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Thursday 12 May 2022

can kiwi fruit help me lose weight?

KIWI FRUIT: THE ONE TRUE SUPERFOOD | Nutritional Science Explained

Kiwi, aka kiwifruit, may be small in size, but it’s huge in benefits. Packed with vitamins and minerals, kiwi is one of the most nutritionally dense fruits out there.

Kiwi actually originated in China, but now it’s grown in New Zealand from June to October, and in California for the rest of the year. Although kiwi wasn’t available in North America until the 1960s, nowadays you’re likely to often find it at your supermarket or farmers’ market.

Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider making this little fuzzy fruit a regular part of your diet.

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1. They’re super nutritious

Forget Flintstones chewables — kiwis are filled with essential vitamins, too!

One kiwi (69 grams) packs 71 percent of your daily recommended vitamin C, which is important for the growth and repair of tissues in every part of your body. (One orange, in comparison, contains 80 percent of daily recommended vitamin C.)

These little guys have got minerals covered, too. Kiwis offer a variety of nutrients, including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, and manganese.

And get this — one kiwi provides 215 micrograms of potassium (one banana has 375 micrograms) and without quite as much sugar and calories to boot.

2. Kiwi may help you lose weight

Here’s the skinny: Kiwis are great for those trying to diet or lose weight, with only 42 calories in one fruit. They’re also very low in fat.

And they may taste sweet, but they only have about 6 grams of sugar in one medium fruit — half the amount in one red delicious apple.

One kiwi also contains 2.1 grams of dietary fiber to help promote feelings of fullness.

3. They’re great for your gut

That fiber in kiwis may improve your bowel function and help prevent constipation.

The green part of the fruit has soluble fiber, while the seeds and skin — which are edible! — offer the insoluble kind.

Unlike soluble fibers, insoluble ones don’t dissolve in water, and are considered very gut-healthy because they add bulk to your diet and have a diuretic effect.

4. Kiwi may help prevent heart disease

Eating 2 to 3 kiwis a day can help lower blood triglyceride levels by up to 15 percent, according to an older 2004 study.

More recently, the American Heart Association noted in a 2021 report that even slightly elevated levels of fatty deposits like triglyceride in your blood can lead to cardiovascular disease.

This suggests that eating a couple of kiwis a day could potentially help keep heart disease away.

5. They promote blood clotting

One kiwi provides 23 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, a nutrient often missing from people’s diets.

Vitamin K is essential for bodily functions like normal blood clotting. This is important because it helps reduce your risk of excessive bleeding if you injure a blood vessel.

6. Kiwi lowers your blood pressure

Not only does the mighty little kiwi help promote blood clotting, but it also contains substances that can lower your blood pressure.

Eating three kiwis a day may lower your blood pressure more than eating one apple, according to a 2014 study.

Lower blood pressure means a lower risk for serious issues like strokes or heart attacks.

7. They help you breathe easier

Eating kiwi may help treat asthma and improve the function of your lungs.

A 2000 study of over 18,000 children in Italy found that those who regularly ate fruits rich in vitamin C, including kiwi, had improved protection against wheezing and other respiratory symptoms.

Vitamin C may also help you pant a little less after exercising, according to a 2014 review. It helps reduce exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), the narrowing of your airways after vigorous physical activity.

How to make kiwi a wee part of your eating plan

At the grocery store, look for kiwi that is plump and fragrant, with a slightly firm feel.

Most people prefer eating peeled kiwi, but remember that the skin is edible (and contains extra fiber, too!). Just wash the skin and rub it gently to minimize the brown fuzz before eating.

And while the phrase “slooping the kiwi” may sound a little, well, kinky, it’s actually just a method of slicing and scooping this green fruit: Slice the kiwi in half and then use a spoon to scoop out the delicious meat.

Ripe kiwi will keep for up to 4 weeks in your fridge. You can store kiwis that haven’t yet ripened in a plastic bag in your fridge for up to 6 weeks.

Ways to add kiwi goodness into your life

spinach, kiwi, and chia seed smoothie

kiwi avocado smoothie with lime and honey

kiwi sorbet

chocolate kiwi ice pops

hemp and chocolate-covered kiwis

kiwi limeade popsicles

Bonus recipe: Greek yogurt and kiwi parfait

What you’ll need:

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

1–2 drops vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon honey

1 kiwi, sliced

What to do:

In a small bowl, combine vanilla extract and yogurt. Mix until well blended.

In a glass, layer yogurt mixture, honey, and kiwi slices.

Enjoy! For some extra crunch, top with homemade granola or slivered almonds.

This funny-looking green fruit in the fuzzy brown "package" is native to China -- as the "Chinese gooseberry." A marketing campaign renamed this unusual fruit to something more suited to its new imported home -- New Zealand. It also is grown in California.

Kiwis carry a lot of nutrition in a small package. They aren't high in calories, yet they pack a powerful punch with their strong tart taste, which allows them to jazz up the flavor of any fruit or vegetable salad.

Kiwifruit is also a very good source of dietary fiber. Diets that contain plenty of fiber can reduce high cholesterol levels, which may reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack. Fiber is also good for filling you up and suppressing your appetite -- a great advantage for those wanting to lose weight.

Health Benefits

Kiwifruit is literally filled with fiber. All those little black seeds combine for a good dose of insoluble fiber, which aids digestion by decreasing the transit time of stools through your system. But kiwifruit also offers soluble fiber, providing bulk that promotes the feeling of fullness -- a natural diet aid. By creating gel-like substances that trap bile acids, it has the potential to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Kiwis are brimming with vitamin C, which is essential for healthy gums and important for wound healing, and boasts ample amounts of good-for-your-bones magnesium and heart-healthy potassium. Kiwis are also full of flavonoids and carotenoids, offering great antioxidant protection. Flavonoids also improve the integrity of blood vessels, and they decrease inflammation.

Selection and Storage

Because New Zealand and California have opposite seasons, and, therefore, opposite harvests, kiwis are available year-round. Choose those that are fairly firm, but give under slight pressure. Firm kiwis need about a week to ripen at room temperature. You can hasten the process by placing them in a closed paper bag. Store the bag at room temperature and begin checking for ripeness after two days. Ripe kiwis keep for one to two weeks in the refrigerator.

I Ate a Kiwi Everyday for 30 Days

Preparation and Serving Tips

With its brilliant green color and its inner circle of tiny black seeds, sliced kiwis are the perfect garnish. They don't even discolor when exposed to air since they contain so much vitamin C, which contains antioxidant properties that prevent oxygen from oxidizing the fruit and turning it brown.

Most people prefer eating peeled kiwifruit, though the skin is edible. Just wash and rub off the brown fuzz. You can slice kiwi, or peel it and eat it whole. For a fun treat, cut in half and scoop out with a spoon. Since kiwifruit contains a "tenderizing" enzyme that prevents gelatin from setting, it's a good idea to leave kiwifruit out of molded salads.

The kiwi fruit's bright green flesh speckled with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic tropical flair to any fruit salad or simply, when you need a fruit-fix.

Fruits are loaded with fibre, vitamins and a number of other nutrients, which help to support a healthy diet. These also contain fewer calories with high fibre content that can aid in weight loss. If you are in search of fruits for weight loss, this is the right article for you.

Find below which fruits are best for weight loss and which ones to avoid, along with several other details!

Which Fruits Are Helpful for Weight Loss?

Listed below are some of the best fruits for weight loss -

1. Berries

These fruits contain few calories. In fact, 74 grams of blueberries consist of only about 42 calories, while 152 grams of strawberries have fewer than 50 calories. Therefore, berries can be an excellent fruit for breakfast for weight loss. Besides, berries can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and inflammation in the body.

2. Stone Fruits

Also referred to as drupes, stone fruits are a category of seasonal fruits having a pit with a fleshy exterior. These fruits include nectarines, cherries, plums, apricots and peaches. Having low calorie and GI, these are enriched with vitamins A and C, making them a good option for those with a goal to lose weight.

3. Grapefruit

Grapefruit can be defined as a cross between an orange and a pomelo. It is usually linked with weight loss and diets. Half a portion of a grapefruit consists of about 39 calories. This fruit for weight loss is enriched with vitamins A and C. Additionally, grapefruit may prove to be a healthy snack that you can consume before meals to reduce the overall calorie intake.

4. Apples

Apples are rich in fibre and contain a lesser amount of calories. For instance, an apple weighing 223 grams contains about 5.4 grams of fibre and 116 calories.

Looking for the best fruit to eat at night for weight loss? We suggest you include apples in your diet.

5. Oranges

Oranges are loaded with potassium and fibre. Given their low-calorie content, these can help you shed weight. Moreover, oranges contain cancer-fighting citrus limonoids. This vitamin C rich fruit is also necessary for the growth and repair of tissues in your body, such as blood vessels, cartilage, tendons, skin, and ligaments.

6. Watermelon

This fruit for weight loss with high water content and low calories proves to be an excellent option for losing weight. 100 grams of watermelon consists of around 30 calories. Furthermore, these fruits are enriched with arginine, which is an amino acid with belly fat-burning properties.

7. Guava

Guavas help maintain levels of blood sugar and are, therefore, excellent for diabetic individuals. They are loaded with lycopene, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They also help with digestion.

8. Limes

Packed with limonoids, antioxidants and flavonoids, limes are an excellent source of fibre and vitamin C. Moreover, limes are used as an ingredient in detox water drinks, which help with weight loss.

9. Pears

A medium-sized pear consists of about 100 calories. This fruit also contains a high level of water and fibre, both of which keep you satiated for hours.

10. Kiwifruit

Kiwifruits are loaded with fibre, and vitamins E, C, and B9. Diets containing fruits like these improves gut health, promotes losing weight, and helps keep you full for longer. Therefore, kiwifruit can be considered a low-calorie option for fruits to eat at night for weight loss.

Which Fruits Should You Avoid for Weight Loss?

In addition to noting the suitable fruits for weight loss, individuals must watch out for the fruits that can reverse their progress.

Illustrated below are some of these -

1. Avocado

Individuals trying to lose weight should consume lesser amounts of fruits that have high-calorie content. One such fruit is avocado, which has roughly 160 calories in a 100-gram serving. Being an excellent source of healthy fat, this fruit can make one gain weight easily if consumed in excess.

2. Dry Fruits

Dry fruits, such as raisins, prunes, etc., have high-calorie content and low levels of water. In fact, one cup of raisins consists of around 500 calories. Likewise, a cup of prunes comes loaded with more than 450 calories.

3. Grapes

Packed with fats and sugar, grapes are not an ideal option to include on a diet for weight loss. There are about 67 calories and 16 grams of sugar in 100 grams of grapes.

4. Mango

You should not strictly avoid mangoes when trying to shed weight. However, consuming this sweet fruit in excess can hamper your plans for weight loss.

5. Banana

Though banana is an extremely healthy fruit, it has high amounts of natural sugars and calories. 1 banana consists of around 150 calories.

How Can Fruits Help With Weight Loss?

Fruits prove to help lose weight because of the following aspects -

Fibre Content

Fruits have high fibre content. An increased fibre intake is associated with lower body weight. Moreover, individuals feel satiated for longer due to fibres, which might lower the overall intake of calories.

Water Content and Calories

Many fruits like melons and berries contain high levels of water. Fruits make individuals feel fuller because of their water content and fibre content as well.

Low Glycemic Index

The glycemic index or GI measures a food item’s impact on the levels of blood sugar. Foods with a lower GI lead to slow changes in blood sugar. Therefore, a calorie-controlled diet with low GI can be more effective as compared to a low-fat, high GI diet.

Natural Sweetness

The natural sweetness in fruits helps one curb sugar cravings. Opting for fruits instead of cakes or cookies helps individuals consume a lesser number of calories, added sugars, and fat while still enjoying a sweet treat. If one substitutes sugary food items with fruits while having a balanced diet, he/she can easily lose weight.

That marks the end of this article on fruits for weight loss. So, go ahead and enjoy your fruits, alongside losing weight.

There are many different foods you can add to your weight loss diet. One of them is kiwi, is it good for weight loss or fattening?

The kiwifruit or kiwi in short is actually a berry, and berries are also fruits. The kiwi originates from China, but today it is available all around the world (1).

Find out how good kiwi is for losing weight and how it compares to other popular fruits.

Micronutrients in kiwi

The first thing to look at is the amount of micronutrients in kiwi.

Micronutrients are a group of nutrients your body absolutely needs to survive and thrive. Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. These are involved in basically every aspect of your health, including weight loss.

100 grams of kiwi provides you with approximately (2):

Vitamin C: 155% of the DV (Daily Value)

Vitamin K: 50% of the DV

Potassium: 9% of the DV

Vitamin E: 7% of the DV

Folate: 6% of the DV

Copper: 6% of the DV

Manganese: 5% of the DV

And some other vitamins and minerals in less significant amounts. The amount of vitamin C and vitamin K in kiwi are great. The amount of certain other vitamins and minerals are nice too. That being said, there are many foods that are better and many foods that are worse sources of vitamins and minerals.

For most vitamins and minerals kiwi isn’t the greatest fruit.

Kiwis also contain antioxidants, substances that can help your body deal with oxidative damage.

Micronutrients in kiwi

Fiber in kiwi for weight loss

Another very important factor for weight loss is the amount of fiber in your food.

Kiwis contain around 3 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

That’s a good amount of fiber per 100 grams compared to many whole foods.

Fiber has multiple benefits for weight loss. First of all, it feeds your microbiome, the microbes that live in your intestines. The health of your microbiome influences your body’s health and weight. Feeding it well is usually not a bad idea.

Fiber also helps you feel less hungry without adding a lot of calories to your diet. Hunger and cravings can be a big pitfall for people trying to lose weight, so avoiding this is a big plus.

With the amount of fiber in kiwi you can reduce the time you spend craving for food a lot.

Do kiwis help you lose weight?

You still need a final piece of the puzzle. The amount of calories in kiwi.

Kiwi contains 61 calories per 100 grams. 52.8 of these calories come from the carbohydrates (14.7 g per 100 grams of which 3 g fiber). One medium kiwi without skin (76 g) contains around 46.4 calories.

Kiwi is not great for low carb diets like the keto diet but you should be able to fit some in.

The amount of calories in kiwi is not that high in general. There are both lower-calorie fruits and higher calorie fruits. Compared to many vegetables kiwi is relatively high in calories.

That being said, kiwi is still a low-calorie food that can help you feel fuller with its fiber content. Depending on your current diet kiwi can help you lose weight.

If you really like kiwi you can most likely fit this fruit in your diet. If you don’t like it you don’t have to go out of your way to force it into your daily eating habits. Other foods can be better for weight loss.

How many kiwis should you eat per day?

Nutrition is always a bit of a puzzle in terms of what the perfect diet looks like. It’s a pretty individual thing.

Consuming enough micronutrients is important for both your short and long-term health. Kiwis can help you reach your daily micronutrient goals up to a point but you will need other food as well.

