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Thursday 24 February 2022

can cinnamon powder be used on the face?


We are all familiar with cinnamon being used in food to add both flavour and fragrance. But did you know that this simple ingredient can do so much to our skin also? Yes, you read that right. Cinnamon helps in increasing the collagen production of the skin that leads to improvement in the elasticity of the skin. Also, the antiseptic properties of cinnamon work effectively in reducing acne and pimple scars. But today we'll discuss how it helps in improving the skin tone and brightening the skin. by TaboolaSponsored Links Tschüss, Bauchfett! Hilfe aus der Apotheke  Apotheken Gesundheit Wenn du Zeit am Computer totschlagen musst, ist dieses Städteaufbauspiel ein Muss. Kein Install. Elvenar - Free Online Game Jetzt testen Have Oily Skin And Can’t Figure Out A Skincare Routine? Here Are Some Tips! It can be used in powder or oil form on the face. Now let us see how to use cinnamon on your face for brightening the skin. Cinnamon And Olive Oil Cinnamon, when combined with olive oil, helps in increasing the blood circulation by stimulating the blood vessels. Along with that it also helps in slowing down the early signs of ageing. Ingredients Simple DIY Charcoal Face Mask For Oily, Dry And Acne-Prone Skin 2-3 drops of cinnamon oil 2 tbsp olive oil How To Use 1. First mix together cinnamon oil and olive oil in a clean bowl. 2. You can also use petroleum jelly instead of olive oil if you want. 3. Apply this mixture evenly on your face. Be careful to stay away from your eyes. 4. Let it stay for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water. 5. Use this mixture regularly at least twice a week for better results. Cinnamon And Honey The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon help in preventing any kind of inflammation or acne on the skin. Also, the bleaching agents in honey helps in brightening the skin and thus making the skin glow. From Kitchen To Your Face: Vegetables You Can Use On Your Skin Ingredients 1 tbsp cinnamon powder 3 tbsp honey How To Use 1. In a clean bowl mix together cinnamon powder and honey. 2. Apply this on your cleansed face and leave it on for 20 minutes. 3. If you want you can also leave this mixture overnight but make sure that you do not develop an allergy or irritation on the skin while using this. If yes then rinse it off after 20 minutes. 4. Make sure that you wash it off with warm water. Cinnamon, Yogurt And Banana Mask Yoghurt contains lactic acid that has the ability to remove the dead skin cells and make your skin look healthy. Banana helps in hydrating the skin thus keeping it moisturized and soft. When combined with cinnamon it helps in making the skin brighter and softer. Adding lemon juice helps in the natural bleaching of the skin. Ingredients 1 ripe banana 2 tbsp yoghurt A pinch of cinnamon A few drops of lemon juice How To Use 1. First mash the banana to make a smooth paste. 2. Add unflavoured yoghurt into the banana paste and mix it well. 3. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder into the banana paste. 4. Finally, slice a lemon and squeeze a few drops of fresh lemon juice into the mixture. 5. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. 6. Apply a layer of this mixture on your cleansed face and leave it on until it is dry. 6. Later rinse it off in cold water and pat dry. 7. Since lemon has the tendency to make the skin dry you can apply moisturizer after rinsing off the mixture. Cinnamon And Papaya Face Mask Cinnamon and papaya work effectively in removing sun tan and blemishes thus making the skin brighter and healthy. Ingredients ½ papaya ½ tsp of cinnamon powder How To Use 1. First, cut the ripe papaya into small pieces. 2. Blend the papaya in a blender to make a smooth paste. 3. Add the cinnamon powder into the papaya pulp and mix both the ingredients thoroughly. 4. Apply this papaya-cinnamon mixture on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. 5. After 20 minutes rinse it off with normal water. 6. You can use this pack at least once in a day for better results. Cinnamon, Rice Flour And Gram Flour (Besan) Mask Cinnamon, rice flour and gram flour are the best combination for exfoliating the skin thus making it brighter and softer. Ingredients A pinch of cinnamon powder 1 tbsp of rice flour 1 tbsp gram flour How To Use 1. In a clean bowl add cinnamon powder, rice flour and gram flour. 2. Mix it with some water to make a paste. The consistency of the paste should be thick. 3. Apply this pack on your face and gently scrub it in a circular motion with your fingertips. 4. Let it stay for 5 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water.

Those tiny bumps on your face aren't acne! | MILIA causes and treatments for SMOOTH SKIN!

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I know I have!

Whether it’s my busy schedule, poor sleep, or a certain time of year, bad skin days will happen. 

We’re also well aware that the bright, bouncy, elastic skin of our youth is here for a limited time only.

​And then it hit me…

​It’s a little shocking when time actually begins to catch up with us. 

Maybe the skin looks drier, dull, and uneven in tone.  

​So what’s the solution?

​Today, we’re talking about skin care secrets.

Specifically... to use cinnamon powder for skin whitening to have  a more even, radiant complexion.

cinnamon for skin lightening

We’ll talk about why it works...

​And why the word “whitening” may not mean what you think it does. 

​​​I’ll have more details on ​"whitening" a bit later.

​Stay with me now... 


​​Keep reading…

​​Whitening and Lightening? Why?

The first time I saw “whitening” on a skin care product, I felt confusion.

It didn’t seem right to suggest that people should have lighter skin, to say the very least. 

Or more to the point...

...that people should spend money on products that claim light skin is somehow an improvement.

Why should anyone spend money with a company that makes them feel badly about the color of their skin?

Then, like many others, I got swept up in the skin care boom several years ago.

skin bleaching with charcoal

Particularly, Asian skin care routines have taken the industry by storm.

On many of these products, I saw that word again - “whitening”. 

How to get a glowing skin overnight using home remedies

How dare they?

But instead of firing off a nasty comment to the companies in question, I did a bit of digging.

As it turns out, whitening and lightening, as it pertains to skin care, has various meanings in different cultures. 

Siraad Dirshe explains this on behalf of one of Asian beauty’s most popular Western retailers, Soko Glam:

“In countries like China, Japan, and Korea this term has nothing to do with the actual color of the skin, but speaks more to the texture and overall health of the skin. [They] strive to have skin that is radiant and luminescent – they want their skin to glow, not have a lighter color.”

​Overall, Dirshe’s assertion that “whitening” is just a poor translation meant to indicate “brightening” is pretty spot-on.

In fact, some companies are already clarifying this on their packaging. 

​Many people who think they want whiter skin use these products and are in love with the results.

Whether they realize it or not, it didn’t truly lighten their pigment, it just brightens their overall complexion.

And that’s more than good enough!

​Most skin care products that claim they are good for whitening contain no bleach, and will not remove pigment from the skin.

It’s an important distinction to make, given that skin bleaching products rake in billions the world over.

​Natural DIYs are no exception.

skin whitening with citrus fruits

Recipes containing citrus fruits are often said to make the skin appear lighter.

However, they too will not strip pigment.

In fact, they can damage the skin by making it more susceptible to burning.

​So, when we talk about cinnamon powder for skin whitening, we are NOT discussing:

​​​Bleaching the skin 

​​Removing pigment from the skin 

​​​Changing the natural color of your skin in general 

​We ARE discussing:

​​Lightening sun spots

​​​Lightening hyperpigmentation from acne scars 

​​​Creating a more even tone 

​​Restoring a more youthful glow 


​How you go about fading hyperpigmentation and improving tone does matter. 

Because as you’ll find, industry skin care secrets include some pretty nasty ingredients. 

​The Potential Dangers of Mass Market “Whitening” Products ​

​Throughout the years, I continually notice the ingredient hydroquinone in a lot of skin care products.

Hydroquinone is a compound which actually slows down pigment production.

In certain higher amounts, it will lighten the color of your skin noticeably. 

​Unsurprisingly, the populace is split on whether or not hydroquinone is safe to use.

The Environmental Working Group gives it a hazard rating of nine.

This is mostly due to the fact that it is banned or restricted in many parts of Europe and Asia.

​Ultimately, it’s pretty much only widely used in small doses in the United States.

You won’t just find it in whitening products, but in cleansers, moisturizers, and more. 

​It has carcinogenic properties, but it is said that you can mitigate this with a lower dose applied topically.


A lot of experts will gladly say that certain levels of hydroquinone are safe to use.

​That may be so, but that “safe” level isn’t as effective as the hydroquinone products of yesteryear. 

DIY Facial At Home! *clear skin tips*

That’s why some in search of bleaching-level results locate the prescription strength stuff.

These levels are known to pose a toxicological risk to humans.

​Furthermore, if all of our products contain a little hydroquinone, what does that add up to? 

Its widespread use is the biggest problem.

Additionally, it can make skin more sensitive to the sun, which can mean an increase in the risk of skin cancer. 

​Sun exposure is also known to damage thinner skin, and hydroquinone can be skin-thinning.

If there’s a thinner barrier to pass through, perhaps that hydroquinone can reach the bloodstream eventually after all.

​On the other hand...

...there’s a condition known as ochronosis.

It’s very rare...

​But it can occur when you use hydroquinone over a long period of time.

It involves patches of dark, thick, rough skin.

woman rough dry facial skin

Surely the opposite of what anyone using hydroquinone would want!

​All in all, I’d pass on hydroquinone.

If it’s questionable enough to warrant a ban in so many places, the results aren’t worth it. 

​Also, we have to remember that it’s not the only ingredient in these products.

There’s fragrance, parabens, phthalates, and more. 

​Fortunately, there’s one simple, natural, safe, edible ingredient that can help take its place.

It’s probably sitting in your cupboard right now!

​Amazing benefits ​of...

​​Cinnamon Powder for Skin ​​Whi​tening ​

​It tastes great and smells wonderful, but why use cinnamon powder for better skin?

Here are a few cinnamon secrets that tip the scales in its favor.

​​It’s anti-inflammatory. If you have breakouts, the worst part, before and after, is the redness and discoloration. Cinnamon can help alleviate inflammation for a more even, soothed appearance. 

​​​It contains antioxidants. How many skin care products do you buy for the antioxidant content? You can ditch some of these and get more out of budget-friendly cinnamon. Significantly, it has more antioxidants than more pungent-tasting spices. 

​​​It improves circulation. Eating and applying cinnamon, a warming spice, can really get the blood flowing. For the face, this means a rosier complexion. Yet, better circulation also means your skin can repair more efficiently in a shorter time period 

​​It’s antimicrobial. Sometimes, cinnamon is used in cosmetics to prevent allergic reactions to synthetic additives. In addition, it can help stop the spread of bacteria, such as from acne, which impact our delicate facial skin. 

​These are all great benefits, but when it comes to cinnamon ​for skin lightening, the antioxidants are the best.

They support the natural healing and repair of damaged cells which we see with scars and spots.

In the end, they can even help prevent skin aging.

​Best DIY Recipes for a Bright, Glowing Complexion

​So, are you ready to use cinnamon to break away discoloration and provide a natural, nontoxic glow?

Obviously, you’re making the right choice. Skin care sales are up, and the biggest area of growth is in masks.

​Today, you’ll learn how to save a bundle by creating your own masks.

Try all five and pick your favorite.

​But wait!

BEFORE you do that, ensure that cinnamon doesn’t irritate your skin.

To check this, make a paste of cinnamon with a little water. Spread it on the back of your hand and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

​There may be a slight tingle, but what you want to avoid is burning and redness.

​Mask #1: Honey and Cinnamon

​Throughout the ages, people have sworn by cinnamon and honey for skin lightening.


They bring similar benefits, and it’s the perfect way to get the cinnamon to actually stick to your face.

​You’ll need:

​1 teaspoon ground Ceylon cinnamon - Shop now at 

​1 tablespoon raw honey 

​To make, mix together into a small bowl and carefully spread over your face.

If you like, give yourself a little massage - the fine grains provide nice, gentle exfoliation.

Leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

​Mask #2: Honey, Yogurt, and Cinnamon

​What other natural stuff is trending in skin care?

Probiotics. Knowing that every inch of our bodies is a rich ecosystem of bacteria, we want to balance it.

cinnamon and honey for skin lightening

The addition of yogurt is also good for those who suffer from redness.

​To make the mask, you’ll need:

​1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon 

​1 tablespoon raw honey 

​¼ cup of Greek yogurt 

​Stir them together and spread it on. Wash off after 10 minutes.

