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Wednesday 6 October 2021

How do I find peace of my mind?

 Bishop T.D. Jakes: How to Have Peace in Crisis | Praise on TBN

As the song goes…

“Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you’ll just

Laugh at things that upset you like they are actors in a film saying something ridiculously funny. Laugh at your abusive brother. Laugh at you abusive father. Laugh at gossipy people. Laugh at fear. Learn to laugh on command and you will always have your “Expecto Petronum” available to protect you.

THIS Is Stealing Your Peace | Pastor Steven Furtick

It works. Just do it.

Do you have racing thoughts and find yourself constantly worrying? An anxious mind is truly distressing.

The good news is, there’re simple things you can do to calm your thought.

If you want to achieve peace of mind and inner calm, try these 40 simple and powerful ways:

1. Listen to Music

Studies have found that relaxing music can help kids with ADHD to be calmer and focus. But it doesn’t matter what genre of music you want to listen to, as long as you enjoy it and it makes you feel relaxed.

Music is food for the soul and an instant way to gain peace of mind.

Jimmy Evans – The Power Of Peace – Stand Alone

2. Deep Breathing

When you focus on your breathing, your mind’s attention is drawn to the life-enhancing process of drawing in air and exhaling.

Take five long, deep breaths and focus on your lungs and diaphragm as you do this. This is a quick and easy way to instantly feel calm.

Here’re also 5 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety (Simple and Calm Anxiety Quickly).

3. Go for a Walk

Getting out in the fresh air can do you a world of good and promote peace of mind. Take a break and get the blood pumping – especially when the sun is shining.

4. Enjoy Nature

Too much concrete is never a good thing. Spending time in nature can actually make you feel younger, happier. Here’s why.

Spend time away from the city. Listen to the birds singing and enjoy the peace and tranquility.

How do We Handle Negative Thoughts and Emotions? | Sadhguru

5. Play with a Pet

Having a pet to play with is a great way to de-stress. Touch is a powerful sense and can ease tension and promote peace of mind.

6. Declutter

Have regular clear-outs. Clutter can add to feelings of tension and a clean, clear home allows a clearer, more peaceful mind.

Take a look at this article and learn How to Declutter Your Mind to Sharpen Your Brain and Fall Asleep Faster.

7. Acceptance

Acceptance is crucial for peace of mind. Accepting that there are few guarantees in the world and learning to tolerate uncertainty is a huge leap in the peace-of-mind stakes. Differentiate between what you can and cannot control.

8. Mindfulness

When we are mindful, we are fully present in the moment and acutely aware of our five senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell.

Does The Mind Have The Power To Cure? - Sadhguru

Engage your senses. This leaves less time for your mind to worry and think about “what ifs.”

Here you can learn about The Power of Mindfulness.

9. Self Love

The more we like ourselves, the greater our peace of mind. We accept ourselves more and feel at ease in the world, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. We experience less insecurity and as a result, our inner peace is heightened.

Start trying these 30 Ways To Practice Self-Love And Be Good To Yourself.

10. Be True to You

This is another vital component of peace of mind. When we practice congruency, we behave similarly to the way we feel and think. When the way we see ourselves and the way the world sees us is the same, we are practicing congruency.

Problems arise when we see ourselves one way (for example, as a loving mother) but behave in ways that are at odds with how we would like to see ourselves (for example, neglect our children because we are too busy). Finding ways to keep our inner ideals and the way we behave similar is one of the keys to peace of mind.

Find out How to Be True to Yourself and Live the Life You Want.

11. Sense of Humor

Laugh a lot. The world is instantly a better place when you can see the funny side of life. Laughter is a great antidote for stress and releases hormones that help us relax.

Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014

12. Love Unconditionally

When you don’t expect anything back, it makes it easier to love without fear. When we love with conditions attached, our unmet expectations can create inner turmoil and feelings of resentment. Insecurities destroy peace of mind.

13. Go for Regular Health Checks

It pays to keep checks on your health and look after yourself. Letting ourselves go can indicate a lack of self-respect, and this in turn will affect the way we see the world and the way others interact with us. Be kind to yourself and make the most of what you have.

14. Take Stock

Every now and then, it’s a good idea to check whether you’re happy with the quality of your life. Do you like your job? Your relationship? Are you on the right track? Make adjustments if necessary to restore inner calm.