That’s why something like the fruit diet, mostly eating fruits, is just plain bad for you.

If you have consumed enough micronutrients you can see how many kiwis still fit within your daily calories. The amount will be different from individual to individual from day to day, it can be 0 too.

How many kiwis should you eat per day

When to eat kiwi for weight loss

The calories in kiwi are mainly from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates raise insulin. Insulin in turn can mess with the production of sleep hormones. Sleep is important for your weight loss and health.

That’s why you preferably want to consume kiwi earlier in the day or at least not right before bed.

Does Kiwi help burn belly fat?

Targetting fat loss in a specific area like your belly is generally not possible. Not by eating more of a specific food or by doing a specific exercise. To lose belly fat you have to lose weight overall.

Since kiwi can help you lose weight in general this fruit can also help you lose belly fat once your body wants to lose fat in your abdominal area.

Kiwi vs other popular fruits for weight loss

You now know how good kiwis are for weight loss but how do they compare to certain other fruits? Find out how good kiwis are for weight loss vs bananas, oranges, and apples.

Kiwi vs banana

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits there are. If you’re only looking at calories bananas contain more percentage-wise. Kiwis contain around 61 calories per 100 grams vs the 89 calories per 100 grams of bananas (3).

Kiwis contain around 3 grams of fiber per 100 grams, bananas 2.6 grams. Bananas contain about the same amount of vitamins and minerals as kiwi but more spread out over different vitamins and minerals.

Kiwis are slightly better for weight loss than bananas.

Kiwi vs orange

Oranges are another popular fruit choice. Oranges are lower in calories than kiwi, 47 calories per 100 grams (4).

The amount of fiber in both of these fruits is similar but enough of a difference to matter. Oranges have about 2.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams vs the 3 grams of kiwi. Kiwis are higher in vitamins and minerals than oranges.

It’s hard to predict which of these 2 fruits is the best for weight loss. This most likely depends on the individual. If you struggle with hunger the extra fiber in kiwi might be worth the small amount of extra calories.

Kiwi vs apple

Next there is kiwi vs apples. Apples are lower in calories than kiwi, 52 calories per 100 grams vs the 61 calories per 100 grams of kiwi (5).

Apples contain around 2.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams. Considerably lower than the 3 grams of fiber per 100 grams in kiwi. Kiwis also contain a lot more vitamins and minerals than apples.

All in all, kiwis and apples are similar for weight loss, kiwis probably being slightly better. There most likely won’t be a difference of several pounds but if you like both the same amount you might as well choose kiwi.

Chart of kiwi vs other popular fruits

All in all, the differences between these fruits won’t make that much of a difference when it comes to losing weight. If you like all these fruits equally you might as well choose the ones that are better for weight loss.

The amount of vitamins and minerals in the foods does matter for weight loss and health but you can’t simplify that in one number. You can check out the numbers for kiwi (2), bananas (3), oranges (4), and apples (5) to compare.

Fruit gets a bad rap when it comes to weight loss. Here's why avocado, dragon fruit, coconut, kiwi and even banana—yes, banana—are all diet foods.

Fruit can be a real pleasure when you're cutting back on calories—it's wholesome, nutritious and provides a sweet hit of pleasure. A few surprising fruits even come with weight loss benefits.

Almost-ripe bananas

Dieters tend to steer clear of bananas because they're considered a high carbohydrate fruit. But almost-ripe bananas contain resistant starch. "This starch is not digested the same way as most starches," explains Amanda Li, registered dietitian at Toronto's Wellness Simplified. "It passes through the intestine unchanged as an insoluble fibre so you absorb less sugar from it." Insoluble fibre also helps control hunger pangs.

Tip: Snack on green bananas that are just starting to turn yellow. Eat with cereal or yogurt to mask the hint of bitterness.


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How To Use Kiwi Fruit For Weight Loss – Fastest Way To Lose Weight


There are two reasons why dieters should add fresh—not dried, packaged—coconut meat to their fruit salad and fruit smoothies. "There's the satisfaction factor," says Li. Coconut meat's high in healthy fat, which helps slow down digestion of the sugars in the other fruits, keeping you feeling fuller longer, she explains. Plus, it contains medium-chain triglycerides, a type of dietary fat that's processed by the body for a quick source of energy rather than stored as fat.

Tip: Don't want to crack one yourself? Look for freshly frozen coconut meat in health food stores. Some grocery stores also prepare fresh coconut meat.


Yes, avocado is technically a fruit, and Li says it's a terrific diet food because it contains high percentages of both healthy fat and fibre (seven grams, in fact, in one fruit). "The fat and fibre work together to keep you feeling full longer," she adds. Bonus—avocado's fat is chiefly monounsaturated, which offers protective heart benefits.

Tip: Guacamole's an incredibly satisfying snack. Dig into Edamame Guacamole with toasted whole wheat pita chips.

Dragon fruit 

"I love dragon fruit. Not only is it pretty looking, it's got good volumetrics," says Li. She's refering to the diet principle created by Dr. Barbara Rolls that substitutes deprivation for lots of healthy foods you can feel full on. Dragon fruit fits the bill, according to Li, because one whole fruit contains just 60 calories and only eight grams of sugar. "That's terrific compared to other fruits, she adds, pointing out that one apple is 80 to 100 calories.

Tip: Cut the dragon fruit in half and scoop the pulp—seeds, too—straight out of the shell with a spoon. "It's refreshing, like cucumber, only sweeter," adds Li.


Kiwi is a handy diet food because it's portable. "You can throw a couple in your purse and go," says Li. And because you can eat the skin along with the flesh, you're getting five grams of fibre per fruit, says Li. Kiwi is also loaded with vitamin C and contains a natural enzyme that helps the body digest protein.

Tip: Kiwi is a great diet snack on its own, but also delicious on salads and in meat marinades.

Promotes Healthy Weight Loss

Because kiwi is relatively low in calories (about 42 calories each) and an excellent source of fiber, it's also a great food if you're looking to drop excess pounds.

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Correspondingly, is Kiwi healthy for weight loss?

Kiwifruit is soft, sweet, and delicious when eaten raw, peeled, or unpeeled. Summary Kiwifruits are highly nutritious and provide a range of health benefits. Their high fiber and low calorie content make them ideal for weight loss.

Beside above, does Kiwi help burn belly fat? Kiwi can do wonders for digestion. The fruit contains an enzyme known as actinidain, which is known for its protein dissolving properties. It helps in the digestion of proteins in the body and is also known to help patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

Similarly one may ask, which fruits should be avoided for weight loss?

Fruits you should avoid if you are trying to lose weight

Avocado. Any high-calorie fruit should be consumed less.

Grapes. While they are great for overall health, grapes are loaded with sugar and fats, which makes them the wrong fruit to eat while on a strict weight loss diet.

Dry fruits.

Are kiwi fruit fattening?

One kiwi fruit (flesh only) contains just 34 calories. Because it's a fruit, it's naturally high in carbohydrates with 6.5g per kiwi, of which almost all of it is sugar. Kiwi fruits are very low in protein and fat (0.6g each), but they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

35 Related Question Answers Found



How many Kiwis can I eat a day?

Eating one to three kiwis a day is enough for most people to get the boost of nutrients from the fruit. A daily dose of some kiwi powders is about 5.5 grams.

Is Kiwi A Superfood?

Loaded with Vitamin C, kiwi has potent antioxidant properties, which help boost immune system function and enhance cell protection and repair. Here's some news that might make kiwi a true superfood: New research suggests that eating kiwifruit may have significant benefits for sleep.

Is Kiwi good for skin?

Since kiwi skins are rich in both water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidants, they offer strong antioxidant protection for your entire body. Summary Kiwi skin has a high concentration of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C and vitamin E. These antioxidants fight free-radical damage in many areas of the body.

Can we drink water after eating kiwi?

It is recommended that you have water at least an hour after you eat fruits. Experts suggest that you consume water one hour after eating fruits. This is because having water immediately after meals dilute the gastric juice and the digestive enzymes that are needed for digestion.

Is Kiwi a citrus fruit?

Citrus fruits contain large quantities of citric acid, which gives them their characteristic sharp, tart taste. For this reason the kiwifruit is actually considered a non-citrus subtropical fruit, in the same category as the fig and the pomegranate.

Is Kiwi good for diabetics?

You could include kiwi in your diet. Many researchers have proved that eating kiwis could actually help you in lowering your blood sugar levels. This fruit is one of the best fruits for people suffering from diabetes. It not only controls your blood sugar level but also helps in controlling diabetes.

Does Kiwi speed up your metabolism?

Here's how Kiwi smoothie helps in losing weight: Not only is kiwi good for boosting metabolism, it also improves digestion. Due to the presence of an enzyme of actinidain, kiwi helps in digestion of proteins and breaking fat molecules, which eventually help in easing bowel movement.

Can fruit make you fat?

To answer the question “Does fruit cause weight gain?” - No, fruit is not the cause of weight gain. Studies show that even adding fruit into the diet is associated with weight loss.

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What should I stop eating to lose weight?

Here are 11 foods to avoid when you're trying to lose weight. French Fries and Potato Chips. Whole potatoes are healthy and filling, but french fries and potato chips are not. Sugary Drinks. White Bread. Candy Bars. Most Fruit Juices. Pastries, Cookies and Cakes. Some Types of Alcohol (Especially Beer) Ice Cream.

How can I lose my belly fat overnight?

Here are 8 ways you can feel trimmer and slimmer in your belly—in some cases, nearly overnight. Stand up straight. Dress in belly-flattening fashions. Turn in an hour earlier. Swap soda for Sassy Water. Munch more whole grains and protein. Have watermelon for dessert. Add this cupboard staple to your diet. Go slowly at meals.

Can you eat unlimited vegetables and lose weight?

Yes, if following F-Factor correctly, people can eat unlimited vegetables and still lose or maintain weight—so long as they are non-starchy vegetables that are raw, plain or steamed with no oil (as opposed to being prepared with butter, oil or sauce).

What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat?

5 Foods That Banish Belly Fat Oatmeal. You may think that eating less will help you lose weight, but you should never skip meals, especially the first meal of the day. Blueberries. Research has shown that a diet rich in blueberries may help diminish belly fat. Almonds. Salmon. Lettuce.

How can I lose tummy fat fast?

20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science) Eat plenty of soluble fiber. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. Don't drink too much alcohol. Eat a high protein diet. Reduce your stress levels. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs.

How do I start a diet?

Here are 14 ways to stick to a healthy diet. Start with realistic expectations. Think about what really motivates you. Keep unhealthy foods out of the house. Don't have an 'all or nothing' approach. Carry healthy snacks. Exercise and change diet at the same time. Have a game plan before eating out.

After the indulgent Christmas period, many Australians will find themselves suffering from the dreaded 'festive bloat'. 

Thankfully, there are a number of foods that can improve your digestive health, slim down your figure and rid your body of excess water. 

The Healthy Mummy has listed a number of natural foods known for their 'fat-blasting' properties - including fennel seeds, ginger, kiwi fruit and celery.

After the indulgent Christmas period, many Australians will find themselves suffering from the dreaded 'festive bloat'. Thankfully, there are a number of foods that can improve your digestive health, slim down your figure and rid your body of excess water


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After the indulgent Christmas period, many Australians will find themselves suffering from the dreaded 'festive bloat'. Thankfully, there are a number of foods that can improve your digestive health, slim down your figure and rid your body of excess water



Fennel seeds not only add a burst of flavour to any meal but they also have a compound that relaxes gastrointestinal tract spasms that helps relieve bloating. 

According to Livestrong, the spice is 'low in calories and rich in nutrients' and is a 'good addition to any low-calorie diet plan for weight loss'. 

'One tablespoon of fennel seeds has 20 calories, 1 gram of protein, 3 grams of carbs and 2 grams of fibre,' they write.

'It's also a good source of iron and can up your intake of calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and many of the B-vitamins.' 

Fennel seeds not only add a burst of flavour to any meal but they also have a compound that relaxes gastrointestinal tract spasms, helping to relieve bloating


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Fennel seeds not only add a burst of flavour to any meal but they also have a compound that relaxes gastrointestinal tract spasms, helping to relieve bloating





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Ginger contains zingibain, a digestive enzyme that helps the body break down protein, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help with bloating. 

A ginger tea after a meal can help stimulate bile and gastric juices that help with digestion which in turn prevents bloating. 

Various university studies have also found that ginger can prevent cardiovascular damage, help people feel fuller for longer and can stimulate the body to 'speed digested food through the colon'. 

Ginger contains zingibain, a digestive enzyme that helps the body break down protein, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help with bloating


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Ginger contains zingibain, a digestive enzyme that helps the body break down protein, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help with bloating

What other foods will support weight loss this summer? 


Any berries are fab but blueberries in particular are packed full of antioxidants, Vitamin C, fibre whilst also being relatively low in calories and carbohydrates. 

Green tea

If you are looking for a fat burning boost, adding in a couple of cups of green tea to your day is the way to go. Not only is green tea a rich source of powerful antioxidants that help to prevent cell related damage but there is also some evidence to show that green tea may increase fat metabolism. 


Not only are lemons a rich source of Vitamin C, but they are a handy addition to juices and smoothies. Lemon juice is also a low calorie salad dressing; it helps to lower the GI of carb based meals.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can enjoy, with minimal calories especially on a low calorie weight loss eating regime. With a serve giving more than 16g of protein per ½ cup along with calcium, magnesium and Vitamin B12, adding a serve of cottage cheese into your day is a great way to bump your intake of essential nutrients for very few calories. 

White fish 

If weight loss is your goal, white fish is your superfood. Exceptionally high in protein, low in fat and calories, any type of white fish ranging from dory, perch, barramundi, sole, flounder and whiting is a superfood when it comes to weight loss.

Source: Susie Burell  


A common addition to smoothie bowls, this pretty fruit is extremely high in fibre and is great for detoxing the bowel. 

According to Healthline, a study found 41 people who ate two golden kiwis per day had a 3.1cm reduction in waist circumference after 12 weeks and a reduction in blood pressure. 

SUCCESS 100% ! 7 Days Kiwi fruit helps with weight loss at home

The fruit is also thought to help with cholesterol, overall gut health and a feeling of fullness. 


Pineapple is a summer favourite - but few are aware of the many health benefits it has on the body. 

In addition to being high in Vitamin C and other antioxidants, it is also high in manganese, an an essential element for energy production.

Pineapples protect your cells from free radicals, help the body use key nutrients including thiamine and biotin and help synthesise fatty foods.


A natural diuretic, melons are perfect for flushing excess water and salt from the body. 

They also act as a natural electrolyte replacement to help with hydration. 

Most melons, especially rockmelon, are great sources of fibre and help to keep the digestive tract healthy and as a result, helps with fat control as it keeps people fuller for longer. 

They're also a great way to satiate sugar cravings after a meal.   

