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Tuesday 18 January 2022

can onions kill dogs?

 My Dog Ate Onions, What Do I Do?

What foods are toxic to dogs?

Dogs can be opportunists when it comes to getting their paws on tasty treats, but not all everyday food and drink are safe if they come into contact with them. Learn which nine items are particularly dangerous to your dog.


The onion family, whether dry, raw or cooked, is particularly toxic to dogs and can cause gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage. Signs of illness are not always immediate and can occur up to a few days later.


However enticing chocolate is for humans and dogs alike, chocolate is another poisonous food for dogs. Chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine (dark chocolate has the highest content of this) which is toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure.


Macadamia nuts contain a toxin that can affect your dog’s muscles and nervous system resulting in weakness, swollen limbs and panting.


Corn on the cob could potentially be fatal if eaten by your dog. Although the corn is digested by dogs, the cob can cause a blockage in your dog’s intestine.


Avocados are another poisonous food for dogs. Avocado plants contain a substance called Persin which is in its leaves, fruit and seed and can cause vomiting and diarrhoea in dogs.


Our free guide is packed with expert advice and answers to all your questions on toxic foods, body language, training, and brain games for your pet.

We’ve even included recipes for making pet-safe homemade treats and toys.



Our desire for sweet treats, chewing gum and drinks together with low-fat, diet and sugar-free products (including some peanut butters so always check the label before using this as a treat) are often laced with an artificial sweetener called Xylitol which causes an insulin release in our bodies. However, if your dog digests one of these sweetened foods they can go into hypoglycaemia which is linked to liver failure and blood clotting disorders.


Alcohol has a huge impact on dogs even in small doses. The drink not only causes intoxication as it does in humans, but it can lead to sickness, diarrhoea and even central nervous system damage.


Giving your dog a raw uncooked bone to chew on is great, but avoid cooked bones at all cost. These can easily splinter and in large quantities cause constipation or at worst, a perforation of the gut which can be fatal.


Raisins are in many of the foods that we love to eat such as cakes, biscuits and cereals so it’s not just the fruit form we should be concerned with. The active ingredient which causes the toxin is unknown, however both grapes and raisins may cause severe liver damage and kidney failure.


If consumed, even small amounts of these items can be fatal so always act immediately and take your dog to the vets.

What if a dog eats spring onions?

What To Do If A Pet Eats Onion

Toxin absorption can be prevented by immediately seeing a vet to induce vomiting

If onion has been absorbed then daily blood tests are needed to monitor anaemia

Please see a vet even if the amount seems tiny: pets vary in sensitivity and the toxic dose is low

now dive deeper…

Garlic and Onion toxicity in dogs. What to expect and do if your dog eats garlic or onions

Onion ingestion is the third most common poisoning vets see in Adelaide. Like so many pet poisons, onion is a trap we accidentally lay for our pets.

Cooking and leftovers are the problem. Raw onion advertises its toxicity so well that no self-respecting dog or cat would eat it. Add a bit of heat, some other ingredients, and suddenly it’s nice and tasty without the unpleasant warning flavours that keep our pets safe.

How Much Onion Is Dangerous?

For most dogs, as little as 2.5g of onion per kilogram of body weight can produce serious effects. That equals only 15g in a Jack Russell Terrier. Similar results have been observed with garlic, and it’s probably the same for related vegetables.*

Two essential facts:

All dogs who eat onion should be made to vomit as susceptibility varies.

Exposure is cumulative. The lower line on the graph at the top shows how slowly dogs recover. Any more onion in this period will add further damage and increase risk.

*The study (link below) used 5g/kg of dehydrated onion, which is probably equivalent to cooked onion. An equivalent amount of fresh onion would be heavier. Some of the dogs developed life-threatening anaemia so the hazardous dose is clearly lower; I have arbitrarily chosen half.

Is Garlic Toxic To Pets?

Yes. Experience tells us that the entire onion family is dangerous. That includes:

All onion varieties



Spring onions


Even chives

Why Are Onions Poisonous?

Isn’t it strange that humans can happily eat onion but many other animals can’t. The reason is quite unexpected: it’s all about antioxidants.

Onion, whether cooked or raw, contains sulfur compounds that cause oxidative damage. The red blood cell in dogs and cats has a low antioxidant capacity. Put these together and disaster ensues.

That means that when dogs or cats eat onion, the red blood cells undergo chemical attack. Two serious consequences arise:

Haemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen) is deactivated

Cell walls are ruptured and red blood cells are destroyed

The result is anaemia and a reduced ability to deliver oxygen to the body.

Symptoms Of Onion Poisoning

Signs of onion poisoning typically appear after 1 to 3 days when the anaemia develops. They include:



Laboured breathing

Pale gums


You might also notice red urine and yellow eyes from pigments released by the destruction of red blood cells.

9 Foods That Will Kill Your Dog

Treatment Of Onion Poisoning

Dogs that have eaten onion within the last hour can be treated simply by making them vomit. After this time it’s likely that some will have been absorbed.

