can also eat wonder soup.

breakfast: 2 bananas and 1 glass of milk

snack: 1 smoothie containing banana and skim milk

lunch: 1 bowl of wonder soup

snack: 1 smoothie containing banana and skim milk

dinner: wonder soup and 1 banana

Day 5 — Meat

Eat 20 ounces (oz) of either beef, chicken, or fish. Vegetarians can replace meat with cottage cheese or brown rice.

breakfast: 5–6 oz serving of meat and 2 whole tomatoes

lunch: 7–8 oz serving of meat with 2 whole tomatoes

dinner: 5–6 oz serving of meat with 2 whole tomatoes

snacks: wonder soup or freshly pressed tomato juice

an additional 4 cups of water

Day 6 — Meat and vegetables

Eat 20 oz of meat and unlimited raw or cooked vegetables, excluding potatoes and tomatoes. Vegetarians can have cottage cheese or brown rice in place of meat.

breakfast: 5–6 oz serving of meat with 1 bowl of vegetables

lunch: 7–8 oz serving of meat with 1 bowl of vegetables

dinner: 5–6 oz serving of meat with wonder soup

snacks: wonder soup

Day 7 — Rice, fruit, and vegetables

Eat fruit, vegetables, and brown rice. The diet plan for this day permits sugar-free juice.

breakfast: 1 bowl of brown rice and 1 orange or a bowl of watermelon

lunch: 1 bowl of brown rice and 1 glass of sugar-free fruit juice

dinner: 1 bowl of brown rice with 1 bowl of raw or cooked vegetables

snacks: berries, citrus fruits, or wonder soup


The GM diet is appealing because it promises substantial weight loss in as little as 1 week.

Beneficial aspects of the diet include its focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoiding added sugars. However, it can cause nutritional deficiencies and may not be sustainable in the long term.

The GM diet restricts the types of food that people eat. Although the diet encourages people to eat more fruit and vegetables, it is very low in other essential food groups, such as unsaturated fats and protein.

Long-term weight loss involves more than just dieting. It requires people to make both dietary and lifestyle changes. Eating a balanced diet and participating in regular physical activity are important habits to develop when trying to achieve long-term weight loss.

People who feel that they want or need to lose weight but do not know where to start can consult a healthcare professional or a licensed dietician. Professional dieticians can work with people to develop a personalized weight-loss plan that can help them achieve their goals with less risk than short-term diets.

How many passion fruit should I eat a day?

One serving of passion fruit every day provides one-fourth of the body’s daily requirement of potassium. This mineral relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow, which reduces blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health.

Eating twopassion fruits only provides 35 calories. This also provides 4 grams of fiber,10% Daily Value (DV) vitamin A (as beta carotene),20% DV vitamin C and 4% DV iron. If you eat more like 4-5 passion fruits for about 100 gram serving,it provides 50% vitamin C,25% DV vitamin A,8% DV iron,7% DV magnesium and 5% DV vitamin B6.

Contents [hide]

1 What happens if you eat too much passion fruit?

2 Can you eat the whole passion fruit?

3 Can we eat passion fruit at night?

4 Is passion fruit good for your liver?

5 What are the side effects of passion fruit?

6 Can I eat passion fruit on empty stomach?

7 Is passion fruit good for weight loss?

8 Is passion fruit skin poisonous?

9 Do you chew or swallow passion fruit seeds?

10 What is the most healthiest fruit in the world?

11 Is passion fruit good for the face?

12 Is passion fruit a Superfood?

13 When should I pick passion fruit?

14 How many types of passion fruit are there?

15 Why is it called passion fruit?

What happens if you eat too much passion fruit?

Passion fruit pulp also contains a toxin called cyanogenic glycoside. This chemical can cause cyanide poisoning in high amounts. It’s highest in very young, unripe fruits. Once the fruit is ripe, it’s safe to eat.

Can you eat the whole passion fruit?