​Mask #3: Honey, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon

​If breakouts are your primary concern, boost the acne-fighting power with some nutmeg - Shop now at

Both cinnamon and nutmeg are well known to preserve moisture while eliminating bacteria.

As a bonus, your face will smell like a cookie.

​This mask requires:

​½ teaspoon ground nutmeg 

​½ teaspoon cinnamon 

​1 tablespoon raw honey 

​At this point, you’re probably pretty good at building your own mask.

Add in a little Greek yogurt, too, or modify the spice proportions to get more of your favorite.

Leave on the face for about 15 minutes, rinsing well.

​Mask #4: Aloe and Cinnamon

​Aloe has its own special plant hormones that promote skin repair.

applying aloe vera to hands

If you have recent acne scars or damage from sunburn, aloe is your pick for DIY masks.

Pure gel straight from the plant (or from a trustworthy brand) will work better, as the juice is too runny.

​It’s simple:

​1 tablespoon aloe vera gel 

​1 teaspoon cinnamon 

​Usually, I like to apply this during facial massage.

I find that the gel doesn’t adhere to the skin well enough to just sit it out.

Mix these two together and massage into skin for a few minutes, using circular motions. 

​Leave a thin layer to dry on the face for an additional five to ten minutes before rinsing.

​Mask #5: Yogurt, Turmeric, and Cinnamon

​Personally, no natural ingredient evens out my skin tone like turmeric.

yogurt tumeric cinnamon

I recommend combining it with cinnamon’s circulation boost for instantly glowing skin.

Yogurt is best here, as it reduces the amount of tinting the turmeric leaves behind. 

​You’ll need:

​3 tablespoons Greek yogurt 

​¾ teaspoon ground turmeric 

​1 teaspoon cinnamon 

​Any mask with turmeric warrants a double cleansing; one before, and one after.

After washing your face, spread this mixture on and leave it for 15 minutes.

Rinse off and cleanse again.

​BONUS: More Superfoods for Your Best Skin Ever

​It’s what’s inside that counts, right?

My Pamper Shower Routine! (hygiene, skin care + more)

Increase your ability to heal everywhere (including skin) and reduce your chances of damage by eating the right foods.

oatmeal muesli chia seeds goji berries superfoods

​oatmeal muesli chia seeds goji berries superfoods

Here are some of my top dietary picks for great skin.

​Whole grains - Organic whole grains is one of the best ways to get essential minerals missing from many foods. Of course, if you can’t tolerate gluten, it’s best to stick to other foods on this list.

​Nuts and seeds - Healthy fats help plump up the face, and vitamin E is a great defense against aging. Those highest in zinc, like pumpkin seeds and cashews, are good for calm skin.

​Cucumbers - Not only are cukes full of water, they contain silica. Silica helps us retain minerals and encourages good collagen production. It has an incredible impact on nail strength, too. 

​Acai - Acai is a powerful antioxidant, detoxifying fruit. Using frozen acai for smoothies and smoothie bowls can help keep skin in tip-top shape over the long term. 

​Swiss chard - Of all the dark, leafy greens, this one is a favorite. It contains biotin, the hair, skin, and nails vitamin. Add in the fiber, beta carotene, and more, and you’ve got the perfect food for perfect skin.

​Papaya - It looks better than it tastes, but papaya works amazingly internally and externally for skin. In addition to vitamins A and C, it contains papain, an exclusive enzyme that’s great for clear, even skin. 

​For more ​secret skin tips check out ​our post on "How to Have Perfect Skin".

​That’s all I got today on...​​​​​

​​Cinnamon Powder for Skin Whitening

​What’s your least favorite thing about your skin as it gets older and wiser?

For some, it might be the loss of elasticity.

For too many others, the ravages of time show up as old scars, sun spots, and more.

A written history of your face, if you will.

​Whitening products are perfect for these concerns.

As we now know, few such products are actually intended to make your skin look whiter.

They’re really meant to even out the skin tone. But we don’t need them, anyway.

​Fortunately, one of nature’s biggest secrets is to just use cinnamon powder.

It improves circulation, can help fade scars, and packs an antioxidant punch.

Moreover, it costs much less than expensive serums and creams which are potentially toxic. 

​In closing, I need your take on this.

What do you think of skin “whitening” products?

Have you ever used cinnamon topically?

Share your thoughts on the topic...

What's on your mind?

How can I help?

​Stay tuned for more secrets! Talk soon.

We all love the flavor cinnamon adds to our food, don’t we? But did you know this commonly found condiment is a vital ingredient in traditional medicine? Yes! Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an efficient treatment for several skin issues.

Cinnamon boosts the production of collagen and improves blood circulation making your skin look blemish and pimple-free. This article presents you with some of the best Cinnamon face packs you can try at the comfort of your home.

Cinnamon Face Pack Benefits:

Cinnamon, also called dalchini, is known to add flavor to your food. In addition, the medicinal properties of cinnamon help provide relief from many skin issues. But many of us are unaware of the benefits of using cinnamon feeds once added to a skincare routine. Here are some benefits:

Cinnamon can be very effective in treating acne because of its antibacterial properties.

Cinnamon prevents the early signs of aging by protecting your skin from the damage caused by free radicles since it has powerful antioxidants.

Using cinnamon face packs will help prevent fine lines and wrinkles with its effective antioxidant activity.

It helps make your skin look smooth by keeping it hydrated for an extended period.

Cinnamon makes your skin appear more even-toned and plump by promoting more blood flow to your skin because it stimulates blood vessels.

It helps deal with acne and the scars associated with it since it is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent making it a perfect addition to your skincare routine.

Cinnamon face packs can work wonders on every type of skin.

Homemade Cinnamon Face Packs for All Skin Types:

We present you with some of the best homemade face masks with cinnamon combined with many other ingredients. Let us go through the article to know more:

My Summer *GLOW UP* Routine!

1. Cinnamon Face Pack With Banana:

Cinnamon Face Pack With Banana


Banana helps fight the free radicals in your body with the help of the antioxidants present in them. In addition, this fruit also helps treat the acne lesions and the inflammation associated with it with the use of vitamin A and phenolics present in them (1). Cinnamon adds glow and nourishes your skin.


One ripe banana.

One tbsp of cinnamon powder.

Two to three drops of honey.


Mash the ripe banana in a bowl.

Add cinnamon powder and honey to it and combine them to form a lump-free paste.


Apply the mixture to your face evenly.

Let it stay on your face for about ten minutes.

Use cold water to wash your face.

2. Honey Cinnamon Face Pack:

Honey Cinnamon Face Pack


This is a cinnamon face pack for skin brightening that boosts the blood circulation in your skin. The antiseptic properties of this spice help you heal the pimples on your surface. Honey helps reveal bright-looking skin by eliminating dead skin cells with its exfoliating properties (2).


½ tbsp of cinnamon powder.

Two tbsp of honey.


Take all the ingredients in a bowl.

Combine them thoroughly, forming a smooth paste.


Apply the mixture to your face gently and evenly.

Let it stay on your face for about 20 minutes.

Use cold water to wash your face.

3. Cinnamon Besan Face Pack:

Cinnamon Besan Face Pack


This is one of the perfect cinnamon face packs for skin whitening, which can be prepared at the comfort of your home. Rice helps prevent skin aging, reduces UV damage, and promotes skin lightening with the help of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents (3). In addition, Besan helps remove tan from your surface.


2 tbsp of cinnamon powder.

Two tbsp of rice flour.

Two tbsp of besan.



Place all the ingredients in a bowl.

Add the required amount of water to the bowl forming a paste without lumps.


Apply the smooth paste to your face evenly.

Let it dry for about five minutes.

Gently remove the scrub.

4. Cinnamon And Curd Face Pack:

Cinnamon And Curd Face Pack


If you are looking for a solution for your dry skin and pimples, this cinnamon face pack can be an ideal solution. Curd can be an excellent addition to the skincare routine because lactic acid has anti-aging properties (4). This face pack makes your skin radiant by keeping it hydrated and preventing acne, dark spots, and blackheads.


Three tbsp of cinnamon powder.

Ten tbsp of yogurt.


Take a bowl and add all the ingredients to it.

Combine all the ingredients to form a smooth paste.


Gently apply the mixture to your face evenly.

Let it dry for about 15 minutes.

Use cold water to wash your face.

5. Cinnamon And Clove Face Pack:

Cinnamon And Clove Face Pack


Dr. Sherry Ingraham Shares 5 Natural Home Remedies for Clear, Healthy Skin

Cloves have been a common ingredient in specific cosmetics because of their natural antiseptic properties and astringent nature (5). At the same time, cinnamon gives your surface a plumping effect by improving oxygen to the skin and cures acne problems. In addition, the combination of clove and cinnamon keeps your skin clear from scars, dark spots by eliminating bacteria from your skin.


One cinnamon stick.

Three to four cloves.

One tbsp of honey.


Blend the cinnamon stick and cloves into a fine powder.

Add honey to the powder and combine it correctly.


Apply the paste to your face evenly.

Let it stay there for about 15 minutes.

Use cold water to wash your face.

6. Neem And Cinnamon Face Pack:

Neem And Cinnamon Face Pack


The combination of cinnamon and honey, because of their anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, respectively help remove pimples and the scars associated with it (6). In addition, Neem is a rich source of vitamin C, which works perfectly well for people with oily and sensitive skin. Neem also has antibacterial properties and anti-fungal properties that can be beneficial for your skin (7).


One tbsp of cinnamon powder.

½ tbsp of lemon juice.

One tbsp of neem powder.

Two tbsp of honey.


Mix the cinnamon powder and neem powder in a bowl.

Add lemon juice and honey to the powder and mix them thoroughly.


Apply the paste to your face evenly.

Let it dry for about 15 minutes.

Use cold water to wash your face.

7. Cinnamon And Sandalwood Face Pack:

Cinnamon And Sandalwood Face Pack


The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon help eliminate the pimple-causing bacteria keeping your skin smooth and clear (8). In addition, sandalwood has high amounts of antioxidants that help fight the damage caused by free radicles preventing wrinkle formation (9).


5 tbsp of cinnamon powder.

One to two tbsp of sandalwood powder.

Two to three tbsp of milk.


Take all the ingredients to a bowl.

Combine them thoroughly, forming a smooth paste.


Apply the mixture to your face evenly.

Let it remain on your face for about 15 minutes.

Use cool water to wash your face.

8. Nutmeg:



This is a perfect cinnamon face pack for pimples which is suitable for combination and oily skin. In addition, the combination of nutmeg and cinnamon helps eliminate spots and heals the scars associated with it (10).


Two tbsp of cinnamon powder.

Two tbsp of nutmeg powder.


Place the ingredients in a bowl and mix them.

Add the required amount of water to form a paste.


Apply the paste to your face evenly.

Let it remain in your face for about 15 minutes.

Wash your face with cold water.

9. Cinnamon And Egg White Face Pack:

Cinnamon And Egg White Face Pack


Cinnamon helps enhance the production of collagen in your skin naturally, and egg white tightens your surface. Therefore, this cinnamon powder face pack is an excellent option if you want to fight premature aging signs efficiently (11).


One egg white.

One tbsp of cinnamon powder.


Combine the egg white and cinnamon powder in a bowl.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.


Apply the mixture to your face evenly.

Let it dry for about ten minutes.

Use cold water to wash your face.

10. Cinnamon And Papaya Face Pack:

Cinnamon And Papaya Face Pack


If you are looking for a face pack to reduce the marks, dark spots, and sun tanning, this cinnamon and papaya face pack can be an ideal option. You will be able to fight sun tanning, blemishes, and dark spots with the combination of papaya and cinnamon powder (12).


½ tbsp of cinnamon powder.

Two tbsp of papaya juice or pulp.


How To Take Care Of Each Skin Type | Dermatologist's Advice

Place the ingredients in a bowl.

Combine them thoroughly.


Gently apply the mixture to your face evenly.

Let it dry for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Use cold water to wash your face.


Cinnamon is one of the commonly found spices in every Indian household that adds aroma to foods and has beneficial effects on the skin. By adding any of the cinnamon face packs mentioned in this article, you will be able to deal with your skin issues naturally. Make sure that you choose the right one for your skin type, and don’t forget to let us know if this article was helpful.

