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Thursday 30 December 2021

can rice make you fat?

Weight gain actually depends on the portion of food you consume. All the foods we consume is nutrition-rich and benefits us in some or the other way. But it is the quantity of food you consume that actually harms you.

Does Rice Makes You Fat? | Myth Busters

There is enough evidence to prove that rice is not fattening at all. It all depends on the quantity of rice you consume in a day.

Numerous studies have shown that serving food in a larger quantities or big container increases the intake, regardless of the type of food being served. In order to decrease the intake of rice, serve it in a small bowl. Rice can be both fattening and weight loss friendly, it all depends on the serving size.

See , I'm not saying its false or true rather it totally depends on you.

Hello Friend:

Eating any food in excess will increase body weight, with the exception of most vegetables. It is about moderation and not consuming more calories than you burn. I believe I can safely say, most trainers and fitness experts will agree. Brown rice is a better choice than white because it is a whole grain and contains fiber and magnesium which helps reduce heart related maladies.

Please remember to consume a clean, protein rich (no junk/fast foods, diet drinks) menu with a lot of fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains (that brown rice), dairy, good fats, and drink, drink, drink water. Your menu and exercise should be appropriate to your fitness goals.

I pray this helps you in some way. Take care, be safe, be well, be blessed.

No. De novo lipogenesis which is making/converting the rice/ carb/ sugar you eat to a stored energy is an exorbitant process. Yea insulin rises/spikes as a result of the high blood sugar but guess what , the energy/ calorie from that “high” sugar won’t be stored as fat . Yea? Yea, coz all your faculties will still be alive by then; your major organs i.e brain , heart, digestive process, blood, lymphs are running on that sugar you just ate ( well at least 6 hours-12 hours postprandial) . It’s the easiest energy the body wants to use, even if you eat that rice in excess it will come off as heat of the top of your head, body heat and other heat whatever. Read about dietary thermogenesis . The story changes when you eat that rice with say butter/ fatty pork/ fatty chicken/ fatty milk/ fatty cheese. There’s your recipe for successful energy storage hence weight gain/ obesity. Insulin rises( coz of the rice) ,cells open and use glucose(from the rice) for energy and the fat? Well, refer to my 2nd sentence only change exorbitant to cheap/ easy. That’s right the body doesn’t need to work hard to convert your fatty pork for stored energy. Your fatty pork will be into your body .ultimately you’d be sporting pig visuals , no neck, unnecessary belly, pork thighs , pork calves . You are what you eat.let’s not get too morbid. Cell cater the fat and is stored as fat . Read about Dr.Walter Kempner. Better yet, experiment on yourself, eat rice alone. See what happens . Use mirrors, measuring tape , weighing scale and feels. Check the fitting of your clothes. Still, this doesn’t give you an excuse to swim in your rice bowl, remember anything in excess is bad. Physics holds 99% of the results and processes . A calorie is a calorie . The other 1%, pray to god he won’t make you fat .

Like the discussions on bread and pasta, there have been numerous debates both online and offline about the effect of rice on weight. You might have seen some questions on this, for example, “is rice fattening?” You may think that rice causes weight gain while others have the opposite belief and vice versa. All the various debate topics have resulted in sparking numerous myths and misconceptions about the number of calories in rice.

 Does Rice Make You FAT | ILAPAG MO | Filipino


The reality is that like any other cereal, rice too contains calories. That being said, the amount of calories and other nutrients differs based on the type or variety of rice you select. Currently there are so many varieties of rice, for example, black, white, brown, basmati, arborio and jasmine. 

This means that the different levels of calories in each of these varieties will influence the answer to whether the rice you pick is a healthy choice or not. In addition to this, other factors such as how much you eat and how you prepare your rice will also be a factor in your weight maintenance. 

For example, someone eating two servings of fried rice will likely contribute more to weight gain than if the rice was boiled or steamed without added oil, due to the preparation method used. In this article, we will examine if rice is indeed fattening as well as what varieties are more likely to cause weight gain if consumed in excess.

Read More: Rice Diet: Can This Delicious Food Help You Hit Your Dream Body Goals?

Is Rice Fattening

Fascinating Facts About Rice

Rice is among the most common foods in most countries, with some countries having it as its main staple. This grain comes from the seeds of a grass-like plant that typically grows in water. It has been grown for over 8,000 years. Throughout this period of time, people have learned various ways of cooking it.

This might help to explain the numerous rice recipes you can find today. In Latin, this cereal grain is from Oryza sativa. However, most people around the world merely refer to it as rice. Here are some other interesting pointers you may not know about this cereal grain:

An estimated one half of the global population gets 50% of their calories from this grain (5). Without it, a significant percentage would end up missing out on some needed nutrients and calories.

Rice has numerous varieties. They range from brown rice, arborio, white, basmati, black and jasmine. The variety you pick should depend on the nutritional value you want, flavor and your dietary goals.

For example, you may choose basmati rice due to its strong flavor or brown rice due to its fiber for weight loss promotion.

Rice grains do not precisely have to be white. They can be brown, purple, black or red. It all depends on the pigments they naturally contain in the outer layer.

Is Rice Fattening

White Rice

White rice is the most popular type of rice all over the world. You can hardly miss this type of rice in any of the various food outlets across the globe. White rice can be cooked as it is or can be used in a processed form for preparation with other ingredients. These include rice flour, rice syrup, rice milk and rice bran oil.

White rice is highly processed, meaning that it does not contain the germ or bran. Due to this excessive stripping of bran and germ, white rice tends to cook faster. It also tends to have a long shelf life and a better taste (11). However, that process strips it of its nutritional benefits. It still contains both proteins and carbohydrates, but no fiber or fat.  

Pros And Cons Of Eating White Rice

Although brown rice has more health benefits than white rice, this does not take away the fact that white rice also has its advantages. White rice aids one in improving one’s gut health. It has soluble fiber known as resistant starch, which your gut bacteria ferment to form butyrate.

Butyrate has positive effects on your gut health by reducing inflammation. It also improves the functioning of your gut barrier and lowers your susceptibility to colon cancer.

However, eating too much white rice has several side effects. First and foremost, its high starch content can lead to weight gain, especially if you eat it and never exercise. Secondly, it has high glycemic levels which increases your blood sugar rather quickly after eating it. Therefore, it is not considered the best meal option for those who are diabetic.

Is Rice Fattening

White Rice Nutrition Analysis

If you eat a 186 g cup of cooked white rice, your nutritional analysis chart will be as follows:

Total fat- 0.39 g

Protein- 4.43 g

Energy- 242 kcal

Total carbohydrate- 53.2 g

Fiber- 0.56 g

One cup of cooked white rice also provides you with the following minerals and vitamins:

Iron- 2.8 mg

Niacin- 3.4 mg

Zinc- 0.8 mg

Vitamin B6- 0.1 mg

Thiamin- 0.3 mg

Phosphorus- 68.8 mg

Folate- 108 mcg

Selenium- 14 mcg

Manganese- 0.7 mg

Copper- 0.1 mg

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If Rice Is So Bad, Why Are the Chinese So Thin? – Dr.Berg

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Is Rice Fattening

Brown Rice

Brown rice also ranks among the top rice types around the globe. Unlike white rice, brown rice does not undergo numerous processing stages to have it refined. Therefore, it tends to be more of whole grain. This means it contains both the germ and bran, both of which have antioxidants, fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Brown rice can also come in purple, red or black shades. It is also gluten-free and has a lower glycemic index. Its slower impact on blood sugar makes it a better choice for those with diabetes. Remember to always cross-check the labels on your brown rice when you are purchasing it.

The Benefits Of Eating Brown Rice

Aside from providing fiber, vitamins and minerals, brown rice also helps with the following:

Preventing Cancer And Diabetes

Along with fiber, brown rice also contains ferulic acid, lignans, phytic acid and phytoestrogens that may protect your body against diabetes (1). This is in contrast with white rice which undergoes too much refining, which tends to remove all the components that reduce diabetes risk.

The ferulic acid has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in protecting you against diabetes and various cancers.

Improving Your Heart Health

Like any other whole grain, brown rice has various benefits to your heart health. First and foremost, it has heart-healthy compounds like lignans and antioxidants.

Secondly, eating more whole grains may improve your blood cholesterol levels, which helps in reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases. The low blood cholesterol levels also reduce your susceptibility to stroke, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Boosting Metabolism

Brown rice also contains a mineral known as manganese, which plays a role in your metabolism. Additionally, manganese is also an antioxidant and is essential for growth and development.

Meal Plan

Brown Rice Nutritional Information

A 202 g cup of cooked brown rice provides you with the following (6):

Fiber- 3.233 g

Energy- 248 kcal

Protein- 5.54 g

Total carbohydrate- 51.7 g

Total fat- 1.96 g

If it is one half-cup, then your nutritional information will display as follows:

Calories- 108

Fiber- 2 g

Protein- 3 g

Total carbohydrate- 22 g

Total fat- 1 g

Total sugars- 0 g

If you take one cup of brown rice you will receive the following minerals and vitamins:

Iron- 1.1 mg

Vitamin B6- 0.3 mg

Thiamin- 0.4 mg

Folate- 18.2 mcg

Niacin- 5.2 mg

Zinc- 1.4 mg

Phosphorus- 208 mg

Selenium- 11.7 mcg

Manganese- 2.0 mg

Copper- 0.2 mg

Is Rice Fattening

The Best Way To Cook Brown Rice

If you have never cooked brown rice before, then here are simple steps you can follow (2):

Soak your rice some minutes before you cook it. Rinse it using cold water to drain any excess starch and dust.