If so, vomiting may still be worthwhile followed by a dose of activated charcoal. However, there is no antidote for the toxin that reaches the bloodstream.

These dogs need daily monitoring via blood tests. Some will need oxygen support or transfusions but the good news is that most will recover uneventfully.

Have something to add? Comments are welcome below and will appear within 24 hours.

By Andrew Spanner BVSc(Hons) MVetStud, a vet in Adelaide, Australia. These help topics are from a series regularly posted on email and Twitter. Subscribe via email here to never miss a story! The information provided here is not intended to be used as a substitute for going to the vet. If your pet is unwell, please seek veterinary attention.

Note: Dog owners should consult a local vet immediately for any quantity consumed. I am unable to comment further on whether certain amounts are toxic.

Is it OK for dogs to eat spring onions?

Dogs & Shallots


Dogs & Shallots


If you're both a foodie and an animal lover, it's important to remember that "people food" and pets don't always work so well together. Scallions, which are also known as green onions, are a staple in a lot of yummy recipes, but are extremely dangerous to dogs and cats alike.


Onion Family Vegetables

Scallions, like all vegetables in the allium genus (also known as the onion genus), are toxic to dogs, cats and horses. Don't even think about feeding your fluffy friend any onions, scallions, shallots, garlic, leeks or chives, no matter how much she begs and pleads. Although these may seem totally harmless to you, large amounts of them can wreak havoc on your dog's red blood cells. Absolutely not worth it. The poisonous element of these vegetables is a chemical known as N-propyl disulfide.


If your precious pooch somehow got her paws on a significant portion of scallions—and consumed them—you may notice obvious signs of toxicity. Be on the lookout for panting, rapid heart rate, bodily weakness, stomach pain, upset stomach, loss of appetite, bloody or orange-colored urine, throwing up, quick exhaustion and low energy. In some cases it may take a while for symptoms to become apparent—as many as five days after consumption, for example. In other cases, the symptoms show up much sooner—sometimes within just 24 hours.

At the first indication of any toxicity, whether seemingly minor or major, get emergency veterinary help for your pup. If your pet's case is especially severe, she may need to receive donor blood via a transfusion procedure.

Excessive Amounts

It won't surprise you that the more scallions a dog eats, the higher her chances of experiencing toxicosis. According to Oregon State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, the chances of onion poisoning are especially high if, in one sitting, a pet eats over 0.5 percent of her total weight in the veggie—yikes.

12 Human Foods That Are Actually Good For Your Dog


Although dogs are certainly negatively affected by scallions, remember to keep kitties far away from them too. The College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University notes that felines are even more vulnerable to allium toxicosis than canines, so watch out. Play it safe and keep any and all scallions in your home far out of your pets' curious grasps.

Will cooked onions hurt dogs?

Onion toxicity is a real concern and can dramatically affect the health of your dog. If you think your dog has eaten any sort of onions (including foods in the same family e.g chives, leeks, shallots, garlic etc.), whether cooked, raw, powdered etc. consult a veterinary professional.

Can dogs eat onions


Yes, onions are toxic to dogs, avoid feeding your dog onions.

Onions contain a toxin called N-propyl disulphide which is known to cause a breakdown of red blood cells in your dog resulting in anaemia. They also contain a substance called thiosulfate which dogs can’t digest and organosulfur which results in toxicosis. Ingesting onions could lead to not only anaemia (and haemolytic anaemia) but also liver damage, diarrhoea, vomiting, weakness, dermatitis and asthmatic attacks.


In short, no. All parts of the onion, including powders and leaves, are toxic to dogs. This also includes veg that’s part of the allium family such as garlic, shallots, chives and leeks. Just like grapes, you should avoid onions no matter what, cooking onions doesn’t remove any of the toxicity and make sure any broth (including pre-made broth) doesn’t include onions.


No. Avoid cooked onions or any processed onions. Onion juice, powder and broth are still as harmful as raw onions.


Symptoms can vary depending on the number of onions eaten by the dog, the size of the dog and how quickly the onions were eaten. If a small dog eating a lot of onions very quickly will have more severe symptoms than a large dog eating a small number of onions slower.

These symptoms could range from lethargy, pale gums, weakness, fainting, increased heart rate, decreased appetite, and even reddish urine.

If you see any of these consult a vet immediately. Even if you don’t see these it is always a good idea to visit your vet and have a check-up.


Consult your vet. It’s much better to be on the safe side of things and a vet will be able to catch these symptoms and treat accordingly much better than you can at home. Make sure you keep all onions away from your dog so they can’t eat any more and cause more harm as they’ll definitely try to.

Possible treatments from a vet include carrying out gastric lavage, flushing the stomach or inducing vomiting. If there’s a skin infection bathing may be necessary too. We can’t stress enough the importance of getting a vet’s opinion on this as each individual case will differ.

Your dog will be much happier with a delicious, and also nutritious meal, such as Pure, rather than a plate full of nasty onions. Pure is complete and balanced, tailored to your dog and totally natural with extra vitamins and minerals to ensure your dog gets every bit of goodness they need in their daily life.

