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Sunday 17 October 2021

What are the biggest challenges bloggers face?

 What are the biggest challenges you face as a fashion blogger?

Blogging seems so simple and easy just like eating a piece of cake but the truth is there goes in a lot of brainstorming, researching and the constant war of coming up with new ideas to write blogs on.

The following are the major problems faced by bloggers:

  1. Finding new content: bloggers are always in a constant war of upgrading thier content and finding new ideas, topics for their blogs.
  2. Generating more traffic on the blog : finding more readers to read your blog get very difficult for the bloggers. One slight mistake and they can lose a lot of their potential readers.
  3. Quality content: low quality content is one hell of a problem for bloggers. We consumers always prefer quality and if bloggers fail to provide that they might lose their audience
  4. Having few diligent readers: having every reader to get back, to make them a folloer ain't as easy as it sounds. Few readers just never come back to the blog and read it.

1. Quality.

Be it in a conversational way, or a technical way, you have to write well enough to be understood and hopefully liked by someone other than your best friend, your mother and your great aunt who has always supported you in everything you do because Aunt Bea is a boss ass bitch.

*Note: If you tend to use profanity, be assured that someone is going to complain about it at some point, but all of the other foul mouth heathens of the world will find you refreshing.

The #1 Reason Why Most Blogs Fail [1.3]

2. Consistency

I don’t know about MOST bloggers, but for myself, first off its staying consistent.

This goes for both our YouTube travel vlogs and our regular blog (as well as blogs I’ve had in the past as well)

Being consistent is important. You want readers to know that there will be new material often enough to not be annoying (daily isn’t necessary), but often enough that they don’t think “WTF is this person showing up in my inbox?”

3. Subject matter.

If your blog subject is about collecting dead skins from snakes, you might not get a whole lot of readers. Those that you do find will probably be as loyal as hell though, so if that’s your passion, you go ahead and follow your dream. If you have a more wide range of topics or a subject (like travel, for instance), then you’re probably going to get a wider readership.

4. Lastly, or rather the last thing I can think of off the top of my head… marketing/networking. You have to get your name out there. You have to be getting your blog name out there by doing something other than annoying your friends with links to your posts. Find groups that deal with your area of interest. Find the tags that fit your topics for instagram and twitter ( is one awesome place for that) and pick a couple of social media outlets and really research how to best use them.

Oh, one last thought, you have to stick with it. It will take time.

Cheers and happy writing mojo to you!


From my own experience,

205: 5 Obstacles Bloggers Face (And How to Get Over Them)

  1. Availability of uniques and original content: New blogs are being created daily. Some people believe when they create their blog they will just copy post from other blog to thettheirs
  2. Time: Blogger alone without help or addtional ADMIN can be stressful especially for part time blogger
  3. Cost of internet and electricity: Although some counties/place have constant electricity and free Internet, personally, I face this challenges.
  4. Traffic: Its very annoying when you create a unique and interesting post anf only less than 50 people get to see it in the first 3 days and after that it get buried in Goole rank. It always challenge when blogger doesn't know how to get target traffic to his/her blog
  5. Impatience: The feeling you have when your blog isn't paying well or AdSense earning is not encouraging because some people blog for the money.

Yes and No.

Yes if

  • You are blogging for money
  • Blogging is your sole source of income
  • You blog in a competitive niche
  • You do not have a huge subscriber base

WP Profiler Tutorial Video/ problem every blogger face.

No if

  • You love blogging
  • You don’t care about whether it generates money or not
  • Writing is in your blood.
  • Your subscribers are eager to read every blog post you publish.

This is a very different question, I have seen many people who are asking how much blogger are earning today?, how much traffic you are getting currently?, and money related other question.

But you are the one who are asking about the problems which bloggers are getting today.

For me there is one big problem, and I think this problem is very beginners are getting today which is low traffic on their blog.

and the other mail problem is low google ranking.If you are asking about health problems then here are the some health problem:

  1. Eye problem so I became battery(ha ha ha)
  2. Laziness
  3. fat for this I joined a gym

Blogging has two main challenges.

