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Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Have you loved a movie so much that you saw it twice on the same day? If so, which one and why?

I’ll go first. I had the day off on some random day and didn’t have much else to do so I caught a matinee by myself. I picked, at random, a movie that I hadn’t heard much about but starred the guy from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.For the many of you not alive in that era, there was little to no hype surrounding the Matrix. I walked in oblivious to what I was about to behold.Of course, nothing like this had ever been seen before, so the movie blew my mind. I immediately called everyone I knew and convinced them that they had to come & see this movie. I joined them at the late show that night. It was amazing to see the faces of my friends (and all the other people there) seeing it for the first time, all trying to wrap their minds around what they had just experienced. via /r/movies

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