15. Have Goals

This ties in with number 14. Goals keep us going in the right direction and give us a sense of purpose. Make your goals SMART: How to Set SMART Goal to Make Lasting Changes in Life

Prayer For Peace In Your Mind and Emotions | Prayer For Mind Peace

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Want To Boost Your Brain Power And Energy?

Omega 3 is critical to brain function as well as our overall well-being, but our body cannot produce it on it's own at significant levels. Consume this from a good Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement!

Learn About Fish Oil Supplement

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16. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

This relates to number 11. Learn to be more flexible in your approach to life. The more rigid our thinking is, the easier it is to experience situations that contradict our rigid ideas.

17. Live in the Moment

Instead of worrying about the past or panicking about the future, really enjoy the NOW. It’s all we have — this moment in time.

When we live in the present, the concerns of the past and future can’t worry us.

Here’re some tips on How to Live in the Moment and Stop Worrying About the Past or Future.

18. Worry Less

We apparently have somewhere between 30,000 – 75,000 thoughts per day, of which 80% are random “nonsense.”

Peace Of Mind [Audio Bible Scriptures to Harp]

Learn to “shelve” worrying by reminding yourself that most of your worries are unproductive and remove any chance of peace of mind.

Some advice for you who worry often: How to Worry Less: 90% of What You Fear Won’t Happen

19. Be Assertive

You have as much right to be here and to have an opinion as anyone else. When we become passive or submissive, we do ourselves a disservice.

Being assertive isn’t about your needs ahead of others (aggressive) or their needs ahead of yours (passive). Rather, it is about compromise —  a “win-win” situation.

Learn How to Be Assertive and Stand up for Yourself the Smart Way.

20. Speak Your Mind

Don’t be afraid to say what you’re thinking. This goes hand in hand with being assertive.

Ask for what you want in life. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

21. Enjoy “Me-Time”

Time out is important. A little bit of selfish time to treat yourself or do exactly as you please sets you up for taking on the constant demands of life. Balance in life is crucial.

Alone With GOD - 3 Hour Peaceful Music | Relaxation Music | Christian Meditation Music |Prayer Music

22. Frolic

The free online dictionary describes the word “frolic” as:

“To behave playfully and uninhibitedly; romp.”

All work and no play will stress anyone out. Make time for things you enjoy. Try to inject fun into situations that aren’t particularly enjoyable. Approach life with a playful attitude. When did you last let the child in you come out to play?

23. Let It Go

There are some things that you just cannot change, no matter how hard you try. Know when to cut your losses and detach (Just like Elsa does!)

When you start to let go of your past, these 10 things will happen.

24. Resist Guilt

Guilt is a negative emotion that removes peace of mind. Although it can motivate us (in the wrong way), it is still a toxic emotion.

Challenge the reasons for your guilt to make sure you aren’t placing unnecessary pressure on yourself.

25. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

Focusing on all the things in our lives that we are grateful for promotes inner calm and reminds us that there are always positives. Sometimes we just have to nudge our awareness.

Time with Holy Spirit: 4 Hour Peaceful & Relaxation Music | Meditation Music | Alone With God

Try these 40 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude.

26. See Failure as a Learning Curve

Failure has such negative connotations, but actually, everyone fails. How can you improve or learn anything if you never fail?

A healthy attitude towards failure encourages bravery. It’s not you that is the failure, instead it is what you tried that failed. There is a big difference.

27. Connect with Others

One of the true joys of life is sharing life with others and knowing that others “get” you. We feel less alone and feeling understood allows a fantastic sense of well-being.

28. Test Your Limits

You’ll never know your true potential if you always stay in your comfort zone. As the old saying goes, it is better to look back and regret what you did than regret all those things you wish you’d tried.

Learn to step out of your comfort zone: 10 Ways To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Overcome Your Fear

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Hidden Inflammation Inside Your Body Maybe Causing Your Tiredness

Turmeric may just be what you need to reduce your inflmmation and boost your energy again.