Cinnamon is spice and it is used in our food for flavor because it has a good taste and in most countries. Commonly cinnamon is known as a Dalchini. But for many years it has been using for skin problems such as skin whitening, anti-aging or any other skin problems.

Nowadays most people considered beauty who have white skin. It becomes a dream of everyone to have a fair or white color. Women are busy at home in the kitchen and find many ingredients that help them to make beauty tips. Cinnamon is one of them that is used widely for skin whitening. The best thing about cinnamon that it can be used in any shape like oil, powder and face mask. 

How to use Cinnamon for skin whitening? Cinnamon can be used for skin whitening in a variety of different ways. You can use cinnamon powder with honey, glycerine, olive oil, coconut oil, and aloe vera gel and apply this face mask on your face. It is recommended that you only use a small amount of cinnamon in these face masks.

Cinnamon is easily available in your kitchen and if you do not have this at your home then you can buy from grocery stores or supermarkets easily. Different products in the market claim to give you white color or neat skin but we do not know about what products are really good.

Excessive use of creams and other products have side effects and they are expensive. But cinnamon has no side effects and not costly even it is very cheap. Cinnamon has antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties which helps to treat acne, give you white skin or fight with the disease caused by skin damage.

Cinnamon is an amazing skincare or skin whitening ingredient. It has medical properties and used for anti-aging, anti-inflammatory or used to remove dullness and help to give you whitish color.

Contents [hide]

1 How to use Cinnamon for skin whitening?

1.1 Apply cinnamon and honey mask

1.2 Using cinnamon with glycerin

1.3 Using aloe vera and cinnamon mask

1.4 Using cinnamon with banana to make your skin white

1.5 Cinnamon and yogurt face mask

1.6 Using cinnamon and olive oil

1.7 Skin whitening face mask of Cinnamon Powder with Tomato

1.8 Mix coconut oil with cinnamon

1.9 Using cinnamon with gram flour

1.10 Side effects of using cinnamon on your skin

1.11 Benefits of cinnamon for skin

How to use Cinnamon for skin whitening?

There are many ways to use cinnamon for skin whitening and these ways are so simple to use and full of benefits that give you noticeable and long-lasting results. Cinnamon is used with other natural ingredients which become more beneficial as combine with other ingredient’s benefits.

There are several ways to use cinnamon for skin whitening. Here we will discuss about all methods to apply cinnamon on skin. 

Apply cinnamon and honey mask

Honey itself has multiple benefits for your skin, white skin is one of the major quality that honey has. When we mix them and make a paste it will combine many skin benefits. It is simple to make honey and cinnamon mask.

For this, you will require 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and 2 to 3 teaspoon honey. Mix them well with an applicator and apply this mask on your face. Left it for ten minutes then rinse out your face with lukewarm water.

This mask not only give you white color but also helps to remove acne, pimples or scars and provide you white and neat skin. Use this mask two times in a day, on time in the morning and second time in the evening daily. It will help to give you the desired result because it is not a quick remedy.

Using cinnamon with glycerin

Glycerin has the quality to make your skin soft, clean and fair. The cinnamon and glycerin mask provide you desired fair color. Try to use regularly this mask for white skin.

Take 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder, 2 table-spoon of glycerin and 2 tablespoon of lemon. Mix them well and make the mixture. Apply this mixture on your face, hands, and foot to get fair color. Use this mixture continuously after every wash or shower and get beautiful or flawless skin or color.

Using aloe vera and cinnamon mask

Aloe vera is the ingredient that is rapidly use in beauty tips for skin and also for hairs because it has many skin-related benefits. Aloe vera is easily available in your plants but if you do not have the plant of aloe vera then you can buy aloe vera from drug stores at a very low cost.

It is very simple to make a mask. You require 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 2 Vitamin A capsules and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder. Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face or skin. Left it for 30 minutes and then you can wash your face with tap water. Apply this regularly in the morning for good results. 

5 At-Home Cleanup Steps To Achieve Glowing Skin | Secrets To Healthy Skin Using Milk

Using cinnamon with banana to make your skin white

Cinnamon and banana mask helps to nourish your skin and make it glowing or fair. It is easy to make this mask because it contains simple cheap ingredients. 

Take one ripe banana and mash-up, take one tablespoon of cinnamon powder, take 2 to 3 drops of honey. Mix all ingredients and make a pulp. Apply this thick mask on your face and left it for 10 minutes for dry then wash out your face and get white color. Apply this mixture one time in a week.

Cinnamon and yogurt face mask

Yogurt helps to give you white color rapidly and remove dust and also make it clean. Yogurt is easily available at your home otherwise you can make it with milk. Yogurt and cinnamon act surprisingly to change your dull color into fair skin. It has no side effect and its a very cheap way to make your skin white, fair and flawless. This mask can be used on all types of skin such as dry or oily. This is ideal if you have Almond skin tone.

It is easy to make this mask you will require two tablespoons of cinnamon powder, add two tablespoons of pure honey, add two tablespoons of unflavoured or fresh yogurt. Mix all three ingredients properly and apply this mixture on your skin, massaging or scrubbing for 10 minutes. Left it for 20 minutes then you can wipe off your face. Use this mixture one time in a week to make your color bright and lighter. 

Using cinnamon and olive oil

Before making this oil take care of one thing that olive oil is pure because many brands of olive oil are not pure and have no benefits. Always try to use pure olive oil of good company. Olive oil is best for skin whitening and helps to eliminate aging signs like wrinkles.

Regular massage of olive oil will give you brighter skin. The combination of cinnamon and olive oil helps to give you beautiful skin and beautiful color. It also helps to eliminate lines fine. The olive oil and cinnamon is best if your skin is dry.

It is easy and simple to make an olive oil face mask. You require only two things olive oil and cinnamon powder to make a mask. Add a tablespoon of virgin pure olive oil and add half teaspoon of cinnamon oil and two tablespoons of petroleum jelly. You can use a makeup spatula to measure petroleum jelly.

Mix all of them well and apply this mask throughout the face and neck and take extra care to avoid eyes. Do massage gently of this mixture for eight minutes to absorb in your skin properly. Then wash off your face and neck with a damp cloth. Apply this mask two times a week for amazing results.

Skin whitening face mask of Cinnamon Powder with Tomato

Tomato is mainly helpful for the skin to giving you fair or pinkish white color and beautiful ski. It also useful to remove dark spots, acne, and scars and give you tighter and brighter skin. Tomato is easily available in your kitchen because it is used in cooking or salads. Tomato is used for both applying or eating in recipes. The ripe tomato is more useful it also helps to remove dust from your face.

It is a very simple method to use tomato with cinnamon powder. You will require only two things tomato and cinnamon powder. Take one tomato and cut it in a half sprinkle 2 to 3 pinch on tomato and do massage in a circular motion for 5 minutes.

Leave it for 30 minutes then wash off your face with simple water. You can use this massage every day to make your skin white and beautiful. It has no side effect it has just good effects for your face or skin. Use a good and expensive face cleanser before applying this mixture.

Mix coconut oil with cinnamon

Coconut oil is too good for your skin as well as your hair. You can use coconut oil in your cooking or you can apply it directly on your skin. The mixture of coconut oil and cinnamon will give you white color, reduce wrinkles and also helps to remove acne, spots and give you younger or fresh or healthy skin. Coconut oil is easily accessible because it is used by almost every home or can buy it from the supermarket at a very low price.  

It is recommended to wash your face with dead sea salt water before applying this mask. It is the easy and quickest way to get good skin or the best color and it is easy to make a mixture of coconut oil and cinnamon. You will require 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, half teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 2 tablespoons of fresh milk.

Mix all three ingredients well and make a mixture. Apply this mask all over the face at night and rinse out your face in the morning with tap water. Apply this mixture regularly to make your color brighter and fair.

Using cinnamon with gram flour

Gram flour is a great ingredient that helps to remove excessive oil from the face or your skin that helps in making skin brighter and removing acne or pimples. 

It is a simple method to make a mask of gram flour. You will require two tablespoons of gram flour, half teaspoon of cinnamon powder, half teaspoon of turmeric powder, two to three tablespoon of fresh milk and few drops of lemon juice. You can also add barley flour in this mixture.

Mix all the ingredients well with your fingers and apply thoroughly on your face and neck. Let this mixture dry after wash off your face and neck with lukewarm water. Use this mixture two times in once week for desired results. The combination of all these ingredients gives you the prettiest look. 

Side effects of using cinnamon on your skin

Cinnamon is safe when you are using a small amount. Excessive use of cinnamon powder in eating can cause serious problems, so excessive use of cinnamon should be avoided. The excessive amount of intake of everything may lead to severe problems.

Eating or use dry cinnamon may lead to the irritation of lungs and throat and it can damage permanently your lungs. Using a high amount of cinnamon powder causes inflammation of the lungs called aspiration pneumonia. If it is left untreated it may cause permanently lungs collapse and scar.

Cinnamon is a big source of coumarin. You should use or intake 0.05 mg coumarin of body weight. It means you should use just one teaspoon of cinnamon daily. The overuse of cinnamon can damage your liver. 

Benefits of cinnamon for skin

Cinnamon is scientifically called as Cinnamomum which takes the inner bark of trees. Cinnamon is found in the form of strips when we bring these cinnamon sticks it becomes in a powder form. Cinnamon has powerful antioxidants like polyphenols which help to save your body or skin from oxidative damage. The anti-inflammatory property of cinnamon help to fight with infection.

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Cinnamon has the wonderful effect that it can reduce heart diseases and helps to improve blood circulation. And blood circulation will manage your stomach and a good stomach helps to give you good skin and white color. Cinnamon is a wonderful ingredient that helps to give you flawless, soft and beautiful skin. Cinnamon has the quality of antiseptic which helps to heal the wound faster. 

Cinnamon is a spice that we typically associate with dessert because it’s so delicious! It can be used as a topping for hot drinks like lattes and cappuccino, desserts, or as a baking ingredient. It’s typically used during the fall and winter seasons to create holiday-themed treats, but we’re beginning to learn it’s something we should probably consume more often.

Made from the  which are typically found in India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Egypt. It can be enjoyed in stick form, as a powder, pre-ground, or even in essential oils. You wouldn’t think that something so tasty could also be really healthy, but it actually is.

We’re taking a look at some of the incredible health benefits of cinnamon, check it out…

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

 is one of the biggest causes of premature death. The  defines it as a group of conditions that affect the function of the heart. These conditions can usually be avoided through healthy lifestyle habits like eating healthy foods, including cinnamon. According to , cinnamon has been shown to reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol levels and triglycerides while maintaining levels of “good” HDL cholesterol levels. The source cites a study which found that all it takes to reap these benefits is a 120-mg dose of cinnamon each day. Other studies have found that cinnamon can also lower blood pressure.

 also suggests that cinnamon is good for our heart because of a study conducted at Penn State which found that spices like cinnamon and turmeric can help curb “.” When we eat foods that are high in fat, it causes our triglycerides to rise which raises the risk of heart disease. The study was small, but the results showed that people who consumed about tablespoons of cinnamon along with their fatty meal had a 13-percent increase in blood antioxidant levels and a 30-percent reduction in triglycerides.

Cinnamon is a spice known for its culinary use and medicinal benefits. However, you may also use cinnamon for skin care issues and improve skin quality. Every part of the tree, including the leaves and roots, has amazing skin care benefits.

Cinnamon has antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties (1). These properties make it a wonderful ingredient to add to your daily skin care routine. There are several DIY cinnamon remedies to improve your skin. This article discusses the benefits of cinnamon, how to use it, and its side effects. Keep reading

In This Article

Benefits Of Cinnamon For The Skin

How To Use Cinnamon For Your Skin

Side Effects Of Using Cinnamon

Benefits Of Cinnamon For The Skin

Cinnamon extracts can help minimize common skin conditions and have numerous benefits. They include:

Has Antimicrobial Properties: Cinnamon oil has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties against some bacteria and fungi, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans(2 ). Staphylococcus aureus causes skin infections, such as abscesses (boils), furuncles, and cellulitis (3). Candida albicans cause skin infections, erythema, skin thickening, and hyperkeratosis (4).

Promotes Wound Healing: Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, an antimicrobial compound active against aeruginosa strains commonly found in skin wounds and infections. An animal study found that cinnamaldehyde inhibited the growth of P. aeruginosa in skin wounds and accelerated healing (5 ).

