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Tuesday 23 November 2021

What is an experience that most people will eventually go through?

 1. Being born.

“How Is Your Previous EXPERIENCE Relevant To This ROLE?” Interview Question & Sample ANSWERS!

Most people will experience being born. It is a universal experience that all people will undergo. All people living today were born, and all the people who are yet to be born will also have that experience. No one can avoid it or stop it from happening to them. We are human beings, so we can not deny this experience.

2. Falling in love.

Most people will experience falling in love. It comes to us as a surprise; we can not predict when or with whom it will happen. And no one can stop us from being in love. All people have the opportunity to fall in love, but only those who do so can fully appreciate this wonderful and exciting feeling of falling in love.

3. Experiencing the death of a loved one.

Most people will experience the death of a loved one. It is a universal experience that all were once alive and now exist as dead bodies, corpses in the grave. No one can stop or prevent this from happening to them. We accept this reality - no one can escape it. All people are not physically immortal, so we should recognize that no one can avoid the death of loved ones.

4. Getting married and having kids.

Most people will experience getting married and having kids. It is a universal experience that all people are born and eventually pass away; get married and have kids, realize career dreams, etc. People can not stop this from happening to them. We can only choose the partner for marriage or the parents of children; we cannot control how long our lives will continue on this earth and when they will end.

5. Retirement.

Most people will experience retirement. It is an inevitable event in life that all people must go through eventually. All people will retire; no one can avoid this retirement experience, and no one can prevent it from happening to them. We spend a lot of time working just for the goal of reaching this point in life - retirement; we work hard to build up the retirement fund, save money for our future retirement. And in the end, when we retire, it's like a dream come true: no more work and stress! But we will not continue this kind of lifestyle for long; eventually, our retirement fund will run out and then what? What comes next? Retirement is a common experience that all people go through. No one can avoid it.


My conclusion about this article is that no one can escape these common experiences, and the only recourse is to prepare for them.

I love my wife. I want to be with her for the rest of my life. We have a beautiful daughter and another child on the way. My biggest dream is to build our own house in a quiet place where we can live peacefully and quietly; it's about making a perfect little world where my wife, kids, and pets can have the best life possible.

I have one friend - he is a workaholic, he works all day and night. He has a beautiful wife and a kid, but unfortunately, he doesn't spend much time with them; instead, he spends more time at his office or home surfing the internet. I tell him that's going to ruin his life. This is not a good way to live your life. You have to appreciate those you love and make them happy; otherwise, they'll leave you one day! I then share my story of meeting the love of my life - she's everything that I could ever want.

I think most people will eventually experience falling in love. That is the purpose of life.

I have a friend who's getting on in age, and he started thinking about his family history and death; he was afraid that death would catch him by surprise and wasn't prepared for it. He thought one day I would pass away, and no one can stop this from happening to me, so now is the time to make my preparations. So he started preparing for his family history and death by recording videos talking to his wife, children, and grandchildren. He told them that when they watch this video later in life, they'll have their own children (he included pictures of all the kids) with their future families, so now you can see how big the family has grown. He recorded his funeral videos; he wanted to be cremated and have no memorial service afterwards. We can all go out and eat together (he included pictures of family members, friends, etc.) because I am sure we will miss him after leaving us.

How To Answer: Tell Me About A Time You Went Above & Beyond

There are quite a few. Let’s discuss them in the order that I think of them.


When you lose someone close to you. All of us are destined to lose a loved one at some point in our lives. Pets. Friends. Spouses. Family members. And eventually, we’re destined to lose even our own lives. It is our duty to accustom ourselves to our impending mortality, and that of those around us. If you can make your peace with loss before it happens, the less of an emotional roller coaster the loss will be when it finally manifests itself.


When we attempt to do something and don’t succeed. Failure is perhaps the most universal constant, even surer than disappointment or temptation (see below), and as equally certain as loss. Failure can be mortifying, especially if it’s public. But failure is necessary. Success teaches us nothing. Failure teaches us everything. It’s the universe telling us that whatever we were attempting isn’t as easy as we thought it was going to be, and that we need to try harder, work smarter, and make another try if we want to succeed.