3 Hour Peaceful & Relaxation Music | Christian Meditation Music | Holy Spirit | Time Alone With God

Learn About Turmeric Supplements

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29. Find Positive Outlets for Negative Emotions

Sports, online forums, like-minded people, hobbies…whatever takes your fancy. Suppressing negative emotions can lead to ill health. Release tension and frustration in a pro social way and feel a whole lot happier.

30. Slow Down

Why does everything need to be accomplished today? Often, we place unrealistic pressure on ourselves when there is no need to.

Challenge your impatience, be mindful and enjoy life in the moment.

31. Challenge Your “Shoulds” and “Musts”

Self-induced pressure never leads to inner tranquility or peace of mind. Replace “should” with “could” and live life more on your own terms.

32. Be Kind

It’s free and it makes a difference. When we show kindness, it gives us an inner boost, too.

You can try these 29 Ways to Carry Out Random Acts of Kindness Every Day.

33. Don’t Compare

The more we compare, the more we lose ourselves.

Forget what everyone else is doing or saying. What do YOU want? We all have our own paths to follow, and we are all learning and going through life at our unique pace.

Focus on your own journey and lose the stress of comparing yourself to what you think is going on in the lives of others. This is a surefire way to eliminate peace of mind.

34. Affirmations

Talk to yourself positively by using affirmations. A good example of one that encourages peace of mind is: “No matter what comes my way, I will find a way to get through it.”

Believe in yourself and remind yourself regularly that you will be okay.

Need some more inspirations to affirm yourself? Here’re 10 Positive Affirmations for Success that will Change your Life.

Beautiful Romantic Music - Peaceful Piano & Guitar Music with Birds Singing For Stress Relief, Study

35. Save a Little Money as Often as You Can

Putting money aside is always a good idea. If you can afford to save money regularly, do it. Start up a regular debit each month, and you won’t even realize it’s gone.

36. Less Is More

Money buys choice, but it doesn’t buy us the happiness we crave. Be content with the simpler things in life — that’s where the real long-lasting joy and peace of mind comes from.

37. Perspective

Always  keep your eye on the bigger picture. Will you feel this way next week, or a year from now? Will your current experience of life seem as important?

More often than not, you will be just fine. Foster peace of mind by maintaining perspective in life.

38. Monitor Your Thoughts

Our thoughts can make or break our quality of life. Make sure to choose thinking that works for you.

Talk to yourself as you would a best friend. Self-loathing serves no purpose and will undoubtedly extract joy from your life.

39. Stand up for What You Believe In

Whether it’s protecting animals or helping those less fortunate than yourself, follow your heart and your passion. Fight the urge to fit in and do what’s expected.

When you change yourself to suit others, you give away your peace of mind.

I Gotta Find Peace of Mind (Live)

40. Get Enough Sleep

When we’re tired and grumpy, nothing goes smoothly. Get eight hours of sleep per night and regenerate your body.

Final Thoughts

The most important ways to achieve peace of mind involve being true to yourself, accepting that life is uncertain and watching your thinking. Many of us mentally “torture” ourselves daily with the things we tell ourselves.

Trust your thoughts less, pay less attention to the negative ones and focus on what you are thankful for in life, and you’ll be well on your way to inner peace of mind.

My peace of mind comes from knowing that all my loose ends are tied up.

  • trustworthy car in good shape (I have a Toyota with a service contract; I never worry about it not starting in the morning, and getting me to work);
  • well-organized household with alarm system and numerous people taking care of it;
  • good health, and doing everything in my power to keep it; scientifically proven to be beneficial diet, never smoked, perfect sleep…)
  • a job I am good at, and apply myself to without compromise; you just know you’ve been a good man when the preparations for the next day are 100%;
  • a wife who sings from the same song sheet and actively adds to a stable and well-organized life.
  • living in a reasonable country where peace of mind is the leading philosophy.

Your Peace in Your Control | Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev | Spiritual Life

Maybe mine is just the perspective of a 50-year old guy in a village in Scandinavia, but I imagine it may appeal to, and work for some others, as well.

Cats are a bonus, too, I find.

While explaining stress management to an audience, the lecturer raised a glass of water and asked ‘How heavy is this glass of water?' 

Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g.

The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn't matter.  It depends on how long you try to hold it.  If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem.  If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm.  If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance.  In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.”

He continued, “And that's the way it is with stress management.  If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on.”

“As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.”

“So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down.  Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow.  Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can.”

