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Friday 14 January 2022

can garlic shrink fibroids?

Women Issues: How to treat fibroids with garlic #garlic #uterinefibroids #fibroid


Uterine fibroids are the growth of non-cancerous uterine muscle tissue. Fibroids can vary in number and size from growth to multiple growths and from very small to large. Up to 70 to 80 percent of all women will have fibroids by the age of 50. The medical term for fibroids is leiomyoma or myoma.

If you have uterine fibroids and want to avoid surgery at all costs, you've come to the right place. The treatment we offer is 100% natural, made from medicinal plants.                                                                                               

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Fibroids tend to form during reproductive age, grow larger with pregnancy, and shrink after menopause. It is better to wait several years than to have an operation or take drugs that can cause bad side effects.

Since most fibroids hardly ever turn out to be cancerous, that's not why fibroids stay in the body until they cause other problems. While there are fibroids in the abdominal area that you can feel when you press on them, or that you can even see if you are examined closely, you may not need to remove them unless you do. must.


There are several differences related to the true cause or origin of uterine fibroids. There are primary factors that influence the development of fibroids in the bladder, then there are secondary factors involved in integrating these fibroids at this time.

There are other things like abnormalities, which disturb the normal functioning of the body and you can deal with these diseases.

Air disasters or genetic manipulation

Regional activities-

Get your waistline fixed

Accumulation of toxins


The properties of garlic

Natural Remedies For Fibroid Management | Healthy Her

Garlic  (Allium sativum; English: garlic) is the name of the plant in the genus Allium as well as the name of the tuber. It is an Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti cholesterol, antioxidant, antiallergic and even aphrodisiac.

Garlic can interact with warfarin, antiplatelet drugs, saquinavir, antihypertensive drugs, calcium channel blockers, quinolone ciprofloxacin, hypoglycemic agents and other drugs.


Garlic has a vasodilating effect, especially in the arms and legs (cramps in the calf muscles, good for memory) and it has an anti-arteriosclerotic effect (blood vessels remain pleasant and elastic, cholesterol is regulated , triglyceride levels are reduced, blood lipid levels are controlled). Garlic also has a thrombotic effect (improves blood flow) and is therefore the best prophylaxis against heart attacks and strokes. Garlic also has an antioxidant effect (contains many photochemicals and can also prevent cancer, works on small fibroids or myomas by shrinking them, and also contributes to Candida fungal diseases in the intestine and vagina.

 Eat a little raw garlic with every meal or take one or two capsules of freeze-dried garlic powder. After a few days you will feel that your pain and the bleeding caused by uterine fibroids or myomas will decrease, after 1.5 months the pain will decrease to a point where you will no longer take analgesic, after 3 months no more migraine at the time rules. But it also depends on each organization.

Finally, garlic also has a detoxifying effect (lead poisoning, mercury, amalgam, cadmium in cigarette smoke).

Garlic remedies

It is true that garlic gives bad breath.

Eating a clove of garlic daily will help keep fibroids away.

Garlic naturally contains allicin, a type of substance known to treat fibroids, various tumors, and various infections.

Consuming raw garlic daily can help control fibroids and prevent recurrence.

Take a clove of garlic and market it raw at least twice a day. you can chop garlic and ginger mix in plain water let the mixture stand for three days then consume it 3 times a day.

Benefits of garlic for health

Here are some other health benefits of garlic that moms might not know about

1. Purify the blood

Can clean the blood in the body so that it can get rid of pimples is the benefits of garlic that moms can get.

The trick is to eat two cloves of raw garlic with hot water each day and consume enough water throughout the day.

If moms want to lose a few pounds, half a lemon with hot water and two cloves of garlic will help moms cleanse the digestive system and get rid of poisons or detoxification.

DIY Products to Shrink Fibroids – Do They Work?

2. Relieve the flu

Cold and fatigue sometimes force mothers to catch a cold. Taking 2-3 raw or cooked white cloves in a day or sipping garlic `` tea '' mixed with ginger or honey, not only will relieve nasal congestion and cure colds, but can also increase immunity for be fitter.Also, garlic can be added to stews, broths and hot soups to combat sinusitis, fever and flu. The benefits of garlic will be maximized if it is consumed raw.

3. Prevention of heart disease

Consuming garlic daily mixed with food or eaten raw helps lower cholesterol levels due to the anti-oxidant properties of allicin. It is also very useful in regulating blood pressure and blood sugar.

4. Anti-bacteria and parasites

One of the benefits of garlic that was discovered long ago is its effectiveness as an antibiotic to treat bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections.

Studies show that liquid garlic extract can also help children with tapeworms. Likewise, treated as a basic ingredient mouthwash, even though it smells quite strong, the extract can repel bacteria.

5. Prevent cancer and fibroids or myomas

Several studies have shown an association between the daily consumption of garlic and the prevention of gastric disease and colorectal cancer. The benefits of garlic for cancer patients are said to increase immunity. for those who suffer from uterine fibroids, endometriosis garlic relieves some symptoms

For many ladies, the thought of having fibroids — abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus during childbearing years — is something that evokes endless nightmares.



Studies show that fibroids grow at different rates, even when a woman has more than one. They can range from the size of a pea to (occasionally) the size of a watermelon.

While the cause of fibroids isn’t well understood, there’s barely any need for worry if you can stick to a healing diet for the non-cancerous growths. Fibroids, like several other distortions in the body system, can significantly be shrinked by taking the right food.

Interesting, isn’t it? Check out some foods that can help you shrink fibroids.



Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are potential goldmines for healthy living. I guess you already know that as much as I do. But guess what? They are also efficient in shrinking fibroids.



Aside being a veritable source of vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables contain fiber content which help with the removal of toxins and waste matter from the body.

Increased fiber consumption can also rid excessive estrogen from the body while also checkmating excess weight. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, kale, turnips, watercress, radish and arugula are all great choices.


Hope Beyond Fibroids | The Chat with Priscilla (Part One)



This is a plant-based food that provides healthful fat, antioxidants and fiber. It contains lots of fibroid healing properties including phytoestrogens that help to replace harmful estrogens produced naturally by the body. This way, flaxseed thwarts estrogen dominance which facilitates growth of fibroids in body.

Garlic and onions

If you really want to shrink fibroids in your uterus, then begin to consume onions and garlic. Both are rich sources of antioxidants which help to combat free radical damage to health cells in the body system including the pelvic region.



With constant consumption of these herbs, you’re shutting the door against damage from free radicals — which could increase risk of developing a number of health conditions including fibroids  — in your body.

Cold-water fish

Deep sea cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna, and mackerel should be part of your diet to shrink fribroids.



You may want to ask me why. The reason is simple: they are a rich source of essential fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory and can help promote hormone balance.

Eggs from free range birds

Eggs, as you know, are a great source of protein. But there’s more to protein with eggs from organically raised birds.

This is because the diet of such birds are usually supplemented with essential fatty acids which consequently help them to produce eggs that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids needed for good health.

Omega-3 fatty acids alongside vitamin B, vitamin E and magnesium are good for reducing symptoms of fibroids.


Eat Me: Five reasons to include 'superfood' beans in your diet |

Legumes also possess essential properties that can help shrink fibroids. Beans and peas, for instance, facilitate hormone balance in the body which is integral to shrinking fibroids.