When you hope something will happen, and it doesn’t. Perhaps the least traumatic of any entry on this list, but can still be an emotional stumbling block. When the person we like doesn’t like us back (or call us back after a date); when we don’t win the lottery; when we try so hard to win but lose anyway. Disappointment can become anger, which turns to bitterness, which leads to cynicism, pessimism, and depression—if we let it. Shrugging off disappointment and remaining optimistic and courageous in the face of adversity is something we all need to train ourselves to do.


When we’re tempted to do something we know we shouldn’t do. Sleep with a married coworker or acquaintance. Steal something from a store when the clerk isn’t looking. Cut in line. Say something blunt and unkind. Cutting corners. These are impulses we have every single day—dozens of them. And almost invariably, we know what the right choice is. It’s usually the harder, more unpleasant, more inconvenient thing to do in any given circumstance. But it’s the right thing to do, and therefore we must train ourselves to do it, no matter how we’re feeling at any given moment.

People will experience many things eventually

How to Know When to Leave Your Job (Quit Your Job)

1.fake people

2.depression(or feeling extremely low)

3.physical injuries




7.feeling so happy for a second and next second being sad

8.losing their loved ones

9.feeling helpless

10.false accusations

But please trust me guys this all will make you stronger 💯✨




Don't Quit Your Job (Until You Watch This Video) ✓

Feeling empty, to be more precise.

I guess we've all been there.

For some of us, this phase lasts for only a few days.

For others, it lasts for months and years.

Personally, I feel, this hollowness forms a complete circle. It keeps returning to us, over and over and we keep running around it, over and over.

A NEET dropper might feel empty cause all his friends have already gone to college, while he's still stuck in a step behind.

A bachelor might feel empty cause most of his friends are getting married in a tandem, while he feels he’s still not ready.

An unemployed youth might feel empty cause all his friends are doing well for themselves while he's still writing exams and depending on his parents for money. He feels like he's a burden on his parents.

For me,

The feeling of having a lot of say, but having no one around to listen to you, is emptiness.

The feeling of being surrounded by lots of people, whose indistinguishable hubbub you don’t even recognize, is emptiness.

The feeling of feeling like a burden on others, be it financially, emotionally or otherwise, is emptiness.

The feeling where you want to scream loudly and make your feelings heard to the entire world, but where you choose to stay silent and scream in your head, is emptiness.

The feeling of mindlessly scrolling through social media for hours OR watching sitcoms after sitcoms for hours, without even realizing it, is what emptiness is.

Why do so many of us stay hooked to our phones, the entire day?

5 Common Mistakes That Make You Seem Boring

  • Cause we feel more comfortable floating in an alternate reality projected by a random web series.
  • Cause we feel better understood by a set of random strangers. Whether or not it actually happens, can be a point of debate.
  • Cause we feel tired of being spoken over, again and again.
  • Cause everybody is living in his own world. You in your own, I in my own.

I write, when I feel empty.

It makes me understand and comprehend my feelings better and sort through the messy labyrinth that dwells in my head.

Here are two random diary entries I made when I was feeling something of the sorts.

On some days, I choose to record how disgusted I feel of myself.

On other ways, I choose to lift myself up.

And you don't need to be a certain age to feel empty. It's not like you need to be hated by others, in order to feel empty.

You can be 16, and still feel empty. You can have an amazing family and set of friends and still feel bouts of emptiness.

You can be in a happy relationship and yet feel hollow at times.

The feeling of emptiness is something, most of us will eventually go through.

This an unbelievable fact that we should know cause we often see something as old as 100 or 200: years maximumly but this is what that made you crazy and shocked you that how's 52 generation is serving there

We all know what it is.

We all fear it, but never talk about it.

We all have experienced it, but act as if it never happened.

Yes, indeed.


The poisonous and yet mysterious mixture of farts and poop.

As a baby, we all sharted our hearts out — and we loved the feeling ! — but usually we also wore diapers.

As soon as we are a bit older, the game changes.

And as a teenager or an adult, it can endow you with some of the most embarrassing situations in your entire life.

Remember that day, at the wedding ?

8 Habits That Make You A Natural Leader

You were wearing your beautiful white tuxedo, and in a sexy mood, you chose not wear your undies.

And then during dinner — I think it was the main course, and you had enjoyed too much champagne and wine — you decided to break some wind, discreetly and knowing that nobody would hear.

And then you felt it.

The moisture between your cheeks.