Sadhguru meditation - How to Enjoy Inner Peace and Balance In Daily Life

Here are 5 simple ways to increase your peace of mind:

1. Do your most daunting task first thing in the morning

It's tempting to start your day with easy tasks. Don't. Pushing a daunting task back is like holding a glass of water in an outstretched arm.

At first nothing happens, but if you do it for hours or even days, you will soon feel the stress.

Do the most annoying task first thing in the morning, and enjoy increased productivity and peace of mind for the rest of the day.

2. Let go of things you don't control

You make plans to go outside with friends. But at the last minute, it starts raining. What's your reaction?

Some people upset and angry, and find the nearest person and start complaining to them. “It's not FAIR that it's raining. This _always_ happens to me!…”

That's not going to accomplish anything – the rain won't stop just because you throw a tantrum. *The rain doesn't care.*

Finding Peace of Mind

So make the best of the situation.

What I do in such situation is go for a quick walk in the park (because rain has its own awesomeness), or just lie in bed reading a good Terry Pratchett book, listening to the rain beating on my window.

Make the most of what you do control, and don't worry about what you don't.

3. Don't worry about what others are thinking

I used to be very self-conscious about my dancing.

I would rarely go out with my friends, and even if I did, I wouldn't dance, instead just standing awkwardly by the side, because I was worried of what others would think.

Then, one day in high school, I decided that enough was enough.

So the next time I went out with my friends, I just went to the dance floor, and danced like nobody was watching. And the funny thing was – nobody cared. In fact, people only liked me MORE, because I was having fun.

Don't worry about what others are thinking of you – most likely they're too busy wondering what others are thinking of them.

4. List 3 things you love about your situation right now

I first shared this technique with the Positivity Blog readers in my post The Plague of Happiness Ever After (it's got a dragon and everything in it, read it!)

Just list 3 simple things about any part of your life that you love. Like “3 simple things I love about the room I'm in right now”, or “3 simple things I love about this week”, or anything else.

Keep Calm When Your Mind is Wild

This is a great technique if you're ever bored while stuck in traffic, or waiting in the grocery store checkout lane. You can immediately transform boredom into happiness and peace of mind!

5. Walk to a window, look outside, and take a single deep breath

I got this technique from the Zen master Mary Jaksch.

Just walk to a window, look outside, and then take a single deep breath, focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world.

This technique sounds extremely simple, but you won't believe how much it can instantaneously increase your peace of mind.

And because this is the last tip, you can try it immediately when you finish reading this blog post.

Just walk to a window, look outside, and take a single deep breath, focusing on the air going in and out of your lungs, and nothing else.

For peace of mind, realisation of our original self is necessary. To know our real self is the key to mental peace. Who we are? What are our original qualities? Where we have come from? Who is our father?

Mind is the faculty of soul who resides in the forehead between the eyebrows. Soul is an infinitesimal divine point of light. It is peaceful, it is blissful, it is loveful, and it is knowledgeful. It is immortal and eternal. Soul has come in this world drama to play its part from the silence world, which is above the corporeal world; there is complete silence and stillness. Father of soul is Supreme Soul, a divine light, who resides in the soul world. Remembrance of any one out of the three is sufficient to give mental peace. For more details see website

How can I get peace of mind and happiness?

Meditation and Going Beyond Mindfulness - A Secular Perspective

Knowing how to find inner peace and happiness means more than beating the stress a bad day can cause.

It’s an essential component to a life that is content.

You can choose happiness at any time.

You can take the darkest, baddest day and find something about it that can make you happy.

When you are able to do this consistently, then you can tap into the creative centers of your mind more often. You can be more productive.

You can find the person you remember being.

Now here’s some good news: you can begin the process of finding your inner peace and happiness right now.

All it takes is a willingness to step away from the chaos you have going on right now.

If you’re willing to do that, then these 9 easy tips can help you find the happiness in life that is just waiting for you.

#1. Mindfulness Meditation

The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present. – Alice Morse Earle

Neuroscientist REVEALS How To COMPLETELY HEAL Your Body & Mind! | Caroline Leaf & Lewis Howes

Since the 12th century, philosophers have noted that a key component of the human experience is realizing that we really aren’t in control.

