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Saturday 20 November 2021

How can I deal with people who mock me?

  1. Be indifferent. They may eventually stop.
  2. Hit back at them. Mock them in return.
  3. Laugh back shamelessly as if you are enjoying their mocking vibes.
  4. Warn them. Get even at another place. Some people understand the language of being roughed up. This one should be your last and most desperate option. I don't suggest you to use it unless things come to a header.
  5. Last but not the least, find the reason why they're mocking you. If it's something which may get resolved from your end and is actually a negative, eliminate it.

Made Fun Of? Ridiculed? Use this Trick to Come out on Top and Never be Laughed at Again!

Never allow anybody to get comfortable with disrespecting yourself. You may end up losing your self belief, confidence and standing in the social setup. People might begin taking you as a pushover.

Take matters to the mocking party. You can react depending upon the kind of mocking vibes which are being fired at you.

If it's a joke. Laugh back.

If it's something personal. Hit back verbally.

If it's a threat. Deal with a counter threat.

If it's an aim to unsettle you. Do something drastic to disprove them. So on.

Hence there are many options at hand to counter mocking.

“My colleagues try to dominate me and make fun of me. And if I try to answer them they just laugh at me. I don’t know how to reply.”

“I got 3 roommates and I’m the butt of every damn joke. They’re all witty and I can’t seem to think of anything quickly and when I look at them I can’t think of a rebuttal. They make inside jokes, jokes that only work on me and they keep it on cycle every day and make new ones all the time.”

How to react when someone insults you? Dealing with Rude People – Personality Development Tips

If you can relate to these quotes from our readers, this guide is for you.

There’s a difference between two friends joking and someone making fun of you or trying to dominate you. If you’re looking to get more respect in general, you should read my guide 18 tricks that make people respect you.

Here’s how to deal with someone who makes fun of you.

1. Don’t play it the way the bully wants to

Bully: “So what movies do you like, you know, except for dirty movies? Hahahaha”

You: “Haha, yeah right!” or “Shut up!” or “Haha, no I don’t!”

Bully: “I knew it! HAHAHA”

Do you see the problem with these kinds of replies? They all make it seem like the bully said something funny, even if it wasn’t. It’s also the exact type of reply they expect, which makes it more fun for them (but not for you).

So if you reply in this manner when you feel uncomfortable, you’re giving them exactly what they’re looking for.

Everyone around you will most likely chime in with the laughter. And it’s not because they don’t care about your feelings, they just don’t realize how bad you feel. And since the “funny one” got the response they were looking for, they’re more likely to do it again in the future.

But we don’t want to give them what they want.

2. Turn the joke on them

This is my favorite trick to deal with annoying people or people who feel like they need to be dominant. It’s effective and easy to use for beginners just starting to find their voice against the “funny guy/girl”.

Here’s the trick: Agree TOO MUCH with their stupid question or statement with a poker face.

Don’t laugh with them, don’t smile, just give them your answer with a straight face.

What to Say When Someone Insults You

The reason this works is that your response will be the opposite of what they expect. They will either be at a loss for words or they will look like a complete idiot if they try to push the joke further.

When you respond this way, your irony will be obvious. Everyone will see your disapproval and will realize that what the “funny one” said wasn’t funny at all. And then it ends awkwardly for the bully because they will be the only one laughing.

Here’s an example of how you get the upper hand on the “funny guy/girl” by agreeing TOO MUCH:

Funny one: “So what movies do you like, you know, except for dirty movies? Hahahaha”

You: “Oh, you didn’t know? I only watch dirty movies.”

Funny one: “… well then.”

Again, avoid laughing or smiling while responding with something like that.

After that, you change the topic and continue talking as if nothing happened. If possible, ignore the “funny one” and any further attempts they make at the same kind of joke. Focus on someone else in the group and change the subject.

Being non-reactive while you “agree” makes your disapproval crystal clear to everyone.

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You’re basically treating them like your irritating little brother. This shows that you do not tolerate bad behavior like that and gives you the upper hand.

3. Ignore the bully

The second technique is also very easy to use even if you’re not a witty quick thinker.

How Do I Respond To People Who Make Fun Of Me?

You can ignore the bully altogether. When you don’t give them any response, you take away their sense of gratification. That takes them out of the conversation and leaves them with no control over the situation.