And the faint smell of disaster.

Your only choice was to wash it out in the restrooms (in a closed cubicle, of course), hoping that nobody would notice the stains, or the fact that your behind would be quite wet for quite a while.

And Uncle Rudy — who always noticed everything — noticed.

That was fifteen years ago, but it earned you your nickname.

And it will haunt you for the rest of your life.


If there's one thing everyone eventually goes through with it will be failure, no one missing this and everyone has had their fair share of it in life.

Nobody successful got to where they are without failure redirecting their step into something greater.

The problem with this is a lot of people see failure as an end instead of as a beginning to something magnificent and something that can change their life for good.

When you begin to realize that everyone goes through it you start being ready for it and start seeing it as redirection and lesson to something important.

Don't get emotional when failure hits rather see the lessons in them

The big things are death, love and failure! I forgot to add taxes! While some say they pay no taxes, most that don’t have an army of lawyers to keep them from paying taxes! We all must experience death, through parents,siblings,or ourselves! Love may take a while to find, but when you do, hang on to it! It is rare! Everyone fails at something. The measure of a person is; how did they deal with failure? If you ask any successful person, and they are being honest, they will admit to making a mistake and tell you how they fixed that mistake!

Physical maturity

Leaving ones parents or guardians that cared for them

Extreme happiness, sadness, jealousy, anger.

A few moments of fame.

Sexual intercourse

Life routines and feelings that are neither good nor bad just ho hum - kinda boring sometimes.

Loss of dear friend-family .

Joy of a new material item.

Pride in oneself for an accomplishment.

Guilt or embarrassment for a failure.

Tons of crap…. Wish we could all see how much we have in common

  1. Loss and earn. Those two cannot be seprate, one day you say goodbye to your friend, then the day after you may see a new friend. It could come in any form, you health, wealth, social, even your life.
  2. Up and down. The same like point above, there will be the moment your life is according to your plan, and vice versa, we could not predict our life isn't it?
  3. Alone and together. Not everyone may have the time like us, there will be time you guys spend time together for a long of time, yet we as individual have our own life, so there is such a time we will life alone for some of days or months or even years.
  4. Lost and found. Of course the majority of us still don't know what path they should take, where should they go, what job is good on them, some of us still feeling lost in their life, but that's part of being human, that way we could tell or share other about our stories.
  5. Dissapointed and satisfied. Again, it come in any form, but the most related on this point is about realationship. Choosing partner is like gambling, the package may come great, but after a few days the rotten part inside may show itself, whether you choose stay with it or left it behind.

That's all, everything is similar and everything is connected. Stay strong for you guys out there, if today you are feeling down, you could try share your story in Quora, I believe you could find the answers here and open a tiny light to your dark room.


Will People Ever See It? - George Harrison On The True Experience

Post summary:

  • Customer experience has fast become a top priority for businesses and 2022 will be no different. But, why are so many companies focusing on the customer experience and what happens to companies that choose to ignore it?
  • Customers no longer base their loyalty on price or product. Instead, they stay loyal with companies due to the experience they receive. If you cannot keep up with their increasing demands, your customers will leave you.
  • Cross-device shopping via a wide range of channels has made it difficult for companies to maintain consistency. Processes and technologies need to change in order to provide a consistent experience across all platforms. 

It wasn’t too long ago when every business claimed that the key to winning customers was in the quality of the product or service they deliver.

But, things have changed.

Now, an even more important success factor has appeared.

Providing the best customer experience.

We recently asked 1,920 business professionals to share their number one priority for the next 5 years.

The results?

Customer experience (or CX) came in first (beating product and pricing).

customer experience a top priority for businesses

It’s no surprise that customer experience is the number one priority.

The Temkin Group found that companies that earn $1 billion annually can expect to earn, on average, an additional $700 million within 3 years of investing in customer experience.

For SaaS companies in particular, they can expect to increase revenue by $1 billion.

That's right.

Investing in CX initiatives has the potential to double your revenue within 36 months.

So, where is this revenue growth coming from?

The customer’s wallet.

A good customer experience means your customers will spend more.

In fact, 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience.

The more expensive the item, the more they are willing to pay, according to a research from PWC.

A video for anyone feeling behind in life

For example, customers are willing to pay a price premium of up to 13% (and as high as 18%) for luxury and indulgence services, simply by receiving a great customer experience.