Eat the pulp, seeds and all The seeds are edible, but tart. Scoop out the passion fruit pulp with a spoon and place it in a bowl. You can also enjoy passion fruit pulp straight from the shell.

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Can we eat passion fruit at night?

One of the powerful medicinal compounds in passion fruit an alkaloid Harman functions as a sedative. This compound is beneficial in reducing restlessness, insomnia, and nervous anxiety thereby helping you to get a good night’s sleep. The next time when you are troubled getting a sound sleep, try some passion fruit.

Is passion fruit good for your liver?

Passion fruit contains plant sterols, which help in lowering the levels of cholesterol. Extract of passion fruit leaves is a remedy for digestive discomforts and is used as a liver tonic.

What are the side effects of passion fruit?

What are the side effects of oral passion flower (Passiflora incarnata)?






decreased blood pressure, and.

abnormal heart rate and rhythm.

Can I eat passion fruit on empty stomach?

The first thing you should do in the morning is eating one fruit before anything else. As our stomach is empty, this practice helps in absorbing its nutrients in the body. Our body can easily digest the fruit eaten empty stomach and allows the stomach to easily process it.

Is passion fruit good for weight loss?


For weight loss, passion fruit is best consumed whole. It can be eaten alone, used as a topping or filling for desserts, or added to drinks. sensitivity, potentially making it ideal for weight loss.

Is passion fruit skin poisonous?

Purple passion fruit skin may also contain chemicals called cyanogenic glycosides. These can combine with enzymes to form the poison cyanide and are potentially poisonous in large amounts ( 26, 27 ). However, the fruit’s hard outer skin isn’t usually eaten and generally considered inedible.

You might be interested:  FAQ: Why Shouldn't You Eat Fruit At Night?

Do you chew or swallow passion fruit seeds?

Scoop out the seeds, juice and pulp and eat it; you can chew them up or swallow the seeds whole. It will be a little tart, a little sweet, smell amazing and a lot of crunchy. Passion fruit seeds are high in magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and they add a nice little crunch to whatever you put them on.

What is the most healthiest fruit in the world?

Top 10 healthiest fruits

1 Apple. A low-calorie snack, high in both soluble and insoluble fiber.

2 Avocado. The most nutritious fruit in the world.

3 Banana.

4 Citrus fruits.

5 Coconut.

6 Grapes.

7 Papaya.

8 Pineapple.

Is passion fruit good for the face?

Like many fruits and vegetables, passion fruit is full of antioxidants and minerals that really benefit the skin and hair. These two antioxidants along with riboflavin and carotene can help skin retain moisture and improve blood flow, making it look younger and prevent aging and wrinkling.

Is passion fruit a Superfood?

The super-fruit also boasts cancer-preventing properties and is an excellent source of vitamins, especially vitamin C and A. It’s also very high in fibre – so great for digestion. The fleshy interior also contains crunchy, edible, fiber-rich seeds.

When should I pick passion fruit?

You will know it is time to harvest when fruits are plump, have a slight give, and are fully colored. In the yellow forms, the color is deeply golden and the purple fruits will be nearly black. Slightly wrinkled fruits are super ripe and will have a sweeter taste than the smooth skinned passion fruit.

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How many types of passion fruit are there?

Passion fruit has two distinct forms, the standard yellow (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) and the purple (Passiflora edulis f. edulis).

Why is it called passion fruit?

According to Davidson, the flower of the Passiflora edulis was known by Spanish missionaries as the Flor de las cinco lagas (flower of the five wounds) because it illustrated the crucifixion of Christ (Davidson). Hence, the name passion fruit was originated.

Can I eat passion fruit everyday?

Passion fruit is an exotic purple fruit with a healthful nutritional profile and a range of health benefits.

Passion fruit is a flowering tropical vine, known as Passiflora, that grows in warm climates, including South America, Australia, South Africa, and India.