Most who try to ignore someone fail because they still give away that they are annoyed.

So how do you actually ignore the bully?

First off, don’t show any form of reaction. Act as if you never heard their comment at all.

Then, continue the conversation from where it was before they made their rude comment. This is a cue to both the bully and the other people you’re talking to that you’re not tolerating that kind of behavior.

It’s important to continue the conversation with someone else after you ignored the bully. Because otherwise, it’s not clear if you disapprove or just don’t know how to reply.

If you blank out or don’t know how to reply, it’s better to use the previous technique of “agreeing TOO MUCH” with the bully.

To see how well this technique actually works, imagine this scenario, with Cary, a bully, and you:

– Cary: “Who’s joining me at the beach tomorrow? It’s supposed to be a gorgeous sunny day.”

How To Stand Up For Yourself Without Being A Jerk

– Bully: “Definitely not John – he’s too pale to be allowed to take his shirt off. He’ll blind you if you don’t have your sunglasses on!”

– And then you can respond like this: “Going to the beach sounds lovely. I’m free after 12 if that works for you?”

Do you see how your response makes the bully seem rude?

Ignoring someone like this makes it clear don’t tolerate their behavior. (And you don’t have to sink to their level or be rude or mean.)

Don’t make the mistake of looking angry at the bully or look annoyed. For this to work, you have to act like you truly didn’t hear what they said.

When you ignore the bully, they might even try harder to fit into the group.

So instead of making insulting jokes, they’re more likely to follow the vibe of the conversation.

If you ignore their comments long enough, there may be a chance that they’ll start playing nice to fit back in.

Another effect might be that the bully resigns from the group.

If you ignore someone long enough, it’s likely they will not even want to be a part of the group.

If we EFFECTIVELY ignore their comments for a long period of time, they’ll stop making comments.

How To Deal With Your Friends Making Fun of You

4. Ask them what they mean

Sometimes you want a good comeback to make someone shut up when they make fun of you. This can be quite tricky when you blank out, or like me, come up with your reply first when it’s all over. (Read more about how to never be nervous around people over here.)

Here is a universal comeback phrase (that you can reply with in almost any situation):

– Interesting that you’d say that, how do you mean?

This one is good if you want to confront someone about what they said. It takes all the fun out of it for them when they have to explain themselves. And just like the method of “agreeing too much/ironically”, it doesn’t give them the response they expect.

If you want to be a bit wittier, here’s some inspiration on funny (and mean) comebacks.

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5. Memorize comeback phrases and quotes

Remember when I said you’re smart? I lied.

If I wanted to kill myself, I’d climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

You should eat some makeup. That way you’ll at least be pretty on the inside.

Acting like a dick won’t make yours any bigger.

It’s amazing how stupid people can be. Thank you for showing that to me.

You’re about as useful as a raincoat in a desert.

Your ass must be jealous of the shit coming from your mouth.

Do you ever think about how your life would be if you grew up in a better family?

You got all your life left to be a douchebag. Why not take the day off?

I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings when I called you dumb. I thought you knew.

You’re cute when you open your mouth. You make funny noises when you try to sound cool.

You know what? You always make me so happy……when you leave the group.

Too bad you can’t use makeup on your personality.

You know, I was pro-life before. Then I met you.

Use these phrases with caution, because in certain situations, they might backfire. When you use them, it’s important that you do it in a joking manner. Doing it jokingly will be just as effective as if you were to do it seriously, but you don’t risk starting a conflict or even a fight.

How To Stop Someone From Bullying You

6. Identify if they are a toxic person

It’s important to know the difference between a real friend who makes a mistake and a fake friend or a bad/toxic person. A real friend is always worth a second shot, but you need to cut the bad ones out of your life.

Here are 6 common signs to help you see your “friend” in a better light. Can you relate to any of those behaviors?

They do things without your permission and even if you don’t want to

They try to make you feel guilty

They lie and say untrue things to get the upper hand

They are nice one-on-one, but they try to dominate you in groups with other people

They ignore you and don’t listen to you

They don’t apologize

I’ve written about 20 ways to tell fake friends from real friends over here.

7. Be frank and specific about what you don’t like

Here’s a more diplomatic route you can take if you value a relationship.