CX also influences on-the-spot purchasing, too - as 49% of buyers have made impulse purchases after receiving a more personalized experience.

But the most convincing reason why CX has become so important is this:

Walker study found that at the end of 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.

customer experience key brand differentiator

If CX is to play an important part in your 2022 plans (and it should!), use this article to stay ahead of the top customer experience statistics in the upcoming year.

At SuperOffice, we've helped thousands of companies use sales, marketing and customer service to improve the customer experience. This gives us access to data and insight into how consumers feel about the experience they receive - which we'll be sharing in this report (And unlike other lists, these CX stats are completely up to date).

What is customer experience?

Customer experience is your customers’ perception of how your company treats them. These perceptions affect their behaviors, and build memories and feelings to drive their loyalty.

In other words – if they like you and continue to like you, they are going to do business with you for a long time and recommend you to others.

So, it’s easy to see why it’s important for so many companies to focus on CX.

But, in order for your customers to like you, you need to get to know them. You need to invest in the long-term relationship (also known as relationship marketing), because when you understand who they they are, you are able to deliver a personalized experience across the entire customer journey.

But gaining this in-depth knowledge about customers isn't something that just happens. You need to collect customer data (i.e.Voice of Customer data) and bring out valuable insights from that data with speed and precision.

The good news is that it doesn't matter what kind of business you're in - improving the experience for your customers has been proven (time and time again) to increase retention, satisfaction and revenue.

why invest in customer experience

So, what can you do to create a positive customer experience?

Let's take a look at the most important trends.

1. Customer experience is the new battlefield

No one wants to do business with a company that treats you poorly.

And how you feel after an interaction with a customer service center has a huge impact on your future purchase decisions. A good interaction keeps you happy and satisfied, while a poor interaction could lead to you stop doing business with that company again.

I'm not who you think I am.

It’s because of these extremes why 88% of companies now prioritize customer experience in their contact centers. Yes, it’s that important.

And it’s easy to see why. If a customer is choosing to do business based on CX, then that’s where you have to stand out!

In fact, more than two-thirds of companies now compete primarily on the basis of customer experience – up from only 36% in 2010!

Therefore, if you want your customers to have a positive experience, you have to invest in it.

It makes sense, right?

The sad news is that less than half of all organizations will be investing in the customer experience next year.

In fact, our own research found that only 44% will increase the investment in their CX initiatives.

investment in customer experience initiativesBut if you are investing in CX, where do you begin?

According to Gartner’s research, companies that successfully implement customer experience projects begin by focusing on how they collect and analyze customer feedback.

Whether you use surveys, web forms, or Net Promoter Score (NPS) programs, read through their comments, suggestions and opinions to see what they expect from you. Then, invest in those projects to meet their expectations.

2. The importance of multi-channel servicing will increase

Companies interact with their customers across multiple channels, which can be through forms on their website, live chatsocial media and more.

However, while customers may be positive and accept different service levels from different channels, they also expect that the communication remains consistent.

Are you providing a consistent experience across all channels, both online and offline?

It can be challenging, but the gold standard here is IKEA.

If you visit any IKEA store around the world, you will get the same experience. IKEA invests heavily into customer experience.  This year alone, they've opened more stores, invested in its home delivery network and launched a brand new app - all to the benefit of their customer.

And the pay off has been huge! Not only is IKEA one of the most beloved companies in the world, but their annual revenues have now reached more than $40 billion worldwide.

And it’s this level of execution and result that is driving more companies to invest in the omni-channel experience.

In fact, in their 2020 report, PWC found that the number of companies investing in the omni-channel experience has jumped from 20% to more than 80%.

omni channel investment

Adding to this, Adobe recently found that companies with the strongest omni-channel customer engagement strategies enjoy a 10% Y-O-Y growth, a 10% increase in average order value and a 25% increase in close rates. It sounds like a no brainer to invest in CX, right?

3. Mobile customer experience is priority

When it comes to providing a positive experience across different channels, mobile customer service is expected to soar.

The reason is simple – a bad mobile experience can do serious damage to your brand!

For example, 57% of customers won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile. And if a website isn’t mobile-friendly, 50% of customers will stop visiting it, even if they like the business.

By not providing a positive mobile experience, you’re putting business growth in jeopardy, as the graphic below shows.