The tides come and go no matter what we do. People find employment, get fired, and life continues to move on.

What does this mean for our inner peace and happiness?

It means we can start becoming observers instead of trying to control everything around us.

The moment we allow ourselves to let go, we have more time to examine the perfection each moment has to offer us.

What about the darkest times of life?

When we lose loved ones, lose a job and the bills don’t get paid, or other tragedies happen, there is still perfection to be found.

Look for the heroes who step forth in the midst of the chaos. These are the people who shine brightest when the days are at their darkest.

When we aren’t in our darkest days, then we also have an opportunity to shine bright thanks to mindfulness meditation.

This practice allows us to experience life to its fullest.

Each sense is heightened over time. In return, peace begins to form out of the chaos, time slows down, and happiness takes over.

How to make your Mind Peaceful? By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

It only takes 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation each day for 4 consecutive days to begin experiencing some of these benefits. Why not get started today?

#2. Brainwave Entrainment

Stress can arrive for many reasons.

Maybe it’s because there’s a tough project at work.

Maybe your better half didn’t come home on time and didn’t call ahead to let you know and you’re worried about them.

The kids are out past curfew.

Life can hit you in many directions at once.

Finding the calm in that storm can be difficult.

Sometimes you literally have to schedule time for yourself so you can be alone.

This is why brainwave entrainment is such an effective tool to use when you’re feeling overwhelmed. 

Brainwave entrainment is a series of audio sounds which are tuned to specific wavelengths which your brain strives to match.

30-60 minutes of time with a program designed to fit your personal goals is all it takes to begin experiencing the benefits of this method.

You can focus more on your work. You can relax and unwind from a tough day. You can become energized at the start of your day.

There are even brainwave entrainment programs that are designed to help you sleep deeper.

Select your preferred program. Put on some headphones. Your mind will do the rest.

Check out these best brainwave entrainment programs

#3. Learn To Forgive

It’s easy to carry a chip on one’s shoulder.

Sometimes those chips even define who we become as a person.

The only problem is that each chip we add contributes to the burdens we bear every day.

Eventually these burdens can become overpowering and we lose who we are.

It’s not easy to forgive people who have purposely wronged you.

The most difficult person to forgive, however, is yourself.

Learning how to forgive means learning to let go of past regrets. The past is history. It doesn’t have to become your future.

This doesn’t mean you simply forget about your regrets.

It doesn’t mean you instantly trust others who may have tried to use you for their own best interests either.

It simply means that you take those chips off of your shoulder and you keep chasing your dreams.

Mistakes can cause personal pain.

Regrets can turn into grief and heartbreak.

If you need to make things right with someone, then do so.

Life is too short as it is anyway.

Don’t harbor resentment. You’ll find that if you do, chaos and discontent are following close behind.

What is Erotic Intelligence? | Esther Perel

Knowing how to find inner peace means forgiving yourself. Stop being your worst critic.

#4. Create a Clear Conscience

Even though we try to forget them, there are many wrongs we have committed.

They’re not always on purpose, but they still exist. Sometimes we must learn to forgive. At other times, we must actively seek out forgiveness so we can create a clear conscience. 

It’s not just the weight of our own chips on a shoulder that bother us.

The chips that others carry because of us will also weigh heavily on the heart.

Knowing how to find inner peace within yourself sometimes means looking outward instead of inward.

Leave nothing unresolved. You’ll find that as you confess wrongs and seek forgiveness that you have more energy at the end of the day.

This is because we burn through a lot of resources dealing with the anxieties of how others feel and think about us.

Don’t just focus on the big issues. Even little things can become a big headache.

It may have happened years ago or just minutes ago, but inner peace is awaiting you the moment you begin to seek forgiveness.

What if forgiveness isn’t offered?

You can’t control how others think or feel. You can only control yourself.

Of course it’s nice if forgiveness is offered, but it is more important to seek it out proactively and commit to meaningful changes if necessary.

In doing so, you’ll find that happiness is a choice that is consistently easier to make.

#5. Tell the Truth

The little white lie. It’s the most destructive force on the planet.

This lie says that you’re actually doing someone something good.

You’re disguising the truth from people in order to stop them from feeling pain. It’s not a bad lie. It’a a good lie.

And that, my friends, is also a lie.