Keep in mind that this sentence works in any type of relationship where you are both motivated to get along.

It’s your responsibility to tell the bully how you feel if you want them to stop. They are at fault, but since they’re usually not aware of how their behavior affects you, you need to make them aware of it.

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So when you’re alone with the person that’s causing you trouble, say something along these lines:

“Sometimes you say things that I don’t like.

One example is when you joked about my new sweater. I feel belittled when you make comments like that. It’s probably not what you had in mind, but I want you to know how that made me feel.”

There are a few tips I have that will help you get through to the person:

Don’t generalize. Don’t say something like “You always try to dominate me”. It would only make the person defensive and they would not understand what they’re doing wrong.

So instead, give a specific example. Since the person may not realize they’re doing it, it’s best to give them an exact instance of this happening.

Tell the person how YOU feel opposed to what THEY should do and not do, because no one can argue against the feelings you have, but they can argue what they should do and not do.

Saying something like “It’s probably not what you had in mind” shows you are trying to fix the situation.

I know that it takes courage to kind of open up to someone who’s causing you harm, but standing up for yourself will be worth it in the long run.

I’ve also written more here about how to get more respect from people around you.

8. Share your experience about being bullied

The trick is to share your experiences with others.

Doing this helps you feel better which will give you a mental edge the next time someone tries something on you.

Telling your friends, family, your therapist, or even sharing it here will show you’re not going through this alone. A trusted therapist can help you come up with good strategies on how to deal with bullies both practically and emotionally.

How to Stick Up For Yourself When People Cross Your Boundaries/Build Self Confidence NOW

We recommend BetterHelp for online therapy, since they offer unlimited messaging and a weekly session, and is much cheaper than going to an actual therapist's office. They are also cheaper than Talkspace for what you get. You can learn more about BetterHelp here.

So the first step for you is this:

Comment below and share your experiences about dominating people or bullies. When you do, you’ll notice how the problem isn’t yours, but the bully’s.

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Free training: Conversation skills for overthinkers

Use "conversational threading" to avoid awkward silence

Learn a proven technique to get past empty small talk

Improve socially without doing weird out-of-your-comfort-zone stunts.

Instantly beat self-consciousness with the "OFC-method"

See how you can go "from boring to bonding" in less than 7 words.

They say “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” but that hearing that doesn’t really make dealing with these situations any easier.

A mantra that I live by and would apply to this situation is”

“I know this is something that they, for whatever reason, have to do. It is not my role or responsibility to figure out why. I do not judge them, in fact, I forgive them.”

I have found those words to be so powerful, here’s why.

It is important to acknowledge that people are most often coming from what they believe to be the right place. You may not agree with it and it also may be inherently wrong, but in their mind, they are doing the right thing. You must acknowledge that their actions are something they feel they have to do.

The mantra then reinforces your role. You should not burden yourself with the responsibility to figure out why someone is acting the way that they are. Look inward for a second, has there ever been a time in which you were acting a certain way and weren’t necessarily conscious of why you were behaving that way, good or bad? You can rack your brain, but sometimes there is no good answer. Understanding how complicated it is to answer for yourself, imagine the complexity of trying to answer for someone else. That is not your role or responsibility.

It then ends with, what I believe to be, the most powerful section, “I do not judge them, in fact, I forgive them.” The moment you begin to practice forgiveness is the moment you begin to declutter your mind from debilitating, negative thoughts. It is in forgiveness that you allow yourself to grow.

There is a great deal of power in forgiveness. This helps to bring you peace in an otherwise frustrating situation.

 How to Deal With Mocking at Work

Your colleagues and managers contribute to how satisfied and engaged you are at work. If you’re being mocked, made fun of or teased by your coworkers, it’s important to know that you don’t have to put up with it. Their behavior can affect your productivity and quality of work, in addition to how you feel in the workplace and at home. Take steps to stop the behavior so you can focus on your career.

When Someone is Belittling & Condescending

Keep Detailed Notes if You’re Getting Made Fun of At Work

According to Tough Nickel, if you’re being mocked at work, one of the first steps you should take is to begin documenting it. An example of mocking someone includes imitating them in a negative manner. This way, you can have a detailed record of what happened to show to your manager, human resources and other authorities. It’s also a way to establish a pattern to show that what happened to you was not part of one isolated incident.