Can onions cause seizures in dogs?

Certain foods that are good for humans can be dangerous and even toxic to pets – leading to a variety of health problems. Protect your dog or cat by not letting them get their paws on these dangerous foods. 

Print out this handy PDF to hang on your fridge as a reminder of what foods are toxic to our beloved animals.

Toxic Foods for Pets

Click to download


Can a dog recover from eating onions?


When you ask someone “What foods are toxic to dogs?” chocolate is often the first to come to mind. Chocolate toxicity can cause vomiting, diarrhea, heart arrhythmias and seizures, and can even be fatal. This is due to an ingredient in chocolate called theobromine, which can be poisonous to pets. The darker the chocolate and the smaller the dog, the greater the danger. Consult your veterinarian if your dog eats any.

Fatty foods

Tails wag at the scent of greasy and high-fat cheeseburgers, bacon and fried foods, but don’t give in to their begging. While these foods aren’t toxic, consumption can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and gas, and can result in pancreatitis and gastrointestinal issues.

Fat trimmings and bones

No more rewarding your pet with fat trimmed from your steak, chicken or pork. You run the risk of causing pancreas and liver problems. Be cautious of leftover bones, too; cooked bones are more likely to splinter, and the sharp pieces of bone can tear digestive organs and cause internal bleeding.

Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic can be lethal because of an ingredient called thiosulphate, which can damage your pet’s red blood cells and cause anemia. Thiosulphate is found in onions, shallots, chives and onion powder. It’s especially potent in garlic.


If your dog is experiencing seizures, lethargy, vomiting or loss of muscle control, nut toxicity may be the cause. Macadamia nuts are a food especially toxic to dogs and cats. Many nuts are also high in fat and salt, which can cause a variety of health issues.

Raw eggs

Cooked eggs can make a healthy addition to your dog or cat’s diet, if eaten in moderation. Excessive consumption of raw eggs, however, can lead to a biotin deficiency that is bad for dogs’ skin and fur.

Raw fish

While not inherently a food poisonous to dogs and cats, raw fish may contain harmful bacteria that can lead to food poisoning in your pet. In addition, your pet may also be at risk of catching “fish disease” due to a parasite commonly found in salmon, trout, sturgeon and other upstream-swimming fish. Be sure to monitor your pet closely during fishing trips or at the beach.


A pretzel here or a potato chip there is mostly harmless. But large quantities of salt can lead to salt poisoning, which has severe neurological symptoms, including seizures and brain swelling. Be sure to monitor your pooch at the beach, since drinking salty ocean water is a common cause of salt poisoning.


If your dog or cat can roam your yard, remove any wild mushrooms. The wild variety typically causes the most harm, as opposed to grocery store mushrooms. Even a few bites can cause seizures and vomiting.


The large seeds found in avocados can become lodged in your pet’s stomach, esophagus or intestinal tract. If you live near avocado trees, be sure to monitor your pet to prevent choking. 

Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney issues in dogs and cats. Even small amounts can result in lethargy, shivers and a decreased appetite. More extreme cases of grape poisoning can cause kidney failure and even death. 

What foods are Toxic to Dogs?! | Human Food can Kill dogs!!


These fruits are toxic to dogs and cats, causing dilated pupils, breathing problems and, in extreme cases, shock or even death. Beware of cherry trees and shrubs as well. With the exception of the ripe pulp around the seeds, these plants are poisonous to pets, as the non-pulp parts contain cyanide.

Fruit with pits

Beware of fruits with pits. They can cause your pet to choke or obstruct their intestines, particularly plum and peach pits, which also contain poisonous cyanide.

Beverages can be hazardous, too

Alcohol, even in small amounts, can lead to poisoning. And it’s not just cocktails you should steer your pet clear of. Mouthwash and fermented foods can be poisonous to dogs and cats, as well. Symptoms range from loss of coordination, drowsiness and vomiting to seizures, respiratory failure and even death.

Caffeine is a stimulant that can damage your pet’s nervous system, heart and other organs. In addition to coffee and tea, soda, ice cream and medications should be off-limits.

Milk wouldn’t necessarily count as a food poisonous to cats, but it’s definitely not the prized treat most people think it is. In fact, most cats’ and dogs’ ability to digest milk decreases as they grow, making them lactose intolerant as adults. Consuming milk, cheese or yogurt can result in diarrhea and other issues for both cats and dogs.

Ingredients can also cause illnesses

Yeast is a common ingredient in bread dough that is dangerous for dogs, as it can expand in their stomach and cause organs to tear or twist. Symptoms of yeast consumption include vomiting, diarrhea and stomach bloating. If you detect any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian. Some yeast dough also ferments, which can lead to alcohol toxicity.

Rhubarb can be bad for pets’ kidneys and digestive organs, so be careful what jams and jellies your pet can get ahold of.

Nutmeg, a spice often found in desserts, can cause tremors and seizures in your pet.