Most melons, especially rockmelon, are great sources of fibre and help to keep the digestive tract healthy and as a result, helps with fat control as it keeps people fuller for longer (pictured is influencer and model Gabrielle Epstein)


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Most melons, especially rockmelon, are great sources of fibre and help to keep the digestive tract healthy and as a result, helps with fat control as it keeps people fuller for longer (pictured is influencer and model Gabrielle Epstein)

Why is rockmelon a good addition to your diet? 

One 100g serve of rockmelon only has 5.7g of sugar, 0.1g of fat and 29 calories. Comparatively, a 100g piece of mango has 11.2g of sugar, 0.2g of fat and has 55 calories.

The potassium in rockmelon sends oxygen to the brain and slows the heart rate, meaning it has a calming effect and it's packed with beta-carotene, (the precursor to vitamin A), so rockmelon boasts all the benefits of a vitamin A-rich food, like decreased inflammation and a lower risk of developing cancer, heart disease and cataracts in the eyes. 

Rockmelon has about 30 times more beta-carotene than oranges, even though it's paler in colour.

Source: Popsugar


While it's not great on the flavour front, celery is great for lowering inflammation, healing the body, reducing bloating and lowering high blood pressure and has been touted by celebrities as a 'must-try' for glowing skin. 

A detoxifying food, celery is said to help cleanse the liver which helps with weight loss and is thought to help the body fight infections by strengthening white blood cells. 

Ali Webster, the Associate Director of Nutrition Communications at the International Food Information Council Foundation, told Men's Health that a lot of these benefits are also largely due to celery being consumed alongside other health changes. 

'Health benefits are often multi-faceted. If a person has made the decision to start drinking celery juice, they’re probably making other changes as well, like eating better overall, going to the gym, or at the very least, starting to pay attention to what and how they eat,' she said.

'Celery is full of fibre, magnesium, and potassium, which are important for regularity, bone and heart health. And since celery is low in calories, it can be especially good for those trying to lose weight. But celery alone will not make you drop pounds fast.'

While it's not great on the flavour front, celery is great for lowering inflammation, healing the body, reducing bloating and lowering high blood pressure and has been touted by celebrities as a 'must-try' for glowing skin (pictured is blogger Loni Jane with a juice containing celery)


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While it's not great on the flavour front, celery is great for lowering inflammation, healing the body, reducing bloating and lowering high blood pressure and has been touted by celebrities as a 'must-try' for glowing skin (pictured is blogger Loni Jane with a juice containing celery)


According to Australian Susie Burrell, Greek yoghurt is an excellent choice as it not only contains much less sugar than the average serve of store bought yoghurt but it is much higher in protein.

This helps to keep your blood glucose levels regulated throughout the day.

'An added benefit will come if you choose a variety of Greek yoghurt which also contains probiotics, the live bacteria that will help to feed the good bacteria in the gut and is thought to have a powerful role in optimal immune functioning long term,' she said.

'Enjoy with some oats for breakfast, as a filling snack, as a light dessert option, add to smoothies and protein shakes or even as a dressing option with vegetables for a daily calcium boost.'

We've all heard that eating too much sodium isn't great for heart health, but the balance of sodium and potassium (rather than just overdoing it with the salt shaker) often paints a broader picture of heart disease risk.

"Sodium and potassium work together when consumed in appropriate amounts to support water balance, heart rate, blood pressure, cell hygiene, and muscle health," says dietitian Lauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN, nutrition consultant for Freshbit, an AI-driven visual diet app.

Because kiwi is rich in potassium—and contains almost no sodium—it's an excellent food for your ticker.

"Prioritizing potassium-rich foods like kiwis can help boost potassium, which offsets sodium's negative effects on blood pressure, heart rate, and water balance," Minchen says.

Plus, kiwis are moderately high in fiber, with just over 2 grams per fruit, adding to their heart health punch. Research shows that high-fiber diets are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease—and they can even help you lose weight.

Along with kiwis, here are 21 High Potassium Foods That Keep Your Muscles Healthy and Strong.

2 You'll enhance your digestion.

kiwi in bowl


If we're talking fiber, we've got to discuss digestion. Including plenty of fiber in your diet has proven benefits for decreasing constipation and diarrhea and cultivating a healthy microbiome. But kiwi's digestive merits don't stop there. A 2010 study found that an enzyme in kiwi called actinidin specifically helped break down protein in the digestive tract.

For more ways to boost fiber, check out our list of 20 Easy Ways to Add Fiber to Your Diet.

3 You'll promote better vision.

Woman using spoon to eat kiwi


Kiwis are rich in two antioxidants that you may never have heard of—lutein and zeaxanthin—but they have an important role to play in ocular health. These carotenoid compounds are the only type that accumulates in the retina. There, they protect against eye damage by keeping cells clean of damaging free radicals. The result: a possible slowing of the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration. To give your eyes a boost, Minchen recommends a salad of leafy greens, tomato, sunflower seeds, and kiwi with balsamic vinaigrette.

4 You could ward off iron deficiency anemia.



Move over, oranges! Kiwis are their own vitamin C powerhouse with 56 milligrams per fruit. That's 62% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for men and 75% for women.

Getting plenty of vitamin C in your daily diet can help keep anemia at bay, as it enhances your body's absorption of iron.

"Kiwis can help boost iron absorption when paired with iron-rich foods, which can help combat iron-deficiency anemia, as part of an iron-rich diet," Minchen says.

Here's What Taking Vitamin C Every Day Does to Your Body.

5 You might lose weight.

Kiwi sliced in half


A single kiwi fruit contains only 44 calories—an itty-bitty amount compared to lots of other sweet snacks. Replacing higher-calorie foods with a juicy green kiwi (or two!) could certainly cut back on your daily calorie intake, leading to weight loss. In fact, a 2018 study (which, granted, was funded by a large kiwifruit marketer, Zespri International), found that people who ate two kiwis per day for 12 weeks significantly reduced their waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio.

6 You'll keep steady blood sugar.



Are you familiar with the glycemic index? This ranking system explains how much certain foods raise your blood sugar on a scale of zero to 100. With a score of about 50, kiwi fall in the low range for fruits. This is a major positive, especially for people with diabetes, according to Minchen.

"Eating low glycemic foods is particularly helpful for diabetics because it means that these foods can help to support natural management of blood sugar," she says. "Low glycemic foods don't cause an extreme spike in blood sugar, so you don't need as much insulin in your bloodstream to manage the surge after meals."

When you're craving something sweet—but don't want to worry about the ups and downs of a glucose rollercoaster—try a smoothie of kiwi, Greek yogurt, macadamia nut milk, and a sprinkle of coconut. And for more inspiration, take a look at the 50 Best Foods for Diabetics.

7 You might increase your risk of kidney stones.



For some folks, eating lots of kiwi might not be the equivalent of a culinary tropical vacation. In fact, for one health condition in particular, a fruit salad of these bright green fruits could lead to an experience that's downright unpleasant. Kiwis are high in oxalate, a naturally occurring plant compound that can increase your risk of kidney stones. If you're prone to these painful-to-pass stones, it's smart to cut back on high-oxalate foods—so put kiwi on your list of "sometimes" foods.

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Fruits are juicy, refreshing and delicious. They are also high in fiber, contain natural sugars and help keep unwanted cravings away. But can eating fruits really help you lose weight?NDTV FoodUpdated: October 28, 2021 18:21 ISTRead Time:6 min


These 12 Fruits Can Help You Lose Weight

Daily intake of fruit can prevent weight gainHighlightsFruits add bulk to our diets and do not provide many caloriesEat five serving of fruits every day and opt for different coloursIncreasing daily intake of fruits can prevent weight-gain

Fruits are juicy, refreshing and delicious. They are also high in fiber, contain natural sugars and help keep unwanted cravings away. You may already know that you should include a variety of them in your diet, but not every fruit is equal when it comes to the nutritional value. There are certain fruits that are higher in fiber and pectin. Both work as natural fat burners that can help boost your metabolism and aid weight loss.  Additionally, they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are also low in fat and calories. But, can eating fruits really help you lose weight?

“To lose weight you need to take less calories but that doesn't mean that you have to eat less. Fruits add bulk to our diets and do not provide many calories. They can be used as a substitute for high calories foods in our diet, making you feeling full and satisfied with an intake of fewer calories. For example, if we add fruits like peaches, strawberries and apple to our breakfast cereals then we can cut down the cereal portion size, thereby reducing calories without starving ourselves. Fruits can be also used as a substitute for high glycemic index foods in our diet and thus can help in weight loss. You should aim for eating five serving of fruits every day and opt for different colours,” explains Dr. Gargi Sharma, Weight Loss Consultant, New Delhi.

(Also read:  Eat These 7 Calcium-Rich Fruits To Ensure Healthy Bones And Teeth)

Recently, scientists at Harvard University found that increasing the daily intake of fruit can prevent weight gain, even if you continue consuming the same amount of calories. Researchers suggest that all the benefits of eating fruits come from the flavonoids they contain. Flavonoids are a group of phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables that impart colour. They are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Fruits get a bad reputation because of their sugar content but they are actually great for weight loss as they can help in controlling your calorie intake. Dr. Gargi Sharma suggests some that you must include in your diet if you're looking to lose weight.

Watermelon: This juicy fruit provides only 30 calories per 100 grams and keeps you hydrated. It is rich in amino acid arginine which helps in burning fat.

Guava: They are rich in fiber, have low glycemic index and prevent constipation. They also activate the metabolic rate which helps in weight loss.

Pear: A great source of Vitamin C, pear is the perfect fruit for weight loss. It is packed with fiber which keeps you full for longer as it gets digested slowly. Pears are also known to keep your cholesterol levels in check.

Oranges: Add some tang to your diet with this nutrient-dense, low-calorie fruit. Oranges provide only 47 calories per 100 grams. Orange is considered to be a negative calorie fruit which means that it contains less calories than what your body requires to burn it. Simply put, you burn more than you eat.

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(Also Read: Weight Loss: Best Healthy Detox Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner) 


Photo Credit: iStock

Blueberries: Popularly known as a superfood, blueberries are rich in antioxidants and help in boosting metabolic rate. Regular consumption is also known to reduce insulin resistance, hypertension and cholesterol.

Strawberries: These beautiful looking berries help in the production of fat burning hormones adiponectin and leptin resulting in higher metabolism.

Peaches: They are very filling as water composes 89 percent of their weight. Being rich in fiber, they help in reducing hunger.

(Also read: 5 Indian Winter Fruits That Boost Immune System)

You may also consider several other fruits which help in losing weight.

Apples:Apples are considered to be low in calories and high in fiber. They are considered to be good for weight loss, Apples are also very filling; hence we eat fewer amounts of other foods during the course of the day. It is also said that apples should be consumed whole, instead of juice, for better result.

Plums: Plums are low in calories, but have good amount of minerals (Potassium, Manganese) and vitamins like A, C and K. Plums contain phenols, a type of phytonutrient, which are strong antioxidants.

Kiwi: Highly nutrient-dense, kiwis are highly nutritious and their high fiber and low calorie content work as magic for weight loss. Kiwis are excellent source of vitamin C, E, folate and fiber. Studies note that kiwi can help in the additional weight loss benefits, like controlling blood sugar, improving cholesterol and others.

Avocados: Avocados are calorie-dense fruits grown in warm climates. The fat content in avocados is considered healthy, which helps in promoting weight loss. Avocados are a great source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber. Some studies have found that eating avocados can increase feelings of fullness and decrease appetite.

Apricots:Apricots are rich in nutrients like vitamin A and C, as per USDA. They are also enriched with calcium, magnesium and potassium. This fuzzy and furry fruit contains very less amount of calories, which make them excellent addition to one's weight loss diet. It can fill one's appetite for several hours that helps in keeping check on hunger and cravings.

An easy way to include fruits in your daily diet is to sneak them in as a snack between meals. Fresh fruits make for great low-calorie snacks. This way, you'll be able to control untimely cravings and also prevent overeating. Mix them with yogurt or cereal for breakfast, throw them in salads for lunch or serve them with as a sweet accompaniment for dessert to curb your sweet tooth. Fruits can be enjoyed any time of the day and with every meal.

A lot of us may get carried away with the juicing trend but Dr. Gargi clarifies that if your goal is to keep your weight down, you must eat whole fruits. Juicing is a great way to detox, keep your body hydrated and increase the intake of potassium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and other minerals but it may not work for weight loss. Juicing leads to extraction of fiber from a fruit which is one of the most important components. A lot of studies and health experts agree that increasing your fibre intake can lead to weight loss. Fiber helps to slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. It helps in improving digestion and keeps you satisfied for longer period of time. All of these factors contribute in managing your calorie intake which paves the way to reach your goal - whether it is weight loss or simply staying slim.

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

Belly fat is dangerous not because it affects our physical appearance but because it may increase the risk of several diseases or conditions. Eat these foods regularly to cut belly fat.  By: DoctorNDTV  Updated: Jul 10, 2018 11:18 IST3-Min Read SHARES  Belly Fat: 6 Foods That Will Help You Burn Belly FatConsuming fats and carbohydrates free food will help reduce belly fat


Eating healthy food boosts the immunity systemIt also helps you burn belly fat effectivelyConsuming fats and carbohydrates free food can help you burn belly fat

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is closely connected with the kind of food choices we make in our daily life. Health and fitness help us avoid many diseases and build a strong immune system. Eating healthy food increases life expectancy and helps us combat various mental as well as physical problems that we face in our lives. Belly fat is dangerous not because it affects our physical appearance but because it may increase the risk of several diseases or conditions. It is closely linked to diabetes, heart diseases, etc and can affect anyone irrespective of age or sex. To stay healthy and cut the chances of getting a chronic disease it is necessary to pay attention to fat accumulated around the abdominal area which is known as belly fat. Increased stress, slow metabolism and unhealthy eating habits lead to the accumulation of belly fat. Consuming fats and carbohydrates free food will immensely help you reduce belly fat.

 Can Kiwifruit Help You Lose Weight? - Fruits That'll Help You Lose Weight

belly fat

Belly fat may indicate several diseases or conditions

Photo Credit: iStock

Kiwi tastes sweet, but that's because it contains natural, not added, sugar, so it's a healthier choice than cake or cookies.

Cameron Whitman/Stocksy

There are plenty of juicy, delicious fruits to choose from when you want to satisfy your sweet tooth with a healthy snack. But like some people, you might get into a pattern of adding the same kinds of fruit — perhaps bananas, apples, or oranges — to your grocery cart each week.

If you’re getting bored with the same ol' same ol', it’s time to step outside your comfort zone. And if you haven’t already, kiwi is a fruit that’s worth discovering.

What Is Kiwi Exactly, and What Should I Know About Its History? 

Kiwi is a small fruit, usually smaller than your typical apple or orange. But don’t let its size fool you. Kiwis are packed with a lot of flavor and are an excellent source of nutrition.

Even if you’ve never eaten a kiwi, you can probably pinpoint one in a lineup, with its brown fuzzy skin, brilliant green color, and tiny black seeds.

