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Saturday 6 November 2021

What is the best mindset to have before going into a relationship?

 What is the best mindset to have before going into a relationship ?

  • Love is not attachment, love is liberation. If you love someone then you must set him and yourself free, do not chain you both into your idea of love, do not dump your truck full of expectations on him.
  • The person who is least attached has the most power in a relationship. This comes from point number 1. Attachment causes misery, makes you vulnerable, clingy and quarrelsome.
  • Love never happens by chance. Falling in love is always a choice so is staying in love. There will always be people you would feel are better than your partner so be ready to make a choice every single day.
  • Your partner is your reflection. Knowingly or unknowingly we teach them how to love. So teach him kindness, patience, selflessness, loyalty and trust.
  • Loving shouldn’t feel like rowing a boat upstream, it should be as easy as breathing.
  • Things might not feel as euphoric as you imagined them in your mind, it is always better in imagination, trust me.
  • With any relationship problem, there are three sides to it: his (or hers), hers (or his), and the truth. Learn to see the truth.
  • People change all the time but what is meant to be yours will be yours so learn to let go. (They return every damn time only after you have truly let them go but by then you do not want them anymore).
  • Love is always selfish. Even when you are doing something for them you feel is a sacrifice, you are always wishing for something in return. Never say “I did this for you”. You always do it for yourself because it meant something to you.
  • Nobody is perfect, are you? Learn to love the imperfections.
  • Don’t try to be a parent, be a companion, be a friend, be an advisor but never a parent. Trust their decisions, don’t push your idea of right and wrong to them.
  • Before you ask if he/she is a right person, ask if you are the right person. Would you want to be in a relationship with a person like yourself? Think.
  • A lot of what happens with us in a relationship is because of our emotional state of which we are in charge. Nothing can hurt us, bother us unless we give it the power to.
  • Love can be anything but mediocre. Love has to be divine, it has to be great, it has be extravagant to be worthy of your time and energy. So when you fall in love, rather rise in love, make it divine.
  • Last but not the least

A person, who is visiting a hill-station for the first time, sees one beautiful house amid the foggy hills and falls in love in with it instantly.

He feels like living there forever

He imagines

  • waking up to see the warm sunrise-light getting split through the numerous leaves and reaching his face.
  • having hot coffee sitting on the balcony, watching the coffee vapors slowly dissolve into the fog.
  • slurping hot soup watching the clear constellations.
  • going for lovely walks in the foggy evenings, feeling the breeze and hearing those beautiful water-flow sounds.
  • He gets thrilled by those imaginations and falls in love with that environment and the vibe.
4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships | Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings | TEDxSquareMile

High chance, he will not imagine—

  • Small animals and wild insects sneaking into his house through back door and gaps between windows.
  • Dealing with frequent internet and power cuts.
  • Water getting struck in the pipelines due to ice formation.
  • Travelling few hundred kilometers to buy medicines or to see doctor or to get some uncommon groceries.
  • Servicemen taking days to respond and come to his house to fix the common problem.

The thing is

Both the scenarios are real.

But he doesn’t think of the cons as intensely as he focuses on high the pros give.

When he commits to stay in a hill-station, driven by the alluring pros, it goes without saying that he has to accept and adjust with the unwanted cons as well.

Only then, he can survive there.

Marriage or any relationship for that matter is also similar to staying in a hill-station.

Initially, love enchants you with the highs. It is seductive and splendid. It will make you go for it.

And you also liberally let yourself go with the flow.

But once you are in it, you realise there are so many things that you have to adjust, accept, change certain things and tolerate some things. There is sacrifice, self-denial, limiting freedom on behalf of another and putting yourself second at times.

Sometimes you have to climb few steps down to see the highs. Sometimes you have to endure the lows to climb the heights.

Some would be okay with the new surprises the cons throw and are confident that they handle come what may and it is worth fighting the world for,


Some would find it stifling and think that they should have thought about all these before committing to a relationship.