The sugar substitute xylitol can cause your pet’s insulin to spike, so keep sugarless chewing gum, candy, medicines, vitamins, condiments, some peanut butters and even mouthwashes locked away.

Help avoid toxic mold by storing pet food in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.


If your dog or cat consumes any of these potentially dangerous foods, contact your veterinarian immediately. It’s also a good idea to stay on the safe side with pet insurance coverage, which can cover unexpected costs. In the event something does happen, you can take comfort in knowing your pet is protected.

Not surprisingly, pets actually have to eat the onions to get sick, but depending on their size, they may not have to eat much. One fourth of a cup can make a 20-pound dog sick while several cups may be needed to make a large dog sick. Cats are even more sensitive.

Click to see full answer.

Besides, how much onion is toxic to a dog?

It only takes 100 grams of onion (about the size of a medium onion) per 20 kilograms of a dog's weight to cause toxic effects, which means that a 45-pound dog would only have to eat one medium-to-large-size onion to experience dangerous toxicity levels.

Likewise, can cooked onions kill a dog? Feeding your pooch onions can make him seriously ill, whether they are raw, cooked, or in powdered form. Onions are toxic to canines because of the substance they contain known as thiosulfate. Since dogs do not have the enzyme used to digest this substance, onions become a harmful food for them.

Can Dogs Eat People Food?

Also to know is, what happens if a dog eats a little bit of onion?

Onions aren't healthy for dogs, but unlike grapes, where even a small amount can be toxic, onion toxicity depends on how much of an onion a dog consumes. This condition impacts/destroys a dog's red blood cells, leaving dogs without enough of them for healthy functioning. Severe onion poisoning in dogs can be fatal.

How do you treat onion poisoning in dogs?

If the toxicity is caught early, your veterinarian may induce vomiting and decontaminate your pet's gastrointestinal system with activated charcoal. Once clinical signs develop, supportive care including IV fluids (to maintain hydration) and oxygen therapy are the main forms of treatment.

Is it OK for dogs to eat green onions?

Onions, garlic, leeks, scallions – we love adding all of these into our culinary masterpieces for their aromatic and flavor-enhancing properties. However, this family of plants is the most toxic for our dogs. Even a small amount can leave our canine companions in perilous conditions and potentially cause death.

Let’s take a deeper look at onions and find out why they’re so dangerous for our dogs.

The Onion

Onions are members of the allium family of root vegetables. Garlic, leeks, scallions (or green onions), shallots, and chives are as well. 

All onions – white, yellow, green – can cause onion toxicosis in your dog. Whether they are cooked or raw, all parts of the onion, including the leaves, flesh, skin, and juice, are dangerous for your dog.

The ASPCA notes that dogs of Japanese descent – Akita and Shiba Inu – are most susceptible to onion toxicosis. 

Here’s what happens if your dog eats onion

The organic compound in onions causing onion toxicity is called n-propyl disulfide. It damages red blood cells and leads to hemolytic anemia. 

Here’s how it happens:

N-propyl disulfide is a sulfur compound found in all parts of plants from the allium family. Dogs don’t have the enzyme capable of digesting it. That’s all fine, and you’d think they would just poop it out right? Nope, this is a toxic little compound as soon as it enters  your dog’s body.

This sulfur compound attaches to the dog’s red blood cells, specifically hemoglobin, which is the oxygen carrying protein in blood. When that happens, the red blood cells suffer oxidative damage, making them unable to carry oxygen throughout the body properly. They actually form clumps called heinz bodies, which is the telltale sign on a blood smear (under the microscope, it looks like a purple blob on the red blood cells) for onion poisoning.

Inside your dog’s body, a battle begins. Their bodies look at Heinz bodies as invaders, and fight to destroy them. Keep in mind, these are the red blood cells that are now considered the enemy. This process is called hemolysis, or the destruction of red blood cells.

If left unchecked, the battle rages on. The red blood cells are being destroyed faster than the body can produce them, and those produced have decreased lifespans. Your dog’s body can’t get the amount of oxygen it needs to maintain organ or system functions, and everything quickly snowballs into a severe anemic state.

Can Dogs Eat Onions? [ANSWERED]

Symptoms can start quickly, but most commonly appear a few days after ingestion. Symptoms of onion toxicity are:


Abdominal pain

Decreased stamina or even fainting after or during exercise

Loss of appetite

Pale gums

Elevated heart rate or respiratory rates



Loss of coordination (ataxia)

Discolored urine

If medical care is delayed, kidney failure or death can occur. 

Is there any amount of onions that’s safe for dogs? Short answer: No.

If your dog gets into the onions one day and chows down, it only takes .05% of their body weight in onions to be a toxic amount. For a 45 pound dog, that’s one small onion. Think about what that means for a tiny Yorkie!

The truly frightening fact about Hemolytic Anemia is that it can build up in the blood slowly, over a long period of time. 

