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Tuesday 2 November 2021

How do I get inspired for a long time?

 How to Stay Highly-Motivated For a Really Long Time

How do I get inspired by myself?

It’s not easy to motivate yourself. If you’re like many people, you know the drill:

  • Set the alarm early… then can’t get out of bed.
  • Write a to-do list… then get overwhelmed and escape into a Netflix-binge.
  • Get excited about goals… then feel guilty for not working on them.

These cycles seem like they’ll never end, right?

All the while, you feel drained, frustrated, full of self-doubt, and – sometimes, just sometimes – like you’ve fallen into a bottomless pit of darkness and despair.

Just me? Ah, okay. Anyway… 

Surely there are ways to find motivation, and – critically – stay motivated? Thankfully, there are.

Here are 25 ways to motivate yourself so that you can become the person you want to be and achieve your goals.

Don’t wait for someone else to do it. Hire yourself and start calling the shots.


How to Find Motivation

This Simple Trick Will Make You Motivated Everyday (Animated Story)

1. Just Start

Urgh. Don’t you just hate this advice? 

Still, there’s a reason we’ve all heard it a million times: it can work wonders.

You don’t always need to reason with your emotions or rationalize why you need to do something. You can deal with those negative feelings later on, at the right time. Instead, try setting aside all of the negative emotions and simply START.

As the famous writer Mark Twain once said: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Real Motivation: Mark Twain Quote

2. Break Tasks Down Into Small Steps

Woah… another piece of ground-breaking, never-heard-before advice, right?

Again, there’s a reason so many people recommend that you use this tactic when trying to motivate yourself – sometimes it’s the simplest things done well that work the best.

Remember, you can’t do everything at once. That’s why the painter Vincent Van Gogh said, “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

Here’s a method to help you find motivation to get things done: Write down what you need to do on a piece of paper. Then, write down every single step you need to take to make it happen. Finally, ignore everything except the step you’re working on.

12 Keys to Success: Habits & Lessons From My Journey

Once in the flow, you may just find it easier to continue with the next task.

3. Create a Positive Mindset

Getting motivated is almost impossible if you’re looking at the situation from a negative viewpoint. On the other hand, positivity can be energizing and help you to motivate yourself.

So, pause and ask yourself, “what’s good about this situation?”

As the author Catherine Pulsifer said, “If we have the attitude that it’s going to be a great day it usually is.”

Getting Motivated: Catherine Pulsifer Quote

4. Create a Feeling of Gratitude

When you find yourself stuck in a rut, it can feel impossible to motivate yourself. So before you try to motivate yourself, take a step back and try to appreciate how you feel.

When you feel appreciation for yourself, it’s much easier to stay motivated.

One of the quickest ways to feel good about yourself is to practice gratitude – it’s almost entirely impossible to feel low and grateful at the same time.

To practice gratitude, start by writing down three things you’re grateful for. These could be anything – from your morning coffee, to your pet, or even the comfortable chair you sit on. 

How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated

Ideally, you could make this part of your daily routine to find everyday motivation.

5. Be Kind to Yourself

When you procrastinate or make a mistake, it’s easy to beat yourself up. In fact, if you’re like many people, you may find that you internally “speak” to yourself in a mean way. 

If you notice yourself doing this, pause and try to speak to yourself kindly instead. You wouldn’t speak to someone else that way, so why do it to yourself? You deserve your own kindness.

Try to remember your true inherent value as a human being. Then, allow yourself to gently come back to the task at hand.

6. Be Constructive

When you realize you’ve made a mistake or finally bring yourself back from a procrastination session, you have a golden opportunity to learn and improve.

Ask yourself, “Why did I make this mistake? How can I avoid making the same mistake in the future?”

If you do this and act on what you learn, you’ll transform mistakes into opportunities.

The entrepreneur Arianna Huffington said, “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”

Everyday Motivation: Ariana Huffington Quote

7. Cut Your To-Do List Down

To-do lists can help us organize our tasks and focus on what’s important. However, they can also overwhelm us so much that we end up procrastinating even more.

So, if you find yourself struggling to stay motivated, cut your to-do list down to a more manageable size.