Also called kiwifruit, Chinese gooseberry, or yang tao, kiwi originated in northern China, where it was mostly eaten for medicinal purposes. It wasn’t until the early 20th century that kiwi spread from China to New Zealand and began being cultivated there. (1)

Kiwi is a relatively new fruit crop. New Zealand didn’t start growing the crop commercially until the 1940s, and it wasn’t introduced in the United States until the early 1960s. (1)


What’s in This Fuzzy Fruit? Kiwi Nutritional Facts to Know

Here’s the nutritional breakdown for one kiwifruit, about 69 grams (g), according to the United States Department of Agriculture: (2,3)

42 calories (cal)

215 milligrams (mg) of potassium, or 5 percent recommended daily value (DV)

1 g of dietary fiber, or 8 percent DV

0.8 g of protein, or 2 percent DV

23 mg of calcium, or 2 percent DV

64 mg of vitamin C, or 107 percent DV

2 g of sugar

1 mg of vitamin E, or 5 percent DV

8 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K, or 35 percent DV

7 mg of magnesium, or 3 percent DV

60 international units (IU) of vitamin A, or 1 percent DV

17 mcg of folate


How Good Is Kiwi Fruit for You? A Look at Its Possible Health Benefits

What exactly are the health benefits of kiwi? Here are eight reasons to make kiwi a regular part of your diet.

Improves Respiratory Health 

Kiwi contains a good amount of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and an immune booster. But vitamin C doesn’t only strengthen the immune system, it may also improve breathing and reduce symptoms of asthma.

One study found a link between eating four fresh golden kiwis per day and reduced respiratory tract infection symptoms. (4)


9 Surprising Ways You’re Weakening Your Immune System

Helps With Digestion and Constipation 

Because kiwi is a source of fiber, eating two per day may also help improve digestion and reduce constipation. It can also improve overall bowel function if you suffer from conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or an inflammatory bowel disease. (5)

Plays a Role in a Healthy Heart 

As a source of potassium, kiwi is an excellent choice if you’re looking for natural ways to help lower high blood pressure (hypertension).

One study found that eating three kiwis a day helped lower individuals’ blood pressure, though you may see improvements with eating fewer — researchers attributed the reduction to a bioactive substance in the fruit. Reducing your blood pressure can decrease the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack. (6)

The dietary fiber in kiwi can also provide heart benefits by lowering your triglycerides. A study found that people who ate two to three kiwis per day had a 15 percent lower triglyceride level compared with those who didn’t eat kiwi. (7)

The Best Superfoods for Boosting Heart Health

Help reduce your risk of heart disease by reaching for these colorful and delicious eats.



Promotes Bone Health 

The vitamin K in kiwi also promotes healthier, stronger bones. A vitamin K deficiency leads to weaker bones and increases the risk of fractures and bone-related illnesses, such as osteoporosis. (8)

Contains Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 

Any type of food that can reduce the risk of cancer needs to be included on your plate. Like many types of fruits, the antioxidants in kiwi help protect your body from free radicals that have been linked to cancer in observational research. That being said, eating kiwis regularly may help inhibit the growth of malignant tumors. (9)


10 Foods That May Help Prevent Cancer

Boosts the Appearance of Skin and Supports Eye Health 

Kiwi may also improve the appearance of your skin. Its vitamin C and antioxidants can help firm and tighten skin, as well as fight skin inflammation and reduce acne. (9) In addition, kiwi contains lutein, which is known to protect the eyes and prevent age-related vision loss. (9)

Helps You Get Better-Quality Sleep 

Do you have difficulty sleeping? You don’t have to reach for over-the-counter sleep drugs. It may come as a surprise, but kiwifruit contains serotonin, a hormone that can have a sedative effect. Eating two kiwis one hour before bed may help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. (10)

Promotes Healthy Weight Loss 

Because kiwi is relatively low in calories (about 42 calories each) and an excellent source of fiber, it’s also a great food if you’re looking to drop excess pounds. (2) You can eat a kiwi if you’re in the mood for something sweet but don’t want to load up on junk foods, like cookies, ice cream, or cake.


A Look at How Kiwi Compares With Other Types of Fruit

Of course, kiwi isn’t the only fruit you can eat to receive nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and health benefits. But if you compare this fruit with others, you may notice that kiwi has a sweeter taste. This raises the question: Is kiwi less healthy than other types of fruit?

First and foremost, all fruits in their whole form, without added sugar, are healthy, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's MyPlate guidelines. But it doesn't hurt to know how kiwi stacks up against other fruit in terms of calories and sugar, especially if you’re looking to lose weight, or are watching your blood sugar in the case of type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

If you compare one kiwi with one medium navel orange, the kiwi has 42 calories and 6.2 g of sugar, whereas the orange has 80 calories and 14 g of sugar. (2,11)

Similarly, one red delicious apple has about 80 calories and 16 g of sugar. (12)


Can Eating Too Much Sugar Cause Type 2 Diabetes?

As you can see, although kiwis have a sweeter taste, they don’t always contain more sugar than other types of fruit. And because kiwis are smaller, you can eat two and consume roughly the same amount of sugar and calories as one apple or orange.

Keep in mind that the sugar in kiwi is also natural, and according to the health scientists at the University of California in San Francisco, “when sugar occurs in nature, it normally comes packaged with fiber, which slows down our body’s absorption of the sugars and reduces its impact on the pancreas and liver — vital organs that can be affected by sugar overload.” (13)

What Are the Potential Health Risks of Kiwi? Here’s Who Shouldn’t Eat the Fruit

Even though kiwi is a delicious, flavorful, and generally healthy fruit, it isn’t right for everyone. Kiwi is safe for most people, but some people may have a kiwi allergy. Symptoms may start shortly after biting into the juicy fruit.

Signs and symptoms of a kiwi allergy may include: (14)

Scratchy throat

Swollen tongue

Difficulty swallowing



Tingling lips

Sore mouth

Kiwi allergies can also affect children. (14)

If you’re giving your child the fruit for the first time, observe them closely to ensure they don’t develop symptoms that could indicate an allergic reaction. Symptoms can be mild or severe, and they may increase in severity the second time a child tries a food. Signs of a severe reaction include difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness. This requires immediate medical help. (14)

Kiwifruit may also slow blood clotting in some people. You should avoid kiwi or limit consumption if you have a bleeding disorder. Talk to your doctor to see how much you can safely consume. (7)

Also, talk to your doctor before surgery to see if you should stop eating kiwi to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Who are the people who cannot eat strawberries? This is important to know for health

Mask of this natural fruit helps to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.

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5 health benefits of blueberry consumption

Did you know that kiwi smoothie could help you lose a few extra pounds? If you ignored this information and are looking for a natural recipe, ideal for losing weight and that also provides the body with the nutritional components it needs for optimal development, then you have come to the perfect place.

If You Eat 2 Kiwi Fruits a Day, This Is What Will Happen To Your Body


Kiwi is a delicious fruit of Chinese origin, which has been used by people around the world for its great contributions to the health of the human body. And made into a succulent shake, it could maximize its properties and become one of the best nutritional supplements.

Today we will teach you how to prepare it so that you can include it in your diet and so that you maintain vitality forever. But before starting, you should know that at no time should it replace meals or be used as an alternative treatment against any disease, even when it is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

Why is kiwi a valuable fruit around the world?

In addition to its undeniable beauty, kiwi has become one of the foods with great nutritional contributions, which is never (or almost never) missing from many people’s plates. But, what kind of benefits does this fruit bring that make it so special? Here we will tell you.


Strengthens the immune system: Taking a kiwi smoothie on a regular basis will help improve defenses, making it much more difficult to fall with a cold or flu. This fruit provides important doses of vitamin C and folic acid.

Improves digestion: Thanks to the amount of soluble and insoluble fiber, kiwi is perfect for improving digestive health, since, among other things, it contributes to intestinal transit. Its consumption also alleviates the symptoms of constipation, especially if it is done in the morning.

It is perfect for losing weight: Including kiwi in the diet is essential for those who want to lose weight naturally. It is made up of a fairly high percentage of water and its caloric content is low.

Decrease anxiety and stress levels: Take a shake a day and you will look much more animated. The reason is simple, since its high content of vitamin C prevents stress and mitigates anxiety levels.

Significantly improves blood circulation: Kiwi in smoothies is very useful, especially to optimize blood circulation. As if that weren’t enough, it lowers blood cholesterol and improves bone health.

How to prepare a rich kiwi smoothie?

Surely you have been looking forward to this part, which is where we will teach you how to prepare a delicious kiwi smoothie. Pay attention to the indications and you will have an excellent result.


2 kiwis.

1/2 glass of water or milk.

Sugar or honey

Preparation mode

Preparation is as simple as following the procedure below:


Step 1: Wash and remove the skin from the kiwis. Then chop them into very small pieces, leaving at least one slice for garnish at the end.

Step 2: Add the small pieces of kiwi to the blender with the 1/2 glass of water or milk. Blend until a homogeneous mixture is achieved.

Step 3: If you want to sweeten, add a little sugar. If you want it healthier, substitute the sugar with a little honey. This step is optional.

Step 4: Pour the mixture into a glass and garnish with the kiwi slice. Now yes, you will have a shake ready to take in your diet plan.

Weight Loss and Other Benefits of Eating Kiwis

The kiwi fruit facilitates weight loss because:

It is a filling food that acts as a safe natural appetite suppressant

People who consume kiwi fruit for a month can lower their blood triglyceride levels by 15%

It is a very high source of fiber that slows down sugars entering the blood stream thereby preventing insulin resistance and helping sweep debris and toxins out of the intestines.

It is extremely high in Vitamin C and Vitamin K (more than an orange), which facilitates overall good health and prevents the flu and colds that can occur in people who over-exercise or who are on low calorie diets

It is a rare vegan source of folate, which helps dieters absorb B vitamins and iron

It is a rich source of vitamin E, which helps skin that has gone flabby to bounce back after weight loss

It contains phytonutrients that prevent asthma attacks, allowing asthmatic dieters to work out, walk or jog longer

It is a water-soluble antioxidant that helps reduce the inflammation caused by diseases that can prevent exercise such as arthritis, rheumatism and diabetes

An orange and a kiwi have the same amount of Vitamin C.

Lose Weight On The Kiwi Fruit Diet


Select kiwifruits that yield a bit to pressure from the fingertips when squeezed.

Do not use soft, bruised or shriveled fruit. The inside should be a bright emerald green and have a creamy consistency. Both smooth-skinned and furry skinned varieties of kiwi are good for weight loss.

Kiwis in a market place.


Eat three medium-sized sliced kiwis first thing in the morning instead of your usual breakfast.

Kiwis have nearly a full amino acid profile, which makes you feel clear and focused. You won't feel hungry because they are full of fiber. For an extra boost of fiber, eat the skin of the kiwi as well.

Replace your usual breakfast with sliced kiwis every morning to lose weight.


Drink 8-16 ounces of room temperature water in the morning along with the kiwis.

The room temperature water enables the soluble fiber to absorb toxins from the intestines. The kiwi matter swells up and makes you feel fuller.

Drink a glass of room temperature water with your kiwis to lose weight.


Add kiwi to your diet in additional ways throughout the day, outlined as below in additional ways to add Kiwi to your diet.

The more kiwis that you eat, the more weight you will lose.


Do not eat anything for four hours before you go to bed.

This is to prevent you from feeling full at breakfast time the next day and not eating your kiwis.

Eating before you go to bed can negate the good effects of the kiwi diet.

Additional Ways to Add Kiwi Fruit to Your Diet


Add kiwi fruit to smoothies.

Kiwis add body and a pleasant strawberry like taste to any smoothie. Kiwi also goes with cocoa or chocolate flavors, ginger, apple and banana.

A kiwi strawberry smoothie.


Make a Kiwi-Spinach green drink.

Add two handfuls of spinach, two kiwis and a large frozen banana into a blender and mix until smooth enough to drink.

A kiwi spinach green drink,


Make a Kiwi-Jasmine Green Tea summer punch.

To make a jug, mix the pulp of three pureed kiwis with six to eight cups of brewed Jasmine Green tea. Add a pinch of stevia sweetener or Truvia and garnish with strawberries, lemon and kiwi slices.

A glass of Jasmine Green Tea Kiwi punch.


Add sliced kiwis to any fruit salad.

Kiwi goes especially well with strawberries or bananas. Be sure to add kiwi last when adding to salads because they can soften other fruits.

Kiwi goes well in a fruit salad.


Mixed sliced kiwi fruit with yogurt for a healthy treat.

Use Vanilla Greek yogurt to achieve a dessert-like taste.

Kiwi fruit and Greek yogurt makes a great dessert.


Use kiwi fruit as a fruit puree.

Puree three kiwi fruit in a blender and use as a sauce that can be poured directly over fish, fruit or cheesecakes.

Kiwi puree can be used as a condiment or poured over desserts.


Make a kiwi-pineapple chutney.

Blend together one kiwifruit, one small orange and a pineapple wedge in a blender. This chutney goes well with fish, chicken or pork.

Kiwi pineapple chutney goes well with fish and meat.


Make a kiwi salad dressing.

Brown chopped onion and raw chopped garlic in olive oil for three minutes and then ad it to a food processor. Add the pulp of two kiwis, two mandarin oranges along with ½ cup extra virgin olive oil, ¼ cup balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. This dressing goes particularly well on Southwestern style chicken salads and taco salads.

Kiwi salad dressing is like a tart Green Goddess style dressing.


Make kiwi guacamole.

Blend the flesh of two ripe avocados with two ripe avocados, ½ of red Spanish onion, 1 jalapeno peppers, 1 ripe green or red tomato, 2 tablespoons of sea salt, one clove of grated garlic and a 1 tablespoon of salt.

Kiwi guacomole cn be made with red or green tomatoes.


Make a raw, vegan Kiwi-Cantalope Summer Soup.

Blend chopped kiwi and cantaloupe chunks together in a blender with a handful of ice cubes to make a chilling and tasty appetizer.

Kiwi and melon soup helps you lose weight.


Make guacamole tuna salad.

Mix one drained can of tuna in water, three tablespoons mashed guacamole, a half a teaspoon of your favorite mustard, one finely diced small dill pickle, one finely diced carrot and one finely chopped celery stick. Mix together and serve as is on a lettuce leaf or in a wrap.

Kiwi goes well in a tuna salad.


Use sliced kiwi coins as a garnish for desserts.

Kiwis make a pretty garnish for tarts, puddings or any low-fat dessert.They are commonly used to top cheesecakes.

Kiwi is often used as a garnish for tarts.


Suspend sliced kiwi in gelatin desserts.

Line a mold with sliced coins of peeled kiwi before pouring in Jell-O to set.

Raw kiwi in gelatin is a healthy low-calorie dessert.


Make Chocolate Covered Kiwi bites.