When documenting, be sure to record exact dates, times and locations. Write down the names of everyone who was present, not just your bully. Try to record exact words and phrases that were used. Avoid using emotional language and instead focus on the facts. Describe the tone your bully used and whether anyone else heard what they said to you.

Confront Your Coworker

While it can be tempting to avoid your bully altogether, you may be able to convince them to stop mocking you if you level with them in a one-on-one discussion. Monster recommends having this conversation in person, not over email. Instead of using defensive language, it’s important to describe the facts and how they affect you in the workplace. If your bully feels as though you’re attacking them or humiliating them, they may want to retaliate.

Instead, focus on the big picture. Discuss how their behavior not only affects you at work, but may be making them look unprofessional as well. Ask them to stop behaving immaturely so that you both can continue to climb up the career ladder and reach your goals at work. Monster reminds that not everyone needs to get along. You and your bully don’t need to be friends after this discussion; you just need to peacefully co-exist at work.

Escalate the Issue with Managers or Human Resources

If you’re still being mocked and made fun of after your conversation with your bully, bring up this issue with your manager or human resources. Ask to have a private meeting so you can discuss this issue, and bring along the detailed documentation you’ve been keeping. Instead of just saying, “My coworkers make fun of me,” use your documentation to show them proof of specific instances where you have been mocked, teased and harassed.

Let your manager and human resources know that you have already confronted your bully and that it has not changed their behavior. Hold your manager and human resources accountable for how they plan to rectify the situation. For example, your workplace may have an anti-harassment or anti-bullying policy with serious consequences.

Be Aware of Your Legal Rights

If you’re still getting made fun of at work after your manager and human resources have intervened, you may need to look into legal action. Business News Daily notes that employees are protected by law from being harassed. They are also protected by law from the employer if they fail to stop the harassment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is an objective organization you can reach out to if you see that your manager and human resources are not able to resolve the issue with your bully. They can advise you on the next steps to take to ensure you have a safe working environment.

What to do When Someone's Words Hurt You

My friends were also used to mock me and tease me,sometimes they humiliates me so badly i used to cry back at home i always used to think why they so hate me.

but i transformed myself through observation of those people who were very good in every meeting.

I am going to give you mantras for complete transformation in just 21 days and guarantee you they will never going to make fun of you

  1. Stop talking about yourself - This is the biggest mistake people do they talk about themselves a lot , if people know more about you they will make fun of you . you can’t stop that , by telling about yourself you are giving invitation to them to make fun of you . only limited people must know about yourself .choose one good friend .
  2. Be busy But don’t tell them what are you doing - Be focused on your goal rather than giving them useless time .if they don’t know what are you doing they will become confused about you and believe me that confusion will give you respect .
  3. Be silent - Observe people rather that speak more or be active listener or speak minimally as much as you can . if you listen to them than the same people will start respecting you . your whole image will change .
  4. Don’t do foolish debates - There is a quote of socrates “It is better to be unsatisfied human rather than a satisfied pig “ never try to teach physics to a illiterate person . understand the kind of person and than talk to him according to his level .
  5. Crack minimum jokes - Everything should be balanced .if you crack jokes all the time they will never take you seriously.
  6. If you get hurt just tell them that you are not going to tolerate this kind of behaviour .sometimes it is best to express yourself .If somebody hurts you again and again just leave their company it is best in your interest .
  7. Respect yourself first - appreciate yourself . if you want to get respect than you should start it first from yourself .

I am guaranteeing you if you practice this for 21 days you will see a miraculous change in yourself and the people around you . it will be hard for 21 days but not impossible practice it and change your life .

whenever somebody makes your joke it is you who is responsible for it .

Sorry for bad english


What to do with people who mock you?

It can be difficult dealing with mocking and teasing from others. Their words can hurt your feelings and make you feel small and alone. However, there are a number of things that you can do to limit how much their mocking hurts you and prevent it in the future. By taking charge and engaging with those mocking you, it is possible to end the ridicule.

 3 Tips On How To Stop Feeling Hurt



Reacting Directly to Ridicule

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Confront those who are mocking you. Although it might be intimidating to talk to the people who are mocking you, addressing them and their ridicule head on might help the situation. Ask personal questions and try to understand why they are mocking you. This will help you take control of the situation and resolve it on your terms.