Each day, choose no more than three tasks and make that your new to-do list. Then, ignore all but the first item. You may find that with time, you can take on a longer to-do list.

8. Set Attainable Goals That Excite You

If you have a goal that feels too big or unattainable, it may make you feel crippled with anxiety and fear. This is a surefire way to prevent yourself from developing motivation.

How to Create the Life You Want, One Small Change at a Time

For now, let go of goals that paralyze you. Instead, choose exciting enough goals to help you motivate yourself, but not so big that you freeze when facing them.

As the politician Theodore Roosevelt said, “Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.”

9. Imagine Your Future If You Don’t Change

This tip can make inspiring yourself easy: Instead of focusing on the change you want, imagine the life you’ll have if you don’t stay motivated.

Ask yourself, “What will life be like in one year, five years, and ten years?”

Here’s a motivational quote from an anonymous wise person: “You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours.”

Developing Self Motivation: Unknown Quote

10. Reflect on How Far You’ve Come

How often do you pause, reflect, and appreciate how far you’ve come?

If you’re like many people, you probably don’t give yourself enough credit for all the growth you’ve gone through.

Take a few minutes to close your eyes and remember your successes, however small – relive and feel into them.

Do this often to help you stay motivated.

11. Remind Yourself of Your “Why”

Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, said, “Motivation comes from working on things we care about.”

Take a moment to write down three reasons you want to find motivation to get things done. Do you want to improve your fitness, get an education, save money, or start a business


Keep coming up with answers until you find ones that will help you stay motivated.

Get Rid of Self-Limiting Beliefs 27/30 How to Process Emotions

13. Eliminate Distractions Mercilessly

Distractions are the enemy of focus. If you want to get motivated, you have to eliminate distractions.

As the billionaire investor Warren Buffett said, “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.”

The saying goes, “You can have anything you want. However, you can’t have everything you want.”

So, turn your phone off and leave it in a different room. Close the door. Turn the music off. Delete distracting apps. 

Remind yourself that you are not punishing yourself – you’re just focusing on your goals. Then, remember what you truly want in the long-term.

Inspiring Yourself: Warren Buffet Quote

12. Commit 100% to the Deal You’re Making

Remember, nothing comes for free.

When you want something, you have to give something in return – whether it’s time, effort, hard work, or emotional discomfort.

That’s the deal.

Take a moment to recognize and appreciate the deal you’re making. Then commit to it 100%.  Maya Angelou, the activist and poet, once said, “Nothing will work unless you do.”

14. Declutter and Tidy

It’s extremely difficult to motivate yourself if you can’t see your bedroom floor and your desk looks like something has exploded on it.

Have you ever heard the expression, “tidy space, tidy mind”? 

What’s your environment like? Is it tidy, neat, and clean? Or is it messy and cluttered? Work from the outside in and create an environment that helps you to stay motivated.

Daily Habits to Prevent Depression During Stressful Times: Coronavirus COVID-19 Depression

15. Change Your Inputs

You know the saying, “you are what you eat.” And we consume a lot every day – food, music, podcasts, TV, social media.

So, if you’re finding it challenging to motivate yourself, mix things up a bit. Listen to motivational podcasts, check out a must-read book, or watch some inspiring videos.

This can help you to freshen up, get energized, and find motivation to get things done.

16. Look to People in Your Life for Motivation

Some people energize us, others we find draining.

The motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

So, when possible, seek out enthusiastic, motivated people to spend time with. Let yourself get wrapped up in their positive energy, and you may start developing self-motivation, too.

Things that Motivate You: Jim Rohn Quote

17. Ask for Help From Friends and Family

If you’re really struggling to motivate yourself, consider asking a close friend or family member for help. You could ask them to hold you accountable and check up on your progress.

By expressing your goals out loud to someone else, it can help to make them feel more real. Plus, if you know someone will check in on your progress, you may be more likely to follow through.

19. Follow Inspiring People Who Motivate You

There are so many inspiring people out there who can help you to motivate yourself. Is there an entrepreneur, teacher, musician, or politician you find inspiring? 

You can also learn how people you admire stay motivated, and then apply the lessons to your own life.

As the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said, “Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.”