That’s not all. Legumes are also a good source of soluble fibre which helps in taking out waste matter and toxins including excess estrogen from the body.

Non-gluten grains

Eat Me: Oat, barley… five super healthy grains to include in your diet

Consuming gluten-free grains such as brown rice, wild rice, long grain rice, buckwheat and millet can also help shrink fibroids. Beyond the usual carbohydrates that give you the energy required for your day-to-day activities, non-gluten grains contain vitamins and minerals that help to combat fibroids.

EXTRA: Below are foods and drinks to avoid while managing your fibroids:

Refined Sugar



High-Fat, Processed Meats

High-Fat Dairy Products

Foods High in Salt

Refined Carbohydrates

What is the fastest way to shrink fibroids?

Your clothes don't fit like they used to. Your belly may even start to look a little lumpy, not to mention that constant urge to urinate. Getting asked "how far along are you?" might be the last straw.

Freedom from Fibroids - a Documentary by Dr. John Lipman - Atlanta Fibroid Center

How do you deal with your fibroids? Because let's face it. You can't exactly head down to your local evil villain supply shop and get your hands on a shrink ray and we don't have a time machine to reverse the growth of fibroids. There are things you just can't change. There's always the option of a hysterectomy, but what if you don't want to have a hysterectomy just yet?

Here are eight ways you may be able to shrink those fibroids, potentially avoiding hysterectomy.

1. Do nothing (Watchful Waiting)

We’re traditionally taught that fibroids shrink around menopause, although that’s not always the case. If your symptoms aren’t making you an anxious mess, or if they aren’t life threatening, this may be a reasonable option.

What about those of you who aren’t approaching menopause? You might be thinking “If I was interested in doing nothing I wouldn’t be reading this article in the first place!” But did you know about seven percent of fibroids seem to shrink on their own?

Now for the reality check: In the same women the overall growth rate was a nine percent increase in size. Even though some fibroids shrink, most women using watchful waiting actually get worse.

You may especially want to consider other options if you are young and nowhere near menopause.

2. Have a baby

There are many factors you consider before having children (e.g. the presence of a stable loving relationship, parenting skills, financial means, etc.)

Then there are the minor details of wanting and managing to get pregnant and making it through nine months of potential misery as fibroids tend to temporarily grow during pregnancy. You also have to consider the challenges of the postpartum period as well as raising a child.

All of that said, pregnancy can improve fibroids. Some will shrink or even disappear postpartum, so if you were already considering having a child, a reasonable option might be to go ahead and have one.

3. Mifepristone

Mifepristone has been shown to reduce the size of fibroids, and decrease fibroid symptoms. It may be hard to get the right dose. For some, having a pharmacy compound Mifepristone is an option.

4. Ulipristal

Ulipristal decreases fibroid size by about 20 percent and controls bleeding. Typically, small doses are used. Unfortunately, in the United States only larger doses are available, which limits its use.

5. Leuprolide

Leuprolide is sometimes used before fibroid surgery, decreasing fibroid size and symptoms.

A drawback is that myomectomy (i.e. fibroid removal) may be more difficult. Its main pre-operative use is to make hysterectomy easier and enable a minimally invasive procedure.

Side effects of leuprolide can be significant. Essentially, you’re put in an induced menopause. Symptoms of menopause are common on this medication, and if taken long-term your bone health can also be affected.

6. Myolysis

Myolysis is an outpatient laparoscopic approach to destroy (not remove) fibroids. Various technologies can be used to perform myolysis, the most promising of which is radiofrequency (RFA). Recent information on RFA myolysis shows size reductions of up to 45 percent.

There is still a lack of information on myolysis. It isn’t well known how it affects future pregnancies. It hasn’t been compared to many other treatments, and there is little information on how often you might need another surgery. Myolysis is still considered investigational.

7. Uterine artery embolization (UAE)

Uterine artery embolization has been around for more than 10 years. A Cochrane review showed a 30 to 45 percent reduction in fibroid size for UAE, the main benefit being faster recovery than major surgery.

UAE is not without its drawbacks, however, and readmission is sometimes required. Some fibroids are not amenable to treatment with UAE, and UAE may have a detrimental effect on future pregnancies. Many patients will still need an invasive procedure.

8. Focused ultrasound (FUS)

FUS is used to heat fibroids. Only certain sizes and numbers of fibroids are treatable with FUS, and many centers restrict who they are willing to treat. It requires spending quite a bit of time laying in an MRI machine.

Here Are the 3 Simple Steps to Treating Your Fibroids

Further complicating things, FUS was compared with placebo (i.e. they essentially faked FUS on some patients for comparison) and the results were disappointing. Regarding fibroid symptoms, women who received FUS fared no better than women who received the fake treatment.

FUS is probably not ready for regular use.

What doesn’t shrink fibroids?

Diet, “natural”, and non-prescription therapies don’t shrink fibroids. Some reduce the risk of developing fibroids, but there is no information to suggest diet or herbal therapies shrink fibroids or are effective treatments for fibroids.

Even when you feel desperate, overcome with anxiety, fed up with bloating, pain or bleeding, don’t fall victim to “natural” or “herbal” remedies. They are not regulated for safety and are not tested for efficacy (i.e. they aren't tested to see if they work). Don’t hurt yourself, or prolong your own suffering with the false sense of hope they provide.

What are the signs of fibroids shrinking?

Fibroids, also called leiomyomas, are benign (noncancerous) tumors that grow inside or on the outer wall of the uterus. Up to 80% of people with uteruses will develop fibroids by the age of 50.1

Fibroid degeneration is the breakdown of a fibroid through cell death. This is caused by ischemia (a lack of adequate blood supply) in the fibroid.2

This ischemia is usually the result of a fibroid growing too large for its blood supply, but it can also be caused by mechanical compression (blockage) of the feeder arteries.3

Signs of Degenerating Fibroids

Verywell / Jessica Olah

Fibroid degeneration can occur during pregnancy when the growth of the pregnancy compromises the blood supply of the fibroid, or when a pedunculated fibroid (a fibroid attached by a thin stalk to the uterus) becomes twisted (torsion) and cuts off the fibroid's blood supply.4

Degeneration or secondary changes can be found in 65% of uterine fibroids.5

Types of Degenerating Fibroids

The type of degeneration appears to depend on the degree and rapidity of onset of the vascular insufficiency (lack of adequate blood supply).6

Types of degenerating fibroids include:4

Hyaline Degeneration

Accounts for 63% of cases

The fibroid’s normal connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers are replaced by hyaline tissue (the most common type of cartilage, which has a glossy and smooth appearance)

Caused by a fibroid outgrowing its blood supply

Myxoid Degeneration

Accounts for 19% of cases

Gelatinous appearance (looks like it's melting) under a microscope

Has clear and mucus-like connective tissue

No mitotic activity (its cells are not dividing and growing as normal cells do)

Can have similar features as some leiomyosarcomas (rare cancer), so it is important that a pathologist takes the time to make the distinctions between the different types of fibroid degenerations


Accounts for 8% of cases

Calcium deposits form when a fibroid is dying

Transforms some of the tissue into a hard mass

Cystic Degeneration

Accounts for 4% of cases

Seen more often after menopause

Presents in a liquid, honeycomb pattern under a microscope

May mimic an ovarian cyst4

How To Make Ginger Garlic Paste | The Bombay Chef - Varun Inamdar | Basic Cooking