Pour your rice in a pot with water. For every one cup of brown rice you use, add 2 to 2 ¼ cups of water.

Let the water boil. Cover your pot and then reduce the heat.

Leave your rice to simmer for about twenty minutes before returning to switch off your heat source.

Let the rice steam for an extra ten minutes before you serve it.


Will Rice And Potato Make You Gain Weight

You can also use your rice cooker to prepare brown rice. If you do, ensure you use the ratio of water to rice as if you are cooking on the stove. Similarly, ensure that your rice sits on warming mode between five and ten minutes to avoid stickiness.

You can serve your brown rice alongside various stews and soups. You can have it with vegetables, beans, chicken, meat stew, tofu and so forth.

The best way to cook rice for weight loss is boiling instead of frying. If trying to lose weight, you may want to avoid cooking methods that increase the fat (and therefore calorie) content in your meals.

Is Rice Fattening

Brown Rice Vs. White Rice: Which Is More Fattening?

Rice is generally a high carb and starchy food. Therefore, eating too much of it can make you add weight. Researchers conducted a study with Japanese factory workers to determine the effects of eating both white and brown rice within one year (9).

They found that participants who ate brown rice during that year maintained their weight. As such, experts suggest eating brown rice for weight management and control.

In contrast, they discovered that eating white rice within the same timeframe resulted in weight gain. The weight gain was more profound in individuals who did not exercise.

Read More: Brown Rice Diet: Why You Should Double Down On This Underappreciated Grain

Is Rice Fattening

Parboiled Rice

Parboiled rice refers to partially precooked rice, also known as converted rice. It is popular in some African and Asian countries. Parboiling the rice entails soaking, steaming and drying it while it is still in its inedible outer husk.

It means that you are not supposed to remove the husk before you prepare this special kind of rice. When you do all this, the rice inside the husk will automatically have a slightly yellow color. The process makes it easier to remove the husk before its consumption.

Similarly, you may also use this method when you want to improve the texture of this grain. If not, you can use the parboiling technique to get less sticky and fluffier rice.  

The Nutritional Information

Here is the nutritional value of cooking a 155 g cup of parboiled long rice (8):

Calories- 194

Total carbohydrates- 41 g

Total fat- 0.5 g

Protein- 5 g

Fiber- 1 g

Using this information, we can answer if this type of rice is fattening or not. Unlike the traditional white rice, the parboiled rice appears to have fewer calories. It also has fewer carbs but more protein and fiber.

Due to its fewer calories and carb intake, it is less likely that this type of rice will make you gain weight. However, this is only the case if you abide by the recommended servings. If you were to increase the number of cups you cook, you would consume more calories. Consequently, you would end up gaining extra weight due to the increase in the daily caloric intake.  

Is Rice Fattening

The Health Benefits Of Eating Converted Rice

Besides enriched flavors, there is so much to gain from consuming parboiled rice. Some of these gains include:

Attaining Essential Nutrients

Regular consumption of parboiled rice gives you more than just fiber and protein. It is also rich in calcium and iron, meaning you get to acquire these two vital nutrients.

Improving Your Gut Health

Starch present in converted rice acts as a prebiotic. It means that it is more of a nutrient that boosts the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.

The healthy bacteria help in bringing balance to the microorganisms in your gut. They are responsible for several things, including regulating/improving your mood and health.

Reducing The Symptoms Of Diabetes

Diabetes has become quite prevalent in our societies. Sometimes people ailing from this disease are advised to eat parboiled rice. Unlike the white or brown rice, this rice may have less of an impact on your blood sugar levels.

As a result, it helps in reducing the symptoms experienced by diabetic people. Remember to refrigerate your leftover converted rice. Storing it at low temperatures may help in further reducing its impact on your blood sugar levels.

Is Rice Fattening

Jasmine Rice

Jasmine rice is one of the most aromatic rice varieties. You perhaps may know it as Thai fragrant rice (10). It is quite unique because this long-grain rice is roughly four times as long as its width. Again, its uniqueness arises from its different colors.

It can be white, brown, purple, black or red. All these varieties provide different nutritional values. So, evaluate the nutritional content of each before consuming it. The white variety is quite common and massively processed, resulting in nutritional similarities typical with white rice.  

Nutritional Information

Cooking a 1/4 cup of brown jasmine rice provides you with the following nutrients:

Eat RICE & Still Lose Weight (+Rice Recipes) | Joanna Soh

Calories- 160

Cholesterol- 0 g

Fiber- 2 g

Total fat- 1 g

Sodium- 0 g

Total sugar- 0 g

Total carbohydrates- 35 g

Protein- 3 g

Brown jasmine rice has very few calories. It is incapable of fattening you if you just stick to cooking the suggested serving.

Is Rice Fattening

Advantages Of Eating Jasmine Rice

In addition to getting fewer calories, regular consumption of this type of rice can also do the following:

Provide You With Minerals And Vitamins

Brown jasmine rice is like any other whole grain rice. It is rich in various vitamins and minerals. These include vitamin B6, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B1, selenium and magnesium (7).

Improve Your Immunity

The red, blue and purple jasmine rice varieties contain phytonutrients. These phytonutrients are helpful in protecting your body cells, which may boost your immunity.

An improved immune system leads to better overall health due to increased protection against germs, bacteria and other health risk factors.

Promote Your Health During Pregnancy

Jasmine rice is rich in folic acid. Experts acknowledge that folic acid promotes healthy pregnancies, primarily if it is taken before pregnancy or during the first trimester. It also reduces risks of birth and neural tube defects.

Improve Your Digestive Health

The brown variety of jasmine rice contains more fiber compared to the white version. It means that the brown variety is less processed, which also means its nutrients and fiber are left intact. Fiber in this rice helps in normalizing your bowel movements, further aiding in the maintenance of your digestive system.

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Is Rice Fattening

Basmati Rice

When you compare basmati rice against, for example, white rice, chances are you will hardly spot any difference. This happens a lot when you place this rice alongside other rice varieties. However, when you use your sense of smell, you will be able to differentiate and identify basmati rice.

Basmati rice has a distinctive and aromatic smell that makes it stand out from other rice varieties. Its aromatic smell can be compared to that of popcorn after you cook it. This aromatic rice is a staple in India and Pakistan.

India contributes about 2/3 of the world supply of basmati rice (4). It has been cultivated in this country for many decades, which might explain why it is a staple there. Below are some other fascinating facts about this rice:

It is referred to as the queen of perfumed rice. In Hindi, basmati rice is believed to mean “full of aroma”

There are two varieties of basmati rice: brown and white. The two have nutty flavors and pleasant smells.

The bran, hull and germ of the white basmati rice are removed. However, only the hull is removed in the brown basmati rice.

After it is cooked, it does not stick together. It is because it contains a compound known as amylase which helps prevent this stickiness.

Benefits Of Regular Consumption Of Basmati Rice

Eating both brown and white basmati rice can provide you with these health benefits:

Increasing Your Fiber Intake

If you do not eat enough fiber, you are most likely to suffer from a digestive problem such as constipation. Basmati rice is rich in soluble fiber, which can help in taking care of this problem. The soluble fiber in this cereal increases bulk that helps in moving waste along your digestive tract. Brown basmati rice has more fiber than white basmati rice.

Managing Diabetes

If you are diabetic, then you may want to consider switching to basmati rice in your diet. It has a low or medium glycemic index ranging from 50 to 58, depending on how much of it you cook. Such an index can help in managing your diabetes. Nonetheless, seek medical advice before you add this food to your existing diet plan.


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The Bottom Line

Rice is like any other food in your diet plan. It contains calories and this means that if you eat too much of it you will consume more calories. As a consequence, you certainly will add some pounds.

You can avoid this by regulating your rice portions. Similarly, you can take control of your weight by choosing healthier rice varieties and learning the best way to cook the type of rice you choose.

Factors on which it depends are-

  1. Amount of rice you are consuming at a time - Rice is very in carbs so it shifts your calorie intake through carbs substantially . Your calories through carbs must not exceed 50% of your total calorie intake. So try to manage it.
  2. Fittness Goal - If you want to shred weight then u must have food rich in protein and rice it strictly contraindicated here (also wheat). Your rice intake specifically must not exceed above beyond 1 to 2 cups. Also try eat not more than 3 chapatis in a day
  3. Physique - If you are lean then you can have rice as its rich in carbs
  4. Night- See as you know rice is rich in carbs so eating rice before bed is surely a bad idea. It will dramatically increse your blood glucose level bcoz it has high glycemic index( approx 70). In long run it will hamper your health.
  5. Diabetics - Diabetics must not definitely avoid high glycemic index food

Hope it was helpful…

Not always. The Carbohydrates content of rice is only a bit higher than of wheat. If the rice you consume is freshly cooked hot, it will metabolize easily , not causing water retention in the body. The cold rice cooked two or more hours earlier can cause water retention in the body and thereby weight gain.

Also, eating rice in the night will increase the body weight. Cooked rice contains more water than chapati. And physical movement is very less in the night. So it will be retained by the body causing weight gain.

This alertness of facts about metabolism, water retention , movements , Carbohydrates should be the guiding rule not the type of grain consumed.