Why invest in mobile customer experience

It’s no longer the question whether the mobile experience is important or not.

We know it is!

According to Stat Counter52% of all internet traffic now comes from mobile, with desktop usage on a trending decline.

So it comes as no surprise why 84% of companies who claim to be customer-centric are now focusing on the mobile customer experience.

However, for companies that aren’t, they’ve been slow to adapt to this trend – especially when it comes to customer support – as an overwhelming 90% of customers report having a poor experience when seeking customer support on mobile devices.

The most common complaints being navigation, site search and load times.

common mobile cx issues

There is a huge gap that needs to be taken seriously.

If your customers cannot navigate your website with ease and find what they are looking for, then you frustrate them. And you lose them.

4. Customer frustration will lead to churn

According to Esteban Kolsky, 72% of customers will share a positive experience with 6 or more people. On the other hand, if a customer is not happy, 13% of them will share their experience with 15 or even more.

The challenge here lies in the fact that, in most cases, customers don’t tell you they’re unhappy. In fact, only 1 in 26 unhappy customers actually complain.

The rest, they just leave, Kolsky claims.

1 in 2 -customers complain

For many companies, the absence of negative feedback is a sign of satisfaction.

Everything You’ve Been Told About Money is WRONG | Ramit Sethi on Impact Theory

But, as the research shows, this might not be the case. Your customers may not be happy, or worse, they’re sharing their bad experiences with others.

Customer expectations are at an all-time high and it’s a tough time for companies to meet and exceed them.

Even if you provide a positive customer experience 9 out of 10 times, that one time you do not could be fatal.

In their future of CX report, PwC surveyed 15,000 consumers and found that 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience, while 92% would completely abandon a company after two or three negative interactions.

What constitutes as a bad experience?

Sometimes, it’s as simple as poor follow-up.

Our own research found that very few companies follow up with their customers. Put simply, you can avoid many of these poor experiences by sending a follow-up email.

5. Self-service help will be the first choice

In 2022, companies should ensure that customers are able to find answers to their questions using a wide-range of self-service options.

Today, 67% of customers prefer self-service over speaking to a company representative.

Furthermore, 91% of customers would use an online knowledge base, if it were available and tailored to their needs.

Customers are willing to find the answers themselves. So much so, that by 2030, Gartner estimates that a billion service tickets will be raised automatically by customer-owned bots.

To handle this demand, companies are turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In 2019, 25% of all customer interactions were automated through AI and machine learning. With 90% of companies now planning to deploy AI within 3 years, this number is expected to grow to 40% by 2023.

In the short-term, you need to make sure that when a customer has a problem, the right tools are available to them, so they can solve it, themselves.

In the long-term, you need to think about how AI and technology can help you improve customer experience.


With 9 out of 10 businesses competing mainly on customer experience, it’s the organizations that take customer experience seriously that will stand out from the noise and win loyal customers over.

One thing is for sure, in order to deliver a positive experience, you have to know your customers better than ever before.

This means creating complete customer profiles that help you understand and measure your customers’ behavior at every touch point, and across multiple channels.

(One way to handle this is by using a CRM.)

Once you know your customers well enough, you can use that knowledge to personalize every interaction. Customers these days have more power and choices than ever before. Thus, you are responsible for understanding and acknowledging their needs.

If you make sure their interaction with your company is smooth, pleasant and continuously improving, you will drive brand loyalty. If not, you’ll give your competitors the best gift you can – your customers.

What is your favorite customer experience trend? Are there any important customer experience statistics we missed?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.

In her Near Death Experience She Saw Everyone She Will Ever Love | Sarah Snow Near Death Experience

At some point in your life, you will experience betrayal on some level.

I don’t remember much of my eighth-grade-homeroom teacher. But he said one thing that never left me. “A secret is a secret until you tell someone, then it’s a confidence.”

Obviously he’d found out the “hard way” and was warning us. I found out the “hard way”, too. I suspect most of you have as well. I’m very good at keeping a confidence. Unfortunately, not everyone is like that.

I trusted a dear friend with a confidence. Later, I discovered my confidence was betrayed to three other people. One of the three individuals revealed it in a roundabout manner. If the betrayal was roundabout, how did I know I’d been betrayed?