Imagine if you have egg bites or quiche every morning for breakfast and there are onions or onion powder in them, and you give your dog a small bite every morning. Then for lunch you have a hamburger (the raw or grilled onions leave their juices on the bun and the burge), and your dog steals a bite. For dinner, you have onion rings, or sauteed mushrooms and onions with your steak, and offer a piece of that steak to your dog. The toxicity builds up in his system. Eventually, symptoms of onion toxicosis will develop.

With any amount of onion, and especially with onion powder and garlic powder, which are more potent than the actual onion , time is of the essence when you see symptoms. Also note that garlic powder and garlic are more toxic than onions, so avoid giving any amount to your dog. 

How is onion poisoning treated?

If you suspect your dog ate onions, or even a part of one, they need to receive veterinary care immediately! Remember that time is of the essence with the ingestion of onions.


The vet will order a urinalysis to check for increased hemoglobin in the urine, and blood work to look for Heinz bodies on the red blood cells. If you have questions, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Helpline is available 24/7 to assist you.


Vomiting may be induced if onions were ingested recently. There could also be a stomach flush to remove any toxic, undigested portions. 

They may administer activated charcoal to absorb toxins in the gut.

Can Dogs Eat Onions? + What Do I Do If My Dog Did?

IV fluids will flush the bloodstream and maintain hydration.

Severe cases may require supplemental oxygen and blood transfusions.


Your dog will spend some time at the vet clinic being closely observed until the crisis is over. Most dogs will be just fine after a mild case of onion poisoning, but the more severe cases could cause a long recovery time.

Pet insurance can be helpful during times like these, allowing you to focus on the health of your pup with less worry about the vet costs. Pumpkin understands this, offering “Best In Show” pet insurance to give you peace of mind when your dog needs medical care.

It’s interesting to note that cats are more likely to suffer from onion toxicosis than dogs. There was a spike in toxicity from onions in cats a few years ago. Vets often use baby foods to entice cats, who have gone off food, to eat. They discovered that onion powder was present in the baby food, causing the issue. Thankfully, baby food now no longer contains onion powder. 

The bottom line for dogs and onions

Whether your meal contains raw onions, dehydrated onions, onion powder, onion juice, fresh or cooked onions of any type (yellow, green, white, etc.), it is dangerous for your dog to eat any of them. Since it can build up in their blood over time, even a tiny amount, given regularly, is cause for great concern and could spell severe anemia and even death for your beloved canine buddy.

There is no safe amount of onion for your dog, and the size, age, breed, and health determine the toxicity levels. Large dogs may get away with a small amount of onion better than a small dog. But we should NEVER give our dogs onions in any form, including any human food containing onions. It’s that simple—onions, or any member of the allium family, may be okay for us dog parents, but they’re an absolute NO for dogs.

How much onion is toxic to a 10 pound dog?

The dose of onion in dogs that is toxic is about 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. For a 10 pound dog, that would be about 20 grams of onion. There are about 5 grams in each teaspoon, so Marlin would have to eat over 4 tsp of onions in order to be concerned about toxicity. The biggest concern comes with dehydrated onions which are much more concentrated than fresh onions. It sounds like Marlin will be fine, but please contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

I hope that was helpful! Thanks for using PetCoach.

How long after eating onion will a dog get sick?

Onions sometimes make us cry, but did you know that onions can be life-threatening to dogs and cats? In fact, all members of the onion family (‘Alliums’ – garlic, onion, chives, and leeks) and their products (such as onion powder for example) can pose a danger, but onions are the most poisonous. Dogs are among the most vulnerable to onions in the animal kingdom, and humans are among the least, due to differences in their metabolism. In this article, we will explore why and how to deal with the problem.Divider 8

Why Can’t Dogs Eat Onions

Onions and alliums contain organosulfur compounds that affect cell processes in the body by causing oxidative damage – the opposite of those familiar ‘antioxidant’ products. Dogs and cats are extremely sensitive to these compounds. Most of the damage is to red blood cells, which can lead them to work less efficiently, or even die. These changes produce tell-tale changes in the appearance of the red blood cells, which can be seen under a microscope (more on that later!).

5 Human Foods That Can Kill Dogs!

The knock-on effects of this red blood cell damage can affect the liver and kidneys, too. Other compounds in onions can also affect the lining of the intestines, which may cause pain and diarrhea.

How Much Onion Can Kill a Dog?

No two dogs are the same so this toxic amount can be very variable and individual. A good rule of thumb to work with for dogs is approximately 5 grams of onion per kilogram body weight – or just under 1 ounce of onion per 10 pounds body weight. Some dogs may be a bit more resistant than those numbers might suggest, but it is safer to assume that any amount of onion is potentially a risk.

Generally, if a dog eats more than half a percent of their body weight in onion, they will develop toxicity if left untreated. In real terms, if a 66-pound (30 kg) Labrador ate 5 ounces (150 g) of onion or onion product – which is only the weight of one medium onion – he or she would be at risk of poisoning.

Remember that any part of the onion plant can be toxic, and it is still toxic if cooked (think onion rings, for example). The effects can also accumulate if a dog is fed smaller amounts of onion over a few days. Watch out for onion powder, as this is commonly added to lots of processed foods.

sick dog

Image Credit: Igor Normann, Shutterstock

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What to Do if Your Dog Eats Onions

1.Prevent further access.