Not necessarily. You should put quality over quantity. And, keep in mind less is better when it comes to quantity. So, if you eat too much rice (or anything else) you will get fat. Getting fat isn’t bad in and of itself. However, when you get fat on the stuff you find a the local supermarket, that kind of fat is a detriment to your health. Regardless of your indoctrination, fat is not bad. There are only bad fats. You need to educate yourself because the media will only indoctrinate you. The media is not dedicated to your well being, it is dedicated to making a profit for itself and those who advertise in the media. They do not walk their talk. They pretend it is for your own good as long as there is profit in it.

White rice is blamed for weight gain as the fiber gets removed from the grain during the process of refining. However, this is not entirely true.

Why is white rice blamed for weight gain?

She goes on to say that once fiber is removed from rice, its glycemic index increases. "This means that breakdown of sugar in the body happens quickly and sugar is instantly released into the bloodstream. Also, a lot of minerals get removed during the process of refining. These are the primary reasons why white rice is blamed for weight gain."

the myth about white rice

Eating white rice as part of a balanced and wholesome meal is not going to result in weight gain, asserts Pooja. Rice has been traditionally eaten in combination with pulses. Eating it in such wholesome combinations, in the right proportion and adding ghee to your meal will prevent the weight gain that you are always afraid of. Also, I chose a hand-pounded single polished variety of rice.

So, why does rice make you fat?

According to Pooja, the reason why people end up gaining weight by eating rice is that they fail to check their portion size When it comes to eating chapatti, making a decision about portion size is easy. But this is not the case with rice, where it is also easy to indulge in its delicious taste. Not overeating rice is the key to avoid weight gain from it.

I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT, Because I LOVE RICE!! I haven’t eaten much since doing keto, BUT I will make an exception for it.. How can SO many people in one culture, who are beautiful, smart, slender, and have HEALTHY diets including daily servings of white rice BE Wrong??? I go by the premise, that if it is grown by nature ok, yes, and it shouldn’t be eaten in excessive amounts, but I cannot in all honesty say that white rice makes us fat.. There are plenty of foods, that serve ABSOLUTELY NO NUTRITIVE VALUE, NOR are they grown on our Mother Earth.. Maybe the issue is, that many pf the other people who eat white rice, are not getting enough nutrient dense green/leafy/cruciferous vegetables, as that, and fish are also eaten in the daily diets of the Asian culture.. Some say white rice is responsible for type 2 diabetes, but I am hard pressed to agree with that, Simple HIGH CARB, base foods, including white sugar/flour, simple processed, refined, and HIGH glycemic foods.. But, that is my opinion, as white rice is high in carbs, it has nutrients, including protein, but some say that “Sticky rice”, is more of a culprit, than other types of white rice.. So, eat smart, Everything in moderation, well, ESPECIALLY, ALL SIMPLE HiGH Glycemic white sugar/white flour carb based products.. It IS IN YOUR Health’s BEST Interest.

Rice is one of the most widely consumed grains in the world.

White rice is a refined, high-carb food that’s had most of its fiber removed. A high intake of refined carbs has been linked to obesity and chronic disease.

However, countries with a high rice intake have low levels of these exact diseases.

So what's the deal with rice? Is it weight loss friendly or fattening? This article gets to the bottom of this question.

Any food can cause weight gain if you eat enough of it consistently and you have good enough overall nutrition to allow weight gain. Sumo wrestlers eat rice:

Source: The sumo stable

Leaner athletes, regular people and even skinny malnourished people eat rice.

There is no magic food that “makes you gain weight”. It’s how much you eat and rest, at least as long as your nutrition is well balanced enough for weight gain. It is possible to exercise enough that you can’t eat enough to gain weight or even to the point that you start losing weight or die. You can literally run yourself to death.

Properly managed and in balance with exercise weight gain may benefit you, see:

After cooking rice, the heat of every 100 grams of cooked rice is reduced to about 120 calories, which is equivalent to the heat contained in 1.5 apples. If the rice is made of thick congee, one meter will add 5~6 times the water, and the heat is lower. By comparison, the heat of every 100 grams of steamed bread is about 210 calories, the staple sweet bread is about 280 calories, and the biscuits are about 450 calories. That is to say, as far as starch content is concerned, the same volume of rice has a higher water content, while the starch content is lower than the steamed bread, bread and biscuits. Visible, unless containing oil ingredients in Steamed Rice, such as fried rice, in a normal food intake, Steamed Rice is not a fat food, rice is low energy food.

We don't become fat by eating rice per se, but because we tend to eat more of rice than we require for our sedentary style of living.

Pur ancestors ate on an average, 150g of rice per meal, with 2 meals a day. A labourer in earlier days used to eat even 3 such meals a day. But that rice was unpolished, hence nutritious and without side-effects.

Does eating RICE make you gain weight?

And the energy one gets with 150g of rice itself is 500 calories. The total meal could give between 600 to 800 calories then. But they were not eating any snacks, nor drinking coffee, tea etc. and hence they were not putting on weight.

But nowadays sedentary jobs requires us to shift to oilless Roti's called phulkas. One kg of wheat also contains around same energy like 1 kg of rice ie 3500 calories. But one kg of wheat gives about 50 phulkas, so each phulkas gives 70 calories. And we can't eat more than 3 or 4 phulkas. So we restrict intake to 210 or 280 calories per meal in stead of 500 calories, and thus avoid becoming obese.

It all depends on how much and your calories. You practically can eat anything you want as long as you eat few enough calories. For example here’s a good plan.

Look up how much calories you need to lose weight for your weight online. With those calories I’d try to fit in half your body weight in grams of protein. And then with that stay under your calories. Eating vegetables will help you stay under because they will keep you full with less calories.Along with that you should do intermittent fasting. For example don’t eat for 16 hours and fit all your calories into an 8 hour eating window.Adjust your eating windows to see what works best for you. Also do some cardio and lift weights.

Rice is a dietary staple in numerous nations around the globe, and it gives various fundamental supplements, including fiber and B vitamins. Starch rich nourishments, for example, rice, are regularly connected to weight pick up, at the same time, at any rate on account of rice, some exploration demonstrates that it isn't probably going to influence you to fat. Any sustenance eaten to abundance can cause weight pick up, in any case, so watch your serving sizes. Rice Calories and Nutrition

You'll spare calories and get more fiber in the event that you pick dark colored rice over the more refined white rice. A 1-container serving of cooked white rice has around 242 calories, 4 grams of protein and under 1 gram of fiber. A similar measure of cooked dark colored rice has 218 calories, 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber, which is 14 percent of the day by day esteem for fiber. Fiber encourages you feel full, making it less demanding to eat less and get in shape. Notwithstanding the sort of rice you pick, it gives critical measures of the B vitamins thiamine and niacin, and also manganese. Many sorts of white rice are invigorated to give additional folic corrosive, and darker rice is a decent wellspring of vitamin B-6.


Controlled By

Rice and Weight Gain

Individuals who eat rice will probably have marginally bring down body weights and littler midsection periphery estimations than individuals who don't, as per an investigation distributed in the FASEB Journal in 2008. This investigation was at any rate halfway financed by the USA Rice Federation, be that as it may, so further research is important to go down these discoveries. Pick darker rice over white rice, as it might be better to limit weight pick up. Individuals who ate darker rice lost somewhat more weight than the individuals who devoured white rice in an investigation distributed in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2014. These potential weight reduction advantages might be because of the sort of protein found in rice. In an investigation done on rats, specialists reasoned that a protein in rice may change how the body consumes fats to enable reduction to body weight. This examination was distributed in Lipids in Health and Disease in 2012, however additionally investigate is required in people before conclusions can be drawn.

Fitting Rice Into a Healthy Diet

While rice might be sound and not really connected to weight pick up, your general eating regimen is more vital than any one nourishment thing with regards to remaining fit and keeping up a solid weight. Expanding the measure of protein in your eating regimen and diminishing the general measure of sugars may enable you to feel full and get more fit superior to anything an eating routine that is higher in starches and lower in protein, as indicated by an examination distributed in The Journal of Nutrition in 2003. The U.S. Branch of Agriculture suggests partitioning your plate similarly between lean protein nourishments, natural products, vegetables and boring sustenances, for example, dark colored rice. Ladies ought to eat around 5 to 6 ounces of grains for each day, and men ought to eat 6 to 8 ounces, with at any rate half originating from entire grains. An ounce of rice is equivalent to 1/2 measure of cooked rice. On days when you don't eat rice, consider eating 100 percent entire grain bread. Individuals who ate suppers containing bread felt more full in the wake of eating than the individuals who ate rice or pasta in an examination distributed in Hospital Nutrition in 2011. Other great entire grain choices incorporate cereal, quinoa, entire wheat or bulgur.

Potential Safety Considerations

Regardless of the possibility that eating a serving or so of rice every day doesn't influence you to fat, you shouldn't get the greater part of your starches as rice. Rice is regularly tainted with at any rate little measures of the substantial metal arsenic, which can build your hazard for coronary illness, diabetes and other medical issues, as indicated by explore distributed in Consumer Reports in 2014. The article suggests constraining utilization of rice and rice items to limit presentation, for instance, eating close to 1/2 measures of cooked rice every week in the event that you don't expend some other rice items and less rice in the event that you additionally eat other rice-based items.