Red Degeneration

Accounts for 3% of cases

Also called "carneous"

Usually occurs during pregnancy, but can happen in people who are not pregnant, particularly those using contraceptive drugs

Turns almost completely red due to massive internal hemorrhaging (bleeding)

Usually from a ruptured blood vessel inside the fibroid

Fibroid degeneration during pregnancy is called necrobiosis

Fibroids occur in up to 12.5% of all pregnancies2

Can cause abnormal bleeding and severe abdominal pain

Can be caused by fibroid tissue outgrowing its blood supply

Can be caused by the growing uterus causing distortion and kinking of the blood vessels, interfering with the blood supply to the fibroid

Pain may also be caused by the prostaglandins (hormones that influence pain levels and inflammation) produced by damage to the cells in the fibroid

Pedunculated fibroids (fibroids attached to the uterus by a thin stalk) are more prone to degeneration because they can become twisted and cut off the blood supply to the fibroid. They can be more painful and last longer than regular degeneration.7


Typical symptoms of fibroids can include:6

Menstrual periods lasting longer than seven days

More frequent menstrual periods

Heavier than normal bleeding during menstrual period

Painful menstrual periods

Irregular bleeding between periods

Pelvic pain

Abdominal pain

Sudden or severe abdominal pain

Abdominal bloating and/or cramping

A feeling of fullness or heaviness in the pelvis/lower abdomen


Pain during sex

Lower back and/or thigh pain


Urinary incontinence

Frequent urination

Difficulty urinating or other bladder symptoms


Rectal pressure

Difficulty with bowel movements, or other bowel symptoms

In addition to the symptoms of fibroids, signs that fibroids may be degenerating include:1

Acute pain: Most common symptom. A sharp pain in the abdomen that may be accompanied by swelling. May be acute pelvic pain focused on the site of the fibroid. Can last from a few days to a few weeks.

Chronic pain: Less severe, lasting pelvic pain

Fever: Often during pregnancy. May be mild.

Bleeding: May be severe. Seek immediate care for abnormally heavy bleeding, including during menstrual periods.

Temporary elevation in the white blood cell count8

Are Fibroids Always Symptomatic?

Fibroids do not always cause symptoms. Many people with fibroids experience few or no symptoms and may not realize they have fibroids. It is possible for degenerating fibroids to also be asymptomatic, but they tend to cause more, and more severe, symptoms than fibroids alone. For many people, degenerating fibroids are their first indication that they have fibroids at all.1

 Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Your Symptoms May Go Away

When a fibroid degenerates, it shrinks. Once it has reduced to a size that can once again be supported by its blood supply, it can stop degenerating. This often causes the pain to decrease or subside.9

Though symptoms may have gone away, it is still important to see a healthcare professional and address the problem. Fibroids will begin to grow again once they start receiving adequate blood supply, and will eventually reach the point they start degenerating again, causing a painful cycle.

When to See a Doctor

Any symptoms of fibroids or degenerating fibroids warrant a visit to a healthcare provider. While fibroids themselves are not usually life-threatening, they can cause discomfort and complications such as anemia, and put stress on surrounding organs.

Uterine Fibroids - Avoiding Hysterectomy - Mayo Clinic

In addition to the fibroids themselves, symptoms of degenerating fibroids can mimic more serious conditions, and can also be harder to diagnose with imaging equipment.

Seek immediate medical attention if:10

You have severe vaginal bleeding.

You have new or worse belly or pelvic pain.

Preventing Degeneration

The best way to prevent fibroids from degenerating is to treat the fibroids before they degenerate and take measures to stop them from recurring.

Fibroid Treatment

Treatment for fibroids and fibroid symptoms include:6

Medications such as:

Tranexamic acid (TXA)

Combined oral contraceptive pills

Progestin-releasing IUD (intrauterine device)

Progestin pills

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists

NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Surgeries such as:

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)

Myomectomy (removal of the fibroids)

Medical procedures such as:

Uterine fibroid embolization: A catheter is placed through the groin into the uterine artery, where small coils or pellets are released to block the blood supply to the fibroids.

Radiofrequency ablation: High-energy waves are used to generate heat that destroys fibroids.11

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)–guided focused ultrasound: High-intensity ultrasound waves are used while the person is in an MRI scanner to heat and destroy the uterine fibroids.

Endometrial ablation: Heat is used to destroy the endometrium (the lining of the uterus).

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does fibroid degeneration take?

The pain from a degenerating fibroid can last from a few days to a few weeks, but everyone experiences fibroids differently.

It is still important to seek medical care after the symptoms subside, as fibroids are likely to grow and degenerate again.9

How do you help fibroid degeneration pain?

In the short term, pain from a degenerating fibroid can be managed by taking an NSAID medication, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve).1

For long-term, and often permanent, relief, the fibroids need to be treated and/or removed.

What happens to a fibroid after degeneration?

Fibroids shrink during degeneration until they are small enough to reestablish an adequate blood supply.9

Once this happens, the fibroids begin to grow again until they get too big and start the process of degeneration again.

For this reason, it is important to seek medical care for degenerating fibroids, even if symptoms subside.

A Word From Verywell

Fibroid degeneration can be painful and may cause unpleasant symptoms, but it can be managed and even go away completely with treatment.

If you notice any signs of fibroids or fibroid degeneration, see your healthcare provider.

What foods dissolve fibroids?

Fibroids are abnormal growths in the uterus. They’re also called uterine fibroids, myomas, and leiomyomas.

Uterine Fibroids: Non-Surgical Treatments Options | Simin Bahrami, MD - UCLA Health

Fibroids aren’t cancerous or life threatening, but they can sometimes cause complications and health problems.

Fibroids form in and around the uterine walls. They’re made of muscle and other tissues. They may be as tiny as a seed or grow larger than a tennis ball. You may have multiple fibroids or just one.

Doctors don’t know exactly what causes fibroids. Having overweight or obesity increases your risk, as does having low levels of some types of nutrients.


Almost 80 percentTrusted Source of women have fibroids in their lifetime. This condition may also be genetic. You’re at higher risk if your mother or sister has fibroids.

Fibroids can cause symptoms and complications such as:


heavy menstrual bleeding



difficulty getting pregnant


However, only 20 to 50 percentTrusted Source of women with fibroids have symptoms. In most cases, treatment isn’t needed. Your doctor may recommend waiting and watching to see if the fibroids go away on their own.

While foods can’t treat or prevent fibroids, your daily diet and lifestyle may play a role in reducing your risk. Diet can help balance hormones that may trigger these growths. Certain foods may also help ease fibroid symptoms.

Diet and lifestyle changes to lower risk

There are a number of changes you can make that might help reduce your risk for fibroids.

Follow a Mediterranean diet

Add plenty of fresh and cooked green vegetables, fresh fruit, legumes, and fish to your plate. A Mediterranean diet is one way to do this. Research shows that eating these foods regularly may help lower your risk for fibroids. On the other hand, eating beef, ham, lamb, and other red meat may raise your risk.

Check out a beginner’s guide to the Mediterranean diet for tips and a meal plan.

Cut back on alcohol

Drinking any type of alcohol may increase your risk for fibroids. This can happen because alcohol raises the level of hormones needed for fibroids to grow. Alcohol may also trigger inflammation.