Beautiful minds are free from fear: Robert Grant at TEDxOrangeCoast

When you don’t give someone the chance to hear the truth, then what you’re essentially saying is that you don’t trust this person.

You create chaos in their world by trying to prevent chaos.

Maybe a little white lie is said with the best of intentions, but lies are eventually exposed.

What is going to happen when someone finds out you’ve been lying to them?

How would you react if you discovered someone was telling you lies consistently? Exactly.

Telling the truth doesn’t mean you have to be brutally honest.

It simply means you must use your communication skills to take a person’s thoughts and feelings into account.

“Do I look fat in these jeans?” Instead of saying, “Yes!” as loud as you can, you can be honest by simply saying, “Those jeans don’t look like they were cut for you. Let’s try to find a different pair.”

Lies multiply. More lies often get told to continue the narrative from the first lie.

It doesn’t take long for little white lies to become bigger lies.

Pretty soon you don’t even remember what the truth happens to be and the end result is chaos.

Knowing how to find inner peace and happiness means knowing how to tactfully use honesty 100% of the time.

It may take some practice, but you can never go wrong with a commitment to the truth. Never.

#6. Slow It Down

I have a good friend who has worked with me over the past couple of years.


His life is crazy. He gets up at 4am every day. He doesn’t get to bed until 11pm every night.

He powers himself through the fatigue with a consistent diet of coffee, Red Bull, sugar, and carbohydrate-rich foods.

I honestly don’t know how he does it.

He even went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, told them his habits, and after a long lecture about taking care of himself, the doctor discovered his blood pressure was 115/82.

He laughs when he talks about the doctor’s expression. “Someone with such high levels of adrenal fatigue shouldn’t have normal blood pressure,” the doctor said.

I bring this up because many people don’t realize how fast they are really living their lives.

We rush everywhere these days, don’t we?

Now my friend is fitting in a full-time job while raising 4 kids that are all 6 and under, so I can understand what he’s doing to some extent.

He’ll also be the first to tell you that there are days when he has to simply stop, spend a day sitting on the beach, and allow his body to recover.

If you can’t remember the last time you slowed life down for awhile, then doing so now could provide you with the inner peace you may be craving.

When was the last time you took a vacation? Spent quality time with your family? Turned off your computer, tablet, smartphone, and put blocks on your voicemail and email?


Sometimes the best way to achieve inner peace and happiness is to press the reset button on life.

If your computer stops working, it will usually start working again if you turn it off and then turn it back on again.

The brain sometimes needs the same thing.

Life is already moving fast enough.

Find a way to slow it down and not only will you have an easier time of choosing happiness, but your blood pressure will thank you as well.

#7. Identify Your Triggers

What is a trigger?

It is a specific incident that makes you instantly angry.

Stress and chaos come immediately after anger appears.

Even if you can funnel your anger into something positive, the trigger you experienced has forced you into a world where inner peace does not exist.

This means it is incredibly important to identify your triggers.

Anything can become a trigger.

Boston - Peace of Mind (Audio)

Do you get irritated when you drive at night and a car with its brights on doesn’t dim them as they pass you? That’s a trigger.

Common triggers include confined spaces, being treated in an inferior way, and loud noises.

Each person has a unique set of triggers and those triggers can evolve over time.

Triggers can also be added or deleted.

This is why keeping a diary of what triggers you can be an important step toward finding inner peace.

Knowing what situations will generate anger will help you to avoid those situations more often.

It also helps you to identify coping skills which help you to manage your anger more effectively.

The problem with anger is that it is much like an iceberg.

People only get to see a fraction of the emotion you’re really experiencing.

Much of this emotion lies hidden beneath the surface.

If you don’t try to melt it away with a coping skill, it’s just going to get bigger and cause more chaos.

No one is unsinkable, despite what they might think.

This isn’t a diary you need to write in daily, but do write down the triggers you experience during a day so they stay at the top of your mind.

This makes it easier to identify them when they occur and you’ll know how to find inner peace within yourself a little more often.

#8. Make Inner Peace a Priority

Sounds easier said than done, doesn’t it?

Yet there’s truth to this simple step.

If we make the choice of inner peace and happiness a top priority, then it becomes an easier choice to make.