No one can rescue me, save me, complete me, change me or make me happy but me.

We are not responsible for each other's emotions.

How To Keep A Relationship Interesting (Keep the SPARK or Reignite The SPARK)

  1. Awareness: Don’t be creepy, but be aware of what is going on. Listen and watch for red flags. Many toxic relationships can be avoided by listening to intuition.
  2. Expectations: Don’t have any. Other than developing a friendship first. So many are in such a shit fire hurry to jump in the sack and start talking long term.
  3. Fun: Have fun getting to know one another. Be creative and do a wide variety of activities.
  4. Ask questions: For the most part, people like to talk about their self. Ask questions, get to the the person.
  5. Past relationships: Don’t let the toxicity of a past partner carry over into someone new. Give the person a chance to build trust, don’t freely give it away.
  6. Be yourself: Sure, we all have jitters in new relationships. But be you, don’t change for anyone. To often people say they like “this or that.” As the relationship develops they end up being a totally different person, because they were afraid to be their self.

Be willing to walk away.

This sounds pretty backwards, but the more willing you are to walk away, the better the relationships you will have.

When I took on this mindset, the quality of my relationships skyrocketed.

Here is the issue. Being in love is amazing and there is no other drug like it.

However, there is a big issue that arises when we want to “be with someone” or “belong to someone” so bad that we start to compromise on our values and beliefs to attain it.

We may have never really had anything in common with this person we’re “in-love” with, but we ignore that because being with them feels so damn good.

Months & years go by, that feeling of euphoria fades away and real life sets in.

Laughter and smiles are replaced with anger and shouting. Love and passion are replaced with resentment and fear.

Yet, we just can’t understand what the hell went wrong.

What went wrong is that when they told us they weren’t looking for anything serious when we wanted to eventually get married..., we stayed.

When we said we wanted kids and they said they didn’t…, we stayed.

When we said we needed them to be honest and faithful and they lied & cheated..., we stayed.

When they showed us they who they really were, someone we didn’t really want, we stayed anyway…

Because we were “in-love”.

Be willing to walk away.

"I am ready to grow old with you, but I am also ready to leave you at any time."

Drama is not interesting. There is no jealousy, wrath, abuse, blame, grand gestures or emotional addiction.

We set clear boundaries, and respect the boundaries of the other.

We both work at identifying our expectations and our assumptions.

The more clearly we communicate, the better our partnership.

We are open about the things that hurt us.

We are invested in (rather than afraid of) the growth and evolution of the other.

We are OK with being uncomfortable.

We are OK with things being awkward.

We understand that triggers are something to work through, not something to run from.

We understand it's normal to feel attraction towards others.

We do not attempt to control, manipulate, own, dominate the other.

We keep our word: to ourselves and to each other.

We both benefit from independence.

We both want and need time alone.

How To Create Attraction And Ignite Passion In A Relationship

1.Be willing to walk away from it. Many people pull themselves into relationships and waste a lot of time in them because they're simply afraid to be alone.

2. As the relationship gets on, open up more and enforce clear communication.

3. Focus on pointing out their negative points and ask yourself, "Can I deal with this?" People might not change, but your coping ability can.

3. Forget The Past

If you've been burned in past relationships, it's important not to compare your current partner to your past partners. It's not fair to you or to them.

4. He could be an amazing person, but that doesn't mean he is amazing for you.

This is amazing advice that I received from my mom after my first heartbreak. While he could be an all-around "great guy," that doesn't necessarily mean he's the best guy for you.

5. Don't expect your significant other to change for you

It’s not fair to push your partner to be different. People have to change because they want to change, not because they feel forced to change to appease someone else.

6. People leave — and that's OK.

People have a purpose walking into your life, but that doesn't always mean they're permanent. Ultimately, it may take months to stop missing someone, but it gets better with time.