Motivational Things: Socrates Quote

19. Listen to an Upbeat Song

If you need to motivate yourself quickly, try this super-simple tip: listen to a song you love that’s upbeat, inspiring, and full of energy.

For bonus points, dance like a crazy person at the same time.

Then, as soon as the song finishes, don’t pause – dive straight into action. It may become one of your favorite ways to stay motivated.

This is why you don’t feel inspired.

20. Remember Your Power and Potential

Look, you are powerful, and you have enormous potential. 

You may not feel like it sometimes, and you may even feel like I’m silly for saying it to you, but it’s true.

The author Alice Walker said, “The most common reason people give up their power is because they think they don’t have any.”

So, please, take a moment to dig deep and try to connect with your inner power and potential – imagine what you could achieve.

Become still. 

Then listen to that quiet voice in your head saying, “You can do this.”

Getting Motivated: Alice Walker Quote

How to Motivate Yourself: A Summary

Getting motivated can be tough – and it can be even more challenging to stay motivated. In summary, here are 20 ways to motivate yourself:

  1. Just start and wait for the motivation to catch up with you.
  2. Break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps.
  3. Create a positive mindset by asking yourself, “what’s good about this situation?”
  4. Create positive feelings by writing down three things you’re grateful for.
  5. Be kind to yourself when you make a mistake, then come back to the task at hand.
  6. Know that mistakes are a necessary part of progress – accept and learn from them.
  7. Cut overwhelming to-do lists down and focus on just one thing at a time.
  8. Let go of goals that overwhelm you and set attainable goals that energize you.
  9. Imagine your future if you don’t motivate yourself.
  10. Reflect on your past successes and use the positive feelings to stay motivated.
  11. Remind yourself of the reason why you want to find motivation to get things done.
  12. Remember the trade-off you need to make to get what you want, then commit 100%.
  13. Eliminate the things that distract you and then focus on one thing to achieve your goals.
  14. Tidy space, tidy mind – declutter and organize your space to help motivate yourself.
  15. Stay motivated by experiencing different food, music, books, or podcasts.
  16. Look to people in your life who inspire and motivate you.
  17. Ask close friends and family to help hold you accountable.
  18. Follow people who inspire you online.
  19. Listen – and dance! – to an upbeat song. Then dive into action when it finishes.
  20. Connect with your true potential – you’re more powerful than you think.

Which item on this list resonated with you most? Have we missed any great ways to motivate yourself? Let us know in the comments below!

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How do I get inspired all the time?

As any entrepreneur can attest, with a million and a half things to tackle, sometimes all you can do is keep your head above water. It's times like these where you might feel that passionate flame dwindling, and stop getting those "aha" moments of inspiration.

If you ever find yourself feeling in a rut at work, you need an inspiration intervention. Because who has the time to wait for inspiration to strike again? Getting inspired and passionate is within your grasp and easily accessible; it just takes a little elbow grease sometimes.

Here's how some super-successful people find a daily dose of inspiration to help them stay on track, and you can too:

1. Spend time with a mentor

Article continues after video.


Compass Founder Robert Reffkin on How to Bounce Back From Failure

Malala Yousafza, the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize winner, cites her mother and father as her greatest sources of inspiration to continue her work as a human rights activist: "Their belief in themselves was so strong that they defeated all their weaknesses."

Spending time with someone you admire is a great way to inject some inspiration into your life, and the positive influence of a mentor is invaluable. It's a gift that allows people to pay it forward, and believe me when I say that those of us who have established success want to help others do the same.


MY BUSINESS STORY | How I started, got clients & my stuggles

2. Frame that rejection letter

No, this isn't an excuse to hole up in your room and resent those who rejected you.

Herb Greenberg, partner at Pacific Square Research, carries around a decades-old rejection letter to remind him to keep pushing to do better. It's not that he enjoys ruminating about a lost job in his youth, but today he says "those words resonate and continually inspire me" to do better.

Keeping a "failure file" is a reminder of those times you decided to reach higher and bigger. It can show you that despite those rejections, you're still here, and that you can still keep reaching for the stars. If you've feeling a little low on inspiration or dragged down by rejection, try this mental Jujitsu to inspire you to higher achievement.