BLOG vs YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Which Should You Start?

1. Finding something fresh to say

This ain't easy.

Try writing a blog each week for, say, a year. That's certainly a lot of interesting writing to come up with.

Written in a way that makes whatever you are saying sound new.

You will find that just regurgitating stuff that others are writing won't cut it.

Or getting repetitive yourself.

Writing a blog is a great commitment. Both coming up with the original ideas, and then cranking blogs out on a regular basis.

Oh, you have 20 things to say.


What about the next 20?

And how many views are required to encourage you to continue?

2. Attention.

You are competing for attention with everything else that is going on in people's lives.

Whatever is on TV. The latest video game. Watching the news. High definition cam girls/guys.

The ironing.

It had better be better than great.

Tips on How to Blog Anonymously - Are Anonymous Blogs Successful?

Here's a gratuitous suggestion. Give Medium a go first.

It looks great. Less pressure. Easier to get started with an audience.

No investment in the infrastructure required, you just start writing.


If you're writing gains sufficient attention you might then try flying solo on your own site.

Biggest obstacle is feeling like it’s a one-man show:

  • Being a techy (wordpress, SEC, etc.)
  • Choosing & Writing content
  • Taking/Creating/Formatting Photos & Videos
  • Promotion (time consuming) on social media and otherwise
  • Answering comments
  • Interacting with other bloggers (newbies or not) on social media
  • Studying/Learning about various aspects of blogging & affiliate marketing

All while having a full-time office worker, keeping apartment tidy, cooking, cleaning, enjoying the outdoors when i am off the clock.

12 Reasons Why No One Follows Your Blog: Blogging Mistakes to Avoid 

It’s a lot, but so far the feedback i get is motivating and making this rather cool.

Can’t wait for my next vacation though!!

The most challenging thing about being a blogger is that the independent blogosphere basically exists on the margins of social media. Everything that’s wrong with social media today was handled better in the blogosphere.

There was trolling, but since every blogger controlled their own site, they could get rid of them. Nobody could cancel a blogger, again because they owned their own words and controlled their own site. The comments sections were actually enlightening.

The most popular (political) bloggers either quit the whole thing or left to get paid by magazines like HuffPo. So for the hundreds of thousands of bloggers who kept civility real on the interwebz, the most challenging thing is knowing the answer to censorship and the dominance of Facebook, etc. and knowing that the audience is held captive by the giant corporate social media sites.

For me, it’s always where to concentrate the most effort. These choices are difficult and common amongst bloggers.

Content creation is important to grow your blog, but how much time and effort should you also put into growing your audience & sharing your work?

SEO is also critical for a website. An effective ways to help with this is to encourage backlinks. This might be through guest posting or some other method.

Should you spend time on this or concentrate on the best content so that backlinks grow organically? I tend to take the latter view and concentrate on good new posts and updating older posts rather than backlinks.

What are some benefits and challenges of writing a blog?

When blogging started, the first blogs were really glorified online journals, and in all likelihood, becoming a professional blogger and making money online wasn't the goal.


6 Types of Blogs That Make Money | Tips for Beginners

Gary Dekmezian, Contributor

Professional blogger, freelance writer, digital marketer, entrepreneur, and investor!

09/23/2015 01:28pm EDT | Updated September 23, 2016

This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.

When blogging started, the first blogs were really glorified online journals, and in all likelihood, becoming a professional blogger and making money online wasn't the goal. Since then, the blogosphere has evolved, and now people blog for many different reasons. There are even distinctions among types of blogs - business, lifestyle, fashion, food, and entertainment blogs, among others.

While the blogging scene has developed over the last decade, the benefits of blogging are still plentiful. Here's a list of reasons why people blog and how blogging can benefit your personal or professional life.


Express Yourself and Share Your Passions

The landscape has changed, but there are still countless blogs that serve as a platform for people to voice their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Whether your passion is business, personal finance, cooking, politics, photography, or marketing, blogging gives you the opportunity to connect and network with likeminded individuals who share the same passions.