It’s the calories that counts. If you eat more than you spend per day,you’ll gain weight for sure. But if you have calories in check you won’t.

Rice doesn’t have any considerable amount of fat or protein. Main thing there in rice is carbohydrates that is almost 70%.

In white rice there is no dietary fibre. Which means the carbs are in form of simple sugars and elevate insulin level which is directly associated to increase in fat.

So in simple words, if you’re health conscious, try having Brown rice. They are better than white ones. (More protein and fibre)

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Great question! I will follow for the answer.

Basically rice is high in simple carbohydrates which the body quickly transforms into energy and stores as fat. Additional since the body quickly breakdown simple carbohydrates, it's only satiated for a short period.

It's funny haw asiatique who supposedly eat a lot of rice don't gain much weight

Proteins are often preferred in maintaining healthy weight because they are made of off complex carbohydrates. The body processes protein more slower and for an extended period. Also while protein is also use as energy after the body break it down, it is stored mostly as muscle mass (rarely as fat)

The amount and type of rice you eat impacts potential weight gain. There isn't one simple answer to whether rice makes you fat. Rice can contribute to weight gain, but it all depends on how much you eat throughout the day. The calories you’ll get from rice vary slightly between white and brown rice. One cup of cooked white rice has 205 calories, compared to 216 in brown rice. Rice illustrates the value of portion control because it’s easy to put more than 1 cup of rice on a plate, whether as the base for a stir-fry dish or as a side dish. From the perspective of calories alone, rice won’t make you fat as long as the total calories you gain from rice don’t put you over your daily calorie goals.

There are many schools of thought regarding weight loss. However the primer for weightloss is ensuring you have a balanced diet which enables you
to take in less energy than what you will require for you to lose weight. The low carbohydrate school of thought will entail you will have to cut down on rice. However another school of thought which focuses on the the consumption of low energy dense food (LEDF) willl encourage you to take rice but cut down on high fat foods. Rice is a common staple among most countries in Asia and most of these people are not overweght. Its pivotal to note that unlike refined sugars, rice is still a complex carb which will require to be broken done first before its turned in these simple sugars which easily make one gain weight. In this line rice on its own will not make you gain weight.

Does drinking alcohol make you drunk?

  • Yes it does when you drink it like you haven't drink for 10 days.

Does rice makes you fat?

  • Yes it does when you eat it too much and exceed your calories intake per day.

This is my opinion. If there's any defect or wrong , I apologize. Thanks.

There really is no single food that going to make you fat. There are many factors that determine whether you put on fat or not.

Asians Were Skinny On Rice For 1000s Of Years - Then Things Went Terribly Wrong - Doctor Explains

That being said white rice is a decent carb source, not as many nutrients as brown rice but still good. The GI doesn't matter unless you are eating it alone and in a fasted state. As soon as you combine it with protein and/or fat it slows the absorbtion.

Only eat it after workouts. Basmati rice and brown rice is lower GI and is better for sustained energy, but white rice tends to affect insulin levels more. This is why it is perfect post-workout, when the insulin release will 'shuttle' the nutrients to your muscles. Any other time of day, insulin can store excess high glycemic/GI carbs as body fat.

Eating more calories than you need, getting less micro and micronutrients than you should have will make you fat - so far as food goes. Rice (especially refined) is easy to overeat and makes you hungrier quicker than many other foods because of it's high glycemic index i.e the time it takes for it to go from ingestion to glucose in the blood. If you were to have a high level of workouts, it wouldn't really matter if you packed in some rice, but managed to fit other necessary nutrients into your diet.

But do keep in mind that sleep and stress management play a huge role in metabolism and therefore how you process, store and use energy (calories). Just keeping an eye on your nutrition and exercise isn't ever enough in the long run!

There’s no secret about how you lose or gain weight. When you eat more calories than you use through daily activities, you gain weight.
Don’t reduce your calories significantly lower than the amount that fits your lifestyle, because your body needs the fuel to operate at optimal capacity. To figure out whether rice might make you fat, its calories must be balanced within your total daily caloric intake.

The calories you’ll get from rice vary slightly between white and brown rice. One cup of cooked white rice has 205 calories, compared to 216 in brown rice. Rice illustrates the value of portion control because it’s easy to put more than 1 cup of rice on a plate, whether as the base for a stir-fry dish or as a side dish. From the perspective of calories alone, rice won’t make you fat as long as the total calories you gain from rice don’t put you over your daily calorie goals.

Rice. As far as the Department of Food and Health is concerned, that is a carbohydrate food. Which makes rice at the same level as bread and cereal (Special K, anyone?).

To get things straight-as there is a certain type of bread that is more likely to get you fat(white bread), there is a type of rice that may get you fat(white rice). So it really depends... Or it might not.

The thing with modern culture is that they muddle carbohydrates and fats, esp. when it comes to nice pastries such as doughnuts, cake, pie, etc.. Carbohydrates are the stuff that you are supposed to eat at a reasonable amount so you have energy to go through the day without so much danger of starving. Fats do the same purpose, but on a much higher level, and without much else nutritional value. As I mentioned earlier, rice is a carbohydrate.

Asians, as emphasized via media, eat rice. It is a food staple in their meals. And... if you minus the fact that they could be lactose intolerant, they look healthy. Rice is so you don't gain weight because it fills your stomach as to prevent eating in between meals, or at least for a couple of hours.

In the end however, it really just depends on lifestyle. If you are physically active, don't.worry too much. If you are basically lazy, well... I'm going to hope that before you brought up the rice topic that your lifestyle is at least enough to keep your life going.

Does Rice Make You Gain Weight?

Rice is a dietary staple in many countries around the world, and it provides a number of essential nutrients, including fiber and B vitamins. Carbohydrate-rich foods, such as rice, are often linked to weight gain, but, at least in the case of rice, some research shows that it isn't likely to make you fat. Any food eaten to excess can cause weight gain, however, so watch your serving sizes.


Rice Calories and Nutrition

You'll save calories and get more fiber if you choose brown rice over the more refined white rice. A 1-cup serving of cooked white rice has about 242 calories, 4 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of fiber. The same amount of cooked brown rice has 218 calories, 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber, which is 14 percent of the daily value for fiber. Fiber helps you feel full, making it easier to eat less and lose weight. Regardless of the type of rice you choose, it provides significant amounts of the B vitamins thiamine and niacin, as well as manganese. Many types of white rice are fortified to provide extra folic acid, and brown rice is a good source of vitamin B-6.


Rice and Weight Gain

People who eat rice are more likely to have slightly lower body weights and smaller waist circumference measurements than people who don't, according to a study published in the FASEB Journal in 2008. This study was at least partially funded by the USA Rice Federation, however, so further research is necessary to back up these findings.


Choose brown rice over white rice, as it may be better for limiting weight gain. People who ate brown rice lost slightly more weight than those who consumed white rice in a study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2014. These potential weight loss benefits may be due to the type of protein found in rice. In a study done on rats, researchers concluded that a protein in rice may change how the body burns fats to help decrease body weight. This study was published in Lipids in Health and Disease in 2012, but further research is needed in humans before conclusions can be drawn.

NO. It is one of the most superior form of carbs, containing many essential vitamins and most importantly, is gluten free. Rice is hands down better than oats, pasta, brown bread, cornflakes, etc. Even white rice. I have been eating white rice twice a day since the last two years and maintained my weight with body fat percentage not exceeding 20 percent. However, if you are a big eater, and tend to consume huge portion sizes, rice WILL make you gain weight. Rice is very easy to overeat. On top of that it is denser than say, oats or starchy veggies like cauliflower. I am a small eater, so it works for me. Choose wisely.

11 Carbs You Should Be Eating to Lose Weight FAST | Joanna Soh

Rice is a very good food especially parboiled rice! I'm not sure if you're worried of gaining unnecessary weight from eating rice or you want to know if rice has actually fat in it.

Whatever the reason is you're worried about rice won't make you fat you would need to eat alot of rice everyday.

Rice is nothing more than a other type of grain.

Don't worry so much about the rice more what you eat with it, if you eat rice just stir fried with oil and meat it will be fattening!

A healthy diet is always a balance from everything please stop picking out food and nutrients on their own start seeing the whole thing!!

There isn’t any food that fattens and doesn’t fatten.

Everything has carbs fat & protein.

It all boils down to how much you eat of that specific food.

Example rice has 77 grams carbs per 100 grams weight & 8 grams protein per 100 grams weight. Each gram of carbs & protein have 4 calories each … so from 100 grams of rice you would get : 340 calories.

77 ( carbs ) + 8( protein ) = 85 x 4( calories per gram ) = 340 calories.

It all boils down to how much you eat.

If you want to lose weight and your only source of carbs would be from rice I would recommend that you should consume 200 grams ( raw weight ) everyday.

Rice does not make you gain weight.

Insulin is an anabolic hormone that causes the body to gain weight. High insulin levels over a long period of time causes the body to store fat and inhibits the bodies ability to burn fat.

Consumption of carbohydrates causes an increase in blood glucose levels, which causes an increase in insulin levels.

Simple sugars and foods with a high glycemic load will spike blood glucose and insulin. White rice is a simple carbohydrate with a high glycemic load. This does not mean that rices causes weight gain, but it causes an increase in blood glucose and insulin. Chronically elevated insulin levels causes weight gain.