Prevent your dog from eating any further onion or onion product. It is important to limit the amount eaten as much as possible. Clean up any spills on the floor or accessible products on surfaces and shut your dog away while you do this. If your dog has had processed food with onion in, it is worth making sure there are no other sources in any other foods.

2.Get the details.

Work out how much onion your dog has eaten and take a note of when it happened.  It is important to try and work out roughly how much onion product your pet has eaten, so the veterinarian can use this with the body weight of your pet to calculate whether this is likely to be a toxic dose or not. It is also useful to try and figure out when the onion was eaten, as this will help the veterinarian plan the right treatment for your dog.

3.Call your veterinarian.

In all cases, it is essential to seek the advice of your veterinarian, even if it’s just a phone call to discuss the situation! Provide the veterinarian with the information you have gathered- they will be able to help formulate a plan of action. If your usual veterinarian is not available, an emergency clinic or the nearest open veterinarian will be able to provide you with the correct advice.

4.Follow your veterinarian’s instructions.

The veterinarian may recommend seeing and examining your dog at the clinic, and the sooner this happens the better your chances of a successful outcome. If the amount eaten is not a toxic dose, the veterinarian may be happy for you to monitor your dog at home, but it is best to seek advice first in any case.

5.Don’t treat at home.

It is important not to try and treat these problems at home. It is easy to cause more harm than good with a home remedy- many are unproven or even dangerous. Any delay using inappropriate or ineffective remedies may mean that a treatable problem is left too long, and it may be too late if you later decide to seek professional help.

Are Onions Safe for Dogs?

Related Read: My Dog Ate Raw Chicken! – Here’s What to Do (Our Vet Answers)

Dog Welsh Corgi prepares mushrooms for dinner with onion_veronika 7833_shutterstock

Credit: Veronika 7833, Shutterstock

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What Happens if a Dog Eats Onions?

How long after eating onion will a dog get sick?

Usually, symptoms will appear within 1 to 3 days of the onion being eaten. It often starts as a tummy upset, with vomiting, diarrhea, tummy pain, lethargy, and loss of appetite. This is then followed by the effects of the red blood cells being damaged and dying.

Having low numbers of red blood cells is a condition called anemia, and this will turn the normally bright pink gums above their teeth pale, and cause weakness. Their bloodstream will no longer carry oxygen around the body effectively, so dogs may breathe extremely fast to compensate, or seem to struggle to breathe. Additionally, their heart rate will be high. They may also produce dark brown or red urine, caused by the body removing all those damaged or dead red blood cells.

Anemia and dying red blood cells can damage the liver and kidneys and unfortunately, in some cases dogs and cats will die due to these effects. But don’t panic yet – this onion poisoning can be treated as long as you seek help in time!

Can onion poisoning in dogs be treated?

If you realize that your dog or cat has eaten onions or their products within the past 4 hours, your veterinarian can usually give an injection to cause vomiting to bring up most of the toxins before they have a chance to be absorbed into the body. Sometimes a product to protect the gut from any leftover toxins is prescribed afterward – activated charcoal for example. In these situations, the outcome is usually excellent.

If more than 4 hours have passed, it is best to start supportive therapy as most of those toxins are likely to have been absorbed. You and your vet should look for the symptoms listed above. The veterinarian can also perform a blood test to check for any red blood cell damage and look for any changes to the liver and kidneys that can follow that damage. Under the microscope, the veterinarian may be able to see evidence of damaged red blood cells, appearing as little blobs called Heinz bodies on the outside of each cell.

Can onions kill dogs?

If onion toxicity is suspected or confirmed, quick action and early treatment is a good idea. Treatment consists of hospitalization and intravenous fluids to dilute the effects of the toxins and ensure the body stays well hydrated. There is no specific antidote, but pain relief, anti-nausea drugs, and appetite stimulants all may help.

Supportive care helps your pet’s body keep going while it flushes out those toxins and replaces the damaged red blood cells. In severe cases, if too many red cells are lost, a blood transfusion and extra oxygen for breathing may be needed, but this is not common. Whilst dogs can die from onion poisoning, it’s very rare as long as they get treatment.

How much onion can kill a dog?

Generally speaking, toxicity occurs when a dog ingests more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time. To put it simply, even a small amount of onion, garlic, or other toxic allium food can poison a dog easily.


What if my dog ate a small piece of onion?

Your veterinarian may induce vomiting, depending on how recently your dog ate the onions, and will offer supportive care until your dog’s body can produce enough healthy red blood cells to replace the damaged ones. In severe cases, your dog may require a blood transfusion. Onion toxicity can be fatal.

How much onion will hurt a dog?

Dogs can become ill if they eat as little as 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time. That means one good sized onion can make a 50 lb. dog ill. Dogs can get sick if they eat a large quantity of the plants at a single sitting or if they nibble on small amounts repeatedly.




Will a small piece of onion hurt a dog?