Make A Difference

Some people's passions lean toward supporting a cause. Whether it's a political, environmental or social cause, a blog is a great way to build awareness and garner support.


Share Your Knowledge

How Much Money Do Beginner Bloggers Make? 4 Things That Can Impact Your Blog Income

If you're someone who loves to teach, starting a blog can provide the opportunity to educate others interested in your field of expertise. The best part is that, as you build resources on your blog to teach others, you may realize there is a chance to monetize your blog by creating educational products or services online.

Refine Your Writing Skills

The more you write, the better you become at it. Most professional bloggers write on a regular basis and therefore analyze and proofread their writing constantly. You may even get feedback from readers to help you become a better writer.


However, being a good writer is not a prerequisite for a successful blog. Many very high profile bloggers are self-proclaimed terrible writers, and part of their success could be attributed to their message of "If I can do it, so can you".

Learn How To Make Money Online

Most people start out with one blog, but along the way, they gain experience and eventually generate ideas for blogs in other niches. What you learn from your initial blog - the dos and don'ts, marketing strategies that are effective, how to make money blogging, etc. - will help you accelerate the growth of future ventures.

Build Your Professional Network

Blogging is a community-based endeavor, and networking is one reason people engage in it. Whether you are a solopreneur or blogging to market your business, building relationships will facilitate your blog's growth.

Meanwhile, growing your online network has its own side benefits, such as gaining access to valuable software and tools, seminars, workshops, product unveilings, and other events.

Earn More Exposure

8 Steps to Start a Blog the RIGHT Way 

Businesses create blogs primarily to expand their online presence, connect with potential customers, promote their brand in a positive conversation, and even generate online revenue.

Beyond the immediate results, businesses use content marketing to rank their posts in search engines, thereby generating residual leads and revenue.

Become an Authority in Your Industry


A blog can be utilized as a platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Publishing blog posts that are accurate, timely, relevant, and informative will eventually get the attention of industry insiders and earn you recognition as an authoritative source and thought-leader.

Build an Online Portfolio

Blogging is a great way for aspiring authors and freelance writers to build up an online portfolio. By showcasing their writing skills on large platforms with expansive reach, freelancers can grow their exposure and sign new clients.

Market Your Business

For companies and entrepreneurs, gaining online visibility is one of the best ways to grow subscribers, leads and ultimately revenue. This can't be achieved with a static corporate website. Creating blog content that is valuable, helpful, and/or entertaining is an effective way to grow your website's authority, online rankings, and traffic.

Starting A Blog Today

As the internet and technology become more ingrained in our day-to-day lives, the benefits of blogging or building a website become impossible to ignore. However, unlike in the early days, bloggers don't need to have computer science degrees or HTML knowledge. Software such as and "how to start a blog" guides have made it simple and easy to set up a blog in 15 minutes. If you're unsure of whether blogging is right for you, use a free blogging platform for a few months before transitioning to a self-hosted solution.

There are various challenges for bloggers, including working on social media, managing time, business strategy, marketing, product, conversion rate optimization, etc. Bloggers face these issues to make their blogs successful.

One of the biggest challenges for bloggers is to make their blog live longer. Bloggers don't know how to make their blogs survive for longer.

If they are not able to come up with something unique, their blog will die within a year.

So before starting a blog, make sure you have a plan for at least the next five years. If you are not able to create something unique over a year, you should not start a blog.

What I Did My 1st Six Months Blogging: Tips for New Bloggers

Surfing some of the biggest blogs out there, for example those of Kate McCulley and Daniel James (from Dan Flying Solo), and reading about how they gave up full-time jobs to start traveling and ended up living a life of luxury, earning a fortune writing about their adventures is guaranteed to be either a highway to hell or a stairway to heaven.

Either way, before shouting out to the world that “blogging is the easiest thing on earth” and “anyone can do it” I suggest you think twice.

traveling and photography blogging

In reality, blogging is a full-time job and requires dedication, patience, creativity, commitment, marketing skills, and so much more.