7. Instead of resenting a past relationship, reflect on your growth

Is Your Anxiety Sabotaging Your Relationship? (Matthew Hussey)

No one is perfect in a relationship. Instead of placing the blame on the other person, try to acknowledge the mistakes you made throughout the relationship and reflect on what you learned from them. Owning up to my imperfections and working to improve them has helped turn a heartbreaking experience into a positive one of self-growth.

How do you mentally prepare for a relationship?

Being single has plenty of positives. For starters, it gives you the space and opportunity to work on yourself in the way that you need. Additionally, it helps you to see what you don't want out of a partner and likewise, what you do. 

But it can also be tough to know when you're ready to move on and be in a new relationship. We've rounded up 13 signs that you're likely emotionally ready to be in a relationship.

You've met someone great and didn't push them away.

La La Land movie date

If you want to pursue something with someone random, you are likely emotionally ready. Summit Entertainment

Meeting someone new with good intentions can make you think that they are "too good to be true," but going forward with dating them can be a good thing. Relationship expert and matchmaker Eileen Fisher told INSIDER that if you choose to still see where things go – even if it's someone you never thought could be "the one," you're likely ready for a relationship.

"The most common yet shocking way is that you allow someone in your life as your partner that you never thought you would meet," she said. "Like someone you talk to at work or someone you meet at the gym. Really, just someone in your mind you never thought could be the one and you open your eye to them."

How To Feel More Confident And Secure In Relationships If You Have An Anxious Attachment Style

You've stopped questioning things.

to all the boys i've loved before

Not questioning a relationship is a great step. Netflix

If you've ever been hurt in a relationship, chances are you've started to question and compare those that you're dating. Though that's not a good thing to do in any instance, Fisher said that once you've let go of the need to do that, you're moving more toward settling down.

"If you realize you've had enough with the comparing each person to another, you could be ready," she said. "You've also stopped asking your friends' opinion on each of those you decide to start dating."

Your rigorous checklist no longer exists.

couple holding hands jeans denim relationship

Suddenly, how you feel is important, not your checklist. sergey causelove/Shutterstock

Regardless if you're 18 or 28, almost everyone has had some sort of checklist when it comes to their ideal partner. The moment you realize that those checklists won't give you the perfect person, however, you've opened yourself up to a relationship.

"Ahh, the "checklist," Fisher began. "When you start to realize that no one, and I mean no one, is going to be exactly who you thought you were going to be with, that's a sign. From their height and weight down to their job, you've stopped making assumptions on what they should be."

You're happy with where you are in life.

gay couple happy

You need to be happy to be in a happy relationship. oneinchpunch / Shutterstock

True happiness can't be defined by anyone that you currently have in or choose to let in your life. True happiness comes from yourself and according to Fisher when you've found that, you're ready to be with someone else.

This may be the most obvious, yet people really need to look deep for this one," she said. "You're in a place where you feel good about who you are and where you're going and are comfortable with saying "I am ready for my next chapter." This is for all chapters in your life."

STOP BEING NEEDY & INSECURE | how to stay independent in relationships

You've learned how to compromise.

couple kissing getty makeout romantic relationship

You are willing to compromise. Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Compromising can be difficult if you've found yourself dating someone selfish, but Elena Murzello – dating and relationship expert and author of "The Love List: A guide to getting who you want" – said that it's not impossible. Especially if it's one of the things you've built your relationship on.

"Being open to sharing your life with someone means that things are not always going to go your way," she said. " You have to learn how to meet someone halfway in order to move forward in the relationship. Maybe it's taking turns doing an unpleasant task or maybe it's your decision next time on where you go for dinner. Compromising means you value the other person's thoughts and feelings enough to make the relationship work so you both win."

Independence isn't foreign to you.


Knowing how to be by yourself is still an asset in relationships. last19/ iStock

Whether you've been in a long-term relationship in the past or are interested in pursuing one, being with someone that is completely dependent on you can be unhealthy. If you've learned to be independent, however, and are interested in someone that is as well, a relationship is soon to follow.