Chop kiwi fruit into bite sized pieces and chill them for an hour. Melt 3/4 cup coconut oil, ¼ cup Truvia,1/2 of a teaspoon real vanilla extract and one cup of sugar-free cocoa or chocolate chips in the top of a double boiler. Dip the kiwi fruit pieces in the melted chocolate on a chilled metal tray.. The chocolate will solidify. Be sure to eat these immediately for best results.

Chocolate covered kiwi are a low calorie treat.


Make a Kiwi Mint Julep.

Blend together two peeled kiwis, the fruit of one whole lime a teaspoon of stevia or sugar, two tablespoons chopped mint and two ounces of bourbon for an interesting variation on a classic Southern cocktail.

A Kiwi Mint Julep is a nice twist on a Southern favorite.

Tips and Tricks

Kiwi is best served at room temperature.

Do not refrigerate or cook kiwis or you risk destroying their Vitamin C content; they are best eaten at room temperature

Never sprinkle kiwis with sugar as that would defeat the purpose of losing weight; if you do not find the fruit sweet enough then use a bit o Xylitol or Stevia as a sweetener

You can realistically expect to lose a pound a week eating kiwi and nothing else in the morning.

If you have problems with any of the steps in this article, please ask a question for more help, or post in the comments section below.

As women approach menopause they may experience a range of symptoms, but for many, menopausal weight gain is the most difficult to accept.

About 90%1 of menopausal women gain weight due to a combination of factors including decreased oestrogen levels, a slower metabolism, and lifestyle factors like poor diet and lack of exercise.

And while we all know that eating fewer calories coupled with being physically active is the most successful weight-loss treatment around, tipping the scale back in your favour isn't as hard as you might think!

How to Cut a Kiwi - 3 Easy Ways!

By filling up on high-fibre fruits and vegetables like Zespri kiwifruit, you can help minimise weight gain while getting the nutrients you need to stay healthy. This is because fruits and vegetables have high water and fibre content, thereby reducing their energy density.2


Zespri kiwifruit is a low energy-dense fruit

Fruit sometimes gets a bad reputation in the weight loss world because it contains sugar. However, one Zespri Green kiwifruit (100 g) contains only 81 kcal, while Zespri SunGold kiwifruit contains just 79 kcal, making them a great regular, guilt-free snack.3,4

Zespri kiwifruit keeps you feeling fuller for longer

The high fibre and water content of Zespri kiwifruit helps suppress your appetite by keeping you feeling fuller for longer. So by eating Zespri kiwifruit, you are less likely to snack on high-sugar foods between meals, helping you maintaining a healthy weight.

Zespri kiwifruit keeps you healthy from the inside out

Ongoing research indicates that eating kiwifruit with your breakfast can significantly reduce and slow down the uptake of sugars from your food into the bloodstream, which is good news for your blood sugar control.5


Menopause_low-in-calories_zespri_kiwiDid you know that regularly eating Zespri kiwifruit can also help to support the appearance of your skin?

Zespri kiwifruit are high in vitamin C,3,4 which helps your body produce collagen and elastin – both important proteins in the skin. Production of collagen and elastin decreases as we age, causing skin to lose elasticity. Getting enough vitamin C is important in keeping your skin healthy and improving collagen formation, which may help reduce the signs of aging.

Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant, which helps defend the body’s cells against free radicals – damaging substances caused by pollution, cigarette smoke and other toxins. Once neutralised, your body will suffer less from oxidative stress, which has been shown to reduce the signs of skin aging like fine lines and age spots.

Staying fit and healthy has turned out to be the need of the hour, and we often go for quick solutions like weight loss pills and supplements, which to an extent give us that desired result, but how far is it a sustainable solution? Well, no matter how much the labels claim that these quick resorts are free from side effects, the bitter reality is that they eventually create some or the other health disorder leading to several health issues.

Undeniably, there’s nothing better than going for a healthy and natural way of losing weight and even according to experts, a healthy way of losing weight is way more sustainable than going for quick and temporary solutions. In fact, there are a plethora of options available, if you are planning to lose weight.


Right from changing your diet to exercising daily and adapting healthy can help you lose weight quickly, but have you ever thought of enjoying a delicious creamy smoothie and shedding that bulky fat? Unbelievable, right! Well, you will be really happy to know that it is absolutely true and now you can lose weight just by drinking Kiwi smoothie. However, losing weight in a sustainable way takes time, but a healthy amount of exercise and active lifestyle can work wonders.

Here’s how Kiwi smoothie helps in losing weight:

Enriched with the goodness of nature, kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate and potassium, which makes it a perfect dose of health. Not only is kiwi good for boosting metabolism, it also improves digestion. Due to the presence of an enzyme of actinidain, kiwi helps in digestion of proteins and breaking fat molecules, which eventually help in easing bowel movement.

To make a simple kiwi smoothie, all you need some freshly diced kiwi, yoghurt, honey and some almonds. In fact, you can make your own blend as per your choice of healthy ingredients. Healthy smoothies are no less than a meal and can keep you satiated for a longer duration of time. To make it even more healthy, you can prepare it with almond milk and garnish with some crushed roasted almonds.

Is kiwi fruit good for weight loss?

Does Kiwi help burn belly fat?

Can you lose weight eating kiwi?

What fruit burns the most fat?

What fruits burn belly fat fast?

Is Kiwi good for burning fat?

Does kiwi burn belly fat?

What fruit burns the most fat?

When should I eat kiwi to lose weight?

Do Kiwis burn belly fat?

Can I lose weight by eating kiwi?

What is the best time to eat kiwi fruit?

Does Kiwi increase weight?

Is kiwi fruit good for weight loss?


This refreshing fruit is packed with nutrients like vitamins C and K, fibre, folate, and potassium. Kiwis are high in antioxidants and boast of many health benefits . They are also very low in calories and energy density, making them a perfect addition to a weight loss diet . 25

Does Kiwi help burn belly fat?

Diets high in fiber from fruits and vegetables have been shown to promote weight loss, increase fullness and improve gut health ( 33 ). Kiwifruit is soft, sweet, and delicious when eaten raw, peeled, or unpeeled.

Can you lose weight eating kiwi?

The tarty fruit is known to boost digestion naturally. Kiwi contains an enzyme known as actinidain, which helps in digestion of proteins in the body. A good digestion and sustainable weight loss goes hand in hand .

What fruit burns the most fat?

Fiber-rich foods will fill you up faster and keep you feeling full longer, so you'll be less likely to snack between meals. So by adding kiwifruit to your breakfast , you not only gain extra flavor, but also an amazing dose of vitality — energizing, filling and healthful.

What fruits burn belly fat fast?

Kiwis are high in antioxidants and boast of many health benefits. They are also very low in calories and energy density, making them a perfect addition to a weight loss diet. 25

Is Kiwi good for burning fat?

Kiwis are high in antioxidants and boast of many health benefits. They are also very low in calories and energy density, making them a perfect addition to a weight loss diet. 25

Does kiwi burn belly fat?

Here's how Kiwi smoothie helps in losing weight:

Not only is kiwi good for boosting metabolism, it also improves digestion. Due to the presence of an enzyme of actinidain, kiwi helps in digestion of proteins and breaking fat molecules , which eventually help in easing bowel movement.

What fruit burns the most fat?


Fiber-rich foods will fill you up faster and keep you feeling full longer, so you'll be less likely to snack between meals. So by adding kiwifruit to your breakfast , you not only gain extra flavor, but also an amazing dose of vitality — energizing, filling and healthful.

When should I eat kiwi to lose weight?

This exotic fruit is great for someone who wants to gain weight. This nutrient rich fruit is loaded with healthy fats , which can help you gain weight naturally. In fact, a medium sized fruit has around 162 calories.

Do Kiwis burn belly fat?

Here's how Kiwi smoothie helps in losing weight:

Not only is kiwi good for boosting metabolism, it also improves digestion. Due to the presence of an enzyme of actinidain, kiwi helps in digestion of proteins and breaking fat molecules , which eventually help in easing bowel movement. 28

Can I lose weight by eating kiwi?

Kiwis are high in antioxidants and boast of many health benefits. They are also very low in calories and energy density , making them a perfect addition to a weight loss diet. 25

What is the best time to eat kiwi fruit?

Benefits of Eating Kiwi in the Morning

What helps with energy? Vitamin C's contribution to healthy, normal energy metabolism is the perfect counter that reduces tiredness and fatigue. Fortunately, both Zespri Green and SunGold kiwifruit contain Vitamin C to spare — three times as much as oranges!

Does Kiwi increase weight?

This exotic fruit is great for someone who wants to gain weight. This nutrient rich fruit is loaded with healthy fats , which can help you gain weight naturally. In fact, a medium sized fruit has around 162 calories. 9

Kiwifruit is soft, sweet, and delicious when eaten raw, peeled, or unpeeled. It can also be juiced, used in salads, added to your morning cereal, or used in baked goods. calorie content make them ideal for weight loss.

‍ Kiwi for weight loss kiwi contains 2.1 grams of fiber. Eatthree medium-sized sliced kiwis first thing in the morning instead of your heavy breakfast. With Kiwis having nearly a full amino acid profile, it will make you feel clear and focused.

Contents [hide]

1 Does kiwi help burn belly fat?

2 Can you lose weight by eating kiwi fruit?

3 What is the best time to eat kiwi fruit?

4 How can I reduce my tummy in 7 days?

5 Is it OK to eat kiwi fruit everyday?

6 How many kiwi Can I eat a day?

7 Does kiwi make you poop?

8 What fruit is best for weight loss?

9 Is one kiwi a day enough?

10 Can I eat kiwi at night?

11 What are the side effects of eating kiwi fruit?

12 How can I lose tummy fat fast?

13 How can I reduce my tummy in 15 days?

14 How can I flatten my stomach naturally?

Does kiwi help burn belly fat?

Here’s how Kiwi smoothie helps in losing weight: Not only is kiwi good for boosting metabolism, it also improves digestion. Due to the presence of an enzyme of actinidain, kiwi helps in digestion of proteins and breaking fat molecules, which eventually help in easing bowel movement.

How to Serve Kiwi Fruit

Can you lose weight by eating kiwi fruit?

Kiwis are high in antioxidants and boast of many health benefits. They are also very low in calories and energy density, making them a perfect addition to a weight loss diet.

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What is the best time to eat kiwi fruit?

So by adding kiwifruit to your breakfast, you not only gain extra flavor, but also an amazing dose of vitality — energizing, filling and healthful. Fortunately, it’s easy to incorporate kiwi into your breakfast.

How can I reduce my tummy in 7 days?

Additionally, check out these tips for how to burn belly fat in less than a week.

Include aerobic exercises in your daily routine.

Reduce refined carbs.

Add fatty fish to your diet.

Start the day with a high protein breakfast.

Drink enough water.

Reduce your salt intake.

Consume soluble fiber.

Is it OK to eat kiwi fruit everyday?

Eating a kiwi fruit is for sure a healthy habit in your everyday life. High in antioxidants, a daily consumption would prevent the appearance of certain cancers and limit the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Some scientific studies have shown that the oxidation of DNA is responsible for certain type of cancers.

How many kiwi Can I eat a day?

Eating one to three kiwis a day is enough for most people to get the boost of nutrients from the fruit. A daily dose of some kiwi powders is about 5.5 grams. Follow the instructions on supplements you take, and ask your doctor before starting a new supplement regimen.

Does kiwi make you poop?


Kiwi. Kiwi is especially high in fiber, which makes it an excellent food to help promote regularity. One medium kiwi (2.6 ounces or 69 grams) contains 2 grams of fiber ( 9 ). Kiwi has been shown to stimulate movement in the digestive tract, helping induce bowel movements ( 10 ).

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What fruit is best for weight loss?

The 11 Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Grapefruit. Share on Pinterest.

Apples. Apples are low in calories and high in fiber, with 116 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber per large fruit (223 grams) ( 1 ).

Berries. Berries are low-calorie nutrient powerhouses.

Stone Fruits. Share on Pinterest.

Passion Fruit.




Is one kiwi a day enough?

Kiwi fruit is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Vitamin A and is replete with healthy carotenoids and Omega 3 fatty acids. Everyone should eat at least one kiwi fruit daily owing to its health benefits.

Can I eat kiwi at night?

According to studies on their potential to improve sleep quality, kiwis may also be one of the best foods to eat before bed. In a 4-week study, 24 adults consumed two kiwifruits one hour before going to bed each night.

What are the side effects of eating kiwi fruit?

Kiwi can cause allergic reactions such as trouble swallowing (dysphagia), vomiting, and hives in people who are allergic to the fruit.

How can I lose tummy fat fast?

20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science)

Eat plenty of soluble fiber.

Avoid foods that contain trans fats.

Don’t drink too much alcohol.

Eat a high protein diet.

Reduce your stress levels.

Don’t eat a lot of sugary foods.

Do aerobic exercise (cardio)

Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs.

How can I reduce my tummy in 15 days?

So, here we are to help you lose those extra kilos in just 15 days:

Drink Water- Start your day with lukewarm or lime water.

Walk – Walk after every meal to keep your body away from accumulating fat.

Eat small – Losing weight is not synonymous with not eating at all.

You might be interested:  Quick Answer: Which Vegetable Is Also A Fruit?

How can I flatten my stomach naturally?

The 30 Best Ways to Get a Flat Stomach

5 “Superfoods” I Recently Added To My Diet (Science Explained)

Cut Calories, but Not Too Much. Share on Pinterest.

Eat More Fiber, Especially Soluble Fiber.

Take Probiotics.

Do Some Cardio.

Drink Protein Shakes.

Eat Foods Rich in Monounsaturated Fatty Acids.

Limit Your Intake of Carbs, Especially Refined Carbs.

Do Resistance Training.

Fruit you should avoid for weight loss..

1- Avocado

2- Grapes

3- Dry fruits

4- Banana

5- Mango

Foods you should be avoid for weight loss.

1- Ice cream

2- Sugary drinks

3- French fries and potato chips.

4- Pastries,cookies and cakes.

5- White bread

Kiwis are small fruits that pack a lot of flavour and plenty of health benefits. Their green flesh is sweet and tangy. It’s also full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of dietary fibre.

  1. Kiwis have plenty of fibre, which is already good for digestion. They also contain a proteolytic enzyme called actinidin that can help break down protein.
  2. Excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient when it comes to boosting your immune system to ward off disease.
  3. Helps in managing blood pressure levels.
  4. Kiwis’ high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein are beneficial in improving vision health.

7 Health Benefits of Kiwi

  • Helps treat asthma.
  • Aids digestion.
  • Boosts immune system.
  • Helps prevent sickness.
  • Manages blood pressure.
  • Reduces blood clotting.
  • Protects against vision loss.
  • Potential risks.7

How effective a detox diet is depends on the particular regimen and how you use it, says Dr. Carolyn Ross, an integrative medicine specialist and author of Healing Body, Mind and Spirit. “There is evidence that we are exposed to more toxins than our bodies are capable of handling, so detoxification is useful,” she says.