3. Make a vision board

Oprah brought these into the mainstream years ago, and many successful women still swear by the power of pasting pictures of your dreams on a poster board to look at every day. Bestselling cookbook author and TV host Devin Alexander makes two vision boards: one personal, one professional. "The reason you should make one is they create a regular and present reminder of what you dream about."

This doesn't even have to be a board; as long as you find a way to jot down those aspirations that pop into your head, you'll be more inspired to reach them. When you have a clear image of what you want, you'll have the drive to go out and get it!

4. Act like a little kid

If you're feeling uninspired due to the day-to-day monotony, pretending to be 7-years-old again is a perfect way to rekindle that spark.

If you're giving this advice the side eye, a study featured on the Wall Street Journal showed that those who imagined themselves as 7-year-olds scored significantly higher on tests of inspired thinking than those who took the tests in their "adult" minds.

By rethinking everything, you can go into work and look at everything with a fresh set of eyes. Throw the "that's how we always done things" mentality out the window, and examine ways to improve everything. I have my team do this constantly, and we always find surprising inspiration to improve our processes. You will too.

Habits I am using to Grow My Business | Millionaire Habits Episode 2

5. Try something completely random

Steve Jobs famously said "you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

He attributes a lot of his motivation and success to trying new things, even if he couldn't see how they directly connected to his future goals. Taking a calligraphy class, for instance, was a source of inspiration to use beautiful typefaces on the first Mac computer.

Even if you're not reinventing the computer, you should do something similar. Try that new cooking class or project, even if they don't directly correlate with your bottom line. It will give you that much-needed dose of outside inspiration, and it will pay off in the most unexpected ways.

6. Reclaim your passion

Richard Branson once wisely said, "There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions."

Just like Branson, you (hopefully) started your business or career because there was something there that drove you. However, I can attest that it's easy to get dragged down in all the daily drudgery that's required to run a business, and throw that passionate work to the wayside.

It's during these times that I make sure to pencil in my work-related passions. If this keeps happening, I even consider outsourcing those tasks that I really despise. Even if it's for a couple of minutes a day, you should do something similar.

7. Seek out the stories of others

11 Habits of Successful Women You NEED to Adopt!

Author and entrepreneurial coach Amy Applebaum swears by this incredibly simple tip for getting inspired: "Read inspirational stories about other successful entrepreneurs." She recommends using J. K. Rowling's rags-to-riches story as a template, but it can be anyone.

I know that when I'm in a rut, I'll look at other women who've tackled the "impossible", and remind myself that if they can do it, I can too (and so can you!).

How do you find daily inspiration? I want to hear from you!

Woman writing in a notepad with red feather and red sofa in background

When we don’t have time to wait around for inspiration to hit, how can we give it a helping hand?

What inspires you?

Modern society places a high value on creativity – new ideas, different perspectives, and the wholly unexpected yet marvelous. These are the skills that make us human. They are also the skills that will “futureproof” us in an increasingly automated world. Yet the very thing that makes us human can also be extremely hard to come by – inspiration, especially that initial burst of it that kicks off a new book, painting, piece of music, or business idea – is definitely one of those things that can’t just be turned on and off like a tap. But there are some ways you can enjoy more of it. While we might not fully understand the science behind inspiration, understanding what inspires you is a sure-fire way to demystify and tap into your divine ingenuity.

What is inspiration?

As humans, we love to categorize things. We find comfort in organizing objects and experiences because it allows us to simplify and thus, better understand the world around us. Inspiration is, however, one of those things we still haven’t been able to easily classify– which is perhaps why it seems so elusive at times.

The Wikipedia entry for inspiration describes it as “an unconscious burst of creativity”, and throughout history, many religions have defined it as a gift from higher deities. The Romantics considered inspiration as an entirely natural association of ideas – “one intellectual breeze … rhythm in all thought”, as Coleridge put it.

I CAN DO IT - Powerful Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Lisa Nichols)

Most modern definitions of inspiration consider it a completely internal process– but one that relies heavily on external stimuli to ignite, –or spark– the creative process. The closest definition I could find to what I consider inspiration to be was that of the Macmillan dictionaries website (and not just because it’s my namesake, although I guess it’s true that there’s comfort in the familiar!):

“A sudden feeling of enthusiasm, or a new idea that helps you to do or create something.”