For example:

What if I considered selling my house. I love my neighborhood and neighbors and don’t want them to know until I’ve definitely decided what I’m going to do. (Keep in mind this is an example. I do not intend to sell my house and move)

What if, while having coffee with someone, I reveal my plans and ask that those plans not be shared with anyone because I had not made up my mind.

How would I know that person betrayed my confidence? A week later, someone said to me, “I hear you may be leaving the neighborhood?”

Although it’s a shock to realize a person I had placed such faith in was not worthy of that trust, it taught me a very valuable lesson. “A secret is a secret until you tell someone, then it’s confidence.”

You will go through an experience where you’ll realise that you are no longer the most important thing in your own life.

When you become a parent/ bring a life into this world for the first time. Taking care of that helpless human being is the most responsible thing you’ll do. You don't know whats it likes to bring up a child. Six months later, you cannot imagine what life would be like without that baby. Lots of things in life you don’t get to do more than once. Having your first baby is one of them. That baby becomes the centre of your world.

In my opinion, bringing a life into this world and dealing with the loss of a loved one are a few of the many experiences we will go through in life.

It is essential that we deal with the inevitable instead of victimising ourselves. At the time when a loved one passes away, you obviously know that you're one of the victims of this catastrophe. Instead of crying away in a corner, you should summon all the courage and help arrange the best possible funeral and show that you’re someone your family can rely upon. That is when one’s personal growth takes place.

I believe most will experience heartbreak in his or her life.

The Most Stressful Restaurant Experience Ever - Key & Peele

“If you’re holding something back, it’s holding you back.”

― Shaun T

Practice Vulnerability

Growing up, I was never good at dealing with women. I was clueless when it comes to attracting the opposite sex.

There were times when girls teased me in a playful way and I had no idea they were romantically interested in me.

For example, basketball was one of my favorite childhood sports. And during recess in elementary school, that’s all I played.

One time when I was waiting for the next game, someone kicked me lightly in my right leg. Wondering who it was, I turned around. To my surprise, it was one of the most popular and pretty girls in my class. She smiled at me while slowly backing away.

She wanted me to chase after her.

But at the time, I was oblivious. I thought she was just being mean so I didn’t even bother.

Moving up the educational system, I gained more responsibilities. As a result, I only had time to focus on studying and getting good grades.

Dating was the last thing on my mind. Hence, I didn’t spend much time with other women. This pattern continued all the way up to college.

But shortly after graduating and joining the workforce, I suddenly had time to invest in romantic relationships.

As I discovered, meeting women of similar age and common interests was difficult compared to those days in school. Fortunately, I kept in touch with some female friends with who I went to college.

As getting to some of them more, I developed a romantic interest in one of them. She and I met while working at the same place near our university.

Despite liking her more than just friends, I didn’t want to express my feelings for her because of the following:

  1. She had a boyfriend.
  2. We got along and I was afraid of potentially losing her if I told her the truth.

However, during one of our meetups, she told me about her relationship with her partner has just ended.

On the outside, I was mournful. But on the inside, I was thrilled. This was my chance to reveal my affection for her.

After taking a few deep breaths and gathering up my courage, I told her this:

“Hey [name], I think you’re special. I like you more than just a friend. I’ve felt this way for quite some time now. The timing wasn’t appropriate and that’s why I haven’t told you. However, things have changed and I want to know where you stand.”

Like a deer caught in headlights, she was dumbfounded and blankly stared at me. After what felt like an hour, she expressed her lack of reciprocation and said we could always be friends.

That was the first time I put my heart on the line and the price I paid was excruciating.

That was the last time I ever saw her. After we parted ways, I went to a nearby lake and laid on the grass. Overwhelmed with emotions through replaying in my mind what has just happened, I started crying.

Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

As I continued sobbing, it started raining. I thought to myself:

“Even the sky is feeling sorry for me?”

After about 30 minutes, I wiped off the mixture of tears and raindrops on my face and slowly got up. While removing the loose grass on my clothes, I looked around.

Life was still going on. The world did not stop moving.

Confronted with a challenge, I asked myself:

  • “How can I prevent this from happening again?”
  • “What can I do to become a more attractive man?”

Right then and there, I decided to commit to becoming better with women. That’s when I started my lifelong journey of developing myself into the man women want.