Most detox programs tend to be fairly short–3 to 21 days—and quite restrictive in calories. They eliminate fast foods, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and sometimes meat, dairy or wheat. Most focus on vegetables and fruits, sometimes raw, sometimes juiced. Some are based on nutritional supplements such as protein powders.

But all contain “cleansing” elements, like fiber and fluid, meant to remove metabolic wastes from your body. Herbs such as milk thistle or nutritional supplements such as l-cysteine may also be used to stimulate liver enzymes that help break down toxins found in our bodies, including obesity-promoting chemicalssuch as tributyltin and bisphenol A.Some have you drink a solution of a purified, powdered clay called bentonite, or activated charcoal; both are super-absorbers. Some detox regimes recommend colon-cleansing enemas; others prescribe saunas to help excrete toxins through your skin.

When it comes down to it, though, a whole foods approach is preferable to juice fasts or supplement-based programs, says Dr. Christine Gerbstadt, a registered dietitian author of The Doctor’s Detox Diet: The Ultimate Weight Loss Prescription. “I think the best detox is a natural, whole foods diet,” she says. “It supports your liver and colon, improves your metabolism, and helps you lose weight without taking it to extremes that could lead to nutritional deficiencies or fluid imbalances.” Gerbstadt is also concerned that people with eating disorders may use extreme detox diets like juice fasts to rationalize anorexic behavior.

A detox program can be very useful in helping people identify energy-sapping food allergies and reduce cravings for foods that people tend to overeat or binge on, Ross adds.

Most detox diets do help you lose weight quickly, but that initial loss is mostly water. “The fat doesn’t start to seriously come off until you are about three weeks into a diet—about the same time most of these diets end,” Gerbstadt says. Many people are disappointed when the weight comes back just as quickly as it left.

The trick, Ross says, is to use a detox diet as a way to turn over a new leaf. “It’s a way to get into eating organic foods, more vegetables, less meat, more fish, and pursing a healthier way of life,” she says. “This is the way it is supposed to work.”

Eating a lot of foods grown from the ground can assist you with getting in shape normally as they are low in calories, high in volume and contain heaps of significant supplements - at the end of the day they top you off without stacking you with fat and calories.

We as a whole realize that the suggested admission of products of the soil is to eat at least five partitions every day, which many individuals see as very challenging to accomplish, however in the event that you are truly significant with regards to reasonable weight reduction and great wellbeing, you definitely should put forth a major attempt to incorporate as a wide range of foods grown from the ground in your eating regimen as you can. Not exclusively will they help to remove cravings for food and help to stop you for going after the sweet tidbits, yet will likewise help you to have an improved outlook truly. As your degrees of valuable supplements increment, you will have more energy to be more dynamic, so thus you will consume off more calories.

There are a wide range of organic products accessible the greater part of the all year these days, yet here in the UK, the late spring provides us with an overflow of newly picked, delightful natural products that are difficult to oppose ie: strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackcurrants, blackberries, rhubarb and so forth These all contain great degrees of L-ascorbic acid and fiber as well as other fundamental supplements and enemies of oxidants.

Here are my best ten organic products for wellbeing and weight reduction:

1. Raspberries.- These are extremely high in fiber and low in calories and contain a decent degree of folic corrosive and zinc. Approx. 60 calories for each cup.

2. Strawberries. - These contain undeniable degrees of L-ascorbic acid and are additionally high in fiber and low in calories. Approx. 45 calories for each cup.

3. Apples. - These are a decent wellspring of fiber as they contain gelatin which is a solvent fiber that assists with bringing down cholesterol. They likewise contain malignant growth battling flavenoids.. Approx. 81 calories for every medium natural product.

4. Apricots. - These contain protein, calcium, iron, vitamin K, zinc, vitamin An and furthermore contain potassium, beta carotene and fiber, so thet are an extremely solid organic product to remember for your eating routine. Approx. 80 calories for each 5 natural products.

5. Blueberries. - These are a genuine superfood, giving numerous medical advantages. They contain undeniable degrees of enemies of oxidants which assist with malignant growth battling. They likewise contain potassium, iron, L-ascorbic acid and fiber. Approx. 40 cals per 1/2 cup.

6. Papaya. - These are an astounding natural product to remember for your eating regimen as they contain a wide range of supplements - including calcium, folic corrosive, L-ascorbic acid, fiber and carotenoids. Approx. 118 calories for each medium organic product.

7. Melon. - These are high in Vitamin C, potassium and beta carotene, likewise fiber. Approx. 56 calories for every cup.

8. Orange. - These have a high L-ascorbic acid substance as well similar to a decent wellspring of fiber and folate and furthermore contain some calcium. Approx. 50 calories for each medium natural product.

9. Prunes. - These contain a wide range of supplements and are prestigious for their high fiber content. They additionally contain protein, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium and iron and furthermore modest quantities of zinc and niacin. Approx. 113 calories for each 1/2 cup.

10. Grapefruit. - These are low in calories and high in fiber and contain significant degrees of L-ascorbic acid, the pink assortments additionally contain beta-carotene. The fiber is a blend of dissolvable (really great for the heart) and insoluble (great for the digestive organs). Approx. 39 calories for each 1/2 organic product.

There are clearly parcels more natural products that you can look over that will give you extraordinary medical advantages, however these ten are especially great ones that contain undeniable degrees of supplements. While picking natural products, it is smart to attempt to incorporate however many different hued assortments as you can to guarantee that you get a decent equilibrium of various supplements - eg. purple (grapes), red (strawberries), yellow (melon), green (apples), orange (oranges) and so forth

Fruits are mostly loaded with water and anti-oxidants, which aid in burning fat faster. If not most of them, but to be specific apple is the one fruit that is commonly available and can be consumed daily for weight loss as these are loaded with anti-oxidants.

Fruits are also loaded with some essential vitamins and minerals and comparatively lesser in calories. Thus consuming fruits gets out stomach full easily with less calorie consumed per serving. Which is the sole principle of losing weight, following a calorie deficit diet plan.

Though all the fruits available are good in there own way and different fruits serve different purpose such as consume more banana if you want to gain weight, orange and kiwi for skin glow, pomegranate for gut health and grapes for preventing diabetic and cancer cell growth, etc.

According to Ayurveda, one must and should consume seasonal fruits irrespective of your goal. As they carry some essential nutrients that are not usually available in others.

Hope this helps. Thank you so much for reading.

Weight loss is a complex and challenging endeavor. It's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by the amount of information there is about weight loss, and to feel like you're never going to achieve your goals. Everybody wants to know how fast will they lose weight, what foods should they eat, and which exercises will work for them?

This blog post will provide an overview of the good, bad, and ugly aspects of weight loss. You'll see that weight loss isn't as simple as it seems. And while it might not be sexy or glamorous, it can be effective if you do it right.

The Good Side of Weight Loss

Weight loss can be a positive thing. It can help with your self-esteem, improve your health, and give you more energy. These are all great things that have the potential to make your life better. Losing weight can also teach you about yourself. You'll be able to identify what foods work for you, what activities are enjoyable, and how much exercise is right for you.

Weight loss can also help alleviate many of the medical conditions associated with being overweight or obese, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and some cancers.

Weight loss is a healthy goal

Weight loss can be a healthy goal. While weight loss is often met with skepticism and concern, it's important to remember that weight loss is not inherently unhealthy.

Studies show that those who lose weight and keep it off for at least a year have fewer chronic medical conditions than those who remain obese.

In addition, people who maintain an appropriate weight throughout their lifetimes are less likely to die prematurely.

But it's important to be clear about what "healthy" means when we talk about losing weight. Weight isn't the only factor in health; factors like physical activity and mental well-being play a role too. It's possible to be overweight and healthy, but it's also possible to be thin and unhealthy. The key is finding a healthy weight for your height and body type – one that provides you with energy and allows you to take care of your body.

Decreasing your weight can improve your quality of life

There are many benefits of weight loss. In addition to improving your health, losing weight can also help you feel better about yourself. It's been shown that people who have a higher body mass index (BMI) suffer from more psychological issues than people with a lower BMI. When they lose weight, their mental health improves significantly.

There are also medical benefits to losing weight. Someone who is overweight or obese is at risk for serious conditions, like type-2 diabetes and heart disease. When someone loses weight, they reduce their risk of developing these diseases. Weight loss can also improve quality of life by improving physical functioning and reducing pain caused by obesity related diseases.

Weight loss can be an effective way to live a healthier lifestyle if you do it correctly. While there are some negatives associated with weight loss, the positives outweigh them.

The Bad Side of Weight Loss

Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. You can't simply drink a magic beverage or take a pill and then wake up the next day to find that you're skinnier. Weight loss is a process, not an event.

The reality of weight loss is that it's hard to do, even with the help of modern technology. It takes time and effort to make healthy changes in your lifestyle, and it requires maturity and discipline to maintain those changes over time. And while it might be easy to lose weight in the short term, maintaining your goal weight over the long-term can be challenging. The average person gains back about 2 pounds per year after they've lost weight, so it's important to set realistic goals for yourself if you want to keep off the pounds for good.

Weight loss takes hard work and dedication, but the payoff will be worth it!

Long-term weight loss is hard to maintain

There's a lot of misinformation out there about how people lose weight and keep it off. One of the most important things to remember is that long-term weight loss is challenging and hard to maintain. A study found that 95% of people gained back more weight than they lost after two years.

That's not to say that all hope is lost or that you won't see success with your weight loss goals, but it does make it clear why focusing on healthy habits for sustained weight loss is critical. That means sticking to a consistent exercise program and developing healthy eating habits. You can also support these efforts by changing some lifestyle habits like avoiding high calorie foods, drinking alcohol in moderation, and practicing mindfulness exercises like meditation or yoga.

The Ugly Side of Weight Loss

There are many people who have misconceptions about what it means to lose weight. Some consider it to be a quick fix or an easy way to improve their life. It's not just about losing weight, it's about living a healthy lifestyle - eating right and exercising.

Losing weight is not always easy, nor is it pretty. A lot of times, people will experience side effects like irritability, bad skin, and more. They also might experience physical difficulties like dehydration and muscle fatigue.

Weight loss isn't glamorous; it can be difficult on your body and on your mental health. However, if you do it the right way, weight loss can help you live a healthier lifestyle.

Moral judgments on weight loss

Weight loss is a tricky issue. There are so many different approaches, diets, exercises, and motivations for weight loss that it's easy to get overwhelmed. Some people are driven by wanting to look better because their current weight presents barriers in their life. Others are driven by health concerns because they don't want to develop diabetes or heart disease. These are both legitimate reasons to lose weight.

There are also those who have moral judgements about weight loss. For example, some people believe that overweight bodies should be accepted as natural and healthy bodies. They're not wrong-- there is nothing wrong with being overweight, but that doesn't mean that fatness can't create health risks or social consequences that might motivate you to lose weight.

It's important to understand why you want to lose weight before you embark on the journey so you know what your destination is and how you'll get there. Otherwise it can be easy to put too much pressure on yourself and feel like the only way forward is extreme measures like eating disorders or over-exercising. If this happens, it's important to take time off from your diet or exercise routine and focus on other areas of your life instead of punishing yourself by trying too hard for too long.

Negative stigma around weight loss.

Weight loss is often regarded as a positive thing, as it has been historically associated with beauty. However, the negative side of the stigma is that people who are overweight or obese often experience discrimination and judgment from those who don't understand their condition. Even those who have achieved weight loss cannot escape this stigma.


Weight loss is a healthy goal, but it comes with an ugly side. Some people may experience judgmental attitudes, isolation, and difficulty with long-term weight maintenance. These are just a few of the ugly side effects of weight loss.

If you are looking to lose weight, here are some ways to combat these ugly side effects:

1. Find an accountability partner

2. Practice self-care

3. Find your motivation

4. Seek support from friends and family

I met a girl the other day who told me that she eats nothing but kiwifruit and drinks nothing but wheat grass…

I told her that I would NEVER have guessed!

It is recommended to eat 2 to 3 kiwifruit a day.

Kiwifruit is not high in calories. 100 grams of kiwifruit contains 56 calories. A medium-sized kiwifruit weighs about 75 grams and contains 42 calories.

Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber, and trace elements such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. These nutrients are very important for health.

Kiwifruit has a very high vitamin C content. 100 grams of kiwifruit contains 200 mg of vitamin C. The vitamin C content is 10 times that of oranges, 30 times that of apples and 50 times that of grapes.

Kiwifruit is rich in nutrients and is a good tonic for the elderly, children, and the infirm.

When one goes on a diet, the first usual step that new weight watchers make is to decide to eat just fruits and vegetables. But, while we have always blamed weight gain on fat, it is actually the sugar that poses a higher risk for obesity.

In fact, studies show that it’s not really about whether you’re eating fat or sugar to succeed in your weight loss journey. It has a lot to do about your foods’ calorie content. According to the National Institutes of Health, both fat and sugar should be consumed in very low amounts. Added sugars and solid fats, for instance, have empty calories, which means they do not provide any nutritional value to the body apart from bringing you closer to diabetes and affecting your overall wellness.

Although natural, there is a LOT of sugar in some of the most popular fruits we love. Here are examples of some fruit favorites that are actually not good if you want to lose weight.

1. Avocados

Avocado is a high-calorie fruit, where 100 grams is equivalent to around 160 calories. True that avocado is rich in healthy fats, but when consumed in high amounts, it will not support your weight loss goals.

2. Fruit juices

Fruit juices, even those that are 100 percent, should be avoided when you are a diabetic and if you are trying to get rid of excess weight. When in doubt over the merits of fruit juice for your diet, just think of how many mangoes it takes it to product just one glass of juice. That’s a LOT of sugar.

3. Dried fruits

Some people think that because dried fruits are fruits, they can binge snack on them whenever they want. Dried fruit contains a large amount of carbs and sugar for a small portion. It’s better to eat fruits raw than to snack on their preserved versions.

4. Cherries

You don’t usually stop eating cherries after just a handful, which is why most people often experience spikes in their blood sugar levels when they consume more than the recommended serving. One cherry contains a gram of carbohydrates, so it’s not something that you can snack on when you are trying to lose weight.

5. Mangoes

Mangoes typically contain about 26 grams of sugar and 30 grams of carbs per piece. Make sure to limit your consumption to half a mango and try to eat it when it’s just about to go ripe not when it is soft, when its sugar content increases.

6. Grapes

One grape is equivalent to a gram of carbs and 15 pieces make up for one serving. Chances are, grape lovers will be eating more than 15 in one sitting. To stay within your serving limits but still enjoy your favorite, it's recommended to count them and place in a bowl so you know just how much you need to consume without getting tempted to pick more of the bunch. The same goes for strawberries, where 1-1/4 cup has roughly the same sugar content as a serving of grapes.

7. Bananas

The banana is often the most mistakenly consumed food by dieters when, in fact, one medium size piece contains twice the amount of carbs as two servings of other types of sweet fruit. The recommended amount of banana is just one-half.