Soothes Pain: Cinnamon bark essential oil extracted from Cinnamomum zeylanicum is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to soothe aching joints. It works as an anti-inflammatory agent. However, further research is required to determine its clinical efficacy (6).

Reduces Acne: Topical cinnamon gel can soothe mild to moderate facial acne (7 ). It decreases the number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne lesions and reduces other associated symptoms like redness and excess sebum production. Cinnamon contains eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, and coumarin, which can reduce acne blemishes. A study showed that using a herbal soap containing cinnamon oil reduced acne scars and pigmentation (8).

Prevents UV Damage: Cinnamon also contains vitamin C that protects the skin from UV damage and premature aging (8).

Brightens The Skin: Cinnamaldehyde is a tyrosinase inhibitor (reduces melanin production) and can be used as a skin-whitening agent in cosmetics (9). Cinnamon also contains p-coumaric acid, a compound used as a skin-lightening ingredient in cosmetics (10). Both the agents may help reduce hyperpigmentation.

Treats Infections: The Central Council For Research In Ayurvedic Sciences states that a mixture of cinnamon powder and honey can treat cuts, skin infections, and wounds (11), (12).

Minimizes Wrinkles: Cinnamaldehyde may increase collagen production and effectively reduce signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines (13).

Prevents Oxidative Damage: Cinnamon contains beta-carotene, vitamin B, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, coumarin, vitamin A, potassium, polyphenols, cinnamic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, iron, and other nutrients (11). Vitamin A prevents skin damage caused by UV exposure and may even be useful in minimizing psoriasis, ichthyosis (scaly skin), and acne (14).  Coumarin helps reduce inflammation, and polyphenols prevent oxidative damage (15), (16).

Works As Larvicidal: Cinnamon essential oil extracted from Cinnamomum cassiais larvicidal and can repel mosquitoes (11). You can use it as a topical mosquito repellent to prevent mosquito bites.

Boosts Collagen Production: Ceylon cinnamon extracts can stimulate collagen synthesis and prevent skin sagging and wrinkles (13).

Now that you know the advantages of using cinnamon for your skin, let’s learn how to use it to reap its benefits.

How To Use Cinnamon For Your Skin

You can use cinnamon oil, powder, and other extracts in homemade face masks and DIY remedies or use skin care products with cinnamon extract.  Here are a few possible ways to use cinnamon for the skin:

Mix a drop of cinnamon essential oil with petroleum jelly, olive oil, or coconut oil and use it to moisturize dry lips. You can apply petroleum jelly and a pinch of ground cinnamon to plump your lips.

Mix a pinch of cinnamon powder with salt, olive oil, almond oil, and honey and use it as a scrub to manage dry skin.

Make a paste with a teaspoon of cinnamon and three tablespoons of honey and use it as a spot treatment to manage acne. It may also reduce redness and moisturize the skin.

Mix a pinch of cinnamon, aloe vera gel, a pinch of turmeric, licorice powder, and apply it as a face mask to boost skin elasticity, firmness, and hydration.

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Note: Do not apply cinnamon essential oil directly to your skin, as it may cause irritation and a burning sensation. Instead, dilute it with other carrier oils like olive, coconut, jojoba, argan, and castor oils.

While you can apply cinnamon to your skin, there are some adverse effects you need to be aware of before using it.

Side Effects Of Using Cinnamon

Applying cinnamon to your skin is clearly beneficial. However, it may irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions like:



Burning sensation


Ingesting excess cinnamon can cause:

Tingling sensations




Make sure you perform a patch test before using cinnamon for the skin.


Cinnamon has many benefits for your skin. It may protect your skin from inflammation, increase collagen production, manage acne, and much more. However, it may also irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. So, before using, do a patch test and in case if you experience any side effects, stop using it and consult a doctor.

For thousands of years, cinnamon has been used for aroma, its distinct flavour and its medicinal properties. Antioxidants in cinnamon helps in fighting damage caused by free radicals in the body, which are responsible for diseases like arthritis, dementia, diabetes and age-related macular degeneration. There are four different types of cinnamon - Indonesian cinnamon, Saigon cinnamon, Cassia cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon. In this article, we talk about how cinnamon affects skin and how you can use the spice for a glowing and radiant skin.

Health benefits of cinnamon for skin

1. Cinnamon is great for treating acne: Antibacterial properties of cinnamon can be really helpful for people with acne. Including cinnamon in your diet can help in eliminating bacteria which increases acne. Also, you can use cinnamon for getting rid of acne by preparing a cinnamon face mask at home. You can mix 3 tbsp of honey in 1 tsp of cinnamon to make a thick paste. Apply it on your face for around 10 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. It will help in reducing redness and will also restore skin's moisture.


You Must Avoid Using These If You Want To Take Proper Care Of Your Skin

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2. Cinnamon has skin lighting properties: You might not believe this but cinnamon has skin lightening properties. It works towards fading away acne scars, blemishes, marks and dark spots.

3. Cinnamon brings blood to skin surface: This property of cinnamon can help in getting rid of fine lines on the face. Mix essential oil of cinnamon in petroleum jelly and apply on the face.


Cinnamon has skin lightening properties

Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Cinnamon: The Super Spice For Weight Loss

4. Cinnamon can be helpful in giving you plump lips: No one like lips that are too thin. For some girls, it is a real struggle to get the perfect pout. For getting plumper lips, you can apply petroleum jelly on your lips, followed by a pinch of cinnamon. Rub the mixture on your lips for a few seconds and let it sit for a minute or so. A tingling sensation would be felt initially. In case of irritability, apply more of petroleum jelly.

A word of caution for using cinnamon on your skin: never apply the spice directly on your skin as it is likely to cause skin irritation.

The cultivation of cinnamon is done widely across regions in Sri Lanka, and parts of other Asian countries. From ages, the spice has occupied a space of reverence for its medicinal properties which make it ideal not only for health consumption but also for topical application on the skin.

It is interesting to know that cinnamon skin benefits are already quite popular. This is why the use of cinnamon powder for the skin along with other components is not new to the world of beauty and skincare. It is indeed beneficial in many ways for the skin as a topically applied treatment.

Many cultures, including those in Asia and India, have made use of cinnamon powder for skin, along with its consumption for various health ailments. When it comes to your skin, it is better to opt for an organically grown variety of cinnamon since it is safe for use and does not contain any harmful chemicals and pesticides. These would have been harsh for your skin, had they been used during the process of production. Let us find out how cinnamon powder for skin acts to lend its useful benefits.


Cinnamon Skin Benefits: Why Should You Apply It On Your Face And Body?

Adds A Plump Look To The Skin

One of the cinnamon skin benefits is precisely related to the process of ageing. By helping the skin appear plumper, it can limit the appearance of fine lines. To do this, cinnamon acts upon the blood vessels underneath the skin to help bring the blood closer to the skin surface.

The ideal way to use cinnamon for this purpose is to mix its essential oil with another carrier oil and apply it over the affected areas. In fact, you can even use this concoction as lip plumper for healthy looking lips.

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Helps To Clean The Scalp

Did you know how cinnamon is good for skin and your scalp? You can even treat your scalp with an added dose of nourishment by using cinnamon paste. A simple combination of cinnamon, olive oil and honey can be applied on the scalp and left for a few minutes before rinsing off. Due to its grainy texture, cinnamon helps to exfoliate the scalp and nourish the roots.


Helps Treat Eczema

For someone with eczema, inflammation and irritation of the skin are quite common. As per common belief, the use of cinnamon and honey on the affected areas can help provide significant relief. It can further help to treat the spot patches which usually form on the skin as a result of eczema.


Helps Alleviate Acne

One of the most marketed cinnamon skin benefits is its effect on acne and pimples. A simple paste of cinnamon and honey can be applied over active acne for a few minutes before washing off with mild water. The unique action of cinnamon helps to dry out acne which can save you from the formation of acne marks later. Further, this concoction can also help to exfoliate and decongest pores and remove excess oil which could be blocking them.


Displays Antiseptic Properties

Due to the unique chemical composition, cinnamon is an antiseptic agent. This is why it is a versatile treatment option for a variety of purposes. Among the most common cinnamon skin benefits is the treatment of open wounds with a pinch of cinnamon powder over them. Numerous studies have shown that cinnamon is good for the skin since it displays unique antibacterial and antifungal actions. This is why it is widely used as a home remedy for various skin related issues.


Helps To Limit Signs of Ageing

You can choose to get cinnamon skin benefits for your ageing skin since it owns unique properties which help it to increase the level of collagen in the skin. The elements of cinnamon help to induce the fibroblast cells in the skin, leading to an increase in the level of collagen proteins.


Soothe And Heal Dry Skin

You can get cinnamon skin benefits for your dry and damaged skin by using it as an exfoliating agent. The grainy texture of cinnamon helps to remove the layers of dead skin on the face and reveal a bright and glowing skin underneath. Once again, the unique antioxidants in cinnamon also help to soften the skin and make it appear smoother.


Helps To Enhance Complexion

To get complete cinnamon skin benefits, you can use a mixture of cinnamon, lemon juice and yoghurt as a face pack which gives your skin a high dose of anti bacterial and anti fungal properties. This in turn helps to improve and enhance the complexion of your skin, making it radiant and brighter.


Helps To Remove Blemishes

You can use cinnamon to treat your skin if it has acne marks on it. Simply use a mixture of cinnamon oil and coconut oil on the affected regions of your face and obtain a satisfactory result by removing stubborn blemishes over time.


Conclusion: The Truth Behind Cinnamon Skin Benefits

There are many ways to use cinnamon for the skin to obtain its complete benefits. You can use it as a scrub, paste, face pack and body wash to make it work for your skin and get the benefits stated above. Also, it is best to add additional ingredients with cinnamon such as honey, to obtain wholesome goodness for your face and body. Since you will be putting these combinations on your skin, it is better that you use the organic variety of cinnamon for this purpose. You will be happy to know that its friendly cultivation techniques are better for the planet and also for the farmers who work hard to produce organic cinnamon.

What does cinnamon do in a face mask?

Skip the spa and get summer-fresh skin using this this all-natural face mask that can be made with ingredients found in your kitchen.

An at-home face mask can be made with ingredients found in your kitchen! This mask made of honey, nutmeg and cinnamon is a special treat that your skin will thank you for.

As someone who deals with sensitive skin, I am hesitant to try new skincare products for fear of having a reaction and breaking out. Because of this, I like to make my own face masks at home, because I know exactly what ingredients are in them and there are no added chemicals.

This particular mask was introduced to me by a friend, and it has become a new favorite that is regularly in my skincare rotation.

The honey is a humectant, an ingredient found in most cleansers that acts as a moisturizer. The nutmeg acts as an anti-inflammatory. The cinnamon prevents acne, eczema and cell turnover, which keeps dead cells from building up on the skin’s surface. The cinnamon does bring the blood to the surface, which causes a tiny bit of a burning sensation – so if you are not a fan of that feeling, you can reduce the amount of cinnamon you put in the mixture.

The mask will not keep well in the refrigerator, so it's best to make a new batch for every application. The ingredients all have a long shelf life, so you get a lot of bang for your buck.


1 Tbsp. P$$T…™ Honey

1 tsp. P$$T…™ Cinnamon

1 tsp. P$$T…™ Nutmeg 


Stir all of the ingredients into a small bowl, and then apply the mask to clean skin. The best time to apply is right after a hot shower, when your pores are more open.

Let the mask sit for around 20 minutes.

Wash off with warm water, using circular motions to exfoliate as you remove the mask.

Moisturize with your favorite moisturizer.

Can I mix turmeric and cinnamon for face mask?

I am a sucker for homemade face masks! I can’t get enough of them. They’re (usually) easy to make, effective, and even edible! There have definitely been a few times when I ate some of the honey cinnamon mask I made for myself. But that is beside the point. I know that you’re looking for effective homemade face masks, and we’re here to help! In this ultimate guide on homemade face masks, you’ll find a list of all the best ingredients for homemade face masks, what problem they target, and a huge list of homemade face masks and directions on how to make them! I hope you’re as excited as I am!