One study found that women who drank one or more beers a day increased their risk by more than 50 percent. Avoid or limit alcohol to help reduce your risk.

Balance estrogen

Estrogen is a hormone important for healthy fertility in both women and men. However, too much estrogen can increase your risk for fibroidsTrusted Source or make them worse.

Many treatments for fibroids work by lowering estrogen levels. Other ways to balance estrogen levels include:

Losing weight. Obesity and excess weight increase the risk for fibroids. Fat cells make more estrogen, so losing weight may help prevent or slow the growth of fibroids.

Avoiding hormone-disrupting chemicals. Natural and synthetic chemicals can throw off your endocrine balance, raising estrogen levels. These chemicals can leach into your body through skin and food. Avoid or limit coming into contact with chemicals found in:

Uterine Fibroids - Natural remedies and foods that can reduce fibroid risk!



plastics such as BPA

nonstick coatings on cookware

fire retardants



some personal care products

Lower blood pressure

Research shows that a high number of women with severe fibroids also have high blood pressure. More research is needed to find out if there’s a link.

Balancing blood pressure is vital for your overall health. Try these tips:

Avoid added salt. Flavor food with herbs and other spices instead.

Limit high-sodium processed and packaged foods.

Check your blood pressure daily with a home monitor.

Exercise regularly.

Lose weight, especially around the waist.

Avoid or limit alcohol.

Increase potassium by eating a majority of plants at each meal.

Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.

If you have high blood pressure, take medication as prescribed.

See your doctor for regular checkups.

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D may help reduce your risk of fibroids by almost 32 percentTrusted Source. Your body makes this “sunshine vitamin” naturally when your skin’s exposed to sunlight. If you have darker skin or live in cooler climates, you’re more likely to be deficient.

Supplements can help raise your levels, along with foods such as:

egg yolks

fortified milk, cheese, and dairy products

fortified cereals

fortified orange juice

fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel

cod liver oil

A note about smoking and diet

Eating brightly colored fruits and vegetables is good for your general health. Consuming a variety of red, yellow, and orange foods will provide rich antioxidants. Dark greens are also nutrient dense and will provide healthful benefits. These nutrients may help protect you from disease, including some cancers.

However, a study found that beta carotene found in red, yellow and orange foods didn’t lower the risk for fibroids. In smokers, beta carotene may even increase risk. Further research is needed on why this might happen. In any case, smoking is harmful to your health and may increase your risk of fibroids.


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Foods to eat if you have fibroids

Diet alone can’t treat fibroids. However, a balanced diet may also help ease some fibroid symptoms and complications. Certain foods may help slow fibroid growth in some cases.


Fiber-rich foods aid weight loss and balance hormones. They also help to keep blood sugar levels steady. For these reasons, fiber may help prevent and slow the growth of fibroids. Add these whole foods to your diet:

cooked and raw vegetables

cooked, raw, and dried fruit

whole grain bread and pasta

cruciferous vegetables






Potassium helps to counter the effects of salt to balance blood pressureTrusted Source. Add these potassium-rich foods to your daily diet:

Diet for Fibroids - WHAT TO EAT AND AVOID - Fibroid Shrinking Foods





collard greens



oat bran




Add dairy products such as yogurt and full-fat cheese to your diet. Dairy is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. These minerals may help prevent fibroids and slow their growth. Fortified milk also contains vitamin D.

Green tea

Green tea contains several antioxidants. A studyTrusted Source found that one of these, epigallocatechin gallate, may help slow the growth of fibroids by bringing down inflammation and high estrogen levels. Green tea may also improve symptoms of heavy bleeding due to fibroids, such as low iron.

Shop for green tea online.


Foods to avoid if you have fibroids


Sugary foods and simple carbohydrates may trigger or worsen fibroidsTrusted Source. These foods spike blood sugar levels. This causes your body to make too much insulin. Excess insulin can cause weight gain and affect fibroid growth.

Avoid refined carbs and added sugars such as:

table sugar




corn syrup

high fructose corn syrup

white bread, rice, pasta, and flour

soda and sugary drinks

fruit juice

potato chips


packaged energy bars

Estrogen-increasing foods

Some foods contain natural ingredients that mimic the estrogen in the body, called phytoestrogens. Other foods have added hormones or trigger your body to make more estrogen.

Some of these foods may have protective effects when consumed in small to moderate amounts, but have negative effects when consumed in high amountsTrusted Source. You may need to limit or avoid foods such as:

red meat from sources that include added hormones

soy beans

soy milk


flax seed

The takeaway

Eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight is important for your overall health. You may not be able to prevent fibroids, no matter what precautions you take. See your doctor if you think you may be at risk or if you experience any changes in your health.

Foods To Eat To Shrink Fibroids | Fibroid Shrinking Foods

If you have fibroids, your doctor will determine the best type of treatment. Healthy diet and lifestyle changes are the first step to treating fibroids and relieving symptoms.

Following a diet plan is critical even if you have surgery, drug therapy, or other treatment for fibroids.

Your doctor may also recommend natural remedies, alternative pain relief, stress management, and supplements to help ease symptoms. Talk with your doctor and dietitian about the best diet plan for you and other ways to prevent and reduce the effects of fibroids.

What naturally kills fibroids?

What are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are growths in your uterus. Between 60 and 80 percent of women have or have had fibroids. They’re also called:

benign tumors

uterine leiomyomas


While fibroids aren’t cancerous or life-threatening, they can sometimes cause health problems.

Fibroids range in size to as small as a seed to larger than a grapefruit. You can have one fibroid or multiple growths.

You may not have any symptoms at all. Most women don’t know they have this condition.

Signs and symptoms depend on the size, location, and number of fibroids. You may experience:

periods that last longer than a week

heavy menstrual bleeding

spotting or bleeding between periods

pelvic pressure or pain

backache or leg pain

frequent urination

difficulty emptying your bladder


difficulty getting pregnant

You may be at higher risk for fibroids if you:

are between the ages of 30 and 50

are overweight or obese

are African-American, as fibroids are two to three times more common in African-American women

have family history of fibroids

began menstruation before the age of 10

use certain kinds of birth control

have a poor diet

consume alcohol

Types of fibroids

Fibroids can grow in any part of your uterus. They are named by where they grow:

intramural fibroids grow inside the uterus walls

submucosal fibroids grow into the hollow cavity of your uterus

subserosal fibroids grow out of the surface of your uterus


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Natural treatment of fibroids

Fibroids typically grow slowly or not at all. In many cases, they shrink on their own, especially after menopause. You may not need treatment unless you’re bothered by symptoms. Your doctor will recommend the best treatment plan. You may need a combination of therapies.

In moderate to severe cases where symptoms are bothersome, worsening, or not improved with medication, fibroids may be treated with surgery or ultrasound therapy. Surgery may involve removing just the fibroids or your entire uterus.

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At-home care, diet changes, and natural remedies may help treat fibroids and relieve symptoms. The lifestyle changes below are also important in the prevention of fibroids.

These natural treatments may or may not help your fibroid symptoms, since relief depends on how severe your symptoms are and how your fibroids have progressed. You should speak with your doctor before trying any of these options.