No it Doesn't , the Truth is , if You are not working Out as per your requirement , you will grow fat with each and everything you have . It depends on what your Routine is , what kind of Job you do , You have a field job or a Desk Job . So sought it out . And rest is in your hands . Work Out or try finding Assurance on Net . :p

The amount and type of rice you eat impacts potential weight gain.
There isn’t one simple answer to whether rice makes you fat. Rice can contribute to weight gain, but it all depends on how much you eat throughout the day. The potential impact of rice on your weight also varies according to the type of rice and its fiber content.
Calories and Weight
There’s no secret about how you lose or gain weight. When you eat more calories than you use through daily activities, you gain weight. Depending on activity level, women should get 1,800 to 2,400 calories daily and men should aim for 2,200 to 3,000, according to the USDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010. Don’t reduce your calories significantly lower than the amount that fits your lifestyle, because your body needs the fuel to operate at optimal capacity. To figure out whether rice might make you fat, its calories must be balanced within your total daily caloric intake.

There are to many factors and answers to the question. The Japanese eat white rice daily or frequently. However, their white rice is natural not full of chemicals. This makes a big difference. If you eat a lot of our bad white rice as an adult then the chances are favor for you to gain weight. Our body has issues processing unnatural food. Our rice hardly has any nutrients and is blank so that may be one reason to gain weight. Eating a high carbohydrates diets may help us gain weight. Having a plant base diet full of nutrients may keep us slim.

The number of meals a day eating rice is another factor. If you are one big bowl of rice a day and nothing else then most likely you will burn the rice. Eating 3 to 6 meals of white rice may help you gain weight because the body doesn't have time to burn the carbohydrates instead storing the fat may take place.

Wild rice is natural and shouldn't be as much as a burden because it is natural versus enriched and unnatural. This makes a big difference. Wild rice may be a healthy weight versus a diabetic issue because the whit rice has chemicals and depleted from nutrients. Now they make white rice out of plastic. This type definitely will be an issue.

I work in the American tech industry. Half of our industry is first generation immigrants from India. This is great for me because Indian food is my favorite. Every young programmer came to the US and gained lots of weight. I even heard one young woman say “but I'm not eating rice!”

You have a cultural belief that a single food leads to weight gain. In the US that food is soda. Here's the deal: eating too many calories adds fat to your waistline. Rice is basically empty carbs and it's in most Indian meals, so you can blame it.

It's not the rice itself. The problem is that you have enough food (congratulations) and you're eating just a little too much more each day.

The solution: eat and drink less calories. You could do this with rice, or less sugary teas, or by reducing portion size.

In my experience, rice actually did make me gain weight really fast. But this was because I was making white rice the focus of many days. I would eat lots of rice every day to make up for the fact that I didn’t have other good foods to balance with and I had also been eating big meals so I could try eating just once a day. It was easy to eat a lot and I could have kept eating more. There may have been other factors at play. I was also consuming a lot of coconut butter for certain health benefits that were supposed to be part of it. I also was eating a lot of ginger, which in my experience, weakens the body if you have too much and causes you to have low energy that only changes over time. So it possibly could have been ginger mainly that was causing weight gain since I was having trouble using my energy and therefore that energy was mainly going to fat absorption rather than anything else.

Why I Eat White Rice?! Unhealthy Diet?

Rice itself won’t make you gain weight, but eating it alone is giving your body empty calories. More specifically, white rice is not a great idea. If you can’t help eating white rice (I know it’s a staple for many families), at least plate it with some steamed vegetables and grilled meat. You can also make things like risotto to add some filler material to slow down your digestion and help whet your appetite.

There are certain kinds of rice which are higher in protein and fiber, so be on the lookout for those. You should be eating types of rice with an accentuated husk, like wild, or long-grain rice. Swapping out white rice for brown is the norm, but you can also buy something called “forbidden rice” which is black-colored, and has a unique taste. That kind of rice can be eaten alone without spilling over your daily allotment of calories. A few months ago, I cooked up some flounder and served it with black rice. It was very filling!

Here are some handy resources on rice:


There is no simple nutritional plan to formulate for every person on this planet. Based on your age, metabolism rate, activity levels and even the type of activities you perform daily you might need a different diet to maintain/lose weight.

But to make it easier for your understanding let's put it this way:

1- White rice :
The GI of white rice is ~90 , making it a fast insulin spiking food. The suddent heightened blood sugar levels usually end in (obesity and) fat storage.

Now, if your intake of white rice is small and it is not followed by a sedentary life style, then white rice is not going to make you fat.

Actually, many bodybuilders use a diet in which small portions of white rice are consumed after their training sessions. This helps to raise their insulin levels and get all nutrients in their blood stream to their muscles (right after the gym).

2- Brown rice:
Brown rice has a GI of ~50, making it a much better choice for replacing body's carbohydrate storage than white rice. Eating brown rice tends to elevate your insulin levels at a much slower rate than what the white rice would do. Also, the slow energy release rate of brown rice keeps you full for a longer time and doesn't raise your blood sugar levels as the white rice does.

But, again, you should take brown rice in moderation to avoid consumption of more calories than your normal metabolic rate.

Usually a daily intake of 6-7 spoons of brown rice is the maximum allowed amount for someone who wants to lose body fat (and has a normal activity rate.)

Simple answer… NO…eating rice doesn't make you gain weight. It is the amount of rice you eat and the way it is cooked. The second one has more impact.

If the rice is cooked in pressure cooker in just enough water for the rice to cook then the starch of the rice remains in the rice. When eating you intake all of this starch which might make you gain weight.

I prefer to cook rice in excess water and onc the rice is cooked,I drain the excess water. In this way,the excess starch drains out.

It is my personal experience,if I eat rice cooked by the first method in lunch my stomach feels heavier, and I have symptoms of indigestion. On the other hand,the rice cooked by the second method is lighter on my tummy and is digested very easily .

All types of rice can be categorized under two basic categories:

Brown rice – It is produced by removing the hull (outermost layer) from the rice kernel. This process does very little or no damage to the nutritional value of the rice and avoids unnecessary loss of nutrients that further processing may cause.

White rice – When brown rice is completely milled and polished it converts into white rice. The processing extends the shelf life of rice but results in loss of many nutrients like dietary fiber, minerals (iron, manganese, zinc, selenium and phosphorus), vitamins (B vitamins including vitamin B3, B6 and folic acid), and essential fatty acids.

Is Rice Healthy?

Well, definitely not the white rice. White rice is high in carbs and low in fiber, Hence it is easier to digest than whole grain breads or brown rice. It converts starch into glucose faster. This raises the sugar levels in blood rapidly contributing to hyper glycemia in diabetics. It may also lead to weight gain and obesity.

On the other hand, Brown rice is a good source of fiber, minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron, and B vitamins, while a moderate source of protein.

So, I think we should replace white rice with brown rice to supplement our weight loss efforts.

Well it not completely true that rice help in gaining weight but somehow it help.

The reason is because it has high level of simple carbohydrate in high amount,so if you consume rice in much quntity without working out enough you will gain weight at certain time.

Because of simple carbohydrate the energy provided by the rice doen’t last for long and you will feel hungry soon again and again if you consume rice without working it out the excess amount of energy will be saved in form of adipose tissue under your skin make you look fat.

Everything i mentioned above is for white rice only. Brown rice have different consequences.

Rice does not make you fat. Overeating makes you fat. You need to balance your caloric intake with calories burned.

That said, some foods are more suited to dieting and weight loss than others. There are also many varieties of rice. As with many foods, the less processed (whole rice, natural rice) is in general healthier than processed (uncle bens, parboiled, etc). In between these you'll find jasmine, basmati, etc.


Rice is a good alternative to bread or other carbs (potatoes) as far as caloric content goes.

It’s conditional. You can stay fit by eating rice too. If you just eat rice and do no physical work or exercise, eventually you will bulk up given that it contains 90% of carbohydrates.

But India as you know is a country with diverse food habits. South Indians staple food has been rice for many centuries. There is no specific research that suggests that south Indians are obese than north Indian counterparts. This might be due to the work habits, climate and other factors.

In conclusion, if you love rice go ahead eat but if you seem to bulk up, exercise. I cycle, run or do treks on regular basis. This helps me stay fit. Hope you find this helpful

Sources :

NO….absolutely not. Rice is mostly carbohydrates. And carbs are the primary energy givers followed by proteins and fats. It is a staple in most Asian countries. Not everyone who eat rice will become fat!

You should understand that the body will require only certain amount of energy for its activities and it will use the carbs (from rice) to derive immediate energy. Whatever excess carbohydrates you are supplying will be converted to protein. When there is excess protein storage and less usage (less physical activity), it will start storing everything as FAT. That is where the problem arises.

Know your portion size and make sure you are burning enough calories to utilise what you eat. And balance the diet with protein, fat and fiber. Rice is not the culprit. Mismanagement of calories from diet is the real culprit!

Yes, Rice is among the foods that does make you fat.

Coming from a “chronically” rice consuming South Indian family, i can vouch for it. Infact many of the most “commonly” consumed grains (rice and wheat being in the forefront) are major causes of obesity anywhere in the world.

Unfortunately, there is really no such a thing as healthy rice (including brown/white, long/short grain, less/more starchy!) The only healthy rice is the one eaten in EXTREMELY low quantities (which can never happen:-))

I would have never believed this had I not tested it on myself!

I went rice and wheat free for just over 3 months to see my tummy go down by 9 inches and my weight go down to jaw-dropping 20 kilos! I was ruthless in avoiding these grains.