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20 Best Ingredients for Homemade Face Masks

1. Tomato

Tomato contains active compounds and enzymes that can help in brightening your skin tone and reducing pigmentation from the stubborn areas of your face. Apart from that, it also helps in tightening your pores whilst adding a healthy glow to your skin. If you’re looking for an effective homemade face mask for glowing skin that can help you get rid of your summer tan, a freshly-prepared tomato face pack is just what your skin needs!

2. Egg Whites

Want to get rid of your gigantic pores and blackheads? Egg whites are known for their pore-shrinking and complexion-clearing properties. When used as a peel-off mask, it helps in removing the stubborn blackheads, whiteheads and dead skin cells to reveal clear, healthy and radiant skin.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is known to be a natural bleaching agent that helps in lightening your dark spots and blemishes whilst improving your complexion overtime. It is loaded with Vitamin C, which is a key ingredient for glowing skin. It also helps in shrinking your pores and removing dead skin cells – ultimately making your skin glow from within!

4. Turmeric 

Are you looking for a natural way to get rid of your acne scars and wrinkles? This magical ingredient is loaded with powerful antioxidants that can heal your acne scars, prevent the signs of aging and even out your skin tone. If you have excessively oily skin, regular usage of turmeric can help in controlling sebum production to give you clear, healthy and oil-free skin overtime.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is perfect for acne-prone skin, as it helps in healing and eliminating the nasty scars and blemishes that have ruined your skin. It dries out your pimples and heals your skin faster than most commercial skincare products out there

6. Coconut Oil

Do you suffer from excessively dry skin that flakes and peels? Coconut oil is packed with skin soothing and anti-microbial properties that help in balancing the skin’s PH level whilst restoring its youthfulness. People suffering from eczema or psoriasis should use coconut oil religiously to alleviate their symptoms.

7. Coffee

Does your skin lack the vitality it once had? Caffeine helps in brightening and tightening your skin by promoting blood circulation. In addition to that, it also helps in blocking the UV rays and preventing wrinkles, which slows down the aging process. Whip up a coffee mask to reduce puffiness and banish your dark spots instantly!

8. Honey

Honey is known to be a natural antibacterial agent, which is full of powerful anti oxidants that prevent UV damage and soothe your skin. If you have dry skin that is prone to breakouts, honey will be the perfect addition to your skincare regimen, as it has hydration-boosting properties that can calm your skin and improve its overall texture.

9. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an all-rounder skincare ingredient that has intense healing, anti-aging and hydration properties. It clears up your blemishes and soothes your skin, revealing a healthier and brighter skin tone.

10. Yogurt

Yogurt is rich in powerful multi-vitamins including Zinc and lactic acid that promote clear and healthier skin. It helps in tightening your pores, exfoliating the dead skin cells and nourishing your skin to boost its texture.

11. Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is a skin-staple in most Asian households due to its skin refining and detoxifying properties. Not only does it help in clearing your pores, but it also reduces oil build-up to keep your skin clear and healthy.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known for balancing the PH level of your skin, which helps in regulating sebum production. It also aids in tightening and unclogging your pores, keeping acne at bay.

13. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a natural antiseptic that helps in killing the bacteria that causes acne and other skin problems. It contains mono-saturated fatty acids and vitamins E, D and K, which help in soothing and calming acne or blemish-prone skin.

14. Milk

Milk floods your skin with powerful nutrients such as potassium, calcium, lactic acid, and phosphorous, which help in exfoliating the skin and fighting off bacteria.

15. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help in killing the bacteria that cause acne. It has skin-soothing and clearing properties that help in fading scars and blemishes.

16. Green Tea

Green tea contains a high amount of antioxidants that prevent excess sebum production and help in keeping your skin in optimal shape. It also helps in soothing the redness and inflammation caused by acne and pimples.


17. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great skin exfoliator that removes dead skin cells and all types of impurities from your skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing redness and irritation cause by breakouts.

18. Baking Soda

Baking soda can help in calming acne flare-ups and soothing the skin due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It effectively removes the dead skin cells, cures breakouts and restores the skin to its original condition.

19. Brown Sugar

Get rid of excess oil and dull, damaged skin with brown sugar! Brown sugar is a natural and popular exfoliator that helps in clearing your skin and enhancing its texture.

20. Rose Water

Rose water is the perfect anti-septic for acne-prone skin. It kills the bacteria that leads to breakouts and speeds up the healing process by calming and soothing your aggravated skin.

16 Face Masks for Acne

Acne and breakouts can take away all the beauty from your skin, leaving behind stubborn scars and blemishes that refuse to go away. Here are a few masks made from the simplest, purest and natural household ingredients that can help you cure acne and heal your skin whilst preventing future breakouts. Store-bought products are loaded with chemicals that do more harm than good to your skin and overall health, so it is always better to stick to natural ingredients for your skincare needs!

Turmeric, Cinnamon & Honey Mask

The turmeric, cinnamon and honey mask is perfect for individuals suffering from acne and breakouts. Turmeric and honey both have anti-septic properties, whereas cinnamon promotes healing. Combine these three and you will get a powerful anti-acne face pack that will help you get rid of this stubborn problem for good!


Organic turmeric – 1 teaspoon

Organic Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon

Raw honey – (enough to form a paste)


Take turmeric and cinnamon in a bowl and add honey to form a smooth paste. Apply this potent mixture onto clean skin and let it sit for around 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure to avoid the eye area. Then rinse off using lukewarm water. You may have to use a mild soap to get rid of the yellow tinge that turmeric leaves behind. Repeat the process every 3 to 4 days to get healthy, acne-free skin.

Coconut Oil & Turmeric Mask

Looking for simple and natural home remedies to banish acne and pimples? Due to its anti-fungal and skin-soothing properties, the coconut oil and turmeric mask is the perfect homemade face mask for acne that can help in clearing your clogged pores and preventing future breakouts.


Turmeric powder – 1 tablespoon

Coconut oil – (enough to form a paste) 


Add turmeric powder and coconut oil to a clean bowl and stir to form a paste. Apply the mixture onto your skin and massage using circular motions for two minutes. Let it sit on your skin for around 5 to 10 minutes. Wipe your face using a washcloth and then rinse using a mild cleanser to remove the oily residue.

Honey & Cinnamon Mask

Does your skin seem too greasy nowadays? Are you tired of popping those stubborn pimples? Get your hands on these potent ingredients to get rid of this problem once and for all. Honey and cinnamon both help in combating acne and keeping the skin blemish free, which is why it is known to be the most effective homemade face mask for acne.

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Organic cinnamon powder – 1 teaspoon

Raw Honey – (enough to form a paste)


Add cinnamon and honey to a clean bowl and stir to form a thick paste. Using your fingertips, apply the mixture evenly onto your skin. Make sure to avoid the eye area. This mask may sting for while, but don’t worry, as that is when the actual magic happens. Leave the mixture on for about 5 minutes and wash your face using cold water.

Olive Oil & Honey Mask

Olive oil is known for its germ-fighting properties, which help in getting rid of the bacteria that cause acne. This powerful homemade face mask for acne contains plenty of vitamins, beta-carotene, and mono-saturated fatty acids that can help your skin fight off pimples whilst preventing further breakouts.


Honey – 2 tablespoons

Olive oil – 2 table spoons

A washcloth

Warm water


Combine both the ingredients in a bowl and apply the mixture to your face. Start massaging the areas prone to breakout, using circular motions, for about 5 minutes. Now dip your washcloth into the container that has warm water, remove excess water and place it onto your face. The steam will help your skin soak up the vital ingredients. Wipe off using the same cloth once you’re done.

The Rupi Kaur Mask (a.k.a Milk & Honey mask)

The milk and honey homemade face mask works wonders for your skin, as it contains a high amount of lactic acid, calcium, phosphorous and various other vitamins that have skin-boosting and exfoliating properties.


Manuka honey – 2 tablespoons

Milk – 1 tablespoon


Combine both the ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply the mixture to your skin and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Now, rinse with cold water. Use this mask daily to get rid of stubborn acne and scars.

Tea Tree Oil & Honey Mask

Tea tree is popular for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that get to the root cause of acne. Not only does it kill the bacteria that cause acne, but it promotes faster healing of scars as well.


Honey – 1 tablespoon

Tea tree oil - 2 drops


Mix both the ingredients and spread the mixture evenly onto your skin. Wait for about 10 minutes and then rinse using cold water.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey Mask

This potent homemade face mask contains a high amount of various acids such as acetic acid, lactic acid and citric acid that can be lethal to acne-causing bacteria. Not only does this mask reduce skin inflammation, but regular application can help you get rid of all the scars with time.


Honey – 2 tablespoons

Apple cider vinegar – (as needed)

Water – (as needed)


Mix equal parts of water and ACV, and apply the powerful concoction onto your damp skin using a cotton ball. Now, apply honey on top of that and massage for a few minutes. Let it sit for around 30 minutes and wash off using warm water.

Aloe Vera & Honey Mask

Do you have red, blotchy, blemished skin caused by breakouts? Aloe vera can be a life-saving ingredient for those that have highly inflamed skin, as it has skin soothing properties that are second to none! Honey and Aloe Vera, when combined together, can create powerful healing and restorative effects for your damaged skin. In addition to that, it can even out your skin tone and reduce the appearance of blemishes. Combine both the ingredients to form a perfect homemade face mask for acne prone skin.


Honey – 1 tablespoon

Aloe Vera – 1 tablespoon


Extract the aloe vera pulp and add it to a clean bowl. Add some honey into the container and stir well to form a smooth paste. Apply this mixture onto your skin and rinse after 15 minutes. Apply this mask twice a week to soothe your inflamed skin.

Tomato & Honey Mask

Tomatoes contain lycopene and other organic acids that have anti-fungal properties. This anti-oxidant rich food can do wonders for acne-prone skin, as it helps in healing the scars and promotes healthy skin.


Honey – 2 tablespoons

Tomato puree – 1 tablespoon


Take a small tomato and form a puree. Take some honey and add it to the puree. Stir well to form a thick and smooth paste. Apply the mixture on to your face sparingly and massage it into your skin. Let it sit for around 10 minutes before washing off with cold water.

Green Tea & Honey Mask

Green tea is packed with antioxidants that have skin-boosting properties. It also has catechins that are anti-microbial and can help you effectively fight off acne. When combined with honey, it creates a powerful home made mask that soothes your skin and cures breakouts.


Green tea – 1 tea bag

Honey – 1 teaspoon

Hot water – 1-2 cups


Soak the tea bag into boiling water for a few minutes. Remove the tea bag from the water and allow it to cool down. Now, combine these tealeaves with some honey to create a powerful acne-curing paste. Apply this paste to your skin and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Wash the paste off using the remaining concoction once it has cooled down.

Oatmeal & Honey Mask

Want to get rid of all the skin impurities to reveal clear, glowing skin? Oatmeal contains saponins that have skin-clearing properties and are perfect for calming and soothing inflamed skin.

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Oatmeal (powdered) – half cup

Honey – 1to 2 teaspoons

Warm Water – 1/4th cup


Blend 1/4th cup of oatmeal to create a fine powder - leaving you with half a cup of oatmeal powder. Add some water to the powder and cook for a few minutes. Now, add some honey to this mixture to form a thick paste. Once it has cooled down, apply it onto your skin and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing off with warm water.

Baking Soda & Honey Mask

Baking soda is an excellent exfoliator that will unclog your pores and eliminate dead skin cells from your skin. In addition to that, it is a powerful anti-fungal agent that kills the bacteria responsible for acne.


Baking Soda – 1 teaspoon

Honey - 2 teaspoons


Mix the two ingredients together to form a thick paste. Apply the mixture to your skin and gently scrub your skin using circular motions for 3 to 5 minutes. Wash it off using lukewarm water.

Coconut Oil & Honey Mask

Do you suffer from dreadful skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema? Coconut oil is a great remedy for all skin conditions, since it hydrates the skin and controls the production of sebum. Its potent antibacterial properties can help in healing your current breakouts whilst preventing the future ones.


Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon

Honey – 1 teaspoon


Combine both the ingredients thoroughly until they have been dissolved completely. Spread the mixture all over your face and let it sit for around 15 minutes. Wash it off using lukewarm water and pat dry.

Sugar & Honey Mask

The sugar and honey homemade face mask is a holy grail for most celebrities due to its excellent exfoliating properties. It helps in clearing out all the dead skin cells and excess oil, causing the skin to glow from within.