Passion fruit contains a soft pulp and lots of seeds inside a hard rind. People can eat the seeds and pulp, juice it, or add it to other juices.

Passion fruit has recently gained a lot of attention because it is a rich source of powerful antioxidants and may also have other health benefits.

In this article, we look at the nutritional profile and possible health benefits of passion fruit.

1. Provides key nutrients

Passion fruit contains high levels of vitamins A and C.

Passion fruit is a beneficial fruit with a healthful nutrition profile. It contains high levels of vitamin A, which is important for skin, vision, and the immune system, and vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant.

One fruit without the refuse contains the following nutrientsTrusted Source in milligrams (mg), international units (IU), or grams (g):

229 IU of vitamin A

63 mg of potassium

5 mg of magnesium

5.4 mg of vitamin C

2 mg of calcium

0.29 mg of iron

1.9 g of fiber

Passion fruit also contains phosphorus, niacin, and vitamin B-6, which a healthy body needs.

2. Rich in antioxidants

Passion fruit is rich in antioxidants, which are compounds that help to mop up harmful free radicals in the body.

7 Top Fruits For Weight Loss

Antioxidants play a vital role in keeping the body systems healthy. Scientists know that antioxidants improve blood flow, specifically to the brain and nervous system.

They also reduce cellular stress and reduce inflammation in the body, both of which have links to diseases, such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Good source of fiber

Passion fruit pulp contains a lot of dietary fiber. Fiber is a crucial component of every diet. It helps regulate the digestive system and keep the gut healthy, preventing constipation and bowel disorders.

According to the American Heart AssociationTrusted Source, fiber also has benefits in reducing cholesterol and boosting heart health.

Most people in America do not get enough dietary fiber. The recommended intakeTrusted Source is 33.6 g for men ages 19–30 and 28 g for women ages 19–30, though most Americans get around 16 g, according to a 2008 studyTrusted Source.

Eating passion fruit regularly may help to prevent constipation and improve digestion and overall health.


4. Low glycemic index

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that has a low glycemic index (GI) value. This means that it does not cause a steep increase in blood sugar after eating it, making it a good option for people with diabetes.

Most fruits have a low GI, though the American Diabetes Association warn that melon and pineapple have a high GI.

5. Improve insulin sensitivity

Passion fruit has a low GI value, making it a good option for people with diabetes.

Some research suggests that a compound found in passion fruit seeds could improve a person’s insulin sensitivity. Improving insulin sensitivity can help reduce the risk of many diseases, including diabetes.

A small-scale 2017 studyTrusted Source on humans found that a substance called piceatannol could improve metabolism after animal studies had found the same.

The researchers found that men who were overweight who took 20 mg of piceatannol each day for 8 weeks had improved metabolic health, including insulin sensitivity, compared with those who took a placebo.

6. Boosts the immune system

Passion fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.

Vitamin C boosts the immune system by helping the body absorb more iron from plant-based foods, and may improve the body’s ability to fight off infections in the body.


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7. Supports heart health

Passion fruit is loaded with heart-healthy potassium and is also low in sodium.

Passion fruit, when eaten with the seeds, contains a lot of fiber, which can help to remove excess cholesterol from the inside of blood vessels. A high-fiber diet can reduce a person’s risk of heart disease.

In addition, eating passion fruit may help to normalize blood pressure. Diets low in sodium and rich in potassium help to decrease blood pressure.

8. Reduce anxiety

Passion fruit is rich in magnesium, an important mineral that scientists have linked with decreased stress and anxiety.

A systematic reviewTrusted Source from 2017 suggests that magnesium can help people manage their anxiety levels. However, the authors say that the quality of evidence is poor, so researchers need to do further studies.

How to prepare passion fruit

Using a strainer, a person can make jelly or jam from the fruit juice.

To eat a passion fruit raw, cut it in half and use a spoon to remove the pulp from the rind. The rind is not edible. People can eat both the seeds and the pulp, or just the pulp.