For 20 years, i have been training heavy with weights “trying” to be healthy and “in shape”. But that hardly helped me.

Now i say with conviction that you cannot out run a bad diet.

Yes. Excess carbohydrates are deposited as triglycerides (a type of fat & cholesterol). Insulin spike is a major cause for fat deposit. Insulin is secreted when carbohydrate is eaten (also on milk products for few people). Rice being refined carbohydrates is converted to glucose and then glycogen and carried by insulin to body muscles. If there is no place in muscles to store glycogen (typically a maximum of 1000-2000 kcal), it will be stored as fat around waist.

I stopped eating rice, wheat and other refined carbs about 10 months ago and reduced 20% of my weight. I still eat rice and refined carbs occasionally but not exceeding 20-30 gm a day. I eat only 12gm of brown rice (Kerala rice) a day or have multi grain Dosa/Roti some days (again not exceeding another 15gm of rice).

A year ago, I was eating 200-300gm of refined carb a day in the form of rice, wheat, bread, pasta, savouries, thinking fibre from grain is good. It was all wrong. Take fibre through green non-starchy vegetables. Refined carbs provide least amount of fibre to our digestive system. Bit of brown rice is fine. Whole millets in small quantities are fine. Otherwise grains will add to weight gain through fat deposit.

Apart from rice, the frequency of eating and snacking is increased over the last few decades. Snacks and sugary drinks are available everywhere at affordable price. Frequently eating, snacking and drinking (coffee, tea, juice and cola) lead to high insulin levels. Constant elevation of insulin leads to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to fat around waist.

Let’s start with the two models of obesity that are common in nutrition. The first is the calorie model. Basically we get fat because we eat too much and move too little. The other which is gaining traction is the hormonal model of obesity. This says that it’s not so much calories that is driving obesity as it is hormones.

I was Eating Rice and Lost 10 Kg in Just 2 Months || Rice dosen't make you Fat ||

In the hormonal model of obesity, the main culprit in why we get fat is the hormone insulin. So, in this model we need to eat foods that don’t stimulate insulin production in our body. Many people theorize that this is the reason behind the success of the low carbohydrate diet.

A lot of people who want to poke holes in the hormonal model or in the low carbohydrate diet always say, “What about the Chinese?” They eat tons of rice which must drive their insulin levels.

Here’s the problem with pointing to the Chinese. They were a pre-industrial society for most of the 20th century. They were also poor, had problems with food availability, and things like sugar were practically unknown.

This is what is happening to Chinese youth since the prevalence of the industrial diet. They are getting fatter and fatter in increasing numbers.

Before industrialization, yes, the Chinese consumed lots of rice. However, they didn’t have many other processed carbohydrates. They ate rice with fiber rich vegetables. They also often would only eat maybe 1 or 2 times per day. They also didn’t have sugar. Refer to the chart below for the rate of increase of sugar imports.

Still even with that spike China is still on the low end for sugar consumption.

So, the question is “Does rice make you fat?” It spikes your insulin levels and blood sugar levels both of which can begin a spiral leading to insulin resistance and obesity. Obviously it can be eaten without becoming obese. However, if you’re consuming a modern diet with things like sugar and high fructose corn syrup then the answer is “Yes, it will contribute to you becoming fat.”

EXCESS CALORIES. That's what make you gain weight.

To make it simple whether you eat very healthy or not-so-healthy (but the first option is recommended), it's all about CALORIES IN versus CALORIES OUT.

In other words, "calories you take in through" versus "calories you use for your everyday activities and exercise" plus "calories used for your basal metabolism".

2500 calories for a (around 70kg) full-grown man per day is recommended as "CALORIES IN". Maybe more if your are very active and doing a lot of resistance training. In both case you might need a higher amount of carbs (available through bread, rice, pasta etc)

I recommend brown rice or red rice most of the time (higher levels of vitamin B and sleep-favouring tryptophan than white rice), even though white basmati rice is also a good choice, especially immediately after a very tiring workout.

In fact I sometimes advise RICE over gluten-containing products such a bread, tortillas, pasta etc...

Does rice make you gain weight? The answer is that there's no answer.

Rather it depends on how much and when you are having that rice.

I invite you to ask more questions and/or read more on the matter.

Hope this helps!


I can assure you its a myth. I was convinced when I visited my home Town Mangalore and saw all my friends with 6 packs(they never exercised) and very good muscle tone. They all ate mounds of rice 3 times a day even for breakfast.
I was bought up on wheat and we used to eat a little white rice.
Mangloreans eat par boiled rice with the red bran intact.
I think rice has gotten this label because in north generally rice is always eatn as ghee rice...All rice is friend in oil. You take pulav biryani etc.

The entire glycement index stuff is all BS in my opinion. Rice is easier to digest hence convertes into energy very quickly. It keeps you active.
But on the other hand if you lead sedentary lifestyle it may lead to weight gain.
Not like eating a roti will do any better.
Both are high carb foods. But Rice carbs are easier to digest. So it will get converted to glycogen much faster.
This is bad for a diabetic. That is why this myth has come about that wheat is better than rice. Infact Rice gets converted to energy and your cells thrive on glycogen sugar.
Rice a super food when compared to wheat which digests slowly causes bloating, and its full of pesticides. Roti also when oil and ghee is added is just as much unhealthy.
If rotis made you think why are so many north Indians fat. If you visit the village of rice eating south India you will see they work much harder and are fuelled by rice. They are very thin and have hard bodies.

Roti and Rice for Weight Loss | Does Roti & Rice Makes you Fat, Healthy or Unhealthy ?

BTW modern research has shown that rice protein is the most superior protein. (no wonder my friends all had six packs) only reason it is not considered by body builders is because it does not contain much of protien. (but enough to meet RDA on a 2000 calorier diet).

Neither rice nor pasta nor any other food makes you fat or thin. Eating in a calorie deficit makes you thin. Eating in a calorie surplus makes you fat. Eating at maintenance keeps you stable.

Granted, it can be easy to overdo rice or pasta, especially when they’re served with high calorie sauces or other ingredients. But 200 calories of rice, pasta, kale, or steak will have the same impact on your weight. (The TEF—thermic effect of food—comes into play a little; you burn more calories digesting protein than you do carbs than you do fat. But unless you’re eating one macro in isolation, the effect balances.)


Gaining & loosing weight is a mathematical equation. Calories in vs Calories out. Only rice, or no rice - the calories are what matter. Must consume less than you put out to loose weight.

This is ONLY an answer to the very simple rule of calories in calories out. How the rice affects you as you eat it, is entirely only relevant to you (as in everyone will have a different health status, rice eating status, and wants/needs). For example rice may alter your body if you have an intolerance to it- which often causes the body stress and start altering its processes (inflammation, holding water= cause of unintended weight gain) in an attempt to let you know that you don’t tolerate rice, dont eat again and see a doctor to further assess any health concerns.

Yes! rice is a pure source of carbs that play an important role in increasing your weight. Although if you consume rich by boiling them first and separate its water, then they are not that harmful. Consuming too much rice can and will make you gain weight.

If you are someone who is already underweight then consuming regular rice is not a problem because it will only help you in gaining a healthy weight, which you can later maintain.


If you are someone who is already overweight then eating rice is not good for your health. Overweight people should be following diets that are low on carbs. Such as the Keto or the paleo diet. These are two of the best low carb diets that you can follow.

So the answer to your question is that Yes, rice does increase weight. So now the ball is in your court, if you are overweight then avoid rice, if you are underweight then do consume it until you reach a healthy weight. Hope this helps.

I'm gonna go ahead and take a bold stance and disagree with everyone in here so far. I used to ascribe to the mentality that all calories are the same and it doesn't matter about input and output, but I was wrong.

First of all this is hard to for me to say, since I come from a Persian household and rice is a major staple in just about every meal, but rice will make you fat. So will bread, potatoes, fruits, and just about any other forms of carbohydrates, starches, or sugars.

In a nutshell all carbohydrates eventually break down into sugar in your bloodstream, and dietary fat does not automatically become body fat despite the common misinterpretation. The standard American diet is based primarily on carbohydrates, and when you ingest carbohydrates your body breaks them down into glucose and creates insulin. This leads to high in unstable energy peaks and crashes, as well as a developing tolerance to insulin. If it is readily available the body will prefer glucose to any other form of energy, so getting 'fat adapted' or in ketosis is all about keeping carbohydrate levels below 20g/day or 50g/day if you've been particularly active, and your fat intake high.

Just one cup of rice has ~56g of carbs and would put me over my limit for the whole day.

Just as little anecdotal evidence here's my body fat percentage over the last five months on this diet:

It is a myth that eating rice will make you fat. Rice does not make you fat. This type of rice does not cause weight gain, but consuming too much of it can cause weight gain. Here are other myths about rice you should stop believing:

1. You can eat white rice at dinner and not worry about gaining weight. "Rice is the easiest grain to digest. These meals are rich in protein and good fats, both of which are important if you want to lose weight. If you are having them for dinner, make sure that there's a gap of two hours between dinner and bed time. Do not forget to practice portion control in order to avoid overeating.

2. It is a myth that rice contains gluten. Both white rice and brown rice are gluten-free grains.

So for all those who have believed that eating white rice will make them fat, think again. Staples like rice and roti have been consumed by people in India for generations. Instead of blaming these foods for weight gain, you should probably pay attention to your eating pattern. Eating food according in the right combination, at the right time, in controlled portions is important if you want to maintain your health and weight.