Brown sugar - 1 teaspoon

Honey – 1 tablespoon


Add honey and brown sugar into a clean container and gently mix both the ingredients – make sure not to stir too vigorously, in order to prevent the sugar from melting. Apply the mixture onto your skin and gently scrub your skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.

Lemon & Egg Mask

Looking for an all-purpose mask to cure your acne and blemishes? This lemon and egg mask is the perfect remedy for individuals that have oily skin and are prone to breakouts.


Lemon – half

Egg white – 1 (beaten)


Beat the egg white and squeeze half a lemon into it. Apply to your face and leave it on overnight. Make sure to avoid the eye area. Wash it off in the morning with cold water.

Bentonite Clay, Rose Water & Apple Cider Vinegar Mask

Looking for a quick detox treatment for your problematic skin? Create a mask containing bentonite clay, rose water and apple cider vinegar to clear out your skin, control sebum production and banish all scars. Also, keep this blemish stick in your pocket for touch ups through out the day.


Bentonite clay – 1 tablespoon

Rose water – 1 tablespoon

Apple Cider Vinegar – ½ tablespoon


Mix all the above-mentioned ingredients to form a thick paste. Apply the mixture onto cleansed skin and let it sit for around 20 to 30 minutes. Wipe off using a damp washcloth. Repeat this mask at least 2 to 3times a week to get rid of acne.

Looking for an instant solution to cure your acne? Try this at-home acne treatment that works its magic overnight to bring about immediate results!

4 Minute Face Exercise Routine to FIRM UP CORNERS OF MOUTH and DOUBLE CHIN

9 Homemade Face Masks for Dry Skin

Dreaming of getting soft, supple and luminous skin? Looking for the ultimate solution to get rid of those dry patches on your skin? Here are the top homemade face masks that you can use to nourish and hydrate your skin whilst boosting its texture.

Cucumber & Aloe Vera Mask

This homemade face mask for dry skin is one of the most refreshing and revitalizing masks you’ll ever try! Aloe vera is a potent skin ingredient that can help you soothe the dry patches on your skin and improve its overall texture. Cucumber adds radiance and makes your skin plump and youthful due to its immense cooling and hydrating properties.


Aloe vera pulp – 2 tablespoons

Cucumber – half


Take half a cucumber and cut it into slices. Add aloe vera gel to it and put both the ingredients into a blender and blend well. Massage the paste into your skin using circular motions, and let it sit for about 15 minutes before washing off with cold water.

Banana, Baking Soda & Honey Mask

This extraordinary mask is a treat for your skin, as it smells absolutely divine! It helps in getting rid of all the dead skin cells and impurities to reveal clear, brighter skin. Baking soda exfoliates your skin while the banana and honey nourish, hydrate and nurture your skin to boost its overall texture.


Banana – ½ (ripe)

Honey – 1 teaspoon

Baking soda – 1 tablespoon


Mash half a banana and add the remaining ingredients to form a thick paste. Apply this mixture onto your skin and let it soak up for around 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water.

Oatmeal, Egg White, & Coconut Oil Mask

Most girls that have dry, thirsty, and dehydrated skin dream of getting radiant and glowing skin. This mask can help you achieve just that by supplying your skin with intense hydration and nourishment. Coconut oil floods your skin with intense moisture while egg whites and oatmeal brighten your skin tone.


Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon

Egg white – 1

Oats – 1 handful


Combine all the above-mentioned ingredients to form a thick paste. Apply it to your skin and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Rinse the mask off using cold water.

Avocado, Aloe Vera, & Olive Oil Mask

Avocado is a miracle ingredient packed with various vitamins and antioxidants that possess intense skin-boosting properties. This super-hydrating mask will nourish your skin, even out your skin tone and reduce the appearance of wrinkles overtime.


Avocado – ½

Aloe Vera – 1 teaspoon

Olive oil – 1 teaspoon


Mash an avocado and add some aloe vera pulp and olive oil to the mixture to form the perfect homemade face mask for dry skin. Apply it to your skin and let it sit for around 10-15 minutes. Wash it off using cold water.

Avocado & Honey Mask

Avocados are a rich source of essential vitamins and nutrients that are known to boost the radiance and luminosity of your skin. Combining it with honey will add to its skin-boosting properties – making it the perfect fix for a bad skin day!


Avocado (ripe) – ½

Honey – ¼ cup


Mash a ripe avocado and add honey to it. Apply the mixture to your skin and let it sit for around 10 minutes before wiping it off using a washcloth and cold water.

Face exercises to SLIM FACE and HIGH CHEEKBONES/ How To Reduce FACE FAT

Banana, Yogurt & Honey Mask

This astounding tropical fruit is rich in vitamin E and minerals such as potassium that can boost the hydration levels of your skin. Honey and yogurt will help in locking in the moisture and boosting the radiance of your skin.


Banana – 2 (ripe)

Yogurt – ¼ cup

Honey – 1 tablespoon


Mash the banana using a fork and add yogurt and honey to create a thick paste. Apply it onto your face and let it rest for about 20 minutes or until it has dried completely. Wash the mask off using warm water.

Olive Oil, Egg White, & Banana Mask

Egg yolks and olive oil have been a part of Asian beauty skincare rituals since the longest of time due to their intense hydrating properties. When you combine the above ingredients together, it creates an awesome mask that floods your thirsty and dehydrated skin with the moisture it needs.


Egg yolk – 1

Olive oil – 1 tablespoon

Banana – ½ (ripe)


Crack an egg and extract the egg yolk. Mash a ripe banana to form a puree. Add olive oil to the mixture and mix all the ingredients together. Apply it to your skin and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Wash it off using cold water.

Banana, Honey, & Oatmeal Mask

Want to boost the radiance of your skin? Here is a quick fix – combine honey, oatmeal and bananas together to form the perfect mask for your dehydrated skin!


Banana – ½ (Ripe)

Honey - 1 tablespoon

Oatmeal – ½ cup


Mash a ripe banana and add honey and oatmeal powder to it. Add in some water to create a thick paste. Smear it onto your skin evenly and wait for about 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Brown Sugar & Olive Oil Scrub

Brown sugar helps in extracting all the dirt from your pores whereas olive oil acts as an hydrating agent to restore the elasticity and luminosity of your skin.


Brown sugar – 1 tablespoon

Olive oil – 1 teaspoon


Take some brown sugar in the palm of your hand and add some olive oil. Stir the mixture to form a thick paste. Gently massage the ingredients into your skin using circular motions and rinse off with warm water.

10 Homemade Face Masks for Glowing Skin

Who says you need to purchase fancy skincare products and creams to get glowing skin? Here are a few simple concoctions you can easily brew at home using common household ingredients that will deliver exceptional results with regular use!

Honey & Lemon Mask

Lemons are loaded with Vitamin C and alpha-hydroxy acids that are great for your skin. Honey, on the other hand, is a natural antibacterial agent that helps in fighting off infections, inflammations and damage caused by free radicals.


Honey 1-2 tablespoons

Lemon – half


Mix lemon and honey to form a smooth paste and apply it to your skin using your fingertips. Let it sit for about 20 minutes before washing off with cold water.

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Cucumber, Turmeric, & Lemon Mask

Want to get rid of the greasiness that has clogged your pores? The luxurious combination of these potent ingredients helps in fading dark spots and soothing sunburns. Not only does this mask rejuvenate your skin, but it helps in boosting your complexion as well.


Cucumber – 1

Turmeric – one pinch

Lemon - 1 teaspoon


Peel a cucumber, cut it into slices and blend. Add turmeric and lemon to the pulpy mixture and apply it to your skin sparingly. Leave for about 15 minutes before washing it off using cold water.

Banana, Cinnamon, & Honey Mask

This scrumptious mask does not only taste delicious, but it also does wonders for your skin! Cinnamon helps in filtering out your pores whilst banana and honey target those stubborn blemishes.


Banana – half

Cinnamon powder – ½ tablespoon

Honey – 2 tablespoon


Mash a ripe banana and add the remaining ingredients to form a thick paste. Apply it onto your skin and let it dry. After about 20 to 30 minutes, wash the mask off using cold water.

Lemon & Milk Mask

Both milk and lemon contain a high amount of alpha-hydroxy acids that eliminate dead cells form your skin. This potent mask helps in reducing pigmentation and improves your overall complexion.


Milk – 2 tablespoons

Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons


Mix both the ingredients to create a potent homemade face mask for glowing skin and let it sit for around 4 hours. The milk will turn into curd during this period. Apply this mixture to your face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash it off using cold water.

Blueberry & Honey Mask

Blueberries can help you combat oily skin due to having an acidic nature. Loaded with vitamin C, this potent fruit can help you get your glow on! Combine it with honey to create the perfect glow-boosting mask!


Blueberries – 6 to 10

Honey – 1 teaspoon


Blend fresh blueberries along with some honey to form a smooth paste. Apply this mixture onto your skin for around 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water.

Tomato & Milk Mask

Looking for the perfect skin-brightening homemade face mask for glowing skin? Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals that can help in boosting your complexion while the lactic acid in milk is great for reducing pigmentation.


Tomato juice – 2 teaspoons

Buttermilk – 3 teaspoons

Cotton ball


Squeeze a tomato to extract its potent juices. Add buttermilk to the freshly extracted tomato juice and apply this mixture to your skin using a cotton ball. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off using cold water.

Turmeric, Baking Powder, & Rose Water Mask

This luxurious mask has all the glow boosting ingredients you need to amp up your skin tone. Turmeric and rose water help in lightening your skin tone while the baking powder exfoliates your skin.


Turmeric – ½ teaspoon

Baking powder – 1 teaspoon

Rose water – 1to 2 teaspoon


Combine the above ingredients to form a smooth paste. Leave this pack on for 5 minutes. Now wet your fingers and massage your skin for a few minutes to eliminate dead skin cells. Rinse it off using lukewarm water.

Cucumber Mask

Want to bring your dull and gloomy skin back to life? Cucumber is a lifesaver when it comes to skin that lacks luster. It has skin soothing and cooling properties that instantly rejuvenate your skin.


Cucumber - 1


How To Care For Dry, Flaky & Dehydrated Skin | DIY Face Masks & At-Home Remedies

Chop up a cucumber and blend it to form a smooth paste. Apply this refreshing homemade face mask to your skin and let it soak up for around 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

Papaya & Honey Mask

Papaya can help you effectively fight off pigmentation due to its skin-lightening properties. It removes dirt build up and dead cells to reveal clear, brighter and glowing skin. Combine it with honey to form the perfect skin-lightening homemade face mask for glowing skin.


Papaya – one small piece

Honey – 1 teaspoon


Mash a small piece of papaya and add some honey to form a smooth paste. Apply this powerful concoction to your skin and let it sit for around 15 minutes. Rinse it off using lukewarm water.

Yogurt & Lemon Mask

Yogurt and lemon, when combined together, form the perfect skin-lightening mixture that can help you get rid of stubborn acne scars, blemishes and pigmentation.


Yogurt – ½ cup

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon


Combine yogurt and lemon juice to create the perfect homemade face mask for glowing skin. Apply and leave the concoction on your face for about 15 minutes. Wash it off using cold water.

 Let's Chat

I hope you found this as informative and thorough as I do! These homemade face masks are sure to please and super easy to make! Homemade face masks are a great excuse for inviting over some friends to whip those masks up and pop in a movie! All of these masks have three ingredients or less, so making multiple masks for various skin types will be a breeze. What’s your favorite homemade face mask on this list?

Feeling lazy? I get that. I can be lazy about my skincare, too, sometimes. Check out this awesome mask that only takes 20 minutes to work its magic!

How do I use cinnamon to exfoliate my face?

Nothing feels or smells more like wintertime than a facial mask sprinkled with cinnamon or a scrub with a hint of nutmeg. Winter is not the easiest season on our skin due to temperature dips, wind, and thicker layers of dead skin, making it difficult for serums and moisturizers to penetrate well.

The common misconception is to just keep layering more and more serums and lotions hoping to reduce the effects of dry skin. But there is a key step needed for those serums to do their job properly and effectively.

Exfoliation! Facial exfoliation during the winter is key to good skin hydration. 

This exfoliating cinnamon honey mask and nutmeg scrub will slough off dead skin cells and allow your nourishing oils and serums to enter the dermis. Add in some honey which serves as a natural humectant and you’ve got the perfect recipe for thirsty, winter skin.