A person can remove the seeds by pressing the pulp through a strainer or cheesecloth and use the juice in a variety of ways, such as:

mixing with water and sugar to make a drink

adding the juice to other fruit juices, such as orange or pineapple

adding the juice to yogurt with other fruit

boiling it into a syrup that a person can make into many other things, such as sauces or desserts

making it into a jelly or jam

making it into a soft drink or wine

Passion fruit does not respond well to heat preservation and canning, but people can freeze it for later use.

Side effects

For most people, passion fruit is perfectly safe to eat. However, some people may have an allergy to the fruit. A doctor can diagnose allergies using various reaction tests.

Some people with a latex allergy may react to passion fruit. This is called cross-reactivity. This is because there are some proteins in latex that are similar to those found in passion fruit.

People with a latex allergy should be careful when eating passion fruit until they know whether they also react to the fruit.


Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that produces characteristic purple or yellow fruits.

The pulp and seeds found within the fruit are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and may have a range of health benefits.

Do bananas burn fat?

Low in calories and packed with all the nutrients, theykeep your belly full for a long time. Whether it is for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or anytime in between your meals, you can enjoydelicious fresh fruits anywhere.

HealthDoctorNDTVUpdated: September 14, 2018 12:05 pm IST

Belly Fat Reducing Fruits Which Must Be A Part Of Your Shopping List

Fruits like coconut can help you burn belly fat

Fruits are high in calories and natural sugar, but everything is not just about the calorie count. It is pure common sense that a banana has 100 calories still it is much healthier than low-fat cookies, a packet of chips, energy drinks or French fries that are loaded with chemicals, preservatives and artificial sweeteners. A healthy diet will not lead you to calorie counting that deprives your body of the essential nutrients it needs to burn fat and build muscle. Trust me; fruits are not your enemy. Low in calories and packed with all the nutrients, they keep your belly full for a long time. Whether it is for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or anytime in between your meals, you can enjoy delicious fresh fruits anywhere. There are some fruits in the list that even contain many nutritional substances that will actually help you burn fat.

Also read: 9 Ways To Increase Protein Intake For Weight Loss

Here are list of some of the fruits that will help you give a flat belly:

1. Coconut: No doubt coconuts are delicious. Coconuts contain medium chain triglycerides (MCFA) that raise the metabolic rate of the liver up to 30 percent. They are a sweet and a filling snack that can be easily replaced with other junk food. You can even try coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut water or unsweetened shredded coconut. Dried coconut is also a delicious snack and can be added to all kinds of dishes to enhance the flavor. You can try adding coconut milk to a cup of coffee for a sweet and tasty drink.


Coconuts are a sweet and a filling snack that can be easily replaced with other junk food.

Photo Credit: iStock

2. Apples: When we talk about the healthy fat-burning fruits, we cannot miss out on the nutritious, red apples. They do wonders when it comes to losing weight. Apples are high in fibre and low in calories- this includes them in the list of flat belly foods. This fruit keeps you feel full for longer and stay away from binging. They are also rich in essential vitamins B and C, antioxidants and minerals that help to keep your body active all day long.


Apples do wonders when it comes to losing weight.

Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: 5 Seemingly Innocent Habits That Increase Belly Fat

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3. Lemons: We already know that lemons are a great detoxifying fruit. Well, this and much more makes this tangy fruit a part of our list. Well renowned as liver detoxifiers, a healthy liver is extremely important in order to maintain the ability of the body to digest food and burn fat. Since they prevent fat accumulation in the body, lemons are great for weight loss. You can squeeze some lemon into lukewarm water along with honey and drink in the morning for better results.


Since lemons prevent fat accumulation in the body, they are great for weight loss.