The sad reality is that there are lots of problems bloggers face and they cause most of the beginning bloggers to fail. Especially it is a drag to browse already popular blogs and see the whole range of skills and talents on display: excellent writing, brilliant photography, fun videos and witty debates in the comments. And yet, if you ever feel discouraged from starting something just because other people are far ahead, remember to have the courage to suck at something new. Besides, those blogs probably have a whole team of professionals working for them. No one has all the talents.

Anyway, now that we’re past the initial pep talk, let’s talk about the absolutely necessary quality for a beginning blogger: optimism. It’s indeed true that mostly whenever there’s a problem, there is also the solution! So, let’s identify the 10 major blogger issues and discuss the solutions in more detail.

  1. Not having a clear topic and niche for the blog
  2. Lack of quality content
  3. Writing style
  4. Voice
  5. Plagiarism alert!
  6. Not keeping on topic
  7. Not enough traffic
  8. Absence of feedback
  9. Few or no repeat visitors
  10. Low income
Beginner Bloggers Checklist : Things You Should Do Your 1st Year Blogging

1. Not having a clear topic and niche for the blog

Finding the right topic for your blog website is the very first and probably most important step in blogging. A lot of beginners fail here because of the unwillingness to narrow down their blog’s focus.

You might want to blog about makeup, hairstyle, fashion, and photography all at the same time but not having a concrete topic is in no way going to bring you success.

Think of all your favorite blogs or just the blogs you know. Notice how you can clearly differentiate blogs on current issues in your country from blogs dedicated to, say, Katy Perry’s fashion choices? Exactly. Readers need to know what you’re promising. That’s why all those wishy-washy personal blogs get categorized and branded as soon as they gather even a small readership. Wondering which 7 blog niches are growing in popularity recently? Check out this article.

Here you can read about all the pros of having a niche while blogging, from attracting a specific audience to better-planned SEO.

blog topic ideas

Solution: When building a house the first stones are chosen most carefully and constructed with extra caution. It’s the same with blogging: selecting your focus should be done very carefully, so that you’re able to stick to it.

You better start by making a list of all the things that you love/are passionate about.

Then start the process of evaluation: consider the importance of each of the topics for yourself personally and your knowledge about each, do a bit of research to identify the competition. That way you can narrow down the list until you reach one single topic.

Make it as specific as possible. But again, make sure it’s not so specific it becomes boring for you or you’ll abandon your readers halfway through.

2. Lack of quality content

Nothing matters as much as quality content. It’s your biggest weapon when attracting readers and trying to keep their attention.

Lack of high-quality content can be a hell of a problem.

Also, pay attention to the very real tradeoff between quality and quantity. There may be exceptions, but typically the well-researched original piece of reporting you spent three days writing is better than the genial shower thought.

5 star blog content

Solution: In order to create an outstanding piece you need to take real interest in the topic and feel inspired to write it. Ask yourself those important questions: Why am I interested in this? What’s the value or uniqueness of this particular narrative angle?

On the other hand, you shouldn’t forget the readers — in the end, you are writing for your audience. It might be useful to settle for yourself why the post will be important or engaging for the target audience, how trendy or important the topic is, and how your ideal reader will be transformed or moved by reading your piece.

I’d also advise doing some research: reading the top-ranked posts on the same topic to assess the competition so that you can bring something new and interesting to the table.

Finally, quality content depends on media use, too, so try to include more than plain boring text.

Videos, images, links, polls, and games will liven up your blog and make it more unique. Medium is the message after all.
Wanna know where you can find free images for your blog? Click here for a list of the 10 best websites that’ll help you beautify your blog.

3.Writing style

You don’t need to be a professional writer to blog, but your writing style might become a blogger problem if it’s too dull, monotonous, academic or something along those lines.

Ultimately, you don’t target yawning readers, do you?

yawning woman with a smartphone

Solution: It might seem like a cliché, but the best thing you can do to improve your writing is write the way you talk.

Keep it simple and short: the simpler your speech, the more attractive it is.

If your readers felt like reading complicated words and elaborate sentence structures, they’d probably pick up Ulysses, instead of visiting your blog.

Here you will find detailed tips on how to write the way you talk.