Weight loss

A clinical study in China showed that obesity and excess weight increased the risk for uterine fibroids. This happens because fat cells make high amounts of estrogen. Losing weight may help prevent or reduce the size of fibroids.


Your daily diet is a very important factor in treating fibroids. The right nutrition can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk. Certain foods can also help ease symptoms.

Foods to avoid

According to clinical studies, eating too much red meat increases your risk of uterine fibroids. Drinking alcohol also increases your risk.

Eating excess refined carbohydrates and sugary foods may trigger or worsen fibroids. These foods raise blood sugar levels. This causes your body to produce too much insulin hormone. Avoid or restrict simple refined carbohydrates like:

white rice, pasta, and flour

soda and other sugary drinks

corn syrup

boxed cereals

baked goods (cakes, cookies, doughnuts)

potato chips


Foods to eat

Fiber-rich unprocessed foods help:

curb your appetite

balance hormones

prevent excess weight gain

Brightly colored foods such as fruits and vegetables also help reduce inflammation and lower your risk for fibroids. Add these whole foods to your daily diet:

raw and cooked vegetables and fruit

dried fruit

whole grains

brown rice

lentils and beans

whole grain bread and pasta


fresh and dried herbs

Vitamins and supplements

Milk and dairy may help to reduce fibroids. Dairy products contain high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These nutrients may help prevent growth of fibroids.

Some types of vitamins may also help reduce the growth and size of fibroids. Research confirms that your risk for fibroids may increase if you have low amounts of vitamin D and vitamin A from animal sources, such as dairy.

Uterine fibroids may worsen menstrual pain, bloating, and cramping. A number of vitamins may help ease these symptoms:

vitamin B-1

vitamin B-6

vitamin E


omega-3 fatty acids

You can find these vitamins in food as well as supplements. If you want to start incorporating supplements into your daily routine, talk with your doctor before you begin.

Blood pressure

A Dutch study found that there may be a link between high blood pressure and fibroids. Manage your blood pressure to help reduce your risk and improve your overall health:

Non Surgical Treatment for Uterine Fibroids Role of Uterine Embolization

Limit foods with added salt or sodium.

Check your blood pressure regularly and discuss readings with your doctor.

Get regular exercise.

Herbal remedies

Herbal remedies may help to treat fibroids or reduce related symptoms. Further research is needed to find out if these remedies work and what the most effective dosage is.

Herbs are potent medicines and can interact with other drugs. They’re also not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Talk with your doctor before taking herbal medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Herbal remedies are used in traditional Chinese Medicine to slow fibroid growth and treat symptoms. One herbal formula is called Guizhi fuling or Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang. This formula contains several herbs that act to shrink uterine fibroids, balance hormone levels, and keep your uterus healthy:

ramulus cinnamomi


semen persicae

radix paeoniae rubra

radix paeoniae alba

cortex moutan

Green tea

A bioflavonoid in green tea called EGCG may help reduce the size and number of fibroids. This may be due to its ability to reduce inflammation and remove toxins from your body.


Chasteberry, or vitex, is taken for heavy menstrual bleeding, painful periods, and other symptoms. This herbal remedy helps to balance hormone levels.

Isphagula husk, senna, and castor oil

Fibrous herbs such as isphagula and senna are used as natural laxatives. Add these herbs to water or juice to help relieve constipation.

Castor oil is an herbal oil that can be taken as a supplement to help occasional constipation.

Other remedies

At-home care may help to manage stress, which can worsen fibroids and your overall health. Try these treatment options that can help manage stress:

warm compresses or applying local heat

warm baths

yoga and exercise

massage therapy

Other treatment

In most cases, symptomatic fibroids are treated with hormonal medications, ultrasound therapy, surgery, and other treatment. Medications help to shrink fibroids or ease symptoms. Surgery may involve removing just the fibroids or your entire uterus.

Some treatments your doctor may recommend include:

hormone balancing medications

progestin-releasing intrauterine device (IUD)

MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery

uterine artery embolization, which works by blocking blood supply to the fibroids and uterus

myolysis, which is removal with a heat source (such as radiofrequency waves); Acessa is an example of this procedure

cryomyolysis, which removes fibroids by freezing

myomectomy, which is surgery to remove just fibroids

hysterectomy, which surgically removes your uterus

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you experience any symptoms related to your fibroids, no matter how mild. Your doctor will examine you and decide if treatment is required.

Follow-up appointments may be needed to monitor your fibroids. If you’re having difficulty becoming pregnant, your doctor can determine if it’s due to fibroids.

The takeaway

Your doctor can determine whether alternative or natural fibroid treatment is right for you. Treatment depends on your age, health, and lifestyle. It may also vary by the number, size, and location of your fibroids.

Changes to your diet and lifestyle are the first plan of action to treat uterine fibroids. These healthy changes are important even with surgery or medication.

Diet, natural remedies, stress management, and alternative pain relief may also help ease symptoms such as pain, heavy bleeding, and constipation.

How to tackle Fibroid

Talk with your doctor or nutritionist about the best diet and exercise plan for you. Make small changes every day to be consistent and create new healthy habits. Make a weekly meal plan to help you stick to a balanced diet. Join a gym or exercise with a partner to stay motivated.

Consult your doctor before taking any type of herbal remedy or supplement. Keep a list of all your medications, supplements, and herbal remedies. Purchase herbal supplements from reputable sources to avoid contamination and unhealthy ingredients.

 Effect of garlic extracts on MSG induced fibroid in wistar rats was studied. Fifteen rats were randomly assigned into 3 study groups. The animals in Group 1 (the control) received a placebo of 5.0 mL distilled water via gastric intubation. The animals in the Groups 2 and 3 were treated with 100 mg MSG/kg, or a combination of 100 mg MSG/kg + 100 mg garlic/kg, respectively in a total volume of 5.0 mL vehicle. However, the animals in Group 3 were treated with MSG only for 30 days before the commencement of treatment with garlic extracts. The fibroid was confirmed by myometry. The experiment lasted for 60 days. One day after the final exposure, the animals were euthanized by inhalation of overdose of chloroform. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture into EDTA sterilized sample bottles. Serum was prepared by centrifugation (6000 x g, 30 min) and used for the analysis of serum total protein, estradiol (estrogen and serum total cholesterol. The results showed that Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) alone increased total protein, cholesterol and estradiol (estrogen), which in turn, induced fibroid in the rats. However, treatment with garlic extracts near-completely abrogated/mitigated any effects that have been induced by the MSG alone. It appears that Garlic extracts acted to remove catabolic wastes from the pelvic cavity and from uterine and ovarian tissue, thereby accelerating metabolism and lymph drainage; promoted the sloughing-off tissues; corrected imbalances of estrogen metabolism associated with excessive catechol estrogens and elevated inflammatory prostaglandins. It also appears that garlic extracts stimulated the secretion of gonadotrophins and ovarian hormones and inhibited proliferation of cancer cells at the levels of the pituitary gland; promoted the exit of cells from the golgi phase of the cycle; promoted the unliganded estrogen receptors ability to transducer growth signals from other pathways, leading to apoptosis of fibroid or tumour cells. The results of this study may offer the possibility of treating women with fibroids for extended periods of time without the need for surgery or hormone add-back.


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  How to cite this article:

G.O. Obochi, S.P. Malu, M. Obi-Abang, Y. Alozie and M.A. Iyam, 2009. Effect of Garlic Extracts on Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Induced Fibroid in Wistar Rats. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8: 970-976.

DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2009.970.976



Nutritional status is a major factor controlling fertility in humans. Poor nutrition results in delayed puberty, aberrant estrous cycles, lowered conception rates, reduced birth weight and ovarian follicular growth (Bernard et al., 2002). Endocrine and metabolic signals that’s regulate follicular growth are also expected to influence oocyte development either through changes in hormones/growth factor concentrations in follicular fluid or via granulose-oocyte interactions (Benagiano et al., 1992; Ignar-Trowbridge et al., 1993; Newton et al., 1994; Bernard et al., 2002). In addition, high levels of high degradable proteins as well as increasing plasma ammonia concentration of ammonia in bovine follicular fluid (Everitt et al., 1995; Bernard et al., 2002).

Diets high in proteins feed cancerous and non-cancerous growth in the body. Foods that are promoting coagulation of cells such as dairy products can promote production of estrogen. Estrogen has been reported to feed cancerous growth such as fibroid (Ross et al., 1986). Also, refined sugar and starches, peharp complex carbohydrate and foods containing growth hormones, drugs and chemicals can feed fibroids (Adamson, 1992; Newton et al., 1994). However, hormones free foods and low fat diets such as minerals, vitamins, vegetables, eggs, should be encouraged. These foods are necessary for cell development, nerve function, aid in body cleansing, alkalinize and purify the blood; nourishes the thyroid gland with natural ions, fight cancer and proliferation of cancer cells by supporting the immune system with a multitude of antioxidants.

Fibroid or leiomyomas are benign tumours f the uterus (Howe et al., 1995). They grow in various locations on and within the uterine walls itself or in the uterine cavity. Symptoms of fibroids include pelvic pain, irritation bowels, low back pain and severe menstrual bleeding, leading to anemia (Ross et al., 1986; Adamson, 1992; Everitt et al., 1995; Howe et al., 1995; Bernard et al., 2002).

Fibroids are hormones dependant, thriving on estrogen, reaching their peak during ovulating and just before the commencement of menstrual period and also increases during pregnancy when Gonatrophins-Releasing Hormones (GnRH) is at its highest (Johansen et al., 1988; Adamson et al., 1992; Donnez et al., 1992; Everitt et al., 1995; Benagiano et al., 1992; Cohen et al., 1994). Synthetic chemicals such as Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) can introduce estrogen-like hormones into the body thereby increasing the size of the fibroid (Sadan et al., 1987; Fuschs-Young et al., 1996).

Diseases related to estrogen include breast and uterine diseases, including cancers, fibroid, premenstrual syndrome, reproductive dysfunctions such as infertility or lactation suppression (Wilson et al., 1980; Fuschs-Young et al., 1996). High level of estrogen has been reported to be the most common cause of fibroid and painful menstruation (Szekeres, 1996; Bernard et al., 2002). Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a salt of glutamate, synthesized from L-glutamic acids and used as a flavour enhancer in foods; binder and filler for nutritional supplements, in prescription drugs, intravenous fluids given in hospitals and in the chicken pox vaccines (Ikonomidou and Turski, 1995; Rodriguez et al., 1998; Eskes, 1998). Glutamate occurs naturally in virtually all foods, including meat, fish, poultry, breast milk and vegetables, with vegetables tending to contains proportionally higher levels of free glutamate (as MSG). Various processed and prepared foods such as traditional seasonings sauce and certain restaurant foods contain significant levels of free glutamate (as MSG), both from natural sources and from added monosodium glutamate (Rodriguez et al., 1998; Eskes, 1998). Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) causes reduction in the secretion of growth hormones, leading to stunted growth and irreversibility in obesity, excessive weight, essentially due to accumulation of excess fats in adipose tissue (Ikonomidou and Turski, 1995; Eskes, 1998; Rodriguez et al., 1998; Parson and Warring, 1998). Arising from high cholesterol levels leading to cardiovascular diseases and endocrinological disorder (Eskes, 1998).

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been used as spice in foods and for medicinal purposes-shown to have antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal qualities (Yamasaki et al., 1991; Reuter et al., 1996; Silvam, 2001). Garlic exhibits a broad antibiotic spectrum against gram-positive and gram- negative bacteria. Other therapeutic effects of garlic include lowering of cholesterol levels, blood pressure, cancer prevention, immune system boosting and treatment of infections such as athlete’s foot and ring worm and antioxidant effects as well as anti-asthmatic and anti epileptic effects (Reuter et al., 1996; Silvam, 2001).

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The composition of garlic include sulphur containing allicin, Diallyl Disulphide (DADS) and Diallyll Trisulphide (DATS),Which are responsible for most of garlic’s pharmacological properties, while the non-sulphur composition of garlic include allixin, flavonoids, saponins and fructans (Reuter et al., 1996; Silvam, 2001). Allicin is mainly responsible for the pungent odour of garlic (Silvam, 2001) and is produced from an inert chemical in raw garlic called alliina derivative of cysteine by the action of an enzyme, allinase in the presence of pyridoxal phosphate (Silvam, 2001). Garlic produces the allicin to protect itself from bacteria and other diseases and antioxidant (Reuter et al., 1996). Garlic also contains minerals and vitamins, which are an important parts of its health benefits.

Recently, women between the ages of 20-35 are more proned to the development of fibroids. This may be attributed to several factors, including exposure to industrial chemical such as polychlorinated biphenyls, poisons (estrogen replacement therapy), diets high in proteins, or foods that promote co-agulation of cells and refined sugars. Women are widely exposed to these diets, perhaps to replace lost nutrients usually experienced during menstrual periods and or their desire for cured foods, such as soyabean products, dairy products and fatty snacks, which contains several food additives. These foods lodge in fatty tissues and mimic the activity of estrogen and fibroids thrive on high levels of estrogen. This situation has aroused considerable medical interest and has been considered a public health problem. This current study focused on the assessment of how garlic and ginger extracts could impact upon MSG induced fibroid in animals exposed daily to garlic and ginger extracts.


Experimental animals: Fifteen wistar rats weighing 170-300 g were obtained from disease free stocks maintained in the animal house of the Department of Biochemistry at the College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, Nigeria. The animals were randomly assigned into two study groups on the basis of average body weight and litter origin. Each rat in a study group was individually housed in a stainless cage with plastic bottom grid and a wire screen top. The animal’s room was adequately ventilated and kept at a room temperature and relatively humidity of 29±2oC and 40-70%, respectively, with a 12 h natural light-dark cycle. Animals were fed ad libitum with water and rats chew (Live stock feeds Ltd, Calabar, Nigeria) Good hygiene was maintained by constant cleaning and removal of feces and spilled from cages daily. All animals experiments were approved by the Animal Care and use committee of the Medical College, University of Calabar, Nigeria.

Treatment of regimen: All rats received daily treatment with their test solutions for a period of 60 days. All treatments were conducted between the hours of 9.00-10.00 am. The rats in group 1 (control) received a placebo of 5.0 mL distilled water via gastric intubation while the animals in groups 2 and 3 were treated with 100 mgMSG/KG + 100 mg garlic/kg, respectively as part of the 5.0 mL used for gastric intubation.