Photo Credit: iStock

4. Bananas: Though high in calories, bananas are a great flat belly fruit. Bananas are rich in healthy fibers that help curb appetite and make the body burn fat. The indigestible fibers that are present in bananas, or a resistant starch, block the carbohydrates from being absorbed by the body. This makes the body burn fat as energy instead of the carbohydrates. You can make a banana shake with milk, bananas and some healthy nuts for added benefits.


Though high in calories, bananas are a great flat belly fruit

Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Belly Fat: 6 Foods That Will Help You Burn Belly Fat

Are passion fruit good for you?

What Is Passion Fruit?

Passion fruit sounds exotic, but it doesn't look that way. At least at first. It grows on climbing passion flower vines in tropical regions like Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii, and from the outside, it looks small and egg-shaped, with yellow or purple skin. You might confuse it for a small lemon or plum -- until you slice it in half.

Inside, it's filled with crunchy seeds in juicy yellow pulp.

The passion fruit got its name because priests in the 1500s thought parts of the passion flower symbolized the "passion," or suffering and death, of Jesus. The fruit, also called granadilla and maracuya, ended up with the name, too.

Passion fruit tastes sweet and tart, and it has a distinct smell often reproduced in bath products and candles. Only the pulp and seeds are OK to eat, and there are a lot of health benefits in just a few spoonfuls.

Passion Fruit Health Benefits

Vitamin C. Move over, oranges. Passion fruit is full of this antioxidant. Your body uses it to make blood vessels, cartilage, muscles, and collagen, which keeps skin looking young. It also helps your body heal, lowers inflammation, and protects your cells from damage. When you get enough vitamin C, it lowers your chances of getting colds and certain types of cancers.

Vitamin A. Passion fruit's pulp and crunchy seeds have 8% of the vitamin A you need every day. It's a key to healthy eyes and cells, reproduction, and immunity.

Fiber. Passion fruit has a lot of it. Fiber keeps your bowels healthy and moving, and it makes you feel fuller longer. It also lowers your cholesterol and your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and certain kinds of cancer.

Nutrients. Passion fruit also gives your body calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and folate. These help your kidneys, nerves, muscles, and heart rhythm in big ways.

Passion Fruit Nutrition

One purple passion fruit has:

17 calories

2 grams of fiber

6%-7% of daily recommended vitamin C

1%-2% of daily recommended vitamin A

1.6%-3.6% of daily recommended iron

1.8%-2.4% of daily recommended potassium


Passion Fruit Risks

Passion fruit is usually safe to eat and good for you, but some people are allergic to it. This is more likely if you’re allergic to latex.

50 Foods You Must Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight

People allergic to passion fruit or latex might also react to fruits such as:











Passion fruit pulp also contains a toxin called cyanogenic glycoside. This chemical can cause cyanide poisoning in high amounts. It’s highest in very young, unripe fruits. Once the fruit is ripe, it’s safe to eat.

Passion Fruit Preparation

Where to find it. Passion fruit isn't available everywhere. But you may find it in farmers markets or organic markets when it's in season.

How to choose one. Look for passion fruit that has thick skin and feels heavy for its size. Many think wrinkled skin means it's ripe, but that's a myth. Wrinkled skin means it's drying out.

Tips to clean it. Even though you don't eat the peel, it's always a good idea to wash it well. Otherwise, when you cut into it, the knife can carry harmful bacteria from the peel inside to the flesh.

How to cut it. You don't have to peel passion fruit. Just cut it in half and scoop out the seedy pulp.

Ways to store it. In cool months, you can keep passion fruit at room temperature. When it's hot outside, put it in the fridge. It’ll last 2 to 3 weeks there. You can also freeze the pulp.

How to eat it. Most people eat it raw, with a little cream and sugar or lime juice sprinkled on top. You can also:

Blend it with milk.

Add it to yogurt or salsa.

Mix it in a smoothie.

Strain out the seeds, boil down the juice, and use it to flavor ice cream, candy, cakes, pies, or cocktails.

Top white meat and fish with passion fruit sauce.