Think about it: if you make family a priority over work, then if you have to choose between the two, you’re more likely to choose family first.

If you choose video games over work, you’ll probably find yourself fired because you’re staying home to play instead of going to work to get paid.

If you’re choosing stress over happiness, even unconsciously, then this is what you’re going to find more often in your life.

How do you make inner peace a priority?

If you like making lists, then put inner peace as the top item on your agenda.

If you tend to internalize things, then commit to making inner peace your top priority.

Having a network of trusted family and friends to help you here is also beneficial, especially in the first 2-3 weeks of making inner peace a top priority.

It is easy to slip into old habits and not realize it.

Having people keep you accountable to your decisions will help to establish positive habits which can lead to happiness.

#9. Become a Volunteer

Only a life lived in service to others is worth living. – Albert Einstein

Peace of Mind (Boston) | Lexington Lab Band

Looking out for #1 is incredibly important.

You need to put food on your table. You need to have a warm, dry home. You need clothes to wear.

There are needs which you must take care of so that you are able to pursue your dreams.

The only problem is that we can also confuse our needs with our wants.

Being stressed out because the rent is coming due and you’re $100 short is what would be called a “healthy stress.”

It’s an emotion which propels you toward going above and beyond to make sure your needs are met.

Being stressed out because you’re putting in 10 hours per week of overtime to pay for a new 4K UHD TV – that’s what would be called an “unhealthy stress.”

How do you find inner peace if you’re stressed out about the wants you have?

By helping others be able to meet the needs they are unable to meet for some reason.

In the world today, 1 in 6 people don’t have enough food to eat.

In the United States, 1 in 5 children don’t receive an adequate level of nutrition because of poverty.

Peace On My Mind

There are families who have no homes, workers who have no jobs, and pets who spend their entire life as a stray.

There are volunteer opportunities which exist for every personal preference.

By meeting the needs of others, it becomes easier to find the difference between our own personal wants and needs.

Once this separation is rock-solid, it becomes a lot easier to find inner peace when it goes missing.

#10. Take a Long, Hot Shower or Bath

The hot water helps your muscles to relax.

The steam from a hot shower can help to clean out airways that may be a bit clogged up from the efforts of the day.

The stinging needles from the hot water help to open pores and have contaminants be washed away. When you’re taking a long, hot shower or bath, you’re at a place where time really does seem to stand still.

It’s pretty remarkable what the mind can do when it lets go of the constraints of time, even if for but a few moments.

Ever wake up feeling completely refreshed after a dream where days or weeks seem to have gone by, yet the alarm clock says you were just sleeping for 3 hours?

This is the same feeling a hot shower or bath can provide.


In some ways, this activity is its own form of meditation. Your mind is able to process events, label thoughts, and let go of stress.

To take advantage of what this place of inner peace and happiness can provide, make sure you leave your phone, your tablet, and any other distractions outside.

If you want music, then bring in a device that won’t interrupt your moment of zen with an email notification or an advertisement for the local used car dealership.

Time might seem to stand still, but your mind is far from inactive. Give this a try today and the peace you feel might just change your life.

#11. Look Through Old Photos

Time can also change our perspectives about what has happened in the past. Some of the worst memories can be instantly changed in just a moment.

A friend of mine recently found out that his father had been diagnosed with delusional paranoid schizophrenia when he was a child.

He never knew this, so his memories of his father were always bad.

One day his father just got up and left. Yet now that he found out this piece of information, those negative memories have a different perspective.

This is what looking through old photos can do for each of us, albeit maybe not to the same extreme.

Strike - I Have Peace

Our memories encourage us to remember the best moments in the experiences we see. The negative memories are still there, of course, but they have been changed because of the positive emotions we’re experiencing.

An activity like this can even be done with family or friends to discover moments of peace and happiness.

Sharing stories, having a laugh, and reminiscing about the good days that have gone by can inspire us to replicate those moments in the future.

When we’re striving to choose happiness, the normal stresses of each day don’t seem to be so bad. Look back, remember the good times, and let that joy wash over your soul.

#12. Go Camping

We are connected to each other like never before.

When our family or friends are feeling cold and bitter, these feelings can wash over us as well. Even if our primary connection with someone is over Facebook or other forms of social networking, their bad day can quickly become our bad day.