Preparation of monosodium glutamate: Synthetic glutamate [Monosodium glutamate (MSG) was obtained from a major Ajino motto distribution shop (Calabar, Nigeria) for use in the study. A stock solution was prepared by dissolving MSG granules in 500 mL distilled water. From this and based on the animals weight that morning, the 100 mg/kg dosages were administered to the animals in groups 2 and 3 as part of the 5.0 mL volume used for gastric intubation.

Preparation of Garlic (Allium sativum): Fresh garlic cloves (Allium sativum) were obtained from the Marian Market (Calabar, Nigeria) for use in the study. A stock solution was prepared by dissolving finely ground cloves of garlic in 500 mL distilled water and kept overnight. The garlic extract was then filtered using cheese cloth. From this and based on the animals weight that morning, the 100 mg/kg dosages were administered to the animals in groups 3 as part of the 5.00 mL volume used for gastric intubation.

Sample preparation: One day after the final exposure. The animals were euthanized by inhalation overdose of chloroform. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture into EDTA sterilized sample bottles. Serum was prepared by centrifugation (6000xg, 30 min) and used for the analysis of serum total serum estradiol (estrogen) serum total protein and serum lipid profile.

Determination of estradiol (estrogen): Estradiol was determined with modification of an Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) described by Meyer et al. (1997). Briefly, 4 mL of serum samples were adjusted to pH of 3.5 with acetic acid and extracted with 12 mL of diethyl ether (pH 3.5), evaporated and re-extracted with diethyl ether (pH 3.5). The residue was dissolved in 12 mL of assay buffer (40 m M PBS, 0.1% BSA, pH 7.2) and pooled, resulting in 3.2 mL in PBS (pH7.5) after evaporation, the sample was dissolved in 12 mL of 100% methanol. The content of estradiol in 4ml of each serum was analyzed in triplicate by an enzyme immunoassay described by Meyer et al. (1997). This analyte was identifying by retention time (11.4 min) and the specific antigen-antibody reaction. Calibration curve of the EIA was prepared in 40% methanol. The working interval ranged from 0.15 pg (80% displacement of labeled antigen) to 7.2 pg (20% displacement of labeled antigen of estradiol per 4 mL).

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Determination of serum total cholesterol: Serum total cholesterol was determined with the method of Brown and Goldstein (1984). In this assay, cholesterol was extracted from the serum with ethanol. The extract was then reacted with a solution of FeCl3 dissolved in phosphoric acid and the resulting colour was read in a spectrophotometer at 550 nm against a reaction blank. Briefly, 0.1 mL of the serum was pipetted into test tubes and 10 mL of absolute ethanol was added to each tube and mixed rapidly on a vortex mixer for 10 sec the tubes were centrifuged for 5 min at full speed in a clinical centrifuge. The extracts were carefully transferred to clean test tubes. Then, 2.0 mL of the clear solution of the extracts were pipetted into new test tubes. The blank received 2.0 mL distilled water. Then, 2.0 mL of the colour reagent (diluted 40 mL iron stock solution to 500 mL with conc. H2SO4 and dispensed with automatic dispenser) was slowly added to all test tubes including the blank and mixed by gentle swirling. The iron stock solution was prepared by dissolving 5.0 g FeCl3. 6H2O in 200 mL conc. H3PO4. The cholesterol working standard solution was prepared by adding 2.0 mL cholesterol stock solution (0.1 mg/mL cholesterol standard) to 98 mL absolute ethanol. The tubes were then covered with parafilm and allowed to stand at room temperature for 30 min and the absorbance read at 550 nm in 6400/6405 spectrophotometer against the reaction blank. The average mg/mL value for total cholesterol in serum was calculated. The concentration of the unknown was calculated using the ratio formula:

[A550nm unknown: A550nm Standard x

Conc. of Std. x 100]

[A550nm/A550nm Standard x Conc. of

Std. x 100] = mg /dL

Determination of serum total protein: Serum total protein was determined by the Biuret method described by Gornall et al. (1949). Briefly, 0.5 mL of the serum sample solution was pipetted into test tubes and 1.0 mL distilled water added to bring the volume to 1.5 mL in each tube. Tube 1 (the blank) received 1.5 mL distilled water. The suspension was mixed and 0.2 mL of 5% sodium deoxycholate (DOC) in 0.01N KOH was added and mixed to make the suspension more soluble. Then, 1.5 mL of biuret reagent (1.50 g CuSO4. 5H2O, 6.0 g sodium potassium tartrate and 300 mL of 10% NaOH per liter) was added (including the blank). The tubes were mixed in a vortex mixer and incubated at 37oC for 15 min and the absorbance read at 540 nm against the blank (tube 1) in a 6400/6405 spectrophotometer (Jenway, Essex, England). The concentration of the standard Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) was 2 mg/mL.

Statistical analysis: Data collected were expressed as means±Standard Deviation (SD) and the student ‘t’ test were used for analysis. Values of p<0.05 were regarded as significant.


Table 1 present the results of the treatments on serum total protein levels in rats. The results showed that there was a significant (p<0.05) increase 60.9% in the levels of serum total protein, in the MSG treated host when compared to those seen in the controls.

Table 1: Effect of the treatment on serum total protein levels in the rats

Image for - Effect of Garlic Extracts on Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Induced Fibroid in Wistar Rats

N = Number of rats per group = 5. Values are expressed as mean±Standard Deviation (SD). * = significantly different from control at p<0.05. # = significantly different from MSG only

Table 2: Effect of the treatment on serum total cholesterol in the rats

Image for - Effect of Garlic Extracts on Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Induced Fibroid in Wistar Rats

N = Number of rats per group = 5. Values are expressed as mean±Standard Deviation (SD). * = significantly different from control at p<0.05. # = significantly different from MSG only at p<0.05

Table 3: Effect of the treatment on serum total estrogen (estradiol) levels in the rats

Image for - Effect of Garlic Extracts on Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Induced Fibroid in Wistar Rats

N = Number of rats per group = 5. Values are expressed as mean±Standard Deviation (SD). * = significantly different from control at p<0.05. # = significantly different from MSG only at p<0.05

There was no significant difference noted in the MSG + Garlic-treated group (i.e., 2.3%). However, relative to the MSG only animals, this value was significantly lower, i.e., comparatively decreased by 70.73%.

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Table 2 presents the results of treatments on serum total cholesterol. The results showed that treatment with MSG only led to significantly great increases 146.73% in the values of cholesterol relative to those measured in the control hosts. While there was no significant (p<0.05) in values of MSG + Garlic-treated animals relative to those seen in the controls. However, relative to the MSG only animals, these values were significantly lower, i.e., comparatively decrease by 59.17%.

Table 3 summarizes the effects of the treatment on the estrogen (estradiol) levels in the rats. The results showed that there was significant (p<0.05) increased 119.2% in the levels of estrogen (estradiol), in the MSG treated hosts relative to those levels in the controls. There was no significant (p<0.05) difference 0.29% noted in the MSG + Garlic treated group. However, relative to the MSG only animals, this value was significantly lower, i.e., comparatively decreased by 54.4%. Because the abrogate/mitigate any effects that have been induced by the MSG alone.