Onions aren’t healthy for dogs, but unlike grapes, where even a small amount can be toxic, onion toxicity depends on how much of an onion a dog consumes. … “To be safe, avoid onions and garlic,” Dr. Werber suggests. Consuming onions can lead to dogs developing a condition called hemolytic anemia.

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Can a dog recover from eating onions?

Dogs will likely recover from mild exposure to onions or garlic, but severe poisoning can be fatal, especially without treatment. If you know you dog has eaten an excessive amount of onions or garlic, you should take him to the veterinarian immediately even if there are no immediate signs.

How long after eating onion will a dog get sick?

Your pet also could develop abdominal pain and discolored urine. While vomiting and diarrhea may occur within one day, it may take several days to a week after your pet eats onions for symptoms of anemia to appear.

Can one onion ring kill a dog?

No, dogs cannot eat onion rings. They are, in fact, even worse for your dog than raw onions. Not only do onion rings contain the toxins that can hurt your dog, they are fried. … If fried foods aren’t healthy for humans to consume, they certainly aren’t good for your dogs.




Does onion smell bother dogs?

Onions and garlic belong to the Allium family, and contain thiosulphates which can be toxic for dogs if ingested. … Plus, onions and garlic just have a very strong smell which irritate dog’s nostrils.

Do cooked onions hurt dogs?

Dogs can actually get sick from both raw and cooked onions. And the harm an onion can cause a canine goes well beyond bad breath — it can even be life-threatening. The agent in onions that is toxic to dogs is known as N-propyl disulfide or thiosulfate.

Will a small amount of garlic hurt my dog?

You should know that garlic is toxic for your dog. … Note that some dog breeds – including smaller breeds – and Japanese breeds of dogs (Akita, Japanese Spitz, Shiba Inu) are more sensitive to garlic toxicity than others. So even small amounts can be quite damaging to their health.

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Can a single grape kill a dog?

Can a single grape kill a dog? Grapes may be small, but the tiny fruit is so toxic for dogs that eating just one or two grapes could put your pet in serious danger. … Canines shouldn’t be noshing on raisins or grapes regardless, but ingesting a single grape won’t harm a Great Dane like it will a tiny Chihuahua.



12 Dangerous Foods For Dogs


What to give a dog who has eaten onions?

Intravenous fluids may be given to help flush your dog’s bloodstream and maintain proper hydration. Then, your pup will be monitored closely until the body starts producing enough healthy red blood cells again. In severe cases of onion poisoning, oxygen supplementation and a full blood transfusion may be necessary.

What to give dog who ate garlic?

Treating garlic toxicity in dogs

Your veterinarian might recommend intravenous fluids to keep him hydrated, and may prescribe a medication to control vomiting. In severe cases, blood transfusions might be necessary.

What are signs of anemia in dogs?

Anemic dogs also have little stamina or energy, so they seem listless or tire more easily. Additionally, weight loss, labored breathing, loss of appetite, a faster heart rate, or signs of blood loss (bloody nose, blood in the stool, urine, or vomit) may also be seen.


What happens if a dog eats an onion?

Onions can cause more damage to your dog than just bad breath. This pungent culinary favorite might add flavor to your dishes, but it contains a toxin that can cause serious complications for dogs.


Are onions toxic to dogs?

Onions contain a toxic principle known as N-propyl disulfide. This compound causes a breakdown of red blood cells, leading to anemia in dogs.

The toxin causes oxidative damage to your dog's red blood cells by attaching to the oxygen molecules in your dog's red blood cells. This reduces the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen, and also tricks your dog's body into thinking that the blood cell is an invader. The red blood cell is destroyed in a process known as hemolysis, resulting in hemolytic anemia.


What parts of onions are toxic to dogs?

All parts of the onion plant are toxic to dogs, including the flesh, leaves, juice, and processed powders. Raw or cooked, fried or powdered, onions and the rest of the allium family (garlic, shallots, leeks, and chives) are harmful to dogs.

Onion powder is in a surprisingly wide range of foods, from soups to baby food. It only takes 100 grams of onion (about the size of a medium onion) per 20 kilograms of a dog's weight to cause toxic effects, which means that a 45-pound dog would only have to eat one medium-to-large-size onion to experience dangerous toxicity levels. Since most dogs would happily devour a bag of unattended onion rings or an onion casserole, given the opportunity, this is a serious concern.

onions body

Onion and garlic powders are even more potent than fresh onions. It is always a good idea to check the label of any human food we feed to our dogs, and onion powder should be in your list of “don'ts.” As a word of warning to those with multi-species households, onions are even more toxic to cats than they are to dogs, so keep both feline and canine tummies free of onion treats.


Is Garlic and Onions REALLY Bad for Dogs?

Symptoms of onion toxicity in dogs

If you think your dog may have eaten onions, there are a few symptoms of anemia to look out for:



Decreased appetite

Pale gums


Reddish urine

The ASPCA also lists vomiting, elevated heart rate, and panting as signs of onion toxicity.