Make the seeded pulp into a jelly.

Fruit is nature’s ready-made snack packed with vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients that support a healthy diet.

Fruit is also generally low in calories and high in fiber, which may help you lose weight.

In fact, eating fruit is linked to a lower body weight and a lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease.

Here are 11 of the best fruits to eat for weight loss.

1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a cross between a pomelo and an orange and is commonly associated with dieting and weight loss.

Half a grapefruit contains just 39 calories but provides 65% of the reference daily intake (RDI) for of vitamin C. Red varieties also provide 28% of the RDI for vitamin A (1Trusted Source).

What’s more, grapefruit has a low glycemic index (GI), which means it releases sugar into your bloodstream more slowly. A low-GI diet may aid weight loss and weight maintenance, though evidence is limited (2, 3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source).

In a study in 85 obese people, eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice before meals for 12 weeks resulted in a decrease in calorie intake, a 7.1% decrease in body weight, and improved cholesterol levels (6Trusted Source).

Additionally, a recent review found that grapefruit consumption reduced body fat, waist circumference, and blood pressure compared to control groups (7Trusted Source).

While grapefruit can be eaten on its own, it also makes a great addition to salads and other dishes.

Summary Grapefruit is very low

in calories and high in vitamins A and C. It may be a healthy snack before main

meals to help reduce your overall food intake.

2. Apples

Apples are low in calories and high in fiber, with 116 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber per large fruit (223 grams) (1Trusted Source).

They have also been found to support weight loss.

In one study, women were given three apples, three pears, or three oat cookies — with the same calorie value — per day for 10 weeks. The apple group lost 2 pounds (0.91 kg) and the pear group 1.6 pounds (0.84 kg), while the oat group’s weight did not change (8Trusted Source).

Additionally, an observational study in 124,086 individuals determined that people who ate apples lost an average of 1.24 pounds (0.56 kg) per daily serving over a four-year period (9Trusted Source).

Because low-calorie fruits like apples are more filling, you may eat less of other foods during the course of the day. Notably, an apple is almost three times as filling as a chocolate bar (10Trusted Source).

Research shows that apples are best eaten whole — rather than juiced — to reduce hunger and control appetite (11Trusted Source).

That said, two studies link apple juice to reductions in body fat compared to a control drink with the same number of calories. Apple polyphenol extract — made from one of the fruit’s natural compounds — has also been linked to reduced cholesterol levels (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

Apples can be enjoyed in a variety of ways both cooked and raw. Try adding them to hot and cold cereals, yogurt, stews, and salads, or baking them on their own.

Summary Apples are low in

calories, high in fiber, and very filling. Studies indicate that they may

support weight loss.

How to Peel an Apple

3. Berries

Berries are low-calorie nutrient powerhouses.

For example, a 1/2 cup (74 grams) of blueberries contains just 42 calories but provides 12% of the RDI for vitamin C and manganese, as well as 18% for vitamin K (1Trusted Source).

One cup (152 grams) of strawberries contains under 50 calories and provides 3 grams of dietary fiber, as well as 150% of the RDI for vitamin C and almost 30% for manganese (1Trusted Source).

Berries have also been shown to be filling. One small study found that people given a 65-calorie berry snack ate less food at a subsequent meal than those given candy with the same number of calories (15Trusted Source).

Additionally, eating berries may help decrease cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and lower inflammation, which may be particularly helpful to people who are overweight (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).

Both fresh or frozen berries can be added to cereal or yogurt for breakfast, blended in a healthy smoothie, mixed into baked goods, or tossed in a salad.

Summary Berries are low in

calories and contain many important vitamins. They also may have positive

effects on cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and inflammation.

4. Stone Fruits

Stone fruits, also known as drupes, are a group of seasonal fruits with a fleshy exterior and a stone, or pit, on the inside. They include peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots.