In this study, MSG alone increased the levels of total protein, cholesterol and estradiol (estrogen), which had led to induction of fibroid in the rats. The effects of MSG on protein levels could be attributed to the activation of transcriptional promoter and enhancer elements used for the control of gene expression, which promoted the ability of RNA polymerase to recognize the nucleotide at the initiation stage, thereby increased protein synthesis. The effect of MSG on cholesterol levels could be attributed to the activation of the enzyme, 3-hydroxyl-3-methoxylglutamyl-COA reductase, HMGR, which catalyzed the rate limiting step of cholesterol synthesis (i.e., conversion of HMG-COA to mevalonate), by covalent modification, which converted the phosphorylated state (inactive) to dephosphorylated state (active).

The enzyme is most active in the dephosphorylated sate (Bernard et al., 2002). This in turn, increased the activity of HMGR, resulting in increased cholesterol synthesis. The activation of HMGR through dephosphorylation also increased the levels of insulin, which stimulated the removal of phosphates from the cells and thereby activated HMGR activity, resulting in increased cholesterol synthesis (Verkauf, 1993; Wilson et al., 1980; Bernard et al., 2002). The effects of MSG on estradiol (estrogen) levels could be attributed to the activation of the enzyme, aromatese, which catalyzed the conversion of testosterone to β-estradiol and aromatization of ring A of β-estradiol, which increased the activity of the enzyme, resulting in increased estradiol synthesis.

However, treatments with Garlic extracts near-completely abrogated/mitigated any effects that have been induced by the MSG alone. Though, the mechanisms of action of this extracts may not be known but it appears that the Garlic extracts acted to remove catabolic wastes from the pelvic cavity and from uterine and ovarian tissues thereby accelerated metabolism and lymph drainage and promoted the sloughing-off of wasted tissues; corrected imbalances of estrogen metabolism associated with excessive catechol estrogen and elevated inflammatory prostaglandins. It also appears that the Garlic extracts stimulated the secretion of gonadotrophins and overian hormones and inhibited proliferation of cancer cells, resulting in apoptosis of the cancer cells (Wilson et al., 1980; Howe et al., 1995; Bernard et al., 2002). The effects of Garlic extracts on protein levels could be attributed to inhibition of RNA polymerase at the level of transcription, resulting in reduced gene expression, leading to reduced protein synthesis. Also, the effects of Garlic extracts on cholesterol levels could be attributed to the activation of cAMP signaling pathway, which increased the levels of cAMP, which activated cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA.

The activated PKA then phosphorylated phosphoprotein phosphatase inhibitor, PP1-1 (Bernard et al., 2002) and increased its activity. An increase in activity of PP1-1 then inhibited the activity of HMGR, leading to reduced cholesterol synthesis. This effect also activated glucagons and adrenaline, which increased the levels of cAMP and acted opposite to insulin. The basic function of insulin and glucagons is to control the availability and deliver of energy to all cells of the body (Bernard et al., 2002).

The effects of Garlic extracts on estrogen levels could be attributed to inhibition of the enzyme, aromatase, which prevented aromatization of ring A of estradiol (estrogen) thereby preventing mechanisms involving modulation of cell proliferation (Wilson et al., 1980), by covalently binding to the estrogen receptors and promoting estradiol in exerting its growth stimulatory effects (Howe et al., 1995; Everitt et al., 1995). Generally, the growth of fibroid arising from uterus smooth muscle cells is modulated by circulating steroid hormones and has been associated with periods of increased estrogen secretion. This increased growth response has commonly been attributed to a hypersensitive state of tumour cells to estrogen (Verkauf, 1993), indicating that estrogen receptors have been over expressed in myomas with respect to adjacent myometrium (Bernard et al., 2002). Therefore, the ability of estrogen to modulate the growth dynamics of uterine fibroid cells occurs by mechanisms involving modulation of cells proliferation (Wilson et al., 1980).

The growth of fibroid during periods of increased estrogen secretion, such as pregnancy, is primarily due to cellular hypertrophy, resulting in increase in intracellular volume (Fisher et al., 1994). Fibroid growth is similarly stimulated by estrogen and affected by hormonal changes during menstrual cycle (Friedman et al., 1990). However, in fibroids, this hormone, estrogen, appears to stimulate cell proliferation as well as cellular hypertrophy (Black et al., 1994; Fuschs-Young et al., 1996).

Current non-surgical management of fibroids relies on reducing circulating levels of overian hormones with the use of Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormones (GnRH) agonist (Verkauf, 1993). Such strategies result in the regression of fibroids during treatments by creating a hypoestrogen state through desensitization of signaling pathways within the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, resulting in bone loss and increase in blood lipid levels due to the reduced levels of circulating estrogen (Johansen et al., 1988; Dawood et al., 1989). This effect increases the risk for early-onset osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases that precludes the long term use of these drugs. After the cessation of therapy, regrowth of tumours usually occurs when normal fluctuations involved in the menstrual cycles are reestablished (Friedman et al., 1990; Adamson et al., 1992).

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The mechanisms of action of the antiestrogens and endocrine manipulation involve competitively binding to the estrogen receptors and preventing estradiol from exerting its growth stimulatory effects (Howe et al., 1995; Everitt et al., 1995) and increasing latency and decreasing mean tumour size (Howe et al., 1995), which inhibited the secretion of gonadotrophins and overian hormones at the level of the pituitary gland (Everitt et al., 1995). These therapies do not result in apoptotic cell death because they involve inhibition of cell proliferation by blocking the exit of cells from the golgi phase of the cell cycle (Wilson et al., 1980) and this helps to explain the observed rapid regrowth of these tumours after cessation of treatment. The effects could result from binding of components to unique antiestrogen sites on tumour cells and blocking of the unliganded estrogen receptors ability to traduce growth signal from other pathways and these effects appear to be tissue specific (Newton et al., 1994; Howe et al., 1995). The inability of hypoestrogenism to induce cell death emphasizes the need for improved modalities of treatment for uterine fibroid-perhaps herbal tonic therapy, which offers the possibility of treating women for extended periods of time (without side-effects accompany treatment)-without the need for surgery or hormone add-back. In addition, the fact that transformed myometrial cells (cell lines) appear to remains competent for the apoptosis could be instrumental in the development of novel therapeutic techniques for the treatment of uterine fibroids.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the results from this study, have shown that MSG increased the levels of total protein, cholesterol and estrogen (estradiol), which had led to increased proliferation of fibroid cells and that the proliferation of fibroid cells was sensitive to the availability of estrogen. However, treatments with garlic extracts near-completely abrogated/mitigated any effects that have been induced by the MSG alone. It appears that Garlic extracts acted to remove catabolic waste from the pelvic cavity and from uterine and ovarian tissues thereby accelerated metabolism and lymph drainage and promoted the sloughing-off of tissues; corrected imbalances of estrogen metabolism associated with excessive catechol estrogens and elevated inflammatory prostaglandins. It also appears that Garlic extracts stimulated the secretion of gonadotrophins and ovarian hormones and inhibited proliferation of cancer cells. Because Garlic extracts activated the secretion of gonadotrophins and ovarian hormones at the pituitary gland; promoted the exit of cells from the golgi phase of the cell cycle; promoted the unliganded estrogen receptor ability to transducer growth signals from other pathways, leading to apoptosis of fibroid cells, this mixture may offer the possibility of treating women with fibroids for extended periods of time without the need for surgery or hormone add-back.


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Yoga For Fibroids | 8 Simple Exercises For Fibroids in Uterus

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