"You are living your own life on your own terms," Murzello said. "Joining someone in a relationship does not mean that they 'complete you', it means that you are willing to share your full life with them. You can learn from one another and inspire each other to be the best version, but you are complete on your own."

You've sorted out your own issues.

questions everyone has about their relationship

You're content with yourself. NBC

Whether your insecurities came from relationships that have hurt you in the past or things that you haven't dealt with from your younger days, once you've worked them out for yourself, Murzello said that you're ready to be with someone wholeheartedly.


"You are at peace with other past relationships, dealt with any tension between family or friends, and you have worked on any addictions," she told INSIDER. "This makes you 'available' for a relationship. The work you have done is with yourself and are not looking for the new relationship to act as a scapegoat to any issues you may have. Working on skeletons may be an ongoing effort, but the majority of the work (acknowledging there is a problem and taking corrective action to work on it) has already taken place."

You've learned how to be an effective communicator.

couple relationship

Communicating is important. Shutterstock / 4 PM production

If you've had trouble in the past, learning how to effectively communicate with someone may be a task. But, once you've discovered the best way to do that, being in a relationship won't be as difficult as you thought.

"You know how and when it is appropriate to express your thoughts and feelings," Murzello said. "When something bothers you, you address it or in a clear manner rather than taking a passive aggressive/aggressive road. You can listen as well as express yourself.  Everyone communicates differently so it's important to figure out your style and how it can be used constructively."

You've gotten over you ex.

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You can't be in a happy relationship with someone if you still aren't over your last one. The CW

One of the most common reasons that keep people from moving on to a happy and thriving relationship with someone new is the fact that they're still hung up on their previous unhealthy relationship. According to Match dating expert Rachel DeAlto though, once you've fully gotten over your ex, you're emotionally ready for something new.

"Sure they may pop into your life from time to time, but you're not comparing everyone to them," she told INSIDER. "You're also not stalking them on social media or wondering what you can do to get them back."

You may be alone at times, but you are not lonely.

Walking alone in rain

Being lonely might make you get into a bad relationship. Phil Noble/Reuters

Although many people don't realize it, being lonely and alone are too different things. And DeAlto said that once you can differentiate between spending time by yourself and feeling completely by yourself, that may be the key to walking into your next relationship.

"Get into a relationship for the right reason, not to fill an empty space," DeAlto said. "A relationship entered into purely based on loneliness isn't likely to be healthy or sustainable."

How To Overcome Jealousy In A Relationship

You've learned to love yourself more than anyone.

new girl

You have to love yourself first. FOX

Choosing to love yourself most is the first step to getting yourself ready for a new relationship and though it may be a process, you'll learn so much about yourself while learning to do so.

"We are all a work in progress, but a relationship is made of two wholes – not halves," said DeAlto. "Fill your own tank first. Date yourself first. Love yourself first. Then get into a relationship."

You're done playing the field.

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Dating a bunch of people at once doesn't sound appealing anymore. Monty Brinton/CBS

Dating multiple people at one time may feel like a way to find the perfect relationship, but relationship expert and Platinum Poire CEO Rori Sassoon said that doing this can prevent you from getting yourself emotionally ready for a healthy relationship.

"If you're going to sail the seas of love, it's best to choose one boat to captain," she said. "Otherwise, you may wind up overboard on all ships."

You want to share your love and positivity with someone else.

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You want to spread joy and love. Wikimedia

If you're a person who is afraid to let someone else love you or even afraid to love someone else, wanting to be in a relationship probably isn't something that sits at the front of your mind. If you've gotten past that, however, then this is a major sign that you're emotionally ready to be with someone else.

"In any relationship, you give what you give," Sassoon said. "There's nothing better than two healthy people that are secure in themselves and are ready to create something beautiful.

7 Daily Habits That Build A Strong Romantic Relationship

This sounds pretty backwards but the more willing you are to walk away the better the relationships you will have.