Stone fruits are low-GI, low-calorie, and rich in nutrients like vitamins C and A — which make them great for people trying to lose weight (2).

For example, one medium peach (150 grams) contains 58 calories, while 1 cup (130 grams) of cherries provides 87 calories, and two small plums (120 grams) or four apricots (140 grams) have just 60 calories (1Trusted Source).

6 Low Carb Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Are You Eating Them?

Compared to unhealthy snack foods like chips or cookies, stone fruits are a more nutrient-dense, filling option.

Stone fruits can be eaten fresh, chopped up in fruit salads, mixed into a hearty porridge, or even grilled or added to savory dishes like stews.

Summary Stone fruits like

peaches, nectarines, and plums make for a low-calorie, seasonal snack. They are

a good alternative to chips, cookies, or other junk foods.

5. Passion Fruit

Passion fruit, which originates in South America, grows on a beautiful, flowering vine. It has a tough outer rind — purple or yellow in color — with an edible, pulpy seed mass inside.

One fruit (18 grams) contains just 17 calories and is a rich source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and potassium (1Trusted Source).

For such a small fruit, passion fruit holds ample dietary fiber. In fact, five of them give 42% of the RDI for fewer than 100 calories (1Trusted Source).

Fiber slows down your digestion, helping you feel fuller for longer and controlling your appetite (18Trusted Source).

Additionally, passion fruit seeds provide piceatannol, a substance linked to reductions in blood pressure and improved insulin sensitivity in overweight men. However, more research is needed (19Trusted Source).

For weight loss, passion fruit is best consumed whole. It can be eaten alone, used as a topping or filling for desserts, or added to drinks.

Summary Passion fruit is a

low-calorie, high-fiber fruit that may benefit blood pressure and insulin

sensitivity, potentially making it ideal for weight loss.

6. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is actually a vegetable, but in Europe and North America, it is often prepared like a fruit (1Trusted Source).

While it has only 11 calories per stalk, it still packs almost 1 gram of fiber and almost 20% of the RDI for vitamin K (1Trusted Source).

Additionally, rhubarb fiber may help reduce high cholesterol, which is a common problem for people who struggle with their weight.

In a study in 83 people with atherosclerosis — a disease of the arteries — those given 23 mg of dried rhubarb extract per pound of body weight (50 mg per kg) for six months experienced a significant decrease in cholesterol and improved blood vessel function (20Trusted Source).

Rhubarb stalks can be stewed and served with porridge or your favorite cereal. Although it can be used in many ways, including in desserts, it’s best to stick to low-sugar rhubarb dishes when trying to lose weight.

Summary Rhubarb, which is low

in calories and high in fiber, may aid weight loss and help lower cholesterol.

7. Kiwifruit

Kiwifruits are small, brown fruits with bright green or yellow flesh and tiny black seeds.

Very nutrient-dense, kiwis are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, and fiber, and have significant health benefits (1Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source).

In one study, 41 people with prediabetes ate two golden kiwis per day for 12 weeks. They experienced higher vitamin C levels, a reduction in blood pressure, and a 1.2-inch (3.1-cm) reduction in waist circumference (24Trusted Source).

Additional studies note that kiwi can help control blood sugar, improve cholesterol, and support gut health — all additional weight loss benefits (25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source).

Kiwis have a low GI, so while they do contain sugar, it is released more slowly — resulting in smaller blood sugar spikes (29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source).

Furthermore, kiwis are rich in dietary fiber. One small, peeled fruit (69 grams) has over 2 grams of fiber, while the skin alone provides 1 extra gram of fiber (1Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source).

Diets high in fiber from fruits and vegetables have been shown to promote weight loss, increase fullness and improve gut health (33Trusted Source).

Kiwifruit is soft, sweet, and delicious when eaten raw, peeled, or unpeeled. It can also be juiced, used in salads, added to your morning cereal, or used in baked goods.