8. Pineapples

Because of its high fiber content, most people think it’s okay to binge on pineapples when they’re trying to lose weight. They cannot be any more wrong. Pineapples, especially those that are ripe, are classified as high glycemic food. If you can’t help but munch on this delicious fruit, limit it to half a cup and try to do so alongside a protein-rich snack or meal.

The nutritional value of kiwi is far superior to other fruits. Kiwi is called the "King of Fruits" by many nutritionists.

Kiwi fruit contains amino acids, vitamins, carotene, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc and other minerals that the body needs.

A medium-sized kiwi fruit weighs about 70 grams, contains about 65 mg to 70 mg of vitamin C, and its vitamin C content is 20 to 30 times that of apples and pears.

Kiwifruit is rich in calcium. The calcium content is 2.5 times that of grapefruit, 5 times that of bananas, and 18 times that of apples.

Kiwifruit contains more than 17 kinds of amino acids such as leucine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, tyrosine, and alanine, which play an important role in health.

According to a research report of the United States Department of Agriculture, the comprehensive antioxidant index of kiwifruit is among the best among fruits.

Eating kiwi fruit can effectively scavenge free radicals, reduce the damage of free radicals to cells, strengthen the immune system, and delay the body's aging process.

Are fruits good for weight loss?

NO, because fruits have calories.

UCF Health: Superfoods For Super Health

Let me explain,

I will try to keep it as simple as possible for a normal person to understand.

Before answering the question ‘Are fruits good for weight loss’, let’s understand how weight loss happens in our body. Like a vehicle needs gas to travel from one place to another, our body needs energy. Which we get from food in form of calories. An average person burns 2000 calories everyday to function normally.

If we consume more calories than we burn, it gets stored in our body in form of fat. If we consume less calories than we burn, our body takes the remaining amount of calories from the stored fat.

Every extra 7700 calories that we store in our body becomes 1 kg extra fat. So if we want to lose 1 kg weight in one week, we need to consume 7700 less calories than we burn in the period of one week. How do we do that?

By consuming less calories than we burn.

By burning more calories than we consume.

So the actual question should be,

How can fruits help us to consume less calories than we burn?

Adding fruits in our diet will only add extra calories in our body. We don’t want to do that. This is a myth that fruits are good for weight loss. What we need to do is replace what we already eat everyday with fruits. So that our body consumes less calories than it used to.

In this answer I will tell you how to include fruits in your diet for a quick weight loss.

For example, If we consume 2 parathas and 1 bowl of curd in we breakfast. We consume around 600–650 calories in one meal i.e. around 230-250 calories in 1 paratha and 100–130 calories in curd, depending upon the quantity.

(image credit-Google)

Now if we replace your 2 parathas and 1 bowl of curd every morning with 1 apple (80-90 calories) , 2 bananas (150-180 calories) and 1 glass butter milk (40–50 calories) i.e. 270–300 calories, we don’t only get more vitamins and potassium but also consume 300–350 calories less than before.

(image credit-Google)

Now if We talk about lunch, a normal Indian thali consists of 3–4 chapatis (300–400 calories and 500–550 calories with ghee), rice (130–150 calories in 100 gm), dal (200 calories), sabjee (70–200 calories, depends on the sabjee and oil used). So in total we consume around 700–1000 calories in lunch.

(image credit-Google)

If we start eating a load of salad and fruits i.e roughly 150–200 calories before lunch we can shrink our appetite and consume 2 chapatis and skip rice, we can save almost 200–300 calories in lunch.

(image credit-Google)

Similarly, In dinner we normally consume 2–3 chapatis (200–300 calories without ghee and 350–400 calories), rice (130–150 calories in 100 gm), dal (200 calories), sabjee (70–200 calories, depends on the sabjee and oil used). So in total we consume around 600–800 calories in lunch.

(image credit-Google)

If we again replace 1–2 chapatis and rice with fruits and salad we can save up to 200–300 calories in dinner. Now if I total the number of calories replaced with fruits and salad it will be around 300 calories (breakfast) + 300 calories (lunch) + 200 calories (dinner) = 800 calories.

That means if we create a deficit of 750-800 calories everyday we will lose one 1 kg in 10 days without doing any extra workout/activity.

If some of you are used to of having snacks between the meals like biscuits(200–300 calories) in morning with tea and some tit-bits(around 200–300 calories) in the evening at around 5:30–6. You can replace these snacks with fruits like apple, bananas, papaya and pomegranate, you can save up to 300–400 calories everyday for wasting it with your friends in the weekends without guilt.

In the conclusion I would like to say that fruits itself won’t lead to any weight loss but if you learn to replace them with snacks and other items that you consume everyday you can save up to 800 calories everyday and lose up to 2–3 kg weight in a month.

But don’t be ignorant and like many other people who start eating fruits as well without cutting the junk they already consume. It will ultimately lead to storage of extra 200–300 calories and end up making you even more fatty/obese.

I am in a process to write a series of articles on weight loss and fruits. Please follow me so that you can get notified whenever any article lands on Quora. And if you have any concern or questions about the above answer let me know in the comments section, I am just a message away.

Each and every fruits give different health benefits and vitamins, so before start weight loss plan please consider the proper weight loss expert... this doctor give free doctor consultation through phone call. there is no mediator and no receptionist . **the direct doctor number is +91 99949 52278 ( Free doctor consultation ).** this doctor is work for service oriented. so this Doctor give free doctor consultation.

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Kiwi Nutrition Facts:

Even the smallest bite of kiwi is instantly refreshing—and that's because one kiwifruit (~2-inch diameter, 69 grams) holds almost 60 grams of water, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Beyond hydration, this juicy bad boy serves up a full menu of nutrition and health benefits due to its high concentration of key vitamins and nutrients. Here's the rest of a kiwi's nutrition facts, according to the USDA:

42 calories

< 1 gram protein

< 0.5 gram fat

10 grams carbohydrate

2 grams fiber

6 grams sugar


1 – Kiwi fruit boosts the immune system

While winter is already well established, boosting your immune system is definitely THE solution to keep germs away and stay in good shape. As you probably know, there is nothing better than a balanced plate full of fresh fruits and vegetables to defend your body. That’s why kiwi fruit is your main ally! Kiwi is undoubtedly a fruit full of energy. Rich in vitamin C (see below), it is also a great source of iron and vitamins B9, perfect to fight against exhaustion.

2- Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C

Did you know that kiwis contain more vitamin C than oranges*? One single fruit covers 100% of your daily needs in vitamin C. Ideal to start off the day right, this is an easy way to gain more energy and vitality every morning! Vitamin C helps the functioning of the immune system, but is also beneficial for bones and ligaments, it facilitates wound healing process, not to mention its antioxidant properties. A great fruit whether you are young or old!

3- Kiwi fruit helps to keep in good shape

Low in calories*, kiwi fruit is definitely your best friend if you want to stay fit! The many minerals and vitamins it contains also make it possible to overcome some deficiencies. Low in fat, it contains fructose, a sugar naturally present in the fruit. With a high satiating power, it’s supposed to be 10 times more nutritious than an apple. So whenever you want, just have a kiwi break! For once you won’t fill guilty eating something sweet. ☺

4- Kiwi fruit promotes intestinal transit

Great to get more fibers*, the kiwi contains actinidin, a natural enzyme that helps the digestion of some proteins. If you add some kiwi fruits in your balanced diet, if you drink enough water throughout the day and if you practice a regular activity, your small digestion problems will disappear…

5- Kiwi fruit has many health benefits

Eating a kiwi fruit is for sure a healthy habit in your everyday life. High in antioxidants, a daily consumption would prevent the appearance of certain cancers and limit the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Some scientific studies have shown that the oxidation of DNA is responsible for certain type of cancers. Thanks to its antioxidants, the kiwi fruit would prevent the oxidation of the cells. Another reason to adopt it…

Kiwis a good fruit for weight loss.

Kiwi organic product give fiber and nutrients C and K. They're likewise low in calories and energy thickness, settling on them a nutritious natural product decision for individuals attempting to shed pounds. Kiwi organic product don't really consume fat, yet they can assist with topping you off without a ton of calories, which might make it simpler for you to get in shape.

Calorie and Fat Content

Next time you need a tidbit or something somewhat sweet for dessert, consider eating kiwi natural product. A solitary kiwi organic product has only 42 calories, and you can eat an entire cup of kiwi organic product for 110 calories. They are likewise simple to squeeze into a low-fat eating regimen. Every kiwi has just 0.4 gram of fat, and surprisingly a cup of kiwi organic product has under 1 gram of fat.

Kiwi fruit provide fiber and vitamins C and K. They're also low in calories and energy density, making them a nutritious fruit choice for people trying to lose weight. Kiwi fruit don't actually burn fat, but they can help fill you up without a lot of calories, which may make it easier for you to lose weight.

Calorie and Fat Content

Next time you need a snack or something a little sweet for dessert, consider eating kiwi fruit. A single kiwi fruit has just 42 calories, and you can eat a whole cup of kiwi fruit for 110 calories. They are also easy to fit into a low-fat diet. Each kiwi has only 0.4 gram of fat, and even a cup of kiwi fruit has less than 1 gram of fat.

Fiber Content

A kiwi fruit contains 2.1 grams of fiber, or 8 percent of the daily value, and a cup of kiwi fruit slices has 5.4 grams, or 22 percent of the DV. People who get more fiber in their diet tend to weigh less, and fiber may also help with weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing the amount of calories you absorb, according to a review article published in "Nutrition" in March 2005.

Energy Density

Foods that are low in energy density, such as fruits and vegetables, can help you lose weight because they contain relatively few calories per gram of food. Eating these foods helps you fill up without going over your recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss. Kiwi fruit are very low in energy density, with 0.6 calorie per gram.

Weight reduction Considerations

Basically adding kiwi natural product to your eating regimen will not make you get thinner. You need to eat kiwi natural product rather than other, more fatty food sources, ideally rather than less nutritious choices, for example, handled nibble food varieties and pastries. To get more fit, you need to make an energy shortage by eating less calories than you use all through your every day exercises, either by eating less or practicing more. A 3,500-calorie shortage rises to around 1 pound of weight reduction.

Kiwi fruit is that brown, furry fruit that when open reveals a tangy green inner with tiny, black, edible seeds. It is quite juicy, delicious, and full of awesome nutrients that will cause equal amounts of awesome to your body.

Fruits that are Safe for a Keto Diet

Kiwi fruit eat per day for fast weight loss is so good and healthful

After all, consuming two kiwi fruit daily will only double the goodness that includes some of the following things.

Simply adding kiwi fruit to your diet can help you to lose weight. You need to eat kiwi fruit instead of other higher-calorie foods secret less nutritious options such as processed snack foods and desserts. To lose weight, you need to create an energy deficit by eating fewer calories than you use throughout your daily activities. Here presenting 2 kiwi weight loss recipes. Try these and boost your weight loss goal.

Healthy heart and arteries

Kiwi has been named as one of the most effective natural blood thinners essentially reducing clot formation, the formation of triglycerides, and promoting circulation. All of this equates to a healthy heart and arteries. A study conducted by the Department of Nutrition at the University of Oslo, Norway found that kiwi fruit may be beneficial in cardiovascular disease.

Researchers looked at whether consuming kiwi fruit modulated platelet activity and plasma lipids and found that consuming two or three kiwi fruit per day for 28 days reduced platelet aggregation response to collagen and ADP by 18% compared with the controls. The researchers also concluded that eating kiwi fruit lowered blood triglycerides levels by 15% compared with control.

Strengthened immune system

Kiwi fruit contains a heavy dose of Vitamin C that acts as a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system so your body can fight disease.

In fact, according to the nutritional break-up provided by the USDA regular kiwis contain almost twice. Kiwi also contains folic acid which produces red and white blood cells and antibodies that defend the body from infections.

Improved mood and extra energy

Activate enzymes contained in kiwi have been found to improve metabolic energy levels and help neurotransmitters to increase energy. Research published by the Journal of Nutritional Science in New Zealand studied 35 men ages 18 to 35 years over a six-week period of time.

The men were either given half a kiwi or two kiwis per day. After the study, it was found that those who consumed two kiwis per day enjoyed a 31 percent increase in energy.

Improved digestion

Much like most fruits and vegetables, kiwi contains high amounts of that is crucial for digestion. By eating two kiwi fruits, you will be giving your body 4.2 grams of dietary fiber. Kiwi also contains the enzyme actinidin which is thought to improve digestion.

Further, a University of Hong Kong study looked at chronically constipated adults who ate two kiwis a day for a month. actinidin reduces asthmatic symptoms by reducing white blood cells (which are contained in excess amounts in asthmatic and allergy patients).

Scientists at Seoul National University in South Korea found that kiwi's powerful enzyme. If you have trouble sleeping due to asthma, kiwi might remedy that as well sleeping up to 15 percent longer and falling asleep 41% faster than compared to baseline.

Sleeping up to 15 percent longer and. After 4 weeks of kiwifruit consumption, subjects were found to have been told to eat two kiwis one hour. A study from Taipei Medical University, 24 volunteers. Several have speculated kiwi fruit to be a natural sleep aid.

Improved sleep

Reducing digestion time by 15 hours, which was actually double the frequency of their previous bowel movements. After the research, it was found that the adult subjects experienced a 23 percent reduction in discomfort.

Kiwifruit (commonly known as kiwi), or Chinese gooseberry, has many health benefits, including promoting weight loss and controlling high blood pressure.

Kiwifruit (commonly known as kiwi), or Chinese gooseberry, has many health benefitsKiwifruit (commonly known as kiwi), or Chinese gooseberry, has many health benefits  |  Photo Credit: Thinkstock

New Delhi: Kiwifruit (commonly known as kiwi), or Chinese gooseberry, is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. This refreshing fruit is packed with nutrients like vitamins C and K, fibre, folate, and potassium. Kiwis are high in antioxidants and boast of many health benefits. They are also very low in calories and energy density, making them a perfect addition to a weight loss diet.

As an added bonus, kiwis can be in season year-round. These emerald delights promote your health in different ways due to their high antioxidant content. Here are some amazing health benefits of eating kiwifruit. 

Amazing health benefits of Kiwifruit

Aids weight loss

Kiwis are an excellent source of fibre that can fill you up without a lot of calories - it is said that a single kiwi fruit contains just 54 calories. One kiwifruit has 2.1 grams of fiber - or 8 per cent of the daily value - and just 0.4 gram of fat. This fibre-rich fruit can be easily added to a low-fat diet and aid weight loss. Read - Weight loss: Identify your Dosha and lose weight using the Ayurvedic diet

Prevents constipation

Since kiwis are rich in fibre, they can help keep the bowel movements regular. Studies show that the fruit also has a mild laxative effect and could be used as a dietary supplement for constipation.