Remember that the bully's mocking you is a reflection of the bully, not of your worth as a person. This person is having their own problems and is wrongly taking them out on you.

For example, you could say, "I see that mocking me makes you feel powerful and in control," or "I understand that you feel better taking your anger out on me rather than confronting your problems."

You could also say, "I see that you're making fun of me, and it's not funny."[1]

Think of yourself as a therapist trying to understand your bullies issues.

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Tell them to stop. Sometimes taking a firm stand and addressing those making fun of you head on works. Calmly and assertively explain to those mocking you that you do not appreciate their comments. Although this tactic is more direct, it is unlikely those making fun of you expect this response. You might be surprised at the outcome.[2]

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Act confidently. Put your best face forward when people are mocking you. Stand up straight and try not to reveal how much their comments are hurting you. They are trying to get a response out of you and, if you respond confidently, your bullies will not get the reaction they desire.[3]

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Stay calm. If you are being mocked, try to stay calm. With the wave of embarrassment and hurt feelings washing over you, this is probably easier said than done. However, in the moment, staying cool takes away the power of those trying to hurt you. Their goal is to hurt you and see you sad, not reacting denies them the satisfaction of knowing that they got to you.[4]

Take a deep breath and count to ten.[5]

Focus on your breathing to get through the moment.[6]

Think about your happy place and concentrate on your breathing.

Think about how someone you admire would handle this situation and try to imitate that.

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Walk away from those mocking you. If you find yourself being made fun of, and your efforts to engage with the bully have failed, walk confidently and slowly away. This will remove you from the situation and convey to those mocking you that you do not appreciate what they are saying.[7]

Stand up straight and walk slowly. Running away tells those mocking you that they have gotten to you.

How to handle someone who insults you but disguises it as a joke



Dealing with Teasing Indirectly

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Laugh at the ridicule. The people making fun of you expect you to react negatively by either getting angry or being sad, so laughing will throw them off. Give a big hearty laugh like the mocking is the funniest thing you have ever heard. This will deflect the attack and show how little power they have over you.[8]

Slap your knee and really exaggerate how funny you think their comments are.

Say something like “that’s a new one” or “that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.”

Say something like “that’s enough” or “quit being rude.”

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Think about something else. In the moment, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than the mockery that is being directed towards you. However, mentally leaving the situation may help you better deal with it. Try thinking of a place that is peaceful and makes you feel happy. This will help you stay calm and not let the attacks hurt you.[9]

You can also imagine a brick wall between you and those mocking you that is deflecting their comments.

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Give a witty comeback. A sick burn is a great way to turn the tables on those mocking you. This tells them that you are above their comments and makes them look bad in the process. A clever comeback sends the message that you are not an easy target and there are consequences for messing with you.[10]

Say something like “wow, did you come up with that all by yourself” or “pardon me, but you seem to think that I care.”

Try the “Yes, and…” technique. If someone is giving you a hard time about something just respond by acknowledging their teasing and then inserting a joke. For example, if someone zings your new haircut by saying “Nice haircut. Joining a punk band?” You can reply with “Yeah, and tomorrow I’m piercing lips, nose, and mouth.”[11]

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Roll with the teasing. Although it might seem counterintuitive, sometimes the best way to deflect mocking is to acknowledge it. Addressing part of the bullies’ attacks takes the power away from them and puts you in control. You can then reframe their attack in a way that you want.[12]

For example, if you are being mocked about wearing a hat they consider “weird,” you can respond by saying “yeah, it looks weird but you have to admit that it’s pretty cool.”

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Act like it did not happen. Blowing off those making fun of you takes away much of their power over you. This demonstrates that you are above their comments and that they have not impact on you. This not only takes you out of the immediate situation, but also undermines the bullies’ ability to further ridicule you.[13]

Try to walk away confidently and calmly. This will convey to the people mocking you that their words have not hurt you.



Responding to Bullies

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Understand that those mocking you are unhappy. It is important to remember that those who are making fun of you are doing so because they are unhappy and they want to make you feel the same way. Developing compassion for those who are mocking you will put you in a better mindset to deal with their attacks.[14]

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Do not bully back. Although it might seem like lashing out at the people mocking you is the best response, it gives those teasing you the emotional response they wanted and may escalate the situation. Remember to try to stay calm and avoid saying any mean-spirited or hurtful comments to those bullying you. Try to take the moral high ground and show that you are the bigger person.[15]

Remember that two wrongs do not make a right.