Now imagine if 20 people connected to you are all having a bad day at the same time. And then a different 20 people have a bad day tomorrow.

That puts stress x20 on top of your heart and will eventually create moments where your strength bows underneath all of that pressure.

Sometimes you can let these things go and be able to find inner peace and happiness.

Common Hymnal Unproduced | Peace, My Mind | Mark Alan Schoolmeesters

When you are unable to do so, then it may be time to disconnect from everything for awhile. This is why camping can be tremendously good for the soul.

Leave your phone in the car and use it only for emergencies.

If someone comes along with you, then have real conversations with them by the camp fire.

Go take a walk through the woods. Explore whatever town might be nearby without a tourist guide. Sit on the beach and let the cool wind and the sound of the crashing waves soothe your heart.

Even a 48 hour disconnect like this can help get you through the toughest of weeks.

It helps you relax, prepare for the next week, and process difficult moments without feeling the need to bear the burdens of others at the same time.

#13. Do Something You’ve Never Done Before

Maybe you’ve never been to a ComicCon in your region before.

Or maybe you haven’t tried that new restaurant that opened up last month yet in town.

Or there’s a day trip you’ve been meaning to take, but have yet to do it.

There’s a trail to explore, an experience to be found, and happiness to find at the end of the day when you choose to do something you’ve never done before.

There are some guidelines to this tip: 1) avoid new movies, TV shows, or video games as screen time can increase mental fatigue; 2) there must be a spirit of adventure included in the experience in some way; and 3) try to share it with someone you love.

If you plan this adventure for up to 3 months in the future, you’ll find that the anticipation of going can be just as powerful in finding peace and happiness as the actual event itself.

Even if the outcome of the event isn’t what you might expect, you’ll still have a sense of satisfaction because you stepped outside of the box.

Doctor Who might stay inside his box because it’s bigger on the inside, but for the rest of us, sometimes you’ve got to have the courage to step forward.

When you do, happiness will most certainly follow along behind you.

In Conclusion

If all else fails, just remember to keep breathing.

The future is still a mystery. The gift of today might feel like it should be returned when everything seems chaotic, but every storm has a peaceful center.

Find your way to that place with these tips and you’ll know how to find inner peace and happiness.

You can take control. You can choose happiness. You can be a light in the darkness that everyone can see.

It all starts with a willingness to find a way to bring calm to the chaos that is in your life.

Are you ready to make a new start?

Villain of the Story - Peace of Mind (Official Music Video)

Good question because millions every day ask this question. Here we need to first clarify what do we mean by Peace and Mind. I am sharing the perception we normally have about these.

Peace. In most cases the peace is getting rid of current issues linked to money matters, duties, desires and sex.

Mind, Here we mean to get rid from the thoughts bothering me and again linked to above issues.

One more issue is of long term interest and that is Moksha or Mukti. That is to get rid of unnecessary issue that may be left unattended.

The ways to find the Peace of Mind. Let us deal with it in two ways: -

  1. Short term Peace.
  2. Long term peace.

Short term peace can be achieved by dealing with the issue with deeper analysis and then using resources well to deal with. To analyse we need to do that as if we are the third person. It means staying detached from the issue when analysing. This is also called meditating to resolve an issue.

Short term issues keeps cropping up in 10s of them everyday. One has to develop an attitude to deal with these with least disturbance in heart and mind.

Long Term Peace. This can be achieved by following the ancient wisdom. Some cardinal rules are ‘ -

  1. Do your best and then detach from the outcomes. It doesn't mean forget it. But detach because the outcomes are never 100%.
  2. Try to understand that the world is interactive and reactive and most things are the results of that. Actions and reactions. If you manage your action and reaction in terms of what you say, how you react physically and how you feel about things you will be able to manage things the way you want.
  3. There is a need to stay neutral in life and most of the time. Take example of water. It stays neutral most time and is one of the most acceptable basic tatv (element) in the world. Politically, religious matters and in relations don't get emotionally involved unless you cant help it then also only for the short time.

The best attitude is to live like a Karm Yogi (action filled detached person) who works for the good of the world and enjoys the world with smile and stays detached from all and takes a neutral position and witness the life as it unfolds.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and informative blog you have share I like your work.******djamila_st****


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