That’s a fine definition alright, but it still doesn’t get to the crux of the matter. Where can we find inspiration when we need it most?

sparkler close up in hand

Where does inspiration come from?

If we want to find something, we need to discover where it comes from – or where it hides. This is where it starts to get murky. At times, inspiration can feel like that unpredictable friend you don’t hear from for months on end, who then suddenly turns up unannounced without any explanation. And you keep meaning to ask them to explain, but you’re having such a great time with them that you forget… and before you know it, they disappear again!

how to finally change your life + free printable worksheet

The good thing is, it’s not just us that have grappled with this dilemma. Scientists, psychologists, and philosophers alike have struggled to locate the source of this magical motivational elixir. However, it’s not necessary to fully understand something before you can start practicing it (just ask my neighbors about my guitar playing!) We do know enough about inspiration to help ourselves encounter it more frequently, and, like so many of those highly valued but hard-to-define things – motivation, enthusiasm, happiness – it involves taking control, a bit of experimentation, and plenty of personalization!

We do know enough about inspiration to help ourselves encounter it more frequently, and, like so many of those highly valued but hard-to-define things, it involves taking control, a bit of experimentation, and plenty of personalization!

The in and out of inspiration

When it comes down to it, there’s the internal part of inspiration – the part that depends on you, and then there are those external triggers, the things that spark your ideas and cause you to get excited over them. That feeling you get when you have a eureka moment- that burst of energy where the ideas keep bouncing off each other and you can almost feel the neurons in your brain connecting – is due to something called neuroplasticity. In simple terms, that’s the capacity for your brain to form new connections and neural pathways, and there are things you can do to improve your brain plasticity!

If You Are Feeling Lazy and Unmotivated, LISTEN TO THIS CLOSELY! | Andrew Huberman

So the brain is super-awesome and powerful, and, one might say, magical. But it still needs input. There are those big ah-ha moments that spark the flame of inspiration, as well as those smaller sources that stoke the already burning fire. There is certainly a motivational aspect to inspiration and a social one. In fact, a 2016 study on social identity found that the way we view others can impact on how inspired we might feel. If you feel that you can identify with someone because they are similar to you in some way, you are more likely to find them inspiring. For example, you are probably more likely to be inspired by your co-worker starting language classes than learning that George Clooney picked up Italian while holidaying at his Lake Como villa.

It’s worth stepping out of your comfort zone from time to time – you never know what doors someone else’s perspective might open in your mind!

Then there’s the most obvious, but also the most important sources of inspiration… other people’s work! That’s right – not only is imitation the sincerest form of flattery, but it’s also the quickest, oldest, and most direct route to inspiration. And in case you felt suspicious of trusting centuries of art history, revered poets, influential thinkers, and acclaimed filmmakers, scientists have studied it, too.

Practice being inspired

We’ve gone over the theory and we have as solid a definition of inspiration as we’re going to get, but for those days when you’re drawing a blank, it pays to be prepared. That’s why we’ve boiled down the inspiration basics into 10 solid tried and tested ways to get the creative juices flowing when the offerings of your mind are more blah than bountiful:

female artist contemplating her paintings in apartment

1. Do something different

Learning a new language, musical instrument or other skill can help to improve that brain plasticity we talked about earlier, while even something as simple as taking a walk in a different neighborhood or trying a new coffee shop can help you to think differently. Basically, new experiences are beneficial for brain development, and the chances of you seeing something you’ve never seen before are higher, too – thus leading to a creative spark!

2. But keep some things consistent

We’ve all heard about creative geniuses and their unconventional habits, but odd or not, having some type of routine is beneficial to great thinking. Keeping a good sleep schedule and taking regular exercise can help maintain and improve that all-important brain plasticity. Also, making sure you actually have time throughout the day to just think, is hugely important. Maybe you never feel inspired because you never have a moment to yourself – sometimes you need to tune in to those ideas that are just crying out to be heard! Whether it’s a morning or bedtime routine, or some other time, build daily quiet slots into your day.

It’s easy to forget that many of us have access to a wealth of culture in our towns and cities. Museums, galleries and theaters on our doorsteps, filled with works of art just waiting to be seen and to inspire us!