4. Voice

Your blog is your brand and you need to have a unique voice to keep your readers interested.

As it goes, fans of Taylor Swift would hardly listen to your Metallica, and lovers of romance literature probably wouldn’t appreciate your sci-fi!

Having a specific voice in all of your posts is a way to define yourself and your blog, as a result attracting readers who truly care about your content.

However, finding that one specific fitting voice might be quite hard sometimes because you definitely have more than just one style of expression.

"Find your voice" with a microphone to the left of it

Solution: Think about your target audience. Whether you’re targeting angsty teenagers, photographers or professional cooks is quite important when choosing your voice.

Once you’ve specified the audience, you need to research their culture and check the specific terms and slang they use, the style they like. Some bloggers even advise to write for one ideal reader.

5. Plagiarism alert!

Sometimes it’s hard to get rid of the impression that all the best music has already been composed, the best books written, and the best drawings painted.

Whatever you do, it eventually turns out that someone somewhere already had the same idea, realized it, and you were messing with someone else’s intellectual property the whole time. And there is no way to prove you never even heard of the dude!

So, plagiarism is a big threat to your blogging career.

A lamp with "Copy" written to its left and "Paste" to its right

Solution: This is one of the hardest issues to face.

One general piece of advice would be reading more to expand your mindset and be more aware of what’s been said already. Paraphrasing, if used properly, is also a powerful tool. But that doesn’t mean that using the same idea and replacing a few words with synonyms is going to work.

Another important aspect is making sure to stop and check whenever you’re suspicious about a certain idea or formulation and not being afraid of quoting and referencing, if it comes to that.

We are indeed standing on the shoulders of giants, after all! Finally, online plagiarism detecting services, such as quetext and edubirdie are quite helpful.

6. Not keeping on topic

Once you’ve established your niche, you should stick to it. Consistency in topics is crucial for keeping your readers and followers: they started following you for a reason.

Failing to keep on topic is one of the reasons some bloggers fail to maintain and grow their community.

a maze with a question mark at the center of it

Solution: All you have to do is stay loyal to your niche and restrain from getting too broad. If your blog is about progressive metal music, writing a post about a new great garage rock revival band can be considered a betrayal.

Consider each post before you start working on it, make sure it belongs to at least one of your blog’s categories. Try to think like your readers again.

If your blog is aimed at marine biologists, become one! Just kidding, try to think as one and decide whether the topic is interesting for them.

If your answer is ”hardly,” you are better off without that post.

7. Not enough traffic

Here comes one of the most heartbreaking problems: you work hard on your posts, you have informative and interesting content, but your blog gets no traffic. The search engines just hide your blog from potential readers.

A colorful chart with a dozen of different characters around it

Solution: Self-promotion is key to being successful in the blogger world. You need to make yourself visible to the engines.

You might have heard of SEO. Maybe you’re already sick of it and think it’s overrated, but the thing is that SEO can pull you out of the shadows. You need to know the basics of SEO to adjust your posts and content in a way that Google never passes by without noticing you.

Self-promotion nowadays is such a vast realm that there are almost too many things you can do to get your blog read. Besides working on your blogging website’s SEO, you can write guest posts and link back to your blog, buy an ad spot in a similar blog, make a special effort to write on the trendiest subjects, optimize your website’s performance, make friends with influencers and get a shoutout. But none of these will work out that well if you don’t work on your site’s SEO.

Yet another thing that you can do to increase your traffic is social media promotion. Opening a Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter page and spreading information about the existence of your blog might not be a bad idea.

8. Absence of feedback.

How do you interpret the silence of your readers? Is your content just “no comment” cool or are they indifferent? It’s disheartening (ha!) to put your heart into your the posts only to get 0 attention in return!

A thought bubble made up of different cartoon people

Solution: Well, for now keep in mind that most readers who read your blog will not leave a comment no matter what. You see, that’s just the most common way people browse. So, one way to get more feedback and that boost of serotonin that comes with it, try to devise other ways visitors can participate. Can they just “like” or click a specific emoji? Vote in an online survey? Take a test or play a game?