Wintertime Honey Cinnamon Facial Mask

Cinnamon Honey Face Mask

-2 tablespoons honey

-1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


Cinnamon stimulates blood flow and draws nutrients and oxygen to the surface of the skin, leaving skin bright and glowing. Don’t be alarmed if you feel heat in your face, and even a little pulsing, all results of increased circulation. A little flush is common as well after incorporating cinnamon topically. 

This mask can be sticky, so be prepared! Mix raw honey and cinnamon together in a small bowl and apply to face and neck, avoiding eye area. Rinse off immediately if the heat gets overwhelming.

Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse well with warm water, follow with a hydrating serum or moisturizer. This mask is also great for battling acne or oily skin due to honey’s antibacterial properties. This mask can be used once a week for optimal results. 

*If you have sensitive skin be sure to patch test this mask beforehand. I recommend patch testing along the jawline or the side of the neck. Patch tests for the face should be applied as close to the desired area as possible, the back of the hand may not be an adequate test spot for sensitivity when compared to the face.

Exfoliating Nutmeg Facial Scrub

Exfoliating Nutmeg Facial Scrub

-1 tablespoon whole milk

-1/2 tablespoon ground nutmeg

Combine whole milk and nutmeg in a bowl and use your middle and ring fingers, gently massaging in circular motions, avoiding the eye area. Feel free to concentrate on the décolleté area as well. After a few passes, rinse with warm water and follow with moisturizer. This scrub can be done 1-2 times each week. 

After proper exfoliation, it is key to moisturize well as your skin will be ready to absorb nutrients and hydration. The best time to moisturize is when your face is still slightly damp. If you use a toner, moisturize immediately after spritzing.

If you do not use a toner, be sure to allow some water to remain on your skin after cleansing, pat versus rub dry with a towel, and then continue with serum or moisturizer onto damp skin. This allows for the most possible hydration as possible. 

Do you struggle with dry skin in the winter? 

How do you use cinnamon powder for dark spots?

Just as you add spices to give your food that special tasty twist, you can add them to your beauty routine to give it a healthy kick. We have scoured our kitchen cabinets to come up with this list of easy DIY face scrubs and masks that you can make. Spices are a great addition to your skincare because they are rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Not only can they be used for skincare, they are great for your hair too!

Easy skincare tips using everyday spices

Make sure you use good quality products, and cleanse your skin before you apply any face mask. These face masks and scrubs are gentle enough to be used on any skin type. However, we recommend you do a patch test before using any of these masks. Apply the mask on a small spot on your skin and leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash it off. See how your skin responds to it over 24 hours. If it feels alright, you can apply the face mask, but if your skin feels dry and itchy, or erupts in rashes, we give you plenty of other masks you can choose from!


Easy skincare tips using everyday spices

Cinnamon can add that special flavor to your cakes, cookies and your hot drink, but it is also helpful in preventing skin damage. It has potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it highly effective for fighting acne. This spice can be used to make a variety of skin masks and scrubs to treat acne for all skin types. It also helps to increase circulation to the skin, and makes skin look radiant. Cinnamon helps reduce redness and irritation, dries out pimples by regulating oil production and promotes healing of acne-affected skin. By boosting blood circulation, it helps improve your skin’s overall health, adds radiance and prevents further blemishes.

How to use it:

Cinnamon face pack for acne - Grind two or three cinnamon sticks, mix it with two tbsp. of honey and ½ tbsp. of lemon juice and mix well. Apply this mixture on the face and keep it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. Use once a week to treat acne and to get clear skin.

Cinnamon face pack for scars and dark spots – Combine one tbsp. of cinnamon powder, three tbsp. of aloe vera gel and ½ tbsp. of almond oil. Mix until smooth and apply over face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and this can be used once or twice in a week.

Cinnamon face pack for wrinkles – Combine one tbsp. cinnamon powder, three tbsp. of tomato puree and one tbsp. turmeric powder. Mix until smooth and apply all over face. Keep it for 15 minutes and rinse with water. This can be applied once or twice a week.

Cinnamon face pack for glowing skin – Combine one tbsp. of cinnamon powder and 3 tbsp. of mashed or pureed papaya. Apply this over face and let it sit for 15 minutes, and rinse with water. Repeat two or three times a week.


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Clove for skin care

Clove is rich in antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties and makes a great ingredient to use in anti-acne solutions.

How to use it:

Peel and cube one apple and mash it into a smooth paste. Prepare some green tea and let it cool. Mix the apple mash and, green tea and one drop of clove oil into a smooth paste. Apply a thin layer to your face and neck, and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water and pat dry and apply moisturiser.

Mix one tsp. of clove powder with an equal amount of honey and apply it on the acne affected area. Rinse it out once this mixture is dry. This is a spot treatment, and can be applied once every day until you see results.

 Clove oil is also very beneficial. Mix two or three drops of clove oil with one tsp. coconut oil or jojoba oil. Apply this oil mix over your face before going to bed. This not only prevents acne, but also helps fade the scars. Do not apply clove oil directly on the face without diluting it with carrier oil, as it is very strong.


Pepper for skin care

Black pepper is rich in anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. This is an effective remedy for un-clogging pores and facilitating the removal of blackheads, pimples and acne. It also acts as an exfoliating agent. However, be careful while using ingredients like pepper, and do a patch test before you apply it on your face.

How to use it:

Combine one tsp. of powdered black pepper and one tsp. of turmeric; add rose water to form a smooth paste. Apply over cleansed face and leave it on for five minutes and rinse with water. This face pack has the potent benefits of turmeric and rose water and gives you clear skin.

Mix one tsp. of yoghurt and 1/2 tsp. of pepper powder and gently massage your face with the mixture. Wash it off after two minutes.

Oatmeal is an excellent exfoliator and by combining it with black pepper powder, you can get rid of dead and dull skin from your skin. Combine one tsp. of oatmeal and add ½ tsp. of black pepper powder and mix it with water until you get the required consistency. Apply on your face and let it stay for 10-15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.


Ginger for skin

While we all know it adds a zesty punch to any cocktail, it is an instant perk-me-up for your skin too! It gives your skin a fresh glow and boosts radiance. Ginger has amazing antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and helps promote circulation in your skin. It helps to even out your skin tone, especially if you have hyperpigmentation.

How to use it:

Cut a fresh piece of ginger and rub the juice all over your face and neck. Let it stay on your skin for 15 minutes. It may burn a little initially, but it will subside, and is one of the easiest ways to rejuvenate your skin.

For an all-over treatment, you can create a ginger toner. Take 1 cup of fresh ginger juice, mix it with 1 tbsp. honey and dab on skin with a cotton pad. You can apply generously and let it stay for 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Make an excellent face scrub with ginger that will boost your radiance. Combine 2 tbsp. olive oil, 4 tbsp. brown sugar and 1 tbsp. of ground ginger.  Simply wet your skin, exfoliate with your scrub, and then rinse thoroughly. 


Garlic for skin

While garlic is known to contribute to your health, and not so much to your breath, it is also great for dull, lifeless hair. Garlic is loaded with an amino acid called Cysteine, and this helps to take care of your hair follicles and strengthens your hair. It is also a nutrient-packed super food in a pod, with vitamins B and C, potassium, calcium, selenium and magnesium. It helps keep your skin youthful and radiant, helps protect cells from damage and helps in the production of collagen, a compound that gives elasticity and suppleness to your skin. It also helps maintain the tautness of your skin. Enough reason to whip up a garlic face or hair mask? We think so.

How to use it:

Mash 2 pods of fresh garlic and add 1 tablespoon each of ground oatmeal and honey, a few drops of lemon juice, and 1 drop of tea tree oil. Mix well to form a smooth paste. Spread this on your face and neck evenly, focusing on the areas where you have blackheads. Massage it into your skin for a few minutes, using your fingertips in circular motions. Leave it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this mask once a week to see a reduction in blackheads.

Combine 3 pods of garlic, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 3 teaspoons of honey to form a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and neck, massaging it into your skin using your fingertips in circular motions for 5 minutes. Let it sit for 15 minutes more, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Pat dry with a soft towel and apply a mild moisturizer. Use this mask twice a week for positive results.

Seep 10 pods of garlic in olive oil and let it rest for a week. Massage this oil into your hair and leave it for a few hours and wash. Repeat as frequently as you like.


Turmeric for skin

The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, a yellow pigment that has potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. When applied on acne- and pimple-prone skin, this active compound serves to eliminate the bacterial infection responsible for the acne breakouts, simultaneously soothing and healing the inflamed skin. Regular application of turmeric masks will give you clear and blemish-free skin.

How to use it:

Mix turmeric, honey, and rose water together and make a smooth paste. This is an effective mask for treating acne and pimples. Apply it evenly on face and rinse after 15 minutes.

Coconut oil restores the natural oil balance of your skin; and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mix two tbsp. of organic turmeric powder and extra-virgin coconut oil to form a smooth paste. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water to treat acne and scars on the skin.

Combine one tbsp. of turmeric and 2 tbsp. of gram flour, with rose water until you get the required consistency. Apply on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes and scrub before rinsing with cold water. This acts as an astringent, tightens, tones and hydrates skin, acts as a gentle scrub and helps unclog pores.


Do This Every Week for CLEAR SKIN | DIY Facial at Home

Nutmeg for skin

This incredible spice is filled to the brim with antioxidants, is anti-depressant and anti-fungal in nature, and fights signs of ageing and skin infections. Reason enough to start making face masks out of this spice, right? We think so too! Nutmeg oil promotes hair growth and adds a lustrous shine, by increasing blood circulation to the scalp.

How to use it:

Combine two tsp. of honey, one tsp. of baking soda, two drops of clove oil, one tsp. of nutmeg, one or two drops of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Massage into your skin for at least 2 minutes. Your face will feel warm and slightly tingly. This will subside after some time. Rinse with water. Added benefit: your face will smell delicious for the next few hours!

Combine cinnamon and nutmeg and an equal part of raw honey. Then add several drops of lemon juice. This is a spot treatment, and is really effective. Apply it on scars and marks and watch them fade away! Using this overnight works wonders, but be careful with your pillow sheets as this mixture is quite sticky.

Combine coconut milk and nutmeg and gently massage on cleansed skin for a few minutes. This is a great toning cleanser and can be the first step in your double cleansing routine. Coconut milk has lactic acid that promotes supple skin, leaving you with brighter, toned complexion.

Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds for skin

Did you know black sesame seeds are very beneficial to your skin? It helps restore your skin’s elasticity and radiance because it is filled with essential fats, oleic acid, amino acids, potassium, and fiber which are very good for your skin!

How to use it:

Crush two tbsp. of black sesame seeds until they are finely powdered. Mix this with one tbsp. of olive oil and ½ tbsp. of organic honey, until it forms an even mixture. Gently massage this on your cleansed face. Be careful not to be too harsh. Let this now sit for 15-20 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Pat dry and apply moisturiser. You can make extra and store it in an airtight container in the fridge. Use it once a week, but remember, face masks are best when prepared fresh!

Is cinnamon good for your face?

Have you got a sweet tooth? Do you love baking a lot? Do you wish to turn your sweet dishes nutritiously mouthwatering? Well, the cinnamon powder on your kitchen counter is your go-to spice. Cinnamon, derived from the bark of the cinnamon tree, is a well-known spice for its uses in both sweet and savoury foods since the ancient times. Meghalaya, a state in the Northeast of India, with its beautiful hilly terrain, is home to naturally grown cinnamon too. These are blessed with the richness of several culinary and health benefits.

Cinnamon has also played a key role in traditional medicines across various cultures. Though popularly used for flavouring and as a condiment in cooking, its medicinal benefits have been recognized through the years. You will be surprised to explore the benefits of cinnamon for skin! We will get to that at a later point in this blog.

Production of Cinnamon in India In India, the southern states account for the highest production, with Kerala at the top of the chart. As per a 2019 statistics, the global cinnamon exports amounted to US $692 million, wherein India’s share stood at $7.1 million source

Cinnamon and Meghalaya

In Meghalaya, Cinnamon is grown using traditional farming methods. Zizira Explorers came across a lady farmer growing this spice at Mawtnum village, Ri-Bhoi district.

cinnamon tree

Peeling of cinnamon bark

In Meghalaya, Cinnamon is grown using traditional farming methods.