3. Read

Apart from the endless potential to be inspired by the stories and ideas of others, reading is also one of the best activities you can do to improve memory and cognitive function! And while there are benefits to any type of reading, try to give the screens a break and curl up with a good book. Deep reading, as opposed to skim reading off a smartphone, is where the magic really happens.

4. Write, draw, doodle…

If you’ve ever been struck by inspiration after jotting down nonsense poems or silly doodles, then congratulations, you’ve already mastered this inspiration technique! Freewriting is a bona fide writing technique that disregards traditional conventions and grammar rules and allows ideas to flow freely. In a similar way, doodling has been linked to numerous positive “thinking” benefits. Some might like to practice freewriting and freedrawing as a precursor to another task, while others may enjoy keeping a diary or sketchbook that they can look back on later when searching for inspiration.

5. Collaborate

The favorite answer when I asked some of the Freedom team what inspired them? Other people! Whether your teammates inspire you to come up with great ideas, or you come up with your best ideas when working with people you wouldn’t normally, it pays to collaborate. Even if you think you normally work better solo, it’s worth stepping out of your comfort zone from time to time – you never know what doors someone else’s perspective might open in your mind!

motivational and inspiring post it notes on a pinboard

6. Honor your heroes

Most of us have at least one person who inspires us to be kinder, chase our goals, dream bigger. Maybe it’s the musician who never gave up on their dream, the athlete who keeps going even when the odds are against them, or your awesome grandma! It really doesn’t matter who it is, but when you feel low or uninspired, having a hero can be incredibly helpful – even if it’s just to realize that they too, struggled!

7. Listen to music

For many creatives, music and inspiration go hand in hand – and for good reason! Not only has listening to music been linked to improved learning, memory, and cognitive function, but newer evidence suggests a direct link to creative thinking! And it’s not just listening that might inspire you – the past year has seen an explosion in playlist curation, (thanks in large part to the pandemic induced stay-at-home orders) which is an art all of its own!

elderly woman listening to music with headphones and dancing

8. Be a culture vulture

It’s easy to forget, especially in the last 12 or so months, that many of us have access to a wealth of culture in our towns and cities. Museums, galleries and theaters on our doorsteps, filled with works of art just waiting to be seen and to inspire us! There’s nothing quite like the inspiration you’ll feel after immersing yourself in the world and works of another, and remember –Everything is a Remix– The Ancient Greeks believed all artistic creation to be a form of imitation: so go forth and be inspired, guilt-free.

9. Spend time in nature

Let’s go back to the Ancient Greeks for just a moment (they sure were a wise bunch, after all!) and the imitation they talked of defining art. The reason they considered all art to be imitation, is that they saw it as a “re–presentation” of nature – it was impossible to truly recreate the splendor of God’s natural world. Nature, if you will, is the blueprint for all art, so it would be silly of us not to include it in this list of things to inspire you! As living beings, we are part of the natural world, so it makes sense that spending time outdoors allows minds to wander in ways that artificial environments don’t. Even if it’s just 15 minutes a day, make space for more green time!

middle-aged man meditating in garden

10. Meditate

Meditation is not new, but the explosion in recent years of wellness apps and technology has brought this ancient practice and its benefits to the western world. In terms of inspiration, meditation creates an ideal environment for the formation of new ideas and ways of thinking. “When we meditate we are creating the conditions to move through life effortlessly, from one situation to the next, with a sense of freedom.” reads the Headspace webpage on creativity. And it does sound an awful lot like that idea of brain plasticity – the formation of new networks and pathways – art imitates life indeed! And the good news is that a study by Leiden University found you can enjoy the benefits of meditation’s effect on cognitive function almost immediately!

Inspiration is deeply personal, and therein lies its beauty. It means we can continually surprise ourselves with where we find it, and be surprised by others’ sources of inspiration. Taking care of your body and mind, indulging in your passions, and creating the space in your life for the inspiration to find you is the key!