Although the pain from my first heartbreak was extremely painful, I learned to use it as fuel to improve myself.

How to Experience the Presence of God - Sunday Service

It was an opportunity to grow and evolve as a man.

And through sharing this dark past time with those important to me (and now you), I don’t let it hold me down. That way I can let go of the emotional baggage and catalyze myself forward.

Free Yourself from Emotional Burdens

Regardless of what has happened to you in the past (positive or negative), realize that they don’t define you.

But it’s oftentimes the fatalistic defeats that hold you back. It’s due to your negative bias[1] that compels you to focus on pessimistic events.

Looking at life objectively, you’ll realize all events are neutral. Just like birth, death is indifferent because it’s a natural occurrence.

It’s the meaning which you give to the incident that makes it “good” or “bad.” Therefore, you can change the interpretation that you give to your past.

Although this may sound simple, it can be difficult to do.

To fully accept and make peace with your past, you must dive into it. You can slowly start the healing process by revealing your traumatic events to a therapist. As professionals, they can provide a safe place for you to fully express yourself.

Your vulnerability is welcomed in their presence.

Counselors can also give unbiased opinions that may shed insight into your past. Then, you can find valuable lessons and use them to propel you forward.

When you can truly say "thank you" to those events, they become fuel. Otherwise, they are baggage.

Since this is a process, it will require time and effort. Therefore, be patient with it.

As you disclose more about your agonizing past and/or current defeats, you’ll begin to feel lighter and stronger as you free yourself from the excess emotional weight.

You can go faster and farther in life than you have before because you’re no longer carrying the extra psychological burden.

Only after fully embracing your past can you wholeheartedly move on.

Liberate Your Inner Lover

As men, we are also humans. This means we have feelings.

But we were never taught that it’s okay to express them, especially negative ones such as sadness and anger. Instead, society (parents, teachers, etc.) has constantly told us to suppress our emotions.

We must be a “rock” regardless of what’s happening to us.

With that belief, most men walk around with a facade pretending nothing is bothering them. Because by doing so, they will be perceived as strong.

But that’s quite the contrary.

My Experience In Heaven: NDE

Revealing your scarring problems can be frightening. Therefore, it takes courage to display your imperfections such as your obstacles, fears, doubts.

When you take off the mask and become vulnerable, you are portraying bravery. It demands a high level of self-assertiveness and confidence.

By opening up, you are susceptible to criticism and attacks. Those who genuinely like you will respond supportively.

They appreciate your candor honesty and bravery in disclosing such personal and sensitive information. Because through sharing your problems with others who you trust, you no longer feel alone. You experience comradery because your confidants now know about your struggles.

You give them the opportunity to connect with you on a meaningful level. This is mandatory to bond deeply with your partner.

Your honesty creates relatability and trustworthiness. It shows you’re also human with flaws and challenges.

Not every situation calls for candidness as you’re the judge of its suitability.

Use the Past as Fuel

Every event has a purpose. It’s up to you to discover it.

Life is your greatest teacher.

Trusting it’s always helping you gives you confidence not to resist the unavoidable changes.

After discovering the invaluable lessons in each occurrence, you’re more equipped to deal with life’s inevitable obstacles.

In addition to releasing yourself of the emotional load from your painful past, current hardships, and future uncertainty, you can use them as a gateway to strengthen your relationships.

It’s your natural superhuman power.

I hope this helps.

Live purposefully,


The obvious answer is the loss of family and friends.

My mother died of cancer at age 56. My husband passed of cancer at the same age. That was a huge loss that has left a void in my life. I’ve lost a young grandchild, a young niece, a young nephew, and numerous friends over the years. A few years ago, a cherished pet, age 16.

We grieve for those we love. We miss them and the space in our lives that they filled. We try to keep them alive with photos, keepsakes, and our memories.

The other loss is that of time. I feel that I waste time on worries about people and events over which I have no control. Time is so precious. You can get back money, but never time.

Since age 25, I have always kept a sand timer. You know, the hourglass that is filled with sand and you turn it over and watch the sand drop down to the bottom. It’s always a reminder of the passage of time. It is likely an illusion but those last precious pieces of sand seem to move more quickly at the end.

That’s how it is with life. The end comes much sooner than we thought. Things change quickly. It’s a reminder to be more careful with Life’s most precious gift: Time.

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