Matching your bully’s mean comments with your own can escalate the situation and lead to a fight.

Image titled Stop People from Mocking Step 13

What to do if someone insults you? Sadhguru


Avoid being alone. Stick with your friends and try to avoid situations where you are alone. You are more likely to be singled out for ridicule when you are by yourself than when you are with your friends.[16] If you have good friends, they will stand by you and give you moral support if someone mocks you while they are around.[17]

If your friends are the ones mocking you, they might not be your friends. You should talk with them about their behavior.

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Avoid places where your bully hangs out. Steer clear of places where you know that you might be mocked. If you can avoid it, do not walk by your bully’s locker or the lunch table where the people who tease you eat lunch. Simply try to share as little space with those who mock you as you can.[18]

Learn your bullies schedule and determine routes that will keep as much space as possible between you and them.

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Report bullying. If you have tried everything in your power to put an end to others mocking you, report the bullying to an adult or superior. This will get you help and may make you feel less afraid.[19] Knowing that you have someone on your side will give you some much needed confidence. Most people do not want to see you build and will try to help you in any way they can. [20]

Be sure to tell the authority figure exactly what happened. This will help them better understand how to help you out.

If you are a kid, talk to your parents or a teacher about the problem.

People always mock because of weakness. Think about it… if you are ok, what need do you have to mock anyone ?

So when they do it, they are trying to divert attention to you. But they are doing it for a reason… the reason is that the thing that they are mocking you for is something that they, very privately, have some insecurities with, and they would rather people “saw” those insecurities in you, not them.

I don’t recommend meeting aggression with aggression. And mocking is really a type of aggression. So another option for you is to say that you understand. That you understand what the person is saying. That you get it. You acknowledge it.

What are you saying with that ? You are not saying that it’s true. You are saying that you understand “it”. But what is “It” ? Is it that you are actually ugly/small/a failure ….. ? Or is it that you understand his/her insecurity ?

The response is ambiguous, and not aggressive. It does not publicly accept what the mocker is saying, nor does it challenge the mocker to escalate. But it does allow him/her to maybe think that you somehow have spotted their insecurity. And the fear of that being exposed may make him/her think twice before reoffending.

Why do people mock others?

I know an individual who actually mocks others after they have interacted with them. And it is not just one person they mock, it is a handful, and it is kinda weird (in my book)!

But this particular individual (the as to, why?) has also shared with me a problem with self identity!

I have been with this person at just such a particular time, they will say, text with a friend for a bit, and within moments they begin to not only sound, but act like that individual!

When I initially witnessed this facade I was surprised by the noteable similarity to the person they had just conversed with, in fact, I was a bit stunned. Then it continued to happen time after time with both friends and also acquaintances, then strangers! It is not a funny transformation either because I care about this person.

I just accepted that this was the way they were going to be. Why? I am not absolutely sure because I am not a doctor but as I said before, I was told that they do not feel like they know themselves.

This raises the question, “is this an identity crisis or a personality disorder of some sort or simply, nothing to worry needlessly about”?

Thanks for the opportunity to share a concern.

I tend not to ignore but to call them out for it. As in. “Did you mean to insult me when you said xyz, because that’s insulting? “ I call them out immediately. Now mind you it has to be clear mockery. AND you must be cold as ice.

Remember this if you get Angry next time! by Sadhguru

When they don’t get the emotion from you, they tend to pause and you can follow up either way below.

If you don’t know them:

“ I don’t know you that well so I don’t know if this is a joke or just how you meet people, because I gotta say, I am not a fan. I don’t let people don’t talk to me like that.” They can either apologize or you can walk away.

OR a clear.

If you do know them.

“YOU don’t talk to me like that” and WALK AWAY.

You are allowed to walk away from rude ppl. BUT you check them on their garbage immediately. SET that BOUNDARY, or you will find them always digging and pushing to see JUST how much you will take.

Do not be angry. Be clear, calm and firm. Set that boundary and insist upon respect for yourself.

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