Summary Kiwifruits are highly

nutritious and provide a range of health benefits. Their high fiber and low

calorie content make them ideal for weight loss.

8. Melons

Melons are low in calories and have a high water content, which makes them very weight loss friendly.

Just 1 cup (150—160 grams) of melon, such as honeydew or watermelon, provides a modest 46—61 calories (1Trusted Source).

Though low in calories, melons are rich in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lycopene (1Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source).

Moreover, consuming fruits with high water content may help you shed extra weight (35Trusted Source).

However, watermelon does have a high GI, so portion control is important (2).

Melons can be enjoyed fresh, cubed, or balled to liven up a fruit salad. They’re also easily blended into fruit smoothies or frozen into fruit popsicles.

Summary Melons are very low in

calories and have a high water content, which may help you lose weight and keep

you hydrated.

9. Oranges

Like all citrus fruits, oranges are low in calories while high in vitamin C and fiber. They are also very filling.

In fact, oranges are four times more filling than a croissant and twice as filling as a muesli bar (10Trusted Source).

While many people consume orange juice instead of orange slices, studies have found that eating whole fruits — rather than drinking fruit juices — not only results in less hunger and calorie intake but also increased feelings of fullness (36Trusted Source, 37Trusted Source, 38Trusted Source).

Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, it may be better to eat oranges rather than drink orange juice. The fruit can be eaten alone or added to your favorite salad or dessert.

Summary Oranges are high in

vitamin C and fiber. What’s more, they can help keep you feeling full.

10. Bananas

When trying to lose weight, some people avoid bananas due to their high sugar and calorie content.

While bananas are more calorie-dense than many other fruits, they are also more nutrient-dense, supplying potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, numerous antioxidants, and vitamins A, B6, and C (1Trusted Source, 39Trusted Source, 40Trusted Source).

Their low to medium GI may help control insulin levels and regulate weight — particularly for people who have diabetes (2, 3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source, 41Trusted Source).

Additionally, one study illustrated that eating a banana per day reduced both blood sugar and cholesterol in people with high cholesterol (42Trusted Source).

High-quality, nutrient-dense, and low-calorie foods like bananas are vital to any healthy weight loss plan.

Bananas can be enjoyed on their own as a convenient on-the-go snack or added either raw or cooked to a wide variety of dishes.

Summary Bananas’ ample

nutrients and fiber make them an ideal part of a healthy weight loss plan.

11. Avocados

Avocados are a fatty, calorie-dense fruit grown in warm climates.

Half an avocado (100 grams) contains 160 calories, making it one of the most calorie-dense fruits. The same amount provides 25% of the RDI for vitamin K and 20% for folate (1Trusted Source).

Despite their high calorie and fat content, avocados may promote weight loss (43Trusted Source).

In one study, 61 overweight people ate a diet containing either 200 grams of avocado or 30 grams of other fats (margarine and oils). Both groups experienced significant weight loss, indicating that avocados are a smart choice for those looking to lose weight (43Trusted Source).

Other studies have found that eating avocados can increase feelings of fullness, decrease appetite, and improve cholesterol levels (44Trusted Source, 45Trusted Source).

Additionally, a large study of American eating patterns revealed that people who ate avocados tended to have healthier diets, a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, and lower body weights than people who didn’t eat them (46Trusted Source).

Avocados can be used as a replacement for butter or margarine on bread and toast. You can also add them to salads, smoothies, or dips.

Two Meals a Day for Faster Weight Loss

Summary People who eat

avocados tend to weigh less than people who do not. Despite their high fat

content, avocados may help promote weight loss and weight maintenance.

The Bottom Line

Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet — and may aid weight loss.

Most fruits are low in calories while high in nutrients and fiber, which can boost your fullness.

Keep in mind that it’s best to eat fruits whole rather than juiced.

What’s more, simply eating fruit is not the key to weight loss. You should also strive for a healthy, whole-foods-based diet alongside physical activity.

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