If you’re dead set on getting more comments, remember that give-and-take works both in life and on the blogosphere, so commenting on others’ blog posts is one option. The important thing though is to show your readers that you value their say.

Be responsive; try to reply to the comments you get as quickly as possible. Engage your readers by explicitly asking for their opinion, encouraging them to leave you feedback.

Finish your posts with a question for your readers, asking about what they think on the topic, etc.

9. Few or zero repeat visitors

You might be read but not consistently. If very few are willing to stick around and follow your blog, something is definitely wrong.

Welcome back written on a painting next to a plant and a notebook

Solution: It’s important to consider the fact that most people these days browse everything through social media sites. Mostly, people don’t type in URLs, they “like” a page on Facebook or “follow” it on Instagram or Twitter and then if something that content creator posts sparks their interest, only then they click. Meaning it is absolutely crucial that you foster you social media presence. Even better if you form a community that will like and share your blog posts in exchange of, well, you liking and sharing their posts.

In general, I do believe that once you fix all the above-mentioned issues — especially the ones regarding consistency and quality of content — more and more people will be eager to return to your blog and subscribe/bookmark.

Finally, You can also invite your readers to subscribe to your blog or suggest they register for a newsletter and keep them updated on any new posts or events. If you’re not sure how to create a newsletter, check this article out.

10. Low income.

Finally, last but surely not the least painful problem, if your initial motivation was money, is low income.

Coins stacked up near a calculator

Solution: First thing to keep in mind is that you need to be patient. Nothing happens right away. It’s reasonable to have other income sources to rely on until you gain popularity.

Don’t stick to just one platform — promote yourself on many! Then, after your blog develops and flourishes, there are lots of ways to make money through it, most connected with monetization and selling ads.

One of the most widely used methods is monetizing the blog with CPC and CPM adsHere you’ll find valuable advice on how to make money with your blog.

Dotcomonly has a detailed article on how to start a blog and make money, or you can consider building and selling a course with an online course platform.

Blogging isn’t easy, but now you’re prepared to handle what’s coming at you. To have a quality blog you’ll need to invest a lot of effort and stay patient.

For additional support, you can subscribe to 10Web and discover the best 10-component platform and hosting with the widest variety of services and features for building your blog and nailing your blogger’s career.

What are the common problems that most bloggers face?

Get me one thing that's easy. Even things takes efforts and time to do it with perfection.

Blogging is more than just writing your thoughts on web these days. With furious competition among similar niches it becomes mandatory to out play every other competitor. Knowing what your viewers are looking for is beginning of a successful blog/site.

Let's see how's a typical day of a little-above-average blogger(I'll cover what my day is like when I work as a blogger for my clients or myself)


  • Task 1: Depending upon the time I wake up. The following are on the stack as first things to do.
    • Wake up and check mails. Note down what's important and needs attention in the following hours.
    • Review yesterday's work and check how that work has performed since the time it's finished (in case it's a article) and check if any carry forwarded work can be finished now.
    • Get ready with the tasks for the day. Prepare whatever needed for the day. Be it documents, accessories, follow ups and stuff like that. Send a follow up reminder in the morning, so by the I finish my routine I have the answer.
  • Task 2: Once routine is done, I'm fresh to take up the challenge of doing better than yesterday.
    • I begin with writing something. Be it a 2 liner. It keeps my mind's ready to think harder. A day begun with thinking something creative is a day spent worthyly.
    • I pre-plan my day and prioritise tasks. Based on the priority I begin completing it.
    • These tasks include researching for next article (Quora and medium are the main source), pitching clients, following up old clients, social media interaction, article promotions, writing article on already researched topic, check the current trend in the market for the topic in research phase, update published articles to latest version, check what your competitors are doing/posting/serving, affiliate offers incorporation on blog/site/social media and what not.
    • Most of the time is taken by research, next is the promotion/social media interaction and then comes acquisition of new skills. These 3 occupy the whole 12–13 hours of my day.
    • How to Start a BLOG that Makes MONEY

  • Task 3: After a long day it's time to wrap things up. Review what's done today
    • Verify if all tasks planned for day are done. If not done, prepare a work around to finish it the next day.
    • Plan tasks for the next day.
    • Prepare follow up list for the next day (if any)
    • If left with some time, socialize with my friends on social media (mostly I'm not given a chance to to do this) so I post quote for the day on social media. With this I end my day with thinking which began with thinking too.