When I took on this mindset I spent less time in bad relationships and more in great ones.

Here is the issue. Being in love is amazing and there is no other drug like it.

However there is a big issue that arises when we want to “be with someone” or “belong to someone” so bad that we will cast aside our peace, comfort, and needs to have it.

We may have never really had anything in common with this person we’re “in-love” with but we ignore that because being with them feels so damn good.

Months & years go by, that feeling of euphoria fades away and real life sets in.

Laughter and smiles are replaced with anger and shouting. Love and passion are replaced with resentment and fear.

Yet, we just can’t understand what the hell went wrong.

What went wrong is that when they told us they weren’t looking for anything serious when we wanted to eventually get married... we stayed.

When we said we wanted kids and they said they didn’t… we stayed.

When we said we needed them to be honest and faithful and they lied & cheated, showing no effort for true change... we stayed.

When they showed us who they really were, someone we didn’t really want, we stayed anyway…

Because we were “in-love”.

Sometimes feeling good can get in the way of extraordinary.

Be willing to walk away.


How To Avoid Arguments In A Relationship

What to think about before getting into a relationship?

Being in a relationship has its perks: you always have a designated cuddle buddy and someone to talk to about the Game of Thrones. But knowing that a relationship is only as stable and healthy as the people in it, you’ve made it your goal to #lovebetter this time around (good for you 🌻). 

The thing is, even if you consider yourself a healthy partner there’s always room for improvement! Since 100% of us aren’t perfect and will either be in an unhealthy relationship or do unhealthy things we wanted to share a few life hacks that will help you #lovebetter. We often focus on learning to love once we’ve entered a relationship, but we have a gut feeling that the foundation of a healthy relationship starts with you, and we have a sneaky suspicion that you intuitively know this too. 

That said, mastering these simple life skills will absolutely help you #lovebetter, so let’s get started!

1. Love Your Alone Time

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 2

Too often, especially in the beginning of a relationship, couples start to do everything together. Hanging out with your S.O. is great but maintaining your independence while you’re in a relationship will be super important to your happiness in the long run. That said, enjoying your alone time is key — whether you’re single or happily coupled. Do all of the things you love, whether it is walking the dog, getting work done in a cafe, or watching that movie that you secretly love, it’s important to be totally comfortable by yourself. While I would love to be with my partner every second of every day, I still cherish my time spent alone. It gives me time to clear my head, get work done, and practice self-care. 

Pro tip: Remember those things you did before your partner? Keep doing them. I have a cafe I visit religiously to get my work done. Once in a while, my partner joins me for lunch or a coffee, but it’s still my ritual that I prefer to do alone. Whether it’s driving, trails you like to run, or re-watching that episode of Lost that makes you cry every single time, keep building a relationship with yourself.


2. Keep Jealousy From Ruining Your Relationships

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 3

After being in an unhealthy relationship where cheating was involved, it can be challenging to not jump to conclusions the next time around. Jealousy, of course, isn’t confined to love, it could be in regards to a coworker that got a promotion over you, it could be to the sibling that gets all the praise, or even directed toward the friend that looks flawless one hundred percent of the time. In more extreme cases, jealousy can lead to possessiveness in a relationship, and that’s unhealthy behavior! There’s no need to compare yourself to other people — keep on doing you and hold your head high.

Pro tip: Practice self-love and positive affirmations! You are awesome and deserve all the good things that come into your life! If your partner’s behavior makes you feel insecure then it may be time to start a conversation about the things that make you uncomfortable. 


3. Manage Your Finances 

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 3

Not being impulsive with money is always a great skill to have, but as we all know, the first stages of a relationship can be filled with impulsivity. Of course, you want to impress your new bae, and impulsive dates are the best kind of dates, but if you do that stuff too often it quickly becomes equivalent to another bill each month. Having an idea of what your spending limits are is extremely helpful when planning dates. Some of the best dates cost no money at all, and a thoughtful gift doesn’t have to be an expensive one.