Lowers high blood pressure

Kiwifruit can help lower high blood pressure due to their high potassium content. One study confirmed that the bioactive substances in three kiwis a day can help reduce blood pressure more than one apple a day. Read - Need to lower your blood pressure? 5 ways love is good for your health

Heart healthy

Nutrients like fibre and potassium in kiwifruit can help keep the heart healthy. One study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine reported that individuals who consumed 4,069 milligrams of potassium per day had a 49 per cent lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who took less potassium.

Treats asthma

Kiwis are packed full of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, that can actually help promote healthy breathing in people with asthma. Studies show that consuming fresh fruit regularly, including kiwi, can have a beneficial effect on the lung function. It is claimed that kiwifruit may also reduce wheezing in susceptible children.

Good for skin and hair

Kiwifruit isn’t just delicious, it is also a great natural ingredient for your skin and hair health. The antioxidants like vitamin C in kiwi helps your body synthesise collagen which leads to healthy skin, hair, nails and other benefits. Collagen filters out environmental toxins and other pathogens that can cause damage to your skin, smoothens wrinkles, promotes healthy and glowing skin. The nutrients in kiwi can help fight hair loss and scalp conditions like dandruff in consumed on a regular basis.

Potential health risks of Kiwifruit

Kiwifruit is considered safe for most people, except those who are allergic as it may cause some symptoms such as itchy throat, swollen tongue, vomiting, hives, etc. The fruit could also slow blood clotting, which may increase the risk of bleeding, in rare cases. That’s why people who have a bleeding disorder or are about to have a surgery are advised to avoid eating kiwis.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

Kiwi fruit provide fiber and vitamins C and K. They're also low in calories and energy density, making them a nutritious fruit choice for people trying to lose weight. Kiwi fruit don't actually burn fat, but they can help fill you up without a lot of calories, which may make it easier for you to lose weight.


Calorie and Fat Content

Next time you need a snack or something a little sweet for dessert, consider eating kiwi fruit. A single kiwi fruit has just 42 calories, and you can eat a whole cup of kiwi fruit for 110 calories. They are also easy to fit into a low-fat diet. Each kiwi has only 0.4 gram of fat, and even a cup of kiwi fruit has less than 1 gram of fat.

Fiber Content

A kiwi fruit contains 2.1 grams of fiber, or 8 percent of the daily value, and a cup of kiwi fruit slices has 5.4 grams, or 22 percent of the DV. People who get more fiber in their diet tend to weigh less, and fiber may also help with weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing the amount of calories you absorb, according to a review article published in "Nutrition" in March 2005.

Energy Density

Foods that are low in energy density, such as fruits and vegetables, can help you lose weight because they contain relatively few calories per gram of food. Eating these foods helps you fill up without going over your recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss. Kiwi fruit are very low in energy density, with 0.6 calorie per gram.

Weight-Loss Considerations

Simply adding kiwi fruit to your diet won't cause you to lose weight. You need to eat kiwi fruit instead of other, higher-calorie foods, preferably instead of less nutritious options, such as processed snack foods and desserts. To lose weight, you need to create an energy deficit by eating fewer calories than you use throughout your daily activities, either by eating less or exercising more. A 3,500-calorie deficit equals about 1 pound of weight loss.

Blog Nutrition Diets Kiwi Diet Can Help You Lose Up To 3 Pounds In A Week

Kiwi Diet Can Help You Lose Up To 3 Pounds In A Week

Olivia Johnson Written by O. JohnsonJovial Paul Medical review by J. Paul

2 months ago

kiwi diet

You Should Follow These Rules

The Diet Plan For One Week

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7



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If you fall in love with kiwis then we would like to show you this diet plan because it is gaining popularity all over the world. This exotic fruit grows in China but you can find it in almost every corner of the globe.

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Follow this diet for a week to lose up to three pounds. But remember that you should not follow this diet plan if you experience diseases such as diabetes, anemia, heart disease, gastritis, hypovolemia or stomach problems. Consult your doctor before following any diets.

If you have no health contraindications and you are ready to start following a kiwi diet scroll down to see the benefits of this diet and Kiwi diet plan for one week.

Read More: Different Types Of Diets: The Lowdown On The Most Talked-About Weight Loss Strategies

You Should Follow These Rules

When you feel need to eat something sweet or fried you may eat kiwi.

You are allowed to eat any number of this exotic fruit as it contains a few calories.

You should drink ten glasses of clean water a day.

Avoid unhealthy meals such as fast-food, processed food, soda and alcohol.

Do not follow kiwi diet more than seven days as it limits your protein and fats intake.

kiwi diet

The Diet Plan For One Week

Day 1

Breakfast: a cup of cottage cheese with chopped kiwis.

Snack: a cup of kiwis.

Lunch: a sandwich with salmon and kiwi.

Dinner: blackcurrant kiwi smoothie.

Day 2

Breakfast: green smoothie with spinach and kiwis.

Snack: a cup of kiwis.

Lunch: kiwi salad with greens, onions, carrots and sour cream dressing.

Dinner: fruit salad with pineapples, kiwis and mangos.

See also  Dairy-Free Diet Plan For Beginners: A Week's Worth Of Nutritious Meal Ideas

Want to build an attention-grabbing bubble butt, blast away fat that’s stored in all the wrong places, spring-clean your diet, turn back the clock on your skin, skyrocket your self-confidence and shatter your insecurities? Check out the BetterMe app and set this plan in motion!

kiwi diet

Day 3

Breakfast: fruit salad with oranges, kiwis, apples and yogurt dressing.

Snack: a cup of kiwis.

Lunch: grilled turkey, veggie salad and one kiwi.

Dinner: a cup of kiwis.

Day 4

Breakfast: two kiwis and a protein bar.

Snack: a cup of kiwis.

Lunch: grilled chicken wings with kiwis.

Dinner: a cup of chopped kiwis.

kiwi diet

Day 5

Breakfast: one kiwi, two boiled eggs and a slice of whole grain toast.

Snack: a cup of kiwis.

Lunch: a bowl of broccoli cream soup, two kiwis.

Dinner: a glass of skim milk and three kiwis.

Day 6

Breakfast: fruit salad with oranges, kiwis, apples and yogurt dressing.

Snack: a cup of kiwis.

Lunch: grilled cheese, one boiled egg and one kiwi.

Dinner: fruit salad with strawberries, kiwis and mangos and yogurt dressing.

kiwi diet

Day 7

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, two kiwis.

Snack: a cup of kiwis.

Lunch: a bowl of tomato soup.

Dinner: a cup of kiwis.



This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


Does Kiwi Burn Fat? (2019,

What Are the Benefits of Eating Kiwi Fruit? (2019,

What are the health benefits of kiwifruit? (2019,

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Kiwi fruit is not often considered a “superfood”, but in fact, it’s a fruit that is full of important vitamins and minerals and can have a very positive effect on your health. These brown fuzzy fruits have a sweet and slightly tangy taste with green flesh on the inside that lends a unique flavor and tropical zing.

Kiwi boasts a whole range of nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, folate, copper, potassium, antioxidants, vitamin E, and vitamin K. The skin and seeds are edible, though many people choose to peel it off because of its fuzzy texture. 

Kiwis are a tough-growing fruit and are readily available throughout the year in supermarkets. They are grown in California from November to May and in New Zealand from June to October. 

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The fruit also comes in 50 different varieties with flesh ranging from custard-like gold to bright pink, each with a varying flavor profile and use. 

Table of Contents:

Nutritional Value Of Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi Fruit Health Benefits

Kiwi and Weight Loss Benefits


Nutritional Value Of Kiwi Fruit

You may have heard that kiwi fruit is high in vitamin C, but besides that it has an incredible nutritional profile. This low calorie fruit (61 calories per 100g) can provide your RDA with many vital nutrients.

Here is the nutritional profile of 100g of raw kiwi fruit:

61 calories

0.5 g fat

3 mg sodium

15 g carbohydrates

9 g sugar

3g dietary fiber 

1.1g protein

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is responsible for the growth and repair of body tissues as well as immune system support. In addition to vitamin C, kiwis contain a good amount of vitamin K.

Jump Start Weight Loss Over 50 | Do This Today

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that regulates blood clotting, metabolism and blood calcium levels. Considering it’s a fruit, kiwi contains an impressive amount of vitamin K at 40mcg per 1 cup.

Copper is a nutrient that works with iron to form red blood cells, supports healthy bones, nerves and immune function and helps iron absorption.

Copper is a prevalent nutrient in kiwis and provides 14% of your recommended daily intake. Kiwis also contain reasonable amounts of folate, potassium and dietary fiber. 

9 Proven Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

Let’s get into why you should eat kiwi fruit and how it can impact your health:

1. Kiwi Fruit Prevents Blood Clotting

Kiwis were found to prevent blood clotting and manage blood pressure by reducing the amount of fat in the blood. It was found that this happened without negatively affecting blood cholesterol levels.

Aspirin is usually the recommended drug to prevent those from cardiovascular events. However, Aspirin can cause inflammation and ulcers in the GI tract. 

Studies show that consuming 2 to 3 kiwi fruits a day can replace a daily aspirin to help thin the blood and improve heart health over a period of time.

2. Kiwi Fruit Can Help Asthma

millets help prevent asthma

Asthma can be debilitating. Wheezing and breathlessness are some of the most common symptoms relating to this condition.

The presence of high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants in kiwis can help control symptoms of asthma.

A study demonstrated that lung function was improved in those who consumed kiwi regularly. 

3. Kiwi Fruit Improves Digestion

Kiwi contains a good amount of dietary fibre making it useful for improving digestion. Apart from the fibre content, kiwi also contains an enzyme, actinic in which can effectively break down proteins in the gut.

After eating a large meal, it’s advised to eat a kiwi because it can help break down tough proteins from meat and fish that often can cause bloating.

Kiwis also have a mild laxative effect that can help a slow digestive system.  

4. Kiwi Fruit Helps Regulate Blood Pressure

suffer from high BP

Kiwis can help reduce high blood pressure and prevent diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

A study showed that those who ate 3 kiwis a day for 8 weeks had a reduction in their diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

Kiwis contain an antioxidant, lutein that may be the cause of its blood pressure regulating ability. Vitamin C in kiwis can also contribute to a reduction in blood pressure. 

5. Kiwi Fruit Supports Immune Function

Vitamin C is important for cellular function and protects cells from free radical damage in the body. It’s responsible for the growth and repair of tissues and provides support for the immune system.

The high concentration of vitamin C in kiwis can do wonders for the immune system.

At 103% of your recommended value of vitamin C per 1 cup, eating kiwis can effectively ward off infection, common cold, and flu when eaten regularly. 

6. Kiwi Fruit Reduces DNA Damage

Oxidative stress is the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body. This process can also cause strand breakage of DNA. This can lead to health problems, some of which can be hard to detect or treat. 

Kiwi fruit contains antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress. A study that tested people’s cells by damaging them with peroxide, showed that those who supplemented with kiwi showed an improved ability of the DNA to repair itself after applying the peroxide. This means that kiwi might help prevent long-term cancers and lifestyle diseases such as colon cancer, which is closely linked to DNA damage. 

7. Kiwi Fruit Prevents Vision Loss

Kiwis can prevent macular degeneration and ultimately, vision loss. Kiwi contains zeaxanthin and lutein (or the “eye vitamin).

These two compounds perform the same function as antioxidants and help to form vitamin A, an essential nutrient for your eyes. They also absorb excess light that may damage our retinas and protect the eye from cataracts and other eye-related diseases. 

A healthy nervous system can have positive effects on your retina, which contains the highest concentration of nerves and is essentially the center of communication of the eye.

Kiwi Diet Can Help You Lose up to 3 Pounds in a Week

Kiwis also contain a good amount of copper, which is an essential nutrient that supports the nervous system and therefore supports the healthy functioning of the eyes.  

8. Kiwi Fruit Fights Inflammation

Bromelain is an enzyme found in kiwis, pineapple, and green papaya which can break down proteins and heal inflammation. Upon consuming the kiwi, bromelain is released into the bloodstream where it breaks down inflammatory complexes.

Kiwi has also shown to lower the inflammation relating to arthritis and prevent it from leading to other diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

High amounts of vitamin C can also curb inflammation by fighting against free radicals that can cause an inflammatory response in the body. Since Kiwis have a high concentration of vitamin C, it can promote the healing of inflammation when consumed regularly. 

9. Kiwi Fruit Improves Skin Health


Collagen is an essential nutrient that supports the structure of the skin and strengthens bones.

Vitamin C in kiwi is a key component in the synthesization of collagen in the body. Eating kiwi can help support the structure of your skin and keep it hydrated and healthy.

Acne is an inflammation of the skin and can cause embarrassing pimples on the face and body. The anti-inflammatory properties and vitamin C in kiwis can be beneficial for those dealing with acne and can greatly reduce sebum production in pores.

Just apply kiwi extract mixed with aloe vera to your skin and leave overnight for best results.

Benefits of Kiwi Fruit for Weight Loss

Kiwi and weight loss

Kiwis are among some of the best fruits to eat if you are looking to lose weight.

They have a high water content, are low in calories, and have a good amount of fiber. This makes them perfect for a snack or as part of a breakfast smoothie. 

The high amount of vitamin C in kiwis is the key to weight reduction. Vitamin C helps control blood pressure, manages cholesterol levels, supports gut health, and supports immune function.

It also plays an important role in metabolizing fats. These are all important factors when embarking on a weight loss journey.

Kiwis have a low GI, meaning the sugar contained in the fruit is released more slowly. Because of this, kiwis can also help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing uneven blood sugar spikes. Foods high in dietary fiber promote weight loss by increasing the feeling of being full and supporting the digestive tract.

Kiwis contain both insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. The insoluble fiber (contained in the seeds) provides bulk and encourages the movement of stool through the digestive system. Soluble fiber is a gel-like substance that traps bile acid and as well as reduces blood cholesterol levels. Both of these types of fiber help digestive system health and prevent overeating when on a diet. 

Kiwis contain actinidin, an antioxidant that breaks down proteins in the body. This antioxidant is a great ally when dieting because it can help a sluggish digestive system. It helps digest proteins and can help those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

How To Use Kiwi Fruit For Weight Loss | Kiwi Fruit Benefits for Weight Loss


Kiwis are not only delicious to eat in fruit salads, smoothies, and as a snack, but they are also packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, and fiber. All of these nutrients are essential for our health and the optimal functioning of our bodies. Kiwis contain an extremely high amount of vitamin C when compared to an orange. Because of this, kiwis are effective for immune support, blood pressure regulation and they can even help diseases such as asthma and macular degeneration.

Kiwi also contains bromelain, a special enzyme that can fight inflammation and improve digestion in the body. Kiwi is low in calories, high in fiber, and contains protein digestive enzymes, and vitamin C, which means it can effectively promote weight loss. 

Eating 1 or 2 kiwis is a great idea if you want to improve your cardiovascular and digestive health. Incorporate kiwis into your diet through a daily smoothie or small snack and watch how it affects you in a positive way. 

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