Benefits of Cinnamon for a Glowing Skin:

You might have heard a lot about this wonder spice in Indian kitchens for its earthy/woody flavour. It is known to reduce the risk of cardiac ailments and enhance the sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which is essential to prevent the onset of diabetes as well as reduce its symptoms. Well, cinnamon benefits go much beyond this.

Here, we will be discussing some of the cinnamon uses to get flawless, glowing, and youthful skin.

Heals Acne: Acne, is not it the ultimate struggle that everyone has to encounter be it the teenagers or the ageing people. We are ready to opt for all the remedies under the sun to get rid of acne effectively, and permanently and may invest substantially in skincare products for the same. But, cinnamon, the wonder kitchen spice, can be pivotal in keeping acne at bay or at least keep it in control. The anti-fungal, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties of cinnamon make it useful against acne and skin blemishes.

Cinnamon can also help remove acne by drying out the skin and by supporting blood flow to the skin. Cinnamon’s antiseptic properties can help in effective treatment for pimples, blackheads, etc. Studies even cite that cosmetics with cinnamon as an ingredient may help in unclogging the pores, and enhancing the oxygen supply on the surface of the skin.

Here is how you can prepare the perfect mask with cinnamon and honey for acne-free skin.

How? Mix honey with cinnamon powder in the ratio of 3:1 and apply the paste to your skin and leave overnight. You can also apply a thin layer of the paste to your face as a face mask and leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash it off. *Cinnamon masks may irritate the skin depending on the skin type, so they should not be applied more than once a week.

The Most Common Natural Ingredients For Glowing Skin | Glamrs Skin Care Secrets

Adds moisture to the Skin: Cinnamon improves blood flow to the surface of the skin, resulting in moist skin.

For this, use a mixture of 3 drops of cinnamon oil and a few tablespoons of petroleum jelly or olive oil. Keep the mixture away from the eye to avoid a burning sensation. This mixture could be a great substitute for your lip gloss. You can also apply any regular lip gloss on your lips and gently pat a pinch of cinnamon on top.

Reduces the Signs of Ageing

Are you observing fine lines and wrinkles on your face and adjacent regions? Is the carbohydrate intake in your daily diet too much? Then, your fine lines can be attributed to the formation of Advanced Glycation End products or AGEs. These are also responsible for making your skin susceptible to the sun’s UVA/UVB radiations. Well, here is the good news! Cinnamon, the humble kitchen ingredient can come in handy here. It is known to help slow down the formation of AGEs and thus can help in keeping the signs of skin ageing at bay.

Aids the treatment of Dry Skin: Cinnamon helps remove dead skin cells and reinstate the softness of your skin. Cinnamon powder can be leveraged as an exfoliator for an effective skincare regimen.

To fight against dry skin, you can make a scrub by combining salt, olive oil, almond oil, honey, and ground cinnamon. Apply this mixture directly to your skin for soothing home skin therapy.

Treatment of Eczema: Eczema is a condition in which skin gets inflamed and irritated. Such skin conditions leave behind light-coloured patches. Cinnamon could provide relief from eczema.

How? Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon with one teaspoon of honey and apply to the affected areas. The results could be visible in a week.

Note: Before using it, try in on a small test area in your skin and wash off instantly if the skin becomes red.

Complexion Enhancer: Thanks to the antifungal and antibacterial properties, cinnamon helps in enhancing skin complexion. This is one of the prominent cinnamon benefits for the skin.

Mix the ingredients: Banana, ground cinnamon, yoghurt, and lemon juice, and pound it to an even paste. Apply on your face and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. Do you know any other benefits of Cinnamon? Do share with us in the comment section below.

Apart from these skin benefits, cinnamon is also known to soften dry and rough feet as it acts as a potent exfoliator to remove dead skin cells. You can prepare a scrub by mixing the cinnamon powder with sea salt, olive oil, and honey and massage it over the affected area. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Cinnamon is also deemed beneficial in cleansing the scalp. Cinnamon, honey, and a spoon of warm olive oil make a fine blend that can be applied on the scalp to remove the product buildup, dead skin patches on the scalp as well as the coat of dandruff from the root.

You can avail of cinnamon both online and offline. If you are planning to get some of the premium, exotic cinnamon from the pristine lands of Meghalaya, Zizira is your ultimate destination. We at Zizira ensure that you get the promised premium-quality cinnamon at a competitive price. All our spices and herbs products are eco-responsibly sourced, are 100% free of chemical additives and heavy metals, and have undergone stringent food safety, and quality testing measures. So, wait no more! Get ready to avail of cinnamon benefits for skin right away!

Can we apply cinnamon powder on face daily?

Cinnamon is a superfood commonly found in Indian kitchens and used extensively in Indian delicacies to enhance its taste. Grown abundantly in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, this spice is also used for various medicinal purposes. What many people don’t know is that this fragrant spice contains a lot of skin-benefiting properties. Cinnamon benefits can be obtained through its oil and powder. Found in the inner bark of the genus tree, cinnamon can heal several skin problems and infections. The soothing and calming properties of cinnamon essential oil makes it an excellent ingredient for aromatherapy.

Did you know?

-Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices in the world and its tree can grow up to a whopping 60 feet in height.

-Cinnamon was one of the most prized and expensive items in ancient Egypt, it was valued more than gold.

-In 2016 ‘The Cinnamon Challenge’ became huge on social media, where a person undertaking the challenge had to consume a spoonful of cinnamon powder without coughing it out!

-Eugenol, an oil extracted from cinnamon is used as a local anaesthetic by dentists.

-In Sweden, October 4th is celebrated as National Cinnamon Roll Day.

Here are a few ways in which cinnamon benefits your skin:

Keeps acne, pimples and blackheads at bay

Reduces signs of ageing

Improves complexion

Helps treat eczema

Plumps up the lip

Softens dry and rough feet

Cleanses scalp

FAQs about Cinnamon Benefits

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Keeps acne, pimples and blackheads at bay

Keeps acne, pimples and blackheads at bay - cinnamon benefits on skin

Cinnamon contains antiseptic properties which makes it an excellent ingredient in the treatment of acne, pimples and blackheads. Topical ointments made from this spice are known to unclog pores and bring oxygen to the surface of the skin for quick healing of acne and blemishes. Prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and 3 tablespoons of honey and apply it on pimples. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. However, do not use this treatment more than once or twice a week, as it is quite potent and can leave your skin irritated.


Reduces signs of ageing

Reduces signs of ageing - cinnamon benefits on skin

Advanced glycation end products or AGEs are formed when you consume a lot of sugary foods and can cause fine lines, wrinkles and are also responsible for increasing your skin’s UV susceptibility. One of the many cinnamon skin benefits include slowing down the production of AGEs, thereby keeping the signs of ageing at bay. Mix a few drops of cinnamon essential oil with a carrier oil such as olive or argan oil and massage it all over your face in gentle circular motions, avoiding the area around the eye. Wash off after some time with lukewarm water.


Improves complexion

Improves complexion - cinnamon benefits on skin

If you want to improve the texture of your skin and banish the dullness to reveal the complexion underneath, cinnamon can help you with that. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of cinnamon can help in improving the look and feel of your skin. All you have to do is make a face pack by mixing yogurt, cinnamon powder, mashed banana and lemon juice. Generously apply all over the face and let it dry for some time. Wash off with lukewarm water to reveal smooth and glowing skin.


Helps treat eczema

Helps treat eczema - cinnamon benefits on skin

Eczema is a dry skin problem and renders skin red and inflamed. Several skin conditions come under eczema, the most common being atopic dermatitis. When the body’s immune system overreacts to an irritant or allergen, it most commonly leads to eczema. It can be an irritating skin condition but people suffering from it have found relief through the application of cinnamon powder mixed with honey. However, since cinnamon is a potent spice, it can also cause irritation and it is not recommended for daily use and always do a patch test before applying anywhere on the body, especially on the face.


Plumps up the lip

Plumps up the lip - cinnamon benefits on skin

Women desire fuller and plumper lips to get the perfect pout. While some get it by going under the knife, others prefer using natural remedies such as using cinnamon. It is mildly spicy in nature which is why many people use it to plump their lips. Applying a blend of olive oil and cinnamon oil will not only give you softer and smoother lips but will also make them appear temporarily plumped. A lot of lip plumpers available in the market contain cinnamon and peppermint as the main ingredient. Try this little trick before putting on lipstick the next time.


Softens dry and rough feet

Softens dry and rough feet - cinnamon benefits on skin

The skin on your feet bears maximum brunt and hardly ever gets any attention when it comes to skincare. This results in dry and rough feet that can also lead to cracked skin in extreme weather conditions. One of the many benefits of cinnamon is that its powder works as an excellent exfoliant in removing dead skin cells. The skin on your feet is thicker and using a cinnamon scrub on the feet can help slough off dead skin cells and restore the softness. Mix cinnamon powder with sea salt, honey and olive oil and massage your feet with this mixture. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it. Doing this on a regular basis will keep infections at bay.


Cleanses scalp

Cleanses scalp - cinnamon benefits

Dirt, product build up, dandruff and other things settle on the scalp and cannot be easily removed with the help of just a shampoo. A scalp that is not cleansed well is prone to infections and it hampers hair growth. In order to thoroughly cleanse the scalp, it is necessary to exfoliate it using ingredients that have deep cleansing properties. Cinnamon benefits can be employed for this, make a paste using cinnamon powder, warm olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. Massage into the scalp using your fingertips and wash it off after 15 minutes with a mild shampoo.


FAQs about Cinnamon Benefits

FAQs of - cinnamon benefits on skin

1) Can we use cinnamon on our face daily?

A. While the benefits of cinnamon for your skin are many, let’s not forget that it’s a spice and may cause irritation if used regularly. We do not recommend the use of cinnamon on the face every day.

2) What is the best way to consume cinnamon for best results?

A. Drink ground cinnamon with warm water and honey in the morning on an empty stomach for best results. Other than benefiting your skin it will also flush toxins out of the body.

3) How much cinnamon can I eat every day?

A. While there is no specific recommended dosage, it is best to have only half to one teaspoon of cinnamon powder a day.

 Cinnamon or dalchini is commonly found in Indian households and is favoured for its sweet and woody flavour. Since time immemorial, this condiment has played an important role in traditional medicine. It is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It can also improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin!

And while these benefits are well-known, not many know that cinnamon can give you glowing and beautiful skin. Yes, it’s true. This humble kitchen ingredient can do a lot, much more than you can ever imagine.

So without further ado, let’s learn about cinnamon’s benefits for skin and how you can use it


Cinnamon has anti-fungal, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that make it the perfect solution for acne-free skin. It dries out the skin by supporting enhanced blood flow.


Here’s a mask you can try: Mix honey with cinnamon powder in the ratio of 3: 1. Apply the paste to your skin, and leave it overnight. Wash it off in the morning, and enjoy the compliments that come your way!


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If your skin feels dry all the time, it’s time to add cinnamon to your skincare routine. Cinnamon enhances blood flow to the skin, resulting in moist skin.

You can use a mixture of cinnamon essential oil, and a few tablespoons of petroleum jelly or olive oil. Use this as a mask, and trust us, your skin will thank you! For those who suffer from dry or chapped lips, this is a good option!


By now you know how cinnamon can do a lot more than you had ever imagined! But guess what? It also helps remove dead skin cells, and gives you smooth and supple skin.


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If you suffer from severely dry skin, try making a scrub by mixing salt, olive oil, almond oil, honey and ground cinnamon. Use this mixture directly on your skin to see a difference in only a few weeks!


DIY Natural Skincare Routine | Oily & Dry Skin

Eczema is a skin condition that is characterised by inflammation and light-coloured patches. Many do not know but cinnamon can provide relief from eczema.

Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon with honey and apply it on the affected areas. The results will be visible within a week. Before using it, try a patch test on your elbow to check if it suits your skin!


As mentioned above, cinnamon has antifungal and antibacterial properties and helps to enhance your skin complexion. And if you really want to see a difference, you must try this amazing ask!

Take a banana, yoghurt, lemon juice, ground cinnamon, and pound it to an even paste. Apply it to your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water!

So ladies, you know what you need to add to your skincare routine!

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