 I would recommend a grain rotation diet. After a few months on a good salad, perhaps rotate grains to rice and see if your weight remains stable.

A grain-only diet can be too dense for some people because it lacks variety in the types of nutrients we need daily. There are about 30 different vitamins, minerals and other important nutraceuticals found within vegetables that you won't get from eating only grains like quinoa or brown rice. To stay healthy, try rotating between vegetable eaters and vegetarian dishes with whole grains like white rice or barley over time periods of time (maybe every five days). It's the best way to avoid missing important nutrients and harmful toxins known as "anti-nutrients."

⛔️⛔️ Bonus tips ⛔️⛔️

For 21 days, users would drink the smoothies instead of eating their meals. The smoothies become an official meal replacement that helps curb hunger and make people feel full all throughout the day.

Another diet program that is making a wave in social media lately, especially on YouTube, is the Smoothie Diet Program. Dieters who have already tried it swear how they quickly lose weight after 21 days. Others even said that they started losing weight a few days after they began the program. Although many people swear how effective the 21-Day Smoothie Diet program is, I’m testing it already and seeing good progress.

If eating rice makes anyone fat, then entire south India would be going through the problem of obesity

In fact, the healthiest country of the world Japan, which has the obesity rate of just 3.2% as compared to the 31% in the USA would be also going through the problem of obesity and almost everyone in Japan would be fat as White rice in Japan is the most consumed food item.
But in reality, Japan has an extremely low rate of obesity

So it would be clear to you that simple white rice doesn't have that power to turn around anyone FAT.
It is the bad/unactive lifestyle which will make you fat,

Which includes

1.A poor diet composed of junk and processed foods

2.Overconsumption of calories

3.Bad sleep patter

4.Living in a negative mind state

5.Too much stress

6.Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking

7. No physical activity

when all of these bad habits collectively integrate than you get fat and that too not in a single day but over a course of a period of time,

This is why white rice can never make you fat, but overconsumption or binge eating of it can.

Thanks For Reading!!!

Please do me a favour guys , reapeat after me - Rice does not make you FAT

One more time-

Rice does not make you FAT

No no please one more time-

Rice does not make you FAT

I am tired of hearing this question by god ! 😶

This isn't our mistake quorans , its a myth.. We Indians are listening this from a long long time !

If these so called influencers believe this s**t so why cant we🤷🏻‍♀️

Komal Pandey - “This is too bad like I cant have it on daily basis , isme kaafi carbs hote hai!”

Sejal Kumar - “I prefer not taking rice in dinner because it'll make me put so much weight.”

As a nutritionist I would definitely include white rice in my client's diet !

You can eat rice and still lose weight…I promise.

Always remember key is to maintain caloric balance, anything you'll overeat will make you gain weight (healthy foods included)

Stay Happy, Stay safe🌺

Eating rice will not increase weight.

Cooked rice is not high in calories, 100 grams of cooked rice only contains about 130 calories.

Rice contains 7% to 8% protein, 1.2% to 1.5% fat, 75 to 79% carbohydrates, and 0.3-0.9% insoluble fiber.

Rice also contains vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, and minerals such as calcium, calcium, potassium, iron, and manganese.

Cooked rice is easily digested and absorbed by the body, and its digestibility is as high as 95%.

The nutritional value of rice is extremely high. Eating rice can provide energy, strengthen physique, and supplement the nutrients the body needs.

More than 3.5 billion people in the world feed on rice as their staple food, more than half of the world's population.

Countries that rely on rice as a staple food include China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and so on.

Do white rice cause weight gain? If this question has boggled your mind multiple times, then you have landed at just the right place! In this article today, we are going to bust several myths about white rice like eating rice at night can cause weight gain, that rice is carb-rich and that you must avoid eating rice if you want to lose weight. You will be surprised to know that nutritionists and health experts recommend eating a meal like dal rice at night, even if you are on a weight loss diet.

White rice: Busting popular myths

According to celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, single-polished hand-pound rice are perfectly fine and healthy for consumption. One can have this variety of rice without worrying about weight gain. If this variety of rice is not available in your region, you can opt for eating the kind of rice which is local to your region. Here are other myths about rice you should stop believing:

Why I Eat RICE Everyday to Lean Up + Meal Prep | Joanna Soh

Also read: Dal Rice Benefits: Try Shilpa Shetty's Quirky Dal Rice With Twist Of Spinach And Ghee!

1. It is a myth that brown rice is healthier than white rice. Mindlessly eating brown rice on a weight loss diet is not going to be beneficial. Diwekar said that brown rice have excessive fibre which can interfere with absorption of zinc. Zinc is needed for proper functioning of the immune system.


It is a myth that eating white rice will make you fat

Photo Credit: iStock

2. You can eat white rice at dinner and not worry about gaining weight. "Rice is the easiest grain to digest," said Diwekar. Meals like khichdi or dal rice topped with a dollop of ghee have a complete amino acid profile. These meals are rich in protein and good fats, both of which are important if you want to lose weight. If you are having them for dinner, make sure that there's a gap of two hours between dinner and bed time. Do not forget to practice portion control in order to avoid overeating.

Also read: Healthy Eating: 3 Rules To Follow For Proper Digestion And Preventing Overeating

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3. It is a myth that rice contains gluten. Both white rice and brown rice are gluten-free grains.

So for all those who have believed that eating white rice will make them fat, think again. Staples like rice and roti have been consumed by people in India for generations. Instead of blaming these foods for weight gain, you should probably pay attention to your eating pattern. Eating food according in the right combination, at the right time, in controlled portions is important if you want to maintain your health and weight.

Will eating rice make you fat?

Rice is one of the most widely consumed grains in the world.

White rice is a refined, high-carb food that’s had most of its fiber removed. A high intake of refined carbs has been linked to obesity and chronic disease.

However, countries with a high rice intake have low levels of these exact diseases.

So what’s the deal with rice? Is it weight loss friendly or fattening? This article gets to the bottom of this question.

What Is Rice?

Rice is a cereal grain that has been grown for thousands of years. It’s a staple food in many countries and one of the most common cereal grains in the world.

Several types are available, but varieties of white rice are the most popular, followed by brown rice (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).

To better understand these different types, it’s best to start with the basics.

All whole grains are composed of three major components (3Trusted Source):

Bran: A rough and hard outer layer that protects the seed. It contains fiber, minerals and antioxidants.

Germ: A nutrient-rich core containing carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other plant compounds.

Endosperm: This is the largest part of the grain. It consists almost entirely of carbs (starch) and a small amount of protein.

This diagram shows what whole grains versus white grains look like:

Image source: Skinny Chef

Brown rice is an intact whole grain that contains both the bran and germ. Therefore, it’s nutritious and rich in fiber and antioxidants.

On the contrary, white rice has had both the bran and nutritious germ removed, ultimately stripping it of all its nutritional parts. This is generally done to improve its taste, prolong its shelf life and enhance its cooking qualities (4Trusted Source).

As a result, white rice varieties are almost entirely made up of carbs in the form of starches, or long chains of glucose known as amylose and amylopectin.

Different types of rice contain different amounts of these starches, which affects their texture and digestibility. Rice that does not stick together after cooking is high in amylose, while sticky rice is generally high in amylopectin.

Because of these variations in starch composition, different types of rice can have different health effects.


Rice is the most commonly consumed cereal grain in the world. White rice is the most popular type, followed by brown.

How to make Lower Calorie Fried Rice that still tastes good.

Brown Versus White Rice

Since nothing has been stripped from brown rice, it is generally higher in fiber, vitamins and minerals than white rice.

The table below compares the nutrient contents of 3.6 ounces (100 grams) of cooked white and brown rice (5, 6).

White Brown

Calories 130 112

Carbs 29 grams 24 grams

Fiber 0 grams 2 grams

Protein 2 grams 2 grams

Fat 0 grams 1 gram

Manganese 19% RDI 55% RDI

Magnesium 3% RDI 11% RDI

Phosphorus 4% RDI 8% RDI

Vitamin B6 3% RDI 7% RDI

Selenium 11% RDI 14% RDI

White rice is higher in calories and contains fewer nutrients and fiber than brown rice.


Brown rice contains more fiber and nutrients than white rice, which has been stripped of its nutritional parts.


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Rice’s Effects on Weight Loss Are Conflicting

While brown rice’s effects on weight loss are pretty well established, white rice’s effects are not.

People who eat whole grains like brown rice have repeatedly been shown to weigh less than those who don’t, as well as be at a reduced risk of weight gain (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

This could be attributed to the fiber, nutrients and plant compounds found in whole grains. They may increase feelings of fullness and help you eat fewer calories at a time (9Trusted Source).

One 12-year study in women observed that those with the highest intake of dietary fiber from whole-grain foods had almost a 50% lower risk of major weight gain, compared to those with the lowest intake (7Trusted Source).

It has also been suggested that eating brown rice instead of white may lead to weight loss and more favorable blood fat levels (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).

However, when it comes to white rice, the studies are a little more inconsistent.

Numerous studies have shown that a dietary pattern high in refined grains like white rice is linked to weight gain and obesity (7Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).

At the same time, other studies have not found a link between white rice or refined grain consumption and weight gain or central obesity (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

In fact, white rice consumption has even been linked to a reduced risk of weight gain, especially in countries where it’s a staple food (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).