Blogging is the new nine to five[1] is it easy to be a blogger my friend? It's building your own creation from scratch and putting it in front of billion on viewers. I don't say that it's very difficult to be a blogger, as it's knowingly easy when you want to and it's differently difficult when you have to. I do it because I don't know anything else other than this and if I can do it everyone can do it.

I hope I've answered your question the way you expected it to be answered.

All the best for your future.


In my opinion, the common problems bloggers face are:

  • Selecting the proper niche - what is the niche where they are really and truly passionate about?
  • Content creation - what type of content they should produce and how?
  • Audience - how will they build their audience?

You Know Their Is A Bunch Of Challenges Us Bloggers Face... Don’t Be Scared...Lets Chat About It

For me, these are the common problems bloggers face, especially for the first time bloggers and beginners. And to address these problems, people who want to start blogging may want to develop self-awareness first because blogging in something that requires time, hard work , and patience. And if someone is working on something he isn’t passionate about, he will end up quitting the blog.

Self-awareness is knowing where we are truly passionate, and our strengths we can leverage so we can produce the best possible quality content for our blog.

Just my opinion. Hope this helps. :)

First let me tell u that this my personal experience .

  1. Everyone fears to take a first step so first fear is starting a website by investing some money on good hosting and custom domain , people should overcome that fear
  2. writing articles , few people like me become lazy to write articles daily or atleast at regular intervals . (i too face this)
  3. For newbie getting backlinks , traffic to their blog is a big problem .

Apart from this , if u are a full time blogger u will get a lot of questions about u r career and job security .. from u r parents

I think there are no problems as such.But there are challenges when someone starts blogging.I have listed few challenges below

Make Money Blogging (How We Built a $100,000/Month Blog) 10 Simple Steps

  1. Finding a perfect niche(topic).
  2. Posting quality content frequently.
  3. Promotion.
  4. Increase traffic to their site.
  5. Earning more money.

SUCCESS RATIO i would say . No doubt if a person achieves mastery in blogging will have financial advantage But to Reach that level requires a lot of hardwork and dedication. Also Patience Because of Huge competition Nothing good can gurantee your success so you have to wait .

%of error is also a drawback. while Blogging you must take care of the audience you are targeting . If you will blog non-sense or rubbish then also it will be problem for you as they will never come to your Blog with trust.

and lastly

Time is the greatest factor which can change the mood of person to write a blog. As the requirement is writing a good blog , So you would have to invest more time on surfing and collecting information that surely will take long hours to write a blog.

Bloggers do have problems or challenges but there are some that are common to most bloggers. Are you currently having issues with your blogging lifestyle? Don’t you think you should start conducting proper SEO audits?

If all bloggers are interviewed today, everyone will find one or two things to say including myself. Now, what are those things that bloggers are battling with?

HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL BLOGGER: Gaining followers, making a connection, & earning money online

1. Time Management: This is a critical issue that most people are having problems with. To achieve success as a blogger, you have to plan for your daily blogging routine, otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve the blogging goal.

All your anticipated blogging activities must key into the time frame you’ve set for yourself on waking up every morning. So, be time-conscious as you carry out your plans. Learn to manage time and be successful.

2. Consistency: As you know, when it comes to rocking the search engines, consistency is Key. Results will be prolonged if work isn’t consistently done on your site. For example, if you don’t publish consistently, you will reduce your chances of outranking your competitors.

Creating content without engaging in lots of promotions will not yield timely results. Be consistent at creating high-quality content. Be consistent at promoting the content on social media and elsewhere.

3. Mindset: Most bloggers have called it a quit today because they didn’t have the right mindset. You need to prepare your mind that you are building a business and will be ready to bear the time, energy, and resources it will require to achieve the set-goal.


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