Pro tip: There are a variety of apps that can help squash unhealthy spending habits. If you’re like me and know that you won’t actually keep up with an app, plan dates that focus on just being with each other. Going for a hike, watching a movie or making a homemade dinner at home are all lowkey date ideas that won’t hurt your wallet.


4. Manage Stress

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 4

Finding healthy ways to cope with stress is important in all aspects of life, not just relationship building. Stress management may include a yoga class, a simple walk around the park, or even a quick journal entry at the end of each day — do whatever helps you unwind. Too often we take out our stresses on the people close to us, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Finding healthy ways to cope with stress outside of your relationship only make the unwinding at the end of the day with your S.O. that much better.  Bringing stress into the relationship only creates more stress — its a cycle. Having solid stress management skills will help prevent you from snapping at your S.O. 


5. Master Time Management 

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 5

This one is my greatest weakness, and only becomes worse when I’m dating. It’s so easy for me to procrastinate and push responsibilities to the side when I’m in a relationship because I become so focused on spending quality time with that person. Putting things off to a later date because I’ve made plans with my significant other has bitten me in the back so many times, I’ve lost count! Having good time management skills before entering a relationship is key. Getting swept away in the moment is nice, but making sure you reach deadlines and don’t lose track of reality is better. That being said, it’s completely possible to be swept away while keeping your feet on the ground! Be sure to communicate to your S.O. what things you need to get done–a supporting partner will absolutely help you maintain your balance.

Pro tip: Planners or lists help (even for unorganized folks such as myself)! Visually seeing what you need to do over the course of a week or day can help you make sure your Netflix and snuggle sessions don’t interfere with that important deadline you need to reach.


6. Pursue Your Passions — and Make Them a Priority

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 6

It’s incredibly helpful to already be on the path of pursuing your passions when you enter a relationship. I count myself among the lucky few who have a clear career path and life goals in mind and am in the process of obtaining them. But we all know that life doesn’t necessarily work that way. Whether you are in the midst of working towards your goals, are just discovering what they are, or just pursue them on the side for personal gratification, whatever makes you tick should not be pushed aside when you enter a relationship, or at any point during the course of it. When the “we” mentality starts to take over it’s easy to put your passions, desires, and dreams, on hold. Don’t! That being said, you don’t want to become self-absorbed and put all of your priorities above your S.O.’s needs. It’s completely doable to find a healthy balance. Whatever you were passionate about before you entered your relationship is still there, having a partner just adds an amazing person to your corner to cheer you on. And, if they don’t support your dreams and passions, they are not worth your time.


7. Become Self Aware

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 7

How do your actions affect others? What are some things that you need to work on? Try to do this without being too critical. Outside of a relationship, what kind of person are you? What kind of partner are you when you’re in a relationship? These questions are important to ask before you enter something serious. Knowing yourself inside and out will only help build a better foundation with your partner. It’s not just about getting to know another person — it’s about getting to know yourself too.


8. Be Unapologetically Yourself

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 7

You love binging those awful conspiracy theory documentaries? Own it. You’ve avoided the craft beer trend and are happy with a $2 beer instead? Order it. The idea of going out to a party stress you out? Don’t go! Stay in and binge-watch those awful documentaries instead. Life is far too short to pretend to be someone you’re not, and you’ll only regret the time wasted trying to pretend you were someone else. Being yourself from the get-go in a relationship will help you avoid wasting your time with the wrong partner. If they aren’t totally into who you are at your core, there’s no point in continuing what you started.


9. Check Your Baggage

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 8

What are you holding onto? How does it affect your ability to love and be loved? The common saying, “check your baggage at the door” is often easier said than done. Your past traumas, experiences, and relationships absolutely affect your current one. Healing isn’t linear, and even if you know how these experiences affect you, sometimes it’s still difficult to leave them out of your current equation. Maybe you’re still in your healing process, but just being aware of the baggage you carry with you can help a ton in fostering a healthy relationship instead of being oblivious to it.