Rice Diet Day 30 - The Finale

One study in overweight Korean women showed that a weight loss diet that included either white rice or mixed rice (brown and black) three times per day resulted in weight loss.

The mixed-rice group lost 14.8 pounds (6.7 kg) over a six-week period, while the white-rice group lost 11.9 pounds (5.4 kg) (2Trusted Source).

Therefore, it appears that both types can be included in a weight loss diet.

Nevertheless, brown rice has the advantage of being higher in fiber and nutrients than white rice, making it the healthier choice.


Brown rice has been linked to weight loss and favorable blood fat levels. Most studies have found either no link between white rice and weight change or associated it with weight loss.


Rice Was the Cornerstone of One Popular Weight Loss Diet

Interestingly, there was once a popular weight loss diet centered on white rice.

Developed in 1939 to treat patients with high blood pressure and kidney disease, this ultra low-fat diet was called the Rice Diet (21Trusted Source).

It was a tasteless, low-calorie diet that consisted mainly of white rice, fruit, fruit juice and sugar. Nonetheless, it had surprising effects on health, including weight loss and the relief of kidney disease symptoms (22Trusted Source).

However, it should be noted that this was a very restrictive, low-fat, low-calorie diet. Therefore, the results may not be applicable to eating rice as part of a regular diet.

Nevertheless, it goes to show that rice can fit well into a weight loss diet if calorie intake is controlled.


The Rice Diet was a popular and restrictive low-calorie diet that was used to relieve high blood pressure and symptoms of kidney disease.

Rice Is a Staple Food in Many Countries

Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, particularly Asian countries like China, Japan, Korea and India.

These are all countries that, until recently, had relatively low percentages of people who were overweight or obese (23Trusted Source).

White rice is the predominant source of carbs in those countries. For example, Koreans consume almost 40% of their total calorie intake from rice (24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source).

In these countries, rice may be consumed an average of 20 times per week and up to six times per day (26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source).

💥RICE VS QUINOA💥 Will Rice make you FAT?

Even so, rice consumption seems to protect against weight gain and high blood pressure in these populations (16Trusted Source).

In elderly Chinese people, a dietary pattern high in rice and vegetables seems to help prevent weight gain, large waist circumference and obesity (17Trusted Source).

The same results were found in a study including over 200 overweight Iranians. No association between the frequency of white rice consumption and body mass index or belly fat was found (14Trusted Source).

However, this trend may be changing, as diets in these countries become influenced by the Western Diet. In fact, the numbers of overweight and obese people have skyrocketed in many of these countries in the past few years (23Trusted Source).

One study among Iranian adolescents showed that those who had the highest rice intake had the worst diet quality (29Trusted Source).

This indicates that these adolescents may be consuming rice with foods that older generations did not eat, potentially leading to weight gain.

At this point, it seems that rice intake itself has a neutral effect, while its health effects — positive or negative — depend on a person’s overall diet.

In short, it can be fattening if eaten with an unhealthy diet, but weight loss friendly if eaten with a healthy and well-balanced diet.


In Asian countries, rice is consumed up to six times per day. Rice consumption seems to protect against weight gain in these populations.

Some Types May Spike Blood Sugar Levels

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how much and how quickly a food spikes your blood sugar levels.

Foods high on the glycemic index cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels and have been linked to overeating and weight gain (30, 31Trusted Source).

On the other hand, foods with a low glycemic index cause a more gradual increase in blood sugar levels. They are believed to be particularly beneficial for people with diabetes, as they control blood sugar and insulin levels (32Trusted Source, 33Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source, 35Trusted Source).

Generally speaking, whole grains have lower GI scores than refined grains. This is one of the reasons why diets high in whole grains have been linked to a 20–30% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes (36Trusted Source).

That being said, not all studies have found a link between refined grain consumption and risk factors for type 2 diabetes (37Trusted Source).

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The starch composition of rice may be a key factor in explaining this. Sticky rice is generally high in the starch amylopectin, which has a high GI. Therefore, it’s rapidly digested and may cause blood sugar spikes.

Alternatively, non-sticky rice is high in amylose and has a low GI, which slows down the digestion of starch. It may even contain resistant starch, which is a type of healthy fiber (38Trusted Source, 39).

So regardless of whether rice is white or brown, its GI can range from relatively low (43) to very high (109), depending on the type and variety (14Trusted Source, 40).

Interestingly, one study in the UK that measured the GI response to 11 different types of rice found that white basmati rice was a low-GI food, while other brown and white varieties were classified as medium or high on the GI (41Trusted Source).

If you are diabetic or sensitive to blood sugar spikes, picking non-sticky rice, which is high in amylose, would be your best bet to keep your blood sugar levels in check.


Rice can rank either relatively low or high on the glycemic index scale. Non-sticky rices have lower GI levels than sticky rices do.

Any Food Can Be Fattening If Portion Sizes Aren’t Controlled

As with most things in nutrition, the dose determines the poison.

There is nothing particularly “fattening” about rice, so its effects on weight must come down to serving size and the overall quality of your diet.

Studies have repeatedly shown that serving food in a larger container or dish increases intake, regardless of the food or drink being served (42Trusted Source, 43Trusted Source).

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This has to do with the perception of the serving size. Serving large portions has been shown to increase calorie intake significantly, without people realizing it.

Also, since people don’t realize that they are eating more than usual, they generally don’t compensate by eating less at the next meal (44Trusted Source).

One interesting study showed that participants who didn’t know they were eating soup from a self-refilling bowl ate 73% more soup than those eating from normal bowls.

Most importantly, they didn’t realize that they ate more than the others or perceive themselves as more full than those eating from normal bowls (45Trusted Source).

Studies that have analyzed the effects of serving size have shown that reducing the size of the “rice bowl” is an effective way to reduce calorie intake, body weight and blood sugar levels (46Trusted Source, 47Trusted Source, 48Trusted Source).

Therefore, depending on the serving size, rice can be both weight loss friendly and fattening.


Almost any food can cause weight gain if eaten in excessive amounts. Eating food from large plates or bowls may unknowingly increase calorie intake without people perceiving themselves as more full.

The Bottom Line

There doesn’t seem to be anything specifically fattening about rice. Different studies link it to both weight loss and weight gain.

However, of the two types of rice, there is no question that brown rice is much more nutritious than white rice.

Non-sticky rice may also be the better choice for people who are sensitive to blood sugar swings or have diabetes.

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It all seems to boil down to watching your serving size and following an overall healthy and balanced diet.

Rice is one of the most popular and widely consumed staple foods across the world. But there are a lot of misconceptions related to rice intake like it makes you fat and increases the blood sugar levels. The first thing that comes to everyone's mind when they decide to lose weight is to cut down rice consumption. High in carbohydrates, rice is considered as one the worst foods to have when trying to shed kilos. But is rice really fattening? Let's bust this myth forever.

Parts of a whole grain

All whole grains are made of three parts: Bran, Germ, and Endosperm.

Bran is a hard outer layer that protects the inner parts and is rich in fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. The germ is a nutrient-rich core, which contains carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The endosperm is the largest part of the grain and is entirely made of carbs with a small amount of protein.

Brown vs white rice nutrition value

Brown rice

Brown rice is intact with whole grain and contains both bran and germ. So it is more nutritious as compared to white rice and is rich in fiber and antioxidants. The nutritional value of rice is:

Calories: 130

Carbs: 29 grams

Fiber: 0 grams

Protein : 2 grams

Fat : 0 grams

Manganese : 19% RDI

Magnesium : 3% RDI

Phosphorus : 4% RDI

Vitamin B6 : 3% RDI

Selenium : 11% RDI

White rice

Both bran and nutritious germ are removed from the white rice to improve the quality of the rice. So, we can say that all the nutritions are stripped away from white rice and it is entirely made of carbs in the form of starch. This factor makes brown rice a healthier choice than white rice.

Nutrition value

Calories: 112

Carbs: 24 grams

Fiber: 2 grams

Protein: 2 grams

Fat: 1 gram

Manganese: 55% RDI

Magnesium: 11% RDI

Phosphorus: 8% RDI

Vitamin B6: 7% RDI

Selenium: 14% RDI

Rice and weight loss


By comparing the nutritional value of both the types of rice it becomes clear that brown rice is healthier than white rice. The fiber, nutrients and plant compound found in brown rice may increase the feeling of fullness and as a result, people eat fewer calories. It has been observed that eating brown rice is helpful in weight loss.

As far as white rice is concerned, the research conducted to study the link between the consumption of white rice and weight gain is quite confusing. Some studies show that a dietary pattern high in refined grains like white rice can lead to weight gain and obesity, while a few other studies have found no connection between the consumption of white rice and obesity. In fact, white rice was linked with weight loss. This indicates that both kinds of rice can be included in your weight loss plan.

Serving of rice

Weight gain actually depends on the portion of food you consume. All the foods we consume is nutrition-rich and benefits us in some or the other way. But it is the quantity of food you consume that actually harms you.

There is enough evidence to prove that rice is not fattening at all. It all depends on the quantity of rice you consume in a day.

Numerous studies have shown that serving food in a larger quantities or big container increases the intake, regardless of the type of food being served.

In order to decrease the intake of rice, serve it in a small bowl. Rice can be both fattening and weight loss friendly, it all depends on the serving size.

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