Be open to inspiration

Inspiration is neither a science nor an art, but it can certainly be the starting point for explorations in both those areas! As with most of the productivity-related undefinables we often discuss here at Freedom (see also: motivationwillpower), there is no one size fits all approach. Inspiration is deeply personal – some of the things that inspire me would very likely send some people to sleep! But therein lies the beauty of inspiration – one man’s trash is another’s treasure – and that means we can continually surprise ourselves with where we find it, and be surprised by others’ sources of inspiration. It seems the key to staying inspired is taking care of your body and mind, indulging in your passions, and creating the space in your life for the inspiration to find you – because it can, and will – at any time!

woman sittinf on the floor of apartment surrounded by drawings

What do you do when you lack inspiration?

Lack of motivation is a feeling that we may experience from time to time as individuals. For people living with mental health problems, this can exacerbate this.

From meeting up with friends, to starting a new project or engaging in a hobby we know and love, it can sometimes be hard to find the motivation to actively get involved with activities that are good for your mental health. When we are struggling with mental health problems this can become even harder, tasks that may seem simple to others, such as getting in the shower, or making breakfast can become overwhelming.

You Will Never Be Lazy Again | Jim Kwik

So, we thought it would be a good idea to ask you for your top tips on overcoming a lack of motivation so we can share it with our online community. This is what you said:

1. Break tasks in to manageable chunks

"Even a crumb looks enourmous if you're an ant or feel like one." - Viv

Breaking tasks into smaller chunks leading up to the ultimate goal can help manage thoughts about the process. Focusing on the individual tasks needed to complete a whole project can help to stay present and in the moment.

2. Write down each positive thing you experience throughout the day

"Whatever works for you, grab it with both hands." - Alan

Many people feel that writing down positive things can be handy when aiming to stay hopeful when struggling emotionally, serving as a reminder of special moments. This can be motivating in itself.

3. Give yourself credit for the small things you do

"Take any opportunity to praise yourself and not focus on the things you haven't done but look at the things you have." - Sharon

Notice the little things by praising yourself for each task completed - it can add up quickly! Practicing mindfulness can also help in focusing and appreciating every moment as well as the 'small' things you do such as getting out of bed or brushing your teeth in the morning. Each evening, why don't you try noting three small wins that you have achieved that day, remembering that whatever you achieve, no matter how small, is always something to be proud of.

4. Have some 'me time'

"Put yourself as number one priority and do whatever it takes that you think will help to make you feel better." - Linda

Take time out to do more of what you love and enjoy. From sightseeing around your local city to spending time alone in a scenic park, taking time out to look after yourself can be a great support for your mental health and may provide some inspiration.

5. Be gentle with yourself

"It's okay not to be okay all of the time." - Suzanne

Accept the current state of how you feel, acknowledge the feeling and look for ways to reach out for support if needed. Practicing self care and being gentle with yourself can be a great help when experiencing lack of motivation.

6. Try to be present

"Spend time watching or seeing good things." - Krishnannarayanan

Remaining present and in the moment can help to focus on the now and this may help when experiencing a lack of motivation. Whether it is walking your dog or trying new food, focusing on the present moment is good.

See our guide How to look after your mental health using mindfulness for more.

7. Attend helpful events

"Do a self-esteem workshop or course." - Stephanie

Self-help books, courses and events are all tools that can be used to support your knowledge on mental health. By learning ways to improve your self esteem or perhaps stay inspired may help when experiencing a lack of motivation.

Read Marie's story of how self management courses changed her life

8. Ask for help

"Don't be ashamed - be bold to share it and get help." - Krishnannarayanan

Talking about your feelings can be good for your mental health. It is often the first step to overcoming mental health problems and there are people who are willing to listen. Some people prefer to speak to family or friends, others may wish to discuss their feelings with a professional. You can talk to your GP about how you are feeling, they can offer you information on support such as treatments and counselling available.

Seeking help

If you’re considering seriously harming yourself: then reach out for support now. 

If you have seriously harmed yourself, or you don’t feel that you can keep yourself safe right now seek immediate help by calling 999, or going straight to A&E.   

SHAOLIN MASTER (MUST WATCH) Become Unshakeable | Shi Heng Yi 2021

  • Call your GP and ask for an emergency appointment  
  • Call NHS 111 (England) or NHS Direct (Wales) for out-of-hours to help   
  • Contact your mental health crisis team if you have one  

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