10. Improve Your Communication Skills

10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship Learn 9

Another skill that benefits all aspects of your life. Sometimes relationships are awkward and you have conversations that leave you wanting to teleport anywhere else than that moment. Being able to communicate your wants, needs, and what can be improved are the building blocks of a healthy, lasting relationship. Lack of communication creates rifts of misunderstanding and sometimes puts your wants and needs on the back burner. Being able to articulate clearly what exactly you mean is an admirable trait, and will create a strong foundation to any relationship, not just romantic.

Pro Tip: Before having a difficult or uncomfortable conversation, write down the points you want to make and what you want to say. This helps organize your thoughts and makes sure that you are able to communicate all that you need to.

Here we go

  • If you text 'I love you' to a person and the person writes back an emoji — no matter what that emoji is, they don't love you back.
  • A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
  • Never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary; but instead someone who does treat you as your extraordinary self.
  • Don't try to be something to everyone. Be everything to someone.
  • The key to a successful relationship is to clear your internet history.
  • Relationships start with “Can we talk?” and end in “We need to talk.”
  • If a man expects his women to be an angel in his life, he should first create a heaven for her.
  • A relationship without trust is like a car without gas: You can stay in it all you want, but it won’t go anywhere.

Thanks 😊

Do you want to know what is the best mindset to have before going into a relationship? A quality relationship is having a good mindset.

There is a simple sauce of a good relationship, you need to be very clear from your thoughts and mindset that you want a good relationship. Before understanding your mindset you need to first understand your relationship goals and what you expect from his relationship is very clear to you.

If you have no idea about what is the best mindset to have before going into a relationship, then you are coming to the right place, in the end, you are able to identify easily what is the best mindset to have before going into a relationship and how you make a healthy relationship with your partner. What skills do you need to develop the right mindset for achieving healthy relationships?

What is the best mindset to have before going into a relationship?

1. Be a great listener:

IF you want an awesome starting in your relationship, then you need to be a good listener. Always listen to your partner first, so it gives you a clear idea of what they expect from you and what they want, then it’s easy for you what action you take that builds trust in you. So it is important you develop the skill of a good listener.

2. Good communication:

There is no doubt a good communication skill, not only helps you make your relationship, not of professional basis but also personal basis. If you really want that your relationship with your partner is going awesome for long life then you have to develop good communication.

3. Personal space is important:

No matter how strong your relationship you need to respect your partner and your privacy. Give us a personal timer to both of you, so you can feel refresh and passionate about your relationship. Spending some time alone is equally important for maintaining a long-term healthy relationship.

4. Never control each other:

A healthy relationship never demands to control your partner, it’s all about respect each other, the show loves & cares. So before going into any relationship with your partner never develop a mindset that you control your partner, in place of this you need to develop a mindset that you work as a team and achieve their goals.

5. Never forget who you really are:

If you want a healthy relationship, then never forget who you really are. Never forget your values & tradition that makes you a good person. The more you close to your reality the better you inspire your partner that you are ground to earth person and your partner likes you very much.

6. Stay away from jealousy:

Jealousy never gives you a positive result in your relationship, so never try to do many things that make your partner feels jealous. Always focus on what things you do that make your partner happy and make you proud of yourself.

7. Financial stability is important:

There is no doubt money is one of the most important expect of making your relationship stable, so before going into any relationship, you need to develop good money management skills.

8. Mastering time management skills:

Why most of the relationship fails because they have no time for their partner. So sooner or later they feeling lack of trust and their mind is full with stress and feeling insecure. So if you want to avoid this, then you need to develop good time management skills so you spend quality time with your partner.

9. Trust:

Trust plays a very important factor for long-lasting relationships and to build trust all you need to do show your love respect, acre, and helping nature to your partner really helps you to build trust in your partner. The more you trust your partner also start trusting in him.

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