If your dog is exhibiting any of these symptoms, the best thing you can do to help him is to get him to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your veterinarian will diagnose your dog's condition based on his symptoms and blood work. If your vet detects hemolytic anemia or the formation of Heinz bodies on a blood smear, and that is combined with a recent history of onion exposure, then all signs point toward onion toxicity.

Other conditions can also cause hemolytic anemia, so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis to ensure your dog gets the best care.


Treating onion toxicity in dogs

The most important thing you can do, as a dog owner, to treat and prevent onion toxicity is to never allow your dog to eat onions. If your dog is suffering from toxic effects, she will probably require veterinary attention. Your veterinarian may induce vomiting, depending on how recently your dog ate the onions, and will offer supportive care until your dog's body can produce enough healthy red blood cells to replace the damaged ones. In severe cases, your dog may require a blood transfusion.

beagle body

Onion toxicity can be fatal. The faster you get your dog to the veterinarian, the better her chances, and you can prevent onion poisoning from recurring in the future by keeping onion dishes out of the reach of inquisitive noses.


Toxic and Dangerous harmful Foods can kill your dog! Pet care|Dogs Nation Your Dog Should Never Eat

Healthy vegetables for dogs

Onions might be a no go, but there are lots of healthy vegetables that are perfectly safe for dogs that you can feed them instead. Try offering your dog carrots, cucumbers, or green beans as a healthy treat, and check out more of the fruits and vegetables dogs can and can't eat here.

Each Layer Can Poison Your Pets

Many people love onions, and there are plenty of foods that we enjoy that contain them. As always, we must remember that what is great and tasty for us can be extremely harmful for our pets.

Onions contain compounds called disulfides and thiosulphates which can be toxic cats and dogs if ingested. The ingestion of onions causes conditions called hemolytic anemia, Heinz body anemia, and methemoglobinemia which are all manifestation of damage to red blood cells. Essentially, the compounds in onion can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet’s body to become very fragile and burst.

Symptoms of this condition include early-onset vomiting and diarrhea, along with symptoms of anemia--breathlessness, lethargy, pale, yellow, or “muddy” colored gums, rapid breathing, and an elevated heart rate. Your pet also could develop abdominal pain and discolored urine. While vomiting and diarrhea may occur within one day, it may take several days to a week after your pet eats onions for symptoms of anemia to appear.


Are All Onions Dangerous To Pets?

All onions — whether cooked or raw or even free-dried — are a danger to your pet. It takes a small amount of onions to poison your cat or dog, with cats being more sensitive to onion's effect than dogs. Additionally, Japanese breed dogs (e.g. Akita, Shiba Inu, Japanese Chin) may be genetically more susceptible than other dog breeds.

Consumption of as little as 5 g/kg of onions in cats or 15 to 30 g/kg in dogs has resulted in clinically important red blood cell damage. Onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time.*

Please note that a pet's weight, breed, and prior health history can vary the toxicity level of ingested onion. If you suspect your pet has consumed some type of onion, call Pet Poison Helpline at 855-289-0358** or your veterinarian immediately.

Specific Foods to Think About

Onions are a common ingredient found in many of the foods we eat — including foods you might not consider a danger to your pet. Make sure these foods do not contain any type of onion before you consider letting your pet indulge:


Tomato sauce

Chinese food

Some baby foods

"Onion toxicity can be very serious and expensive to treat,” says Dr. Tina Swan, a veterinarian on staff with Nationwide pet insurance.

6 Things You Didn’t Realize Are Killing Your Dog

Swan, who specializes in animal emergency care, recalls diagnosing a patient with food toxicity symptoms. “I had a young dog with signs of partial paralysis and weakness of his back legs,” she says. “The clue to the problem was that the owner had fed the dog some macadamia-crusted salmon with sauteed onions the night before. It can be difficult to determine what causes a toxic reaction in pets, especially if they've eaten table scraps.” 

The best way to avoid accidentally poisoning your pet? Swan always advises clients not to feed their pets table scraps. “Many sources of onion (cooked or raw) have the potential to cause toxicity in pets including onion powder which is in many foods in varying amounts. Although it does take a certain amount to cause a problem, this can be hard to gauge in table scraps.”


What to Do If Your Pet Is Poisoned

If you suspect your pet has consumed some type of onion, call Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian immediately. The condition can be treated, but it’s important to seek medical attention as early as possible to prevent damage to your pet’s red cells. Always keep an emergency veterinary clinic phone number and address handy in case your veterinarian is not available.

Onions & Garlic are toxic to cats dogs and Humans

The condition, if severe, can require significant hospital time and in extreme cases a blood transfusion might be necessary.

Want to learn more about toxic foods for pets? Read about chocolate toxicity and raisin and grape toxicity.

**A per case fee is billed by Pet Poison Helpline. PPH is not affiliated with Nationwide pet insurance .

*Smith K and Schildt J. Onions and Garlic. In Hovda LR, Brutlag AG, Poppenga RH, Peterson, KL eds. Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology. 2nd ed. Ames, IA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.

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